5 rules of the head. How to lead the right lifestyle. Rules of a healthy lifestyle. Refuse bad habits

In the modern world, the number of factors that have a detrimental effect on the body increase annually - more and more preservatives are added to the food, the air becomes more contaminated, and the lifestyle of people is less mobile. In this regard, the careful attitude towards his health is becoming more and more relevant.

A healthy lifestyle is a regular compliance with certain ruleshelping a person in strengthening and maintaining your body healthy and active.

A healthy lifestyle does not require a cardinal lifestyle change - these are only a few simple actions, which are not completely difficult to perform, and which are very quickly becoming regular habits. Below will be given 10 main rules of a healthy lifestyleBy observing which, you will very quickly lead the body in order.

10 rules of a healthy lifestyle

You probably heard that a person, to maintain the good condition of the body, you need to drink around 2 liters of water a day? This is due to the fact that the consumption of pure water is comprehensively affecting various organism systems, "updating" and cleaning them, namely:

  • Improves digestion;
  • Removes harmful substances from the body;
  • Improves skin condition;
  • Improves the mobility of the joints;

Also do not forget that an 80% organism consists of waterand regularly consume clean water - it means to "update" the body, withdrawing everything too much. However, drink 2 liters of pure water a day, especially in winter, when you want to drink more hot tea or coffee, very difficult. In this case, follow the optimal norm - 4 cups per dayWhat is not difficult at all, however, is a sufficient amount for the health of an adult organism.

Proper nutrition

One of the most important elements of a healthy lifestyle is proper nutrition. It consists of 3 components: consumption of healthy products, rejection of harmful dishes and the right mode Nutrition.

The use of healthy products does not require much effort - in the diet should be present meat and fish dishes, Fresh vegetables and fruits, mushroom dishes. Food must be diverse and minimally subject to thermal processing.

Failure of harmful dishes It is associated with a decrease in the number of products and dishes, the use of which does not bring any benefit to the body, but also harms - due to a significant number of additives and preservatives. First of all, the harmful food includes: chips and crackers, instant soup and noodles, sausages, mayonnaise and ketchup, fried and strongly acute food, flour products.

Proper power mode -this is the presence of 3 meals daily - breakfast, lunch and dinner, mainly at the same time, as well as the rejection of snacks before bedtime.

Full Son.

It is difficult to imagine a healthy lifestyle, without high-quality full sleep. The dream not only restores the forces of the body, but also helps to maintain youth due to the formation of new cells of the body, normalizes pressure and strengthens immunity.

In order for sleep brought maximum benefit, you need to establish sleep mode, and go to the same time daily, and even at the weekend. It helps the body stabilize biological watchesAnd in advance to customize the body for sleep, providing fast falling asleep. A healthy sleep for a person on average is 7-8 hours.

In addition, it should go to bed until midnight, even better - no later than 11. This is where the rehabilitation processes in the body pass with maximum intensity. According to scientists, phase deep sleep, during which rejuvenating processes occur, it is possible only until midnight, and deprive the body of this valuable time for sleep is not worth it.

Minimum stress

It is known that stress not only negatively reflects on an emotional state, but also is the cause of many diseases. This is due to the fact that as a result of stress in the body, substances are produced that violate the stable operation of some organism systems.

To minimize the number of stress in life, it is necessary to establish which situations most often are the causes of stress. In modern society, one of the most common stressful situations are - problems at work, problems in relations, traffic jams, lateness, financial difficulties, loans, etc.

Whatever the cause of your stress, be sure to work out that this reason is eliminated. Even if it is not possible to fully solve the problem, then you will definitely succeed in the amount of stressful situations, which means you will make an important step towards a healthy lifestyle.

Rejection of bad habits

Harmful habits, the main of which are smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, can take away from you to 20 years of life, and in some cases - and more.

If you are not susceptible to harmful habits, You are happy and free man, Congratulations!

If you have not yet decided to completely abandon smoking, or unnecessary alcohol use, then think that one day you can leave your children without a father before the last time, friends - to deprive a friend, and most importantly - to deprive yourself last lifejust because you like to breathe caustic smoke or drink bitter? It seems to me that it is not worth it, but to solve you.

Regular sports

The older you become, the greater the importance for a healthy lifestyle will have sports. There are many reasons for it.

Firstly, sport stimulates blood circulation. And this is, as you know, the best prevention of all possible diseases.

Secondly, sport supports your extensive condition. cardiovascular system. The trained heart will permanently transfers daily loads, the risk of heart attack and stroke decreases several times.

Third, sport strengthens the joint and also keeps muscles in toneSo while you are engaged in sports, you will always be in good shape, despite your age, because You just do not give your body to work.

What kind of sports to do to maintain a healthy lifestyle? According to scientists, for the general condition of the body the greatest benefits swimming. But do not forget that all kinds of sports benefit, the main thing is that he brings pleasure.

Formation of useful habits

Among all the daily habits, the most valuable are those that strengthen health.

Very useful for the body how often can walk. Now many people have cars, which is why we walk more and less on foot, depriving your workload body. Therefore, try to get out of time to hiking as often as possible, refusing from time to time from transportation on transport.

No less useful healthy habit is cold and hot shower. It is an alternation of warm and cool water for 10-15 seconds, due to which blood circulation is improved and pressure is normalized. Even after 2-3 such repetitions, you will feel better, but do not forget to do it several times a week.

Use sunscreen. This is important not only from aesthetic point of view, bright summer sun rays have a harmful effect on the skin, as a result of which skin cells are destroyed, and the skin ages noticeably faster.

Strengthening immunity

A healthy lifestyle in many are associated with the lack of colds, and this is a really important health indicator. The fact is that any cold gives hyperships on the bodymay threaten complications, and leave an indelible imprint on human health. Therefore, it is important to strengthen the immune system, especially in the autumn-winter period.

There are several correct ways to strengthen immunity:

- consumption of products containing vitamin C - oranges, lemons, rosehip, cranberries;

- Hardening - mowing cool water several times a week;

- consumption of vitamos and mineral complexes in the form of tablets;

Health Control

Despite the observance of all the commandments of a healthy lifestyle, it is impossible to completely prevent all sorts of diseases. It is important to remember that some diseases do not show themselves for a long time, which is why missing important Moment, when the disease is easy to treat.

In fact, if anything bothers you, a fairly annual integrated check of the general condition of the body. However, if you started experiencing anxious symptoms, a visit to the doctor should be immediate.

Fresh air

It is known that in the room, whether it is an office or apartment, dust in the air, and also contains a significant amount of carbon dioxide, and such an atmosphere negatively affects the general condition of the body. In this regard, it is important to give the body to breathe full of breasts at least once a week - having left for the city, in nature, or in the country. Due to this, the body is saturated with pure oxygen, which is so lacking in modern urban conditions, and this, according to scientists, is a mandatory element for a full healthy lifestyle.


Healthy lifestyle is just the case when the result is many times superior to the attached effort.. There is nothing complicated to follow healthy habits, and at the same time - there is nothing more valuable to health.

Start leading a healthy lifestyle right now and once say yourself for it "Thank you!".

To implement your dreams, it is necessary to achieve success - you need to have the same good health. We tried to collect the most simple rules, as they say - a healthy lifestyle. Let's look at them to live well and that we never bothered our well-being. After all, for this you need to follow how to keep your lifestyle, how to eat and what you eat.

We think it will be useful for us to pay attention to your health and just adhere to the following rules:

1. It is necessary to sleep from 7 to 9 hours. But you can sleep and 5 or 6 hours a day. But it depends on how your body reacts.

2. When eating food:

    no need to mix many food varieties immediately. That is, it is not worth the food at one meal, then the potatoes, then dessert, then tea with a cake and so on.

    no need to overeat. Just eat the usual portion (plate), even if after meals you feel a little hunger - this is normal.

    no need to use sugar, cakes (candy and chocolate rarely).

    5. You need to always follow your posture, and when walking and at the seat. Because problems with the back (spine) are very bad.

    6. Follow the hygiene (wash your arms before meals, etc.).

    7. Emotions. Try to enjoy life as much as possible and it is nervous as possible and worry about some reason. Emotions play a very large role in the health of any person.

Small changes lead to great change. Take advantage of these simple prompts, take a step in the right direction and turn your body into an impregnable fortress!

It seems to you that you have already made a giant step towards a healthy lifestyle, but the truth is that the proper nutrition does not boil down to drinking protein cocktails and whipping a dozen egg whites for breakfast. If you really want to restore health or just strive to replenish the stock of vitality, you need to understand that to achieve the goal sometimes quite minor, but the right changes. Change your flavor habits a little, wake dust from shoes for outdoor activities - and it can be a great starting point. Use these 40 tips as a roadmap that will pave the way to strengthen health.

1. Avoid refined products

The elimination of refined, powder products can radically change your diet. These products are so much processed that truly nutrients in them, as a rule, no longer remains. The rejection of food garbage will not only help you control the body weight and maintain a normal blood glucose level, but will also leave more space for nutritious rich products overcrowded with vitamins and microelements. Exchange the rapid rise (and the same rapid fall) of the energy of a sweet glazed donut to much more useful fresh fruits, vegetables and solid grain products.

2. Take fishery

Fish fat helps to fight depression, heart disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus. In addition, it reduces the risk of developing oncopathology and improves the composition of the body tissues. Given the possible advantages, the fish fat can be bolded to call the addition that each should take. You have enough 3-6 grams per day, depending on how often you eat fat fish.

3. Drink green tea

To the edges filled with powerful antioxidants, helps prevent the development of certain diseases and maintains beautiful well-being. Green tea is rich in catechos - antioxidants, which deteriorate free radicals and protect cells from damage. It also reported that green tea warns the development of cardiovascular pathology, in particular, arterial hypertension and stagnant heart failure. Green tea accelerates metabolism and sharply increases calorie burning. Even a simple water you can turn into a real healing elixir, daily quenching thirst 2-3 cups of green tea.

4. Come on the sun

Do not forget to be in the sun. Sunlight is a great way to increase the production of the body. Vitamin D strengthens bone tissue and helps fight depression. Try to spend 15-20 minutes in the sun daily.

5. Do not eat until the dump

We live in a world where many are constantly eating - even when there are no feelings of hunger. Burn with this habit. Getting out of the table with a feeling that you would have eaten, you can stop the accumulation of adipose tissue. Thus, even encountered on some day with overeating, the unloading day will help you to compensate.

6. Detach Time VIIT Cardio

High intensity exercises are not only a great way to improve physical condition, but also an excellent assistant in the fight against stress, stimulating secretion in the body of hormones of happiness of endorphins. At least 20-30 minutes of high-intensity workout three times a week will give an excellent result.

7. Shing 8 hours every night

35. Buy black chocolate

No, it does not give you the right to empty the box among the night with Snickers. But if from time to time you want chocolate insanely, do not deny yourself the pleasure and eat one slicker black chocolate per day. Black chocolate contains at least 60-70% cocoa and is rich in flavonoids that have a beneficial effect on the health of your body. Allow yourself to fall into chocolate, and the rest of the time you will be easier to hold the right course and carefully control the calorie content of the diet.

36. Stretch

Despite the obvious benefit of exercises for, many of us pay extremely little attention. Meanwhile, stretching develops flexibility, improves the coordination of movements and a sense of equilibrium, promotes blood circulation in the body. Pay 10 minutes a day stretching and deep breathing; This will help you relax, fill with energy, remove stiffness and muscle tension.

37. Throw artificial sweeteners

It is clear that the sugar is better to stay away, but do not think that his replacement with artificial sweeteners will become an excellent solution. These children of the chemical industry threaten you with headaches, anxiety and digestive problems. In a word, you will not feel all one hundred.

38. Listen to your body

If there is a golden rule of diets, which everyone is obliged to remember, then this "there is no iron rules". A diet that is ideally suited to one may turn out to be a real catastrophe for another. Each person is unique. Of course, the fundamental principles are relevant for all diet, as the adequate calorie content of the diet and sufficient protein intake, but the space for maneuvers remains. Listen to your body and make adjustments. This is the best way to success.

39. Step into the green world

Make green leafy vegetables with a rod of their diet. Three leaf vegetables that are never a lot of cabbage, spinach and broccoli. They are rich in antioxidants, food fibers and vitamins K, C and A. By the way, in the cabbage more than in beef, besides, these mighty vegetables do not contain calories.

40. More often go

Walking should not become the only exercise, but this is a great way to stay in motion, burning a bit of additional calories. The simplest exercise that can be done daily. Being low-intensive and safe for the joints of physical activity, walking strengthens the heart, consumes calories, improves cardiovascular training and strengthens the bone.

The main rules of a healthy lifestyle are simple habits.

Folk wisdom states that health can not buy for money. Of course, modern medicine can solve many health problems, but, as a rule, these problems are easier to prevent than cure. All of me, since childhood, we know the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle, however, so that they become part of our lifefriend, these rules must be in a habit.

According to studies of scientists and psychologists, the habit is developing for 20 days. That is, if at the beginning of the experiment, people perform certain rules through force, then only after 20 days the same actions do not cause discomfort. And if you force yourself for three months to fulfill the main rules of a healthy lifestyle, then by the end of this period, discomfort will already arise due to the refusal of them.

How to lead a healthy lifestyle: basic rules

The most attractive is that the rules to help preserve healthy spirit for many years do not require you supernatural efforts. You just need to live in harmony with the world and take into account the biological needs of your body. These are these simple rules:

1. Son.

Sleep is the main component of not only health, but also beauty. At night, the body restores its strength. In order for it to complete all recovery processes, you need to sleep at least 7-8 hours. However, in addition to the duration of sleep, it is important to monitor and for its quality. Ideally, a person must fall asleep until midnight and wake up the call of alarm clock, but at his own request. If you constantly fall asleep after 12 o'clock in the morning, by the morning the body will not be able to restore skin cells and adjust the processes of digestion. All this will negatively affect our state of health and appearance.

2. Proper nutrition

The main components of a healthy lifestyle are applied to the right nutrition. According to medical statistics, most serious diseases, including diabetes, violation of the heart muscle, ulcers, etc., develop precisely because of the wrong power. However, many simply do not understand what means healthy eating in practice? But in fact, everything is simple - to be healthy, you do not need to guess yourself with diets. It is enough to eat according to the schedule, not to overeat, abandon fat and concentrated food, follow the ratio of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and vitamins in the diet, and also have as much natural food as possible.

3. body mass index

Overweight is not only an enemy of a beautiful figure, but also a health enemy. If the weight differs from the norm in a large side of at least five kilograms, vessels, lungs, heart, spine, liver and other organs cannot function normally due to excess load. The execution of this rule depends largely on healthy nutrition, but in some cases the cause of excessive mass of the body is various kinds of disease. Therefore, in order to get rid of extra kilograms without prejudice to health, you need to go through a complete medical examination.

4. Activity and movement

Healthy lifestyle and sport - inseparable concepts. Sports and simply an active lifestyle will help you feel better to fall asleep faster, to remain slim and, moreover, to preserve youth for longer. And even if you never dreamed of sporting achievements, and classes in the gym seem too tedious to you, choose an optimal way of activity, because, swimming, or just daily jogging are as useful as serious physical education.

5. Fresh air

If you live in the city, allocate at least half an hour a day for walking in the park and at least one day a week for relaxing in nature. Pure mountain, forest or sea air strengthens immunity, helps to fight colds and promotes good well-being.

6. Forget about bad habits.

The principles of a healthy lifestyle are incompatible with bad habits. It is difficult to list the degree of harm that is caused by alcohol and nicotine organism. Of course, it is not easy to get rid of many years of nicotine addiction. But you must learn to put priorities correctly, because surely good health and excellent well-being for you is more important than the harmful habit.

7. Breakfast

People who ignore the first eating are more likely to suffer from obesity than those who begin the day with healthy nutrition. In addition, the absence disrupts the work of the digestive tract, which will subsequently cause the development of diseases such as gastritis and ulcers.

8. Drink a lot of fluid

Since a person is 80% consists of liquid, water is the main component of health. Start the morning from a glass of pure mineral water - it will help clean the intestines, run the processes of digestion and metabolism.

9. Start

Daily tones the body, gives cheerfulness and helps him struggle with diseases. However, it is not necessary to start hardening from immersion in ice hole - to begin with, you need to teach your body to alternate warm and cool water.

10. Hygiene

We need to wash your hands before eating, brushing your teeth at least twice a day and in time to take the shower we know from childhood, and these rules must accompany us throughout life.

11. Regular Medical Inspection

Visit the dentist, check the work of the heart muscle, at least once every six months pass the gynecological examination, and simply contact the doctor if something bothers you. Any disease is easier to eliminate at the initial stage, and not when you unsuccessfully tried all means of self-respecting.

12. Learn to relax

If you know everything about how to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and dedicate enough time to sports, but at the same time a lot and mercilessly work, know that all your efforts to the pump. Do not treat physical and mental idleness as a non-disabilities, because the overwork will not add health.

All these rules of a healthy lifestyle are the basis of good physical well-being. However, do not forget also about your psychological health. Fill your life with pleasant emotions, fascinating hobby and new impressions, because the positive worldview is an integral part of harmony.

A healthy lifestyle has so global importance that helps a person to extend the life itself. At least once everyone wondered about the number of harm, which takes on its body. Sorry, right? Then set lazy and for work!

A healthy lifestyle is a totality of rules aimed at improving the psychological and physical condition of the body and its productive work.

Ancient people did not know the features of hygiene, proper nutrition or optimal number of physical exertion. This contributed to a decrease in the population and the colossal number of patients.

Over time, the concept of a healthy lifestyle "eaten" in the heart of citizens. The desire to live as long as possible, see grandchildren and enjoy sufficient health to have time to do with them, - excellent motivation for creating a basis for a healthy lifestyle.

Opinion of the World Health Organization about a healthy lifestyle

Health is not just the absence of physical defects and diseases, but also a totality of social, physical and spiritual well-being. Supporting health and healthy lifestyle, WHO announced on April 7, the day of health, since it was on this day in 1948, according to WHO's charter, the first interpretation of the concept of a zij, who did not change to this day appeared.

The organization conducts a study of the behavior of health-related individuals. Based on the results obtained, 10 major recommendations were revealed.

  1. When using breast milk for the child, under the age of 6 months, the risk of majority of noncommunicable diseases is automatically reduced.
  2. Healthy sleep is needed in combination with labor and recreation mode.
  3. An annual blood test is required, ECG, campaign to the therapist, pressure control.
  4. Minimal use of alcoholic beverages. Resolved in moderate quantities living beer or red wine.
  5. Refusal of tobacco products.
  6. Regular exercise.
  7. Use iodized salt instead of sodium.
  8. Replace the easily-friendly carbohydrates (buns, pies) nuts, fruits, vegetables, grain crops.
  9. Margarine and animal fat eliminate from the diet. Use linseed oil, rapeseed, walnut or grape seed oil.
  10. To calculate the ideal body weight, formulas are used:
    • for women: (growth in cm - 100) x 0.85 \u003d ideal weight;
    • for men: (growth in cm - 100) x 0.9 \u003d perfect weight.

Basics of zozh

The basics of a healthy lifestyle include factors helping to form a healthy organism and a stable psyche. To date, there are many pathological diseases that are caused by the environment. It gives rise to the need to strengthen the body. Why start?

Proper nutrition implies a refusal of harmful products (flour, sweet, fatty, etc.) with a replacement for fruits, vegetables, berries, cereals. The condition of the skin, internal organs, muscles and tissues depends on the quality of nutrition. The use of water in the amount of 2-3 l per day will speed up the metabolism, slows down the aging of the skin, will prevent dehydration.

  • make a power mode;
  • do not overeat;
  • replace harmful products useful.

Currently, physical inertness is an acute problem of society. The lack of muscle activity is currently fraught with health problems. According to the results of WHO studies, in 6% of cases, physical inertia leads to a fatal outcome.

Regular exercise:

  • prevent the development of depression, psycho-emotional disorders;
  • help in the treatment of diabetes;
  • reduce the risk of cancer;
  • increase the strength of bone tissues;
  • allow you to monitor weight;
  • enhance the state of immunity.

Compliance with the regime of the day

From birth, it is necessary to accomplish the body to a specific schedule. Initially, parents should guide the child, then the process has to be monitored independently. Under a certain person, an individual routine of the day is selected. Following the simple rules and catching the body to the constancy of the schedule, you can get rid of many problems.

  1. Sleep. Allows you to bring the body to normal. The average sleep duration for an adult is 8 hours.
  2. Time food. Regular nutrition eliminates the possibility of a weight gain. The body gets used to to eat in strictly allotted hours. If you deprive it of this privilege, the failures in the work of the internal organs are provided. The first 21 days can be a power plan - breakfast with porridge, small portions. The habit is developed, and the stomach will work as a clock.
  3. Caring for the body. Physical activity is needed during the day, especially if during the rest of the day there is no possibility to move (sitting).

Observing the rules for the right regime, you "risk" to acquire a good mood, send the body to solve more complex mental and physical problems and motivate your example of close people.

Rejection of bad habits

Abuse of alcohol or smoking causes addiction. In addition, alcohol-containing products are prohibited by bombing girls - alcohol "kills" egg cells, the probability of remaining childless increases at times. Tobacco provokes oncological diseases.

Refusal of bad habits gives the resistance of the Spirit and helps to avoid unwanted health problems.

Strengthening the body

This is an important component of a healthy lifestyle. How to determine what the body is not well strengthened?

Man worried:

  • frequent colds;
  • constant feeling of fatigue;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • pain in the muscles and joints;
  • headache;
  • rash on the skin.

In the presence of such signs, it is recommended to consult a doctor for qualified help. It will prescribe immuno-fixing drugs and course of treatment. If the desires of drinking pills did not arise, it is worth asking the Council of the doctor about home methods. To strengthen immunity to the diet often include:

  • bay leaf;
  • horseradish;
  • shrimp;
  • fruits and vegetables, as part of which there are vitamins A, C and E;
  • dry red wine

Many people, as an improvement in the well-being and strengthening the body, are poured with cold water, up to molding. Parents from an early age teach their child to such a procedure in order to protect it from infectious diseases.

Human mental health as one of the factors

Mental health consists in the reaction of the individual on the influence of the outside world. The environment aggressively affects human mental state. Experience and stress brings disease and mental disorders into the body. To protect yourself from torment, apply the prevention of diseases.

According to WHO, mental health is an adequate behavior of a person when interacting with the environment. It includes 3 main factors.

  1. Lack of mental disorders.
  2. Stress tolerance.
  3. Adequate self-esteem.

Be satisfied with yourself - this is the basis of mental health. With frequent depressions, refer to the psychotherapist.

He will write the necessary drugs and offer rational treatment.

Followers of a healthy lifestyle have a number of advantages:

  • poor mood - a rare phenomenon;
  • infectious diseases are not able to attack the powerful immunity of the "roaring";
  • chronic diseases retreat to the background, fading or showing itself less active;
  • psychological state at a stable level;
  • the functioning of the body passes without failures;
  • the pastime becomes more productive.


In detail, disobeying what is a call, it should also be understood that the main task of a citizen is concern about themselves and others. A healthy lifestyle is also strong. All people plan to live long, do not want to root or see sick of their children. But not everyone makes a choice in favor of the head.

The reason is in the absence of proper motivation and banal laziness. It is better to sit with chips on what to walk half an hour. This opinion is visited by most of our country's citizens. Appeal to the doctor is planned only when the pain is already unbearably tolerated.

Think about your health, give your body a healthy lifestyle. And be sure - the body will repay you with good well-being and lack of disease.