How to quickly propagate the Chinese rose at home: the best ways. How to care for Chinese rose at home Chinese rose reproduction at home

The magnificent blooming Chinese Rose has long won the love of flower water to its bright beauty, abundant long blossom and ease of cultivation. This popular indoor plant is one of the 250 types of hibiscus, evergreen shrub, which in natural conditions can reach a height of six meters! Hibiscus Chinese origin from South Kazakhstan, the other types of hibiscus are found in Africa, America and the Pacific Islands.

Varieties and popular hibiscus varieties

In the Hawaiian Islands of the Girls since a long time, wonderful hibiscus flowers in their hair were invested, in Europe, a Chinese rose was used to decorate botanical gardens in the early 19th century, and the Egyptians appreciated Hibiscus for his healing properties. And now from the cups of flowers of this amazing plant, fragrant tea "Carkade" is prepared, which is considered the most useful of flower tea drinks. Bright red tea with pleasant sourness reinforces immunity well, saves from insomnia, cleans the kidneys and the liver, and also strengthens the walls of the vessels.

From the article you will learn what kind of Chinese rose can be, how to care for her, and under what conditions contain that the flowers come regularly from the beginning of spring to late autumn.

Video of Hibiscus Growing

Spacidious three-meter bushes of Chinese roses are successfully used while landscaping areas: a magnificent crown, consisting of brilliant dark green leaves, covered with large single flowers, looks very impressive in the garden. And from non-nasty grades, with proper formation, beautiful trees are obtained. For growing in room conditions Dwarf weights of hibiscus were specifically replaced, the height of which does not exceed 40 cm.

Spanish three-meter Chinese rose bushes successfully apply when landscaping plots

Currently, Hibiscus (Chinese Rosa) has over a thousand varieties that differ in size, in shape and color of flowers:

  • the most common bright red color of flowers, but there are also Chinese roses with white, cream, orange, yellow, purple, lilac, pink, salmon and motley colors;
  • according to the structure, the flowers can be semi-world and terry or simple funnel - in the latter it is especially interesting to watch strongly protruding stamens who have grown into the tube;
  • the color of oval gear leaves in most varieties are dark green, but some varieties have leaves, picturesquely decorated with white or red stains and strokes.

Hibiscus flowers are blooming only on one day, but because of the abundance of buds, the plant with good care pleases the eyes with lush flowering from March to November.

On the structure of flowers can be semi-world and terry or simple funnel

In domestic flower flowes, such varieties like "Florida" are most popular (neachful red-orange flowers), "Hamburg" (bright red terry flowers), "Rose" (medium alcoholic pink flowers), "Filming Blue" (bluish shades of flowers), "Parpel Majestik" (magenta flowers with white specks and with corrugated edges of petals), "Carmen Kin" (painting flowers pink-purple); San Remo (elegant nonachho flowers of snow-white color), "Borias" (large flowers with corrugated edges, lemon and white shade with a dark middle), "Rio" (simple pink flowers with a purple center).

Optimal conditions for growing Chinese roses

Garden Chinese Hibiscus is distinguished by amazing frost resistance - it is able to transfer frost to -28 degrees, especially if it is covered for the winter. However, in the middle lane of Russia, the summer hibiscus lacks heat for flowering, therefore, in the form of bushes and strambl forms, it is found mainly on the Black Sea coast or in other regions with a warm climate.

At the beginning of the summer, the Chinese rose gradually teach to the sun, first moving on the balcony, and then in the garden under the canopy

Another thing - indoor varieties Chinese rose. Grow them at home for the power and beginner flower, you just need to choose appropriate place For a flower and provide him with optimal conditions for growth. In the cold season, Hibiscus is placed in a well-lit place (the plant will feel good and with weak lighting, but the flowers will not appear), at a temperature not higher than +20 degrees. It is not necessary to lower the temperature to +5 degrees in winter, however, in the coolness of hibiscus, flower kidneys are laid better.

At the beginning of the summer, the Chinese rose gradually taught the sun, first moving onto the balcony, and then into the garden under the canopy. Be sure to envisage the cover of the plant from the hot sun, because the straight sun rays will call burns from the Chinese rose on the leaves.

How to care for chinese hibiscus

One of the advantages for which the Chinese rose is appreciated - care for it does not require much time and special Knowledge. With sufficient illumination and proper watering, this plant will grow well, regularly please you with beautiful flowers.

After transplanting, Hibiscus is cut to the development of young shoots, on which flowers will appear

Basic rules of care for the Chinese rose:

  • the plant is needed abundant watering in summer time (about once every three days) and moderate watering in the winter at the location in a cool place - make sure that the earthen com from hibiscus is not overdone;
  • at the bottom of the pot with chinese hibiscus Be sure to be good drainagewho will keep the plant from water stagnation;
  • chinese rose is often sprayed not only in the summer months, but in winter, if the plant is located near the heater or the air in the apartment is dry (try so that the water does not hit the flowers, otherwise they will fall);
  • for watering and spraying, it is recommended to use resistant water;
  • while the flowering lasts, hibiscus feeds every ten days of fertilizer solutions, by the end of the summer the nitrogen content in the feeding should be reduced;
  • every spring Chinese hibiscus needs to be transplanted into a nutritious, breathable earth mixture, and if you want to keep the crown growth, leave the volume with a transshipment.
  • adult large plant to transplant is difficult, so you can simply replace the upper layer of the soil on the new earthy mixture;
  • after transplanting, hibiscus is cut to the development of young shoots, on which flowers will appear;
  • in the autumn period, the resulting or strongly stretched plant is shortened by a third, you can pruning and at the end of February, but then the shoots will need to trim on half of the length.

Video about chinese rose or hibiscus

Failure to comply with the rules of care can lead to the appearance of pests on hibiscus. Especially important spraying - it helps protect the plant from the propagation of custom tick, shields. If you still find "uninvited guests" on your favorite flower, treat the Chinese rose with special preparations. Processing should be carried out in the morning or evening, after abundant irrigation.

A Chinese rose is multiplied by rooting the top cuttings in the nutrient substrate at a temperature of about +23 degrees.

Chinese rose - view of hibiscus, brought to Europe from Asia and from the islands of the Pacific Ocean. Today it is one of the most beautiful roommates, extremely popular in Europe, despite the set of badly associated with Chinese hibiscus. And these superstitions were invented were Europeans themselves.
In Argentina, it is considered a bad tone not to have at least one hibiscus in the house. In India, wreaths are made from Chinese roses for newlyweds, and in Hawaii and Haiti Hibiscus is a national symbol.

In our article you will find the following information:

  • how to care for the Chinese rose;
  • how to cut it;
  • how to transplant;
  • how to save a plant from problems that sometimes have.

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Landing and care for the Chinese rose

  • Bloom: From spring to autumn.
  • Lighting: Bright scattered light, half day.
  • Temperature: In the summer - 18-20 ˚C, in winter - not lower than 15 ˚C.
  • Watering: After driving the upper substrate layer to a depth of 2-3 cm.
  • Air humidity: Elevated. Recommended regular spraying of leaves in the hot season.
  • Feeding: From April to September twice a month, complex mineral fertilizers alternately with organic. In winter, if the rose blooms, the fourth part of the dose of potash-phosphoric fertilizer contributes to the soil.
  • Pruning: In the spring, before the formation of buds.
  • People's period: Not pronounced.
  • Transfer: Young plants transplant annually, and starting from the five-year-old age - once every 3-4 years.
  • Reproduction: Seeds and cuttings.
  • Diseases: Chlorosis, root rot, bacterial spottedness, burying rot, viruses of bronze leaves and ring spot.

Read more about the cultivation of Chinese roses Read below

Plant chinese rose, or hibiscus Chinese (lat. Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis) - One of the most popular species in the culture of the kind of gibiscus of the Malvian family. Hibiscus has about two hundred species, but Hibiscus Chinese has become the most popular in her home flower growing. The Chinese Rose Flower began its triumphal spread over the subtropical and tropical areas of the Earth, in which it has long and successfully passed, from the south of China and the North Indochina. The popularity of this plant is so great that in Malaysia, for example, Hibiscus Chinese Rose, called Bungaray, is one of the symbols of the country depicted on the coins. In countries where the climate does not allow growing the Chinese rose in the gardens, they are cultivated as greenhouse or room plants.

Homemade Chinese Rose - Description

From time to time, the Chinese rose is watered, after which the top pot is covered with a mat or paper bag to keep moisture in the soil longer. The spring pot with a plant is exposed to bright diffused light and gradually increase watering to normal norms to stimulate the growth of young shoots.

On the picture: Beautiful flower Chinese rose

Reproduction of chinese rose house

As we have already found out, the Chinese rose is well multiplied by seeds. How to propagate a Chinese rose in a vegetative way, for example, stalling? It is best for rooting to use the cuttings of the Chinese rose, which remained after the spring trimming of the plant. Treat sections with a growth stimulant - rhoin or heteroacexin - and put stalks to grow root in water or sit in a mixture of sand and peat, covering on top of a glass jar.

The rooting will occur within three to four weeks, after which the cuttings are planted into the soil for Chinese roses and pinch for stimulation of the body. The rooted spring cuttings with good lighting can even bloom in a couple of months. For drawing, you can use the top cuttings With two three interstices cut in July or August.

In the photo: Pink Hibiscus

Pests and Diseases of Chinese Roses

Harmful insects and diseases of the Chinese rose

From the pests, the danger to the Chinese rose represents tryps, aphids and a web tick, and the invasion of these insects usually occurs due to the violation of the rules of the government care, and most often the main cause is too dry air. Put the plant on the pallet with a wet stone, start spraying the leaves of the indentioned water temperature to eliminate the conditions favorable for the lives; twice with an interval in two weeks Treat the plant with infusion of bitter pepper with soap destroying insects, and if the infection is too strong, we will have to apply the treatment with a solution with a solution with a solution of 15 drops per liter of water.

Sometimes flowerflows complain that chinese roses yellow leaves. The reason for this may be such a disease as chlorosis arising due to increased content in water used for watering, calcium and chlorine. Water should be defended and before irrigated to add iron chelate in the amount specified in the instructions.

In the photo: How to bloom Hibiscus

Chinese rose yellowing

If you watering watering the desired temperature, but for some reason the Chinese roses still turn yellow leaves, the reason for this may be too abundant moistening of the soil for a long time. If yellow leaves are a bit, just cut irrigate, you can even replace it for a while spraying the leaves. But if the leaves are yellowing massively, We will have to transplant the plant into a new soil, inspected the root system and removing the fallen roots.

Another reason why the Chinese rose yellow is yellowing may be in insufficient illumination for normal growth of the plant - this case can be observed a real leafflow. There are other reasons why yellowing hibiscus.

Chinese rose falls

Feed the leaves from Chinese roses also from drafts and sharp drops of temperatures. If you want to keep the plant, immediately eliminate the flaws in care, because it is absolutely not difficult. But it is not necessary to beat the alarm if the plant loses only a few leaves - for a deciduous plant it is quite normal.

Chinese rose drier

If you water the plant correctly, and its leaves will dry out, it may be a plant reaction to change the place. Looks from the leaves and at the frozen plant. Give him time to come to myself and warm up.

In the photo: Yellow Hibiscus

Chinese rose is faster

Wine is a meager watering plants. Or it has not yet come to himself after the transplant. But worse than just, If the problem is rooted: Carefully clean the roots from the soil, soak half an hour in a weak solution of manganese and transfer to a small pot with light soil (in the usual ground for hibiscus, add vermiculite) - maybe these measures will save your plant.

Chinese rose does not bloom

The reasons why the Chinese rose does not bloom, is also somewhat, but most often this is due to the excess of nitrogen fertilizers in the soil, especially if the plant has a healthy look and is richly covered with foliage.

Do not blooms the plant as well:

  • when he has little light;
  • if you insufficiently moisturize it in the period of active vegetation;
  • in case of wintering in too warm room.

So that the Chinese Rose blooms, you need to exclude the listed reasons and correct others. possible mistakes in leaving the plant.

Chinese Rosa - Signs

Hibiscus's popularity sometimes serves as a bad service: different non-residentials are told about this flower, and often mutually exclusive.

For example, some sources argue that the Chinese rose attracts to the house where a woman lives, many fans, and others also insistently warned against the destructive influence of hibiscus on the relationship between spouses and call the Chinese Rose "Muganon".

Some believe that chinese rose - death flower, Since its late blossoms predicts the ambulance of a person's close to the owners of a plant. And if the Chinese roses fall out of leaves, it is a forecast for a quick serious disease of someone from households.

It is noteworthy that all these negative opinions are only in our country, and the rest of the world perceives the Chinese rose simply as an attractive and unassuming indoor plant.

In the photo: Pink Hibiscus flowers

Where you can keep a Chinese rose in the house

According to Feng Shui, the only one of the roses, which can not be kept at home - Chinese, as it has the ability to absorb energy. Believe it or not, to solve you, but if you do not believe in the signs and despite you want to grow in your house a Chinese rose, who can you ban it? Take precautions, and do not hold the Chinese rose in the bedroom or in the nursery, and place this large plant in the living room, where it will not be a hindrance, but, on the contrary, will serve as an excellent element of the decor and clean the air in your house, absorbing harmful impurities from it and filling with oxygen.

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Chinese Hibiscus is evergreen decorative plantachieving a height of about one and a half meters. The leaves of it are oval, gear along the edges, dark green and glossy from the outside. The entire reproduction of hibiscus at home is carried out with stalling.


The family of gibiscus of the Malvic family has hundreds of species. The most popular is the Chinese Hibiscus, known as the Chinese Rose. This decorative plant is very popular for keeping in the house. It is unpretentious in leaving and pleases those surrounding beautiful bright colors.

Flowers are smooth and terry, large, up to 16 centimeters in diameter, a variety of bright color of warm shades: pink, orange, red, yellow. The flowering of each flower lasts long - all over a couple of days. However, if the Chinese rose is to provide correct care At home, the period of her flowering will last from the beginning of spring and until late autumn.

Young shoots growing in natural conditions of Chinese hibiscus are edible and can be added to salads, various dyes are made of flowers, and a popular carcade tea is created from dry fruits.

Varieties and species

Different varieties and types of hibiscus are spent around two hundred copies.

Interesting hybrid forms are found not only in the areas of China and Indonesia, but also in the oranges of modern gardeners.

  1. Terry
    This species It is a perennial plant with a height of no more than two meters. It has large milky white flowers, which are 15 cm in diameter. This beautiful evergreen shrub has bright green leaflets of a toothed shape. Every blossomy flower fades the next day. To provide abundant floweringThe plant requires abundant irrigation, good illumination and a certain temperature.
  2. Bolotnaya
    Such a common view has large flowers - about 12 cm wide. Each flower is decorated with unusual carmine stains at the base of the whisk. This variety is used by many gardeners to create large bushes used in the form of a living hedge. Such an attractive plant requires a lot of light, heat and sufficient space for full growth. With proper watering and regular trimming, marsh hibiscus can bloom round year.
  3. White
    This excellent plant from the Malvic family grows mainly in the tropical regions of exotic Southeast Asia. This plant is characterized by large flowers of dazzling white color. Tender leaflets are framed by amazing border around the edge. Such a long-grazing perennial is greatly cultivated in many warm regions. To the composition of the soil, this variety is unable. However, one should not forget about regular drainage.
  4. Pepperconde
    The modern view Cooper combines shades of red and white grades. The predominance of certain shades in the flower petals directly depends on the acidity of the soil, the temperature of the content and degree of lighting. This spectacular plant has large flowers with a long pestle. During the actual growth of a volatile hibiscus, it is recommended to regularly make feeding. The pot must correspond to the size of the plant itself.
  5. Red
    Such an evergreen plant is found not only on the most beautiful islands of the Pacific Ocean, but can also make great to decorate your garden. This variety is a particularly very large bush with large flowers. Magnificent crown with spreader branches make it particularly charming. Red hibiscus is well multiplied with cuttings.
  6. Chinese
    It is an elegant evergreen shrub. Single stuffing flowers are on long flowerwomen. Stagger threads are fought in the phone. It blooms this variety all year round.
  7. Syrian
    Refers to small shrubs. It grows in open soil Only in the most southern regions. This deciduous plant has egg-shaped regular leaves and delicious exotic flowers. They can be both simple and terry. Many floweros give him the opportunity to bloom throughout the year.
  8. Tree
    Thanks large flowers Bright colors This variety was loved by many modern gardeners. It is used to decorate the parisades as a living hedge. The diameter of elegant flowers does not exceed 10 cm. For full bloom, fertile land is required and regular abundant watering.

Landing and care

To land this plant, you should choose enough solar places that are protected from wind. The boarding fossa should not be more than 15 liters in the amount.

It should be pre-filled with humus, superphosphate and a handful of bone flour. The selected vegetative seedlove is placed in the yam together with the root lump of land.

Hibiscus prefers solar scattered light without straight rays. Subject to observance temperature modes And regular ventilation, it can grow perfectly in a pot on the south side of the house.

In winter, the shading is not required. The plant does not like drafts. At temperatures below 10 degrees of heat it can reset all the leaves. In the growing season and in the presence of blooming it is recommended to abundantly watering out of the water, controlling that the upper layer of the soil has been reheated.

The humidity of the air during the cultivation of hibiscus does not play a special role. However, experienced gardeners advise the plant spray. This procedure It is also a prophylactic measure against a destructive web tick. In the spring and summer, the plant can be picked up nitrogen-containing mineral fertilizers. If necessary, you can transplant bushes at the end of April. However, such a procedure should not be more often once every three years.


The extension method is the most popular and simple enough, it is die even a novice flower. Another important advantage of this method is the fact that the hibiscus grown from the cutken will delight in bloom after a year, while retaining all the varietal signs of the parent plant (the color of the flower, its terrain).

The root system formed during stallion is stronger and more powerful than those plants that were multiplicated by other methods, for example, seeds.


The best time for cuttings from April to August. Experienced flowers recommend rooting to produce in May, since it is this month that the plant is most actively: new cells appear and develop, all metabolic processes occur at an accelerated pace. If hibiscus is rooted in last month Spring, the likelihood that the plant will be taken close to 100%.


To root the cutting, a peat is used, in which you can add moss - sphagnum: peat will give soil looseness and airiness, and the moss will maintain the optimal moisture level in the pot.

You can use the mixture garden land With river sand and peat in equal proportions. Also rooted hibiscus can be simply in wet coarse sand.

It is also used and the purchase of peat-based soil. The main condition - the substrate should be light and breathable.

The soil, which falls asleep in the pot for a constant habitat of hibiscus, should consist of:

  • 4 pieces of turf land;
  • 3 pieces sheet land;
  • 1 part of humus;
  • 1 parts of coarse sand.

As an option: Cherry soil, humus, sand in a 2: 1: 1 ratio.


Hibiscus blooms when his roots are freely growing in a pot. Therefore, after rooting should be replant room flower In a spacious pot.

  1. Material. For rooting the cutting in the ground, it is important to use plastic transparent containers in order to observe the development of its root system. If there are no special pots, you can use large plastic glasses. But it is necessary to remember that any container must contain a drain hole for the drainage of extra moisture.
  2. The size. Most often for rooting in the ground, flower tanks take a capacity from 200 to 500 ml, it all depends on the size of the cutting. Its diameter should be close to 9 cm.


The cutken cut from hibiscus should occur only after the plant is wondering. A young developed escape with a semi-restrail bark is cut off by a pure sharp knife or a secateur. The cutting should be about 15 cm long and with 3 - 5 interstices.

The lower leaves from the cutting are completely removed, and the upper, to reduce evaporation, are cut into half, the upper part of the escape is shortening by direct cut. Bottom part The cutlets before rooting in the substrate will dip in Korninen.


The best suitable for breeding young cuttings. To root, place them in water or in the ground.

In water

In the case of rooting hibiscus in water, follow the following recommendations.

  1. The opaque container (or from dark glass) poured ground water temperature, a little "corneser", tablet is added. activated coal, the cutlets fall into the water.
  2. As water evaporates, it needs to pour it. From above, the cutter with a cutken is covered with a transparent cap (sliced \u200b\u200bplastic bottle, plastic bag) to create an increased level of humidity (80% - 85%), which will contribute to the formation of the root of the tub.
  3. From time to time (once every 2 weeks), the greenhouse needs to be tired to shoot the shoots. The container is placed in a bright place, but without direct sunlight. The optimal temperature for rooting - + 22 ° C - + 25 ° C.
  4. After the 5 cm spheres appear in size (approximately 1 month), the young plant can be landed into the ground.

In the ground

When rooting immediately in the soil you will need a mixture consisting of coarse sand and peat. But do not forget that before that, it is necessary to remove all the leaves from the cutter, except for two tops.

  1. A layer of drainage is placed on the bottom of the transparent plastic pot, the rest of the space is covered with soil.
  2. The stalk, previously processed by the "root", is plunged into the moistage soil 2 cm and is slightly fitted with hands for better fixation.
  3. On top of the capacity is covered with a polyethylene package, which is fixed with a rubber band, or plastic bottle, It is placed in a well-lit place, but without direct sunlight.
  4. The temperature that is necessary for the young plant is + 22 ° C - + 25 ° C. We need to water as the soil bursting, systematically ventilated "greenhouse".

    Important! If the polyethylene package is covered with condensate, then it must be accurately removed, smooth the water and back to fit the cutter with a cutter.

  5. After about 1.5 months, the plant will release the roots, then it can be transplanted into a permanent pot and care for adults.

If you compare two ways to root, then preference is always on the root growing side in the substrate. Compared to fragile and brisk roots, sprouted in water, the root system grown in the ground is already adapted to extract moisture and nutrition. It is stronger and adapted to a new habitat. As a consequence, such a plant will begin to gain strength and growth faster, the flower buds will faster.

In addition, to plant such a plant will be much simpler using the transshipment method. Also rooting the hibiscus cuttings can be in a peat tablet. IN plastic cup The volume of 300 ml is falling asleep a little drainage, and then the tablet is placed.

Important! It must be poured with boiled water, which will make the pill swell. A cut and treated grinding stimulant grinding is deepened into a tablet by 2 - 3 cm. From above, the container is covered with a package. As the substrate misses, it needs to be water.

After the roots grow up, the plant can be planted in a permanent pot.


Care for hibiscus, which has been transplanted into a constant capacity after rooting, should be like an adult plant.

  1. Hibiscus - a light-loving plant. It is preferable to put it near the window or another well-lit place.
  2. The recommended temperature in the summer - + 20 ° C - + 22 ° C, in winter - + 14 ° C - + 16 ° C.
  3. It is necessary to systematically spray the plant to maintain high level humidity. Also, humidity can be enhanced by water container located near the plant. When spraying from the sprayer, it is necessary to ensure that the water does not fall on the flowers, otherwise they can be covered with stains and fall.
  4. The flower loves abundant watering. It should be carried out with an estate water temperature. Watering the plant follows as the upper bed of the soil. In winter, watering frequency can be reduced.
  5. It can be feather with water and nitroammofoski solution (5 - 10 g per 1 liter of water), and complex fertilizers from a flower shop (for example, Biohumus) are also suitable.

Possible problems

The following problems can be attributed to possible problems that occur during shine.

  1. Buds appear, but do not open and soon fall - insufficient watering; soil drying; a lack of nutrients in the ground; Low air temperature indoors.
  2. The lower leaves fall out, the new leaves grow yellow - increased calcium and chlorine content in the soil; lack of iron and nitrogen; too dry air indoors; abundant watering with cold water; low temperature.
  3. Flowing colors with too lush krone - an oversupply of fertilizers containing nitrogen; Flower lacks light, too heat in winter.
  4. On the leaves, pinkish spots appear - lack of light; oversupply fertilizer.
  5. The leaves are uniform and become sluggish - lack of moisture.
  6. Roots dry - too low soil temperature.
  7. The leaves dry out - too dry air indoors; High temperature in winter.

Chinese rose, or in a different hibiscus - widespread room plant, which is very loved for his beautiful flowers And unpretentious. This species, although it is able to carry strong frosts, does not have time to bloom in the climate middle strip. It is grown in the gardens only in the southern regions. In areas with cold weather, nothing remains except to plant a Chinese rose at home.

About chinese rose

Hibiscus is an evergreen shrub, capable of growing up to 6 m in nature. The flowering of the Chinese rose is pretty long, which is another one positive quality. Rod has 250 species, one of which is cultivated as a homemade plant. The Motherland of the Chinese Rose - Southeast Asia, and other types of hibiscus can be found in the wild of Africa, America and on the Pacific Islands.

About growing Chinese roses at home

Indoor varieties of Chinese roses to grow even to beginners. When the cold comes, Hibiscus must be placed in a well-lit place. Weak lighting will also fit, but the rose will not bloom. Temperature must be maintained at + 20 ° C. And if it is reduced to + 5 ° C, then flower kidneys will be better to be laid. But this is not mandatory if the conditions do not allow, the Hibiscus leaves to winter at + 20 ° C.

Chinese rose

As soon as warm summer weather is established, the Chinese rose is involved in the sun - rearranged the balcony, and then move to the garden. It is necessary to cover the hibiscus from bright sunlight, otherwise burns will appear on the leaves.

Easy to care, one of the qualities for which Hibiscus appreciate. It is important to observe the mode of illumination and irrigation, then the plant will delight large bright colors. There are certain rules in the care of the Chinese rose:

  • It is necessary to ensure that the soil is not overwhelmed - in summer, quite frequent watering, every 2-3 days, and in the winter it is easy to watch that the earthen car was wet;
  • In a pot with a plant, it is necessary to make a good drainage so that the water is not stuffed;
  • Hibiscus needs frequent spraying from the sprayer, especially if the air indoors is dry. The main thing is not to fall on the flowers, otherwise they will begin to be down.
  • Better so that the water before irrigated;
  • During flowering, the rose feeds once every 10 days by complex fertilizer, and from the fall, it is necessary to reduce the dose of nitrogen in the feeding;
  • In the spring, hibiscus is transplanted into a nutritious earthy mixture. Large plants are difficult to replant, so they simply replace the upper layer of the soil;
  • After the plant has been transplanted, it is trimmed to develop new shoots with flowers;
  • In the autumn, the Chinese rose grows and stretches - it is shortened by a third. If you do pruning in early March, the shoots are cleaned up to half the length.

Note! During hibiscus transplant, if there is no desire to increase the green part of the flower, the pot volume is left for the same.

In improper care, the appearance of various pests on hibiscus is possible, especially TI. The frequent spraying will help protect against these insects. Hibiscus may also be subject to various diseases such as infectious and noncommunicable chlorosis, bacterial spot, brown rot. The most frequent care errors leading to diseases:

  • chinese rose stands on draft or under the right rays of the sun;
  • too frequent watering, provoking root rotting;
  • dry air indoors or too high air temperature;
  • dusting of leaves;
  • there is no regular spraying, especially this is important in summer weather;
  • use for watering water of poor quality having various impurities;
  • insufficient lighting;
  • excessive fertilization;
  • insufficient feeding and lack of regular spring transfers;
  • contact with patients with plants.

If you do not allow these errors, the Chinese rose will grow healthy and strong, glad by regular blossom.

How to roam Chinese rose at home

The Chinese rose is perfectly multiplied with cuttings. The left after trimming of hibiscus in the spring shoots are well suited for these purposes. Sections are treated with growth stimulants and placed in water. You can also leave them in a mixture of peat and sand, covering from above, for example, a can.

Rose cuttings

The escape appears white thigh in the place where roots begin to appear. A month later, they begin to germinate, then the cuttings are planted into the ground and pinch the top so that the hibiscus goes.

Note!A plant that has 5-7 cm and a couple of new sheets have been formed in the pot.

If the spring cutlets were well rooted, he can even bloom after 2 months. In order to multiply Hibiscus, the top of the plant, cut in the middle of summer, can also be used.

How to put a Chinese rose to the process and seeds at home

Usually, perennial plants do not multiply seeds, but the Chinese rose is an exception. This way she is great. Seeds of roses from China have a good germination that is preserved for 6 years and can easily germinate. The procedure of such reproduction itself is very simple. There are several recommendations how to germinate rose seeds from China. Sey her at the end of February or early March. Step-by-step landing algorithm such:

  1. At the beginning, seeds are disinfected for 30 minutes in a solution of manganese, then washed and soaked on a day in the growth stimulator. It is necessary to ensure that the fluid does not cover them completely, and there was an oxygen access;
  2. Next, the seeds are placed in a wet gauze for germination. They must be in moisture and warm;
  3. Seaman germination will happen in about 3 days. They are seated into plastic glasses filled with sand, peat and ash. The main thing to ensure that the root of the plant grow straight and not bend;
  4. Sustained seeds are placed in the soil, sprinkle on top and covered with paper or film;

Note! In order to successfully germinate Hibiscus, you need good illumination, but without direct sun rays.

The easiest way of reproduction, as for all perennials - to plant a Chinese rose by the process. The cuttings are placed to root into water or specially prepared soil composition. A month later, the processes will appear.

How to sear home chinese rose

To sear Chinese rose by the process, it is necessary:

  • take a stem with a diameter of about 0.5 cm;
  • cut the top at a distance of 15 cm and remove the leaves below;
  • fall into the container;
  • put in place with good lighting;
  • produce moderate and regular watering.

To produce an annual transplant of Chinese roses, prepare a fertile mixture of turf and leaf land, humus and sand. For young hibiscuses add also peat. At the bottom of the pot put the grainsite or fragments of bricks in order to carry out drainage. To raise the roots less, the hibiscus from one pot is placed in another handling method.

Transplant Chinese Rose

Hibiscuses are also seeded by the division of the bush, but this method is used mainly for garden plants. The best time for the procedure is spring. Depending on the size of the bush use a knife, a secateur or saw. Before the start of division, the blades disinfect, for example, alcohol.

Note!The division can multiply Chinese roses, who last season were at least 2 stems.

The bush digs, shake the ground and, without damaging the extra roots, separated the trunks. Then these shoots, which must necessarily be at least some roots, plant in pots with earth and compost. Water regularly, but in moderation.

Further care

For young sprouts of Chinese roses, they care as well as adult plants. When the rosette creates, remove the old stems, leaving new ones. Weeds are removed, and the soil is produced. The feeders are needed during the period of active growth, from June to September. The fertilizer should have a high phosphorus content. The autumn makes potash mixtures to prepare hibiscus to wintering.

Chinese rose is a spectacular and unpretentious indoor plant, which is also easy to propagate. The shape of the bush can be diversified by pinching. Hibiscus will decorate any home with its large colors.

Hibiscus (Chinese Rose) is not easy to propagate at home. In this case, flower products usually resort to stalling. But there are other ways to dissipate this plant. Today we will talk about all ways to anyone!

In ancient Egypt, Hibiscus called a completely different plant - stockfall. The external similarity between these colors is undoubtedly present. But differences in care and reproduction can not be noticed. At home, the Chinese rose can be multiplied by several ways. They differ among themselves the terms of rooting and the likelihood of obtaining germs.

Here's how to propagate the Chinese rose at home:

  • cuttings;
  • seeds;
  • processes;
  • diggers.

A suitable method of reproduction for the plant is chosen based on the age of the flower, the time of year and the state of hibiscus. For example, if the Chinese rose has one of the branches bends to the ground, then you can try the method of rooting with the decodes. And if the bush himself has grown, then it is time to apply a method of drawing or using processes.

Modify the Chinese rose different ways

Seep Chinese rose with cuttings

The hauling allows you to multiply Hibiscus throughout the year. But it is better to exercise this procedure in spring or summer.

An important step of the shower is rooting. In order for this process to be successful, cuttings must have at least three kidneys.

The reproduction of the room hibiscus with cuttings at home is happening in the following ways:

  1. Accommodation in the pot.
  2. Rooting in water.
  3. Using a peat tablet.

To carry out these activities, stimulants of the growth of the root system, polyethylene or film, vermiculitis, clayzit and planting tank can be required.

How to root in water

After watering the plant, all dry and damaged branches are removed from it, and then cut the cuttings with a length of 8-12 cm. They must have a minimum of two kidneys and a faster bark. Buds and lower folias are removed from the planting material, and the remaining leaves are cut half. This technique will reduce the amount of evaporated moisture and increase the chances of rooting a strong sprout.

To maintain optimal humidity at a hibiscus dilution site, rooting cuttings are covered with a cap or polyethylene.

During the entire period of rooting, it is necessary to control the level of water in the container, periodically poured it.

You can expect the appearance of the roots after the placement of them in the water can be 3-4 weeks. Only after the sufficient quantity has grown and they rinsed, the cuttings should be transferred to the container with the prepared land. Sources are made of:

  • garden soil with neutral acid-alkaline reaction with the addition of pure river sand;
  • sheet and turf land in a 2: 1 ratio with the addition of rusty of river sand.

Capacity for seedlings are chosen from ceramics. Its diameter should not exceed 9 cm. On the bottom of the pot laying the clay, broken brick, pebbles, cheerful ceramics or other suitable materials. The soil falls asleep and only then put roofed cuttings into it, carefully placing the roots. A week later, the top of the plant pinch, stimulating the growth of lateral shoots

The first 2 months potted pot with a plant should be kept in warm and bright place. The air temperature in the room should be within + 10- + 30 degrees. With a lack of light or heat, the plant resets the leaves.

In a pot

This method of reproduction of hibiscus at home is similar to rooting with water. For its implementation:

  1. Prepare the tank for the planting volume of 200-500 ml, washed with it with a solution economic Soap And they hide with boiling water.
  2. At the bottom of the pot fall asleep drainage, soil for indoor plantsand then layer of river sand 2 cm thick.
  3. In the center of the pots should be planted with a cutlets, abundantly irrigated the land.
  4. Top stretch the package, and fix it with rubber band
  5. The pot is transferred to a bright and warm place.

The soil in the pot is watered as it dries. Roots appear in 2 months. The seedlings thus obtained are obtained stronger, since all the nutrient elements from the soil are initially absorbed.

With peat tablet

This method of breeding Chinese rose is associated with growing seedlings in a pot. A peat tablet with a diameter of at least 4 cm is poured with water of room temperature, the cuttings are dried and powdered with row. Then the swelling peat is slightly pressed and stirred with vermiculitis. Drainage and soil are laid into the rooting container. The cuttings are deepened by 2 cm. Capacity with a sprout is covered with glass or polyethylene film and put on the illuminated place. So that the plant does not start, it is watered as the soil drying out, and they ventilate every 2 weeks.

The roots at this shilling method appear after 2.5 months. Then the plant can be transplanted into a new pot. The care of the saplificate is carried out the same as the adult bush.

Gibiscus reproduction by processing

In the summer, it is possible to propagate the hibiscus bush with the help of stem processes. At this time of the year, their rooting occurs most easily.

For the reproduction of the plant on this method, the stem with a diameter of at least 0.5 cm is chosen, cut it with 15 cm and remove all the lower leaves.Next, the process is planted into the ground, and the container itself is placed on a well-lit place. The pot with seedlings are watered with the drying of a moderate amount of water.

How to propagate chinese rose seeds

Longer but not less effective method The reproduction of Chinese roses are seeds. To do this, step by step to perform the following steps:

  1. Prepare a flame S. universal soil 7-8 cm depth. Earth is pre-treated with means of infections and pests.
  2. Seeds to wet in a thickness with a liquid that stimulates the growth of the roots, for 12 hours. Next to treat them with 0.2% solution of manganese and let it dry.
  3. Make a groove in the ground, moisten them with water with a spray gun.
  4. On the grooves to decompose the seeds, without deepening them.
  5. Plate to cover the film and put it in a well-lit warm place. "Greenhouse" regularly ventilate.
  6. After the first shoots appear, the film is removed, and the sprouts are seeding in separate containers.

The Chinese rose grown from seeds blooms only for 4 years. Therefore, this method of reproduction is chosen only if the shilling is impossible.

Is it possible?

This method of breeding room hibiscus on the windowsill at home is exclusively decorative. From the leaves it is impossible to grow a full-fledged plant. But if you take a sample with a camp, then such an attempt can give impressive results.

For decorative reproduction, it is enough to cut the sheet and put it into the water. After he gave the root, it can be transplanted into the ground.


Vaccination of the plant allows you to get flowers on one bush different grades. For this you need:

  • use only a young plant;
  • make vaccination into the crown;
  • do not exceed the limit of 5 vaccinations on one flower;
  • implement an event in June or July.

Behind the plant with vaccination must be carefully monitored, it should not need light and fertilizers. In winter, the graft hibiscus is shoved with additional lighting lamps about 6 hours.


Plant seedlings can be obtained using the method of reproduction by gag. For this, in the spring, the lower hibiscus escape is flexible to the ground and fix in this position until the roots appear.

Under all the conditions of the content of Chinese roses, the plant blooms at the end of summer. And to root seedlings in a new place will be able to fall in autumn or the next year in the spring.

How to grow hibiscus at home

In order for Hibiscus all year round, the holder is beautiful and magnificent blossom, it is important to properly place a container in the apartment. The place should be illuminated, but protected from direct sunlight, without drafts. The air temperature in the winter should be no lower than +10, and during the entire growing season is within + 12- + 16.

They water the Chinese rose abundantly, it is moderate in the fall, and in the winter they cut the frequency of irrigation by half. The main thing is to disobey the earthen coma, otherwise the plant will cease to bloom, and its leaves and kidneys will begin to be down.

In the summer, the plant will require regular spraying and making feeding (1-2 times a month). Hibiscus does not need nitrogen fertilizers, as they do not at all affect its growth and flowering.

During the first 3 years, the young plant is transplanted every year to a new deeper and wide pot. Next, this procedure is carried out only in 2-3 years.

Gibiscus reproduction at home is possible in different ways. The main thing is to conduct it for all the rules and taking into account the needs of the plant itself.