How to open chakras 1. How to open chakras yourself at home: exercises for activation. What it is

Do you want to be happy, healthy and beloved man, but instead just survive and feel unsatisfied, tired or tense? Do you have problems with physical or emotional health? In your house, are quarrels and scandals? The root of all the problems most likely lies in the fact that your chakras are blocked. Therefore, the energy in the body does not flow properly and creates all sorts of difficulties.

To unlock the chakras, it is not necessary to access the gurus and experienced instructors. If you do not know how to open chakras yourself, at home, then listen to our recommendations. There are simple, but powerful techniques designed to open a human chakra. Having worked on these techniques, the chakra points can be independently open and balance, restore, world, clarity, health and happiness, harmonize their lives.

Chakras: types, principles of work.

Chakras are the energy centers of the body through which energy and positive, and negative. When any of these centers are blocked, an imbalance is created and the lack of free stream in your system, this leads to problems of physical, emotional and spiritual health. In total, man has 7 chakras:

  1. - Molandhara. The very first chakra, which is located at the base of the spine in the cochter area of \u200b\u200bthe back or the crotch in front. Molandhara is responsible for the sense of validity and instincts of survival, physiological needs.
  2. - Svadchistan. The second energy point is located in the pubic area and is a relationship and the ability to take new experience and surrounding people, well-being, sexuality, pleasure and abundance.
  3. - Manipura is located in the top of the abdomen, just above the navel. Opening the manipular, we reveal the possibilities of intuition, attention, self-esteem and self-confidence.
  4. - Anahata. It is located in the center of the chest and represents the abilities and feelings of the human heart: to love, rejoice, develop.
  5. - Wamshuda is located in the throat area. She is responsible for the ability to communicate, develop and express.
  6. - Ajna. The so-called third eye is located between the eyes on the forehead. Ajna represents the ability of a person to focus, imagine, the ability to see the overall picture, make important decisions, wisdom. All the possibilities of intelligence and consciousness opens with.
  7. - Sakhasrara, the highest energy point, located in the top of the head. If you activate Sakhasrara, you can achieve complete harmony, bliss, pleasure.

Chakro blocking by a person will surely feel. It will be felt on an emotional state, some diseases may appear. Also with blocking associated failures in life, in the family, in business.

CHAKR activation techniques

If you want your life to have a balance, internal harmony, health, love and happiness, then use the following techniques for enhancing closed chakras:


Meditative practice is a powerful way to connect with your spirit and ask for help from your highest me. This is an effective way to release negative energy and unwanted blockages, disclosure of new and positive energy forces. Any form of meditation is an excellent practice for chakra opening. There are also meditative techniques to activate a separate type of human chakra and their disclosure.


Another effective way, how to unlock and disclose chakras at home is yoga exercises. The regular practice of yoga and recreation gymnastics can return the balance to your mind, body and soul, open chakras and balance energy.

Mantras and affirmations

Mantras are another true way to open yourself for unconditional love, promote harmonization, mantra is a training of our subconscious. You can use them during meditation or during the day, repeating out loud or to yourself. You can use Sanskrit words or come up with your own mantras. Use the statements that you need the most. To achieve chakro harmonization, it is necessary to work on affirmations daily.


Creative visualization is a powerful tool to unlock Clear Mind from negative information. Early yourself in a relaxed condition, sitting on the pillow or lying on a comfortable bed, or even better, on green grass or on the shore of a murmur river. Visualize images and colors that love love and happiness for you. Give yourself mentally in a happy place.

Deep breathing

Deep and conscious breaths and exhalations can also lead to chakro-activation and. Each breath sews energy into your problem energy point, and each exhale allows this energy to settle there. Working can quickly return the harmonious balance of your mind, body and soul.


Preservation of discontent, anger, regret, grief and not the memory of past wounds and resentment can cause many blocking of energy inside you especially in the heart chakra. Forgive and let go - this is the most reliable way, how to efficiently uncover chakras.


Practice of gratitude can instantly increase the vibration of positive energy and as a result to open and activate all chakras of a person. It can attract more abundance, happiness, health, peace, love, meaningful relationships and other positive qualities. Waking up, imagine everything that you are grateful in your life. Drive your grateful diary and list at least three things every evening when you were grateful for this day. Spend a few minutes during the day to say thanks to the people around you, God and the Universe for nice little things and human happiness.

Color therapy

Each of the chakrah centers has its own colors:

  • Molandhara - red;
  • Svadchistan - orange;
  • Manipura - Yellow;
  • Anahata - Green;
  • Namsudha - blue;
  • Ajna - Indigo;
  • Sakhasrara - purple.

To activate chakras, use specific color accents in clothing, shoes, decorations. The same goes for food.


Crystals and precious stones offer a simple and natural way to light the natural stream of energy within you and balance the mind, body and soul. Amethyst is a stone for a crown, codelitis - for the third eye, chrysocolla - for a throat, pink quartz - for cardiac, citrine for solar plexus, carnelian - for sacral, and hematite is useful for root chakra.

Daily exercises for opening chakras

  1. The first root chakra is associated with the Earth, so it is useful to walk barefoot in the sand, grass or mud. Any time spent on nature is useful for Molandhara.
  2. The second Svadchistan is connected with water, it is useful for it to swim or feed the time at the reservoirs.
  3. Solar light is useful for solar plexus, heat campfire.
  4. Anakhat is connected with air, so deep breathing will help to clean energy.
  5. Vishudha personifies with ether (similar to the Spirit), so simple looking under clean sky is an incredible way to get positive energy.
  6. The so-called third eye is associated with light. To work out and open Ajna, sit as often in silence in the sun, relax in front of the window at sunrise when the sun is rising.
  7. The last seventh chakra is connected to all the elements, it works when all energy centers are disclosed. Spend free time in meditation, singing or prayer, try to open positive thoughts and sensations.

As can be seen, ways to benefit all your chakram, a lot. Chakro study should become a conscious regular process, which will lead you to and the opening of the fulfillment of the desires, the improvement of all organs. Working with chakras is a sure way to restore, adjust and balancing the stream of energy in your body, it is the way to harmony and happiness.

Our body is only the visible part of the complex device of the body, shrouded in the cocoon of invisible astral shells. Yoga and bioenergy are seen on the body a set of energy membranes that produce the exchange of vital power with the world. These are chakras of a person, they affect both physical health and success in life, and their blocking can lead to death. It is important to understand how they work, and be able to manage it.

Structure and number

The existence in the fine body of filtering centers and the exchange of information vibrations with the world was recognized not only by the yoga masters in ancient India, but also ancient Russian magic. However, it is generally accepted called their chakras.

A person breathes not only with oxygen, the correct exchange of energy with the surrounding, the accumulation of force and the use of it for purpose is the guarantee of health and long life, so knowledgeable people devote a lot of time to disclose and clean the chakras. Disease and problems in different areas of life can be both the cause of energy stagnation and the consequence, so it is important to understand the signs of proper operation and stop each of the centers.

In fact, more than a hundred points of concentration of vitality and consciousness are in the physical shell, continuing in astral, tying an individual with the highest mind. But it is customary to work with 7 main chakras, each of which has its own:

  • color;
  • symbol;
  • memory;
  • mental frequency;
  • sound vibration.

They are the largest, and if their work is harmonious, the rest are adjusted to the general direction.

All human abilities - talents, beliefs and beliefs, desires and emotions are divided into 7 main centers, which, first of all, make energy information filtering:

  • take and saturate the body with different types of energies;
  • read valuable information from a common infopole;
  • remove the negative, taking convictions and thoughts.

The vital activity of each 80% depends on the work of personal sources of force, and not at all of food, water and vitamins that fill the remaining 20%. That is why advanced yoga can live, eliminating food, and remain healthy and active.

Seven color energy centers

Chakras are revealed as a flower and externally resemble the mandala rotating clockwise, attracting cosmic energy. A failure in rotation and activity one inevitably affects all others. Each of them is responsible for:

  • work of certain organs of the body;
  • and a certain sphere of life;
  • the level of spiritual development.

They are located along the vertebral post line, and the extreme comes out of the physical matter, while in the mental over the top of the top. The color is very symbolic here, meditating on which you can mentally amplify one or another chakra.

Sexuality and Volia

Alya Mulladhara is in the perineum, between the anus and the genital organs. Being the very first, responsible for all major instincts, first of all, is survival and ensuring the main needs. Sexuality and tooling offspring is also its sphere of influence. If developed incorrectly or blocked, then the overall life activity of the body is distorted. When problems with the psyche or the beginning of serious diseases, it appears black. She is responsible for work:

Interestingly, the women of Muladhara is developed weakly, and they must borrow power for her development in men.

Orange Svadkhistan is responsible for human activity in creativity and sex. If in Molandhara, the manifestation of sexuality is tied to the instinct of the continuation of offspring, then here - on the ability to have fun. It is easy to find it, for this you need to put your fingers under the umbilical hole, at the level of the third will be Svadchistan. It is useful to represent glowing bright orange light in this area, it gently heals:

  • general condition of immunity;
  • liver and spleen;
  • milk glands and ovaries;
  • lower back
  • prostate gland.

In women, it is usually well developed, and the male floor takes energy to develop his center of pleasure in beautiful ladies. Cheerfulness, personal attractiveness - signs of its harmonious work.

Yellow manipura is located in the center of solar plexus, filling it with bright golden shine. It is an area of \u200b\u200bintuition and inner view of the body, being closely associated with the subconscious. Such required qualities as the power of will, the ability to influence people, be the leader and achieve the goals set, acquire friends, completely in her power. Incorrect development makes a man of tyrana or, on the contrary, an indecisive mamper and a repeater. Also under the influence of the manipuras are:

  • the entire gastrointestinal tract;
  • pancreas and gallbladder;
  • diaphragm and spleen;
  • the average area of \u200b\u200bthe back.

The accumulation of energy from space from space, processing and distribution throughout the body directly depend on the manipura.

Love, self-expression and spirituality

The green anahat coincides with the heart area and is responsible for the ability to radiate and take love. Being an equilibrium center and a transitional stage from lower energy vibrations to the highest, is of paramount importance. Cleansing human chakras Many specialists start exactly from here. Heavy anahat sends the correct pulses up and down, healing all the centers. On the physical plan of its responsibility zone:

  • heart and lungs;
  • bronchi and trachea;
  • chest and hands;
  • timus and vessels;
  • emotional health.

Feelings of love and friendship, self-sacrifice and compassion, the ability to love and manifest their feelings gives a developed anahata. For its disclosure it is useful to imagine the shining emerald, which radiates the green light from the center of the chest.

Heavenly Blue Vishudha is at the base of the neck, coinciding with the area of \u200b\u200bthe thyroid. It affects the ability to express its creative principle, analyze the information received, process it and formulate their own thoughts and theories. The health of the mental body, self-development, creative talents - its sphere of influence, as well as:

  • thyroid, larynx;
  • vocal cords;
  • nasopharynk, tongue, teeth;
  • leather, hearing and breathing organs.

Diseases of the throat, curvature of the spine, rash on the skin - signs of distorted Vishudhi.

Saturated-blue Ajna, the colors of indigo, is located in the third eye, in the center of the forehead. She heads personal spirituality of the individual, and also develops intuition and memory, accumulates wisdom. All thinking processes are associated with it, and in addition:

  • head and spinal cord;
  • nervous system and pituitary
  • eyes and facial nerves.

Problems with memory, impairment of vision, brain circulation disorders explicitly show Ajna to failure.

Bright purple Sahasrara is over the Tem 21. It resembles a multifaceted lotus flower and goes beyond the physical body. This is the manifestation of the highest spirituality, the consequence of all chakras, connecting the simple mortal with God. Affects the ability to learn, meditate, connect with Divine in prayer as well as:

  • lymphatic system;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • management of all senses.

Unlock sources of power

Negative energy, which filled with faded words and emotions, pollutes chakras, and constant stay in stress, the consumption of harmful food, alcohol, cigarettes, the use of matery expressions are capable and completely block the chakras of the person and their meaning. Treatment of disease in this case will be very long until the energy exchange with the world will not work. It is necessary to carry out the opening of the chakra not only for diseases, but also as prevention.

Opening of Living Rodnikov

Meditation and concentration of attention at every center of force are useful. Exercises on the disclosure of human chakra is a lot. You can represent the luminescence of the corresponding color from the lowest Moldhara to the highest Sakhasrara, and then feel like these colors of one large rainbow envelop the body, protecting it. Also, the disclosure of energy springs contributes:

  • positive thinking and sport;
  • healthy lifestyle;
  • purification of the physical body;
  • successful implementation of goals and aspirations.

It should be concentrated on the highest manifestations of the characteristics of each chakra and try to cultivate them in their own character. For example, if it is anahat, you need to develop in yourself intense, the ability to give people not only material gifts, but also spiritual heat. Emotions blocking personal sources of force following:

  • fear and envy;
  • anger and anger;
  • irritation and arrogance;
  • guilt;
  • dependence on another person;
  • disbelief in Divine Protection.

Cleaning for strength

The person is able to cleanse the chakras from the disease and stagnation of the simple power of the will. The concentration on mental images and meditation is perfectly coping with this, the main thing is to completely free consciousness from doubts and negative installations. To know exactly what chakra is the problem, it is better to turn to bioenergy, but you can conduct meditation for general recovery.

Perfectly cleans not only the main, but also the smallest chakras of the body the energy of the rail, which can cure many diseases. This is treated with the cosmic energy of grace through the overlay of the healer's hands at different positions of the body. In the rails you need to be dedicated or contact the conductor of this energy, which is gently and carefully cleanse from the negative and causes of diseases. There are no side effects here.

Another method of cleaning through special chakrah breathing.

If the inner look caught in the chakras of dark inclusions, shapes or dust should not be afraid. Very often, these are personal negative programs of a person, and it is possible to cleanse them from them only by the power of love, and therefore with the help of anahata.

Work on the disclosure and cleaning of Chakras is simple, but it will bring a colossal - a person becomes incredibly attractive and exercises its intention without much difficulty.

Chakras - our energy vortices, which are synchronized in harmony with our consciousness and live all that happens around. At the time when any emotion sharpens you from the inside, this condition does not give you to enjoy life, it means that you ourselves block certain chakras themselves. The energy center - chakra collects, stores and distributes all human energy, from physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Chakras of people are distinguished, and each person has developed, relative to each other, in different ways. But there is one rule for everyone: without incoming streams of energy of space and earth, the human body simply cannot exist and develop. Emotional state can cause blockade in chakras, this in turn disrupts the circulation of energy, which is manifested in the troubles and deterioration of health.

The negative emotions of a person - the feeling of fear, guilt, grief, lies, shame are able to block the chakras of a person. A variety of attachments, illusions are also a factor that blocks the center of force and consciousness. There are various options for removing blocks and the release of the opening path of the chakras.

How to quickly open blocked chakras

Consider the chakras in more detail.

The first root chakra

It is located in the cochter region, cherry blossom, is associated with earthly elements.

Responsible for life safety, strength, survival and continuation of the kind.

Most often, the first chakra can be blocked from fear sensation. Fear can be any. Fear of height, fear of interview, fear of relations, etc. Block chakra those fears that are manifested regularly. If you have a constant fear, do not make your fears to master you, boldly look into your eyes. Having understood the causes of the occurrence, sorted your fears, thereby removing the negative.

Set to unlock and activate the first chakra:

I give life to manifest and accept it. In my life, events occur in which there is a positive. I see positive moments in all what is happening to me. I perceive the reality only positively. I do not hold my fear of anything. Decisions made by me perfect option in the current situation. Moving forward, I draw conclusions from these life lessons. I accept myself with all its shortcomings. I am me.

Second sacral chakra

It is in the depths of the body, in the field of genital organs, has an orange color and water element.

In response for the emotional needs of man, cheerfulness, sexual energy, creative potential, vitality. Often the second chakra is blocked due to the experience of guilt. The feeling of guilt is able to bear the destructive properties of the entire energy system, the second chakra is especially exposed. As if confusing in the web, from the networks of which it is impossible to get lost, there is a dead-end situation.

The state of hopelessness, limited, gives the experience of guilt. There is always a way out, it is important not to bring the feeling of guilt to the state of the "inner self-eruption." Understand that in fact it is not a situation and not a person. And your attitude to this situation or person. A look at the situation, as if by the part, will help it understand.

Opens the chakra the cheerfulness and implementation of sexual energy.

Set to unlock and activate the second chakra:

Fears are found, I turn them into a convincing positive attitude, clean before the nearest environment. Negative settings I doubt throwing out, swimming in a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive acts. My thoughts are sent to creativity, growth and strengthening from the inside. I am looking for, I find and release my fears on the will, without holding a negative experience of sexual relations.

Third chakra of solar plexus

Located in the navel area, yellow, the elements of the fiery.

It is considered the central part of the human power system. Mental and career abilities, confidence, success in society, the power of the intentions, power.

Significantly block the third chakra frustration and shame. The blocking of childhood is particularly strong, from the kindergarten and from school bench we were shaped: "How are you not ashamed?", Thereby blocking two chakras, the second and third at once.

You can begin the process of unlocking everything in the same way, to find the source of the negative, divide it into small parts and in the mind "decompose on the shelves."

Opens the Chakra freedom, social realization, confidence, insight.

Set to unlock and activate the chakras:

My strength and life harmony at the gates of fears and locks that teach everything unknown in the universe. Boldly impart new life knowledge for yourself. I enter into my blocks of fears and fears and no longer hold them. I discard different estimates of my status, looking, listening, I am wrong in what is happening.

I have in the presence of a long time to think about the feeling of your own damage that I let go. Life lessons bring new knowledge. I have forces, to cope with the circumstances that were previously, it means that there are forces for action at the moment and in the future. Concent is just a vital addition. I trust the life stream.

I am full of health and love. I have complete freedom of choice. I am, no worse and no better than the rest of the people. I am a whole part and a particle of big. I can rejoice as my own success. Natural manifestation of a harmonious association in love, physical plane has physiological proximity, sex. This divine manifestation of the male and female start, the connection of them together.

Fourth Cardiac Chakra

It is located in the center of the body, in the field of solar plexus green in color, obeys the air element.

Cardiac chakra actively takes part in human life processes: love, joy, kindness, compassion. He is the link link of the upper and lower chakras, the forces of spirituality and landing, sublime and lowland, health and prosperity.

Internal closure and cracking blocks heart chakra. First case internal closedness. This is when a person does not give out its emotions, experiences, sensations.

Another blocking option is an unpleasant cardiac pain. The destructiveness and danger of sorrow feelings due to the complexity of the removal of the blocked channel. It is necessary to have a huge power of will, to exit from the state of embossing apathy. Sorrow always goes accompanied by apathy, indifference and hopelessness. Only having a big desire, you can independently see what this situation teaches, what spiritual tasks should be performed, through the life lessons to get a strong cardiac energy.

Opens the chakra love, compassion, openness, joy, happiness.

Set to unlock and activate the first chakra:

I love the whole world and all his people. Myself the fact of my existence pleases me! In every person God's origin. I give a manifestation of my inner divine start, my degrees of the soul. For any occurring events, I preserve mercy. My heart is open to the whole world, the world shows care, giving all its benefits. Love always rules the world!

Fifth annoying chakra

Located on the surface of the neck, blue spike, air element, ether. Promotes the exchange of substances, initiates creative potential, harmony, communication, sociability, truthfulness of speech.

The cause of the blocking may not be allowed to appear to yourself, including verbally, or the path of lies. Often a person suppresses himself without letting himself express his opinion. This may be an opinion about his desires, an opinion on human behavior, an opinion on the situation. If you do not speak yourself, the throat chakra is blocked.

About lies. It takes into account not only a lie in relation to other people, but also to yourself, first of all. It is difficult to never lie when everything is around only and busy. Astating lies is very difficult, it is an inclusion, like a virus and transmitting from one person to another, increases even more. In order to be able to confront a lie, teach yourself to be honest, do not respond to the lag of reciprocity. Before yourself, be honest, as well as in front of other people. So you can use the most effective and powerful energy purification of the fifth chakra.

Opens the chakra communication, however, self-expression, the implementation of creative potential.

Set to unlock and activate fifth chakras:

I love change. The highest good gives me only good in every life situation. Every turn of fate is a new chance for me. My thoughts are easy and logical.

My love for yourself is inexhaustible, I approve all my actions. My thoughts always help to cope with ourselves. I peacefully exist as a gifted, the person is creative, in its unique, which is ideal ways for self-expression. I allow me to manifest yourself as I want it.

I am free to express my opinion. My internal resources are inexhaustible, dignity and abilities are fueled by an inexhaustible energy flow. The endless stream of intelligence reveals new abilities in me. I freely express my will and accept my desires. All my actions bring a positive effect and emotions at the moment.

Everything that happens to me gives me joy and brings positive experience, leading to further success. Even a small success I approve, doing everything possible. I do not condemn anyone in this life, nor myself nor the surroundings. With great pleasure I take life into your hands.

Sixth Chakra Third Eyes

Chakra is located between the eyebrows, in the center of the head. Colors of indigo, aerial element.

It makes it possible to enhance spiritual will, with a bodily contact with the subconscious. Develops extrasensory abilities, intuition.

The sixth chakra can be blocked due to excessive expectations and life illusions. Inability to divide illusions, and reality leads to blocking. With the reality of the reality of the situation that happened and the actual assessment of what is happening, the block is set. You do not need to make attempts to be better than the near and take over more laid.

Spiritual knowledge cannot be made away if a person is obsessed with a star disease or pride closes his feelings. The most common case, permanent excessive expectations. We constantly draw pictures of the future, how it should be.

How everything should happen, as I must be a story, how others should behave. The main rule in life: "Expectations are never justified." Take a reality without exaggeration and dreams will come true, becoming reality.

Opens the chakra using intuition, awareness, flexibility.

Set to unlock and activate the sixth chakra:

I allow me to manifest yourself as I want it. I am free to express my opinion. I see everything that happening well and understand what exactly is happening, aware of why so. I have the courage to wish more. For this desire, they give faith in the incentive. I possess the necessary knowledge. All I do, I make with love for this lesson. My intuition never brings me. I have wisdom and power.

I become a generator of useful plans, plans that are easily embodying. Obstacles on my way only strengthen my life. Quickly and easily overcome by intuition, which became on the path of obstacles. The process of overcoming difficulties brings me pleasure. I trust everything happening and without tension.

My immunity is guaranteed! I have the right to choose which is always for me. The words should leave my life (should). I work easily, playing. Freedom of choice and actions This is what is the basis of my strength. The path to the dream is completely open, and I do the first steps.

Seventh top chakra

It is also called the crown. This chakra is purple, but it is possible to change the color on the color of the prevailing chakra. Located above the painter.

He is a binding link of a person with the energy of the universe. The attachment to the earth and material benefits blocks the crown chakra. There is nothing wrong with the material things. All that was created in this world is a manifestation of divine energy.

Problems arise when a person is overly tied to material values. All earthly: house, work, people can be earthly affection, you need to be able to let it go. Do not be the owner. Do not pop your print "it's mine", nor people nor material goods.

Opens Chakra Development of the inner world, full release of fine energy.

Set to unlock and activate seventh chakras:

Thanks to the highest forces for everything they got! I am a whole endless universe. To achieve success, I just enough, it is worth only to want. Trust is very important, especially for yourself.

With pleasure I catch every moment in life, enjoying the process. Success and prosperity, constant my satellites. All that will wish, soon will come true, dreams are carried out. Satisfying life needs occurs without much effort. The forces of the Universe are in a hurry to help me, because I am the property of the world and God's gift.

Recently, girls are increasingly suggested that love, beauty and success is primarily balanced chakras. Svetlana Kolchka found out what it is and how to train them.

For many, the doctrine of chakras is more than the metaphor. Recently, not only the Adepts of Eastern Philosophy and Esoteric are spoken about them, but also, among others, psychologists, spa therapeutors, teachers of fitness yoga and homeopaths. Many of my girlfriends have recently "train chakras" - actively attend the relevant training - and do not redeem the results. One fell in love, the other has ceased conflicts at work, the third became pregnant.

For me, the most interesting thing is like at the level of the chakra to communicate with the opposite sex. It is believed that the first chakra, Mulladhara (the one, which is located just below the tailbone, is also called "root chakra" and associated with red, the energy of the earth and the planet Mars) is responsible for our stability, the connection with the ground, with its roots, ancestors. In this chakra circulates the energy of survival, the continuation of the kind, the ability to risk and solve problems. If it is blocked, the soil disappears under the legs, you feel the victim of circumstances, you have a hurt with your legs, joints, endless injuries. Fortunately, unlock this chakra woman is not so difficult - it's enough to learn how to take care of you about you. This chakra is male, the energy in it moves clockwise (this is the Yang direction), and men should be active, and in women - passive. Molandhara is primarily the satisfaction of basic material needs, and on the principle of energies' exchange is better if the responsibility for it lies on a man. According to the teachings about chakras, a male mission - to provide its own woman basic security, comfort and protection. Then he will be able to be successfully implemented in other areas. And the task of a woman is to charge its energy at the level of the next, the second chakra - Svadchistan. It is approximately 5 cm below the navel (in women - at the level of the uterus) and, on the contrary, ideally should be active in girls and passive in boys. This chakra (it is associated with water energy, which is the female element, and orange, and manages her Venus) responsible for pleasure, sensuality and sensitivity, tenderness, the ability to enjoy, for beauty, for taking themselves (first of all - its body ) And for creativity.

When the second chakra is blocked, we feel the feeling of guilt, we cannot "let go of themselves during sex, we doubt our own attractiveness and solve endless problems with female organs and kidneys. And if the energy flows there freely, the woman is able to infinitely give a man pleasure - through touch, sex, tasty food, warm house, care and tenderness.

At the level of the third chakra - manipuras (yellow, energy of fire, sun) - energy is transformed and returns from a man to a woman. This center responsible for social status, money, willpower, control and perseverance in achieving goals should be active in men and passive in women. Many modern women (and I, as it turns out, too) with this problem. We want, as they say in America, have it all all - to occupy an active life position and control the situation. There is nothing wrong with that if ... the desire to control does not roll off and we can switch on time. Back pain, especially in the center of the spine or in the diaphragm area, constipation, gastritis and other problems with the stomach and intestines, as well as anxiety and concern about tomorrow, are all signs that the third chakra is blocked. According to energy laws, it is very harmful to losing money and work is very harmful. So we lose strength and, most likely, sooner or later can really remain without the means. Money and status will come - or through your man. You just need to trust the world.

One of the most important "female" chakras is the fourth, anahata (emerald color, air energy, planet moon), which is located at the heart level. Anahat is responsible for the ability to experience compassion and love - certainly both endlessly, as well as to charge the man with emotions, inspiration, while taking it as it is. It is believed that when relations are built on the fourth chakra - that is, not only sex (this is a union on the first chakra, such ratios are the farther or the desire to comfort and enjoy (relationships on the second chakra) and not social status (communication on the third Chakra), - They have a chance to be truly harmonious. It is also believed that this chakra is connected with our relationship with parents - the left side of the heart is connected with the mother, and the right - with his father. If you are able to experience the status of unrexidated childhood joy regardless of weather and other circumstances - most likely, the heart chakra is open with you. Ugly, aggression, the desire of everyone likes, the feeling of "emptiness" in the heart, the need for self-affirmation, psychological failure, and at the physical level of problems with the light and upper spoken departments, are not enough signs that the energy in this center is missing.

Fifth chakra, "Vishudha" (blue color, Ether Energy, Mercury Planet) - Men's again. This center manages self-expression, the ability to convince and lead, generate and implement ideas, achieve success in society. If this area is blocked, "com in throat" appears, difficulties with the expression, runny nose, angina, problems with teeth, thyroid gland, chronic tension in shoulders and neck.

Sixth Chakra, Ajna (Blue, Planet Saturn), is another energy center, which first of all needs to develop women. It is located between the eyebrows, at the "third eye" level, and is responsible for intuition, wisdom, insight, the ability to trust themselves, listen to his inner voice, feel the other people - first of all, his man, adjusting to him and gently by his managing, more precisely Guide. Energy deficit here - headaches, problems with vision, depression, feeling of lost and lacking goal in life or when we are too living your head.

And finally, there is a seventh, "most punish" chakra called Sarashar. It is located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe top and is responsible for communicating with space, the highest spiritual realization and unity with God. True, mystics say that most modern people have this zone closed.

How to "pump" chakras?

Natalia Ignatova, leading women's trainings

I have my own center, where, among other things, I lead the activities of the reflex of orgasm, which helps to "pump" primarily the first and second chakras. This practice was invented by the Austrian psychotherapist, a student of Freud Wilhelm Reich, who believed that, unlocking muscle clips in the field of intimate organs arising from parental prohibitions, we discharge orzamic energy. The more this energy you have and the freely it circulates in the body, the sex becomes brighter, your creative potential is higher and the more successful you are in life. I have been watching all the time as after the "reflex of orgasm" the girls have a gait, a look, color of the face, they become a magnet for men. If you do not like trainings, try at home simple exercise for chakrah breathing. Cut more comfortably, close your eyes, tune in to your breathing. Detach each chakra for two minutes. If it is difficult for you to mentally "fill" the chakra inherent in her color, perhaps it is weakened or blocked.

  • Cut more comfortably, close your eyes, listen to your breathing. Direct the first chakra, which is at the base of the spine. Fullect your spacion, the crushes, the bottom of the pelvis, relax the crotch and breathe by directing attention to these areas, filling this space in red with breathing.
  • Mentally move to the second chakra, which is at the bottom of the abdomen and in the center of the pelvis, start breathing in this place, filling it with orange - about two minutes.
  • Translate attention to the solar plexus area. Concentrate not only on the front of the body, but also listen to the feeling of the back, in the center of the spine, filling with breathing this space is yellow.
  • Transfer attention to the chest area into its center. This is a heart chakra, slowly fill it with green.
  • Go to the throat, the fifth chakra area. Feel the neck also at the back, while relaxing the neck vertebrae, fill this zone with blue.
  • Move attention to the sixth chakra, which is between the eyebrows. Fill the brain area in blue.
  • Take off the seventh chakra, it is in the area of \u200b\u200bthe crown and above the head. Fill this area with purple color.

Chakras are invisible energy centers, through which the exchange of energy and human information is carried out with the world around. They are accumulated by the vitality necessary for the normal operation of the body. Each depends on what state is the chakras of a person, and their disclosure and cleaning play a big role for gaining health and mental harmony.

Human chakras: their importance and disclosure

The complex energy structure, which is the human body, can normally function only with a sufficient amount of vital energy or prana . Chakras provide energy exchange with the surrounding world, saturating the body of prana and freeing from recycled energy. Thanks to these centers, the body mines 80% of energy for their livelihoods, the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bcome from food.

Chakras can be active or closed (sleeping). The first power centers are easily saturated with the energy of the energy, drawing it from the infinite space, while closed chakras do not provide the necessary stream of prana, leading to diseases of the internal organs with which they are connected.

In order to realize their strength centers, you need to know their location. In the human body is seven Chakra. Each of them takes and distributes the flow of vital energy, and is also responsible for certain human abilities:

  • Molandhara - Located between the genitals and anus, its color is red. Responsible for human health, reproductive system and ability to survive.
  • Svadchistan - It is located at the level of the tailbone, its color is orange. Responsible for sexuality and attractiveness, affects the ability to establish contacts with surrounding people.
  • Manipura - It is located at the navel level, its color is yellow. Responsible for the manifestation of volitional qualities and individuality. Affects the social status of man, career and financial position.
  • Anahata - It is at the chest level, its color is green. It affects the ability of a person to love and compassion, experience delight and joy.
  • Vishudha - It is at the bottom of the neck, its color is blue. Responsible for creative abilities and leadership qualities.
  • Ajna - located in the middle of his forehead, her color is blue. Responsible for intelligence, memory and human intuition.
  • Sakhasrara - Locked on the scalp, her color is purple. Responsible for the disclosure of super supersatures, spiritual growth and communication with space.

People who developed spiritually, all chakras are disclosed and shung up with a bright light, generating vitality. Closed on the contrary, flickering barely noticeably, overlapping the stream of energy.

Currently there are several spiritual schools and centers that study human chakras, their meaning and cleansing. The purpose of training in such schools is the disclosure of the Chakra. It is necessary to do it consistently and carefully. The gradual disclosure of energy centers involves creating a stream of energy directed from the bottom up, since the above-mentioned produce energy from the lower chakras. Before proceeding with the disclosure of power centers, you should prepare your body and mind, to open consciousness, as well as learn to control the movement of energy in the body. After that, yoga and meditation techniques are used, as well as the purification of energy centers.

How to clean chakras?

One of the most frequent causes of pollution and blocking the chakras are. Define meditation techniques are aimed at removing internal blocks and exemption of energy flow. Each chakra is polluted by the following negative emotions:

  • molandhara - strong fear;
  • svadchistan - anger;
  • manipura - dissatisfaction with life;
  • anahata- aggression, despondency, suffering;
  • vishudha - envy and feeling of guilt;
  • ajna - arrogance;
  • sakhasrara - Doubts in God.

In order to clean the energy centers and remove the blocks, you need to deeply analyze your fears and negative experiences and release them. Meditation helps in this.

Clear energy channels also helps the technique of visualization of the grace flow, which is as follows:

  • It is necessary to take a convenient position, close your eyes and present the top chakra to the Sahasrara in the form of a closed vessel.
  • Next, it should be represented as a vessel opens, and all contamination from it flows out.
  • The empty vessel is closed and filled with light and grace.

Thus, you need to visualize each chakra, consistently moving down to Muldhare.

Studying human chakras, their meaning and cleansing, you must definitely pay attention to such techniques as singing mantras, color therapy, chakrov breathing and yoga. Each of these methods gives excellent results, removes the negative consequences of negative emotions and retains the power of all chakras.

Mantra - Sacred texts, regular repetition of which cleans chakras from pollution. Powerful cleansing mantras allow a person to get rid of negative emotions and bad habits, eradicate sins and mistakes perfect in past lives. The correct singing of ancient texts fills the body with clean energy and allows you to gain harmony.

Color therapy - The method of cleansing and activating energy centers, by visualizing the color corresponding to a specific chakra. You can master this technique yourself. It is important to fully concentrate on a certain chakra and imagine a bright flower of the corresponding color that reveals its petals. In this case, you can repeat positive attitudes aimed at gaining love, harmony and happiness.

On the way to spiritual growth, human chakras are very important, and their disclosure and cleaning allows you to gain health and longevity, as well as open superpowers. Activation of energy centers is a prerequisite for obtaining and using vital energy.