Sociological study “The attitude of young people to the institution of the family. Summary: Sociological study Young people's attitude to reading How long did it take you to read your last book

Sociological research

Job done

Students of 221 groups

Fmlipenko A.S.

Bondarenko I.V.

Work checked

Darensky V.Yu.

Lugansk 2011

Analytical section of the program

1.1. Key research question

What are the reasons for the low degree of religiosity of modern youth at this stage of development of society? What are the needs of young people in attending church, communicating with clergymen, reading religious literature? Why are young people now relegating knowledge of both modern religiosity and its history to the background? As we know, the process of solving this gap in life is now underway. modern society. The main issue of this study on religious topics is the question of the quantitative characteristics of the religiosity of young people.

Modern youth has somewhat different ideas about religiosity. Who is to blame for this and how to put forward the criteria for religiosity is a modern question.

1.2. Purpose of the study

Establish and study the opinions and attitudes of second-year students of Luhansk state university internal affairs. E.O. Didorenko (later LGUVD) to religiosity. Designate and derive specific understandings of the foundations of religiosity (observance of fasting, faith in God, under what conditions one can consider oneself religious).

1.3. Research objectives

1. To study the understanding of the religiosity of modern youth in general;

2. Study the needs of youth in attending church (if any);

3. To study the attitude of young people to religious sacraments:




4. To study the criteria for the foundations of the religiosity of the majority;

5. To study the daily behavior of students on the basis of faith;

1.4. Object of study

Second-year students of the Lugansk University of Internal Affairs named after. E.O. Didorenko.

1.5. Subject of study

Fundamentals of religiosity of modern youth in general. Opinions and ideas about the religiosity of second-year students of the LGUVD.

Logical analysis of the subject of research

1.6.1. Selection of basic concepts

Based on the concept and purpose of this study, such concepts as religiosity and youth are subject to logical analysis.

1.6.2. Interpretation of basic concepts

but) religiosity- this is a characteristic of the consciousness and behavior of individuals, their groups and communities, who believe in the supernatural and worship it

b) young people- this is a socio-demographic group that is experiencing a period of formation of social maturity, entry into the world of adults, adaptation to it and its future renewal.

1.6.3. Operationalization of basic terms


1. the meaning of the foundations of faith:



2. Compliance with Everyday life foundations of faith:

Do not sin;

Do not offend believers;

honor the faith;

3. communication with the religious community:

4. participation in the sacraments:

a) baptism



b) confession


Don't confess

c) a wedding



5. church attendance:

on religious holidays;

2-3 times a month;

2-3 times a year;

I don't visit

6. What is the observance of church holidays:

Visiting the church on the day of holidays;


I do not comply;

7. reading religious literature:

Reading sometimes;

Not readable at all

8. faith in God:

9. the presence of objects of worship at home:

Young people

1. by age:

2nd year students;



3. from which family:


Not religious;

4. Are you a student of religious discipline:

5. Are you a member of a religious community:


Faith in God Observance Church attendance

foundations of religiosity

Young people

students students

Research hypotheses

1.7.1. Descriptive hypothesis

In modern society, the question of the religiosity of young people is very often raised. Now a certain part of the youth believes in God and attends church. These young people differ in their inner world from ordinary students who do not recognize religious holidays and do not attend church during all sacred services. As is known from the media, much attention is paid to religiosity. Religious disciplines were introduced in universities to increase the degree of religiosity of students.

1.7.2. Main hypothesis

Young people do not understand the very content of religiosity, do not strive to understand how a religious person differs from a non-religious one. Students deny religious sacraments that may be inherent in every student (baptism, communion, prayer, and others), for certain reasons: spending free time in another society, due to a lack of desire to learn the basics of religiosity, social circle, inability to independently understand the essence of the sacraments and their purpose.

It can be seen that not all students who talk about their faith in God really respect this. Faith in God is not just words, it is a whole string of signs confirming this, which, of course, are observed very little.

1.7.3. Additional hypothesis

An additional hypothesis is the assumption that after learning the selection criteria for religiosity, many students will think about whether they are clearly religious and observe it. Is faith in God the main factor for determining the religiosity of these students. Many students do not consider the basis for religiosity to be important.

Do you believe in God?

c) your answer

What rituals did you perform?

a) baptism

b) wedding

c) confession

d) communion

e) none

e) your answer

5. By the fact of baptism, you are:

a) baptized

b) unbaptized

What family are you from?

a) religious

b) not religious

c) Your answer

Your gender

a) male

b) female

11. Your age_______


From the data above, conclusions can be drawn and compared with hypotheses.

Currently, many members of Ukrainian society are experiencing certain difficulties associated with the formulation of their identity. Sociological studies show that for a significant part of the respondents, referring to the group "Orthodox" does not mean high level churching, but rather serves as an indicator of reference to a certain socio-cultural tradition.

This is largely due to the fact that scientific knowledge based on positivism, at a certain historical stage, quite clearly separated itself from religious knowledge, which was quite logical for the sphere of some natural sciences at that time.

A significant methodological problem in the framework of sociological research today is the typology of religiosity, since there are different approaches to the issue of subjectivity and objectivity of the criteria for religious identification. There are certain contradictions between the religious self-identification of the respondents and different interpretations of the results of quantitative research.

Summing up, it should be said that our research has greatly expanded our worldview in relation to the religiosity of our students and also made it clear the importance of our research in the field of Orthodoxy.

Sociological research

"The Attitude of Modern Youth to Religion"

Job done

Students of 221 groups

Fmlipenko A.S.

Bondarenko I.V.

Work checked

Darensky V.Yu.

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* This work is not a scientific work, is not a graduation qualifying work and is the result of processing, structuring and formatting the collected information, intended to be used as a source of material for self-preparation of educational work.


1.1 Formulation and justification of the problem, its relevance

A problem is a complex issue that requires study, research and solution. The problem of this sociological study is to study the spread of drugs in the life of modern youth.

Drug abuse, known since ancient times, has now spread to alarming proportions throughout the world. Even with the narrowing, from the point of view of narcologists, the boundaries of drug addiction to legally acceptable in many countries, drug addiction is recognized as a social disaster. Drug mafias run states (Latin America), have their own armies (Southeast Asia). The incomes of underground corporations from the drug trade exceed the known income from the oil trade and approach the world's income from the arms trade. Abuse among young people is especially disastrous - both the present and the future of society are affected. From the point of view of narcologists, the full picture of the spread of abuse, including forms of substance abuse, is even more tragic. Substances and preparations not included in the list of drugs, as a rule, are even more malignant, leading to even more damage to the individual. At the International Anti-Drug Center in New York, there is a document indicating the number of drug addicts on the globe- 1,000,000,000 people. Drug addiction, as experts from the World Health Organization emphasize, is a big threat to public health on a global scale. Each state takes measures to prevent abuse among the population, and Russia is no exception. The scale and pace of the spread of drug addiction, the wide scope of illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs indicates the low effectiveness of the measures taken

measures. To date, physicians and psychologists have not developed effective methods treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts. An effective system of anti-drug propaganda has not been created.

Over the past 8 years, the number of narcological dispensaries has decreased by 1.5 times, the number of narcological beds - by 2.3 times. A serious obstacle to improving the effectiveness of therapy for drug addicts is the lack of rehabilitation centers and departments in the country designed for a long stay of patients. The issue of using specially trained psychologists and sociologists in narcological institutions has not been resolved.

Thus, today the issue of the abuse of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances is still relevant, and its final decision remains with legislators, doctors and society. This problem should be fought not only by society, but also each person should be aware for himself great harm drug addiction and try to fight it. Only then can we talk about solving this problem. And so we decided to conduct this sociological study in order to visually see the spread of drug addiction among young people, because. Youth is the backbone of our society.

1.2 Purpose of the study The purpose of the study is to identify the state of this problem at a given time in our city.

1.3 Research objective: To collect as much information as possible on this issue with the help of a sociological survey.

1.4 Object of study: Youth aged 17 - 23 years.

1.5 Subject of study: The attitude of young people to the problem of drug addiction.

1.6 Respondents to the sociological survey were 2nd year students of the Faculty of Law of the VVAGS in the amount of 30 people.

1.7 Questioning was chosen as the method of sociological survey.

1.8 Formulation of the hypothesis.

As mentioned above, drug addiction is one of the most urgent problems now, and the later we start to deal with this problem closely, at the level of state regulation, the more difficult it will be to defeat and overcome this disaster. In our opinion, Negative consequences, which bears this vice, render, first of all, harm to health. In addition, drugs destroy the spiritual world of a person, faith in something good, pure, holy. They cover his soul with mud, which makes it very difficult to see anything positive. There are many factors that can influence a person's addiction to addiction. These are, first of all, social, economic, psychological. In our country, this is especially true, because. Russia is far from being in the first echelon of countries in terms of the well-being of people. Our questionnaire is designed in such a way that after analyzing the answers to it, we can conclude: “What exactly motivates people to take up drugs?” Also, by analyzing the data, you can get information about how young you are aware of the available drugs, and about its attitude towards drug addiction in general. Of all the questions in the questionnaire, I would like to single out two of them, according to which it is possible to determine what determines whether a person is prone to drug use or not. THIS:

2. Where do you live?

Since among the respondents only a few admitted that they had tried drugs, we would like to put the question in a different way. Those. correlate the answers to these three questions with the answer to the following question: “Are there people who use drugs among people close to you?” This is primarily due to the fact that the question “Have you ever tasted drugs?” the majority of respondents answered biased, although the questionnaire was anonymous. And to the question: “Are there people who use drugs among people close to you?” there were no reasons for biased responses.

We believe that the more financially secure the family, the more likely it is that a person has acquaintances who use drugs. It may be against his will, because. money is needed to buy drugs, therefore, drug addicts prefer to communicate with wealthier people so that in case of a lack of money they have people who can lend them this money, for example. It can also be assumed that if a family lives from paycheck to paycheck, then a person, not finding an understanding of the house, the necessary mental disposition, goes to the “street”. Those. the street seems to him a more favorable environment for spending time, and there he meets drug addicts.

We also believe that a person's place of residence also affects his environment. Living at home with his parents, it is difficult for him to access drug addicts. Since at home it is controlled. If a person lives, for example, in a hostel, then he has more opportunities to find drug addicts.

Our further study aims to test this hypothesis.



1. How serious do you think the problem of drug use is today?

Extremely serious 14 46.67

generally serious 11 36.67

not very serious 2 6.67

not serious at all 1 3.33

find it difficult to answer 2 6.67

As can be seen from the bar graph, the majority of respondents answered that this problem is extremely serious or serious. It is gratifying to see that young people understand the importance of this problem.

2. Why do you think some young people start using drugs?

Names of characteristics Number of respondents Share %

under the influence of the company 7 23.33

after drinking alcohol 2 6.67

from idleness 1 3.33

from ignorance of the consequences 0 0.00

because of the pursuit of pleasure 4 13.33

out of curiosity 3 10.00

due to the desire to look older 1 3.33

out of a desire to forget troubles 6 20.00

due to inability to control one's behavior 1 3.33

due to lack of control by elders 2 6.67

by external coercion 0 0.00

out of interest in forbidden fruit" 1 3,33

to become "one's own" 2 6.67

other reasons 0 0.00

As can be seen from the bar graph, young people believe that the main reasons why young people start using drugs are: the influence of the company and the desire to forget the troubles. In our opinion, both are manifested primarily as a result of the fact that parents pay little attention to their children, do not discuss their problems with them, and they find the solution to their problems in drugs.

3. Have you ever been in a situation where drugs were used in your presence?

Names of characteristics Number of respondents Share %

As can be seen from the histogram, the majority of respondents answered "No".

But the situation is overshadowed by the fact that 30% answered “Yes”. Which once again confirms the fact that drugs occupy a strong position in our society.

4. Have you been asked to "join"?

Names of characteristics Number of respondents Share %

Since in the previous question only 9 respondents gave a positive answer, this question was asked only to them, and we made a conclusion from 9 respondents. As in the previous question, the majority answered "No".

But there are two people who answered "Yes". This once again confirms that one of the main reasons why young people start using drugs is the influence of the company.

5. Have you ever observed a person in a state of drug intoxication?

Names of characteristics Number of respondents Share %

don't remember 3 10.00

Most of the respondents answered "no". But about 27% answered "Yes". From this we can conclude that at least a third of us have seen a person who is in a state of drug intoxication and can imagine the consequences of drugs. But on the other hand, it might seem to some that this is a state of relaxation, which, on the contrary, is drug propaganda. The state should make sure that people who are "high" do not appear in public places, and thus do not affect the psyche of children and adolescents.

6. Have you ever tasted drugs?

Names of characteristics Number of respondents Share %

no 30 100.00

As can be seen from the histogram, all respondents unanimously answered “No”. But our view, some were cunning, thereby not substituting themselves under suspicion.

7. Have you ever dealt with drug dealers?

Names of characteristics Number of respondents Share %

regularly 0 0.00

sometimes 9 30.00

once 10 33.33

never 11 36.67

As can be seen from the histogram, more than half of the respondents at least once encountered drug dealers. I am glad that none of the respondents answered the question "Regularly".

8. How often do you discuss drug problems and drug use among your friends?

Names of characteristics Number of respondents Share %

regularly 11 36.67

sometimes 14 46.67

never 5 16.67

As can be seen from the histogram, more than two-thirds of the respondents discuss this problem. This means that the problem of drug addiction worries young people and they pay close attention to it, and do not leave it unnoticed, saying, “This does not concern me, let what will be, will be!”.

8. From what sources and how often do you get information about drugs and the consequences of their use?

Most of the respondents answered that they receive information about drugs to a greater extent from the media and from friends. I am glad that the media are actively involved in anti-drug propaganda. It was disappointing that parents pay little attention to this issue, and almost no one reads special literature.

9. Is such information needed at all?

Names of characteristics Number of respondents Share %

badly needed 12 40.00

in principle needed 14 46.67

hardly 4 13.33

not needed at all 0 0.00

find it difficult to answer 0 0.00

As can be seen from the histogram, the vast majority of respondents believe that such information is needed. I am glad that none of the respondents answered that such information is not needed. Those. it is clear that young people are interested in the problem of drug addiction and this problem is not indifferent to them.

10. There are many drugs. To what extent are you aware of them?

The most popular drugs among the respondents were poppy straw extract, hashish, heroin, cocaine, marijuana, and ecstasy. Some also know such drugs as: marijuana. barbitura, LSD, tranquilizers. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, no one has heard of such drugs as: amphetamine, ketamine, codeine, crack, methadone, morphine, pervitin, plan, phenamine, hanka, ephedrine.

11. To what extent do you agree with the statements below?

From the answers to this question, we can conclude that young people believe that drug addicts are outwardly unpleasant, they look repulsive, it seems to them that it is dangerous to communicate with drug addicts due to the fact that they are prone to crime. No one thought that they make life more interesting, no one felt sorry for them, because. not a single respondent agreed with the statement “Drug addicts are defenseless and cause pity”. From all this, we would like to conclude that drug addicts evoke negative emotions and associations in students.

Names of characteristics Number of respondents Share %

male 13 43.33

female 17 56.67

Most of the respondents are female, but we believe that this indicator does not affect anything.

13 You are learning

Names of characteristics Number of respondents Share %

on budget 12 40.00

on a commercial basis 18 60.00

As can be seen from the histogram, most of the students surveyed study on a commercial basis. But we think that this indicator also does not affect anything.

2.2 hypothesis testing

Are there people who use drugs among people close to you?

Names of characteristics Number of respondents Share %

Most of the respondents answered “no”, but there is a third who answered “Yes”. Those. this once again confirms the urgency of the problem of drug addiction, and confirms that drug addiction must be fought immediately. But let's correlate the answer to this question with the answer to the question:

Where do you live? The overall response table and histogram look like this:

Names of characteristics Number of respondents Share %

at home, with parents 16 53.33

in hostel 9 30.00

on the private apartment 4 13,33

relatives 1 3.33

Judging by the histogram, the majority live at home with their parents. At first glance, this does not affect anything, but let's return to our hypothesis:

5 out of 9 respondents living in a dormitory: “Are there people who use drugs among people close to you?” answered "Yes". And this is 50% of all those who answered “Yes” to this question. Therefore, part of our hypothesis turned out to be true that students who are less controlled have easier access to people who use drugs. 3 out of 4 respondents living in a private apartment answered "Yes" to the same question. And this is another 30% of those who answered “Yes”. Adding these two numbers, we get 70%!

From this we can conclude that the student's place of residence greatly affects his social circle. And if we add to this the fact that 75% of those who live in a private apartment have acquaintances of drug addicts, then the situation is generally terrible. On the contrary, 2 out of 16 living at home with their parents answered “Yes” to this question, and this is only 20% of the total.

Therefore, we have proved the first part of the conjecture.

Now let's check the dependency financial situation people and the question “Are there people who use drugs among people close to you?”

First, consider the general table and the histogram of answers to this question.

Names of characteristics Number of respondents Share %

live paycheck to paycheck 6 20.00

enough for daily expenses, but serious purchases are difficult 4 13.33

money, in principle, but savings are no longer enough to buy expensive durable items 10 33.33

the purchase of most durable goods does not cause difficulties 7 23.33

we can practically deny ourselves nothing 3 10.00

As can be seen from the pie chart, the material condition of most families is average, families with low material condition and condition above average are in second place.

And now let's correlate these data with the answer to the question: "Are there people who use drugs among people close to you?"

4 out of 6 respondents whose families live paycheck to paycheck answered this question: “Yes”, i.e. this is 40% of all those who answered "Yes" to this question.

I would also like to note that 2 out of 3 respondents whose families practically do not deny themselves anything also answered “Yes” to this question: this is 20% of all those who answered “Yes”, 66% of all those whose families what they do not deny themselves.

I would like to note that only 10% of the respondents, whose material condition is average, have known drug addicts.

If you add up the indicators of the poorest and the richest, you can observe the following picture:

The majority of people, namely 60% who answered “Yes” to this question, are those who either live richly or live in poverty. This once again confirms our hypothesis. The financial condition of the family greatly affects the circle of students' environment.


The state pays great attention to the problem of drug addiction, developing various programs and methods to combat this harmful disease. The main goal of the programs is to stop the growth of illicit consumption and drug trafficking, and subsequently to gradually reduce the prevalence of drug addiction and related offenses to the level of minimal danger to society. Priority attention is paid to improving the activities and increasing the efforts of society in the fight against illegal drug trafficking, the prevention of drug addiction and offenses caused by these phenomena.

So we decided to contribute to this cause by conducting a sociological study on the topic: “Students and drugs”

In the course of our sociological research, we learned the attitude of students to the problem of drug addiction. It is known that many young people are in close contact with narcotic substances, and there are ambiguous opinions about whether this is good or bad. This is what we tried to figure out. We looked at the dependence of the material condition of the families of students, their residence and their circle of environment. We learned about how common various drugs are among young people. I would like to note that young people are quite well aware of this issue. We have proved that the problem of drug addiction is one of the most urgent today. It was nice to note that students are not indifferent to the fate of society, and they are ready to actively participate in anti-drug propaganda. In the course of the study, we learned from which sources young people get information about drugs. Proved that the media make a huge contribution to a good cause, encouraging young people not to use drugs.



The relevance of research: Marriage is the hardest social institution, which is the cumulative result of the interaction of social, natural, public and individual, general and individual factors. The stability of both the marriage itself and the family based on it will largely depend on the content and nature of the motives for marriage, on the factors of “strengthening” marriage, on the intention of young people to legally marry. Alternative forms of marriage (cohabitation) destroy social norms, and the normative principles of modern society. Therefore, it is important to consider all the factors influencing students' ideas about marriage.

The most important contribution to the study of marriage and family was made by: A.G. Kharchev (theory), A.I. Antonov (birth rate), V.A. Borisov (the need for children), M.S. Matskovsky (methodology and methodology), V.A. Sysenko (marriage stability), I.S. Golod (family stability), V.B. Holofast (family functions), D.Ya. Kutsar (quality of marriage), N.G. Yurkevich, M.Ya. Solovyov, S.S. Sedelnikov (motives and reasons for divorce), T.Zh. Gurko (young family).

Sexual interaction, determined by human essential forces, is one of the defining components of social dynamics. Student time is the time of gender-role self-determination, strategy development life path, forming tactics social behavior, the time of designing the main plans, the time of developing an original style of behavior in all spheres of life. In a number of life tasks, the search for a life partner, the creation of a family, gender self-realization in general occupies one of the leading places in the priorities young man. The presence of a strong family, a faithful spouse, grateful children and beloved grandchildren largely contributes to the successful implementation of the indicated tasks, the effective implementation of the life plan. Due to these indisputable circumstances, a potential future family man must be competent in all socio-practical and intellectual components of the family and marriage sphere. However, we are seeing the opposite. At the university they teach professions, teach a string of subjects. They seem to be preparing for professional activity seriously, but in no way for personal life. This kind of neglect on the part of the state is fraught with enormous troubles. The position of youth in society, the trends and prospects for its development are of great interest to society and practical value, primarily because they determine its future.

Problem situation lies in the fact that there is a contradiction between the need of society for strong families that fulfill their reproductive and educational functions, and low level ideas of young people and their readiness for active work in the system of formation marital relations. The large-scale manifestation of unregistered marriage blurs the boundaries of traditional norms of marriage and family, dictates new principles for the formation of marriage and family relations.

Noticing that today young people entering into marriage, in most cases, are not prepared for independent family life, it should be noted the need to organize special preparation for the complexities of family life. Modern youth does not refuse marriage in the generally accepted sense of this concept, but they are in no hurry to register their marriage in a timely manner and officially.

In order to solve all these problems, it is important for young people to promote the values ​​of marriage, children, family, organize social and pedagogical counseling on marriage, family, birth and upbringing of children, etc. Raising the level of marriage, fertility, and interest in family values ​​among young people means getting a significant effect in the socio-demographic development of the country.

The foregoing made it possible to determine research problem: students' ideas about marriage, as a rule, do not correspond to the dynamically changing conditions in society for the conclusion of marriage and family relations, which requires an analysis of the conditions for their formation in the minds of future parents.

Object of study student youth (on the example of students of the Faculty of History of the School of Pedagogy in Ussuriysk, group C2509c).

Subject: ideas of student youth about marriage.

Objective–analysis of students' ideas about marriage in the context of strengthening family and marriage relations.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1) to study the concept of marriage and family relations;

2) find out the dynamics of marriage norms and family formation

3) to analyze the ratio of men and women in marriage;

4) consider the motives of marriage;

5) describe the factors of "strengthening" marriage;

6) to characterize the attitude of young people to the factors of "strengthening" marriage in Russia.

Main hypothesis: the formation of students' ideas about marriage is mainly influenced by such a factor as the possibility of being in a civil marriage, which, in turn, is an obstacle to creating a full-fledged family with its most important moral and legal foundations.

Additional hypotheses :

1. Students' ideas about marriage depend on their ideas about the concepts of "marriage" and "family".

2. The influence of leadership on students' ideas about marriage.

3. Differences in students' ideas about the future family are associated with the motives of marital relations.

4. Marriage and family relations of the parents of young people play a big role in their idea of ​​marriage.

5. Preservation of the student family depends on the factors of "strengthening" the marriage.

Research method– study and analysis of scientific literature; comparison, analysis, synthesis; questionnaire survey and questionnaire analysis.

Thesis includes an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography and an appendix.

32. Fundamentals of family psychology and family counseling. [Electronic resource] - Access mode:№ovy-psixologii-semi-i-semej№ogo-ko№sultirova№iya/

33. Decree of the President Russian Federation dated May 4, 1996 No. 712 “On the main directions of state family policy”. [Electronic resource] - Access mode: rusla .ru /.../Ko №tseptsiya %20gosudarstve №№oy %20semey №oy %20politiki.

34. federal Service state statistics (Rosstat). [Electronic resource] - Access mode: www. gks . en

Annex A

T a b l e 1 - Table of contingency variables "Level of knowledge about the family" and "Willingness to register marriage and create a family"

Level of knowledge about the family

Willingness to register marriage and create a family


Rather yes than no


More likely no than yes






Table 2 - Reasons for marriage

Reasons for getting married

Number of responses (%)


Desire to start a family

Birth of a child


Independence from parents

Difficult to answer

Table 3 - Cohabitation, "For" or "Against"

Do you consider cohabitation (" civil marriage”) an acceptable form of relationship for you

Number of responses (%)



Difficult to answer

Table 4 - “Family for you is ...”

Your family is...

Number of responses (%)


Showing love for spouse and children

"Refuge" from the stressful influences of the outside world

A place for self-realization and self-expression

Interference with self-realization

A place of constant scandals and manifestations of violence

Burden in everything

Table 5 - "Do you consider your parents' family as a role model"

Do you consider your parents' family as a role model

Number of responses (%)

Parents are role models

Not in everything, but in general yes

There are many things I don't like about my parents' family.

Annex B

Questionnaire "Representation of student youth about marriage"


This survey is connected with the study of the representation of the image of marriage and family in the mind of the student.

Please read all the questions carefully and answer each of them by circling the number of the corresponding answer option. If necessary, add your own version.


1. Gender




(Write in numbers)


    I am not married

    I am married, the marriage is not officially registered

3. I am married, the marriage is officially registered


1. Yes

2. Not

3. Difficult to answer


(Check only one option)

    I live with my parents

    In dorm

    I live separately from my parents, I rent a house

    I live separately from my parents, in my own apartment

    From acquaintances, friends, relatives

    I live with my husband in his apartment

    Other_____________________________ ___________________________________


(Check only one option)


    Above the average


    Below the average


    Difficult to answer


(Check only one option)

1. Yes

2. Rather yes than no

3 . Not

4. More likely no than yes

8. WHAT AGE DO YOU THINK SHOULD BE MARRIED?(Check only one option)

  1. 30 years and older

    Difficult to answer


1. Love

2. Desire to start a family

3. Birth of a child

4. Payment

5. Independence from parents

6. Difficult to answer


    Difficult to answer


    Yes, the partner's income is higher

    Yes, my income is more

    Revenues vary slightly

    Difficult to answer

12. FAMILY FOR YOU IS ...(check up to 3 options)

1 . procreation

2. "Refuge" from the stressful influences of the outside world

3. A place for self-realization, self-expression

4. Interference with my self-realization

5. Place of constant scandals and manifestations of violence

6. A burden in everything

7. Showing love for your spouse

8. Showing love for children

9. Difficult to answer


I should be the head of the family

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Participation of the wife (spouse) in the family income

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Favorable moral and psychological state of the family

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Wife's career

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Good health

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

material well-being

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Creating equal opportunities for all in the family

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

A strong family

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

The ability to express opinions on any issue without fear of a scandal in the family

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Children's well-being

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Interesting job

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Independence of the wife (spouse) in affairs, judgments, actions

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Increasing the educational level of the wife (spouse)

(intellectual development)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Participation in the upbringing of children

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


family responsibilities


Your spouse


Apartment renovation


Fixing household utensils


Financial support families

Monitoring the progress of children in school

washing dishes


Cooking food


Housing cleaning


    Yes, sure

    Not in everything, but in general, my parents' family is worthy of emulation

    There are many things in my parents' family that I don't like.

    Difficult to answer


(Check only one option)

    Yes one child

    More than one child



1. Yes

2 . Not

3. Difficult to answer

2. Study of the attitude of young people to their health and the health of future children

In the first chapter, we examined the tasks of social work in institutions for the social prevention and rehabilitation of adolescents and youth, the importance of the reproductive health of young people, as well as factors that negatively affect the health of future offspring. In the experimental part of our work, we decided to find out the degree of awareness of boys and girls about the destructive effects of psychoactive substances on the body. And also to find out how much today's youth cares about their health and the health of their future children.

We conducted a survey, the results of which are presented in Appendix 1.

Base of research: Students of universities, colleges, library readers, as well as boys and girls on the streets of the city (20 people) took part in the study. They were offered an anonymous questionnaire consisting of 50 questions, which were asked to answer in any form or choose one of the proposed answers.

After analyzing the data obtained, we came to the conclusion that 60% of the boys and girls we interviewed consider themselves completely healthy. However, knowing about the dangers of smoking, 65% continue to smoke, and 70% drink alcohol, knowing that it is harmful to health (Fig. 1).

As can be seen from Table 1, 65% of our respondents smoke. Moreover, 20% started smoking before the age of 16, 60% smoke every day, 45% smoke, even if they are sick. 60% smoke in company to be "like everyone else", 30% smoke to cheer themselves up.

Rice. 1. Results of the survey of youth and adolescents

Only half of the respondents believe that smoking is harmful. Want to quit smoking 45%. However, none of the respondents wants their children to smoke.

Table 1. Attitudes of young people towards smoking

Questions "yes" answers %
1 7 35
2 Do you smoke? 13 65
3 4 20
4 Do you smoke every day? 12 60
5 7 35
6 Do you smoke even when you are sick? 9 45
7 6 30
8 12 60
9 8 40
10 10 50
11 4 20
12 Do you want to quit smoking? 9 45
13 7 35
14 0 0

Consequently, young people are aware of the dangers of smoking, but do not believe that cigarettes can bring any real harm to them personally. 60% smoke "for the company."

According to our survey, 70% of young people drink alcohol, 80% tried it before the age of 16. Moreover, 25% drink alcohol more than once a week, 85% drink "for company". However, only half of the respondents believe that alcohol is harmful to them. And only 5% are afraid of becoming alcoholics (see Table 2).

Table 2. Attitude of young people to alcohol

Questions "yes" answers %
1 Do you drink alcohol? 14 70
2 16 80
3 5 25
4 Only on holidays? 2 10
5 12 60
6 17 85
7 11 55
8 6 30
9 4 20
10 1 5
11 Do you think alcohol is bad for health? 10 50
12 5 25
13 Do you respect drinking people? 2 10

So, the harm of alcohol by young people and adolescents is also underestimated. The motive "for the company" prevails.

Among our respondents, 20% tried drugs. Only half of the respondents believe that drug addiction is possible from the first time.

15% of respondents will go to a company where they can offer a drug. But the majority of our respondents will refuse an offer to try drugs (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 Attitude towards drugs

As can be seen from Table 4, the majority consider themselves healthy people, but only 20% lead a healthy lifestyle, although 45% are sure that health should be taken care of right now. Bad habits are recognized by 35%. And at the same time, all respondents want to have healthy children.

Table 4. Attitude of young people to their health

Questionnaire Questions The answer is “yes”, (number of people) %
1 12 60
2 1 5
3 9 45
4 4 20
5 Do you play sports? 6 30
6 Do you have bad habits? 7 35
7 9 45
8 20 100

So, according to the results of our study, it turned out that the majority of the boys and girls we interviewed want to have healthy children, try to monitor their health and believe that drinking and smoking parents cannot have healthy offspring, but despite this, they are in no hurry to get rid of from their bad habits, drink alcohol and smoke "for company".


So, under the conditions modern Russia the need for social work is particularly acute and universal. The sociology of health is becoming that special theory that, by its development, will further expand the scope of interests of general sociology and at the same time, at the expense of the latter, reach a higher level of theoretical development of its own issues. In its developed form, it will make it possible to overcome communication difficulties between the natural, technical and social sciences, between medicine, health care and the social sciences. Her fruitful summaries, scientific methods and private methods can be applied directly in the field of medical research on health and disease, norm and pathology.

The influence of nicotine, alcohol and drugs on the reproductive functions of future parents is extremely negative. As a result, there is a threat of abortion, infertility, and the likelihood of the birth of a sick or defective offspring increases. Drunkenness and alcoholism complicate the socio-demographic situation in the country, affect the population and its mental and physical capabilities, and reduce socially useful activity. Alcohol abuse leads to a decrease in the birth rate and an increase in the number of children with congenital physical and mental disorders.

Preserving the reproductive health of young people is one of the main tasks of modern society. Particular attention is paid to the young family, which is an important socio-demographic group of the population. The formation of a healthy lifestyle should be expressed in fixing in youth environment a complex of optimal skills, abilities and life stereotypes that exclude addictions.

Our goal pilot study was the study of the attitude of young people and adolescents to their reproductive health.

We assumed that Russian youth and adolescents, by virtue of their age features do not sufficiently take into account the consequences of bad habits affecting their reproductive health.

According to the results of our study, it turned out that the majority of the boys and girls we interviewed want to have healthy children, try to monitor their health and believe that drinking and smoking parents cannot have healthy offspring, but despite this, they are in no hurry to get rid of their children. bad habits, drink alcohol and smoke "for company".

Thus, our hypothesis was confirmed, the tasks facing the work were solved. Target term paper reached.


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Attachment 1.

Questions and Statements

1. Do you consider yourself a completely healthy person?

2. Are you not completely satisfied with your health?

3. Do you think that health should be taken care of now?

4. Do you lead a healthy lifestyle?

5. Do you play sports?

6. Do you have bad habits?

7. Do you smoke?

8. Did you start smoking before the age of 16?

9. Do you smoke every day?

10. Do you find it difficult to stop smoking in non-smoking areas?

11. Do you smoke even when you are sick?

12. Do you smoke to cheer yourself up?

13. Do you smoke "for the company" to be "like everyone else"?

14. Do you enjoy cigarettes?

15. Do you think smoking is harmful?

16. Do you like smoking girls?

17. Do you want to quit smoking?

18. Can you completely give up cigarettes?

19. Would you like your children to smoke?

20. Do you drink alcohol?

21. Have you tried alcohol before the age of 16?

22. Do you drink alcohol more than once a week?

23. Only on holidays?

24. Does alcohol cheer you up?

25. Do you drink "for company" to be "like everyone else"?

26. Do you enjoy alcohol?

27. Do you drink to relieve stress, relax?

28. Do you consider beer an alcoholic drink?

29. Are you afraid of becoming an alcoholic?

30. Do you feel that you are harming your health by drinking alcohol?

31. Can you completely give up alcohol?

32. Do you respect people who drink?

33. Have you ever tried drugs?

34. Can you refuse if you are offered to try a drug?

35. Do you think it is possible to get used to a drug once you have tried it?

36. Will you go to a drug company?

37. As a child, you often spent free time with parents?

38. Do you have many friends?

40. Do you consider yourself an interesting conversationalist?

41. Are you the center of attention in the company?

42. Do you have enough communication?

43. Do other people easily understand you?

44. Do you feel abandoned?

45. Do you often have sad thoughts?

46. ​​Are you often bored?

47. Do you feel lonely, isolated from others?

48. Do you have insomnia?

49. Do you care about your health?

50. Do you want to have healthy children in the future?

Annex 2

Questionnaire Questions The answer is “yes”, (number of people)
1 Do you consider yourself a completely healthy person? 12
2 Are you not completely satisfied with your health? 1
3 Do you think that health should be taken care of now? 4
4 Do you lead a healthy lifestyle? 4
5 Do you play sports? 6
6 Do you have bad habits? 7
7 Do you smoke? 13
8 Did you start smoking before the age of 16? 4
9 Do you smoke every day? 12
10 Do you find it difficult to resist smoking in non-smoking areas? 7
11 Do you smoke even when you are sick? 9
12 Do you smoke to cheer yourself up? 6
13 Do you smoke "for the company" to be "like everyone else"? 12
14 Do you enjoy cigarettes? 8
15 Do you think smoking is bad? 10
16 Do you like smoking girls? 4
17 Do you want to quit smoking? 9
18 Can you completely give up cigarettes? 7
19 Would you like your children to smoke? 0
20 Do you drink alcohol? 14
21 Have you tried alcohol before the age of 16? 16
22 Do you drink alcohol more than once a week? 5
23 Only on holidays? 2
24 Does alcohol cheer you up? 12
25 Do you drink "for company" to be "like everyone else"? 17
26 Do you enjoy alcohol? 11
27 Do you drink to relieve stress, relax? 6
28 Do you consider beer an alcoholic drink? 4
29 Are you afraid of becoming an alcoholic? 1
30 Do you think you are harming your health by drinking alcohol? 3
31 Can you completely give up alcohol? 5
32 Do you respect people who drink? 2
33 Have you ever tried drugs? 4
34 Can you refuse if you are offered to try a drug? 15
35 Do you think it is possible to get used to a drug once you have tried it? 10
36 Will you go to a drug company? 3
37 As a child, did you often spend your free time with your parents? 8
38 How many friends do you have? 6
39 Do you like reading books? 7
40 Do you consider yourself an interesting conversationalist? 8
41 Are you the center of attention in the company? 5
42 Do you need communication? 12
43 Are you easily understood by other people? 7
44 Are you feeling abandoned? 5
45 Do you often have sad thoughts? 6
46 Are you often bored? 8
47 Do you feel lonely, isolated from others? 3
48 Do you have insomnia? 2
49 Do you care about your health? 9
50 Do you want to have healthy children in the future? 20

Annex 3

Study Protocol #1

Gender: female Age: 18

3. Do you think that health should be taken care of now? - Yes

4. Do you lead a healthy lifestyle? -Yes

7. Do you smoke? - No

8. Did you start smoking before the age of 16? -No

9. Do you smoke every day? -Yes

10. Do you find it difficult to stop smoking in non-smoking areas? - No

14. Do you enjoy cigarettes? - No

15. Do you think smoking is harmful? - No

18. Can you completely give up cigarettes? - Yes

27. Do you drink to relieve stress, relax? - Yes

34. Can you refuse if you are offered to try a drug? - Yes

40. Do you consider yourself an interesting conversationalist? - Yes

41. Are you the center of attention in the company? - Yes

45. Do you often have sad thoughts? - No

48. Do you have insomnia? - Yes

49. Do you care about your health? - Yes

50. Do you want to have healthy children in the future? - Yes

Study protocol #2

Gender: husband Age: 15

1. Do you consider yourself a completely healthy person? - Yes

2. Are you not completely satisfied with your health? - No

3. Do you think that health should be taken care of now? - No

4. Do you lead a healthy lifestyle? - Yes

5. Do you play sports? - No

6. Do you have bad habits? - Yes

7. Do you smoke? - Yes

8. Did you start smoking before the age of 16? - No

9. Do you smoke every day? - Yes

10. Do you find it difficult to stop smoking in non-smoking areas? - Yes

11. Do you smoke even when you are sick? - Yes

12. Do you smoke to cheer yourself up? - Yes

13. Do you smoke "for the company" to be "like everyone else"? - Yes

14. Do you enjoy cigarettes? - Yes

15. Do you think smoking is harmful? - Yes

16. Do you like smoking girls? - No

17. Do you want to quit smoking? - No

18. Can you completely give up cigarettes? - No

19. Would you like your children to smoke? - No

20. Do you drink alcohol? - Yes

21. Have you tried alcohol before the age of 16? - Yes

22. Do you drink alcohol more than once a week? - No

23. Only on holidays? - Yes

24. Does alcohol cheer you up? - Yes

25. Do you drink "for company" to be "like everyone else"? - Yes

26. Do you enjoy alcohol? - Yes

27. Do you drink to relieve stress, relax? - No

28. Do you consider beer an alcoholic drink? - Yes

29. Are you afraid of becoming an alcoholic? - No

30. Do you feel that you are harming your health by drinking alcohol? - No

31. Can you completely give up alcohol? - Yes

32. Do you respect people who drink? - No

33. Have you ever tried drugs? - No

34. Can you refuse if you are offered to try a drug? -Yes

35. Do you think it is possible to get used to a drug once you have tried it? - No

36. Will you go to a drug company? - No

37. As a child, did you often spend your free time with your parents? - Yes

38. Do you have many friends? - Yes

40. Do you consider yourself an interesting conversationalist? - No

41. Are you the center of attention in the company? - No

42. Do you have enough communication? - Yes

43. Do other people easily understand you? - No

44. Do you feel abandoned? - No

45. Do you often have sad thoughts? - Yes

46. ​​Are you often bored? - No

47. Do you feel lonely, isolated from others? - No

48. Do you have insomnia? - No

49. Do you care about your health? - No

Marriage partners, the role of the head of the family and the rights and obligations of relatives, from close to distant, the place of settlement and genealogy. The universality of the family as an institution is revealed in the concept of "family functions". Under social functions it refers to the basic needs of society and people that the family satisfies. The most important functions of family and marriage include the following. Sphere...
