Can the stomach hurt at 9 months. Ninth month of pregnancy: preparation for childbirth and overdue pregnancy. Please yourself

The end of the third trimester of the gestational period is the period from 36 to 40 weeks or the ninth obstetric month. Pregnancy is approaching its logical conclusion - childbirth.

At the beginning of the 9th month, the belly is high above pubic bone, but gradually goes down. The child takes a position, upside down. His movements are limited due to his increased height and weight.

The uterus reaches its maximum size. She squeezes the surrounding organs, displacing them to the side. The reproductive pathways are gradually being prepared for the birth of a baby.

Childbirth, which came from 37 weeks of gestation, is not premature, but is considered complete on time.

Feelings of a woman

By the 38th week of gestation, the expectant mother "gets tired" of her position:

  • she is tormented by an awkward gait;
  • dyspnea;
  • difficulties in performing everyday activities;
  • restriction of actions;
  • fast fatiguability.

The skin on the abdomen continues to stretch. Stretch marks that appeared in previous months increase in size and become much lighter.

The pregnant woman is overcome by unbearable itching, the epidermis on the face peels off. Pigmentation increases, sometimes hair falls out.

The mass of the fetus presses on the inguinal ligaments and pubic bone, which is expressed in painful "dull" sensations.

A pregnant woman counts the days until the expected due date, but the birth of a baby can happen quite unexpectedly. Mom can determine the very day of the birth.

To do this, you should use the old proven method:

  1. Subtract 3 months from the first day of the last menstruation;
  2. Subtract 5 days from the received date;
  3. It turns out the approximate date of birth of the baby.

More precisely, the decisive date is determined by a gynecological examination.

In the final trimester, a woman prepares for the birth of a baby. Buys things, furnishes a room for a newborn, and does not forget about hygiene items.

How the fetus behaves

At the time of the nine-month development in the body of the fetus, the formation of all organs and systems was completed. The immune system remains imperfect; in the process of breastfeeding, it will complete its formation due to maternal antibodies.

The child is ready for birth:

  • he can breathe on his own;
  • he has developed a sucking and swallowing reflex;
  • the intestine processes food;
  • the urinary system works.

The amniotic fluid is excreted urine and original feces meconium.

During 36-39 weeks of gestation in boys, the testicles descend into the scrotum.

The formed own central nervous system starts to work, the "thinking" process starts.

The circulatory and cardiac systems are ready for the extrauterine supply of the baby.

Subcutaneous adipose tissue is actively accumulating. The baby's weight varies from 3 to 5 kg. Height is 47-52 cm.

Physical activity the baby is noticeably reduced, since there is not enough space for him in the uterine cavity.

Normally, the child should be placed upside down, so stretching after sleep manifests itself as a pressing force on the pubic bone and blows in the hypochondrium.

The kid knows how to catch mother's speech, and respond to it by protruding priests or legs.

Changes in a woman's body

Mature pregnancy is accompanied by a number of significant changes in the female body. The volume of circulating blood increases, which leads to the formation of edema.

The load on the legs increases, and even at the end of the gestational period, the formation of thrombophlebitis is possible or.

The hormonal background is gradually changing. production of prolactin - the hormone responsible for the arrival breast milk.

Due to the synthesis of the hormone from the nipples, a viscous thick liquid may appear. It is impossible to squeeze it out, as elsewhere, to massage the breast, since prolactin causes uterine contractions.

Nausea at the 9th month of pregnancy fades into the background, since the changed position of the fetus (upside down) relieves the load on the lungs and esophagus.

The pregnant woman ceases to be overcome by constant discomfort in the epigastric region.

During the rest period, the woman takes a horizontal lateral position with raised legs. Sleep at the 9th month of gestation should only be on the side. Mainly on the right, to minimize the load on the circulatory system.

In the supine position, appear pain in the lumbar region, and the load on the spine increases.

At this stage of bearing a baby, signs or "precursors of childbirth" appear:

  • urination becomes more frequent;
  • intensify and become more frequent;
  • at intervals, pain appears in the lower abdomen, radiating to the perineum;
  • breathing easier;
  • the stomach falls;
  • the activity of the fetus decreases.

Changes also apply to vaginal discharge. They acquire a more liquid character. The color is predominantly transparent, but sometimes with a yellowish tinge.

The appearance of yellow brown or red veins indicates an impending birth.

Analyzes and research

Weekly visits to the gynecologist can be changed to inpatient monitoring, if there is a reason for it.

Surveys include:

  • weighing;
  • girth of the abdomen and the height of the uterus.

Collected urine to identify and, blood on and. For mothers with complications of gestation, additional types of laboratory tests and ultrasound of the fetus are shown.

Ultrasound diagnostics are performed no later than 38 weeks. The degree of maturity of the placenta and fetal lungs is determined. The main goal is to identify the readiness of the birth canal for the passage of the child through them.

In maternity hospitals, a gynecological examination of a pregnant woman is carried out on an armchair to identify the stage of cervical dilatation and the location of the fetus and child's place.

Permitted physical activity

Excessive activity of a potential mother can cause the baby's hypoxic state in view of the cord entanglement. However, at the 9th month of the "interesting" state, such a phenomenon is rare.

Increased body weight and a round protruding belly are a restriction on the performance of any physical activity.

Pregnant women are recommended to visit fresh air, continue to engage in training movements and special gymnastics.

It will not be superfluous to study the correct behavior during childbirth, namely control.

Daily household chores (cooking, cleaning) are performed with breaks for rest. Women awaiting replenishment need proper rest and nutrition in the last weeks.

What's under the ban and restriction

The following are prohibited:

  • lifting weights over 2 kg;
  • smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • abuse of bakery products.

During the gestational period, especially at the end of the third trimester, you should not engage in active sports, cycling and swimming.

Long trips and flights are not recommended. Each time you leave home, you must take documents with you: passport, policy, exchange card and pregnancy certificate.

At the beginning of the ninth month, a bag should be collected for visiting the maternity hospital. A list of necessary items can be obtained from your attending obstetrician-gynecologist.


In addition, a nine-month-old fetus may experience hypoxia, then the color of the amniotic fluid changes.

Fetal infection is also no exception. All this leads to severe disorders of the central nervous system, musculoskeletal system, and sometimes to birth.

To exclude undesirable consequences and complications, it is necessary to listen to the doctor and carry out appropriate treatment.


Childbirth is a logical outcome of the gestational period. Signs of a full-term pregnancy:

  • soreness in the lumbar spine;
  • increased urination (every 7-10 minutes);
  • cramping implicit pain;
  • repetition of contractions every 30 minutes;
  • outpouring of amniotic fluid.

If you find these signs, you should contact medical help, or call the SMP car.

The duration of the birth period is different and depends on the condition of the pregnant woman and the number of births in the patient's history.

Useful video: 9 month of pregnancy - features of the period, feelings of the expectant mother, preparation for childbirth

So the last month of pregnancy has come, with which we congratulate you! Very soon you will meet with your baby, but while you and your body are fully preparing for childbirth - every now and then there are training contractions, which are sometimes difficult to distinguish from real ones. The body of the future baby, meanwhile, is already completely ready for birth, now the baby takes a convenient application for childbirth and is gaining strength.

With the onset of 9 months of pregnancy, the fear of premature birth is replaced by anxiety about the upcoming birth. This is especially true for mothers expecting twins, because twins are born already at the beginning of the 9th month - at 36 weeks.

What weeks are included in the 9th month of pregnancy? 9 month includes 36-40 weeks.

In this article, we will talk about each week, talk about the harbingers of childbirth and the signs of the onset of labor. At the end of the article, as usual, we will offer recommendations and tips.

Fetal development at 9 months of pregnancy

36 obstetric week of pregnancy

This week, the weight of the fetus averages 2650-2700 grams, and the body length is 47-48 cm.

The 9th month of pregnancy is the period when the long-awaited baby is about to be born. No matter how hard these months pass, the expectant mother feels more and more the happiness of motherhood. Problems fade into the background, calmness and self-confidence appear. This is the time to prepare for childbirth and keep close at hand everything that the woman in labor will need at first - documents, things for herself and the baby.

What to do at 9 months of pregnancy

The 9th month of pregnancy is the most crucial time. You need to closely monitor your health, stay less on your feet and get more rest.

The expectant mother should remember that at this time:

  • The plug leaves the cervix in the form of mucous secretions.
  • The placenta ages, reducing the supply of oxygen to the baby and nutrients.
  • The center of gravity changes in the uterus.
  • The breast at the 9th month of pregnancy increases even more, colostrum is excreted from it.
  • Overweight should not be allowed, it is dangerous for the child.
  • The first sign of the onset of labor is the discharge of amniotic fluid.

Woman 9 months pregnant

9 months of pregnancy is how many weeks - both the doctor and the expectant mother consider. This is the most difficult period, which is accompanied by great physical and psychological stress. The hormonal background changes, the amount of hormones that cause uterine contractions increases. A sagging belly, relief of breathing and the disappearance of heartburn can serve as a harbinger of childbirth - the child sinks lower and stops pressing on the internal organs. Swelling of the legs at 9 months of pregnancy becomes even worse.

Belly at 9 months pregnant

If the stomach pulls at the 9th month of pregnancy, it still does not mean anything. The severity and pain can be caused by various reasons. Sharp pain in the upper abdomen is not associated with the position, it is a sign of diseases of the internal organs. Pain in the navel is a symptom of gastrointestinal disturbance, and pain in the lower abdomen is a sign of imminent labor. At this time, the abdomen becomes even larger, the number of stretch marks increases. To prevent injury to the skin, you need to use special creams and wear a bandage.

Discharge at 9 months of pregnancy

The discharge should be odorless and colorless or slightly pinkish. Pain at 9 months of pregnancy in the vaginal area is unacceptable, if they appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. A specialist consultation is also needed if color or bloody discharge is observed. But the abundant release of clear fluid is the amniotic fluid, the first signal for the onset of labor.

Fetus 9 months pregnant

A baby at 9 months of pregnancy is fully formed and ready for an independent life. All organs work for him, the remnants of lubricant disappear from the skin. If there is no breech presentation, the baby will spend the entire last month in the womb upside down. By the time of birth, he will weigh 3.5-4 kg with a growth of up to 54 cm.

Nutrition at the 9th month of pregnancy

Nutrition should be such that the weight gain from the moment of conception is up to 15 kg. The diet should be composed of foods that are easy to digest and do not cause constipation. You need to eat as much fruits, vegetables and meat as possible, it is better to eat more often, but less. In no case should you starve - the child is actively gaining weight, the lack of nutrients in the mother's body will affect him too.

Sex at 9 months pregnant

Sex at 9 months of pregnancy is not recommended as it can provoke labor. Childbirth at 9 months of pregnancy is considered normal if the gestation period does not exceed 42 weeks. As a rule, primiparous give birth later, those women for whom this is not the first birth - a little earlier.

Then he will be able to live independently and not need additional equipment. And the woman feels much lighter.

9 months pregnant - Changes in the fetus

The baby is already fully formed, even the nails on the fingers have grown, the testicles have descended into the scrotum in the boys, the subcutaneous fat is well developed, which helps to maintain the body temperature constant. The original lubricant is retained only in the folds of the skin. The fluff or lanugo is almost gone. Meconium accumulates in the intestines.
The baby's head in the ninth month of pregnancy begins to sink to the very bottom. Since there is very little space in the uterus, the child's active movements are already limited. He sleeps often. The baby is gaining weight, conserving strength and preparing for childbirth. His height is 50 cm, and his weight is more than 3 kg.

At the 9th month of pregnancy - Changes in the woman's body

It becomes much easier for a woman to breathe, there are no problems with digestion, but there is a need for frequent urination, since the sagging uterus constantly presses on bladder... The woman is constantly tired, as the total weight has increased by 12-13 kg.

During 9 months of pregnancy, the uterus prepares for childbirth, so "false contractions" become more frequent. Before childbirth, the uterus increases the production of prostaglandin hormones, which in turn stimulate the production of oxytocin in the pituitary gland. The muscles of the cervix begin to contract, and the process of opening it begins. The placenta and the fetus, for their part, also press on the cervix. This is how it begins.

1. The day before giving birth, a woman knows that she will soon give birth.
2. On the eve of childbirth, a woman may have a "second wind" and she is no longer tired.
3. She begins to experience constant pressure on her rectum and groin pain. This head of the fetus is already pressing on the cervix.
4. Sacral pain may appear. It is the pelvic bones that begin to diverge before childbirth so that the baby's head can pass freely.
5. The amount of discharge rises sharply, water or mucous plug may come off. Vaginal discharge may be pink in color. These are small vessels that burst during the contraction of the cervix.
All these signs may appear one day before delivery.

Tips for women at 9 months pregnant:

1. Let the husband or other relatives do the housework.
2. It is useful to rest more, walk, do relaxation exercises, listen to music.
3. Stock up on food in the refrigerator so that while mom is in the hospital, dad does not go hungry.
4. Check the list if all of the things. Be sure to purchase nursing bras.
5. Prepare in one package a passport, an insurance policy and an exchange card, so as not to forget it when traveling to the hospital.
6. Do not forget to pay attention to your husband, because he is no less afraid of the upcoming birth.
7. Sexual life is undesirable, but kisses and conversations, on topics of interest to both, are useful.
8. Do not be afraid of the discharge of water and the beginning of labor. If a woman gives birth for the first time, then childbirth can last from 2 hours to a day. So you will have time to get to the hospital on time. If the pregnancy was proceeding normally, you can get ready for the maternity hospital with regular increasing contractions, but you can go in advance.

A little time will pass, and your baby will be with you!

The last month of pregnancy has come. It will be one of the most difficult, because the child is big and it becomes difficult for mom to carry it under her heart. Everything around is literally saturated with impatient anticipation - parents, relatives, family friends and a prepared children's room await the appearance of the baby. If it's not ready yet, it's time to finish cooking.


The ninth month of pregnancy closes the last, third trimester. Childbirth can occur on any day, since only about 5% of all births occur on the estimated date (the same PDD), the rest occurs from week 38 to week 42 Anytime.

The month includes several final obstetric weeks: 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40 weeks. From the 37th week of pregnancy, labor is considered urgent and the baby will not be premature.

Indicate the first day of your last period

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Fetal development

From the beginning of the 9th month, the baby begins large-scale preparation for the upcoming birth. For him, this process will also become a serious test, because the passage through the birth canal is not at all so simple task as it might seem. The processes that are now taking place in the child's body will contribute to its adaptation to a new environment after birth: to a new type of breathing, to the absence aquatic environment, to a different temperature, as well as to the abundance of microbes and viruses that inhabit our world with you.

Babies go down lower, the head is pressed against the exit from the uterus. This is their prelaunch position. The pressure of the head on the internal os of the cervix stimulates its maturation and disclosure, brings the moment of childbirth closer. At the same time, it becomes easier for mom to breathe, because the uterus does not press so much on the diaphragm, heartburn disappears, but urination becomes more frequent.

The child is grouped, presses his chin to his chest, folds his arms, presses his legs, it is in this position that he has to start being born when the time comes. It is worth considering some of the features of each week of the ninth month of pregnancy.

36 week

At this time, the baby reaches a weight of 3 kilograms. We are talking about the average kid, because now all the crumbs are very different: there are large ones, the weight of which has exceeded 3 kilograms, there are miniature ones, the weight of which is within 2.7 kilograms. Both are normal if the child does not have hypotrophy and the lungs are sufficiently mature. These two factors will ensure his survival if he is born right now. Children also grew up in different ways, the average height at this time is 46-49 centimeters.

Most children no longer have lanugo (thin hair on the skin of the body), the grease is preserved only in the skin folds, where mechanical friction is possible: groin folds, popliteal folds, elbow folds and cervical folds. If the lanugo is still partially preserved, there is nothing pathological in this - even if the baby is born "fluffy", the hair will fall out on its own during the first weeks of life.

There is no need to treat or facilitate this.

All the bones of the child have become strong, dense, have stored a sufficient amount of calcium. Movable and soft as long as only the bones of the skull remain, but it should be so - the baby has to go through the narrow birth canal head first, and if the bones are too strong and cannot adapt to the situation, then the baby may get stuck.

At this time, children have a luxurious manicure - for the first time during the period of intrauterine development, the nail plates begin to protrude beyond the phalanges. The child, if he is born now, is still premature, but the degree of prematurity will be defined as the mildest, most of which does not require resuscitation.

37 week

From this week, the fetus begins to add 40-50 grams per day. The tuning of the senses begins - the sensors have to do a great job of launching the adaptive mechanisms of the brain after the baby is born. Everything is ready for this in his body.

The lung tissue of most babies is already mature. capable of providing normal spontaneous breathing. A newborn at this time will not be considered premature, he still looks like a newborn. The baby does not move much - it has become too crowded in the uterus for active movement, but often hiccups - it is believed that this is how children rehearse the respiratory reflex, which is already fully formed, and also "tune" the digestive system - soon food will not come through the blood, but through the esophagus ...

Children sleep a lot, have dreams. What they dream about, medicine is not known for certain, but studies have shown that the phase REM sleep prevails, which made it possible to draw a conclusion about dreams.

38 week

About a third of women give birth this week. This is a normal, urgent delivery that does not cause fear among doctors and should not frighten a woman. The child has grown heavy on average, children now weigh from 3.3 to 3.6 kilograms with a height of 50-52 centimeters.

At this time, only 2% of boys have testicles not descending into the scrotum, but there is still time. Amniotic fluid has become even less, which gives a woman an unforgettable experience - albeit rare, but very significant tremors and kicks from the inside. The pose in which the baby is in the womb is final.

And if the baby has not turned head down, then the doctors are trying to carry out a cesarean section in order to reduce the risks of birth injuries for the baby and his mother.

39 week

The vast majority of pregnant women give birth this week. The child is completely ready for life outside the mother's womb., it remains to wait for the readiness of the mother's body. The baby diligently helps the mother: the placenta produces oxytocin, which, having accumulated in sufficient concentration, forms the generic dominant and stimulates contractions and uterine contractions. If the cervix is ​​immature, at this time the woman may be offered hospitalization in order to prepare the cervix in the hospital for the opening and birth of a baby.

Most planned operations caesarean section, for which a woman has medical indications, are carried out this week, so as not to wait for the independent onset of labor.

40 week

While the mother suffers in anticipation of the day of birth, the baby suffers from cramped conditions. It is very difficult for him to move, the walls of the uterus quite tightly cover the fetal bladder, in which very little water remains. The placenta is rapidly aging and losing function, and therefore oxygen starvation of the baby may occur. In most cases, the child's body is already strong enough to activate compensatory mechanisms and help the baby to wait out without harm to health. difficult conditions days left before birth.

Since the child is cramped, he experiences certain stress, and therefore in a small child's body, a stress hormone is produced - adrenaline... Now he is also helping mom. Adrenaline increases the production of oxytocin, and the mother's body begins to prepare more intensively for childbirth.

Woman's well-being

The ninth month for the expectant mother is filled not only with a variety of sensations of all shades and nuances, but also with anxious expectation. Bags in the maternity hospital are collected and stand in the most conspicuous place, the phone is always charged and at hand. Now it's better not to go far from home, but when leaving, do not forget to put your passport and exchange card in your purse- childbirth can begin anywhere and in any way. Having documents with you will significantly facilitate the task of getting to the maternity hospital you have chosen in advance.


The child's movements become rare, but their rate remains the same - at least ten episodes of activity in 12 hours... Now it is important to monitor movements and their nature with great attention. Slowing down the pace can be a sign of a severe and uncompensated state, the suffering of the child, and sharp and frequent movements, painful for the mother, may indicate that hypoxia has just begun.

In both cases, you need to go to the doctor as soon as possible.

Often women notice that, closer to childbirth, movements almost completely disappear and regard this as a harbinger of childbirth. But you have to be prudent. A doctor's consultation doesn't hurt.


The uterus reaches its peak. It is located almost on the area of ​​the entire abdominal region, which causes tightness and dysfunctions of other organs - pressure on the bladder leads to frequent urination, while urine leakage can provoke both coughing and laughter. Pressure on the bile ducts leads to diarrhea, and on the intestines and lower veins - to varicose veins, constipation and hemorrhoids.

A small belly does not mean at all that there is a small fetus in the womb, the child can be positioned with its face and arms-legs towards the mother's intestines, and then the bellies really look much neater. For the most part, there are no small bellies at the end of the third trimester.

Back hurts due to the huge and heavy uterus and fetal pressure, it hurts small of the back because of the shifted center of gravity, hurt legs, knees... Feelings are not the most pleasant, but understandable. Preparing, softening and opening the cervix can be accompanied by what women describe as "tingling inside."

Psychological condition

The hormonal background is rapidly changing. Progesterone is being replaced by estrogens, relaxin, oxytocin and prolactin. This burning "cocktail" eventually launches the generic process, but beforehand, in the course of preparing the body for this important point, it affects mental state - the woman becomes very anxious, vulnerable, whiny... Therefore, family scandals and scenes on last month- Not unusual.

A woman needs a special attitude from her relatives and her husband, she needs attention and participation. Without receiving them, she becomes irritable. The hormonal background and stress leave an imprint on the nature of sleep - very often insomnia occurs in the last month. Disruption of night sleep is also associated with the inconvenience of side-to-side flips.

The left and right side are the only acceptable and possible sleeping positions shortly before childbirth.

Weight gain

The woman's body begins to get rid of excess fluid, which has been diligently accumulating progesterone "for a rainy day". That's why weight may decrease, usually lose weight by the end of the month by 2-3 kilograms. The placenta becomes easier, there is less water in the fetal bladder, all this, one way or another, affects the fact that the woman becomes lighter.

Pathological weight gain during this period may indicate gestosis. It does not necessarily have external edema (swelling of the legs, arms, face), sometimes late toxicosis is manifested by internal edema, which is even more dangerous. That is why now you need to eat as little salt as possible, and weigh yourself as regularly as possible. Despite the reduction in weight, the skin is stretched to the limit, therefore in the abdomen and mammary glands, severe itching may be observed.

Pubic bone

Many expectant mothers have pelvic bones sore at this time - they disperse under the influence of relaxin, a hormone that softens the ligaments and pelvic bones. Such a mechanism was invented by wise nature for a reason - it will help to give birth to a child easier. But now it is important to ensure that the pain is moderate. If it becomes impossible to walk, stand, sit, roll over, you should inform your doctor.

It is possible that there is symphysitis, and in that case, a caesarean section may be prescribed in order to prevent injury to the pelvic bones of the woman in labor. "Shoots" in the pelvis and pelvic bones, which happen from time to time, are a sign of squeezing of nerve endings by a big baby.


Discharge from the genital tract becomes a little more than before, and now you need to be very careful about them. Discharge is considered normal. light, transparent, free of impurities... Brown ones can talk about problems with the placenta, green ones - about infection, whites with itching and a yeast smell - about thrush. Any abnormal discharge is a reason for an immediate visit to the doctor. All infections and malfunctions should be treated before the onset of labor, so that there are no risks of infection of the baby when it passes through the birth canal.

Separation of mucus in chunks or in a large blood clot or brown streaks- discharge of the mucous plug, which closed the cervical canal throughout the entire period of bearing the baby. This is a sign that labor is approaching. The presence of watery discharge may well be a leakage of amniotic fluid.

A woman needs to go to the doctor right away to get a referral for hospitalization.

Other problems

Among the common problems of the last month - cystitis and hemorrhoids... In both cases, a woman can already receive treatment, since the effect of medications on the fetus no longer poses such a danger as before. Shortly before childbirth, women are increasingly pulling the lower abdomen, the uterus tingles - you just need to get used to it and accept it as inevitable. Dizziness is associated with a large amount of blood circulating in the body of a pregnant woman. If you feel dizzy, it is important to control the level blood pressure and try not to leave the house alone.

The uterine tone that occurs from time to time is training contractions. As labor approaches, they become more frequent and stronger. A runny nose can have a physiological origin - swelling of the mucous membranes is characteristic of many expectant mothers. After childbirth, such a runny nose disappears within 24 hours.

When to go to the hospital?

it main question, which worries the expectant mother. If a woman gives birth for the first time, she is doubly afraid to overlook and miss the signs of labor. Let's calm down right away - it's impossible to see this in principle. Here is a list of situations in which you should go to the maternity hospital:

  • rhythmic contractions of the uterus began (the uterus tenses, the lower back grasps and releases about once every 10 minutes) - these are full-fledged labor pains, you can safely go to give birth;
  • the water has moved away (immediately or in parts) - we do not wait for contractions and go to the hospital;
  • appeared bloody issues- we do not wait for water or contractions, we call the ambulance and go to the maternity hospital.

Today, there are many smartphone apps that can help you count your contractions at the slightest suspicion that labor has begun. But you should not rely on them completely - measure the time and regularity yourself, using an ordinary watch with a stopwatch. When calling an ambulance, inform:

  • Your age;
  • gestational age;
  • symptoms: frequency of contractions, duration of each;
  • the color and approximate amount of amniotic fluid, if they have departed;
  • what are the births.

The generic process largely depends on the behavior of a woman in the last month: excitement, stress, fear intensify muscle clamps at the physical level, and therefore the maturation of the cervix slows down, it becomes difficult to open, childbirth takes longer and more painful. Help to prepare correctly for childbirth the following recommendations:

  • practice breathing and muscle exercises recommended in the methods of "Childbirth without pain and fear" in order to start using them from the very beginning of the labor process;
  • move more, walk, do your feasible work around the house - this contributes to the maturation of the cervix.

Traveling by air is no longer strongly recommended - pressure drops can trigger the onset of labor on board the aircraft. But sex is not prohibited, but only on condition that there are no complications of pregnancy. With multiple pregnancies, IVF pregnancies, any complications, as well as after the passage of the plug and leakage of water, sex is prohibited.

Important! After the cork is removed, you cannot take a bath - you can only take a shower while standing.

Let's take a look at some more useful tips.

  • Teeth can be treated, but with great care. If it is possible to postpone dental procedures, it is better to postpone them to the postpartum period.
  • Temperature, acute respiratory viral infections, colds, chickenpox, flu are no longer dangerous for the child, but they can complicate the situation of the mother - with signs of the disease, they will be put in the maternity hospital only in the observational department (infectious diseases).
  • Try not to eat foods with high allergenicity in the last weeks, so as not to provoke a tendency to allergies in the child - tangerines, oranges and seafood are no longer to be eaten. Products of moderate allergenicity should be limited to a minimum.
  • Alcohol (even champagne and beer) is prohibited, as is coffee. They can stimulate the onset of labor when the cervix is ​​not fully matured, which can lead to injury to the birth canal and the baby. You can only drink pure drinking water and herbal tea.
  • Dye your hair, do perm, it is not recommended to build nails in the last month - the placenta is already too thin and may not contain toxic substances that are contained in hair dyes, solutions and manicure products.

The main thing is not to rush the birth.

Everything must happen in due time. Attempting to induce them at home can be very dangerous.
