Secrets of proper drying and storage of garlic. How to dry winter garlic after digging at home? How to dry garlic after

Drying garlic after his cleaning with beds grocery grooves pay great attention, as it is long been stored only succeeded in all the rules. Contrary to all logic, well-fed and cleaned garlic is still considered not dry, but fresh. Such a vegetable is used during the winter, used in conservation, add to various dishes. From it, the maternity mistresses are preparing a fragrant spice - dried garlic. We find out how to properly dry it for the winter, without losing a milligram of beneficial carbohydrates, essential oils and phytoncids, which is rich in this culture.

First of all, garlic needs to be removed on time. The heads disturbed on the garden will begin to decay on separate teeth and germinate. Such garlic does not break down for a long time. In order not to be late with cleaning, the floral arrows do not climb on several plants, and leave as landmarks. Optimum term For a culture of culture, a time is considered when the arrows are completely straightened, and the shell starts to burst.

Garlic carefully digging, trying not to damage the heads, shake with the roots of the earth, lay out on the garden and dried several hours in the sun. Wash bulbs is extremely undesirable, as the task of the gardener during this period - to dry the vegetable as quickly as possible. In the evening, the back heads are binding to bundles and hang for the final drying in the shade under the canopy. The place must be well thought out, then the bulbs will dry faster and better. Drying time lasts from week to month, depending on weather conditions.

The ashes bind to braids or cut at an altitude of 4-8 cm from the root neck. The sharp secateur is cut off the roots, then the heads are determined on storage in a cool dry room with good ventilation.

Is it possible to dry in the sun

This question remains controversial among vegetables. Many of them notice that after a long drying under the right sunny rays, garlic is baked and in the future it is worse. Part of the dachnings the best place to dry garlic considers only a well-lit by the sun.

The last option will surely suit the inhabitants of the northern regions with a non-market sun and cool weather. And in the southern regions this culture is better to diaten.

In any case, in the evening, ligaments with garlic are cleaned under a canopy, as the dew drops in the morning, which makes it difficult to dry.

How to cook dried garlic for spice

Well dried garlic distinguish the following signs:

  • top yellow and dried, makes a rustling sound;
  • roots have become filamentines;
  • thin dry scales, similar to cigarette paper, were formed on the heads.
  • The weight of the dry product is reduced from the initial by 40-60%.

In this form, the vegetable is perfect for several months. Before laying on the storage of the heads, they are examined and separately packed damaged during the squeezing, with a broken sheath or signs of damage. Such instances need to be spent primarily - to put on preservation, use in food or once again to sit.

Pre-teeth clean, cut off spoiled places and crushed. In this form, garlic turns into an exquisite spice, a long non-losing aroma and ready to add to various dishes - borsch, pilaf, salads, snacks.

There are many ways to get such a spice. Consider the most popular of them.

Methods of drying

Garlic along with apples, pears, tomatoes and other fruits or vegetables is good dry. Moreover, not all home conditions allow you to save beneficial features Vegetable for a long time, so hostesses prefer to dry it for the winter. In the dry form, garlic reserves do not lose the fragrance for a long time, do not require space in the refrigerator and compactly stored.

How to dry indoors

Garlic for drying is cleaned from the shell, wash, allow to dry and cut into a sharp knife on thin plates. They are laid on the drying pallets that can be easily made from the primary materials as follows:

  • cut four boards width 10-15 cm;
  • from the boards, the box of arbitrary size and height are narrowed;
  • one side is tightened by a thin mesh cloth, well-transmitting air and not absorbing odors.

The garlic sliced \u200b\u200bon the plates lay on the fabric into one layer and put it in the shaded ventilated place. To protect against dust and flying insects, the box is covered with the second layer of fabric, placing the product between them. From time to time, the plates turn over, providing uniform evaporation of moisture from the surface.

Fully dried garlic fragile, easily breaks and has a color from cream to light brown. Part of the plates can be chopped by a blender and add a bit of cook salt. Get garlic salt is a popular spice ready to use. Due to salt that absorbs excess moisture, such a spice longer remains dry and does not deteriorate.

The finished product is referred to in banks, covered with covers and stored in a dry dark place. Periodically, dried garlic reserves should be inspected. If the spice was lying and a plower smell appeared, it is scattered onto the pallet and lightly peel into the oven at a temperature of + 50 ° C.

In electrical stakes or ovens

Similarly, garlic is dried in electric stakes. In them, the product dries away much faster, since the drying electrical appliances are equipped with a light heated and forced ventilation. Under such conditions, the product is quickly and evenly communicated to the desired condition.

In the absence of electric dryers, garlic can be dried in the oven. The baking sheets are covered with baking paper and laid sliced \u200b\u200bteeth on it. The product must be dried at a temperature not higher than 40-60 ° C. With more high temperatures slices are darker, phytoncides are destroyed, and essential oils Droke. As a result, the finished product has much worse taste properties, and its benefits decreases.

How to save garlic arrows fresh for winter

Garlic lovers know well that this plant has edible and useful not only underground part, but also the stem with leaves. First of all, they use young arrows in the food, which are laid out in June. They contain an even greater amount of vitamin C and are extremely necessary at the beginning of summer. Part of the arrows can be prepared for the winter in any convenient way - freeze, climb or shield with salt.

Young leaves will fit and young leaves for the harvesting of greenery. After cutting, they should be rinsed and sort yellowed and coarse feathers. The remaining harvested with the arrows.

For drying, washed and finely chopped greens are laid out into one layer on pallets and adjusted to a bulk state. Dry for several days, depending on air humidity and temperature. After crushing and refer to banks.

To freeze the arrows, they also wash in running water, dry on napkins, cut and decompressed into plastic bags or containers. In the freezer in such a form, the product is stored unlimited time.

For storage in the refrigerator, a recipe with salt is suitable. Prepared arrows lay out in pure glass jars, mocking them with salt layers, and shuffle tightly.

If in the room where the dried garlic is stored is too wet, and it fails to reduce it, it is better to remove the finished spice in the freezer. Freezing will allow you to keep your favorite seasoning much longer. In this case, it is packaged by small portions, on "once".

Drying is an eco-friendly and unearmable way to keep garlic for a long time. When complying with storage conditions, it does not lose its qualities during the year and is convenient for use. Supplement N. large number At the end of cooking will give the dish with a thin fragrance and will protect against colds.

To obtain good harvest garlic, you need to properly care for him during growth, and most importantly in time to remove garlic with beds, Otherwise, he is poorly stored.

Consider a Read more: When to clean garlic with beds, external signs of the preparedness of the crop of garlic, how to dig a garlic, the storage of garlic?

The overall garlic begins to crack in the ground and crumbles on separate teeth.

External signs of the readiness of garlic

There are external signs of the preparedness of the harres of garlic to cleaning with a bed. The most obvious sign of the preparedness of the crop - Slowing and yellowing of leaves at the bottom and yellowing in the top. Also, be sure to pass the stalk of the plant - it should be soft and easily squeezed with hands.

Usually, the period of cleaning of winter garlic begins with the middle july and before the beginning of August, and Svorovaya for 2-3 weeks later. It all depends on the weather in your area.

Second exterior signarrows garlic. If the arrow straightened, and at the same time the outer shell of the inflorescences began to crack, and the Bullbars themselves appear outside - this is a harvesting signal.

For a couple of weeks before harvesting, completely stop all the watering, thereby you will increase the fetus fetus.

How to clean garlic

Garlic necessarily scream during cleaning. Being a hand for feathers to pull the root of the root from the ground.

Immediately after digging vegetables, if there are a lot of plummers on the bulbs, to clear which you can only with your hands in gloves (do not beat each other, about a shovel or earth), as much as much as it is possible at the moment.

In the future, when the vegetable is dry, the land itself will easily lag.

How to dry garlic after cleaning

During drying all nutrients From the pen will go into the bulb, and garlic will be well kept.

Storage garlic

When the garlic seek, neatly cut off the roots, without damaging the Donets. Also cut off dry tops, leaving tails 10-15 cm long and split in braids.

The ease of growing garlic culture usually leads to abundant harvests of this herbaceous perennial vegetable and to resolve an annual task, how to keep garlic until the next harvest. Methods of storage of culture set, however, not all of them are able to provide a good fierce of acute and fragrant vegetable. Is it possible to freeze garlic, and what variety alliaceae is able to go through the winter better?

Storage, including long-term, up to a new crop, is subject to any, a timely removed from the garden and properly prepared garlic. It is believed that garlic of spring varieties collected in last month Summer, much rushing the winter fellow, but a large number of reviews from experienced agronomists, made adjustments to this information on the storage of the product. It turns out that in most cases of growing winter culture, many gardeners for some reason lower the need for a number of actions to disinfect seed material, and facing the diseases of vegetable or the fact of rotting the head in the ground, they are not always working to find out the cause and allow diseases to cover large areas of sowing.

A big role for competent storage, plays the correct definition of the timing of the collection of vegetable culture:

  • summer garlic, with the beds are removed after August 20;
  • winter vegetable hold on the garden until mid-July.

It is possible to determine the readiness of the culture to dig up, focusing on the state of the green part of the plant's stem. Closer to the last time, the top of the vegetable begins to yellow, dries away from the outer sheets and lowers the stalks to the ground - "stele". Reduce the planting material in the soil can not, as it is impossible to water garlic in the last 10-12 days before the collection of culture - all this contributes to the release of young slopes and decay the garlic head on separate teeth. In such a state, the dug bulbs will use only for storage in a recycled form.

Immediately after the whole culture turns out to be dug, it is moved, throwing away all the pitched or not enough tight to the touch, bulbs. Immediately, in the garden, on wooden or metal shields, spend the first, after harvesting, drying garlic. Save vegetable in the shade, necessarily together with the top and the whole green part of the plant. At night, the lows are cleaned into the room, and on the day again exhibit - and so, at least 4 days.

How to keep garlic after digging, so as not to take care of the availability of vegetable on the table until the next harvest?

Where to keep garlic?

The storage of garlic in the cellar or pantry should be carried out under compliance temperature modenot allowing the deviation of the thermometer from the optimal + 3 ... + 6 degrees. It is not recommended to use metal metal for storing this vegetable garage boxes Or raw basements - the level of humidity in them can reach 80-100%, and with such values, garlic either dried, or it will begin to soften and rot.

It is best to hang garlic after cleaning to ceiling floors. Methods to make it well, a lot - from the bracket of dried garlic stems in pigtails, with the formation of a kind of "vine", and before the use of small baskets or mesh "Avosek", in which garlic in winter will be well ventilated. If there is no possibility to provide a vegetable "airspace", intact heads in one row are laid out in flat boxes with perforation in the side walls and installed on racks.

To keep the stored vegetable, it is impossible to install a bookmark with garlic near the boxes with carrots, repex, beet, radish, cabbage. The only worthy neighbor of culture during storage will be well-dried onions.

There is one more option to extend the shelf life of the raw heads of the vegetable - to store in the refrigerator. The whole heads of the vegetable are laid by 3-5 pieces in small packages made of crafted paper and occupy a separate vegetable container of the lower section of the refrigerator. It is stored, in such a form, garlic for a short time - up to three weeks, so most owners choose a storage method more troublesome, but reliable - freezing of lows in the freezer. This storage method is good and the fact that it is also suitable for it and the so-called, "non -iquidized" vegetable, from which you need to cut damaged places, and then crushed the teeth with a knife or in a meat grinder.

The resulting cleaner or, if desired, whole cleaned teeth, firmly laid into special dense packets for low temperatures and store these briquettes in the freezer as much as necessary. At what temperature is better to store garlic? Frozen briquettes with vegetable preferably stored at -4 ... -7 degrees and never defrost them entirely if there is no need to use the whole lot.

How to keep garlic at home?

Recycled garlic, when stored, should have a protective or nutrient medium, in which its useful qualities would not be changed, and the service life of the vegetable was extended for a long period.

Storage in oil

This method of storage of garlic loves those who prefer to add a fragrant vegetable into soups, and salad dressing. In vegetable oil, garlic partially loses its sharpness, but in return, it becomes very fragrant, saturating a thick aroma even the casting fluid. The preparation scheme of vegetable in oil, simple:

  • garlic slices are cleaned and crushed with a knife;
  • the acute mass is shifted into a small jar by filling it with 2/3;
  • with a thin flowing and with a constant stirring of a diluted cleaner, a vegetable oil is poured into the jar, complementing the container to "shoulders";
  • garlic in a bank closes a plastic lid and removes the refrigerator for storage.

On sunflower oil, which remained after using the vegetable, you can prepare first dishes and even apply it for medicinal purposes. The shelf life of the workpiece is up to 3 months.

Alcoholic tincture of garlic

The medicinal garlic tincture is often mentioned in medical directories, so in a house where there are patients with cardiovascular pathologies, such winter blank It turns out to be by the way. To obtain an elixir from vegetable, you will need a minimum of actions and a bit of waiting:

  • two glasses of chopped in a meat grinder, purified garlic, insist in a closed jar about one and a half hours;
  • after insistence, the entire top layer of mass is removed by a spoon - approximately a third of the total, and the remaining cleaner is shifted into a sterilized 0.5-liter bottle of dark glass and poured a glass of high-quality alcohol;
  • a closed bottle is cleaned for storage in a secluded place for a half weeks, after which the tincture can be used.

"Shot" garlic does not need to throw out - the best way Its storage - in a jar with butter, according to the previous method or, as an option - in the freezer.

How to store illegible garlic?

Storage of garlic at home can be carried out without additional processing of vegetable. Thus, it is possible to keep garlic until six months in the apartment, and it retains its original taste and fragrance longer.

Using bulk materials

Storage of garlic in flour, a large salt or in wood ashes, justified by the moist-absorbing properties of these sorbents. The use of any of the substances allows you to store the harvested vegetable right in the kitchen, without selection separate room, sort of basement or storage room:

  • Flour. The bottom of the flat plastic container is covered with a layer of flour and smoothly laid on it garlic heads of the same size. With the help of a sieve, it is ridiculous to truncate a thick row of lows and tightly closed the container for further storage.
  • Salt. As container, take small drawers with perforation or a box of corrugated cardboard with holes in the lid. It is allowed to lay in one container to three layers of garlic heads, so as not to crush the weight of the lows with salt the lowest row. Using instead of a box of glass 1-2 liter cans, extends the shelf life of the vegetable for a month or two, the main thing - do not forget generously shield the salt of the top layer of laid heads.
  • Ash. The method of laying a vegetable with accuracy repeats the previous one. Box with ash content, it is better to store near the radiators of heating.

If the storage of garlic in the conditions of the urban apartment is carried out in the pantry or in the kitchen, it is necessary to ensure that in the neighborhood with a capricious vegetable there was no potato, cabbage, beetplas, which spread dampness and can cause the culture.

"Paraffin shirt"

For the coating wax, the vegetable heads are chosen the same, medium size, with tightly merged teeth and with intact husk. Low part Each head, from where the roots begins to grow, burn. In the heat-resistant container, on a slow fire or on a water bath, we melm the broken wax candles or lumpy paraffin to a liquid state.

Each garlic head is taken separately for dry stem and plunge into a liquid, holding a vegetable in paraffin exactly 3 seconds. Then the head of the vegetable is put in a single row in a flat box and remove to storage in a cool place, away from the sun's rays. In paraffin coating, garlic of winter varieties is kept until January-February, Svarovye - approximately June.

No matter how much the storage of acute spicy vegetable vegetation was chosen by the hostess (exception - freezing), it should be remembered that universal Fashion It does not exist to protect the vegetable from damage, which means because of one damaged clove of garlic, there is a risk of reloading the entire laying. At least once in a month-one and a half, you need to sort out stocks, tackling garlic heads and estimating the smell emanating from the box (banks) with vegetable.

Since dried garlic teeth are fragrant seasoning for soups, seafood, meat and poultry, many are interested in how to dry garlic at home? There are several proven ways, how to properly dry garlic yourself so that it does not lose his taste and useful qualities. Today you will learn about the preparation of the product to dry, dry without disrupting the integrity of the bulbs, in a bundle, storing in the form of a powder, and whether it is possible to dry garlic in the sun.

Preparation for drying

You can use a vegetable variety Kalininsky, Rostov, Kirovograd, Starobelsky white, Creole, South Purple, Ukrainian white and others. In principle, you can dry any of the known varieties among gardeners. A few days before the planned digging, it is necessary to stop watering culture. Since the earth should be dry, not recommended to dig a plant after it has been raining. Do not wait for the aging of garlic. At this point, the foliage becomes characteristic of yellow and is located on the surface of the Earth.

In the process of digging the vegetable, such a degree of maturity is easily separated from the heads will necessarily be scales, and the teeth themselves. They are able to stain the earth. And the teeth is forbidden, because they are able to mold. Also not advised to dig up a non-seated culture. Since his bulbs will have a loose and loose structure, in view of which they will be bad to dry and stored. Garlic must become dried in a dry and cool room. Do not remove roots, leaves and stem.

Many people practice drying this wonderful product, knowing all its useful qualities.

Garlic enhances immunity, manifests antibacterial and antiviral properties, reduces the level of poor cholesterol, reduces the risk of infarction and stroke

But also effectively fighting gloves, helps to treat pain in the joints, is used as auxiliary In the treatment of liver disease.

It is an excellent impetusion prevention in men and diseases of the cardiovascular system from any person.

Singing in a bundle

How to dry garlic in a bundle? The preliminary drying is carried out directly on the plot. There he is left after digging for a couple of days. After the roots and tops are frozen, and the scales will make a tight to the surface of the bulbs, you can remove the harvest from the site. If this year is cold and rainy days, the drying procedure should be carried out in a room with a temperature regime at the level of +30 degrees and lasts no longer than 8 days. Garlic with tops are taken to turn in braids that are suspended in a dry place where somewhat cool.

I dug a mature garlic, you can dry it with his heads, not shredding them. It is required to take the room for the product with a temperature of no more than + 10 degrees. Next, garlic should be put in 1 layer for several months. Roots must be crossed, and the leaves change the color on the brown. It is required to remove some foliage and bring root cropping. The stem must be cut at an altitude of about 2, 5 cm from the head. Storage of garlic in this form is carried out in stockings. Suitable dark and dry place.

You can dry the vegetable purified. It is required to sort the clean and ripe product. After removing its top layer, garlic needs to be cut on the plates with a thickness of about 6 mm, decompose on the sieve either either, pre-undermining the parchment paper. Next, drying in the oven or the oven at a temperature of +50 degrees. Check if slices were dried normally, not so difficult. It is worth just bend one in your hand, and he must break.

A fragrant powder can be made of dry garlic. The product needs to be crushed with a coffee grinder. Such powder will not lose its smell and taste for 1 year. How to do it? For this, they take good heads, remove the husks from them. It is possible to grind it not only by means of a coffee grinder. Someone likes finely chop garlic personally, someone enjoys a combine. Requires drying in the stove with the temperature of the temperature mode at + 93 degrees.

Sometimes this procedure is carried out in a special desiccant. Where the product is placed on 2 days at a temperature of about +35 degrees. Grinding the filled garlic and skipping it through a sieve, you can store a powder for about 2 months.

Is it possible to dry in the sun

You can dry garlic in the sun, if necessary, to obtain a large amount of product in the season and its implementation. This method cannot be called justified during self-drying. Since the laid out of the vegetable on the sun significantly reduces its storage time in the future. Under the influence of scorching sunlight, the top layer of vegetable cracks. What affects the quality of the bulbs is not the best.

If still there is a desire to use such a way, spread out the dug garlic in the shade. Then his taste and fragrance will not suffer. And you can add your favorite seasoning to various dishes to your taste and enjoy their unique taste. The sun also advise drying those plants that you plan to plant under the winter. It follows for 3 days.

Video "Drying garlic"

From this video you will learn how to properly dry garlic and store in the form of garlic powder.

Grow good garlic It is not difficult, but it is not difficult to preserve it to spring and strong.

Winter grades garlic, such as, for example, Alkor, Dobrynya, Bashkir 85, Dubkovsky, Jubilee Mushroom, Otradnensky, broad-sized 220, sail, Danilovsky local, plant on the bed in the fall ,. This is done in September-October so that the garlic to the winter should be rooted. Surround grade garlic, such as, Alasky, Gafurian, Gulliver, Sochi 56, etc. Spring in the spring.

Winter garlic must be stored at high humidity and low temperatures (2-4 degrees), and the spring on the contrary - at low humidity and high temperature (16-20 degrees).

Garlic grows perfectly on the ridges, where the cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin grew up, that is, after cultures under which a lot was introduced organic fertilizers. It is impossible to plant garlic after potatoes and onions.

When to clean garlic with beds

Very often come such questions: Which of July, garlic needs to be removed, or when to clean garlic on the lunar calendar. Sure moon calendar can give a lot of useful information, suggest when it is better to dig garlic, how to extend winter storage and get the maximum benefit from this plant. But no one will tell you the exact number of you, you need to look at garlic and know when he was planted.

Many gardeners claim to dig garlic needed on Petrov's day, so always gave grandparents, there is such a popular belief.

In my own experience, I will say that it is necessary to dig garlic when yellowing and drying 2/3 of the leaves, but not earlier than in 3.5 months from the appearance of germs. If you collect garlic before, it will be stored much worse, since the misappropriate bulbs are more susceptible to various diseases.

How to determine the readiness of garlic to cleaning

To determine whether garlic is ready for cleaning, 1 control plant with an arrow is left on the bed. When it will cause and burst, they will be visible bullbars with scales - then it's time to dig garlic.

Usually dig a garlic, placed under the winter, it turns out at the end of July, from the 20th-numbers at the beginning of August.

How to clean garlic with bed

First, they dump and pull the plant for the stem from the ground, then lay out on the ridges for drying. If the sun is very strong, then it is better to remove garlic under a canopy so that the bulbs do not get burns.

How to dry garlic after digging

It is necessary to clear the garlic from the ground, it is better carefully with your hands, so as not to damage it. Dry garlic is needed for 5-7 days, then to trim the roots and stem by the secateur, leaving the neck with a length of about 1.5 cm. Then the heads suck for 2-3 weeks in a dry ventilated room before bookmarking on permanent place Storage.

How to dry garlic right
  • If the weather is solar and is not expected to rain, then the garlic can be left for 2-3 days in the fresh air right on the garden, putting the ranks.
  • With high humidity (as well as after drying on the ground), garlic is folded in a dry ventilated room, or suspended under a canopy of small beams.

After two or three weeks, the drying comes to an end. The sign of this is the homogeneity of the color of the leaves, while they become brittle.

It's time to proceed to the next stage - cleaning from the remnants of the earth and pruning.

  • The first simple rule that will allow you to successfully save the harvest: do not crop garlic leaves immediately after digging. In the process of drying, garlic head will additionally gain weight and nutrients. It is recommended vertically location - the leaves to the top - in the natural form.
  • The second is not to knock on the heads or beams about each other, even small damage will affect the storage period of garlic.
  • Third Rule: Wash garlic can not even in rainy weather - this can be caused by the rainy of bulbs.

It is allowed when cleaning from dirt to remove the upper thin part of the husk.

Summer garlic is cleaned with the complete yellowing and left leaves, usually in September.

The bulbs who will be planted in the spring of next year should be stored at a temperature of + 3 + 5 ° C and air humidity of about 70%.

garlic can be dried and stored like this

Storage of garlic at home

  • Exist different methods Storage of garlic. Most gardeners are tired for the storage of garlic in salt. In the banks there is a food salt, then a layer of garlic heads, then again salt and so on. Completes this layer of salt layer with a thickness of about 2 cm.
  • In the apartment, it is possible to store garlic in glass jars. For this, well-dried crude heads of garlic spread over sterilized banks. And close them with droppock covers. For better storage You can switch to garlic wheat flour.
  • Some garlic lovers instead of salt use flour and, in their opinion, garlic is so kept better. Not a few instead of salt and flour take garden vermiculitis, but it is necessary to take into account that the small particles make it difficult to breathe.
  • Time consuming, but this may be even more effective way to store garlic in paraffin. At the same time, each head of garlic dip in liquid paraffin and then lay it on storage. The paraffin shell prevents the evaporation of moisture, which means that garlic will remain strong and juicy for a long time.
  • You can store garlic, having previously treated with oil composition. To do this, it is necessary in 1 liter of vegetable oil to dissolve 20 drops of iodine. Next, thoroughly treat garlic heads by this solution. After that, to dry them and put them on plywood boxes. Then these boxes should be placed in a cool dark place.
  • If there is a place in the refrigerator, this method is good: the purified cloves of garlic are laid in a glass jar and pour to the top with vegetable oil. In this case, the oil, absorbing the flavors of garlic, becomes especially delicious and use it well for salads. And the garlic does not deteriorate, although the taste, of course, changes slightly.
  • Garlic is perfectly stored in the apartment, in the linen bags. At low humidity, garlic is additionally stirred with onion husks. With elevated humidity, the bags with garlic are pre-treated with a concentrated solid solution. Salt absorbs excess moisture And besides, protects garlic from diseases and pests.

In the villages often store garlic, putting braids from it and hiding them. In order for the spit to be durable, the twine is inserted into it, and at the end make a loop for which they hang.

Collect garlic and storage, video

How to save garlic to spring strong in the apartment

I tried different methods of storage of garlic, but in the end I left one - he and easier and garlic until spring remains strong and fragrant. No waste.
This method is suitable for storing its varietal garlic, freshly dried and dried. To storing the store Chinese garlic, this method may not come up - no one knows what pre-sale preparation with it is produced.
In no case do not garlic in the refrigerator, do not even try - only you exist a good product.

The best way to store garlic - in banks. You most likely have already heard about this option, but for a good sound safety, you must adhere to such advice:

  • 1. Garlic should be good and properly succeeded after the crawling;
  • 2. Storage banks need to be sterilized and dry;
  • 3. Do not close the banks with any covers, just put a piece of gauze on garlic;
  • 4. Overlapse garlic to the top of the banks.
  • 5. When using garlic, get not from each can of several pieces, and first use completely from one, then from the other. The more the bank is filled, the more preserved garlic;
  • 6. the best place For cans with garlic - on the floor, at the battery. Do not be afraid, garlic will not dry.

Look - garlic in April of the same kind, which he was stored. No traces of rot, mold or some other "infection". Dense, strong, fragrant and white inside.

Recently read on the forum how to store garlic so that he remains strong until spring. So, you need 3 buckets: in the first weak garlic for 15 minutes, in the second mine, then with a haircut (leaving the tail of about 15 cm), in the third salt of 15 minutes (200 g. Salts on the water bucket), further under the shadows in one layer. After such treatment, garlic is stored perfectly!