Speech at 1 year and 3 months. Skills and development of the child in one year and three months. How does mental development take place

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The development of a child at 1 year and 3 months is proceeding at a rapid pace. The kid walks, climbs onto chairs, gets off them, begins to master the steps. The baby understands a lot of words and pronounces about a dozen. He can play with several objects at the same time, tries to draw and sculpt from plasticine. Regular classes as fun game help him get to know the world better and learn something new.

Physical development of the child

In the first half of the second year of life, boys weigh 9.2-11.5 kg, girls - 8.5-10.9 kg. The growth of boys reaches 76.6-81.7 cm, head circumference - 45.5-48.1 cm.Girls grow up to 74.8-80.2 cm, their head in a circle has 44.3-47.0 cm The figure of children is becoming more and more athletic. Their tummy disappears, arms and legs are no longer so plump. This is not surprising, because babies are actively moving.

Most children of one year and three months are already walking. If the baby has not yet gotten to his feet on his own, you should consult a doctor. Some toddlers still combine walking and crawling to suit their particular situation. They know how not only to crawl into a chair and get off it. On all fours they climb the stairs and descend from it. The child easily makes turns in any direction when walking, and even when running. Without any problems, he bends and rises, squats and sits on the buttocks. Falls in children after a year happen more often, but much less often than when they took their first steps.

The kid tries to move backwards, sits well on high chair... After a year, you should think about how to lock the cabinet doors. The child can already calmly open them and pull things out of there. He does a great job with his toys. He pulls the cars by the string or pushes, throws the ball and tries to dig with his foot. The toddler begins to actively use household items, eats with a spoon, drinks from a mug, and brushes his hair himself. When you collect it outside, it helps to tuck the handle into the sleeve of the jacket, put the leg in a shoe.

Intellectual and emotional development

After a year, the child has an active development of speech. His passive stock is quite large, he can actively use at the age of 1 year and 3 months a dozen or two words. The kid with pleasure fulfills the requests of the parents to show this or that object. Often dad and mom are surprised how he remembers names. After all, not all things were specially shown to him. The fact is that the baby listens attentively to adults, their communication is also a kind of study for him. The kid talks a lot with himself and his toys, repeating the intonations of his mother, coming up with his own. Every day, the active vocabulary of children is increasing, they are constantly improving their vocabulary.

Toddler's games become more challenging too. He already carries small animals and cubes in a truck, tries to assign roles if his mother showed them to him. Some children can put together a stable pyramid of 3-4 cubes, correctly insert simple shapes in the right places on the frames. The child can paint and sculpt, which brings him unspeakable pleasure. They play both with their mother and on their own, and their independent play can last 10-15 minutes without a break. Much depends on the nature of the children, which is clearly manifested after the age of one year. There are calm kids who like to play quietly, study the structure of toys, fold turrets, tinker with cars. There are children who like to run and exercise more.

Changes at the age of one year and three months and social behavior... The child is still attached to his mother, but he is already showing more independence. His social circle, in which he feels safe, is quite wide. Includes not only dad and mom and grandparents, but also friends of parents who often come to the house. With new people, the baby behaves wary, but in the presence of his mother he is already trying to impose contacts. Shows interest in peers, although children at 1 year and 3 months still do not quite understand how to play with each other. Most likely they will sit side by side, each doing their own thing. They will try to take away toys, or vice versa, share their things. Sometimes they babble, but this is not a real conversation or interaction yet.

Emotional and psychological development of a child at 1 year 3 months is also intense. The kid is able to violently show his joy at the sight of familiar people. He is happy to go for a walk and is delighted with the word "walk", or at the sight of a jacket that his mother takes off the hanger. Toddlers who love water react happily to the word "swim". Children already know the names of loved ones well and happily react to the words "dad", "grandfather", "grandmother". Manifested in a child and negative emotions... He becomes moody when he wants to get his way. Sometimes he becomes stubborn, does not want to fulfill the requests of his parents. The kid still has difficulty controlling his emotions. How positive they are will depend on the environment. If the atmosphere at home is calm and joyful, the child is not scolded, he will more often have fun and laugh. When the baby sees quarrels, constantly angry and nervous dad and mom, he will copy their behavior, become aggressive and uncontrollable.

Regimen and nutrition of the child

Some children continue to eat their mother's milk after a year. This is quite normal, now pediatricians recommend weaning children from the breast at two years old. Breastfeeding is carried out 1-2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening. It happens that babies wake up to eat at night. During the day, the baby eats 4-5 times, his diet should include cereals, vegetables and fruits, meat, eggs, cottage cheese. He should drink 500-700 grams of milk per day, including breastfeeding. If the baby is prone to allergies, instead of the usual cow, he can be given an adapted formula for children after a year. The child's menu should be constantly expanding, introduce him to new dishes, select them according to the child's taste. Here is an example of a one day menu for a one year old and three month old baby:

  • Morning meal. Millet porridge with pumpkin on milk, tea, bread with butter and cheese.
  • Dinner. Broccoli puree soup, steamed veal cutlets, grated boiled carrots, apple juice.
  • Afternoon snack. Milk pudding.
  • Evening meal. Carrot and rice soufflé, bread with butter, yogurt.

At a year and 3 months, the child can already be given a little citrus fruits and grapes, but the emphasis should be on berries, apples and pears. All vegetables are allowed, including legumes and cabbage. But you should not overuse foods that contain a lot of fiber. They can cause bloating and diarrhea in the baby. Once a week, you need to give a fish, 2-3 times - eggs. The menu must include fermented milk products, fermented yogurt, kefir. Smoked meats, canned food and marinades should not be given. With sweets, in addition to uncomfortable cookies, you should also postpone.

Since the child after a year is actively moving, mastering the world, he gets tired. Therefore, you should properly observe the regime. The baby sleeps at this age once or twice during the day. The first dream should be longer than the second. Night sleep lasts about ten hours. Children can still wake up at night to eat. Putting the baby in the crib, both during the day and in the evening, should be at the same time. The same goes for bathing and eating. If the baby develops the baby correctly at an early age, it will be easier for him to adapt to the kindergarten and school.

Activities with a child

All activities with a child after a year should be in the form of a game. The kid should not get tired, accept training with joy. Emotional and mental development exercises should alternate with gymnastics. Charging is best done with music. If your baby doesn't like walking and running, try to get him interested. Spread the toys out on the chairs and have your toddler put them together. Ask him to bring something from another room. On the street, offer to drive your stroller yourself. Play catch-up with him, show how other children can walk and run.

Squat exercises are helpful. Take the baby by the handles and try to sit down with him. To develop dexterity and coordination of movements in your toddler, teach him how to climb over a hoop or over other obstacles. Just show the baby different dance moves, either alone or on video, the baby will be happy to repeat them. All children have different ear for music, but they perfectly distinguish between cheerful melodies and calm ones. Under some they dance, under others they fall asleep.

The baby's first serious birthday is already over, his growing up and development continues. In the second year of life, the child becomes more and more curious, his skills and abilities are developing at a rapid pace.

Physiology of a child of one year and three months

After one year, the baby will grow slightly more slowly, and the weight gain will also slow down. Don't worry, this is normal. The baby now moves a lot, and almost all of the energy is spent on providing physical activity. Most likely, you have already completely switched to an adult table and a one-time nap.

Child psychology at one year and three months

In a year and three months, the actions of the baby are still governed by emotions (the will is also present, but the initial impulse still comes from a specific emotion), consciousness is also included in the work. At fifteen months, the child begins to understand what it means to play together. At this age, the child begins to show the first interest in peers. Now, for a while, children can fill the same bucket together or dig the same hole, until the attention of one of them turns to something else.

At 1 year and 3 months, you can already start reading before bedtime. Just three months ago, books were of interest, first of all, as an object that must be looked at, touched and tasted. By the time the child was one year old, he had learned to turn the pages and had learned many of the objects depicted in the book. And now he is ready to listen and perceive stories with an unpretentious plot. Evening reading can be a wonderful laying down ritual and build love for books in the future.

Skills and abilities of a child at one year and three months:
- improves walking skills: holding an adult's hand, a child can go up and down stairs, step over small obstacles, maintain balance;
- with pleasure learns new sounds and words, tirelessly repeating them after adults;
- is engaged in "research" activities, understanding the cause-and-effect relationship: if you build too high a pyramid of cubes, it will fall; if you push the glass off the table, it will also fall; if you walk with your eyes closed, you will fall yourself.

In a year and three months, you can begin to develop the first good habits - through frequently repeated conscious actions. Cleaning the room before going to bed, stacking clothes, washing and combing in the morning - the baby now perceives all this in the context of his life. In addition, he is already able to remember that after the game you need to put the toys in a box, and after dinner, put the plate in the sink. This is how internal organization is brought up.

Tips for parents of a one year old and three month old baby

The entire second year of life will be marked for parents by the ever-increasing research activity of the baby. Be condescending and remember that his instincts are still in control. How else do you know what happens to a cup if it falls to the floor if you don't throw it off the table? It is quite difficult to explain anything to a child in a year and three months, although it must be done. But the kid cannot keep your parting words in his memory for a long time, so do not be too lazy to once again take care of safety and check that the iron is turned off and plugs are inserted into the sockets. Knowledge of the world should not be traumatic.

Source - https://deti.mail.ru

During his first year of life, your wonderful baby has changed significantly. He grew by 20-25 cm, his body weight tripled, he learned to drink from a cup on his own, put it on the table, use objects while playing, perhaps he can walk. In addition to all this, your child, for sure, understands the names of many objects, knows his name and the names of the people around him, knows how to communicate using simple words, understands your "no", fulfills simple requests, memorized actions ... How many achievements in such a short period! Feel proud of your baby?

The second year of your amazing life has started

In the first half of the second year of life, the improvement and consolidation of those skills that arose at the end of the first year of life mainly take place. First of all, walking is improving.

By the age of one and a half, the baby can step over obstacles with an attached step, begins to run. At this age, the child is very mobile - he runs several kilometers per day. And at the same time he does not get tired! The baby develops ideas about the distance and location of objects in space. And the increased physical activity increases interest in everything that surrounds him. The young researcher wants to touch everything, to taste it.

Each child develops at his own individual pace. For different children, the development of their own capabilities occurs at different times.

However, there are age norms: how and when a child should start walking, running, drawing, speaking, reading, writing ...

All these frameworks show parents, no later than what time should this or that function develop. If it is not formed by the required age, it is customary to talk about developmental delay. This usually happens if the baby is seriously ill or when no one is working with him.

Learn about the skills that a child should acquire by a certain age. Do not be upset if your little one is not yet coping with something. This is a hint for you - what he needs to practice.

After all, it is worth giving a child at least a little attention, teaching him through the game, telling something, showing him pictures, reading books, how he begins to grow wiser, grow up by leaps and bounds. But if your anxiety does not go away, the baby does not know how much of what is supposed to be at his age, be sure to consult with a pediatrician and a psychologist.

Physical development of the child:

  • Makes attempts to get off a high chair.
  • Creeps well; overcomes several steps of a staircase on all fours with the same ease up and down.
  • He walks up the stairs with support.
  • He walks without support.
  • Travels through living quarters: from crawling to walking, from walking to crawling.
  • Knows how to move backwards.
  • Can climb furniture.
  • Sits well in a child's chair.
  • Dexterously throws the ball, kicks it (although often misses), rolls the ball.
  • Uses various household items: toothbrush, cup, saucer, spoon, comb, etc.
  • Can eat independently.
  • Opens the doors of cabinets and cabinets available to him, pulls out the objects found there.
  • Helps an adult when dressing: he looks for a sleeve with his hand, puts his foot in the shoe himself.

Indicators of a child from 1 year to 1 year and 3 months

Growth chart and

And the weight graph


74.78-75.78 cm

10.045-10.665 kg

Head circumference

Girth chest

Child mental development:

  • The kid loves ball games.
  • He is very interested in the contents of the cabinets: he opens the doors, pulls out the drawers, throws the contents of the cabinets out and examines it for a long time.
  • Uses dishes, toiletries.
  • Likes to "talk" on the phone.
  • Loves walking; in a hurry to walk, helps with dressing.
  • He actively demonstrates his feelings: hugs and kisses his favorite toy, the person he loves.
  • If he is obliged to do what he does not want, he becomes angry and demonstrates independence with his whole appearance.
  • He knows close people not only by their faces, but also by their names; understands who they are talking about when they say the name.
  • Correctly follows instructions such as "Take a spoon", "Gimme a toy", "Throw a ball", etc.
  • Shows interest in objects that are more complex than toys, is interested in their construction.
  • Likes to put items out of the box and put them back; closes the box with a lid.
  • He enjoys playing with cubes: he puts them one on top of the other.
  • Can play with household items available to him: shoes, casket, box, cups, saucepan, mom's cosmetic set, hat, etc.
  • “Talking” with the objects with which he plays.
  • Tries to paint.
What kind of gymnastics is recommended at this age?

Children should not be forced to do exercises. Therefore, try to turn gymnastics into addicting game, which you can play both at home and while walking. You can also practice the exercises with music for more fun.

Classes are held daily or once every two days, 30-40 minutes after breakfast or immediately after a nap for 10-12 minutes.

Put on shorts, a T-shirt and socks for your baby. Perform exercises with an open window or in a ventilated room.

Get everything you need ready before starting some fun gymnastics. You will need: funny toys, hoop, large ball, stick or board, box, rug.

First independent steps

An adult is standing on the floor holding on to an object such as a table, sofa, chair, or leaning against it. Lure the child with a bright toy, then bringing it closer, then moving it away from the baby. Repeat 2-4 times.

Squat holding the hoop

The kid holds with both hands for the hoop, which is in the hands of an adult. At the command "Let's sit down!" the child crouches without releasing the hoop. Squat with him. Repeat 5-6 times.

Crawling through the hoop

An adult holds a hoop through which a toy is visible that attracts the baby's attention. The child crawls through the hoop and straightens up. You can place the toy higher, for example, on a table. This will make the child reach for her. Repeat 4-6 times.

Crawling under an obstacle (stick or board)

Place the obstacle at a height of 30-50 cm. After crawling, invite the child to take out the toy placed on a stool 40-45 cm high. Repeat 3-4 times.

Flexion and extension of the trunk

Place the child on your lap. Pinch his shins with your thighs. Flex and extend the baby's torso. Repeat 3-4 times.

Ball rolling

Sit with your child on the floor opposite each other, legs wide apart. Roll a big ball in any given direction. Repeat 6-8 times.

Climbing on an object (box, sofa)

First, invite the baby to climb onto a box 10-15 cm high, and then onto a sofa 40 cm high. Repeat 2-3 times.

Toy squat

Place 2-3 toys at opposite ends of the room. Encourage your child to crouch to pick up toys. Repeat 2-3 times.

Throwing the ball

The child stands without support, holding a large ball with both hands. Have him throw the ball with both hands in any direction. Repeat 4-6 times.

Raising your legs

The child lies on his back on the rug. Hold the stick firmly over his legs at a height of 50-60 cm. The kid should raise his legs, trying to reach the stick with them. Repeat 3-4 times.


The kid stands without support. Encourage him to walk around the room at a distance of 5-8 meters, giving him the necessary support. Repeat 2-3 times.

At 1 year and 3 months (15 months), the child develops his own food preferences. During this period, it is important to accustom your baby to healthy and varied meals in the diet. Nutrition regimen, food quality, culinary processing and a smooth transition from pureed to solid food remain important.

Let's start with those on children's table should appear daily.

Milk and its derivatives

A source of animal protein, vitamins, etc.

Total volume breast milk or an adapted mixture, kefir, yogurt and other dairy products: 500 ml per day.

  • Breastfeeding is not canceled. Mom can feed the baby 1-2 times a day early in the morning and at night. As the needs of the child's body change, the amount and quality of breast milk changes. Therefore, overeating does not threaten the child.
  • Adapted mixture take away only one feeding, which can be replaced with 200 ml of kefir or fermented milk mixture before bedtime.
  • Cottage cheese (the daily rate does not exceed 50 g) is offered in its pure form or used to make steamed cheesecakes, puddings, soufflés.
  • or yogurt give up to 200 ml per day. Choose products with live lactic acid bacteria and mark "For baby food".


Sources of slow carbohydrates, B vitamins and minerals.

Gluten-containing representatives appear in the diet: wheat, oatmeal, millet porridge with milk or water (≈200 g).

For children with poor weight gain 1-2 times a week, you can cook semolina, but without fanaticism: it contains fitins that impede the absorption of calcium and vitamin D.


Meat products are rich in proteins and amino acids, B vitamins, and iron.

Lean pork, homemade chicken, rabbit, beef and veal are included on the menu 4-5 times a week, 80 g per serving in the form of cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, soufflés.


Suppliers vegetable protein, vitamins, fiber and minerals.

Used for cooking fresh salads, stewing, added to soups.

Total amount per day: 200 g.

A good option is a spoonful of homemade jam to cottage cheese, cheese cakes or porridge.

Please note! Permissible: 35 g per day, taking into account its content in other products (milk, cereals, fruits, vegetables, etc.).


May be harmful: it provokes fluid retention and increases the burden on the kidneys.

About reluctance

Appetite in childhood is not constant and decreases for various reasons:

  • inactivity;
  • high-calorie snacks;
  • malaise;
  • unwillingness to eat what is offered.

Refusal to eat is not a reason to force-feed a baby.

Children's doctor Komarovsky advises:

  • leave the child the right to choose;
  • temporarily replace the unloved with an equivalent in calorie content, but from other products (for example, porridge for pasta or mashed potatoes);
  • do not repeat during the day and, if possible, the week;
  • observe rituals: wash pens, arrange plates, tie a napkin;
  • to offer delicious and beautifully presented dishes.

Binge eating

Another problem in baby food after a year, although it is less common.

Usually, overeating is associated with the parent's attempts to get the child to eat more.

  • overweight;
  • decreased physical activity;
  • malfunctions of the digestive system;
  • violation of intestinal microflora;
  • decreased immunity.


Experts consider indiscriminate snacks to be the reason for refusing the main meal.

But it is sometimes difficult for a physically active child to take a break of 4 hours - he needs a snack to replenish energy costs.

What to do:

  1. To eliminate the feeling of hunger, give a few pieces of fruit, vegetables, a slice of cheese or 1-2 baby cookies with kefir.
  2. Reinforce the fidget 1.5 hours before the main meal.
  3. If the baby wants to eat 30-40 minutes earlier than the established schedule, go to meet him.

It is important to learn to understand whether the child is really hungry, or if he is thirsty. The suggested water, unsweetened compote can be a quick solution to the problem.

Breast milk

Mother's milk after a year:

  • 95% provides vitamin C;
  • helps in the digestion of food;
  • provides immune protection against infections.

Cooking principles

By the age of 1 year and 3 months, the child's digestive system can already easily cope with many products, provided they are properly prepared and processed.

Steam cooking in a steamer or multicooker is a priority. An acceptable option is cooking, an acceptable option is stewing.

Vegetables for fresh salads are rubbed on, and cut into small pieces before heat treatment. In stews and first courses, you can knead them a little with a fork.

The meat is passed through a meat grinder for steamed meatballs, cutlets, meatballs, soufflé. Boil for pates, followed by grinding in a blender, cut into small pieces for stewing.

For fish fillets, cooking, stewing, baking in foil is suitable. It is also used to make minced meat for meatballs and cutlets.

Eggs are cooked only hard-boiled, in the form of fat-free with the addition of milk, used for fish and minced meat, curd cakes and casseroles with subsequent heat treatment.

It is preferable to porridge of a homogeneous consistency, well boiled. Buyable: Age-appropriate soluble industrial production or quick-digestible in flakes.

Butter and vegetable oil added to food at the end of cooking, without exposing it to high temperatures.

Fresh fruit is peeled, cut into small pieces or offered to the baby in a nibbler as a safer option.

For the preparation of milk porridge, you can use adapted mixtures. Whole cow's milk remains banned for up to 3 years due to the high risk of allergy to milk protein.

  • choose only fresh and organic products;
  • prepare food just before serving;
  • do not give the fidget too hot or cold.

Making a menu

Porridge or vegetable dishes200 g
Curd, fish, meat or egg dish50 g
Tea100 ml
A fresh vegetable salad30 g
First50 g
Second (meat or fish)70 g
Side dish (vegetable or cereal)70 g
Compote or juice100 ml
Afternoon snack
Kefir or yogurt150 ml
Cookies, crackers or biscuits15 g
Fresh fruit or fruit puree100 g
Meat with vegetables, vegetable, cereal or curd dish180 g
Kefir or yogurt100 ml

A year and three months is a period when the intensive physical development of the baby is already behind, and monthly changes in height and weight are no longer important indicators of the correct development of the baby. At this age, the mental development of the toddler comes to the fore - now the kid who actively learns the world pleases the parents with his discoveries and achievements. But in order to control the development of the crumbs and, if necessary, correct it in a timely manner, it is important to know what a child should be able to do at 1 year and 3 months.

Physical development

According to the WHO, with the correct physical development of the child:

  • The height of boys is 76.6–81.7 cm, and the height of girls is 74.8–80.2 cm;
  • Boys 'weight ranges from 9.2 to 11.5 kg, and girls' weight ranges from 8.5 to 10.9 kg;
  • Head circumference in boys varies from 45.5 to 48.1 cm, and in girls - from 44.3 to 47.0 cm.

Important: The above indicators do not take into account the hereditary factor, therefore, if the height and weight of the baby does not correspond to the average data, but the child, according to experts, is healthy, there is no need to worry.

At a year and three months, the baby already strives for independence and has certain skills. Tiny:

  1. Not only crawls on all fours, but easily overcomes obstacles in the form of steps in this position. If necessary, the baby crawls like a cancer, booty forward.
  2. He walks up the steps, holding on to his parent's hand, and walks on a flat surface without support.
  3. He actively moves around the apartment, using and combining all the modes of movement available to him.
  4. Climbs on sofas, chairs and other not very tall furniture.
  5. Perfectly sits on a high children's chair and tries to get off it himself.
  6. Opens all unlocked furniture doors and removes contents from there.
  7. With varying success he uses a comb, toothbrush, spoon and other similar items, copes well with a children's cup.
  8. Able to eat independently (the quality of the process depends on the nature and food habits of the toddler).
  9. He helps to dress himself - he looks for a sleeve with his hand, puts a foot in his shoes.
  10. He throws the ball well with his hands, rolls it, tries to kick (hits alternate with misses).

On the playground, the baby is not yet able to fully interact with other children, so the baby either enthusiastically fiddles with his toys with the participation of his mother, or watches the play of other children and occasionally tries to drag other people's property over to him.

At this age, the child may already ask for a potty, but since this skill is associated with volitional processes, this skill also applies to the mental development of the baby.

Mental development

After a year, the emotional sphere develops at a rapid pace - the child reacts violently to the appearance of parents, new toys, copies the behavior of adults and their facial expressions. The kid shows interest in other children and can "become infected" with their emotions (loudly laughing or crying for the company). The emotional background is still very mobile - the mood of the baby can change very quickly. Compared to the previous period, the baby is more balanced during the day.

The world around us is cognized through sensitive and emotional perception (what is “hot” or “painful” is cognized empirically). The new surprises the child, the unexpected frightens.

The kid enthusiastically explores everything around him, since he is already beginning to catch the cause-and-effect relationship (if something is pushed, it falls, etc.).

If something did not work out for the little one, he gets upset, and rejoices if he has achieved his goal. In difficult moments, the baby turns to adults for support.

One year and three months old baby:

  • Knows two shapes (ball-ball and cube-cubes);
  • Able to distinguish objects by color and size;
  • Knows how to build a turret from cubes, assemble and disassemble a pyramid;
  • Reproduces learned actions with toys (carries a typewriter, feeds toys, etc.);
  • Likes to play with household items, “talk” on the phone;
  • Examines the device of objects;
  • Lays out items from boxes and puts them back, covering them with a lid;
  • Can try to "paint".

In a year and 3 months, the development of speech proceeds at a rapid pace, so the baby talks with toys.

Child's speech

The speech development of a child at 1 year 3 months normally includes:

  1. Significant increase in passive vocabulary(words that the baby understands, although not all of them are pronounced).
  2. Repetition of new words and sounds. Most of the words denote close ones ("ma-ma", "ba-ba", etc.) or are onomatopoeic (dog - "ava" or "av-av"). The kid can, instead of a word, pronounce the initial syllable or syllable under stress (such words differ from random syllables by being bound to a specific object or situation).
  3. Pronunciation of words united according to a certain characteristic (for example, "am-am" can be both dishes, and an expression of a desire to eat, and a statement of the fact that someone is eating or is eating it). The sign by which different objects are generalized can be varied - shape, texture, etc.
  4. Pronouncing a question word-sound and simultaneously pointing a finger at an object. Thus, the child makes it clear that he wants to know the name of this thing.
  5. Can selectively listen to poetry (while looking at the book) or a short "bedtime story", but the repertoire is always limited ("Turnip", if the child agrees to listen to the story, can be repeated several times in one day - kids like it when they recognize the text, but they cannot remember long works in prose).

The development of speech in children depends on how often the parents communicate with the child. Speech develops faster in babies, whose mothers and fathers comment on their actions, and in response to the pointing gesture of the crumbs or to its “word” designating an object, they name the object or explain its purpose.

Body sensations and actions that accompany a new word contribute to the development of vocabulary (you can touch a leaf, ring a bell).

Important: At this stage in the development of a toddler (up to 2 years old), you need to be very careful with early learning techniques. Children during this period are really able to remember letters, numbers and shapes well. Since these are abstract concepts, and there is no abstract thinking at this age, learning takes on the character of mechanical memorization and harms the development of speech. In addition, training in a variety of methods should not dominate live emotional communication, otherwise you will grow up a child prodigy with emotional disorders.

Developing activities and games

Many mothers, once in a toy store, are lost from the abundance of bright and varied toys. On the one hand, I want to please the child with a new toy, and on the other hand, the child ignores the singing hippo, and instead fiddles with the box.

What toys does a child need at 1 year old, what will he really play, and what will contribute to development?

For children after a year and three months, you can buy:

  1. Wheelchairs - a figurine of an animal or an object that "come to life" during movement (they twist their head, touch their paws, etc.). Until the age of one and a half years, it is worth purchasing only those wheelchairs that need to be pushed in front of him - it is more interesting for a child to go for a toy that he sees than to pull it along. Thanks to wheelchairs, babies' walking becomes automatic faster. Of course, when choosing a gurney, you need to pay attention not only to brightness and showiness, but also to stability. It is advisable not to buy toys that make harsh sounds.
  2. Toys that help to master the actions performed with household items. Such toys include molds and shovels for the sandbox (in winter you can dig snow with a large shovel), doll dishes (should be strong enough and not very small in size), toys imitating a construction tool (hammer, etc.), a fishing rod fish with a magnet, etc.
  3. Self-teaching toys (pyramid, inserts, cubes), when playing with which the child has to independently correlate the size, location or shape of the parts.
  4. Toys for the development of speech - plot pictures or large puzzles, books for the little ones (in a hard cover, with bright pictures like "Where's whose baby", "Vegetables", etc.).
  5. Balls - from a bouncy ball that fits in your hand to a children's fitness ball (you can only use it with your mom!).
  6. Physical ladders, rugs, hoops, etc. (if the nursery allows, you can even buy a slide).
  7. Cars - trucks for transporting cubes, sand, etc. (even girls like it), cars that you can ride with your feet and just bright cars that you can carry on a string.
  8. Age-appropriate interactive and musical toys (eg Chicco Farm). Such toys stimulate the development of speech and train memory.

Physical activities

In this age period, children cannot play on their own for a long time, therefore, in addition to developing toys, the baby needs developing games. The first step has already been left behind, but not all children are equally dexterous with their own bodies. It is for physical development that exercises are recommended:

  • With a hoop (joint squats with an adult, when both parent and child hold on to the hoop, crawling through the hoop, etc.);
  • Flexion and extension of the trunk;
  • Ball rolling;
  • Squats, in which the baby collects toys;
  • Raising legs, etc.

Important: Any developmental activities should be a pleasure for the child, a game, therefore it is strictly forbidden to force the baby - if the child resists, he needs to be interested. Classes should not take much time, since the baby gets tired quickly, and should be carried out regularly.

Baby food at 1 year and 3 months

The daily regimen remains the same, meals - five or four times a day, with an interval of 3-4 hours.

The diet should contain a sufficient amount of dairy products (the amount of cottage cheese can be increased, add a small amount of low-fat sour cream), fruits and vegetables.

It is advisable to chop berries with a dense skin in mashed potatoes, soft fruits can be given in slices. Exotic fruits should only be given in moderation. If you are prone to allergies, it is advisable to consult an allergist before introducing a new product.

Dishes should be served stewed or boiled, and sweets should be present in a minimum amount (cookies or waffles for an afternoon snack).

Since children at this age can sort out what they will eat and what not, the dishes can be decorated in an original way (in the form of animal faces, etc.).
