Plants purify the air unpretentious. Houseplants that purify the air from toxins. Where do the harmful substances in the room air come from?

The expansion of the range of indoor plants and especially the growing popularity of tropical exotic plants makes every grower faced with the task of increasing the humidity of the air. After all, moisture-loving crops cannot be kept in the "dry climate" of residential premises. And this problem can be solved in two ways: by frequent spraying or various humidifiers. Homemade, handicraft analogues of special equipment solve the problem in part. But humidifier devices can become irreplaceable helpers. But they cost not so little, and it is not at all easy to choose the right humidifier.

The simplest and most popular method of air humidification is the use of spraying. © Dmitry Shabanov Content:

Why is air humidity so important?

In the cultivation of indoor plants, watering, feeding and transplanting are considered the main components of care. Despite the fact that for each culture without exception, regardless of the degree of its capriciousness, there are necessarily strict recommendations for comfortable air humidity, they are often ignored, counting on good adaptability, but above all not wanting to burden the care of indoor pets with daily procedures. But humidity for the vast majority of both flowering and decorative deciduous indoor plants is a vital parameter.

Dry leaf tips are the most famous and smallest problem caused by insufficient air humidity. Dropping of buds and flowers, yellowing and falling of leaves, thinning of shoots, collapse of bushes, massive spread of pests that feel best in dry air, from whiteflies and spider mite to aphids and scale insects - these are the problems, the source of which is inattention to air humidity.

In addition, rejection of moisturizing measures will not simplify maintenance at all: in a dry environment, plants will have to be watered more often and more abundantly, especially in winter period, further weakening them and endangering the natural cycles of development, disrupting the resting phase. And pest control measures are not worth mentioning at all.

Only rare indoor "Spartans" and succulents can be content with dry air and feel good even when working heating appliances in winter. They will tolerate a decrease in air humidity to 40-50% (a drop below will not benefit even cacti and other dry lovers). Most indoor crops require an average stable air humidity (and a corresponding compensation for its changes in summer and winter). For them, indicators from 50 to 70% will be comfortable.

A tropical plants naturally accustomed to wet forests South and Central America or Asia, and do need very high levels of air humidity. And without it, they not only look ugly, but also cannot bloom, they often get sick, gradually die. For such plants, it is necessary to provide air humidity of 70%, and for some - all 90%.

Air humidity cannot be considered a stable indicator. It is constantly changing, dropping sharply in summer and winter, during periods of extreme temperatures and central heating systems, and returning to a relative normal in spring and autumn. During the transitional seasons, the air humidity in living rooms is within the average values ​​and is comfortable for most indoor plants.

In summer, the drop in humidity is tied to the heat and is a direct result of our favorite sunny weather. And in winter, the air is stably dry, humidity indicators drop 3-4 times compared to autumn ones and do not exceed 20% with the most gentle heating option. All plants, without exception, suffer from such conditions and it is vital to compensate for the changes.

Air humidity is considered a parameter that affects especially indoor plants. But in reality, everything is much more complicated: both we and our furniture, interior items and decoration of walls, floors and ceilings suffer from too dry or damp air no less. And humidity is one of the most important indicators of the microclimate. Problems with skin and its dryness in winter, drying out of furniture and parquet flooring, allergies, runny nose and even colds - all these phenomena also indirectly depend on improper humidity.

Air humidity is one of the most important indicators of the microclimate. © streetdirectory

Air humidification methods

Choosing the right humidification strategy should be very individual. As in matters of watering and feeding, there can be no general universal strategies. After all, each indoor plant has its own preferences for specific indicators of humidity, and for the frequency of procedures, and even for their type.

The simplest and most popular method of air humidification is the use of spraying. The fast, efficient procedure is really good. But only for plants with glossy, smooth leaves. After all, spraying is not suitable for plants with a forest edge, succulents, most flowering crops. And they are carried out only in the warm season with rare exceptions (if the plants are kept in cool conditions, spraying can lead to the spread of rot). Another significant drawback of the method is that spraying does not create a stable environment, the humidity indicators constantly fluctuate.

The second "home" method is handicraft moisturizers, or "grandmother's" methods. Installing near or under plants (so that the bottom does not come into contact with water and materials) containers and trays with damp materials that will constantly evaporate water and thereby increase the moisture readings for the plant is an excellent intermediate option, especially if you need to achieve average rates. Moss is used as a "filler" aquarium soil, pebbles, expanded clay, etc.

For high humidity, such humidifiers need to be supplemented with spraying, but this is the simplest and affordable way more effective stabilization of conditions. A similar effect is produced not only by trays and trays, but also bowls of water, fountains, wet cloth, which is placed on batteries.

Optimal stable indicators of air humidity can be created only with the help of special devices - humidifiers. it Appliances with a fairly simple mechanism of action and relatively small size, which allows you to keep the humidity stable, unchanged in accordance with your needs and the requirements of indoor pets.

Air humidification in the apartment. © Carly Ledbetter

What are some indoor plant humidifiers?

The humidifying devices on the market today are very different not only in the price category (from $ 25 to more than $ 300), but also in technology, the principle of operation. All humidifiers can be roughly divided into 4 categories:

Steam humidifiers

Steam humidifiers work on the basis of a steam humidification system. These are fairly simple devices that consume a lot of electricity, with high performance and power (200-500 W), the main functional block of which are heating elements that convert water into steam. The air humidity rises very quickly and is maintained constantly, when the optimum level is reached, the devices turn off.

Such humidifiers create a constant environment for comfortable growing of plants in medium and medium-high humidity levels (most often no more than 60-70%). They do not allow you to monitor specific indicators, but they solve the problem of extremely dry air quickly, efficiently and reliably.

Among steam humidifiers, there are both simple models and more convenient humidifiers with an ergonomic, stable design, anti-tipping protection, backlighting, indicators, control functions and programming of work. Their presence makes the use more convenient, and the devices themselves - much more reliable. There are also steam humidifiers with the function of a fragrance (saturate the air with essential oils) and an inhaler.

Steam humidifier. © Pearl Diffusion

The main disadvantages include:

  • lack of an automatic shutdown function (only when there is a lack of water);
  • the need to clean the heating elements from scale;
  • precautions to protect against hot steam from plant leaves and decorative materials;
  • high consumption of electricity and water.

Ultrasonic humidifiers

Ultrasonic humidifiers are highly efficient and medium-power humidifiers (up to 150 W), which work on the principle of converting electrical vibrations into vibration of a piezoelectric element to obtain fine water dust. Such humidifiers are equipped with high-quality hygrometers, which will allow you to quickly achieve and maintain the desired values ​​without constant operation of the device. These are the only humidifiers that can be precisely adjusted humidity.

And besides, they, like steam models, are often equipped not only with control programs, precise humidity controllers, but also with a fragrance function. Disadvantages of ultrasonic humidifiers are difficult to find, and they all relate to water quality: such devices work only with distilled water (even if there is a cleaning function, when using ordinary water, you will have to constantly change the elements and drain the water after work).

Ultrasonic humidifier. © eoildiffuser

Cold humidifiers

Cold humidifiers, or cold humidifiers, are devices in which air is driven through filters and cartridges immersed in water, and is saturated with moisture efficiently and evenly. Unlike steam humidifiers, this is a low-power equipment (up to 60 W), capable of performing the functions of a humidifier on an area of ​​150 sq. m.

Safe, easy to use, they are slow but very effective moisturizers. They can saturate the air with moisture twice as slow as steam counterparts; to reach even an average humidity of 60-70%, they will have to wait many hours, but the stability of the environment is much higher, as well as the uniformity of the distribution of humidity indicators.

When the mark of 60% is reached, the device switches to the mode of maintaining the indicators, does not intensively humidify the air, but only periodically drives it out to maintain a stable environment. The best models, in addition to the function of humidifying the air, also have additional cleaning and ionization options that improve the microclimate in the room as a whole.

Cold humidifier. © duux

The disadvantages of cold humidifiers include:

  • slow work (the drier the air, the longer it will take to humidify);
  • the possibility of using only distilled water;
  • not suitable for creating conditions of very high humidity from 70%;
  • the need to periodically clean containers and filters and change the latter.

Air washers and climate systems

Air washers and climate systems. They are household appliances, which are used according to their needs, and not specifically for indoor plants (improving conditions for them is rather a pleasant bonus for the work of climatic complexes).

The range of models on the market allows you to choose not only different type humidifiers, but also a different price range. At the same time, among all three types of air humidifiers, there are both budgetary and more expensive systems with additional functions and nice options. All humidifiers work within a specific room; for use in different rooms, you need to either purchase several devices, or move one from room to room.

Air purifier. © diysmartcity
  • if plants are generally located in no more than a third of the room or are on a windowsill, you need humidifiers for a small area (choosing a humidifier that changes the microclimate in the whole house, working on a large area is only worth if you have problems with humidity not only in winter, but and are observed in the summer, during the rest of the seasons, that is, if it is necessary to increase the humidity of the air not only for plants, but also for a comfortable microclimate and improvement of the living environment);
  • make sure that the spray area does not exceed the size of the room (there is no need to buy a powerful 100 square meter humidifier for a room of 15-20 square meters);
  • buy moisturizers only if it is justified: for 1-2 plants it is easier to use manual methods increasing humidity, humidifiers are needed only where collections from dozens of indoor crops are collected;
  • first of all, pay attention to the type of water: using ordinary water in devices operating on distilled water will not work even with tireless care;
  • keep in mind that power determines not only the productivity and speed of air humidification, but also the cost of electricity: some indicators will have to be sacrificed;
  • estimate the volume of the water tank, which will determine the duration of operation without your intervention and the frequency of water replenishment in the device (for 10-12 hours of operation, a reservoir of 5 liters is enough, all humidifiers consume from 6 to 12 liters of water per day during active operation);
  • pay attention to the indicator of the amount of transmitted air: normally, for stable humidification, the device should pass all the air in the room 2 times in 1 hour;
  • if you plan to carry the device from place to place, take into account the weight and ergonomics of the model, convenience and stability;
  • all humidifiers are noisy, but different models noise indicators range from 5 to 70 dB, and the comfort of being near devices with different noise levels will change accordingly;
  • in order for the humidifier to be easy to use, it must not only be safe, but also have all the necessary control options - from a protection mechanism against waterlogging to a regulator of indicators, setting a timer, having a night mode robots and an automatic shutdown function;
  • explore additional options: perhaps the air purification or aromatization and inhalation function will help you solve many health problems and effectively prevent colds;
  • pay attention to the aesthetic characteristics: you cannot “hide” the humidifier, and it should organically fit into your interior.

Trying to make their home more comfortable and beautiful, as a rule, the owners acquire various decorative elements and furniture, while few people think about how this can affect the air quality. The fact is that these very "new things" can emit a variety of substances. Electrical appliances, linoleum, laminate flooring, etc. sometimes contain traces of formaldehyde, which in turn come into contact with the air in the room. But what can you do to fix it? Indoor plants can improve air quality in any home. Some of them can make the air cleaner by absorbing traces of smoke, dust and other particles, as well as heavy compounds that pose a danger to human health.

Below we will talk in detail about several types of indoor plants that have a remarkable ability to purify the air, high decorativeness, while caring for them will not be difficult.


Chlorophytum can become "lungs" of any apartment. The fact is that it is able to absorb most of the toxic substances from the air, as well as carbon monoxide. It occupies a leading place among all indoor plants for the release of oxygen and for the ability to purify the air from formaldehydes.

Most growers believe that such a plant looks very simple. However, it is worth hanging it, choosing an unusual support for this, or decorating the pot with a cute planter, then the chlorophytum will immediately transform.

Ficus Benjamin is also among the first among indoor plants that can make the air in a room clean. This plant is able to remove dust from the air, as well as various harmful compounds that are emitted by objects made of plastic and some furniture.

Such ficus is also interesting in that during growth, its stems can be twisted, if necessary, giving them various unusual shapes.

The plant spathiphyllum (Spathiphyllum) possesses beautiful flowers, which are often referred to as “bedspreads” by flower growers. Such a plant can decorate almost any room, as it has a spectacular appearance. And it is also distinguished by its hard work: it quite well cleans the air in the room from mold spores, and also from formaldehyde and trichlorethylene.

Pelargonium (indoor geranium)

If you wish to decorate your home with pelargonium, which is better known as indoor geranium, then it should be noted that it can have a negative effect on allergy sufferers. However, such a flower is indisputably useful, as it can cleanse the air of pathogenic microorganisms. it amazing property due to the fact that the bush contains essential oils, and if a person has no contraindications, then they will also have a beneficial effect on his body. So, it was noticed that pelargonium normalizes the state of the nervous system and improves sleep.

Sansevieria ("mother-in-law's language")

Probably, many flower growers know that sansevieria, which is also called "mother-in-law's language", has a number of unusual properties. Even if in the summertime it is transferred to the balcony and left there for a month, then even under the scorching sun at plus 35 it will survive. If, as a result of an oversight, the bush dries up, it will need to be transferred to a shaded place and watered. After a little time, the bush will come to life, and if you also feed it, then in just a few months it will again delight you with its attractive appearance.

Such a flower is useful in that it can purify the indoor air from formaldehydes and nitrogen oxides, this fact has been proven by scientists. "Mother-in-law's language" is perfect for various rooms, including the nursery and the kitchen.

Hamedorea (bamboo palm)

A bamboo palm tree, or chamedorea (Chamaedorea), will become a real decoration of any home. This plant differs in that it is able to humidify the air, making it much easier to breathe in the room, and it can also cleanse it of formaldehydes. In such a plant, the name comes from a pair of Greek words, namely: "chamai", which translates as "dwarf" and "dorea" - "gift". But if you want to grow it in your home, then keep in mind that the bush in indoor conditions in average it reaches 200 cm in height. However, such a palm tree is incredibly beautiful and, moreover, very useful. The most popular among flower growers are such species as: high chamedorea (Chamaedorea elatior) and graceful chamedorea (Chamaedorea elegans).


Many flower growers mistakenly believe that Gerbera, although very beautiful, is absolutely useless. And therefore it is used only to decorate their homes. However, few people realize that it is not as simple as it seems. The fact is that such a flower is able to remove benzene from the air, and it also helps to improve sleep.

A plant such as cypress (Chamaecyparis) is able to absorb dust from the air, and with it negative ions that are emitted by electrical devices. And this flower is also able to discharge the air in the room due to the fact that it gives up positive ions instead of absorbed negative ones. This makes the air much cleaner and fresher.

All lemon and orange trees have a positive effect on the air. The room where such a plant is located has air purified from various pathogenic bacteria and microbes.

Citrus contains essential oils that have a positive effect on the state of the human body, while the air in the room becomes very fresh. Such trees are interesting in that for some growers they grow well without much care, while others have to put a lot of effort so that such a plant does not die.


Begonia decorates window sills in many homes and for good reason! The fact is that it is capable of absorbing dust, as well as humidifying the air. But at the same time, the bush must be systematically moistened from the sprayer so that it can reabsorb the dust (like a vacuum cleaner).

And such a plant is capable of exterminating most of the microbes and fungi in the air. They also help to cope with the radiation of electrical appliances. Plus, during flowering, the bush looks incredibly impressive.

Laurel is very popular with European flower growers, but in Russia it can be found not so often. However, this plant is incredibly healthy! It removes various pathogenic microbes and dust from the air, and can also help with a variety of diseases. Although it looks rustic in appearance, such a flower is distinguished by its powerful medicinal and cleansing effect.

Dieffenbachia (Dieffenbachia) is simply necessary to grow those people who often have lung disease. The fact is that such a plant is capable of exterminating staphylococci, which contribute to the development of various diseases. This flower can also identify and exterminate those toxic substances (xylene and toluene) that are emitted by the paintwork of walls or floors.


Another indoor plant that perfectly cleans the air is Dracaena. If you decorate your windowsill with such a flower, then you don't have to worry about exhaust gases or other unpleasant smell from the street getting into the room during ventilation. The fact is that such a bush cleans the air well from benzene, as well as from trichlorethylene, which can enter the room along with the exhaust.

Aloe is a very popular house plant for flower growers. It is able to absorb formaldehyde from the air, which is released by new furniture. And also such a flower can get rid of various diseases. It will be able to help with colds and runny nose. For the prevention and treatment of such diseases, it is recommended to drip a few drops of aloe juice into the nose. Aloe contains phytoncides that stimulate the brain, and also relieve physical fatigue.


The rapid development of the market for non-natural building materials sometimes turns into air pollution problems for citizens who make repairs in an apartment or house. Enjoying the new laminate, trendy wallpaper, bright decor, we imperceptibly to ourselves inhale substances hazardous to health, emitted by all this "beauty". Therefore, do not be surprised if you are often dizzy, have trouble breathing, or develop allergies. Living green filters - indoor plants - will help to avoid harmful effects. Among them there are specimens that are especially effective in cleaning the air in the home ..

Green assistants in the fight against air pollution

NASA specialists have dealt with the problem of air purification in confined spaces in space. It turned out that this problem is closely related to our daily life: being in a living room, an ordinary person is exposed to harmful substances released into the air by surrounding objects.

During the experiments, it turned out that to help get rid of these substances that are equally threatening to the inhabitants modern apartments and astronauts in orbit are helped not by powerful air purifiers, but by ordinary indoor plants. Let's dwell on the most famous ones who may already live in your house.

Our apartment and enclosed space spaceship united by one problem - polluted air

Flowering plants

Blooming indoor plants not only decorate the premises, but also do an excellent job of purifying the air:

  • - an evergreen plant with glossy leathery leaves on long stalks and amazingly beautiful bright flowers - fits perfectly into any space. The flower not only actively moisturizes the air, but also cleans it of ammonia, toluene and formaldehyde. However, cat owners need to place the plant in a place inaccessible to animals, since the bad habit of chewing the leaves can cause swelling of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity in the purr;

    Anthurium not only cleans, but also humidifies the air thanks to its wide leaves that evaporate moisture well.

  • spathiphyllum - this delicate plant with white flowers is a real record holder in air purification, as it can effectively clean rooms of formaldehyde, toluene, benzene, trichlorethylene and ammonia. Besides,the flower actively fights mold fungi in the air and reduces the number of microorganisms. Not dangerous for animals;

    At first glance, gentle spathiphyllum, however, is a powerful filter that cleans the air from harmful impurities.

  • - herbaceous perennial with elongated pinnately dissected leaves. Its flowers are similar to large daisies, but are painted in bright colors - pink, orange, red, yellow, white. In indoor floriculture, the Jameson (Jameson) gerbera is represented, which cleans the air from formaldehyde, benzene and trichlorethylene. It is not toxic.

    Next to gerberas you not only feel positive, but also breathe clean air

Ornamental deciduous plants

Unpretentious deciduous plants are perfect for both residential and work premises:

  • - a plant, which is a bunch of soft narrow leaves of a bright green color, is well known in our country since the times of the USSR. Then few people thought about its benefits, and it was popular due to its unpretentiousness. But scientists have proved that this green "spider" helps to breathe freely, as it cleans the air from xylene, toluene and formaldehyde. Not dangerous for pets;

    The bright optimist chlorophytum, it turns out, was not in vain so popular since Soviet times.

  • (in our country this plant is well known under the name "mother-in-law's tongue"). Long, sometimes meter-long, leaves are directed upwards and often end with a tip. The color cannot be called boring - green leaves adorn yellow, white and even silver stripes and spots. The plant removes xylene, toluene, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene and benzene from the air. During the work on the transplant, care must be taken - the flower is toxic;

    Sansevieria will be useful in any corner of the living space

  • aglaonema has a very representative appearance. Its dense, sometimes leathery leaves on long petioles have beautiful shape- from broadly ovate to elongate lanceolate. The color depends on the variety and can be represented by a calm combination of green shades or explode with bright pink-red stripes against a green background. Aglaonema filters the air by removing benzene and formaldehyde from it. In people with hypersensitivity, contact with juice may cause skin irritation;

    It turns out that aglaonema is not only bright and elegant, it also serves good filter for air purification

  • is a very popular indoor and office plant that resembles a palm tree. This similarity is given by a leafless lignified trunk, decorated on top with a bunch of long thin leaves. Helps clean the air from trichlorethylene, benzene and formaldehyde. The sap of the plant, although it is low-toxic, can cause skin irritation or digestive upset (if ingested);

    Dracaena gives beauty and harmony, simultaneously filtering the air in the apartment

  • ivy. There are many prejudices and superstitions about this plant. But for someone who does not believe in them, a flower can be useful. He will decorate the apartment and clean the air in it from harmful impurities - benzene, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene, toluene and xylene. A well-groomed plant looks quite elegant thanks to its glossy leathery leaves, and various supports can be twisted with long shoots, creating a living decorative element. May be toxic to animals.

    Phalaenopsis passed the examination of specialists and took an honorable place among pets

    Surrounding yourself with live green filters, you should remember: in order for them to effectively cope with their task, they need to be properly looked after. Before you bring the plant into the house, study the information about it, find out its features. And, of course, do not forget to remove dust from the leaves in a timely manner.

The humidity level is one of the most important indicators of the microclimate. Dry indoor air can cause unwell and even health problems. How to increase the humidity in the apartment if you don't want to spend money on expensive equipment? There are ways - you can both make a humidifier with your own hands, and use improvised means.

Do you get tired quickly? Allergy haunts? Do you get sick often? Dry air may be to blame. Low humidity - especially during winter - becomes a problem in many homes and has negative consequences.

You don't have to buy expensive devices to humidify a room. However, do not think that a basin of water in the middle of the room will once and for all solve the problem with low humidity: alternative methods are not as effective as, therefore, they can only be considered a temporary measure.

Why do you need to humidify the air in the apartment

It is imperative to monitor the humidity level. But why is dry air in an apartment harmful?
Why do you need a humidifier in an apartment - at least a homemade one?

  • Dry air causes a sore throat, cough, dries up the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes; eye problems are especially true for lens wearers.
  • Air with low humidity and high dust content is especially dangerous for children, asthmatics and allergy sufferers. In addition, the risk of allergies increases in healthy people.
  • With a lack of moisture, fatigue often increases, drowsiness, sometimes even occurs.
  • Hair and nails become more brittle and faded, and the skin becomes dry.
  • In dry warm air, bacteria and viruses tend to multiply faster, which means that the risk of disease increases.
  • Dry air negatively affects not only humans. From a lack of moisture, indoor plants stop growing or dry out, quickly become unusable wooden furniture, windows, doors, musical instruments, etc.

The list is impressive. However, the consequences are too many, so it is better to observe the golden mean.

To make the apartment comfortable, it is necessary to maintain a humidity level of 40-60%. About, for example, in the nursery or office, you can also read on our blog.

indoors in several ways. If you do not have special devices at hand, you can use folk ways... The exact figure, of course, cannot be determined in this way, but if the room needs humidification, you will know for sure about it.

  1. Pour water into a bottle.
  2. Put it in the refrigerator for a few hours.
  3. Remove the container and leave it in the room for five minutes. The walls of the bottle will quickly become covered with condensation.
  4. If after five minutes the drops on the bottle are almost dry, then the air in the room is very dry. If the humidity is too high, the droplets will turn into a small puddle. If the drops slowly slide down it, then the humidity is normal.

A spruce cone will also help measure the moisture level. A fully opened bump indicates low humidity; if the scales of the cone are only slightly open or tightly pressed against each other, then there are no problems with moisture.

To find out the exact moisture content in the air, you need hygrometer. The main thing is to place it away from batteries and other heating devices: this way you will receive the most reliable information.

If you want to find out not only the level of air humidity, but also other indicators of the microclimate (for example, the temperature and the content of carbon dioxide in the air), then you should pay attention to the smart microclimate system. It allows not only to monitor the characteristics of the air in the house, but also to automatically control the climatic equipment.

The most common advice for humidifying the air in an apartment is to put wet towels on the radiator. But the towels will often have to be moistened, which is not very convenient. A more elegant and creative solution would be special humidifiers for the radiator.

These humidifiers are a container into which water is poured. The vessel is hung on a radiator, and the water in it gradually evaporates, filling the room with moisture. Humidifiers are made from ceramics, plastic, steel, and other materials in a wide variety of shapes and sizes.

According to reviews, the most popular option is a ceramic humidifier. True, its evaporation area is small, so it is better to hang two or three devices on the radiators. Ceramic humidifiers are inexpensive, their fasteners, as a rule, are reliable, and the variety of shapes, colors and decorative paintings will allow you to easily choose a copy that matches your interior.

Hard tap water can ruin appearance the walls of the container. Therefore, before pouring water, it is worth filtering it out.

1. A humidifier for a battery can be made with your own hands:

  • The main thing is to choose a product from a material that does not melt when high temperature... Ceramic vases or bottles, heat-resistant plastic dishes, etc. You can make a home humidifier in and out of plastic bottle, but then the aesthetic side will have to be forgotten.
  • It is necessary to make a hole in the container and pull a reliable fastener into it. Strong wire is fine.
  • The final look of a homemade humidifier is entirely up to you! You can paint it with paints, make an applique, cover it with a beautiful fabric.
  • To fill the room with not only moisture, but also a pleasant smell, you can add a couple of drops of essential oil with your favorite scent to the water.

2. The easiest way to humidify the air at home is take a spray bottle and spray indoor water or place a water tank in front of the fan. You can also put a pot or a half-open kettle with boiling water in the room. But you should not abuse this method: hot steam has a bad effect on the durability of wallpaper and furniture.

3. The next method is similar to the previous one, only it turns into a humidifier kitchen stove. Place a pot or other container of water on the stove and simmer over low heat. Add cinnamon sticks, lavender, orange or apple peels to create a pleasant scent in your home. Remember to make sure that the water does not boil away.

4. The bathroom is known to be the source of the highest humidity in the house. Leave the bathroom door open after taking a shower. Is an easy way to add a little extra moisture to the air.

5. Not sure how to deal with low humidity? Wash your entire wardrobe! You without extra effort fill the air with moisture if you dry clothes on or near a radiator. So you will kill two birds with one stone: both things will dry faster and the humidity will rise.

In general, a hydrogel is a decorative primer that is used in floriculture, but it is also suitable for humidifying the air. Instead of placing basins and pots all over the house, you can put a hydrogel in the form of colored balls in a beautiful glass dish. Under the influence of moisture, they increase in size several times and gradually release moisture to the air in the room.

Do not forget to add water to the container with balls from time to time so that the evaporation process does not stop.

The microclimate in your home may improve slightly if you design a small home garden. , the question is controversial, but some specimens can help in moistening: plants need little water from the ground, 99% of moisture evaporates through leaves, flowers and stems.

You should choose moisture-loving plants that need regular watering or spraying, such as ficuses, ferns (for example, nephrolepis is a type of fern), hibiscus, dracaena, etc. And do not turn the mini-garden into a jungle - a few plants that complement the interior will be enough.

Any container with water can become a humidifier, since water tends to evaporate gradually. The aquarium is the same container with water. You need to choose an open aquarium without a lid - closed models are not very suitable for our task. The only drawback is that the aquarium and the fish in it need to be constantly looked after.

Ever dreamed of a small oasis in the middle of a room? Make your dream come true! If you don't want to take care of your plants and your aquarium, get a small indoor fountain or a waterfall. A beautiful fountain will not only humidify the room, but also perfectly complement the interior.

Let's take a closer look at what harmful substances may be present in the house:

  • Formaldehyde is irritating to the skin, eyes and respiratory system. It is contained in adhesives, paints and varnishes, chipboard furniture and carpets.
  • Benzene is produced by plastic and synthetic products. The use of a gas stove in the kitchen also sometimes causes this compound to form. Benzene can provoke anemia, leukemia, liver disease, kidney disease, as well as diseases of the circulatory and nervous system.
  • Trichlorethylene is found in cleaning products and is a common cause of liver, nervous system and skin diseases.
  • Ammonia is harmful to the respiratory tract and skin. Industrial solvents and various detergents can cause it to form indoors.

Houseplants filter the air efficiently and eliminate dangerous compounds, thanks to phytoncides - substances that destroy viruses and pathogens. In the daytime, in the process of photosynthesis, decorative indoor crops absorb carbon dioxide and saturate the space with oxygen.

If you look at the photos of modern bedrooms, you can see that they are often decorated with a lot of flowers. However, the abundance of green vegetation does not contribute to the creation of a favorable microclimate in the recreation room.

In the evening and at night, plants begin to absorb oxygen, so they should be placed in a metered amount. It is recommended to install 5 or 6 flower pots in one room. Vases should not be placed separately from each other, group compositions will allow to effectively clean the space of harmful toxins, such a mini-greenhouse will look very beautiful and picturesque.

Important nuances

For placement in the bedroom, cultures that release essential oils that help relieve insomnia and depression are optimal.
Live plants must be present in the kitchen, because a lot of smoke and soot usually accumulates in this area.

Flower leaves should be wiped regularly so that dirt and dust particles do not accumulate on them.

When choosing a particular crop, you should find out if it contains hazardous substances that can harm children or pets. For example, it is not recommended to place indoor flowers in the nursery that have too strong a scent: lilies, gardenias. Ficus and dieffenbachia contain poisonous sap, so they should not be installed in a child's room either.

Indoor plants that purify the air in the room

Almost all domestic flora has good air-cleaning properties, but there are crops that most effectively cope with various pollution. So, what flowers are recommended to be placed in the house to create a favorable microclimate?

This culture has many beneficial properties, it absorbs carbon, oxygenates the air and removes formaldehyde from it. If you look at the photo of a flower, you can see that it looks quite simple, but by hanging it on an original support, you can turn it into a stylish and unusual decor element.

A beautiful flower will not only decorate the room with its aesthetic appearance, but also cleanse it of mold spores and harmful compounds (formaldehyde, trichlorethylene).

A vibrant decorative culture will perfectly fit into the interior of a bedroom or living room, and will decorate any photo with its look. Gerbera not only has an attractive appearance, but also filters the air with high quality, releasing oxygen and absorbing benzene, a substance hazardous to health.


Oranges, lemons and other citrus fruits fill the space with a fresh aroma, have disinfectant properties and help to destroy harmful bacteria. Fruit trees secrete phytoncides and natural essential oils that have a beneficial effect on well-being and relieve depression and insomnia.

Begonia has excellent moisturizing and antimicrobial properties and also provides reliable protection from electrical appliances with harmful radiation. Ornamental culture is also recommended to be installed in rooms where detergents are often used, it intensively absorbs substances released by various household chemicals. It should be placed in partial shade, as this is one and watered 1 or 2 times a week.

Thanks to its large dense foliage, the ficus perfectly filters the air, cleaning it from dust and saturating it with oxygen. Indoor flowers are optimal for rooms in which chipboard furniture is installed or any synthetic materials are present.

The flower culture has excellent air-purifying properties, effectively fighting the compounds contained in paints and varnishes. It is recommended to place it in rooms with parquet flooring or in houses located near large manufacturing plants. Dieffenbachia produces phytoncides that destroy staphylococci, harmful bacteria that cause many respiratory diseases.

The flower provides protection against many dangerous compounds, the only exception is ammonia. In addition, it is recommended to install it near a computer monitor, which emits a harmful substance such as xylene.


This culture can be found in many homes, because it not only filters the air with high quality, but is also used to treat the common cold and colds. Aloe produces phytoncides that remove formaldehyde released by furniture from particle boards, and also stimulate the brain and help relieve physical fatigue.


Houseplants the geranium families have a very beautiful picturesque look, in order to be convinced of this, it is enough to look at the photos of the interiors decorated with these bright flowers. They contain essential oils that effectively fight various bacteria and microorganisms. Decorative culture promotes relaxation of the nervous system, relieves insomnia and has a positive effect on the general condition of the body. However, geraniums can only be placed in an apartment if you and your family members are not allergic to it.


Pelargonium is one species of geranium. It secretes turpentine and menthol - active substances that are effective in the fight against staphylococci and streptococci. Thanks to the contained in the flower essential oils, it not only has high antimicrobial properties, but also has a calming effect on the nervous system.

Golden lotus

Unpretentious and hardy culture has excellent air-cleaning properties, it absorbs toluene, benzene, xylene, formaldehyde and many other harmful compounds. A distinctive feature of the flower is curly long stems, it can grow in any light, but it should be protected from direct sunlight. Indoor plants in the form of liana will look appropriate on the upper shelves or in beautiful hanging flowerpots.

The curly culture will give the interior a picturesque look and will allow you to clear the air of harmful compounds. English ivy will help to effectively eliminate trichlorethylene, benzene, heavy metal salts and other substances hazardous to health. Evergreens can be placed in areas with different illumination, they will look especially impressive against the background of light contrasting walls.

Bamboo palm perfectly moisturizes the air, and also filters it, absorbing carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, xylene and other hazardous substances. An exotic tree will decorate any interior with its unusual look. The length of the palm tree can be up to two meters, it is recommended to install it in a well-lit place, which does not get direct sunlight.


Laurel noble - a culture widespread in Europe, it can be found infrequently in Russian homes. Despite the fact that outwardly it looks quite simple, it is distinguished by high medicinal and antimicrobial properties. The flower qualitatively eliminates bacteria and dust particles, and also provides effective assistance in various diseases.


Decorative culture will decorate any room with its elegant look and purify the air from substances released detergents, ink and adhesives. In order to ensure full growth of the chrysanthemum, it must be placed in a brightly lit and well-ventilated place.


Azalea will help cleanse the living space of formaldehyde, which materials from chipboard, and ammonia, contained in cleaning products, emit. It is recommended to place it in the bathroom, toilet, kitchen and other areas where household chemicals are often used.

Perennial plants adorn leaves with variegated patterns. A tropical crop imported from South Asia, it is effective in combating formaldehyde, trichlorethylene, benzene and many other substances. The flower grows well in conditions of high humidity, it must be regularly watered and sprayed with a spray bottle on the leaves, removing dust particles from them.

Madagascar palm

Areca is an exotic decorative tree, thanks to its unusual appearance, it will turn into the most spectacular detail of the interior. Palm tree perfectly moisturizes and filters the air, absorbing trichlorethylene, xylene, benzene and carbon monoxide. It must be protected from drafts and installed in places away from direct sunlight.

The flower not only has good air-cleaning properties, but also provides protection from electromagnetic radiation. It is recommended to place it in rooms where there is a lot of household and computer equipment.


"Mother-in-law" tongue is an unpretentious and easy-to-care flower that is not afraid of sunlight and does not need frequent watering. What kind beneficial features has this culture? It boosts immunity and absorbs harmful compounds that can be harmful to health, as well as cause fatigue and discomfort.


The climbing crop has high filtering properties, effectively eliminating formaldehyde and other compounds. However, it contains toxic substances, so it is not recommended to buy it if small children or pets live in the house.

Asparagus eliminates many hazardous compounds, including heavy metals. In care, it is quite whimsical, it is recommended to place it in a well-lit area and water it regularly.

The umbrella tree is perfect for installation in rooms saturated with the smell of cigarette smoke. It intensively absorbs nicotine and tar contained in tobacco. In addition, the cheflera increases the level of humidity in the air and removes substances such as toluene, benzene and formaldehyde.


This culture is one of the most effective means to combat toxins, it absorbs benzene, trichlorethylene and formaldehyde. Chrysolidocarpus perfectly regulates indoor humidity and is resistant to various pests. The flower is unpretentious to care for, it is recommended to place it in semi-shaded areas.

In order to create a favorable microclimate in the house, it is not at all necessary to equip a large greenhouse in it, it is enough to purchase several flowers from the proposed list. Living plants will not only decorate the interior with their picturesque view, but will also ensure the health and safety of your loved ones.
