When you need to put winter garlic. Where is it better to plant garlic? Selection of varieties and preparation of garlic to landing

Winter garlic does not need advertising. Almost every dacket tried to grow this vegetable, but it is not possible for everyone. Even harder to grow selected, large and healthy heads that cause delight among others. In the cultivation of garlic there are some tricks and subtleties. Having learned them and applied in practice, you can grow real wonderful garlic to everyone in the vision.

Guess the optimal time for planting winter garlic is art. It is planted in September. And the exact time depend on the weather.

The earlier suck the teeth into the soil, the larger next year there will be heads. Knowing it, gardeners try to plant garlic early. But if it is too early to do it, he will have time to go before the snow falls, and then the harvest will die.

To plant garlic on time, you need to remember what the spring was this year. With an early spring, autumn cold will come earlier than usual. In such a year, winter garlic can be planted in the first decade of September.

For planting, large teeth choose without spots and traces rot. A few hours before the landing, the teeth are soaked in a weakly pink solution of manganese, and then, without drying, planting in loose soil, pressing a finger or using a special fixture. The depth of planting should be at least five centimeters.

Hand-made plant - useful fixture that facilitates landing not only garlic, but also tulips, glades and seedlings.

The depth of planting depends on the composition of the soil. On the sandy loose soil, the teeth close up to a depth of 7 cm. On a heavy clay, 5 cm will be enough.

If you plant a teeth often, the heads will not be large. It is best to plant a double ribbon, with a distance between the strings 30 cm. In the line, it is left at least 10 cm. The width of the aisle may be arbitrary, but not less than 40 cm.

Planting material is better grown by himself. In Russia, few grants of garlic, adapted to the conditions of a particular region, so buying the planting material is difficult. Do not try to experiment and disembark garlic, bought on a vegetable market where vegetables for food are selling. This culture is badly adapted to the new climate, so the bridal garlic dies.

It is safer to buy garlic for landing from able to grow it familiar or neighbors. Let the name of the local grade are forgotten or unknown - for garlic it is common. The main thing is that this variety can grow in the local climate. The next year you can select the largest heads of our own crop to land, and then take a selection selection.

If you breed garlic only with teeth, after a few years it will degenerate. The fact is that nematodes and disputes of microscopic soil mushrooms living in the soil are accumulated in the teeth, which cause garlic diseases. To get rid of infection, it is necessary to multiply garlic onto the bulbs in bulbs once a few years. Bullbars are planted in the same lines as trade garlic and grown along the same technology. In the first year, the so-called "single-houses" grow out of the bullbars, and on the second head.

Groceries with garlic can be sprinkled by an organician only under winter, but not in spring.

Garlic will grow bad after tomatoes, potatoes and onions. The best predecessors for it are bean, cabbage, pumpkin and green crops.

Seal lovers can grow winter garlic with dill. To do this, after determining the teeth in the fall on the "place of residence", later on the same garden, the usual dill should be sown under the winter, simply scattering the seeds on a slightly frozen ground and passing on the surface of the soil with shallow robbles.

In the spring, dill will take up simultaneously with garlic. It will be more harder to be so harder, you will have to limit ourselves to pulling only major weeds. But on the same garden, it will be possible to harvest the harvest of two crops at once. By the way, garlic loves such a neighborhood and next to dill grows on rarity large and healthy.

Cleaning of winter garlic

When to remove winter garlic? Cleaning is proceeded when the leaves will yellow, and the stalks are polyut. In order to know exactly what winter garlic harvesting came, there are several garlic arrows at the role of the indicator. When the inflorescences begin to open and mature bolbos will seem in it, start digging the heads.

If we prone, the heads in the ground will fall on the teeth and the garlic will lose its freight look, and it will be harder to clean it.

If there is not enough time to care

If you dig the head of garlic, then you can immediately see that it has short and unbranched roots. The root system of garlic covers a very small amount of soil. His roots never go to the ground deeper than 30 cm, so garlic is not able to extract meals and water from the lower layers of the cultural horizon and very demanding to watering and nutrition.

It's not so difficult to grow a big garlic in our own garden. To do this, it is enough to know some secrets of growing large garlic heads on a garden that will help get a big harvest.

  • winter, sitting on the bed in autumn;
  • summer - for spring landing.

Also 2 large groups are distinguished: fogging and non-rigging. The first instead of seeds are formed small one-clock bulbs - Bulbas, often used for landing. Mostly, the arrows produce winter crops, but sometimes this feature is found in yarre plants.

From winter varieties you can grow big garlic. However, such a harvest is stored for a short time - by the end of winter, the vegetable begins to deteriorate.

Summer garlic, whose bulbs are rarely obtained by a large size, a period of safety can reach two years.

Which species to give preference, each decides, depending on the needs: Winter varieties are planted for sale, but for a long use - the teret.

Dates of landing

Landing deadlines depend on the variety:

  • winter garlic sit down at the end of September-mid-October, so that before the frosts, it managed to root, but not a sprouted on the surface. Only in this case, he will be able to calmly transfer the cold and give a large harvest;
  • summer grade begins to grow after snow in the early middle of April. It makes cold and can germinate even at a soil temperature of 6 ° C. Good garlic can be obtained with an early landing. At the same time, it should be noted that the head should form before the occurrence of hot weather, otherwise the bulbs of spring grades will not be large.

Garlic needs to be properly improved and grow to get big heads.

Growing large garlic in the garden

Garlic - Culture Lightless, not tolerant of wetlands. Not knowing how to grow it properly, it is difficult to achieve good results.

Several factors affecting the size of the future harvest:

  1. Selecting a place: it should be open to nothing blocking the sun necessary for sprouts.
  2. The size of the bed: they must be wide enough (75 cm) for more convenient processing and high (8 cm) to prevent water accumulation.
  3. Landing Scheme: Make a fairly wide aisle (20 cm) and a little less than a distance between planted cloths in a row (10 cm) so that in the future it was convenient to care for the culture. Tightly distributed the planting material - garlic - it should not, since the forced struggle for place and resources will not allow to gain the necessary weight.

Preparation of Grokery

One of the secrets, how to get a good crop - preparing a bed for future plants. For winter culture, the site is carefully leaving for 2-3 weeks before landing so that the Earth can settle. If this is not done, then gradually with the movement of the soil cloves of garlic will be plugged. This will negatively affect the amount of harvest and the timing of its safety.

For the spring landing, the garden is also prepared in the fall, so that the elements make the elements will be converted into the form digested for sprouts. The ground is drunk to the depth of the shovel, if necessary fertility. It is important to jumble well so that there is enough oxygen in it. After loosening, the area is aligned and disinfected by manganese solution. Then covered with a film and leave until the landing.

Fertilizers need if the quality of the soil is not optimal for culture. The soil must be:

  • neutral;
  • squealed;
  • loose.

Reduce the acidity of soil with lime (a glass of lime to 1 m 2). Break the structure of peat, sawdust and sand. Raise fertility, making fertilizers: 5-6 kg. Hoch by 1 m 2, on the same area - 1 l litter and ash. The organic is replaced with complex mineral fertilizers in the amount of 30-40 g per 1 m 2.

It is important that the soil on garlic beds is fertile, air and moisture-permeable.

Preparation of planting material

The secrets of growing large garlic include the preparation of heads for landing. There is a possibility to confuse the zins of winter grade with spring. It is easy to distinguish them:

  • the first is characterized by the presence of a central rod, around which the even number of poles is distributed: 4, 6, 8;
  • in the second, the number of teeth can be different, often differ in shape, and there is no rod in the center.

To increase the immunity of future plants in the preparation of the sowing material, the following points must be observed:

  1. Discroligate all damaged, fired and affected by mold heads.
  2. Comedy, small teeth and their small number (2-3) indicate the degeneration of varieties and low yields. Therefore, for the landing it is better to take bulbs with large slices.
  3. Before disembarking, disinfect heads, lowering in a solution of copper mood (1%) or potassium permanganate (1%) for 20-30 minutes. For the same purpose, this solution is used: 0.3 kg of wood ashs are mixed with water (2 l), boiled, cozen, separated by a light part into which the landing material is diverted for an hour.

Special requirements for training at spring grade:

  • a month before planing the head, they are sent to a cool place (-3 - +2 ° C);
  • during the day, the sowing material is removed and disinfected;
  • 12 hours are soaked in the growth stimulator (humate potassium or epine).

To accelerate the growth of spawn varieties germinate. For this, the teeth are laid out into a moistened tissue bag, which wrapped in polyethylene for two days.

How to plant garlic

To garlic rose large, comply with certain rules when landing it.

Features of the spring landing:

  • alive only dry ground, garlic is planted in a wet teeth without watering;
  • landing depth - 3 cm;
  • mulch before the appearance of sprout peat.

Rules for planting in autumn:

  • landing is produced on time: the teeth must be rooted, but not germinate;
  • so that the bulbs do not bother, sand or ashes are poured into the grooves, the beds are not shed;
  • it is necessary to plant garlic to a depth of 5 cm (the larger the teeth, the deeper) to reduce the risk of freezing;
  • after carrying out all necessary measures, the soil is aligned and mulched by peat or overwhelming sawdust with a layer at least 3 cm;
  • in winter, in the top, we are littered with foliage or sweetheart (before the snow falling), and during the melting period, the shelter is disassembled.

Secrets of large garlic

Compliance with certain rules of cultivation of culture will help increase yield. Garlic grown in open ground, will be large if:

  • plant it on time;
  • correctly pick up the grade;
  • be sure to update the planting material once every 3 years, growing from the bullbob;
  • fighting species fuse in time;
  • skinny varieties tying leaves to stimulate the outflow of nutrient elements from foliage into the head;
  • make the right garlic care (watering, making fertilizers, mulching).

Compliance with crop rotation

  • the best in the country's predecessors for garlic are Siderats (Lucerne, Clover, Oats, Mustard), Strawberry, Pumpkin, Cucumbers, Pea, Zucchini, Cabbage;
  • it will not be possible to get a high harvest after the grained crops (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants) and rootepodes (beets, radishes, onions, garlic): in this case, the likelihood of plant disease is increasing, as well as decrease in the size of the heads.

If you put a culture next to tomatoes or peppers, then the crop will be larger.

It is not worth sowing a garden for several years in a row with one culture so as not to reduce yield. Large garlic will be possible only with the annual shift of the landing site.

Caring for garlic beds

Caring for growing garlic after disembarking involves mulching the soil. It allows:

  • save moisture;
  • reduce the amount of irrigation;
  • eliminate weeding, loosening.

After the rifle of the arrows up to 20 cm, they shorten up to 5 cm: you can cut off with a sharp tool or break away, leaving the foam of the desired length. The main thing is to remove the upper part - the incident of the future inflorescences. This will increase the flow of nutrient elements in the bulb.

20-30 days before harvesting (winter grades - until mid-July, Svarovye - in the first week of August), they will overtake the Earth from the heads. This is done to redirect the power to the bulb and thereby increase its size. The soil is cleaned with a special adaptation so that the teeth are half peaked out of the soil.


Since garlic is a moisture-loving plant, it grows well in moistened soil. Therefore, an important point in the care of the culture is the correctness of irrigation.

The main rules are as follows:

  • most of all, the vegetable needed in the spring when the root system is actively formed (the first 3 weeks after disembarking): during this period it must be poured abundantly (15 liters per 1 m 2) every 5-7 days;
  • the volume and frequency of irrigation depend on the weather: at a moderate temperature by 1 m 2, 10-12 liters are spent with a break of 1-1.5 weeks, in the heat to the same area there are 15 liters with an interval of 5-6 days, and in rainy days moisturizing Soils stop;
  • after the procedure, it is necessary to pour out the ground with a barred head;
  • it is desirable to use water to be warm, alone in the sun.

In no case cannot be dismissed, as fungal diseases are developing in such an environment and bulbs are spoiled.


If you feed the plants in time, you can grow garlic with large heads. Winter grade spring after the snow is spilled by urea, and then fertilize as needed. Poor soil enriched with nutritional elements 1-2 times a month before the end of the vegetative period.

With the cultivation of spring garlic, the feeders make twice:

  1. The first feeder is made early in the spring of a bird litter solution (1 kg per bucket of water) or a cow (in the same amount of 8 liters of water).
  2. In the middle of summer, water is watered with a solution of ash (a glass on the water bucket).

The garden must follow one important principle: the number of fertilizers made must be in moderation. Excess organic organics contributes to the yellowing of the foliage and the cessation of the growth of bulbs. A large amount of mineral substances will adversely affect their taste and quality.

Diseases and pests

A number of pests and diseases can spoil the pleasure of growing culture. Garlic is attacked nematodes, bear, shelon, onion moths and other insects.

People's methods will help save plants from pests:

  • spraying twice a month with tobacco infusion (0.25 kg) and ground pepper (2 hours): pour 3 l hot water, withstand three days, then strain, dilute with water up to 10 liters, interfere with liquid soap (2 tbsp. l.);
  • pollination with a mixture of pepper, tobacco and wood ash 2 times a month.

The plant is subject to such diseases:

  • rota Donets (incisites the bulb, die roots, yellow foliage);
  • false torment dew (the process of ripening head stops);
  • white rot (dies the above-ground part of the plant and rot on the bulbs);
  • bacterial rot (spoil the teeth).

To prevent the development of diseases, before landing, the seed material is treated with a solution of ash, copper sulfate or potassium permanganate.

Harvesting and storage

Winter varieties ripen in early August. When the lower sheets are yellow, proceed to harvest. You can not tighten with this, otherwise the heads will begin to dispel and crumble. Such a product has a storage period may decrease.

Torry varieties are cleaned in the late summer - the beginning of the fall, when the feathers please and start to bed, and the bulbs will already be formed.

After collecting the plant, they dried 1.5 weeks, shaking the earth. Then cut the roots and part of the stem, leaving the rod in winter crops with a length of 5 cm, in yarre - 2 cm. For seeds, the largest instances are taken for seeds.

Storage conditions are as follows:

  • temperature: 16-20 ° C for spring grades, 2-4 ° C - for wintering;
  • humidity: average.

Features of growing garlic from bobbies

Garlic is considered a perennial (three-year) culture, but often used as an annual, which is gradually degenerated. To avoid this, you need to regularly update the sowing material.

When planting winter bulbs leave several arrows on sprouts grown from large teeth. They are formed by seeds - alone. When it is time for harvesting, the plant is binding to a bundle and hang on drying. During this period, plastic substances are hampered to bobrels from the green mass of the plant, contributing to growth. After complete drying of the stem, they are neatly separated.

Sprinkle bobbies and spring, and in the fall in advance prepared soil. Blowed by 3 cm, as they are very small. Digid when the leaves will start yellowing. Then dried: first a couple of days in the sun, then under the canopy. One-towns planted in the fall, with proper care will give a good harvest.

Severe winter and spring varieties. They differ in appearance, taste and landing period. Neither those nor others cannot be planted at the same place every year. These plants consume a large amount of nutrients, the soil must have time to "relax" after harvesting garlic. Planting the plants after the grated (tomatoes, pepper, potatoes and others) is also undesirable.

It is worth paying attention to the magnitude and location of the teeth of each variety

When winter grade garlic is planted

Winter garlic has the same large teeth, which are evenly distributed around the stem. The number of cloves is even, six or eight pieces, sometimes more. The central trunk is an inedible part, from under the ground, it comes out in the form of a high boom containing seeds. Penec - the base, very dense and thick, the root system is well developed, so it is not easy to separate. To taste, winter plants can be sharp and peninsula.

The described type of garlic is planted in front of the winter. The most favorable time is the second half of September or October. In this case, each teeth will have to be rooted to frosts, which means that the summer will be guaranteed to wait for a good harvest. In cooking, winter frisses are most often used in summer and autumn. Such varieties are badly experiencing wintering. Therefore, the hostesses are put annually and the second subspecies of the plant is spring.

The grade of garlic, which in the process of maturation releases the arrows, needs special processing after shooting. Arrows with Bullbags take on a lot of nutrients. If the hostess plans for the next year to land with the help of the formed air seeds, you should not disturb the plant - let everything goes. It is important to remember that in this case the head of garlic will be less in size and less nutritious. Therefore, to obtain a rich harvest, such arrows must be removed until their full maturation.

At home, when the garden is small, it will not be difficult. When landing on an industrial scale, remove bullbills is not possible.

When the spring grades of garlic are planted

Spring garlic consists of a large amount of teeth - from 10 to 20 pieces and more. In the outside circle, they are large, they decrease to the middle. The lack of the central trunk, turning into the arrow, is the main external difference from the winter analog. The root is not much developed.

Landing is made immediately after the end of winter frosts. By the end of the summer, you can get a long-awaited harvest, which can be kept a long period of time, up to the new germs next year.

How to plant garlic in autumn

Before planing garlic, the soil should be prepared for wintering. Winter grades need loose and fertile land, so you should add fertilizers in a couple of weeks before the start of landing, and it is better for 1.5 months - immediately after collecting the previous harvest.

The bulbous plants consume a lot of nutrients, so you can not save the soil on the soil, for each square meter of the Earth, it takes up to one bucket of humus or compost

So that the cloves are not extincting under conditions of harsh winter, they should be placed at a depth of 10 centimeters. Usually the landing of winter grades is produced in the second half of September or in October, before frosts. Some farmers hold a number of traditions. So, in one of them, the garlic follows the Orthodox holiday of the Pokrov Saint Virgin - October 14. Other gardeners believe that the best time for work on Earth falls on the period when the moon is in the decrease phase.

In fact, the average daily temperature in the region is important. If the garden is in the southern parts of the country and winter come much later - the risk that the plant is rooted and will be used to go. This will have a destructive influence for the future harvest.

Therefore, in areas where the winter are soft and frosts come not in the fall, but in the winter, it is possible to plant cloves at the end of October or even after the first snow. To the winter the garden with planted garlic should not. If all actions have been completed correctly and on the necessary deadlines, the crop will be rich even after a prolonged harsh winter.

What to do when garlic still climbed the onset of cold? If winter is not too cold, with protracted 30-degree frosts, the plant will survive and will give their fruits. Although the harvest in this case will not be as expected.

If there is an opportunity, you should take an unpromising loose land and sprinkle the appeared sprouts. Also an excellent way to preserve the future harvest will be a mulch, created from the chopped top of the last year's crop or the bark of trees. In winter, it was recommended to additionally cover a plot with winter snow.

Educated "fur coat" will protect premature shoots from cold

If the garlic did not have time to put to the first frosts, and the top layer of the Earth is already freezing, it is not worth it later. Testers or seeds will not have time to produce the necessary processes for rooting, the crop will be bad. In this case, it is better to schedule the planting of a spring grade in spring.

How to plant garlic in spring

Skin grade garlic planting early spring. Before this heads intended for landing should be disassembled on the teeth, then put the material obtained into the package and sprinkle with water. In such a form, the teeth must be several days. During this period, they will wake up and may even be empty root.

It is not necessary to process the Earth in a special way before landing, provided that it has received the necessary set of fertilizers from the fall. To protect the future harvest from pests, it is possible to pre-treat the soil with a solution of vitriol in proportion. One dining room is false on the water bucket. In the spring, it is not properly planted garlic deeply - the height of the soil should be no more than three centimeters. Frosts are already behind, which means there is no additional thermal protection. After the upper layer of the soil warms up to a temperature of +5 degrees, you can start up the landing.

Most often, such a period accounts for April. Each clove is located at a distance of approximately three or four fingers from each other.

Better to follow the rule - distribute teeth in beds with the same size

From the size of the planting material will depend on the harvest time, so they should be divided at the initial stage.

Many hostess in order to save various cultures next to each other. It should be remembered that garlic does not tolerate the neighborhood with a bow and cucumbers. Every year it is impossible to plant it at the same place.

On each side of the garden, it is desirable to have small sides, so moisture after watering or rain will be preserved for the required food of the plant. Some mistresses before starting work are treated with a salt solution - three tablespoons of salt by 10 liters of water.

After planting Snove Garlic, a rich watering is necessary. It is reduced only after the appearance of the first sprouts.

Methods of landing garlic

There are several ways to plant garlic. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages.

Proper landing separate slices

The most popular, traditional way is considered to be landing with separate slices. Regardless of whether winter garlic or spring, the following steps should be performed to obtain a good crop:

Another common way to plant winter garlic, sometimes called "lazy". Separate and clean the cloves are not required. In the soil, the whole head is burned, previously processed by one of the methods described above. For winter varieties, it is necessary to bury a plant on a greater depth - up to 15 cm. Previously, each wells must be filled with nutrients. Garlic always needs feeding fertilizers, and when landing with whole heads, the need increases several times.

Such landing is preferable for those owners that have limited space for the garden. In this case, it is not necessary to allocate a place separately for growing garlic. The magnificent bush will be noticeable anywhere: in beds among strawberries, not far from the applied circles of apple trees, around currant or raspberry bushes. At the same time, special garlic heads will be protected by adjacent plants from pests.

For landing, the most beautiful, large and dense heads are selected. The upper shell must be removed until the cloves are visible. In mandatory, it is necessary to cut the root Donets so that in the future there were no barriers to germination of new roots. At the same time, it is important not to injure the teeth themselves. In the loose soil, approved by a compost and natural soil, placed the head of garlic stroke up and slightly pressed. Then the hole is buried and scratching. The distance between the wells should be at least 25-30 cm.

The result of such a landing will pleasantly surprise. In the educated bush, several heads of garlic will be formed. Each of them will have a slightly smaller size than when growing similar varieties with individual tooths. This will not affect taste.

The shaped heads will germinate from one bush

Video: "Lazy" way to plant whole heads

Planting garlic with pipe

Experienced gardeners are looking for options for alleviating annual labor. So, one of the ways of planting is a metal pipe. Its diameter several times must exceed the size of the planting material. A fixture is inserted into the loose soft ground, the Earth is delayed in the pipe. As a result, a hole is formed, into which the required amount of nutrients fall asleep. There is also a head or a clove of garlic. After the operations produced, the bulb falls asleep pre-withdrawn soil. This method can also be used for landing, as well as any bulbous colors and plants.

Today in specialized stores you can find a ready-made metal device in the form of a pipe.

On the outside, notches can be placed on the depth centimeters on which it is necessary to land

Planting garlic from airbag

Winter grades of garlic produce characteristic arrows in which air bullbars are formed. They can also be used for landing next season.

This method seems uncomfortable and too long, but it saves on the source material

To obtain sowing material, such stems are not cut off, but they give them the opportunity to fully form. After the inflorescence begins to crack, it needs to be cut off at a distance of 30-35 cm from the bag with seeds. Next, the air teeth dried and produce the same steps as in the case of a traditional fit. Looks in this way wintering on the next spring form a one-building, which is sulking again in a year. Only on the third year of the life of the plant can be obtained a full head of garlic.

One-towns are a completely new, young garlic. When the gardener from year to year soles exclusively to the cloves of the previous collection, its harvest is actually not at all young, and produced from old perennial materials, it has fewer beneficial substances and may have chronic diseases. In the case of air seeds, there will be no such problems.

For convenience, such bulbs do not disassemble the components, and placed entire inflorescences to a depth of 3-5 centimeters. The wells are placed at a distance of 15 cm from each other. Grown green garlic bundles are not lost in the garden, they are easier to care for them. The next summer, the first year is not needed to dig together. They will use themselves in the future.

In the second year of life, they will need to get, and then dry and plant a full-fledged young garlic for the third year. Thus, the product and its descendants over the next five years is guaranteed not to hurt any diseases inherent in similar plants.

Video: Growing garlic from air bullbob

Planting garlic in two tiers

In order to save space, garlic is often planted in two tiers. In this case, both plants do not prevent each other's development. Each of them will be provided with useful substances. The lower tier is located at a depth of about 20 cm. The well is pre-enriched with fertilizers.

The next seed is placed above the first at a distance of 5-10 cm, that is, it will be at a depth of 10-15 cm. In the process of growth, the head does not interfere with each other, the external part of them will grow with one bush. The result is pleasantly surprised. The harvest with both tiers has the same size with a complete set of beneficial substances and the same taste characteristics.

Video: bunk landing

This article covered the types of garlic and the methods of their cultivation. Winter varieties are sown in front of winter frosts, tark - immediately after them. The appearance of plants can be easily distinguished. Winter bulbies have large smooth teeth, but they are stored for a short time. Snaros are divided into smaller components, while using them in the whole winter, without fearing that they can aby. Most often, the gardeners plant both types of amarylline - because each of them has its indisputable advantages. It's not difficult to grow garlic. It is enough to adhere to the simple rules described above. In this case, your crop will be proud of the season and will delight the family all year round.

Garlic is a sharp and fragrant vegetable, which is used in fresh form and for preservation. You can grow this culture as a prominent and spring way. Learn how to put garlic landing in the fall under the winter, what kind of grade to do this, how to prepare the Earth and much more.

From the deadlines selected for the autumn landing of garlic, the volume of the crop depends on the next season. This is a cold-resistant culture, but, nevertheless, it is necessary to plant it for 3-4 weeks before the onset of colds in your region. The timing of garlic landing is needed to calculate so that the teeth could grow roots, take care, but did not have time to be gentle. In such a form garlic, the cold winter will excellently survive, and in the spring will go into growth.

In the middle lane, this time comes from the 20th of September and continues until mid-October. It is better to choose the days when there is no longer foreseen of special heat, but the first autumn night freezes are expected. Each year, these days can occur not at the same time, so the garden work on the fallout of winter garlic needs to be adjusted.

In the suburbs, it is necessary to plant a culture about the same time as in the middle lane, it is necessary to land garlic in the Urals before, in the southern regions of the Russian Federation, it is possible to place a teeth in the garden beds even in November.

In general, the landing of garlic under the winter should be associated with weather conditions - if it is expected warm autumn, it can be done later than the standard deadlines, if cold is, then vice versa. Especially careful you need to be when landing this vegetable under the winter in Siberia - it is better to do it before, until frosts have been established than risking the planting material, and then worry that it will flood. It is necessary to plant garlic in this region, starting from the second half of September and ending with the first week of October, and then cover the landing by observing material.

After which crops can be planted: the choice of place

One of the most important and responsible stages in the agricultural engineering of this culture is the landing of garlic in the fall. It is important to choose the most suitable place. This culture loves the easy fertile (preferably sulace), air and moisture-permeable soil. Her reaction should be neutral, he does not like the sour soil garlic.

The location under the garden should be smooth, lightly lit by the sun. However, it should not be in lowlands with the groundwater closely suitable for plants and the water, in wet earth, during the winter, the roots of plants can be understood, and in the growing season, excessive moisture will provoke an increase in green mass, and not bulbs. Do not choose a place under garlic planting, located near household buildings with pets or bird so that they cannot damage them.

The best plot for winter garlic on home houses is located near the fence from the south side. The fence will protect the landing from the cold wind, and in the minor winter it will delay snow on the ground. If the site is in an open place, then in case of a low-speed winter it is necessary to stock up with a good curable material:

  • dry sheet;
  • peat;
  • sweetheart;
  • sawdust.

It is necessary to cover the beds only before the most frosts, and not soon after the zubkov landing so that they do not sprout under the "warm blanket." The layer of observer material should be done the greater the colder in your region.

The best predecessors for garlic are all pumpkin, grated, legumes with a short season of vegetation. Remove them from the place of growth intended for garlic, you need at least a month before it is landing, so that after their collection of soil was able to recover. For the same reason, it is possible to plant garlic after potatoes only if it belongs to early or medium-gray varieties.

But after carrots and other autumn roots of garlic, it is better not to plant garlic - as they are brought late, the land by the time of landing will not have time to resume their resources. It is possible to plant a culture for the same place only 3 years later, as well as placing it where her relative is onions.

Preparation of Grokery

Preparation of beds for winter garlic needs to be given no less attention than the choice of places where culture will grow. After all, from the structure, the structure of the soil depends on what quality will be the resulting harvest. Preparation of beds for landing garlic under the winter is beginning for another 3-4 weeks before the date of the alleged landing. First, all the vegetable residues are removed from them, then pumpped the soil, spread it and make fertilizers:
  1. In terms of 1 m 2, Suglinks are distributed in 1 tbsp. l. Nitroposki, superphosphate, 1 cup of dolomite flour. Or bring the body - 1 bucket by humus or compost, 2 tbsp. ash.
  2. In the sandy make the same thing, but add 1 more bucket of peat.
  3. Clay is also ennobled by peat, bringing 1 bucket of this fertilizer to each m 2.

According to the rules of landing, fresh manure is not used - it leads to the fact that garlic begins to hurt, strongerly affected by pests. On the finished garden, the land is treated before landing with a disinfecting solution of copper sulphate. For this, 50 g of this substance is dissolved in the water bucket. The resulting solution shed all the soil, and then covered with a film.

Selection of varieties and preparation of garlic to landing

For landing under the winter, garlic only winter grades are suitable. It is fairly easy to distinguish it from Svaro garlic - he has large homogeneous teeth located around the arrow in 1 row. This garlic is firing, he throws the arrow on which small bulls ripen (they can also fall on the bed in the fall).

Choosing garlic variety needs such to suit your climatic conditions. For example, a good winter hardiness is distinguished by the selection varieties of Ukraine:

  1. Ukrainian white - gives head weighing 50-140 g, with a number of teeth in them - from 4 to 12 pcs. The shooter does not give, but is well stored.
  2. Savior - heads 60-100 g of 7-9 teeth in each. The grade of high-yielding, immune to the fusarium and nematode, is excellent.
  3. Lubash - the grade is well tolerating the cold, summer heat. Middle head weight - 70-100 g, number of teeth - 7 pcs. The crop is stored for up to 10 months, without losing an appearance and quality during the storage.
  4. Purple Kharkov - heads weighing 30-60 g, with a number of teeth no more than 6 pcs.

Not bad also varieties of Russian, Soviet and Dutch selection: anniversary 07 and anniversary mushroom, reliable, Skiff, Garpeck, Komsomolets, Messidor. They are distinguished by sharp and peninsula, resistant to major garlic diseases, excellent yields, excellent burning.

Prepare garlic to landing under the winter, turning it out and choosing patients, poor-quality, too small and with surface teeth injuries. Healthy teeth for disinfection 2 h are soaked in solutions:

  • asol (0.4 kg of ash on 2 liters of hot water, defend 30 minutes);
  • mangalls (dark pink);
  • salve (3 tbsp. l. on 5 l warm water);
  • copper mood (1 tsp for water bucket);
  • preparation "Phytosporin-M".

After drying, they are ready to land.

Garlic Landing Technology for Winter

On allocated under culture and prepared beds, there are long grooves at a depth of 15-20 cm - it is for such a depth that it is necessary to plant garlic for the winter. The distance between garlic rows is left at 25-30 cm. At the bottom of the grooves poured a small sand layer - this will reduce the risk of reloading roots in the soil in winter.

At what distance you need to plant a teeth, depends on their value. Between large, you need to withstand a distance of 8-10 cm, between those that are less than 5-7 cm. If the garlic landing under winter is performed by bulbs, use another diagram: in the ranks between them are 2 cm, 10 cm in the rows. Minor garlics are plugged into the ground. In the summer, round-to-bed lows will grow, which can be used to plant winter garlic in the fall.

Place the landing material is always vertically, donts down, and not just put in the ground. After the sealing into the soil of the teeth or the bobbies, they are covered with the ground and on top theypen with a small layer of peat or sawdust (not thicker 2 cm). Watering just planted garlic is not needed.

Care after landing

In the spring, as soon as the heat comes, it takes off the streaming material or a mulch that the seedlings make themselves to the top. The first time is watered garlic, as soon as the earth will dry and while he is increasing the green mass, the water does not regret. When the heads begin to ripen, watering is reduced, and if there is rainy weather, they stop at all. After each irrigation, the land is loosened, wearing at the same time and weeds. It is necessary to do it carefully, so as not to harm the emerging heads and roots. To reduce the number of irrigations and the weeding, you can climb the graceer garlic with hay, straw, sawdust of the hardwood of trees.

To feed the plants first first fertilizers containing N, and then P and K. You can use both ready-made mineral mixtures and the organic, to which garlic speaks very well. From mineral fertilizers, use Selitra (20 g per bucket of water), from organic fertilizers - infusion of fresh manure (1 to 10). Facely starting as soon as green sprouts have reached a height of approximately 10 cm. After a month, spend one more feeder - this time, spin the plants with an ash solution (200 g of ash on the water bucket).

When the plants are thrown out arrows, break them, without waiting until they rebuff. This allows you to get larger heads and speed up the timing of their maturation. Leave the arrows only if you need to get the bullbars to refresh the variety.

Garlic, which is planted under the winter, is called winter. From the spring (sazing spring) garlic, it is distinguished not only by landing timing, but also appearance. Many dackets make a choice in favor of winter varieties due to the large size of the heads and large teeth. To get a quality harvest, the landing of garlic under the winter should be carried out according to a certain technology and with the observance of the deadlines.

The dates of the autumn planting of garlic directly depend on the depth of seelings of the teeth. Most often, the teeth are plugged into the ground by 3-5 cm. Such a surface landing should be carried out in 2-3 weeks before the alleged frosts. In the regions with a cool climate, it is preferred to land garlic on a large depth - 10-15 cm. The landing date also depends on the weather conditions of a particular area.

In outskirts of Moscow

The climate of the suburbs - moderately continental, with a sharply pronounced seasonality. For the middle strip, a warm summer is characterized, a moderately cold winter, a sufficient thickness of the snow cover. In recent years, the overall trend of strong warming also appears here. Winter in the suburbs began to come later, there are still strong frosts and more and more and more often - thaw.

The maximum amount of precipitation falls on the summer season, in winter, strong winds are blowing with the predominance of the Northern, Western, southwestern direction. In fact, winter in this area lasts 5 months. Snow cover appears in November, and disappears by the beginning of April. Taking into account the weather changes, the landing of garlic under the winter in this region should be made from September 20 to October 10. In more southern regions, the term is postponed until November.

The presence of the Urals from north to south is more than 2,000 km. It is clear that the climate of the northern and southern Ural regions is very different.

  • In the Northern Urals, planting winter garlic is recommended to start in mid-September. If autumn weather has been established earlier, it is necessary to plant garlic in early September.
  • For the South Urals, the landing time is shifted to the first decade of October. The adjustments may make weather conditions.

On a note! Folk sign suggests that garlic is time to plant when the birds began to fly to the south for wintering.

In the climatic conditions of Siberia, the appropriate time for planting winter garlic is for the period from September 15 to October 5. If you plan the cloves at this time, to frosts, they will have to root and form enough long roots without the formation of leaves. Plant garlic is better at a depth of about 10 cm. After that, the garden is watered well - it increases the winter hardiness of the culture.

The climate of the Leningrad region is considered special. It is characterized by non-permanent weather conditions, which is due to frequent change of air masses. From the Kara Sea comes dry and very cold Arctic air. From the western direction, cyclones come with cloudy, windy weather and precipitation.

Sometimes weather conditions change dramatically even for one day, and predict these differences with weather forecasts are very difficult. In addition to weather fluctuations, strong winds are characterized by a strong wind, right up to Shkvalov, blizzards, snowfalls, fogs, severe frosts and intensive heat, droughts and floods.

For landing in the Leningrad region, you should take the zoned varieties of winter garlic. These include: Hermann, Dobrynya, Alkor, Moscow region, Novosibirsk, replicant.

The deadline for landing of winter garlic can be called the end of September.In the south of the Leningrad region, landing can be held a week earlier, in the colder parts of the region - a week later.

Roots in the plant are weakly developed, they begin to grow with a small positive temperature. This process occurs within 1.5 months after landing. When the garlic is rooted, it is able to endure winter frosts. Therefore, the plant and need a certain reserve of time, before the freezing will begin.

Planting garlic is carried out by separate teeth. Preparatory work includes separation of the head into separate teeth, followed by the sorting of the planting material and its processing. Garlic slices can be large, medium and small. Their size should be considered when landing. Large teeth are plugged at 8-10 cm, smaller - by 6 cm.

The planting material must be clean and healthy, without damage. If the batch prepared for landing contains too many cloves with spots and movements, it should be completely replaced.

Important! Do not use for landing heads that contain only 3-4 teeth. Such a small amount of rally testifies to the degeneration of culture.

Garlic must be completely succeeded so as not to move into growth. His donyshko normally has a light gray color. In order for culture to grow well in the spring and has been resistant to diseases, it is recommended to conduct presets. This can be done in one of the following ways:

  1. Soaking garlic in a pink milganti solution in front of the landing itself for 30-60 minutes.
  2. Processing with a 1 percent solution of copper sulphate. Garlic cloves are more convenient to dug out from the evening, and in the morning put planting.
  3. Disinfection with a saline: 3 tbsp. Salt spoons are dissolved in 5 liters of water and soaked garlic for 3 minutes, after that they dip in the solution of copper sulphate per minute and immediately planted.
  4. Processing can be phased. First, garlic is soaked in a solution of nitroammophos on one day, then in a strong salt solution to 30 minutes. Third solution must contain 1 tbsp. A spoonful of copper sulfate on 10 liters of water, in it garlic soaked for one minute.
  5. Using the ash solution: 1 tbsp. A spoon of ash is stirred in a liter of water.
  6. Soaking in the solution of the drug "Maxim", which is considered a natural antibiotic and protects plants from many diseases. For processing, one ampoule of the drug is used per liter of water. Plant garlic in a solution of 30 minutes.
  7. Phytiolyvin treatment. The agent protects the culture from bacterial and fungal diseases, root rot.
  8. Application phytoosporin-m. This fungicide is often used for pre-sowing garlic preparation - it increases the immunity of the plant, makes it resistant to disease. Phytosporin-M divorces according to the instructions. The teeth in it are soaked for 1 hour.

In addition to the preparation of the planting material, it is also necessary to prepare a garden in advance. Further development and growth of culture will depend on the quality of the Earth.

Cooking Grokery

Experienced summer residents, which from year to year are planted under winter garlic, have their secrets on landing and care for this culture. Listen to their recommendations:

  • Garlic landing should be avoided in places with high groundwater sitting, otherwise in spring with the arrival of heat, the vegetable will be simply washed with their streams.
  • The culture is not planted in the ground, which before that feasured by manure. Otherwise, the plant will have a magnificent topper and chilly heads. Plus, the garlic, grown on the uniform soil, often suffers from fungal diseases.
  • Only when landing after the right predecessors you can get large heads. If it is impossible to observe the crop rotation, put a pre-order for the garden of Vicia Sativa polka dot. This plant is a wonderful Siderate that will enrich the soil with a compost, will shuffle it and dismiss.
  • Under the winter it is best to plant a purple-striped species, which is better adapted to the winter cold, unpretentious and well kept.
  • The earlier the garlic is planted, the deeper there should be his landing.
  • Ideally, for garlic, it is necessary to change the place annually. It is possible to re-return it to the same garden, not earlier than in 5 years.

When and how to plant garlic under winter: video

Planting garlic under winter: video

Compliance with all listed rules will provide you with large and strong heads of spicy vegetable. Be sure to grow garlic on your site. At the expense of its useful properties, he will extend you the youth, will retain health and beauty, add bright shades of taste with cooked dishes.