Health: the impact of physical health on the general condition of a person. Human health General health and

Day by day we are flooded with information about various diseases but rarely do we hear what it means to be in good health. Not all of us, of course, look the same, because we have different types body, shape and weight, and what is good for one person may be harmful for another. A healthy person can easily perform general sports activities.

If someone is physically healthy, it usually means they have healthy habits, such as exercising regularly. exercise and proper nutrition.

Emotional and spiritual health should also be taken into account when assessing overall health. Having a generally positive attitude towards life, interaction and communication with other people, and faith are also factors that can indicate a healthy person.

In general, if you feel well, it is likely that you are healthy. The other side of the coin is that you may not feel well, even if the doctor can't find anything wrong.

The simplest answer is: a person is healthy if he is not sick. However, people can be very sick and not know it. Blood tests may be used in this case to see if you are sick, even if you feel well.

Various medical tests may be needed. For example, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer often have no warning signs.

1) You feel good.
2) The doctor says that you are not sick.

well-being usually consists of the following manifestations:

1) You have enough energy to carry out daily activities and stay happy.
2) You sleep well and calmly, and wake up easily, feeling cheerful after sleep.
3) You have regular bowel movements.

External signs of a healthy person

Often good health most of us define through appearance person. A normal physique, a healthy complexion, even a pleasant voice and smile - all this gives us the impression of a healthy and strong individual. Let's look at physiological/physical signs that can tell us if we are in good or bad health.

  • Healthy Gums.

Here is a brief description of healthy gums: Healthy gums are strong, fleshy and resistant to movement; the oral mucosa should be “reddish pink” or “coral pink” with a fine texture. The gums should not be pale, purple or dark red. Healthy gums have a smooth, arched or wavy appearance around each tooth. The lack of certain vitamins and minerals, the presence of a serious illness affects the gums quite quickly.

  • Healthy hair.

A healthy person has healthy hair. Healthy hair easy to notice. They are shiny and bright, not looking like flakes or showing any visible damage. Unhealthy hair can be a harbinger of health problems. According to dermatologists: "We used to think that hair is just protein, but now we understand that there are a number of internal conditions that affect the health of our hair." Yes, hair can be a reflection of a wide variety of health problems!

Dry, limp, thin hair can be caused by more than just hair dyes or swimming in chlorinated water. This may be an indicator of an underactive thyroid known as hypothyroidism. Other signs of hypothyroidism are fatigue, weight gain, slow heart rate, and feeling cold all the time.

Scaly or ruddy spots on the scalp, crusts usually mean psoriasis. Psoriasis is often accompanied by other autoimmune diseases such as Crohn's disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Thinning hair all over the head - the cause may be a sudden, psychological or physical stress, such as a divorce or job loss. Another reason may be heat from flu or infection. Diabetes can also lead to thinning hair or even hair loss. A number of medications and hormonal changes also cause hair loss as a side effect.

Dry, brittle hair that breaks easily - most often the hair becomes more brittle as a result of chemical treatment and dyeing. However, some medical conditions also lead to hair breakage. Among them: Cushing's syndrome, a disease of the adrenal glands that leads to excess production of the hormone cortisol. Excessively dry hair can also indicate that your diet is deficient in omega-3 fatty acids.

  • Healthy Language.

The appearance of the tongue also reflects the overall health of a person. A healthy person has a reddish-pink tongue. In addition, a healthy tongue should not be lined. After the gums, the tongue is the second most common site for various bacteria and pathogens in the mouth that have entered from outside or inside the body. Due to optimal conditions of humidity and temperature, the tongue is a preferred site for colonization of germs and bacteria.

Our tongue can show us when we are sick. Too smooth tongue can indicate anemia or vitamin B-12 deficiency. A swollen tongue may be a sign of an infection. Taste problems can also be a sign of an infection or side effects some medicines. It can also be a sign of nerve damage. Ulcers on the tongue appear due to stress or fatigue. These lesions are usually very painful and sometimes just appear for no known reason.

A white coated tongue usually means you are dehydrated. Smoking or drinking alcohol can cause this condition. Red tongue is a sign of various nutrients. Watch what you eat! If your tongue has bright red spots on its upper surface, it's harmless and usually goes away on its own, but it could be caused by hormonal changes, allergies, or even possibly stress.

  • Regular bowel movements.

Regular stools are also very important when it comes to health. But in most cases, less frequent stools is not necessarily a cause for concern. Regular bowel movements (or bowel movements) can vary from person to person, but there are a few fairly common causes of constipation. Frequent bowel movements are not necessarily a sign of constipation. The sign of constipation has more to do with the consistency of the stool (or feces) and the difficulty of defecation.

Gentle bowel movements are much more important than the fact that they are frequent. Most importantly, regular bowel movements should be free of tension or pain. Your stool can also reveal a lot about your health. As is known, gastrointestinal tract- This is a fairly high-tech processing unit. The gastrointestinal tract assimilates everything nutrients that you accept and eliminates all the waste that is generated. Therefore, your stool reflects how good or bad your body is and how it absorbs nutrients.

  • Deep and restful sleep.

Healthy sleep should last 7-8 hours on average. A person's ability to have deep, restful sleep without numerous disturbances is a strong indicator of overall health. Sleep allows your entire body to regain its energy, heal and restore tone. Deep and restful sleep is the basis of health. Contrary to popular belief, it's not even how many hours you sleep that matters, but how deep your sleep level is. After all, it is the depth of sleep that ensures the regeneration of body tissues and healing from diseases.

Stress and hormonal changes can be one of the causes of sleep deprivation. Insomnia is more common in women than in men due to the secretion of hormones. In fact, insomnia is one of the most common side effects in women due to an increase or decrease in the secretion of hormones that are responsible for controlling PMS, the menstrual cycle, menopause, and more. The occurrence of various diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, asthma, different kinds allergies, arthritis, and thyroid disorders can lead to sleep disturbances. Sleep can also be difficult due to the consumption of medications that are taken to treat these illnesses.

In accordance with the Charter of the World Health Organization (WHO) under health understood "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."

Wherein under physical health refers to the current state of the functional capabilities of the organs and systems of the body.

mental healthis considered as a state of the human mental sphere, characterized by general mental comfort, providing adequate regulation of behavior and conditioned by the needs of a biological and social nature.

social healthis understood as a system of values, attitudes and motives of behavior in the social environment.

However, the definition of health given by WHO experts does not reveal the purpose of its preservation and its importance for a person. From the point of view of the target function of health, V.P. Kaznacheev (1975) gives the following definition of this concept: “ Health it is the process of preservation and development of biological, mental, physiological functions, optimal working capacity and social activity of a person with the maximum duration of his active life”.

Based on this definition, the goal of health is: "ensuring the maximum duration of an active life."

The analysis of the existing definitions of the concepts of health made it possible to identify six main signs of health.

1. The normal functioning of the body at all levels of its organization - cellular, histological, organ, etc. The normal course of physiological and biochemical processes that contribute to individual survival and reproduction.

2. Dynamic balance of the body, its functions and environmental factors or static balance (homeostasis) of the body and the environment. The criterion for evaluating the balance is the correspondence of the structures and functions of the body to the surrounding conditions.

3. Ability to perform fully social functions participation in social activities and socially useful work.

4. The ability of a person to adapt to constantly changing conditions of existence in the environment (adaptation). Health is identified with the concept adaptation, because in order for the system to be preserved, it must change, adapt to the changes taking place in the environment.

5. Absence of diseases, disease states and disease changes.

6. Complete physical, spiritual, mental and social well-being, harmonious development of the physical and spiritual forces of the body, the principle of its unity, self-regulation and harmonious interaction of all its organs.

It is believed that health assessment should be carried out in dynamics for each individual, in accordance with his individual characteristics and current state. The concept of individual health reflects the health of a particular person. It is assessed by personal well-being, the presence or absence of diseases, physical condition, etc. For a complete presentation, taking into account individual indicators of human health, eight main groups of indicators of individual health are currently distinguished (Table 1), a significant part of them can be expressed quantitatively, which allows you to get the total value of the level of health, in addition, the dynamics of individual health indicators will allow you to judge the state and prospects of the health of a given person.

Table 1


genetic Genotype, lack of dysembryogenesis, hereditary defects
Biochemical Indicators of biological tissues and fluids
metabolic Metabolic rate at rest and after exercise
Morphological Level of physical development, type of constitution (morphotype)
Functional Functional state of organs and systems: - norm of rest - norm of reaction - reserve capabilities, functional type
Psychological Emotional-volitional, mental, intellectual spheres: - dominance of the hemisphere - type of GNI - type of temperament - type of dominant instinct
Socio-spiritual Goals, moral values, ideals, level of claims and degree of recognition, etc.
Clinical No signs of illness

For an individual assessment of the health of children and adolescents, a grouping of children by health condition developed by S. M. Grombakh et al. is used. The grouping is based on the state of health of the body, assessed by the absence or presence of functional disorders, morphological abnormalities, chronic diseases and their severity.

The following health groups:

Group I - healthy;

Group II - healthy with functional and some morphological

visual deviations, functional deviations after past illnesses, suffering from frequent acute diseases, having visual impairments of medium degrees;

Group III - patients with chronic diseases in a compensated state, as well as children with physical disabilities, significant consequences of injuries, which, however, do not violate adaptability to work and other living conditions;

Group IV - patients with chronic diseases in a subcompensated state that make it difficult to adapt to work and other living conditions;

Group V - patients in a decompensated state, disabled people of groups I and II.

To characterize the health status of children and adolescents, the following indicators were adopted:

- morbidity by referral is determined by taking into account all cases of diseases per year per 100 examined children and adolescents;

- health indexspecific gravity persons who did not get sick at all during the year as a percentage of the number of those examined;

- the number of frequently ill children during the year. This indicator is determined as a percentage by the ratio of frequently ill children to the number of those examined. At the same time, those children who fell ill four times or more during the year are often considered sick;

- pathological lesion or soreness- the prevalence of chronic diseases, functional deviations as a percentage of the total number of patients examined. Revealed as a result of in-depth medical examinations.

You may also be interested in an article about population (public) health and disease as a concept.
A huge number of methods are used to assess individual health. Beyond measurement respiratory rate and heart rate factors such as well-being, mood, performance, sleep, appetite, pain.
There are also objective indicators for comparison with the previous state or with regulatory characteristics:
- body height and weight;
- chest circumference;
- hand dynamometry;
- Body temperature;
- skin coloring and others.

Normally, the male pulse is 70-75 beats per minute, the female - 75-80 beats per minute. Of course, these indicators are very subjective, because. a huge number of factors depend on the pulse (number of contractions), be it age (the pulse of newborns is 140-150 beats), physical fitness (the average heart rate of athletes is 50-55 beats per minute) and many others.
To determine the pulse at rest and the pulse during exercise, tests are made (for example, 30 squats). The pulse is measured before and after exercise.

Breath-holding tests (average age - 25-30 years):
- more than 50 seconds on inspiration - good;
- 40-49 - satisfactory;
- 39 - unsatisfactory.

On exhalation: over 40 seconds - good, 35-40 - satisfactory;
34 or less - unsatisfactory.

Health signs:

1) resistance to the action of damaging factors;

2) indicators of growth and development within the average statistical norm;

3) the presence of reserve capabilities of the body;

4) the absence of diseases or developmental defects;

5) high level moral-volitional and value-motivational attitudes.

1) Adaptation syndrome - the ability of a person to mobilize all forces to resist a stressful factor.

2) The norm, a standard indicator of health - is the average statistical value of these parameters for determining age and gender.

3) Availability of reserve opportunities - the value of the indicators is above the norm.

The norm is defined as the range of optimal functioning of the body. Norm - the average value of the indicator for a given age and gender. Between health and disease there is a great importance of intermediate states of health. All intermediate states between health and disease scientists call the THIRD state of health. The third state is a state of health when a person is not sick, but not healthy either. Academician I.P. Petlenko calls the 3rd state a predisease. In the third state of health, a person has only a part of the psycho-physiological possibilities given to him by nature. And in the third state of health, you can live your whole life. So he did not realize himself in this world. To anticipate, recognize and eliminate the third state of health and the human body is the most important task of each individual. For this, each person must be a valeologist and must be aware of the state of health. Classification from 4 groups of factors damaging health:

1) Risk factors - habits associated with a person's lifestyle that increase the risk of diseases. This is a very extensive and practically the only group that damages the health of a group of factors that are completely dependent on the person. Alcohol, toxic and narcotic substances, AIDS, altered body weight. Decreased motor activity.

2) Hereditary, congenital and acquired factors.

3) Violation of the protective and adaptive functions of the human body.

4) Diseases of the century - violations associated with negative environmental conditions and the rhythm of life modern man: Ischemic heart disease,

The fundamental condition for the correction, preservation and enhancement of health should be high human activity in relation to their health.

For this you need:

1) To form in your mind a high need for health, as the leading motive of behavior.

2) It is necessary to set tasks and determine ways and methods for solving your health problems.

3) It is necessary to constantly strive for self-improvement and constantly maintaining healthy lifestyle life.

Nature has supplied the human body from birth with the ability to self-regulate and maintain life with a large margin of safety. And it depends on him how he will dispose of this gift, i.e. from his lifestyle. If we conditionally take the level of health as 100%, then approximately 10% depends on medicine, 20% depends on environmental conditions, 20% is heredity, and the remaining 50% depends on a person's lifestyle. Lifestyle is a system of relationships between a person and himself and with environmental factors. By relationships, we understand a complex set of actions and experiences of a person. A healthy lifestyle is the quality and style of life that refracts a person's vital activity in relation to strengthening one's health. Includes labor. Socio-cultural, psychological and other human activities. In addition, there is a mental stability of the organism. Intellectual and creative development, a wide circle of friends and acquaintances, friendly family and others. No orders and encouragement will force him to form his healthy lifestyle until the person himself wants it. Motives for a healthy lifestyle:

1) Self-preservation

2) Submission to the rules of culture and life

3) Getting satisfaction from self-improvement

4) Opportunity for self-improvement

The term "health" in a general sense refers not only to a particular individual. It applies both to the group and to society as a whole. In the article, we will specifically define what it is - the health of the population, by what indicators it is assessed. Let's start with the definition of the concept.

What is public health?

Dictionaries offer us several interpretations of the term. Public health is:

Varieties of health

Now - classification. Health is generally divided into several key varieties:

  • Individual. This is the health of a particular person. It is assessed by his physical development and condition, personal well-being, the presence / absence of diseases, pathologies, etc.
  • Group. General indicators of health of any groups - professional, social, age.
  • Public health of the population. What stands out here? A reflection of the health indicators of members of a society, but not the overall health of all its members. Note that WHO has not yet proposed a single capacious definition of this concept. Therefore, we consider its various interpretations.

public health

We learned that this is the health of the population. Some other definitions are also offered here. Public health is:

  • The optimal state of society, which provides all the conditions for a productive, active lifestyle of its members. The vital activity of people is not hampered by either mental or physical illnesses. Public health is something without which the society will not be able to create spiritual and material values. This is the wealth of society (according to Yu. P. Lisitsin).
  • The state of society, in which the formation of

Hence, the index of public health will be the ratio of individuals who follow the precepts of a healthy lifestyle, and individuals who ignore these rules, have bad habits, etc.

The concept of “public health potential” is also important. This is a measure of the quality, quantity of health of members of the society, its reserves that have been accumulated by society.

Let's move on to the main topic.

Social health assessment

Specialists of the World Health Organization have developed a number of characteristics on the basis of which an assessment of the health of the population is given. It's the following:

  • The share of gross domestic product (GDP) that goes towards health care development.
  • Availability of primary health care in the community.
  • Providing the population with safe drinking water.
  • Percentage of people who have been vaccinated against dangerous infectious diseases.
  • Indicators on the quality of nutrition of children. Particular attention is paid to babies that were born with a small body weight (up to 2.5 kg).
  • The level of infant mortality in society.
  • Average life indicators.
  • Adult literacy rate.
  • The share of GDP per member of society.

Indicators for assessing public health

The health status of the population is assessed by experts on the basis of three groups of indicators:

  • Medical.
  • mental well-being. This includes the level of mental disorders, the frequency of neurotic, psychopathic conditions, etc.
  • Social welfare. The basis here is the demographic situation in society, the overwhelming way of life of the population, external factors influence environment level of medical care.

Description of public health

In international practice, when describing the state of society, experts always pay attention to the following factors public health:

  • A number of important demographic indicators. This is the average life expectancy, fertility and mortality - perinatal, infant, general, child, age.
  • Morbidity rates in society are general, for specific age groups, in relation to chronic, non-specific, infectious diseases, certain types of pathologies, diseases associated with a person’s temporary loss of working capacity.
  • The level of physical development of the population.
  • Data on people with disabilities - reasons for obtaining disability, statistics (children, age-specific, general).

Population Health Study

The health of society is an object for observation, research by WHO experts, similar national, regional organizations. In their work, specialists use the following methods:

  • Sociological. In particular, these are interviews, questionnaires, comprehensive examination families.
  • Medico-statistical.
  • Organized experiment.
  • Expert.

Medical indicators

These most important indicators of public health are divided by experts into independent categories:

  • Physical development.
  • Disability.
  • Morbidity.
  • The mechanical movement of the population.
  • Demographic.

Each of the groups is worth considering in detail.


These are indicators of the natural movement of the population. Among the most important are the following:

  • Average birth rates.
  • Perinatal mortality (children during childbirth).
  • Child mortality.
  • infant mortality.
  • Natural population growth is the difference between births and deaths.
  • Indicators of the aging of society.
  • Average life expectancy is the number of years that, according to current statistics, the average representative of a given generation will have to live.

Indicators of physical development

In other words, these are indicators of the formation of a living organism. Established by measuring height, weight, circumference chest, muscle strength, lung capacity, body fat. Based on this, standards for population groups are formed. They, in turn, are used to evaluate individually physical. development.

The ethnographic factor, the climatic features of the region will leave an imprint on the standards. From here their local variations are created.

Disability rates

Health disorders with persistent dysfunctions of the body are fixed, which cause certain diseases, injuries, congenital pathologies. Their consequence is one - the restriction of human life.

Specialists find the necessary data through medical and social examinations.

Incidence rates

It takes into account the one that arose in the current year) and its prevalence (morbidity - the disease that arose last year continues in the current year). It is studied by type - general, infectious, with disability, etc.

The incidence of the population will show the frequency, prevalence and level of diseases - both taken together and each separately, both among the entire society and among its individual groups. Includes quantitative, qualitative, individual assessments.

Indicators of the mechanical movement of the population

This is data on the movement of the population from region to region of the country, outside the state. Why is it important? Migration has a direct impact on the health of the population - the sanitary condition of society, the spread of infections.

And now it is worth disassembling the characteristics established for the Russian Federation.

Adult health groups

The description of the health groups of the population of the Russian Federation we have drawn up in the form of a table.

Health group


Necessary activities

Practically healthy people who do not have deviations in physical condition, do not suffer from chronic diseases.

This also includes those with slight deviations in blood pressure, which do not affect well-being

Annual medical checkups

Patients with chronic diseases that do not affect overall well-being, performance. Diseases without exacerbations, in remission.

General examination at least 2 times a year. Medical treatment by specific specialists

People with chronic diseases, which are characterized by periodic exacerbations. Consequence - frequent loss of performance for a long or short time

The frequency of medical examinations is determined by the attending doctor.

Now let's move on to young citizens.

Child Health Groups

The information is also best presented in the form of a table.

Health group Characteristic
First The group is exposed to almost completely healthy children. They rarely get sick, do not have physical and mental abnormalities.
Second The guys here have small physiological, morphological deviations, minor health problems. There are no chronic diseases, but immunity is somewhat reduced. The frequency of infections per year - no more than 4 cases
Subgroup "A". Healthy children, but with burdened heredity. Either the mother was diagnosed with complications during pregnancy or childbirth
Subgroup "B". Children with some functional impairment, or children who are at risk of developing a chronic disease
Third Children with latent (not manifesting themselves) chronic diseases or congenital pathologies
Fourth Exhibited to children who have been diagnosed with low resistance of the immune system, chronic diseases with frequent exacerbations that worsen general well-being, congenital pathologies
Fifth A group for children with disabilities, severe defects in the physical, mental development, oncological diseases

We turn to the last topic of our material.

Citizens' health protection

Russian legislation explains the protection of public health as a system of political, economic, legal, cultural, social, scientific, sanitary, medical, anti-epidemic measures. Their complex is aimed at maintaining the health (psychological and physical) of each member of the society, maintaining its active longevity, providing qualified medical care if necessary.

The right to public health to civil society Russian Federation guarantee the following acts:

  • The Constitution of the Russian Federation.
  • International norms, acts and regulations of the Russian Federation.
  • Constitutions, normative acts of subjects of the Russian Federation.

Population health is an important object for study, analysis by WHO experts and others. medical organizations. It helps to learn the important characteristics of the whole society, to apply them to any of its members.
