Mucous discharge at 4-5 weeks of gestation. Signs and sensations

5 obstetric week pregnancy coincides with 3 weeks from the day of conception. It is during this period that most women find out about their position due to the delay in the next menstruation.

At the 5th week of pregnancy, the fetus is still tiny: its weight is less than a gram, and its length is no more than 5 mm. The embryo outwardly resembles a tadpole, it looks like a disc, divided in half by an axis - the future spine of the child.

What happens to the embryo:

  • the nervous system is formed: the fetal neural tube is formed, which is subsequently transformed into the spinal cord;
  • the cardiovascular system is actively laid down: the heart becomes four-chambered and begins to contract, blood vessels are formed;
  • lungs and kidneys, liver and thyroid gland begin to form;
  • the rudiments of the tongue appear;
  • the placenta begins to form;
  • primary sex cells are produced;
  • the airway system is laid.

Embryo at 5 weeks of gestation

Pregnancy symptoms


Outwardly, no changes are observed, but changes occur inside the body associated with an increase in the hormones estrogen and progesterone.

Estrogen prepares the body of the expectant mother for childbirth. The uterus increases in size, the mammary glands become more sensitive and also enlarge, preparation for lactation takes place. Under the influence of this estrogen, a woman may experience dizziness and headaches.

The role of progesterone is to maintain pregnancy. The hormone has a relaxing effect on the muscles of the uterus, preventing possible miscarriage; intestinal motility can also slow down, which is manifested by constipation and heartburn.

Also, at the 5th week of pregnancy, a woman may be bothered by:

  • early toxicosis;
  • a slight increase in body temperature (up to 37.3 °);
  • drowsiness and chronic fatigue, which occur due to the fact that the body spends a lot of energy for the development of the fetus.
  • minor bloody issues;
  • mood swings.

5 week is a very short time, so often a woman does not feel any changes.


The 5th week of pregnancy can begin. Women with multiple pregnancies are more likely than others to experience this unpleasant phenomenon. caused by changes in hormonal levels and in the work of the nervous system.

This condition is expressed by nausea, vomiting, weakness, irritability, drowsiness, weight loss.

Exists 3 degrees of severity of toxicosis:

  • Easy... Vomiting occurs no more than 5 times a day, mainly after eating food and if the pregnant woman feels an unpleasant odor. Weight loss - no more than 3 kilograms. The condition is satisfactory, the tests are normal.
  • Medium-heavy... Vomiting bothers 6 to 10 times a day. A woman loses weight from 3 to 5 kilograms. Weakness and dizziness, a state of chronic fatigue, low blood pressure may occur. According to the test results, acetone is present in the urine.
  • Heavy... Vomiting bothers constantly (up to 25 times a day), the pregnant woman wakes up at night from vomiting reflexes. Weight loss reaches 10 kilograms. Severe dehydration of the body occurs, and the body temperature may rise. Blood pressure lowered. Acetone and protein are present in the urine.

The presence of toxicosis of 2 or 3 degrees requires hospital treatment.

The doctor may prescribe:

  • droppers to replenish the loss of fluid in the body of the expectant mother;
  • antihistamines, hepatoprotectors that protect liver cells from damage;
  • vitamins B and C;
  • drugs to normalize metabolism.

There are cases that with a severe degree of toxicosis, treatment does not help, and the condition of the pregnant woman worsens. In this case, the gynecologist prescribes an abortion.


Most pregnant women are 5 weeks old. This can be because the uterus begins to grow in size and the muscles and ligaments that support it stretch. Resting more often will help you avoid any discomfort. Also, discomfort in the lower abdomen is often associated with an intestinal disorder, which is a common situation in this period... In this case, the woman should review her diet in consultation with her doctor.

Too much discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen indicate, and therefore, the risk of termination of pregnancy. If the pain is accompanied by pink, brown, or bloody discharge, see your doctor.


At the 5th week of pregnancy, the discharge is normally more abundant than usual, they are transparent in color, or have a whitish tint. Sometimes a variant of the norm is small bleeding, reminiscent of menstrual bleeding, which are referred to in obstetric practice as "washing the fetus." However, whether it is really them, only a doctor can tell.

Cheesy, or discharge with a greenish or yellowish tinge, indicate the presence of an infection. Any bloody, pink, or dark brown discharge, especially when accompanied by discomfort or painful sensations, can talk about the threat of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.

Any spotting, even minor, is a serious reason for an immediate visit to the gynecologist.

Pregnancy test

It is an affordable, simple and reliable way to detect pregnancy. Tes determines the level of the hCG hormone in a woman's urine. If it is elevated, the pregnancy test is positive. Despite the high accuracy of the test, there are cases when the result is not reliable. If there is a delay in menstruation, and the test shows a negative result, it is better to play it safe and buy an additional one.


Increased levels of the hormone hCG in the urine or blood indicate that a woman is pregnant. A blood test for hCG is an alternative way to detect pregnancy, because the level of this hormone in the blood is much higher than in urine. In the normal course of pregnancy, the level of hCG doubles daily. With various deviations, the attending physician directs the pregnant woman to an ultrasound scan.


A period of 5 weeks does not imply a planned ultrasound, but often the first study is carried out during this period of time in order to accurately determine whether there is a pregnancy or not. Also, when undergoing an ultrasound scan, the size of the uterus, the number of fetal eggs, their size and shape, and the fetal heartbeat are determined.

Multiple pregnancies can be diagnosed early.

Medical indications for ultrasound:

  • bleeding;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • the use of assisted reproductive technologies for conception;
  • a history of operations on the fallopian tubes;
  • clarification of the term.


Health problems of the expectant mother

There are medical problems that can trigger an early miscarriage:

  • Genetic... Such disorders are associated with a change in the number of chromosomes and gene mutations. For example, Down syndrome refers to this type of disorder. In most cases, pregnancy with such pathologies "freezes" (intrauterine death of the embryo), or is interrupted. If the pregnancy continues, then the child is born with serious malformations.
  • Infectious... At an early stage, the unborn child is very vulnerable, therefore infections (cytomegalovirus, rubella, herpes), even SARS, can provoke a miscarriage.
  • Endocrine... The corpus luteum is an endocrine gland that produces the hormone progesterone. This hormone is especially important for the development of the embryo in the womb. If the gland does not produce enough hormone, then there is a threat of termination of pregnancy. In such situations, the doctor prescribes special hormonal drugs.
  • Immunological... Any autoimmune process in the initial stages can be the cause of abnormalities in the development of the embryo. In this case, the woman's immune system begins to produce antibodies to its own cells, perceiving them as foreign. Also, the cause of miscarriage can be the identity of the future parents in the immune compatibility system.
  • Uterine... The threat of termination of pregnancy may arise due to abnormalities in the development of the uterus (arched shape, bend, doubling, etc.)

Severe stress, bad habits, irregular daily routine, work in hazardous industries can also provoke a miscarriage.

Ectopic pregnancy

It manifests itself as severe prolonged pain in the lower abdomen. It is a complication when a fertilized egg is attached outside the uterine cavity, most often in the fallopian tube or ovary. Such a pregnancy is not viable and involves termination.

Correct and balanced nutrition is one of the conditions for a favorable pregnancy.

At 5 weeks and throughout pregnancy, the diet should contain:

  • a lot of vegetables and fruits (about a third of all daily food);
  • greens;
  • dairy and fermented milk products (low-fat cheeses, cottage cheese, kefir, "live" yoghurts), rich in calcium;
  • nuts, dried fruits and legumes;
  • low-fat varieties of fish and meat.

During cooking, it is advisable to give preference to stewing, boiling or steaming food. Smoked and spicy dishes, coffee, strong tea should be excluded from the diet. Honey, chocolate and citrus fruits should be consumed in limited quantities or eliminated altogether in consultation with a gynecologist. When choosing products, you should give preference to products that contain natural ingredients.

Multivitamins, folic acid and iodine preparations must be taken not only throughout pregnancy, but also during the planning period.

To obtain all the necessary vitamins and minerals, a woman should take special vitamins for pregnant women, folic acid and iodine preparations, be sure to consult a doctor.

Physical activity

5th week of pregnancy is a very short period at which the risk of miscarriage is high. In this regard, physical activity should be minimal and light.

Most the best way physical activity- these are walks on fresh air... Leisurely walking for 1-2 hours a day will not only improve your mood, but also saturate the body with oxygen, strengthen muscles and improve blood circulation. All this has a beneficial effect on the development of the child in the womb. It is best to walk in a park or forest, away from busy roads.

Complexes of breathing exercises and some elements of yoga also have a beneficial effect on the overall the physical state pregnant woman.

For the full development of the unborn child, it is important for a woman to observe the sleep schedule: 8-10 hours of night rest and timely bedtime.

Intimate life

In many women, at the 5th week of pregnancy, attraction, desire for intimacy is greatly reduced due to toxicosis, general weakness and malaise. Nevertheless, but only if the woman feels well and there is no prohibition by the gynecologist. If you experience pain or discomfort, you should refrain from intimacy. It is important for a partner to be especially attentive to his woman, neat and gentle.

The beginning of pregnancy is a very serious and responsible stage for every woman. Despite the fact that the belly has not yet increased, there are constant changes in the body, and the future baby is already actively developing. In addition, at the 5th week of pregnancy, the embryo is still tiny and does not have protection in the form of the placenta. Therefore, at positive result test, you need to immediately consult a doctor who will monitor the development of the fetus and, in case of ailments, will provide the expectant mother with qualified medical assistance.

The nature of the discharge at the 5th week of pregnancy can be different depending on the presence or absence of pathologies, as well as on the state of the hormonal system. The color, smell, structure and quantity of a liquid can tell a lot about a woman's well-being, as well as about the course of a recent pregnancy.

5 week of intrauterine life

To begin with, let's decide on the timing. Obstetric method, when conception is timed to the first day of the last menstruation. Of course, in fact, fertilization happens a little later, around the middle of the cycle. We will talk about the real period of pregnancy, which is most reliably determined by ultrasound, because in the first trimester, the development of the embryo occurs in the same way.

The embryo looks like a caterpillar or a small fish, but with the help of ultrasound, you can already see the heartbeat. Although the rudiment of the circulatory system pulsates, and not a full-fledged organ.

A woman has all the signs of pregnancy - drowsiness, mood swings, nausea, the pigmentation of the nipples increases, the breasts increase slightly. The discharge at this time is not very different from the vaginal secretion in the intermenstrual period, but there may be different surprises, which we will talk about later.

Attention! According to women, many have encountered brownish or beige discharge on early dates that quickly disappeared without leaving any consequences. Doctors say that this is a hormonal adjustment.

Ideal discharge at 5 weeks gestation

Instead of menstruation after conception, light brown appears within one day. This is a sign of implantation of the ovum. After which the amount of secret is sharply reduced, it becomes thick white or yellowish. Because cervical mucus is gelled to block the passage to the uterine cavity for dangerous bacteria from the outside.

Variants of pathological discharge in the early stages

If the marks found on the laundry differ from those described in the previous paragraph, then different problems can be suspected.

White lumps

During pregnancy, the acidity of the vagina changes. And if it becomes uncomfortable for bacteria here, then fungi feel great. Therefore, the detection of dense ones may indicate the development of candidal colpitis - thrush. Along the way, excruciating itching and changes in mucous membranes are noted - redness and swelling.

Yellow with an unpleasant odor

Such discharge is a sign of infection. The reason may be an STI infection, for example, trichomoniasis, then the liquid has a foamy consistency. Either a decrease in immunity during pregnancy caused the multiplication of staphylococcus, Escherichia coli or other microbes. The external genitals begin to itch, and pain may be present when urine is emptied. , like snot or liquid, with an unpleasant odor, also characterize infections.


With normal production of progesterone, the secret is cloudy, whitish or yellowish, and colorless mucus indicates hormonal disorders. If no other signs of pathology are found and the analyzes are in order, then the phenomenon can be considered a variant of the norm.

Transparent and sticky, with its luster similar to glass, discharge occurs with chlamydial inflammation.

Carefully! If you do not treat infections, then the consequence can be various diseases in the child, up to death after birth.

Separately about blood at 5 weeks

Red, pink and brown fluids in early pregnancy can occur in dangerous conditions, as well as in rare and strange individual characteristics.

Washing the fetus

This is the name of a bloody spot on the days of menstruation in the presence of pregnancy. This rarely happens, but does not lead to serious consequences. It's just that an increased amount of estrogen with a low level of progesterone causes a slight rejection of the intrauterine membrane for 1-2 months after conception.

Or dark red, very scarce and short-lived.

Color pregnancy

These are rare cases when "menstruation" goes almost to delivery. In the absence of a threat to the fetus, such a phenomenon is a reason to observe the woman more closely. Cases are very rare, usually without problematic complications, but other dangerous conditions can be hidden under these symptoms.

The presence of pathologies of the uterus and appendages in the anamnesis

If, before conception, the patient had endometriosis, cysts, polyps, inflammatory processes, then with the onset of pregnancy they do not disappear anywhere. The woman will smear with brown, with small veins or clots. Such a patient is often hospitalized, prescribed complete physical and intimate rest, and maintained with medication. Because these diseases negatively affect the development of the fetus.

Pregnancy pathologies

At the 5th week of bearing a child, brown daubs, turning into bleeding, can manifest themselves as very dangerous conditions:

  1. Tubal pregnancy. Along the way, painful one-sided sensations in the abdomen increase. A successful outcome is only when the operation to remove the ovum is performed on time.
  2. Placenta previa. Implantation of an embryo near the opening of the cervix jeopardizes its life and development, but 9 out of 10 women carry a child safely, subject to medical recommendations.
  3. Placental abruption. Rejection of the embryo in the area of ​​attachment to the wall of the uterus. Occurs abruptly or gradually. In this case, it can pull the sacrum, lower back and abdomen. When appointing hormonal drugs, for example, Dufaston is recovering.
  4. - a kind of detachment. When blood accumulates at the rupture site. Leakage of brown discharge is a good sign, which means that the pathology has stopped.
  5. A frozen pregnancy occurs due to rejection of the placenta or with an incorrect set of chromosomes, as well as under stress and other circumstances of a woman's life. Differs in the termination of the production of hCG.
  6. A miscarriage is accompanied by profuse bloody discharge with clots, weak contractions and poor health.

In about 20% of women, menstruation continues in the first months of pregnancy. Bloody discharge at 5 weeks of gestation may not always indicate a threat of termination. Obstetricians call this phenomenon - fetal washing. Usually this happens quite rarely, since in a woman's body with the onset of pregnancy, the hormone progesterone increases, which eliminates menstruation.

Menstruation differs from discharge with the threat of spontaneous abortion in consistency, color, duration. However, if the pregnancy is confirmed, and spotting continues regularly, you should consult a specialist for advice.

Brown discharge at 5 weeks gestation

If the 5th week of pregnancy occurs with brownish discharge, this may indicate a threat. Discharge may be associated with detachment of the ovum; in this condition, it is extremely important to timely prevent miscarriage. If the discharge is accompanied by severe pulling or cutting pain in the lower abdomen, you urgently need to call an ambulance, complete rest is needed before she arrives, as this indicates a miscarriage that has begun, otherwise a spontaneous abortion will be almost impossible to stop.

If the doctor suspects the threat of termination of pregnancy, he will refer the woman to ultrasound procedure and a blood test for hCG levels. With low levels of hCG, a woman is urgently sent to the hospital, since low levels of this hormone indicate that the pregnancy is proceeding with pathologies and the body may reject the fetus.

However, brown discharge in a pregnant woman in the fifth week does not always indicate pathology. Slight discharge in early pregnancy is considered a natural process that should not be too scary for a woman. In the early stages of pregnancy, a complete restructuring begins in a woman's body, both at the physiological and hormonal levels. Discharge in a pregnant woman may appear during the process of fixing the ovum to the wall of the uterus, while small pieces of mucous membrane can be rejected and released from the vagina. This kind of discharge can be light or dark brown, bright red. As a rule, the discharge is scanty, proceeds with minor spasms or is absolutely painless. But in any case, a consultation with a gynecologist will not be superfluous to make sure that everything is in order with the child and the development process is proceeding normally.

Bloody issues

Abundant spotting is a rather alarming signal for a woman. In addition to the threat of miscarriage, severe bleeding in the early stages may be associated with an ectopic pregnancy, cervical pathology, and an infectious disease.

The 5th week of pregnancy, during which bleeding begins, may first of all be interrupted by a spontaneous miscarriage. Usually, with the threat of discharge, it lasts for several days, increasing every day. In this case, you need to seek medical help as early as possible. With strong painful sensations below, you can take a no-shpy pill, you must definitely go to bed, ensure yourself maximum peace. V modern conditions provided on time health care allows you to keep the pregnancy.

Also, one of the reasons for heavy bleeding in a pregnant woman is ectopic pregnancy when the fertilized egg is fixed outside the uterus. It should be noted that often an ectopic pregnancy and the symptoms that accompany it begin when a woman is not even aware of her pregnancy.


Painful sensations in the lower abdomen or back, before or during the onset of bleeding, indicates rejection of the fetus by the body and spontaneous abortion.

In this case, you must go to the hospital, even if you do not plan to keep the child.

5 weeks pregnant increases the risk of miscarriage in women with elevated level male hormones in the body (masculine figure, increased body hair growth, etc.), overweight. Such women are advised to register with the antenatal clinic as early as possible.

Periods at 5 weeks of gestation

The 5th week of pregnancy is usually the period when a woman finds out about her situation. The first signs of pregnancy are usually the absence of menstruation, but sometimes situations arise when a pregnant woman continues to bleed.

In some cases, bleeding in pregnant women is not associated with the onset of miscarriage. In more than 20% of cases, the woman in the position continues to have relatively normal menstrual flow. There is a lot of controversy about this condition, the discharge has a wide variety of names, but this happens and in this case nothing depends on the woman. In some cases, a woman finds out about her pregnancy in the fourth or fifth month of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that every month, at the usual time, she has a discharge similar to menstruation. In obstetric practice, this phenomenon is called "ablution of the fetus" or "color pregnancy".

The 5th week of pregnancy is significant in terms of fetal development. It weighs only 3.5 g and looks like a curved tube 4-7 mm long, but not only the head and tail, but also the rest of the body and organs are already visible: the rudiments of arms, legs, fingers, eyes, mouth and nasal slits are visible , auricles, the upper respiratory tract, liver and pancreas begin to form.

At week 5, the neural tube is partially closed, from which the spine, spinal cord and brain and the entire central nervous system will form. This is facilitated by the intake of folic acid by the mother. It is very important during this period to protect yourself from stress, each experience can affect the baby. On the 20-22 day after conception, just this week, a small primitive heart makes its first beats.

The first blood vessels of the embryo are formed, and he himself is surrounded by amniotic fluid: from the 5th week, the metabolism between the mother and the unborn child is getting better, now you are fully responsible for him, and he completely depends on you, your nutrition, mood, actions.

Interestingly, it is already possible to determine the blood group of the fetus. And the sex glands, eggs and sperm are also formed - the sex of the unborn child was determined at the time of conception.


From this week, the uterus begins to noticeably increase in size, although outwardly this is not yet visible. Now it resembles an egg in shape and can protrude from the side of the ovum, that is, it increases asymmetrically. Gradually, from elongated, it will become spherical. At week 5, the uterus has already enlarged enough so that an experienced gynecologist can feel these changes by touch and suggest the development of pregnancy.

Ultrasound at 5 weeks of gestation

Accurately establish the size of the uterus and confirm the "diagnosis" will be able to ultrasound at the 5th week of pregnancy. At this time, they will already unmistakably tell you how many fruits are developing inside you, where exactly they have attached themselves, as well as assess the state of the uterus and, if necessary, make the necessary predictions. At the 5th week of pregnancy, during an ultrasound scan, a good specialist with good equipment can already listen to the first heart rhythms of the embryo - more likely towards the end of the 5th week. This indicator, together with motor activity The uzist will use the fetus to assess the life of the baby.

At the 5th week of pregnancy, an ultrasound scan will not yet show either the estimated weight of the baby or other parameters. Instead, the diameter of the fetal bladder is measured and the CTE is the coccygeal-parietal size, that is, the length of the embryo from the crown to the coccyx. It is this "growth" of the fetus that will be indicated during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy, and after it will be measured in full height- from the crown to the heels.

Signs and symptoms

The enlarging uterus begins to press on bladder, so from the 5th week of pregnancy, you will start running to the toilet more often. This symptom, along with other signs, can prompt a woman to think about a probable pregnancy. And menstruation seems to have started a long time ago ... And then the chest hurts, and the stomach, and the nausea became somehow stronger, and also the smells are all so harsh ...

At the 5th week of pregnancy, taste preferences may change, appetite may increase or disappear altogether, toxicosis often begins to manifest itself, including vomiting that has begun - hormones are actively working.

Among the first signs and symptoms at the 5th week of pregnancy, a woman is also worried about headaches, weakness, fatigue, weakness. She becomes more irritable and inattentive. These signs can manifest themselves all together, only selectively or not at all to make themselves felt - that's as lucky as anyone. But the most reliable and characteristic sign of a probable pregnancy is undoubtedly a delay in menstruation: it's time to do a pregnancy test.


The changes that have begun in the body at the 5th week of pregnancy will certainly affect your breasts. It can be just a slight tingling sensation or an annoying discomfort in the mammary glands. As if there is something there and interfering. The breasts at 5 weeks of pregnancy may already itch and ache, the nipples become especially sensitive, which together only increase your nervousness.

In some women, in the early stages, nipple halos darken: do not worry, all these changes are passing, and when the time comes, they will disappear as suddenly as they appeared.

In addition, a venous mesh may appear on the chest - this is also the norm. But there is good news: from the 5th week of pregnancy, the breasts will gradually begin to round and increase in size - your husband will like it.


Despite the fact that there can be a large number of signs and symptoms at 5 weeks of pregnancy, many women, if they experience them, are more likely to expect delayed periods. Although, if there was a reason or hope to expect pregnancy, then they observe in themselves, as a rule, almost all the symptoms at once.

Feelings at the 5th week of pregnancy can be very different: from happiness and joy to confusion and depression. But if we talk about physiology, then, most likely, you will not feel the best way. Fatigue and weakness, constant drowsiness are most noticeable, sometimes a woman even thinks that she is about to get sick, and the temperature seems to be elevated. This condition is normal in early pregnancy. If toxicosis has already begun to annoy, then there is no choice but to study ways to deal with it and be patient - by week 12, the condition should improve. However, in case of frequent vomiting, you should consult a doctor immediately!

If you still do not know about your pregnancy, but against the background of the sensations described above, you want to sing, then cry, then beat the dishes, and an irresistible desire to eat a lemon is replaced by a craving for a herring (even though it is so smelly!), Then you can immediately go to the gynecologist - what is there to spend money on buying a test ...

Temperature at 5 weeks gestation

Weakness throughout the body and drowsiness may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature at the 5th week of pregnancy to subfebrile levels - 37-37.2 C. This is a normal phenomenon associated with the active work of hormones. If your general condition is satisfactory, then a low temperature at the 5th week of pregnancy should not be cause for concern. An increase in temperature is attributed to early pregnancy signs, although it is not observed in all newly minted pregnant women.

If the temperature rises to high levels, and along with this you observe other signs of a cold (cough, runny nose, headaches, sore throat), then you need to start acting immediately: be careful, in the first trimester, not only medications are prohibited, but many folk remedies.


You may notice a change in your libido. Here hormones behave very unpredictably: while in some women attraction to a man completely disappears, others think about it all day. If you do not observe any signs threatening your pregnancy (bloody discharge with pulling pains in the lower abdomen), then do not deny yourself intimacy with your husband. Now the rule is in force: everything that does not harm and gives pleasure is only for the benefit of you and the unborn child.

I have a stomachache

It's another matter if you feel pain in the lower abdomen, as if before your period. They point to increased tone uterus and the threat of termination of pregnancy. Do not panic, many women experience this in the early stages. But still you need to be careful: try to rest more, moreover, in a horizontal position, do not get nervous, give up wearing high heels, and also provide yourself with sexual rest for a while.

Perhaps the source of pain is not the uterus at all, but the intestines: it is these pains that intensify after prolonged sitting and squeezing the abdomen. It is also possible that pulling pains on the sides of the abdomen are associated with the growth of the uterus and the tension of the muscles holding it. But if at the 5th week of pregnancy, the stomach hurts like during menstruation, and these pains are accompanied by brown or bloody discharge from the vagina, then we are talking about a threat, and the situation requires the participation of a doctor.

Lower back hurts

Such threatening pain in the lower abdomen may be accompanied by pain in the lower back or back at 5 weeks of gestation. In addition, a spotting brownish discharge usually appears from the vagina, as if menstruation was beginning.

If a woman does not yet know about the conception that has occurred, then, most likely, she will perceive such signs as the beginning of a new menstrual cycle. But if you already know, then do not delay: pain in the lower back and back at the 5th week of pregnancy is an alarming sign.


If you have a stomach and back ache at the 5th week of pregnancy, and suddenly vaginal bleeding begins, then there is no doubt that this is a miscarriage that has begun. You urgently need to go to the hospital in any case: if you want to keep the pregnancy, and if for some reason you don’t do it. You should understand that a favorable outcome depends on how you now react to bleeding at 5 weeks of gestation. The chances of keeping it are 50-50.

Keep in mind that the risk of termination of pregnancy at 5 weeks is especially increased in women with high levels of male hormones (with a masculine physique, increased body hair growth or overweight) - it is recommended that you register as soon as possible.

Periods at 5 weeks of gestation

However, the bleeding that has begun is not always associated with the termination of pregnancy. More than 20% of pregnant women continue their periods in the first months. There is a lot of debate about this, and this spotting is called differently, but the fact remains. Sometimes a woman finds out about the onset of pregnancy already at 4-5 months for this very reason: every month on the date of the expected menstruation, she has spotting, similar to menstruation. In obstetrics, this phenomenon is called "ablution of the fetus" or "color pregnancy".

However, normal periods do not occur at 5 weeks of gestation. This is prevented by the high level of progesterone in the woman's body.


So, we found out that any spotting at the 5th week of pregnancy is not the norm and should attract attention. Smearing brownish discharge warns of the threat of termination of pregnancy, bright red spotting of varying intensity - about the onset of miscarriage. In this case, you must see a doctor!

You should also tell your gynecologist if you experience any strange or unusual vaginal discharge. Yellow, green, grayish discharge can be a sign of infections and sexually transmitted diseases. If at the same time they cause you obvious discomfort - itching, burning, swelling and irritation of the genitals, then the fact of the disease is obvious. During pregnancy, thrush is very often exacerbated - this symptom is even ranked as early signs pregnancy.

However, a change in the nature of discharge at 5 weeks of gestation does not necessarily indicate a bad one. During this period, the amount of leucorrhoea may normally increase. The increased production of vaginal mucus is associated with a change in hormonal levels. Just pay due attention to intimate hygiene, using only natural hypoallergenic products and cosmetics.


Thrush affects a woman due to the reduced immunity that occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy. For the same reason, expectant mothers often find themselves defenseless against viral and colds. A cold in the 5th week of pregnancy is a very undesirable phenomenon. Medicines cannot be taken now, and it is undesirable to get sick: a severe course of a cold may not be the best way to affect the child, because right now such important processes in his development begin! Therefore, take care of yourself. And at the first sign of a cold, start drinking intensely warm liquid, gargle, rinse your nose. But be careful with funds: ethnoscience during pregnancy can also be dangerous.

Alcohol at 5 weeks pregnant

If even 2 weeks ago you could drink alcohol, because you did not know about pregnancy yet, and you got away with it, now you need to exclude alcohol from your life. On this occasion, discussions between scientists, doctors and ordinary people do not stop. But the following remains unchanged: the embryo is already connected to you by blood vessels and begins to receive from your body everything that gets there, including alcohol at the 5th week of pregnancy. Can you calculate a safe dose for him? .. Of course, a glass of wine drunk is not a reason for an abortion, but if we are talking about a conscious choice at this time, we recommend that you completely exclude any alcohol. By the way, pharmacists say that even alcohol-based medicines are prohibited for pregnant women. But the amount of alcohol there is generally scanty.


Nutrition at the 5th week of pregnancy should undergo correction and changes in the direction of health. Changes in appetite and taste preferences will force you to eat far from unhealthy foods - take it easy. If you are "overwhelmed" and you want something like that, then do not suffer, knock your teeth off. But only a very small amount, just to calm the mind and body. In general, your diet should consist of healthy dishes and products: a lot of fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs - but certainly according to the season. Be sure to make sure that fish, meat, cottage cheese, milk regularly appear on the table. Get a steamer - just an irreplaceable thing in a family with small children. Try to eat as little fried food as possible, and also limit spicy and salty so as not to have kidney problems in the future.

Meals at the 5th week of pregnancy must necessarily include foods containing folic acid, which must also be taken alone or in combination with other vitamins.

And do not limit yourself in water - this has not been advised for pregnant women for a long time.


Usually, at the 5th week of pregnancy, a woman only learns the news from the test results. Not everyone runs to the gynecologist right after that, and in most cases they are not registered so early in most cases. But if there is a threat of termination of pregnancy, as well as when registering, tests at the 5th week of pregnancy will be mandatory. This is a general analysis of urine and blood, determination of the Rh factor and blood group, hemostasiogram (blood clotting test), tests for detecting infections (HIV, syphilis, hepatitis) and others. With an existing threat, it can be assigned quantitative analysis urine for hCG.

However, the level of hCG can be determined for diagnostic purposes - to confirm pregnancy. Already on the 12th day after conception, the analysis will show an increased concentration of hCG in the blood serum, although by the end of the 5th week in the urine it may already be sufficient to determine pregnancy with a simple home test, but this is not at all necessary.

Another meaningful analysis if interruption is threatened, progesterone levels may be measured. This hormone creates favorable conditions for the preservation and development of pregnancy, in particular, relaxes the smooth muscles of the uterus. When the amount is lowered, pregnancy is at risk.
