Why don't people go to restaurants? Why don't people go to concerts? People don't vote

People solve health problems with the help of doctors, or rather, using prescribed medications and prescribed procedures. And when it comes to psychological health, for some reason they prefer not to pay attention to it and do not consider it necessary to go to a specialist in this field - to a psychotherapist. Why is this happening, why is the so-called limit of trust of residents of the post-Soviet space in psychologists and psychotherapy quite low or none at all?

Not only has the right to be in our life, but is also able to have a positive impact not only on the personal, but also on the professional life of every person: to achieve positive results in communication with bosses, colleagues and clients, for success in cooperation with partners, friends, relatives and loved ones. But, despite this, many people have never turned to psychologists at all, even when they really needed the advice of a qualified specialist.

According to research results, the following reasons for the unpopularity of psychotherapy can be identified:

1. Disbelief that psychotherapy will help.

We were taught from childhood to wash our hands before eating, to maintain hygiene, not to eat harmful products, consult a doctor if something hurts. These are clear and simple truths that mothers and fathers put into our heads in childhood, trying to help us learn to take care of our health ourselves. But psychotherapy at that time was not part of the first-aid kit for various cases of unforeseen illnesses. We were not taught to take care of our psychological health. Most likely, our parents themselves did not know how to take care of him. Soviet ways to deal with stress are recreational activities or alcohol. By the way, alcohol in the countries of the post-Soviet space is one of the most widely used ways to overcome life's difficulties, if its use, of course, can be considered a solution to problems. But often we have the opposite result: the emergence of another problem - alcoholism. I think that if people learned to turn to psychologists in difficult times for help, they would not want to look into a glass so often in search of answers to life's problems.

2. It is expensive to use the services of a psychologist.

Indeed, the services of qualified psychotherapists are expensive, but consultations with a good surgeon, endocrinologist or gynecologist are also expensive. And the difference between treatment with other specialists and a psychologist lies in the duration of psychotherapy, which ultimately translates into such a significant amount. But is it really more economical not to pay attention to mental problems that have a risk of developing into phobias, fears and stress, which can, in the end, become a threat to work and normal existence? Perhaps it would be better to spend a certain amount of money right now, so that later you will remain a balanced and calm person, able to provide for yourself and your loved ones. Unfortunately, most people turn to a psychotherapist for consultation years later when the problem is already significantly neglected, and its solution requires a significant amount of time and effort. In addition, ignoring their own psychological problems leads to the development of completely physical diseases. Such diseases are called psychosomatic, but I will write about them in another article.

3. Stereotypes.

They dictate our life and shape our character. And if in our time there is an opinion that psychology is an occupation for mentally ill people, then this is quite difficult to change. Force yourself or loved one Seeking qualified help from a psychologist if such a stereotype exists will be a rather difficult task. Some clients find it embarrassing to tell their colleagues and friends that they are using a therapist, although this actually indicates a rather responsible attitude towards themselves and their health, as well as a desire to be happy and live a freer life.

The good news is that lately similar views change and many people understand the difference between psychological, psychotherapeutic and psychiatric care... And that's all more people who want to change their lives turn to a psychologist and psychotherapist. An important nuance is to find a qualified specialist who will help you with this. I will tell you how to do this in the next article.

4. Unwillingness to solve their problems.

Oddly enough, it sounds, but most people who are not satisfied with their life do not have the slightest desire to change it. They complain to their friends and family, robot colleagues, ask questions on psychological forums, but never change anything in their life situation... Why it happens? To understand this, let's get acquainted with the concept of secondary benefit.

Secondary benefit is what keeps a person in a problem situation and blocks its solution. For example, a person may claim that he wants to become a free and independent person, but in reality he does nothing to get out of the care of his tyrannical boss, spouse or parent. He can buzz all the ears of those around him about how he suffers, but he can do nothing on the way to his freedom. Because inside this person considers himself weak and insecure, he is not ready to take responsibility for his life into his own hands. Moreover, he is afraid of such a responsibility, and therefore, despite his words, he does everything to stay in an oppressive relationship. Indeed, in the presence of the "tyrant" you can shift all decisions onto him and let him be guilty if he decides something wrong.

As a result, such things quickly become noticeable, they can no longer be hidden from oneself. And when they are visible, you have to do something with them. But to solve the problem, you need to give up secondary benefits, and this is not so easy. And that's why working with a psychotherapist is so scary for many. For consultation they are resolved only when life becomes really unbearable. And when I listen to the stories of some clients about their life inside, I have one question: "why wait for life to turn into hell?" Most of them say that they wanted to ask for help a few years ago, but came only when it became simply impossible to continue living like this.

What conclusions can be drawn?

If you want to move towards greater freedom, confidence and personal happiness, you should definitely think about consulting a psychologist or psychotherapist. If you are not ready to decide on this, then think about what is stopping you? Perhaps there are erroneous stereotypes and beliefs behind this? Or is it a reluctance to solve the problem? What secondary benefits might be behind your unwillingness to change something?

If the underlying beliefs are wrong, then try to get more information about what psychological or psychotherapeutic help is. Find someone you can trust. In the second case, it is worth considering how important your benefits from the problem are to you and is it possible to get them not through pain and suffering? And is it worth making your life absolutely unbearable in order to finally seek professional help?

If you liked the article, then share it on social networks. Alexey Repetsky

The election process did not affect all Russian citizens. The reasons why citizens do not take part in the vote, the correspondent of IA Krasnaya Vesna learned from passers-by on March 18.

Anna Ryzhkova © IA Krasnaya Vesna

Ruslan, architect, 40 years old

No and not gonna

- And why?

First, I understand that these elections are predetermined, and my vote does not mean anything. And secondly, there is no candidate for whom I would like to vote. None of them will act in the interests of the people.

The candidate you are looking for is not on the ballot paper. In general, is there such a person in the Russian political space?

It's not that simple. For example, I sympathize with Navalny. But I don't see him as president either. No, I can't name anyone specifically as a possible candidate for the presidency.

- How do you think the current political system can be changed?

You can't change it that easily. After all, those who are at the top of the trough will never say: “We have ate. It's time for us to leave ".

- What would you personally like to change in the country?

I think we need to completely change the liberal direction. We all understand that all production has been killed. And not only factories and factories, but also agriculture. I would close the country. I mean, shut it out from outside influences. America strongly influences us, we must isolate ourselves from them and develop the country independently. We need to raise production. Our country is huge, there are enough resources.

And still. If you imagine a situation that there is a candidate in the elections who suits you, and he wins. Do you think he will be able to drastically change something?

I think yes. Of course, there are so-called elite groups that will oppose the change of course and hold on to their own interests. But the president must come with his team that can resist this.

Olga, laboratory assistant, 47 years old

- Have you already gone to the polls?

No. These are elections without elections. After all, everyone already knows who will be chosen. Besides, there is no candidate who would suit me. I would vote for a worthy candidate without even believing that he will win. But I don't see them.

- You don't see them on the ballot or don't you see worthy politicians at all?

There are people whose political views are somewhat close to me. But I cannot say about any of them that he could be president. I think parliamentarism will suit us as a kind of transitional form. In general, we must try to involve people, so that they can solve all important issues for the country through referendums.

- What would you like to change in the country?

I think, first of all, it is necessary to abandon the centralization of power. It is necessary that there is no monopoly on anything: neither in the political nor in the economic spheres.

Oleg, student, 23 years old

No, I didn't succeed, I live in a different region.

Yes I know. But for this it was necessary to register on the website of state services. I have not been able to do this. For some reason, the site did not recognize my documents: neither my passport, nor SNILS.

- But in general, do you think that participation in the voting is important?

Yes, it is important. I don't think that nothing depends on my voice.

- Have you got acquainted with the election programs of the candidates?

Yes, I followed the election campaign. I'm interested. I would definitely go to the polls, but it didn't work out.

Anna, pensioner, 60 years old

No, I don’t go to the polls. I never go to them. Does this change anything? This time they were very active in trying to persuade them to go. They need a good turnout for legitimacy. But I don’t want to participate in this.

- What can you say about the candidates and their election programs?

I watched the TV debate. It's just some kind of show. It seems that all of them are needed so that the main candidate looks advantageous against their background. It's just a circus.

- But many people go to the polls. This means that it is important for them. Why do you think?

I have friends who compare the current situation with the 90s and say that the situation has improved significantly. Yes it is. But after the 90s, a lot of time has passed. There must be a movement forward. I do not see him. I see that things are only getting worse.

- What, in your opinion, are the main problems of Russia?

Very heavy financial situation... For example, I have a very low pension. And the salaries are small. My daughter has a salary of 10 thousand and she, having come in the evening from her main job, is forced to do a part-time job on the Internet. There are, of course, those who have settled well. How did they manage to acquire all these businesses and resources? I do not know. But I know that when the USSR collapsed, the most rascals were able to settle down well.

What, in your opinion, are the main problems of Russia? And what else does not suit you, except low level life of a significant part of the population?

Not satisfied that there is no confidence in the future. Still not satisfied that social problems are not being solved. I only hear empty promises. That’s why I don’t go to the polls. So that I can always say: "I didn't choose them".

"The Church is not a club! If everyone leaves the club, it simply will not exist. But the Church exists, even when we do not understand everything in it. It will remain, even if there are no cardinals or a pope in it, for they belong to it, and not she - to them.If all Christians suddenly die, she will remain with God. Is it not clear to you that I believe more in the Church than in myself? No, that I believe in the Church more than in myself? if they were turned over by a liver attack or a bottle of brandy? "

Gilbert Chesterton. "Ball and cross"

Hegumen PETER (Mescherinov), St. Danilov Monastery

One of the reasons that people do not understand Christianity and are repelled by the Church is the substitution of the Gospel - literally translated "good news", "gospel" - by some sinister... The foundation of our faith - the Risen Christ, the Easter joy that any person can feel - is replaced by a sermon about the world Masonic conspiracy, about the imminent coming of the Antichrist, about demons, hell and eternal torment. Christ is only a means to avoid all this. Moreover, not even Christ, but external churchliness, the performance of rituals, mechanical standing Sunday services.

As a result, the religious needs of the soul are not satisfied. And therefore, many people who are sincerely seeking God try to stay away from such a Church. It seems to them some kind of strange institution where people are obsessed with secret Freemasonry and demons. Of course, there are demons, and the "mystery of iniquity," and the Antichrist, who will eventually appear. But this is not scary, but the fact that all this serves as the basis for preaching and for some reason is called Orthodoxy.

Priest Mikhail VASILIEV, rector of the Patriarchal households at the headquarters of the Airborne Forces and the Strategic Missile Forces

First, because it is difficult. Secondly, because for a modern person, who is very pragmatic in terms of his worldview, it is unprofitable. You have to waste your time - a modern person has the illusion that he does not have enough time, although this does not prevent him from wasting it, for example, in front of the TV. And a person lives all the time in the time that he actually often spends ineptly. He stands in the temple - and it seems to him that he has many urgent matters, that he needs to run somewhere. And indeed - this is known to the ancient ascetics of piety - to be alone with yourself is already unusual and difficult, and even more so to come to God and be with that God in Whom, although you believe, you still do not see enough. Probably, all this in combination leads to the fact that a modern person, aimlessly spending a significant part of his life, cannot find time to visit, or stand, or even, I’m not afraid of this word, to pray during the service.

Priest Alexander LAVRIN, cleric of the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Life-Giving Spring" in Tsaritsyno

I think the reason is not atheism. There are few atheists now, and there were few convinced before. People tend to be more religiously indifferent. And when, after the fall of atheistic ideology, it turned out that many are not alien to the recognition of the spiritual world, a serious reason emerged why people do not go to church: the recognition of the "otherworldly" itself does not change anything in a person's life. A real religious life begins when a person wants God to become the main thing in his life. And this is always not easy, it requires stress from a person: search, work.

It is impossible to ignore the truth, bitter for us, church people. Many people do not go to church because we, Christians, provide an excuse for this ourselves. There was a very long break in religious life, many traditions have been lost, first of all, the traditions of patience and humility. And, unfortunately, people often do not find an example of the gospel life in Christians.

Not the last reason is in us, priests, shepherds. We have come out of the same environment of "religious oblivion" and in the same way we are learning the Christian life. But the cost of our mistakes is much higher than that of the parishioners, when we do not show warmth and understanding. I know this well, noticing at times a non-brotherly and impartial attitude in myself - during confession, in conversation with people ...

Therefore, today the Church is seen not so much as a place of spiritual asceticism, as as a hospital that receives and heals the sick and disabled. This means that it includes those who admitted their illness and wanted to be treated.

Archpriest Igor PCHELINTSEV, Press Secretary of the Nizhny Novgorod Diocese

The trouble is probably that there is a certain religious self-sufficiency among the people - almost 80% of Russians consider themselves Orthodox Christians. "We are baptized ...", "we do not deny anything ...", as well as "well, probably something there there is ... "If we add to these statements the fact that many people do come to the temple at least once or twice a year (for Easter, put a candle ...), it turns out that in some To the least, church life exists among the people. Some even receive communion (from once a year to once every several years), not realizing to themselves what great Sacrament they are taking part in. Only 1 - 3% of Russians try to live a real church life.

Accordingly, our Orthodox people are the main consumer of mass "spiritual" culture - actively reviving paganism with its usual attributes - horoscopes, fortune telling, healers and religious indifference and omnivorousness. Church life is not as entertaining as modern "mysticism on the couch" - and therefore it is not in demand. It is necessary to learn to be churchly, but this does not find a response in the soul of a modern person who is accustomed to consuming "spiritual fast food."

On the other hand, apparently, our dear and long-suffering Church has not yet found the strength to meet the people halfway. Some clergy and some laypeople from among the converts believe that the Church should not descend to modern man, but raise him above the perishing world. This is true in meaning, but incorrect in tactics. These people believe that there is no need to go to anyone - whoever needs it, they will come to church themselves, and we all we will teach (by the way, by "everything" is often meant external things - how to be baptized, how to stand in the service, etc., and theology is for theologians).

It should also be said about the Orthodox "fast food". There are communities that speculate on the mystical feelings of modern man, often poisoned by neo-paganism, and instead of real spiritual food they give their new members dubious food. The general name of such communities is "How to avoid the end of the world and stay with your own people." The path of such communities is clearly sectarian and goes against the hierarchy of the Church and common sense, but it attracts some very much, turning them away from the real Orthodox Church.

Of course, the media also play an important role in the de-churching of the unchurched. While planting new (in fact, old) pagan values ​​with one hand, the media with the other hand throw mud at the reviving Orthodoxy, creating an extremely negative image of the Church and Her servants in society.

And as a result, the people timidly stomp in the churchyard and pass by, and the clergy with the faithful parishioners look out of the church doors in the hope that someone else will look to them for the light. In hope all teach them.

Priest Nikolay EMELYANOV, Deputy Dean of the Theological Faculty of the Orthodox St. Tikhon Humanitarian University

The most amazing thing is that people go to Church. This is surprising, because in Russia, after a whole era of persecution, religious lack of culture and illiteracy, it would seem impossible for a modern person to acquire traditional spiritual culture and faith. Modern fashion, Mass culture, harsh propaganda, sometimes even today's public policy prevent it. However, in spite of everything, many acquire this spiritual culture, or at least very much strive for it.

This is always a very personal and very difficult process. It requires work on oneself, a lot of humility and repentance, which has never been easy for anyone. In the Gospel, the Lord, referring to the disciples, calls them "the salt of the earth." Salt is a wonderful and very ancient religious symbol. Among others, it also has a very simple, one might say, everyday meaning. There is always very little salt in food - one spoonful in a large saucepan, but without it the food is tasteless. This "salt" - those who do not just "look from afar" or even "enter the Church", but live the church life by faith - has always been and will be few.

On the other hand, it depends on society itself and even in many respects on the state whether it will at least turn its face to high spiritual culture - or its life will lose its "salt", become "tasteless" and meaningless.

Hieromonk MAKARIY (Markish), Holy Vvedensky Monastery, Ivanovo

I had to live and work for fifteen years away from Russia, in the American state of Massachusetts. In the United States, one can hardly imagine that a person calling himself Orthodox does not regularly attend church. This applies equally to those who inherited Orthodoxy, and to those who, at a conscious age, returned to their national and cultural roots. And, of course, to those who, like the gospel merchant who found a pearl of incomparable value, came to Orthodoxy "from outside." Note that for those, and for others, and for the third, an interest in religion in general and Orthodoxy in particular is characteristic. Even if ignorance dominates the cultural and social scene, overcoming it, people come to the Church.

And if you answer more generally ... With regard to human life, the question "why" gives a colossal scope for an answer, and whatever you answer - everything will be true to one degree or another: because they do not want to, because they are not used to, because they are not time, because they do not see the need, because they are cramped there, cold, hot, stuffy, bored, and so on. The root cause is our weakness, inconsistency, laxity, irresponsibility, indifference. Our sin. If you allow me to clarify the question in this way: "Indicate the reason, the elimination of which is most realistic and effective today," then I will answer in one word - ignorance. To eliminate it, respectively, will allow school education and missionary preaching in the field and in the media, in which may the Lord help us.

Priest John OHLOBYSTIN, cleric of the Church of St. Nicholas in Zayitskaya Sloboda

When the revival of Orthodoxy was just beginning, the believers and priests themselves involuntarily did a lot to turn people away from the Church. All these old women, hissing at the young girls who first entered the temple in trousers. All these young and old people, their "prophecies" and wild semi-pagan "instructions". And strange hysterical literature called "Orthodox". All this intimidation in the sermons of the priests that you are, they say, terrible sinners, scoundrels. Urgently distribute all your property, and yourself - on your knees, on peas. And still there is no forgiveness for you ... As I remember, it just takes a shiver. It got to the point that His Holiness the Patriarch himself had to intervene.

Many, having entered the temple for the first time and faced with such an attitude towards themselves, thought: if I go somewhere else to Buddhism, everything is not so gloomy there. And, of course, over the years, topics for criticism have been added, among them - cell phones and cars from priests (I wonder how without this to be in touch, if necessary, and visit sick parishioners?) And so on.

Fortunately, all these imbalances in relations between secular people and the Church are gradually being smoothed out. People have ceased to intimidate, more and more people come to the temple. Now we can better convey to the parishioners that the main thing in Orthodoxy is not severity, but love. After all, God is Love.

Priest Dionisy Pozdnyaev, Hong Kong, People's Republic of China, Russian Orthodox Church Moscow Patriarchate

I think the reasons are different. There are simply people who do not believe in God - there is no demand here. I remember one elderly lady, speaking of a church service, made a comparison with the theater: “You can go to a play two or three times, but no more ... and the same services from day to day are awful, must be monotonous and boring ! ". There is obvious inability to pray with the temple prayer, ignorance of the service, lack of understanding of the meaning of what is happening. For many, this language, the richest and most beautiful, is completely inaccessible. It is more necessary to talk about the meaning of worship, to let people understand that in the temple one can partake of the heavenly, already on earth one can become part of Heaven.

In fact, people do not know how to find and acquire the main thing in the Church - the experience of Heaven. From what? Because sometimes they are looking for something else. If they do not find it, they are disappointed. Maybe they don't need this experience of Heaven ... But the rest is so secondary.

Many cannot force themselves to force themselves into the practice of spiritual life - as the Lord said, "The Kingdom of Heaven is taken by force, and those who use effort enthrall it" (Matthew 11:12) - but it's too lazy to pray, it's hard to fast, the mind is not used to focusing, it is shame confess! These are the main reasons.

And if we talk about reasons of a more external order, then this is the busyness of the priests, their hasty inattention, sometimes cold ... Sometimes - the rudeness of the parishioners, in general nowadays rudeness ... This is a big problem for those who stand at the doorstep of the Church and hope to see in her children the Image.

Hieromonk SERGY (Rybko), rector of the Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles at the Lazarevskoye cemetery in Moscow

The real reason is that the person simply has no particular desire to go to church. When he is young, full of optimism, he is not up to it. He looks at life through rose-colored glasses, forges his bright future ...

And only having matured, faced with the realities of life, he begins to think, begins to get acquainted with Christian values ​​- and as a result, he often comes to church. These are usually people of mature age, over forty years old. However, there are also young people who have dedicated themselves to God from their youth. Either they experienced some tragedies early, became disillusioned with earthly values, or they are pure souls called by God. I met them quite often, although in our times such a person is just a miracle. It happens that at thirty they go to church, and at twenty, although for some apparent reason - unhappy love, life tragedies, etc. - No. Whoever has an open heart, God comes to that one earlier.

Archpriest Alexander SOROKIN, rector of the Church of Theodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God and the chapel of Sts. New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia, Chairman of the Publishing Department of the St. Petersburg Diocese

Actually, they do. Although not enough. In short, the reason is, of course, in the people themselves. Moreover, both in those who do not go there, and in those who are already there. There is no need to prove that each person is religious by nature, and each expresses this religiousness in different ways and to different degrees. But the percentage of those who show their faith explicitly and consciously as faith in God, about whom the Bible teaches, is not that great at all. And those of them who go to church are even fewer.

Probably, this is because for many it is still not entirely clear what the Church is and why it is difficult and bad for a person without it. The generally accepted view of the Church is so ingrained in the minds of most people that it does not occur to them that the Church is something completely different from busy priests and gloomy laity. Many generally identify the Church only with the hierarchy of priests, that is, they perceive it as a kind of organization performing certain functions. And the New Testament teaching about the Church as a Christian community gathered around the risen Christ is little understood by a mass person. And the trouble is that in the Church itself, many people do not immediately reach this - and therefore do not contribute to the arrival of other people, who therefore do not go to church.

Archpriest Arkady SHATOV, Chairman of the Diocesan Commission for Church Social Activity in Moscow

People do not go to Church for various reasons. Some - because they think that the God of Christians is the same as the unworthy Christians themselves. Some do not go because they are attracted to this world, and external tinsel is more important to them, as for savages glass beads are more important than an ingot of gold. Some are not lazy, and some are because God has not yet called them. Some of those who do not go to Church are possessed, some are stupid ...

Some do not go to Church because they have betrayed God.

People do not go to Church because, as the Gospel says, one bought a field to look after, another bought oxen to be tested, and the third recently got married. Therefore, they do not go to the wedding feast (Luke 14: 1).

Hieromonk KALLISTRAT (Romanenko), rector of the church in the name of the Holy Life-giving Trinity in Antarctica

First, people still go to church. Even in mine. Let not all and not often. But during the year that I have been here, there is not a single person from the station's crew who has not come to the temple at least once. And not for an excursion, but specifically for the service, for Divine Liturgy.

There are people who go to the temple, but not often. They are all the same believers and Orthodox. I cannot say that their faith is worse than mine, although I am a priest and regularly celebrate the Divine Liturgy. Others do not go to the temple because they do not know that this is the house of God. These are just unenlightened people who do not understand why they have to stand for two hours at the service and listen to incomprehensible chants and prayers. But usually this is until the roasted rooster bites. Then they start asking: "What can I do for God to hear me?"

And some do not come because they see how the priest lives - meaner, more selfish and lustful than other unbelievers. I knew one person who in many ways fulfilled the commandments of the Gospel (never having read the Gospel itself), but did not go to church, because the priest did not behave in the best way there.

Today priests are required to calmly, step by step educate those who come, albeit infrequently, showing them life in God. You must preach, and, first of all, not in words, but in yourself, in your life, fulfilling the words of Scripture: "So let your light shine before people, so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven" (Matt. 5: 16).

REASON: The single voting day held on September 8 in Russia was marked by a record low voter turnout. For example, in Angarsk in the sixth constituency, the voter turnout was 15.69 percent. For comparison: in the previous elections to the Legislative Assembly, held in 2008, the turnout was 22.8 percent.

Natalia ZHUKOVA,
Russian language teacher at the College of Management and Entrepreneurship:

- I heard a member of the election commission, which gave us ballots, said that only 40 people came from her precinct. It was about three o'clock in the afternoon. And what are 40 people when there are 120 apartments in our house alone? A drop in the sea. We talked about elections with students. Only 25 percent of them said they went to the polls. The rest have no time, because there is a lot of work in the garden in the fall. Or they do not see any point in their participation in the elections.


- I have been a member of the precinct election commission for almost 30 years and I know for sure that there has never been such a low turnout in elections. Now they have stopped going to the polls for several reasons. First, poor awareness. My neighbors, a young married couple, for example, did not know about the elections at all. They don't read newspapers. They don't have a TV. Only a computer. And on the street there are no posters or banners calling on September 8 to come to the polls. Secondly, there is no administrative resource. Previously, enterprises held meetings and campaigned to come and vote for a worthy candidate. Election commissions again worked until 10 pm. And people whose work shift ended at eight o'clock managed to vote.

Andrey Ivanov,
Inspector of the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Irkutsk Region:

- The main reasons are irresponsibility and disbelief that your voice can somehow influence the situation in the country. I don’t think so. From the age of 18 I went to the polls, I go and will go. And not because there is some kind of official order on mandatory participation. It's just that I and my children still have to live and live in this country.

Alexander ERSHOV,
rescuer of the Angarsk rescue squad:

- It so happened that I missed these elections. I was sent to the west for a short-term training at our institute of the Ministry of Emergencies. He returned only on September 9th. Late, in general. Why do so many ignore polling stations? There is such a film "Kill the Dragon". Like, you kill one, and the other appears. This is probably why people do not want to fight for their future. And I want. Because he is not indifferent by nature. Yes, we all are like that. Where have you seen the indifferent lifeguard?

director of the recreation center "Energetik":

- I stopped going to the polls. Disappointed. It's pointless. And once I sincerely believed that my voice could influence something. But what do we see each time? Before the elections, they will begin to stir, make roads, entertain children, and as soon as the elections are held, everything ends right there. They sit and do nothing. I don't believe them!

Larisa LOBODA,
Chairman of the Society of Mercy and Health of Petrochemists of the city of Angarsk:

- We didn’t go to the polls because we were busy with gardening. On this day there was bad weather, so people, frightened, and rushed to their dachas to quickly collect crops. And someone judged that the issue of elections had been resolved. Young people did not go because they, unlike older people, do not have a sense of patriotism. You need to pay special attention to this!

head of a child care institution of compensating type No. 9:

- In these elections I worked as the chairman of the election commission # 59. Middle-aged and senior citizens came to vote. Young people came for the company, brother and sister, friends or girlfriends. Of the forty first-time voters, those over 18, only one came. What did the people who came to our polling station talk about before and during the elections? That they do not believe that their choice will change something. People live hard, but they do not see the gap. Many called these elections dirty. There was a lot of dishonesty and deceit in propaganda and agitation. The people of Angar understood this, made conclusions and did not go to the elections.

photographer of CJSC "Wedding Ring":

- I think this election was scheduled at a very unfortunate time. People were in a hurry over the past weekend to harvest, in our conditions this is a vital necessity. In addition, in my opinion, this election campaign was distinguished by sluggish campaigning. If last year at the municipal elections I heard on every corner that we were to elect the head of the city and the deputies of the City Duma, then this year all that caught my eye was the banners of the candidates. And then there were few of them. And the date of the elections was not on them.

Victor OBOZOV,
head of the public organization "EcoAngarsk":

- I myself am a young man and I know why the majority of young people did not go to the polls. Because they are disappointed. They don't trust anyone. They believe that everything has already been decided for them.

Prepared for publication
