Restoration of the animal world. Problems of conservation of flora and fauna Conservation of the nature of flora and fauna

>>Biological resources. Protection of flora and fauna

§ 30. Biological resources.

Protection of flora and fauna

living organisms on earth. The role of living organisms in the life of the Earth is enormous. Accumulations of living organisms form enormous amounts of biomass in terms of volume and weight. It is living organisms that enrich the atmosphere with oxygen, create a fertile soil layer on the border of "living" and "dead" nature.

Vegetation significantly affects climate: the moisture it evaporates participates in the water cycle. Moreover, vegetation, along with microorganisms, created the modern atmosphere and maintains its gas composition. Plants enrich the soil with organic residues, thereby improving its fertility. Planting forest strips help snow retention and moisture conservation. Forest plantations create a barrier to moving sands. Trees, shrubs and grasses protect the soil from erosion.

Living organisms, especially microorganisms, play a large role in biological weathering. Bacteria contribute to the decomposition of organic matter and are involved in the supply of soil with nitrogen. At the same time, bacteria infect water bodies with hydrogen sulfide. Plant remains and dead animal organisms fill the lake basins with silt and build up peat bogs. Large accumulations of organic remains become the material that composes the rocks. Many animals - earthworms, burrowing rodents - are actively involved in soil formation. There are animals that carry the seeds and fruits of plants, helping them to settle.

Organisms on Earth are one of the most complex and striking components, defining the appearance of almost all geographic landscapes.

The role of flora and fauna in human life can hardly be overestimated. Human development natural resources began with the development of biological resources.

Remember how limestone and coal were formed.

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Oil spills and living organisms

Oil spills can and do occur almost everywhere. Small spills receive little attention and are quickly cleaned up or decompose. natural way. Large oil spills attract public attention and usually require urgent action by government agencies. Severe oil spills cannot be predicted in advance, but should they occur, biologists and authorities must be held accountable. This overview provides general information. You can learn more about this from the 1990 Petroleum Symposium Review of the Chemical and Biological Effects of Oil "Oil Spills and the Environment". (author Peter A. Albers). Materials are available from the Animal and Fish Department of the Patuxent Animal Research Center, USA, (Patuxent), Laurel, MD 20708.

Sources of pollution

The appearance of about 35% of oil hydrocarbons in marine areas in the early 70s was caused by spills and discharges during the transportation of oil by sea. Spills during transportation and unloading account for less than 35% of the total size and discharge of oil onto the soil and into clean water environment. Data from the late 1970s show that this figure has risen to 45% in marine areas. In urban areas, oil spills and releases can be as high as 10% or slightly less. In comparison, most oil spills in coastal or inland areas occur during transportation.

Effect of oil on animals and plants


Oil has an external effect on birds, food intake, contamination of eggs in nests and habitat changes. External oil pollution destroys plumage, tangles feathers, and causes eye irritation. Death is the result of exposure to cold water, birds drown. Medium to large oil spills typically kill 5,000 birds. Birds that spend most of their lives on the water are the most vulnerable to oil spills on the surface of water bodies.

Birds ingest oil when they clean their feathers, drink, eat contaminated food, and breathe fumes. Ingestion of oil rarely causes direct death of birds, but leads to extinction from starvation, disease, and predators. Bird eggs are very sensitive to oil. Not a large number of some types of oil may be sufficient to kill during the incubation period.


Marine mammals that are primarily distinguished by the presence of fur (sea otters, polar bears, seals, newborn fur seals) are most commonly killed by oil spills. Oil-contaminated fur begins to tangle and lose its ability to retain heat and water. Adult sea lions, seals and cetaceans (whales, porpoises and dolphins) are distinguished by the presence of a fat layer, which is affected by oil, increasing heat consumption. In addition, oil can irritate the skin, eyes and interfere with normal swimming ability.

Oil that has entered the body can cause gastrointestinal bleeding, kidney failure, liver intoxication, and blood pressure disorders. Vapors from oil fumes lead to respiratory problems in mammals that are near or in close proximity to large oil spills.

Annual natural mortality (16% female, 29% male) plus marine fishnet mortality (2% female, 3% male) was much greater than the planned oil spill losses. Recovery from "extraordinary circumstances" will take 25 years.


Fish are exposed to oil spills in water by ingesting contaminated food and water, and by contact with oil during the movement of eggs. The death of fish, except for juveniles, usually occurs during serious oil spills. Consequently, a large number of adult fish in large reservoirs will not die from oil. However, crude oil and petroleum products are characterized by a variety of toxic effects on different types fish. A concentration of 0.5 ppm or less of oil in water can kill trout. Oil has an almost lethal effect on the heart, changes breathing, enlarges the liver, slows down growth, destroys fins, leads to various biological and cellular changes, affects behavior.

Fish larvae and juveniles are most sensitive to the effects of oil, spills of which can kill fish eggs and larvae that are on the surface of the water, and juveniles in shallow waters.

The potential impact of oil spills on fish populations was estimated using the Georges Bank Fishery model of the US northeast coast. Characteristic factors for determining pollution are toxicity, % oil content in water, spill location, seasons and species affected by pollution. Normal fluctuations in natural mortality of eggs and larvae for marine species such as Atlantic cod, common cod, Atlantic herring are often much greater than the mortality caused by a huge oil spill.

Oil spill in the Baltic Sea in 1969 led to the death of numerous species of fish that lived in coastal waters. As a result of studies of several oil-polluted sites and a control site in 1971. it was found that fish populations, age development, growth, body condition did not differ much from each other. Since no such assessment had been made prior to the oil spill, the authors could not determine whether individual fish populations had changed during the previous 2 years. As with birds, the rapid impact of oil on fish populations can be determined locally rather than regionally or over time.


Plants, due to their limited mobility, are also good objects for observing the impact that pollution has on them. Published data on the impact of oil spills contain the facts of the death of mangrove trees, sea grass, most algae, strong long-term destruction from salt of living creatures of swamps and freshwater; increase or decrease in biomass and photosynthesis activity of phytoplankton colonies; change in the microbiology of the colonies and an increase in the number of microbes. The impact of oil spills on major native plant species can last from a few weeks to 5 years depending on the type of oil; the circumstances of the spill and the species affected. Work on mechanical cleaning of damp places can increase the recovery period by 25% -50%. It will take 10-15 years to fully restore the mangrove forest. Plants in a large volume of water return to their original (pre-oil) state faster than plants in smaller bodies of water.

The role of microbes in oil pollution has led to a huge amount of research on these organisms. Studying in experimental ecosystems, field trials were conducted to determine the relationship of microbes to hydrocarbons and various emission conditions. In general, oil can stimulate or inhibit microbial activity depending on the amount and type of oil and the condition of the microbial colony. Only resistant species can consume oil as food. Microbial colony species can adapt to the oil, so their numbers and activity can increase.

The effect of oil on marine plants such as mangrove trees, seagrass, salt marsh grass, algae has been studied in laboratories and experimental ecosystems. Conducted field trials and research. Oil causes death, reduces growth, reduces the reproduction of large plants. Depending on the type and amount of oil and the type of algae, the number of microbes either increased or decreased. Changes in biomass, photosynthesis activity, and colony structure were noted.

The effect of oil on freshwater phytoplankton (periphyton) has been studied in laboratories, and field trials have also been carried out. Oil has the same effect as seaweed.

Restoration of the animal world

The sight of animals affected and suffering from oil is of great concern to people. Compassion for animals is a guarantee of wide coverage of the problem by the mass media (media), which opposes oil spills.

Thus, every action against oil spills is a concern for the recovery of animals. Public pressure to help oiled animals has resonated with the public in many parts of the world; voluntary organizations responsible for the restoration of the animal world affected by pollution. Improvements in treatment procedures and the professionalism of animal rehabilitation personnel over the past 15 years have markedly improved the success of rehabilitation efforts.

Rehabilitation of animals affected by pollution is a small part of the concern for animal populations, since the number of oil-contaminated animals during oil spills is so great and the work to collect and clean up oil is so huge that only a small number of birds and mammals can actually receive real help. Uncertainty about the fate of the rehabilitated animals further reduces the significance of this work. However, rehabilitation efforts can be important for affected or endangered species. The greater impact of rehabilitation is seen in animals with low reproductive capacity than in long-lived animals with high reproductive capacity.

Rehabilitation of animals affected by oil pollution is an expensive and not so biologically important undertaking, however, it is a sincere expression of human concern.

Public Relations

Oil is such a substance that can create quite tangible problems for the animal world and people. People don't like oil-stained beaches, boats, fish nets, seafood, and protected coastlines. They smell bad; soil covered with a dirty layer has a destructive effect that can kill or cripple a large number of marine and land animals. Newspaper and TV coverage should be extensive, as they easily illuminate and reveal the topic.

Organizations dealing with oil spill issues and assessing damages must be prepared to devote considerable time to working with the media, regional representatives and any other organizations.

Sample questions that public organizations may be interested in:

The dimensions of the oil spill are not particularly clear. Therefore, there is a need for periodic reviews of the severity of spills and changes in response.

In the first days after the spill, there is a certain ambiguity of all points due to the critical state of the environment. There are usually delays in cleaning operations.

Despite the efforts of the Coast Guard and the Environmental Protection Agency, spilled oil and weather are often unpredictable. Oil spill plans and damage assessments are subject to change.

Government, industry, academia, or oil spill conservation officials are often interviewed by new reporters. Statements are often contradictory, misleading or simply wrong. Distortions of speech impede the best desires to inform the public.

Animal rehabilitation activities are directly monitored due to people's emotional attachment to affected animals. Inaccuracies immediately become known.

The results of the damage calculation do not become available to the public until those responsible for the oil spill agree to resolve the conflict without a court decision. or liability for damages is disputed through the courts. The length of the harm assessment process and the subsequent legislative process may frustrate organizations and individuals who wish to have access to information.

Great is the importance of protecting the plant world, in which forests play a particularly important role. It is known that forests are a powerful regulator of water balance and have a beneficial effect on the climate. They are a natural oxygen laboratory, neutralize harmful industrial emissions into the atmosphere, protect the soil from wind and water erosion. At the same time, forests are a source of valuable raw materials for the woodworking industry, a habitat for valuable fur animals, berries, mushrooms, useful medicinal plants, a place of rest and treatment. Therefore, measures for their protection, rational use and reproduction are of great importance.
In our country, a set of measures is being taken to regulate forest management and maintain forest productivity. Forest zones of soil protection, water protection and water regulation significance are being created, where industrial logging is prohibited, as well as green zones in cities and resort areas.
In forest surplus areas, deforestation is carried out with its subsequent restoration. Measures are being taken to improve the species composition of forests; forest nurseries are being created to grow seedlings of the best tree species; rare, endangered plant species are protected. Work is underway to increase the productivity of natural meadows and pastures.
In order to improve the protection of the animal world, back in the 1950s, decisions were made on the reproduction and protection of fish stocks in the inland waters of the USSR, on measures to improve hunting management, on the protection of animals in the Arctic, and a number of others. IN USSR set- rules hunting and fishing. The extermination of non-commercial wild animals that do not cause harm is prohibited; hunting for predators is under control and regulation. Measures for the protection and restoration of rare and valuable wild animals, such as saiga, bison, elk, sable, marten, ermine, fur seal, etc., are especially important. Nurseries are being created to raise young valuable animals.
In order to preserve samples of unique nature in the Soviet Union, reserves have been created in which the entire complex of natural conditions is preserved in a natural state. There are more than 140 nature reserves and 12 national parks in the USSR, which are located in areas typical of this geographical area. Thus, in the forest zone of the European part of the USSR, Kandalaksha, Darvinsky (the northwestern part of the Rybinsk reservoir), Oksky nature reserves, Belovezhskaya Pushcha (BSSR), etc. are located; in the forest-steppe zone - Voronezh, Zhigulevsky (Kuibyshev region), etc.; in the southern regions of the USSR - Astrakhan at the mouth of the Volga, Repetek in the Karakum desert (Turkmen SSR); in mountainous regions - Crimean on the slopes of the main ridge of the Crimean Mountains, Teberdinsky on the slope of the Greater Caucasus (Stavropol Territory), Colchis near Poti (Georgian SSR), Ilmensky named after V. I. Lenin on the eastern slope of the Urals ( Chelyabinsk region), Barguzinsky on the eastern shore of Lake Baikal (Buryat ASSR), Altaisky in the eastern part of Altai, Kronotsky on the east coast of Kamchatka, etc. They are needed for scientific research and the preservation of the genetic fund.
In different natural areas Soviet Union nature protection has its own characteristics and tasks. Thus, in the tundra and forest-tundra zone, environmental measures include the restriction and prohibition of logging, the protection and rational use of reindeer pastures, and the protection of wildlife. In the forest zone, the main tasks are the protection and reproduction of forests, the fight against forest pests, the reclamation of excessively swampy areas, the protection of forests from fires, and the conservation of wildlife. In the forest-steppes and steppes, the main tasks of nature protection are related to the implementation of measures to combat wind and water erosion, soil salinization, irrigation of arid lands and forest plantations. In deserts and semi-deserts, measures are being taken to fix sands, reforestation, and prevent secondary soil salinization. In the foothills and mountainous areas, extensive work is being done to prevent mudflows, avalanches, anti-erosion measures, etc.

Flora protection

With the destruction of the plant world, the quality of life of millions of people is declining. Moreover, as a result of the destruction of vegetation, which served people as a source of energy for domestic needs and many other benefits, the very existence of mankind is threatened. For example, if the destruction of wet rainforest will not be suspended, then from 10 to 20% of the animal and plant life of our planet will be destroyed.

Active organizers of the study of rare and endemic species, including wild relatives of the main species cultivated plants designed to be botanical gardens located in different climatic zones. It is necessary to remove the threat of destruction of these plants and make them available to the general public. practical use in breeding and crop production. The work of nature reserves and sanctuaries created in different zones of the country for the protection of botanical objects, mainly the flora of forests, meadows, steppes and deserts, including rare endemic plants, which are of undoubted interest for understanding the evolutionary process, is very important.

Due to the fact that today it is said about the need to preserve the biosphere as a whole as the main condition for life on Earth, biosphere reserves play a special role. The concept of a biosphere reserve was adopted in 1971 by the UNESCO program "Man and the Biosphere". Biosphere reserves are a kind of highest form protected areas, involving the creation of a single international network of nature reserves with a complex purpose: the preservation of ecological and genetic diversity in nature, scientific research, environmental monitoring, environmental education.

Protecting areas of natural vegetation, not only preserves the flora, but also solves a whole range of other important tasks: regulating the water balance of the territory, protecting soil from erosion, protecting wildlife, and maintaining a healthy environment for human life.

The 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development endorsed the Principles for Global Consensus on the Management, Conservation and Development of All Types of Forests. This paper recognized for the first time the important role of non-tropical forests in maintaining the global balance of carbon uptake and oxygen release. The main purpose of the Principles is to promote the rational use, conservation and development of forests and the implementation of their multi-purpose and complementary functions and uses.

The UN Conference on Environment and Development's Statement of Principles on Forests is the first global agreement on forests. It takes into account the needs of both the protection of forests as an environment and cultural environment, and the use of trees and other forms of forest life for economic development.

The forest principles enshrined in the Statement include the following:

all countries should take part in "greening the world" by planting and conserving forests;

countries have the right to use forests for the needs of their socio-economic development. Such use should be based on national policies consistent with sustainable development objectives;

forests should be used in a way that meets the social, economic, environmental, cultural and spiritual needs of present and future generations;

the benefits of biotechnology products and genetic materials obtained from forests should be shared on mutually agreed terms with the countries in which these forests are located;

planted forests are sustainable sources of renewable energy and industrial raw materials. In developing countries, the use of wood as a fuel is especially important. These needs must be met through the rational use of forests and the planting of new trees;

national programs should protect unique forests, including old forests, as well as forests of cultural, spiritual, historical or religious value;

countries need sound forest management plans based on environmentally friendly recommendations.

The purpose of the 1983 International Tropical Timber Agreement is to provide an effective framework for cooperation and consultation between tropical timber producers and consumers, to promote the expansion and diversification of the international trade in tropical timber, to encourage and support research and development for the sustainable management of forests and the development of timber resources, and also encouraging the development of national policies aimed at the long-term use and conservation of tropical forests and their genetic resources, to maintain the ecological balance in the respective regions.

According to the International Plant Protection Convention of 1951, each member establishes an official plant protection organization for the purpose of:

inspections of cultivated areas and lots of plants in international trade for the presence or occurrence of plant pests or diseases;

issuance of certificates of phytosanitary status and origin of plants and plant products;

conducting research in the field of plant protection, etc.

In accordance with Art. 1 of the Convention, the contracting parties undertake to take legislative, technical and administrative measures to ensure joint and effective action aimed at preventing the introduction and spread of pests that damage plants and plant products, and in order to promote the adoption of appropriate measures aimed at combating with them.

The Parties to the Convention exercise strict control over the import and export of plants and plant products, applying, when necessary, bans, inspections and destruction of shipments.

The 1959 Agreement on Cooperation in the Application of Plant Quarantine and Their Protection from Pests and Diseases authorizes its participants to take the necessary measures against pests, weeds and diseases. They exchange information on plant pests and diseases and their control. States shall cooperate in the application of uniform phytosanitary regulations for the import and export of plant materials from one country to another.

There is the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization, established in 1951, whose members are 34 states of Europe, Africa and Asia. Objectives of the organization: implementation of international cooperation in preventing the spread of pests and diseases of plants and plant products. The main activity is carried out in the form of information exchange, unification of phytosanitary rules, registration of pesticides and their certification.

The first organizational task for the protection of rare and endangered species is their inventory and accounting both on a global scale and in individual countries. Without this, it is impossible to proceed either to the theoretical development of the problem, or to practical recommendations to save certain species. The task is not easy, and even 30-35 years ago the first attempts were made to compile first regional and then world reports of rare and endangered species of animals and birds. However, the information was either too laconic and contained only a list of rare species, or, on the contrary, very cumbersome, since it included all available data on biology and presented a historical picture of the reduction in their ranges.

In 1948, the IUCN united and headed the work on the protection of wildlife of state, scientific and public organizations in most countries of the world. Among his first decisions in 1949 was the creation of a permanent Species Survival Commission, or, as it is commonly called in Russian-language literature, the Commission on Rare Species.

The tasks of the Commission included studying the state of rare endangered species of animals and plants, developing and preparing draft international and interethnic conventions and treaties, compiling a cadastre of such species and developing appropriate recommendations for their protection.

The main goal of the Commission was to create a world annotated list (cadastre) of animals that are threatened with extinction for one reason or another. Sir Peter Scott, Chairman of the Commission, suggested that the list be called the Red Data Book to give it a defiant and capacious meaning, since red symbolizes a danger signal.

The first edition of the IUCN Red List was published in 1963. It was a "pilot" edition with a small circulation. Its two volumes include information on 211 species and subspecies of mammals and 312 species and subspecies of birds. The Red Book was sent according to the list to prominent statesmen and scientists. As new information was accumulated, as planned, additional sheets were sent to the addressees to replace the outdated ones.

Gradually, the IUCN Red List was improved and replenished. The last, fourth "type" edition, published in 1978-1980, includes 226 species and 79 subspecies of mammals, 181 species and 77 subspecies of birds, 77 species and 21 subspecies of reptiles, 35 species and 5 subspecies of amphibians, 168 species and 25 subspecies of fish . Among them, 7 restored species and subspecies of mammals, 4 - birds, 2 species of reptiles. The reduction in the number of forms in the latest edition of the Red Book was not only due to successful protection, but also as a result of more accurate information received in recent years.

Work on the IUCN Red List continues. This is a permanent document, as the living conditions of animals change and more and more new species can be in a catastrophic situation. At the same time, the efforts made by a person give good results, as evidenced by its green leaves.

The IUCN Red Book, like the Red Lists, is not a legal (legal) document, but is exclusively advisory in nature. It covers the animal world on a global scale and contains protection recommendations addressed to countries and governments in whose territories a threatening situation has developed for animals.

Thus, relations in the field of protection and use of the animal and plant world in order to ensure biological diversity, sustainable existence, preserve the genetic fund of wild animals and protect the animal and plant world are regulated by both universal and bilateral agreements, in most of which our state participates.

The international legal protection of flora and fauna is developing in the following main areas: protection of natural complexes, protection of rare and endangered species of animals and plants, and ensuring the rational use of natural resources.

Vegetation cover is an integral part of the natural environment, thanks to which

the process of metabolism in nature is carried out, providing the possibility

the very existence of life. At the same time, vegetation cover is one of

the least protected components of the landscape, subjected everywhere

affected by anthropogenic activity and suffering from it in the first place.

Often the destruction of the vegetation cover leads to creating conditions,

incompatible with human life, situations are formed that are defined as

ecological catastrophy.

Territories where the necessary scientifically substantiated balance between

disturbed and undisturbed areas of vegetation, have a chance to avoid

disasters. In addition, vegetation supplies humanity with fodder,

food, medicinal, wood resources, and also satisfies its scientific,

aesthetic and recreational needs. Caring for the conservation of vegetable

cover is one of the most important and at the same time one of the most difficult tasks.

When assessing the consequences of any type of anthropogenic activity on vegetation

should proceed from its direct and indirect role in the functioning of landscapes and

human life. The role of vegetation is extremely diverse and,

it can be said that all life on Earth depends on vegetation, since

green plants are the only organisms of their kind capable of

produce organic matter from inorganic, and also unconditionally

oxygen necessary for life. The remaining functions of vegetation are based on

this main energy function. Resource (including food and

feed), biostation, health-improving role of vegetation

are directly related to its energy function, and landscape stabilizing,

water protection, recreational and other functions depend on it indirectly.

Violation of at least one of the functions leads to destabilization of the equilibrium, as in

plant communities, and in the landscape as a whole.

The fact is that vegetation is such a component of the environment,

which regulates the normal functioning of all the others, from

gas composition of the atmosphere, the regime of surface runoff and ending with productivity

agricultural crops, which V.V.

Dokuchaev. Meanwhile, people tend to forget about the vital necessity

preservation of vegetation, because the connection of life on Earth with vegetation

mediated with many other factors. As a rule, see the final

a link in the chain is not easy, so you often hear disparaging

and ironic statements about some "flowers and herbs" (as well as "birds

and butterflies"), allegedly incomparable in importance with the interests of people in connection with

implementation of an object or project.

In fact, there is a range of flora species in each region that

are protected because of their rarity or even uniqueness, the tendency to

disappearance. This species, listed in the Red Books of various levels, and

when predicting the consequences of a particular type of anthropogenic activity

it is necessary to identify such species, their habitats in a given area and, in

if necessary, adjust the design decisions to prevent

death of these species. But it's not just about preserving rare and endangered species.

The assessment of the impact on vegetation also includes an analysis of possible

consequences of vegetation disturbance, providing a stable

functioning of all ecosystems of the region, including anthropoecosystems. In my

turn, vegetation depends on all natural factors, the manifestation

which is associated with zonal-regional features. Depend on this

composition and phytocenetic structure of vegetation, its biological

productivity, and, consequently, energy efficiency, its

dynamic trends. All these indicators are the basis of assessments

impact on vegetation cover.

Impacts on vegetation can be direct and indirect. TO

direct impacts include the direct destruction

vegetation (cutting down forests, ripping off sod, burning areas with

vegetation, plowing meadows, etc.). Indirect impacts are mediated

other factors that anthropogenic activity changes: a change in the level

groundwater, microclimate change, air and soil pollution

Recently, an increasingly significant floristic role is played by

pollution, especially atmospheric. As it turned out, plants are often more

sensitive to chemical pollution than humans, so MPC

pollutants in the air approved as sanitary

hygienic standards, are not suitable for vegetation (especially for

evergreen trees and shrubs). Generally accepted MPCs for vegetation

not yet. There are private, such as standards approved for the territory

Museum-estate "Yasnaya Polyana". In the absence of others, one should use these

standards, amending the accompanying circumstances (composition and

existing state of vegetation, area of ​​activity).

No data on maximum permissible concentrations of pollutants in soils for

there is no vegetation. There are only agricultural regulations

optimal application of fertilizers to the soil and the content of pesticides in it, and

It is also known that various plants have a selective ability to

absorption of individual elements: some accumulate lead in large quantities

(lilac), other zinc (violet), etc. Without suffering themselves, the plants

can serve as a transmission link for the spread of pollutants, which, according to trophic

chains enter living organisms. Impact assessments of any kind

anthropogenic activities on the vegetation cover are hampered by the fact that

there are no specific quantitative standards of the state

vegetation. Only expert assessments are possible here, allowing to obtain

a comprehensive assessment of the state and stability of vegetation, although in this

case, one has to rely on the professionalism and experience of experts.

Among the biotic indicators for assessing the state of ecosystems and geospheric

obolchek V.V. Vinogradovs are invited to single out spatial, dynamic

and thematic indicators, of which the latter are the most important

recognized as botanical.

botanical(geobotanical) criteria are not only sensitive to

environmental disturbances, but also the most representative ("physiognomic"),

which best help to trace the zones of the ecological state according to

sizes in space and by stages of disturbance in time. botanical

indicators are very specific, because different types of plants and different plant

communities in different geographical conditions have different sensitivity

and resistance to disturbing influences and, therefore, the same

indicators for the qualification of zones of ecological state can significantly

vary for different landscapes. It takes into account signs of negative

changes at different levels: organismal (phytopathological changes),

population (deterioration of species composition and phytocenometric characteristics) and

ecosystem (ratio of area in the landscape). State ranking example

ecosystems according to botanical criteria is given in Table. 9 (averaged main

indicators zoned for certain zonal conditions).

Table 9

Botanical criteria for assessing ecosystem disturbance

EVALUATION Ecosystem state classes
INDICATORS I - norm (N) II - risk (R) III - crisis (K) IV - disaster (B)
Deterioration of species composition and characteristic species of flora natural change of (sub-)dominants Decreasing the abundance of dominions. Species change of dominance. species on the secondary. Decreased abundance of secondary species
Vegetation damage (e.g. factory smoke) no damage Damage to the most senses. Species damage to the medium of the senses. species Damage is weakly felt. Species
Relative area of ​​indigenous (quasi-) commun. (%) over 60 60-40 30-20 Less than 10
Biodiversity (decrease in Simpson Diversity Index, %) less than 10 10-20 25-50 Over 50
Forest cover (% of zonal) over 80 70-60 50-30 Less than 10
Crop death (% area) less than 5 5-15 15-30 Over 30
Projective cover of pasture vegetation (in % of normal) over 80 70-60 50-20 Less than 10
Pasture vegetation productivity (in % potent.) over 80 70-60 20-10 Less than 5

Biochemical criteria for ecological disruption of flora are based on

measurements of anomalies in the content of chemicals in plants. For

qualifications of critical environmental violation of the territory are used

indicators of changes in the ratio of the content of toxic and biologically active

microelements in cuttings of plants from trial plots and in vegetable feeds. V

forests is a common toxicant, the effect of which on plants leads to

irreversible physiological and metabolic disorders, is dioxide

sulfur. The negative effect of heavy metals on plants is mainly due to their

penetration into cellular structures with soil solution.

In general, the aerotechnogenic way of pollutants entering plants through their

assimilation organs determines the degradation of forest biogeocenoses under conditions

the impact of emissions from, for example, metallurgical plants. Accumulation

metals in the assimilating organs of the studied plants increases with growth

the level of pollution of the environment by their growth, such a pattern is typical

only for those metals that are priority for the composition of emissions

metallurgical enterprises. Other metals (not of industrial origin)

are distributed evenly over the territory, and the envy of the accumulation from the zone

damage has not yet been found. The most informative biochemical indicators

damage to forest ecosystems are given in table. 10.

Table 10

Biochemical criteria for assessing ecosystem disturbance

INDICATORS Ecosystem state classes
(according to the content of chemical substances in the dry mass of herbs (mg / kg) I - norm (N) II - risk (R) III - crisis (K) IV - disaster (B)
The maximum allowable C:N ratio in plants 12-8 8-6 6-4 less than 4
Maximum permissible content of Pb, Cd, Hg, As, Sb 1,1-1,5 2-4 5-10 over 10
The content of Tl, Se (according to background excess) less than 1.5 2-4 5-10 over 10
The content of Al, Sn, Bi, Te, Wo, Mn, Ga, Ge, In, It (according to background excess) 1,5-2 2-10 10-50
Cu content in plants (kg/kg) 10-20 30-70 80-100 over 100
Zn content (kg/kg) 30-60 60-100 100-500
Fe content (mg/kg) 50-100 100-200 100-500
Mo content (mg/kg) 2-3 3-10 10-50 more than 50
Co content (mg/kg) 0,3-1,0 1-5 5-50

(plant world) It is recommended to consider


1. Characteristics of forest and other vegetation in the zone of impact of the object and

assessment of the state of the prevailing plant communities.

2. Rare, endemic, listed in the Red Book plant species, their description


3. Assessment of the resistance of plant communities to the impact.

4. Forecast of changes in plant communities during the implementation of the project.

5. Functional significance of the prevailing plant communities, forecast

changes in their functional significance during the implementation of the project.

6. Assessment of the fire hazard of plant communities.

7. Consequences of projected changes in vegetation for life and health

people and their economic activities.

8. Assessment of recreational impact and forecast of changes in vegetation during

possible changes in recreational loads (taking into account the stability

plant communities to impact).

9. Measures for the conservation of plant communities:

Rare, endemic, listed in the Red Book of plant species;

Productivity of plant communities;

The quality of herbal products.

10. Measures to ensure fire safety forests and others

plant communities.

11. Assessment of damage caused to vegetation due to disturbance and

environmental pollution (air, water, soil), forest cutting

vegetation and redevelopment of territories.

12. Scope of environmental protection measures and assessment of the cost of measures to

protection of forest and other vegetation, compensatory measures, including a

case of accidents.

Usually, speaking about the protection of the animal world, they mean the preservation of rare,

exotic animals, some of which are on the verge of complete

extinction, or about animals of economic value. However, the problem

wildlife conservation is much broader. Animal world follows

considered as a necessary functional part of the biosphere, where each of

systematic groups of animals, ranging from the lowest primitive to

higher mammals, performs its specific role in the life of the biosphere.

The animal world is much more incompatible with anthropogenic activities than

other components of the landscape, which creates great difficulties in preventing

negative consequences impact.

The area of ​​impact on wildlife is always wider than the area directly

occupied by the designed object, since the vital activity of animals

disturbed, among other things, by the so-called "anxiety factor"

including the noise of construction and traffic, the appearance of unfamiliar and unusual

objects, night lighting, and finally, poaching and trapping of animals

and fish, sea animal, etc.

When assessing the consequences of impacts on the animal world, it is much more significant

indirect causes of negative consequences: reduction of ecological niches,

food reserves, disruption of food chains, pollution of water bodies and much

other. Often negative consequences for the animal world as a result of

indirect impact is much wider than direct impact.

In the process of developing impact assessments on fauna and wildlife

need to rely on systematic, spatial and ecological

structure of the animal world, establishing interdependencies between these three

aspects of the analysis and identifying the possible negative consequences of their violation.

The basis for establishing the initial spatial and ecological

regularities, you should use materials according to typical data

zonal-regional conditions for reserves (reserves, sanctuaries, etc.),

since in territories outside specially protected natural objects

the original patterns are strongly violated and can only be established

modern ones, as a rule, are very depleted of their modifications. Comparison of those and

others can give insight into the type of ecosystem dynamics of the region and adaptation

animals to a changing environment, on the basis of which it is already easier to predict

consequences of the planned loads. On the other hand, if the supposed

activities will be carried out close enough to one of the protected

territories, it is necessary to assess the possible consequences for the protected area

in order to prevent any changes to any of the objects or factors,

significant for this type of protection.

To assess the state of the animal world, as in the previous case, also

there are no clear and defined, incl. quantitative criteria and norms, in

In connection with this, the method of expert assessments is most often used, requiring

determination of relevant indicators.

Included in the thematic biotic, recommended by V.V. Vinogradov,

zoological criteria and indicators for assessing the state of ecosystems, i.e.

violations in the animal world, can be considered as at the coenotic levels

(species diversity, spatial and trophic structures, biomass and

productivity, energy), and on population (spatial

structure, abundance and density, behavior, demographic and genetic


According to zoological criteria, a number of stages of the process can be distinguished

environmental violations of the territory. The risk zone is distinguished mainly by

environmental criteria for the initial stage of the disturbance - syntropization,

loss of herd behavior, change in migration routes, reaction of tolerance.

The subsequent stages of the violation are distinguished additionally by spatial,

demographic and genetic criteria. The crisis zone is characterized

disruption of the structure of populations, groups and flocks, narrowing of the distribution area and

habitat, violation of the production cycle. The disaster area is different

the disappearance of part of the range or habitat, the mass death of age

groups, a sharp increase in the number of synatropic and uncharacteristic species, intensive

an increase in anthropozoon and zoon diseases. In view of the strong multi-annual

variability of zoological indicators (at least 25%), some of the

criteria are given for a 5-10 year period.

An example of ranking the state of the ecosystem according to these criteria is given in Table. eleven.

Table 11

Zoological criteria for assessing ecosystem disturbance

Considering all of the above, when justifying and assessing the impact on fauna



1. Characteristics of the animal world in the zone of impact of the object.

2. Assessment of the territory in the zone of impact of the object as habitats for the main

groups of animals (for fish - wintering pits, feeding and spawning places, etc.).

3. Forecast of changes in the animal world during the construction and operation of the facility.

4. Assessment of the consequences of changes in the animal world as a result of the project.

5. Measures to reduce damage to aquatic and terrestrial fauna and preserve

the main habitats of animals during the construction and operation of the facility.

6. Assessment of damage to wildlife due to changes in habitat conditions during

implementation design decisions. compensatory measures.

7. Scope of environmental protection measures and assessment of the cost of compensation

measures and measures for the protection of wildlife during normal operation

object, as well as in case of accidents.


The socio-economic situation in itself is not an environmental

factor. However, it creates these factors and at the same time changes under the influence of

changing environmental conditions. In this regard, the assessment of the impact on

environment cannot do without the analysis of social and economic

living conditions of the population. That is why the population and economy in

all the variety of their functioning are included in the concept of the environment and

that is why the social and economic features of the area under consideration

or object make up integral part EIA.

This principle is enshrined in the International Convention "On Impact Assessment on

environment in a transboundary context", where it is written: "impact"

means any consequences of the proposed activity for the environment,

including human health and safety flora, fauna, soil, air, water,

climate, landscape, historical monuments and other material objects or

relationship with these factors. It also covers implications for

cultural heritage or socio-economic conditions, which are

the result of changes in these factors.

In the light of this definition, it becomes clear that the priority dispute

biocentric or anthropocentric approach to environmental issues

absolutor environment is meaningless, tk. it's almost the same thing, only

the second part of the above definition should not be discarded. And in the end

As a result, we can say that the last section of the EIA (or the last of

considered environmental factors) is anthropoecological

grade planned activity, refracting the assessment of all other

factors in the anthropoecological aspect and including the assessment and forecast of possible

consequences of a social, demographic, economic nature (increased

pressure on existing infrastructure, relationships of indigenous,

old-timers and newcomers, the emergence of new work places,

the need for local products, etc.), i.e. all that is possible

attributed to both aut- and synecological aspects of life


The anthropoecological direction is one of the youngest in the structure

EIA, as well as in the science of ecology in general, because before everything

anthropoecological problems were redistributed among many other

sciences: medicine (and hygiene, in particular), anthropology, geography,

ethnography, demography, etc.) and were often considered independently of each other.

One of the reasons for combining all these aspects into one direction was

problems of environmental protection in general, and the need for pre-project and

project EIA, in particular.

Unfortunately, the need to consider in the EIA materials

anthropoecological assessments are not yet sufficiently understood in the field of management

environmental protection, which can be traced both in legislative acts and in

other legal documents. In particular, in the law of the Russian Federation "On

environmental expertise" there are almost no requirements for

anthropoecological assessments of economic activity as an independent

section, although the need for its development is beyond doubt.

Socio-economic characteristics of the state of the population, which should

taken into account during the EIA, are classified by science - ecology

person as follows: demographic characteristics; indicators,

characterizing the conditions of work and life, rest, food,

water consumption, reproduction and education of the population, its education and

maintaining a high level of health; characteristics of natural and man-made

environmental factors of the population. The ratings are divided into

subjective(given by the working or living people themselves) and

professional(obtained using objective measurement methods

or official information sources).

To characterize the socio-ecological situation at an object or territory

experts in the field of human ecology distinguish two groups of factors,

characterizing the anthropoecological situation, - complex

(integral) indicators: comfort level natural environment and

degree of deterrence living space.

The assessment of the comfort of natural conditions is associated with the analysis of more than three dozen

parameters of the natural environment, of which more than 10 relate to climatic

factors, and the rest characterize the presence of natural prerequisites for diseases (in

including relief, geological structure, state of waters, vegetation and

animal world and many others discussed in previous sections). For

mountainous areas, for example, it is additionally important to know the height of the object above the level

seas and the degree of dissection of the relief.

The level of deterrience of the environment also combines quite

a large number of indicators of a very different plan. These include traditional

complex estimates of pollution of the geospheres, calculated as a sum

ratios of real concentrations of pollutants and their MPC, specific total indicators

MPE and MPD associated with the estimated area of ​​the territory, and a number of others.

Among demographic indicators, taken into account when

anthropoecological assessments, the following are most often given: the coefficient of the general and

child standardized mortality (per 1000 population) adjusted for age

population structure, birth rate, linked to the overall rate

natural increase, average life expectancy and life expectancy

potential of the population (the number of years of life ahead, provided that this

age-specific mortality rate, in person-years), marriage rates and

migration, indirectly indicating environmental problems in the region

object placement. There are also more complex calculations

demographic indicators: quality of life and quality of health of the population.

Among the most comprehensive regional indicators is the integrated

indicator of socio-economic development, including 15 basic

parameters assessed on a 10-point scale: gross national product (GNP)

per capita, consumption per capita, level of industrialization,

the share of exportable products in the total volume of agricultural

products, provision with own industrial products, development

infrastructure, level of education, availability of a market public opinion,

orientation of the population to Western living standards, etc. Assessed

the region is ranked for each of these 15 parameters, then the assigned points

are added together to form a total score.

Unfortunately, there are no "purely ecological" parameters among these parameters.

type evaluation the level of ecological consciousness of the population, the level

socio-ecological tension other. Among others

ecologized socio-economic indicators include: recreational

the potential of the area and the degree of its use, danger (probability)

invasions, epizootics and attacks on people by representatives of the animal world,

complex indicators of technogenic load and the degree of urbanization

territory, and a number of others.

Certain issues in this area are regulated by the existing

normative-legal and normative-technical documents.

Of the variety of eco-socio-cultural indicators during the EIA (in

the following:

1. Assessment of the sanitary and epidemiological state of the territory.

2. Social conditions of life of the population.

3. Assessment of the health status of the population.

4. Migration of the population.

5. Forecast of possible changes in the population, including radical.

6. Assessment of predictive changes in socio-economic conditions of life

population, comfort of living in the implementation of the planned activities.

7. Predictive assessment of the environmental consequences of the operation of the facility (with

normal mode and accidents) for the life and health of the population (increased

mortality, changes in life expectancy, the emergence

professional and other specific diseases, an increase in the general, infectious

morbidity in children and adults, etc.).

8. Predictive assessment of the impact of the proposed activity on specially protected

objects (natural, recreational, cultural, religious, etc.).

9. Loss of the aesthetic value of the territory.

10. Assessment of predictive changes in the natural environment for the existing

nature management, including national.

11. Measures to ensure the environmental safety of the population during

normal operation of the facility and in emergency situations.

12. Measures to regulate social relations in the process of the planned

economic activities, including the obligations of the investor to improve

social conditions of life of the population.

13. Comprehensive predictive assessment of environmental risk (for the population and

environment) of the proposed activity.

14. Scope of environmental protection measures and valuation of costs for

conservation measures favorable conditions life and health of the population.

Atmospheric air protection

The atmosphere is one of the elements of the environment that is everywhere

subject to human activity. The consequences of such

impacts depend on many factors and are manifested in climate change and

chemical composition atmosphere. These changes, indifferent to the

atmosphere, are a significant factor influencing the biotic component

environment, including per person.

The atmosphere, or air environment, is evaluated in two aspects.

1. Climate and its possible changes both under the influence of natural

reasons, and under the influence anthropogenic impacts in general (macroclimate) and

of this project in particular (microclimate). These estimates also

projection of the possible impact of climate change on the implementation

projected type of anthropogenic activity.

2. Pollution atmosphere, the assessment of which is carried out according to the structural

scheme. First, the potential for contamination is assessed.

atmosphere using one of the complex indicators: pollution potential

atmosphere (PZA), scattering power of the atmosphere (RSA), etc. Then

assessments of the current level of air pollution in the region are carried out.

Conclusions on both climatic and meteorological features and initial pollution

atmosphere are based primarily on the data of the regional Roshydromet, in

to a lesser extent - on the data of the sanitary and epidemiological service and

special analytical inspections of the State Committee for Ecology, as well as other

literary sources. And finally, based on the obtained estimates and data on

specific emissions into the atmosphere of the designed facility are calculated

predictive estimates of atmospheric pollution using special

computer programs ("Ecolog", "Garant", "Efir", etc.), which allow not

maps of concentration fields and data on pollutant deposition (PO)

on the underlying surface.

The criterion for assessing the degree of atmospheric pollution is the maximum permissible

concentrations (MPC) of pollutants. Measured or calculated

concentrations of pollutants in the air are compared with MPC and thus pollution

atmosphere is measured in values ​​(shares) of MPC.

The concentrations of pollutants in the atmosphere should not be confused with their emissions into the atmosphere.

Concentration is the mass of a substance per unit volume (or even mass), and

release - the mass of a substance received per unit of time (i.e. "dose").

Emission cannot be a criterion for air pollution, since pollution

air depends not only on the magnitude (mass) of the emission, but also on a number of other

factors (meteoparameters, height of the source of emission, etc.).

Forecast estimates of atmospheric pollution are used in other sections of the EIA

to predict the consequences of the state of other factors from the impact

polluted atmosphere (pollution of the underlying surface, vegetation

vegetation, morbidity of the population, etc.).

Assessment of the state of the atmosphere during the environmental impact assessment is based

on the integral assessment of air pollution in the study area,

which is determined using a system of direct, indirect and indicator

criteria. Assessment of the quality of the atmosphere (primarily the degree of its pollution)

quite well developed and based on a very large package of regulatory and

policy documents using direct monitoring measurement methods

environmental parameters, as well as indirect - calculation methods and evaluation criteria.

Direct evaluation criteria. The main criteria for the state of pollution

air basin are the values ​​​​of maximum permissible concentrations (MPC).

It should be borne in mind that the atmosphere occupies a special position in

ecosystem, being a medium for the transfer of technogenic pollutants and

the most changeable and dynamic of all the components of its abiotic

components. Therefore, to assess the degree of atmospheric pollution,

time-differentiated indicators: maximum one-time MPCmr (for

short-term effects) and average daily MPCs, as well as average annual MPCs (for

prolonged exposure).

The degree of atmospheric pollution is estimated by multiplicity and frequency

exceeding MPC taking into account the hazard class, as well as the summation

biological action of pollutants (SV). Air pollution level

substances of different hazard classes is determined by "reduction" of their concentrations,

normalized according to MPC, to the concentrations of substances of the 3rd hazard class.

Pollutants in the air basin according to the probability of their unfavorable

influence on the health of the population is divided into 4 classes: 1st - extremely

dangerous, 2nd - highly dangerous, 3rd - moderately dangerous and 4th -

little dangerous. Usually the actual maximum one-time,

average daily and average annual MPCs, comparing them with actual concentrations

pollutants in the atmosphere for the last few years, but not less than 2 years.

Another important criterion for assessing the total air pollution

(various substances according to average annual concentrations) is the value

complex indicator (P) equal to the square root of the sum of squares

concentrations of substances of various hazard classes, normalized according to MPC and

reduced to concentrations of substances of the 3rd hazard class.

The most common and informative indicator of air pollution is

KISA is a complex index of average annual air pollution. His

quantitative ranking according to the class of the state of the atmosphere is given in Table. one.

The given ranking according to the classes of the state of the atmosphere is carried out in

compliance with the classification of pollution levels on a four-point scale,

class "norm" corresponds to the level of air pollution below average

suburbs of the country;

the "risk" class is equal to the average level;

"crisis" class - above average;

Distress class is well above average.

QISA is commonly used to compare the air pollution of different

sections of the study area (cities, districts, etc.) and to assess

temporary (long-term) trend of changes in the state of atmospheric pollution.

Table 1

Criteria for assessing the state of atmospheric pollution by a complex index (KIZA)

The resource potential of the atmosphere of a territory is determined by its ability to

dispersion and removal of impurities, the ratio of the actual level of pollution

and the MPC value. The estimation of the scattering power of the atmosphere is based on the value

such complex climatic and meteorological indicators as

atmospheric pollution potential (PAP) and air consumption parameter

(PV). These characteristics determine the features of the formation of levels

pollution, depending on weather conditions that contribute to the accumulation and

removal of pollutants from the atmosphere.

PZA- a comprehensive characteristic of the frequency of meteorological

conditions unfavorable for the dispersion of impurities in the air basin. In Russia

5 classes of PZA, typical for urban conditions, have been identified, depending on

frequency of surface inversions and stagnations of 10 weak winds and duration

Air Consumption Parameter (Av) is the amount of net

air required to dilute pollutant emissions to the level of the average allowable

concentration. This parameter is especially important in air quality control.

environment in case of establishment of a regime of collective

liability (principle of "bubble") in market relations. Based on this

parameter, the volume of emissions is set for the whole region, and only then

enterprises located on its territory jointly find the most profitable

for them, a way to provide this volume, incl. through rights trading


The assessment of the resource potential of the atmosphere is carried out taking into account the hygienic

substantiation of the comfort of the climate of the territory, the possibility of using

areas for recreational and residential purposes. An important initial component at

This assessment is the physiological and hygienic classification of weather (i.e.

combinations of meteorological factors such as temperature and humidity, solar

radiation, etc.) of the cold and warm periods of the year.

As a criterion for evaluating the optimal placement of pollution sources

atmosphere and residential areas, the value is used reserve

(deficit) scattering properties of the atmospheric air (VR).

Atmospheric air is usually considered as the initial link in

pollution chain natural environments and objects. Soils and surface waters can

be an indirect indicator of its pollution, and in some cases, vice versa

- be sources of secondary air pollution. It defines

the need, in addition to assessing the pollution of the air basin itself

take into account the possible consequences of the mutual influence of the atmosphere and adjacent media and

obtaining an integral ("mixed" - indirect-direct) assessment of the state


Indirect indicators of evaluation air pollution is

intensity of atmospheric impurity inflow as a result of dry deposition on

soil cover and water bodies, as well as as a result of its leaching

atmospheric precipitation. The criterion for this assessment is the value of admissible and

critical loads, expressed in units of deposition density, taking into account

the time interval (duration) of their receipt.

The group of experts from the Nordic countries recommends the following

critical loads for acidic forest soils, surface and ground

waters (taking into account the totality of chemical changes and biological effects for

these environments):

for sulfur compounds 0.2-0.4 gSq.m per year;

for nitrogen compounds 1-2 gN sq. m per year.

The final stage of a comprehensive assessment of the state of atmospheric pollution

air is to analyze trends in the dynamics of man-caused processes and assess

possible negative consequences in the short and long term

(perspective) at the local and regional levels When analyzing spatial

features and temporal dynamics of the effects of atmospheric pollution

on the health of the population and the state of ecosystems, the mapping method is used

(more recently, GIS construction) using a set of

cartographic materials characterizing the natural conditions of the region, including

the presence of specially protected (reserved, etc.) territories.

According to L.I. Boltnevoy, optimal system of components (elements)

integral(complex) assessment of the state of the atmosphere must


assessment of the level of pollution from sanitary and hygienic positions (MAC);

assessment of the resource potential of the atmosphere (APA and PV);

assessment of the degree of influence on certain environments (soil-plant and

snow cover, water);

trends and intensity (speed) of anthropogenic development processes

expert natural and technical system to identify short-term and

long-term effects of exposure;

determination of the spatial and temporal scales of possible negative

consequences of anthropogenic impact.

Considering all of the above, when justifying and assessing the impact on the atmosphere

1. Characteristics of the existing and predicted air pollution

air. Calculation and analysis of the expected air pollution should be carried out.

air after the commissioning of the designed facility at the border of the SPZ, in

residential area, specially protected and other natural areas and objects,

located in the zone of influence of this object.

2. Meteorological characteristics and coefficients determining conditions

scattering harmful substances in atmospheric air.

3. Parameters of pollutant emission sources, quantitative and

quality indicators of emissions of harmful substances into the atmospheric air during

the established (normal) operating conditions of the enterprise and the maximum

loading equipment.

4. Substantiation of data on emissions of pollutants should, incl. contain a list

measures to prevent and reduce emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere and

assessment of the degree of conformity of the applied processes, technological and

dust and gas cleaning equipment to the advanced level.

5. Characteristics of possible volley ejections.

6. List of pollutants and groups of substances that have a summing

harmful action.

7. Proposals for the establishment of standards for maximum permissible emissions.

8. Additional measures to reduce pollutant emissions in

atmosphere in order to achieve MPE standards and assess the degree of their compliance

advanced scientific and technical level.

9. Justification of the adopted sizes of the SPZ (taking into account the wind rose).

10. List of possible accidents: in case of violation of the technological regime; at

natural disasters.

11. Analysis of the scale of possible accidents, measures to prevent

emergencies and liquidation of their consequences.

12. Assessment of the consequences of accidental air pollution for

human and OS.

13. Measures to regulate emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere

air during periods of abnormally unfavorable meteorological conditions.

14. Organization of air pollution control.

15. Scope of environmental protection measures and assessment of the cost of capital investments

for compensatory measures and measures to protect atmospheric air from

pollution, including accidents and adverse weather conditions.
