How to live well every day. How to have a successful day. Meghan Markle's perfect day

Charles Darwin once said: "He who does not appreciate every moment in his life, he does not appreciate his life." It is worth thinking about his words, because sometimes we aimlessly live not only days, but whole years ... In the evening, before going to bed, you asked yourself what you did necessary and useful today? And how often it turned out that you spent the whole day in vain ... In fact, there are several rules, following which, you will learn to live every day with benefit and not regret the wasted time.

Whether you like it or not, the computer and TV make our brains degrade. Remember how many times you just logged into social networks for a minute, uselessly read other people's news, and then looked around and realized that you spent several hours at the computer and, as a result, did not have time to complete your plan.

What about serials? We watch them and fill our heads with other people's fake problems instead of solving our own.

Of course, this does not mean at all that the TV and the computer must be completely excluded from our lives - this is simply impossible, because sometimes we are obliged to rest. And you can do this both while watching your favorite series, and on the Internet - networks. The whole problem is that a person cannot stop and does not know the measure at all. What is the upshot? Instead of wasting time usefully, we aimlessly kill it with useless activities..

If you have nothing to do and you have free time, do not waste it on TV shows and social networks. Better take care of yourself or read a useful book. Or come up with a new dish recipe and surprise your family with a new culinary masterpiece. Or start doing what you have long wanted to do, but "hands did not reach." How often do people put off “for later” what they like and what can be done right now.

2. Do the most complex and difficult things at the beginning of the day.

This is another way to live a new day wisely and not regret that it ended and you didn’t have time to do anything. If you want your day to be productive, and you have time to do as many useful things as possible, learn to plan tomorrow in the evening.

Yes, sometimes it’s quite difficult to do this, since you can get very tired during the day, and the last thing you want to do in the evening is to plan your tomorrow, but for better productivity you need to do this. Moreover, do not put off the most difficult and important things for later, but put them at the top of the list, even if you think that you will have time to do them by the end of the working day.

The fact is that important and complex matters tend to be constantly postponed against our will. Have you noticed that in the evening you remembered that you forgot to do something important and necessary? Thus, always put such things first and do not take on others until you have completed the most basic ones. Only then in the evening you will go to bed with a sense of accomplishment and peace of mind.

3. Do not try to hurt a person during a quarrel

This is how our life is arranged: there is a clash of characters, opinions and views - hence the quarrels and misunderstandings between people. But in particular I want to talk about a quarrel within the family, as well as with relatives and friends.

For some reason, when we quarrel with a loved one or family member, we try to prick him as hard as possible, because we know him weaknesses. And the saddest thing is that we are great at it, just like we get blows from loved ones in the most sore spots.

So, such actions do not allow us to live our day in peace. The bile we let out to the side loved one poisons our own existence. That is why I want to convey to your hearts the main rule - during a quarrel with a loved one, do not try to "hurt a nerve" to inject as much pain as possible.

Be prudent and think ahead, because you will definitely make peace with a loved one, and the pain that you delivered to him with your offensive words will remain in your memory for a long time. Of course, quarrels, omissions and misunderstandings are not excluded in any family, but still, carefully monitor your words so that later in the evening you will not be ashamed of your day.

4. Forget the word "should"

Did you know that sometimes many of our problems come from the word "should"? It may sound paradoxical, but it is true. We must cook dinner, we must do household chores, we must do our homework with the child, we must be faithful to our husband and help his parents.

This is what happens? Do we owe everyone and everything? No matter how! After all, it is the word “should” that makes us not go to bed in the evening, but fall on the bed exhausted.

Remember, we don't owe anyone anything. Of course, we have our duties, but we fulfill them only of our own free will, and not because we have to. Moreover, the thought of debt pushes many people to loans, as well as material and moral dependence on other people.

So, eliminate this word from your vocabulary and your life, and you will see how much easier it will be for you to live. Only then will you calmly go to bed, and not fall exhausted on the bed. Better yet, replace the word "should" with the word "can."

5. Analyze your day

We are not spineless or brainless animals who live only by our instincts and carnal desires. We are people who are aware of our actions and deeds.

Therefore, in order to live each new day with meaning and not regret the aimlessness of your existence, always analyze your actions before going to bed: what did you achieve, what did you succeed, what didn’t, what will you have to try harder next time.

Thus, you will be able to systematize your time and your affairs and know that you are not living your time in vain. Each new day will delight you if you feel that you have lived it correctly and with meaning.

So remember - time will quickly leave you if you do not learn to appreciate it. Don't forget that time is fleeting and life won't give you pleasant surprises if you do not learn to appreciate her most important gift - time. Be happy!

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't fall into the trap of dogma that says to live on other people's thoughts. Don't let the noise of other people's opinions drown out your inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know who you really want to be. Everything else is secondary.

Steve Jobs

We offer 100 ways on how to live your life to the fullest, so that every day you can fill it with drive, pleasure and achievements in areas of interest to you.

1. Every day is a new start. Don't get attached to what happened yesterday, the day before yesterday, or later. Today new life, and even if something was wrong before, then you will definitely try again and again.

2. Be real yourself. Stop trying to please the people around you and be someone else. It is much more interesting to become a unique version of yourself, and not someone else's duplicate.

28. Be positive. The glass is indeed half full. :)

Treat life as an adventure and a game. Radiate optimism and make people smile.

29. Don't speak badly of others. If you don't like something about another person, say it to their face. Otherwise, don't say anything.

30. Put yourself in someone else's place. Try to see life from the perspective of another person. Perhaps the janitor was rude to you this morning, but why did he do it? Probably, no one pays attention to him, he is considered a service and unnecessary staff, and his work is generally not appreciated. Think about how to make sure that next time he greets you with a smile.

31. Show compassion. Really empathize with someone else's problem.

32. Develop unconditional faith in yourself. To believe in yourself is to keep moving forward, even when everyone tells you not to.

Analyze your small victories, remember how you went against the current, remember the pleasure that you were right and everything was wrong. If you have something in mind, be sure that everything will work out.

33. Let go of the unhappy past.

34. Forgive those who ask for forgiveness. Don't hold a grudge against people, but know their weaknesses and accept them for who they are.

35. Remove the unimportant. Understand the short duration of things like status, fame, recognition. Everything will work out if you focus on self-realization, and not on social recognition.

36. End relationships that don't help you.

Remove people from your environment who add unnecessary pessimism to your life.

37. Spend more time with people who inspire and support you. Try to create a circle of active and active like-minded people. It's really great when you come up with something together and start implementing it in 10 minutes.

38. Build sincere relationships with people around you: with strangers, with family, with loved ones. Spend time strengthening and improving your relationship.

39. Reunite with your old friend. No matter what they say, the number of friends is unlimited. Meet people from your past.

40. Have a day of generosity. Think about what you can do today that could make the world a little better.

Doing good to others is the best way to improve your mood.

41. Help people when they need it. Think of this step as a long-term investment. Someday you will receive help without expecting it.

42. Go on a date.

43. Fall in love.

44. Bring order to your life. Once a week, a month, six months, analyze your progress and progress towards your plan. Adjust your actions based on the results.

45. Don't over tighten. Get rid of the habit of dragging out with. Nine out of ten opportunities are missed because of delay in taking action.

46. Help complete strangers. This may determine your future destiny.

47. Meditate.

48. Make acquaintances. New opportunities come from new people. Do not be afraid to forcibly place yourself in the circle of people you are interested in and make friends with them.

49. Create strong relationships.

50. Become your advisor from the future. Imagine yourself 10 years from now and mentally ask your best for advice on difficult decisions. What would you do if you were 10 years wiser?

51. Write a letter to your future self. Believe that in 5-10 years you will laugh even louder from yourself today.

52. Remove excess. From your desk, from your apartment, hobbies, life. Make room for more important things.

53. Go on. Why do people stop learning when they graduate educational institution? Learning does not mean sitting behind books. You can learn to drive a car, learn to dance, learn rhetoric, and so on.

The main goal is to keep the brain in constant tension.

54. Develop yourself. Try to identify your weaknesses and develop them. If you are too shy, train to be more sociable, go towards fear.

55. Keep upgrading yourself. Deepen the knowledge and experience already gained, become an expert in many areas.

56. Constantly try something new. You simply cannot imagine how much more new and interesting things you can experience and experience (do you know what watsu massage is?).

57. Travel. Pull yourself out of your work-home-home-work travel routine. Discover for yourself, of which there are many even in your city. Any trip is always something new.

58. Don't stay in one place. Always live dynamically and try to tie yourself down with repair loans as late as possible.

59. Be the best at what you do. If you realize that you are good in the corporate field, but far from being a star, leave from there to an area where the chances of becoming the best and achieving more are much higher. If you have found your calling - become the best there.

60. Break your boundaries. Set the most impossible goal, achieve your plan and come up with something even more impossible. All the clips come from the fact that someone once told you what is possible and what is not.

61. Absorb and try to implement unusual ideas.

62. Create your own space for inspiration. It can be a corner where all your inspiring things (books, photos, videos) are located, or a park, cafe or favorite bench. Create your own paradise.

63. Behave in ways that bring you closer to your ideal version of yourself.

64. Create roles in life. Try to act as if you were Bill Gates, Michael Jordan, or some famous and successful person.

65. Find a mentor or guru. Study the life of your guru and try not to repeat his mistakes. Seek advice from a more experienced mentor.

66. Find your previously unseen strengths.

67. Try to be more conscious.

68. Ask for constructive criticism and advice. From the outside, you can always see better.

69. Try to create a passive income stream. It can be interest in the bank, income from renting an apartment or something else.

Passive income will give you the opportunity to be freer in your experiments in life and build on what you want, not what you need.

70. Help others live their best lives. If you see that you can help a person improve his life, be sure to help him find the right path.

71. Get married and have children.

72. Improve the world. Help the poor, the unhealthy, the deprived of the opportunity to live a normal life.

73. Participate in the humanitarian aid program.

74. Give more than you receive. When you continually give more, you begin to receive much more in return over time.

75. Try to see the big picture. Focus on the 20% that generate 80% of the result.

76. Your end goal must be clear. What is she like? Is what you are doing really helping you achieve your goals?

As long as you keep thinking about the things that bring you closer to your goal, you are on the right track.

77. Always try to find the 20/80 path. Minimum effort, but maximum results.

78. Set your priorities. Sometimes it’s more convenient to move by inertia and it’s hard to switch to a more important task, but it is this property that will make your life much more efficient.

79. Enjoy the moment. Stop. Look. Thank fate for the pleasant that you have at the moment.

80. Enjoy the little things. Cup of coffee in the morning, 15 minutes of sleep in the afternoon, pleasant conversation with dear person- all this can be by the way, but try to pay attention to all the small pleasant moments.

81. Take a break. It could be 15 minutes or 15 days.

Life is not a marathon, but a pleasure walk.

82. Try to avoid mutually exclusive goals.

83. Focus on creation. You should be interested in the process of creating - a game, a new business, and so on - when you get candy out of nothing.

84. Don't judge those around you. Respect others for who they are.

85. The only person you have to change is you.

Focus on your development and growth, not on changing those around you.

86. Be grateful for every day you live.

87. Express your gratitude to the people you love.

88. Have fun. You are lucky if you have such friends who laugh non-stop, with whom you forget about everything. Allow yourself such an experiment and you!

89. Get out in nature more often.

90 . There is always a choice. There are always several ways out of any situation.

91. Laugh more and louder.

92. Be ready for change - this is the essence of life.

93. Be prepared to be disappointed - it's part of life.

94. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Think of them as lessons, but try not to go through the same lesson more than once.

95. Don't be afraid to take risks. Risk is a state when all your senses are at the limit and you know your limits.

96. Fight your fears. Every day you need to do something from what you are afraid of. This is very difficult, but important.

97. Do it. Don't let your body get rusty.

98. Develop your intuition and follow it, even if logic tells you not to.

99. Love yourself.

100. Love those around you.

Are you alone at home, bored, waiting for some event or just waiting? If you are like most of us, then you have moments in life that you would like to experience forever. But there are also days when time itself seems to stretch on forever. The next time you feel like climbing walls out of boredom during a business meeting or class, a very long drive, or while waiting for someone, try these techniques to speed up the passage of time.



    Take a walk. Go outside, take a breath fresh air, it will help pass the time, as well as relieve stress. Try taking a quick walk around the neighborhood or just around the office. Even if you only have 10 minutes to spare, the walk will become great way om spend time.

    Meditate . At first, it may not seem like it speeds up time in any way, but once you get comfortable with meditation, you can enter a timeless state. It is your mind that keeps track of time, and meditation is the purification of the mind.

    take a nap . A short nap may not seem like a very entertaining activity, but it will help you kill time and also give you a boost of energy. Whether you start to nod off during the afternoon office slump, when you're working the night or double shift, or when you're struggling with sleepiness while driving, napping in a safe place will make you more alert and productive.

    • Try taking a 20-minute nap to recharge your batteries, or take longer naps to kill time.
  1. Write in a diary or start a blog. Writing is a great way to sort out your thoughts and also help speed up the passage of time. Try journaling about what's on your mind or start a blog about things that interest you. You can start a blog about creative writing, cooking, video games, or whatever your hobby is!

    • Take time every day to write in your diary or blog. This can be done in the morning for 30 minutes or right after school.
    • Thanks to sites like Wordpress and Blogger, starting your own blog is easy, but it will still take some time, so it's a great way to speed up the time. You can customize your blog with color schemes, fonts and images to make it stand out.

    Entertain yourself

    1. Chat with friends. Spend a few hours talking, joking, or doing your favorite activity together to kill time with friends. Boredom is afraid of the company, therefore, than more people the more fun. Even if you find only one person to communicate with, it will be much more interesting than being alone.

      Listen to music. Whether you're at home, at school, or at work, music can make the day go by faster and more enjoyable. Try listening to music during the day to speed up time, or listen to a new song or your favorite song between lessons or assignments.

      • For example, if you are studying, you can listen to some fun, electronic music to make time go by faster.
      • And if you're at work, you can listen to the song and use it as a small reward after completing each item on your to-do list for the day.
    2. Watch your favorite old TV show or movie. If you're at home and want to kill some time, pick a show and go on a TV binge! This will help speed up time, as it will not let you get bored.

      • Turn on YouTube or Netflix and revisit childhood favorite TV shows: Charmed, Friends, The X-Files, Beverly Hills, 90210, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charles in Charge, Are You Afraid of the Dark? ", "Quantum Leap" - see how the shows you loved as a child have stood the test of time.
      • Or watch a new movie you missed at the cinema, like the latest Marvel Comics superhero movie or an award-winning movie your friends were talking about.
    3. Play games on your phone. Most phones have at least one free game, such as Tetris or Pac-Man, which can distract you for a much longer period of time than you probably want to kill. But this option is not recommended when you are at school or at work.

      • If you're at home and have a game console or PC games, these are another great way to pass the time.

    Be Productive

    1. Work on what you love. One of better ways pass the time - choose a project that will be interesting for you. If you are at work or school, see if you can do something that is more enjoyable and interesting than the rest of your assignments. If you're at home, think about what you like to do just for fun and do what will be the most interesting for you.

      • For example, if you're at work or school and you have a creative project to work on, then get it out and do it. If you're at home, choose a hobby or activity you love, such as knitting, baking, playing the guitar, or playing video games.
    2. . For a big interesting book, time can fly by unnoticed! Learn more about Amelia Earhart, the history of Rome, or read a book about a foreign land. Whatever you read, you will acquire new knowledge.

      Do your homework. Who would have thought that doing algebra or reading about Grigory Pechorin would help pass the time? You may not like to do homework, but once you get involved in this activity, you will not notice how quickly time flies. And if we turn the execution homework to kill time, into a habit, it will make you the best student of the class!

      Tidy up your room . First, throw away all the wrappers, carton boxes, junk you can't donate, and anything else that clutters up your space. Then go through your belongings, one piece of furniture at a time, until you've got your bed, desk, chest of drawers, closet, and so on, neat and perfect. And if you only need to kill an hour or two, then choose one part of your room, clean it up and be proud of the work you have done.

      Learn a few phrases in a foreign language. Of course, you won't learn in a day. foreign language, but you can learn to say "Hi, my name is..." and "How are you?" in just a few minutes. Pick the foreign language you've always wanted to learn and spend a few minutes (or more) learning the most common phrases.

      • Try keeping a "phrase a day" calendar on your desktop, at home, or in your backpack. Set aside five minutes each day to read the phrase silently and out loud. This will give you a rest and something to look forward to every day.
    3. Reply to old emails. Do you have a pile of emails waiting for your response? If so, it might be time to turn on your computer and reply to all those people—teachers, friends, business associates—who have been waiting for you to respond. You will feel relieved that you have finally dealt with a bunch of letters, especially if you already had nothing to do.

    Take on a creative project

      Make origami . Focusing on the intricacies of origami creation can also take your mind off the time. There are countless varieties of origami you can make, and if you get really into it, you can make a whole zoo or origami bouquet.

      • Try to make a soccer ball out of paper and play with it.
      • Or make jumping frogs with a friend and race to see whose frog jumps the farthest.
    1. Draw . Take a self-portrait, caricature someone nearby, or create a cartoon. If you don't like the way you draw, close your eyes and try to draw something simple without lifting your pencil or pen from the paper. The result can be interesting and unexpected, and besides, there will be no tension due to the fact that you have to create a masterpiece (although you may surprise yourself).

    2. Complete the Pinterest project. No doubt you've tagged those cute polka dot sock dolls, the Halloween pumpkin that looks like Jim Carrey, and Wedding Dress foil do-it-yourself, but when will you get to do these groundbreaking projects? Now, of course. Go through your list of projects or find a new one on Pinterest, see which one you can complete in a few hours. And get to work!

      • Of course, if this seems like too much of a task for you, know that just browsing projects on Pinterest can kill a ton of your time.

Tell me are you dreaming about time travel? But what if you had the opportunity to return to the past, at any moment that you think could be lived better, more efficiently, more interestingly and fix something there, would you use it? Perhaps a few months ago you did not find the words to adequately answer a certain opponent? Or failed the exam? Or missed an amazing opportunity? Probably, in the life of each of us there are moments that we would like to correct, especially as time passes, it becomes clear how it would be better to do. But time has passed irrevocably. Now imagine that time travel is possible...

Life is like a draft

So what would it be? Having the opportunity to constantly return to the past, we would perceive life as a draft that can always be rewritten, built the way you want, realizing mistakes and correcting awkwardness. The idea is amazing, isn't it? But, alas, it is in the category of fantasy. We do not have the opportunity to correct not only yesterday, but even the moment that has just passed. Time is merciless. And we are in its endless loop. However, for some reason this fact does not frighten many of us. And we continue to live as if everything can be fixed by treating life as another draft. We throw away moment by moment, day by day, year by year. Something went wrong in the morning? Well, okay - crumple this day, tomorrow will be different. We run, we hurry, we jump from month to month, rushing things, focusing on something bright compared to all the rest of the bustle of everyday life. We do not think that 90% of our lives are branded with turmoil and dullness. An endless run, the finish line of which is death. We live as if infinity is ahead, and when we are on our deathbed, we are surprised that somehow it all ended too quickly, too suddenly, without leaving behind a feeling of richness and fullness. And the question arises - was there life at all? And did I live?


Tell me what do you remember from today? I won't be surprised if most people call the day "ordinary", "as always", "nothing special". Bustle, work, home, sleep. Do you remember the past year? What do you remember about him? Again vanity, work, home, sleep with the addition of a couple of weeks summer holiday. What do you remember from the past decade? And do you remember your life at all? Have you lived? Do you live? Every moment irrevocably takes our life with it. Bit by bit, bit by bit, we lose ourselves among the endless vanity. We see a light somewhere in the distant future and call it a goal. We put blinkers on our eyes and strive for this light, not noticing anything around. We call the day gray only because it did not achieve that cherished goal. We call a month wasted because we perceive it as just a stepping stone to what we want. We live life and do not notice that it is time to leave. But we do not live, did not live. Yes, we do not have the opportunity to return to the past and correct our failures. Therefore, we transfer the unfinished day to tomorrow, to later. We think tomorrow will be better. And tomorrow brings its events, which are postponed until the day after tomorrow, and so on ad infinitum. Tomorrow is the place where our dreams, our opportunities, our lives are buried. Tomorrow deprives us of the present, and without the present, there will be no future. It's a vicious circle. And there is only one way out of it.

Return to today

Imagine that now is that day, that moment in which you returned from the past. You came back here to live this day in a different way, the way you want. As clearly as possible, as efficiently as possible, as consciously as possible. You already lived this day once, lived as always - monotonously, inattentively, not seeing anything around, puzzled thinking about business and an ephemeral goal in the future. And now you have the opportunity to change everything. Feel the charm and uniqueness that this day brings. Look around, be attentive to every little thing, feel the life that boils next to you. There will never be another day like this! Don't miss it! Enjoy it! You have only one opportunity to relive today. And it starts right now! Live it so carefully that you would say in the evening before going to bed - it was truly an amazing day! Treat every day in your life like this. Waking up in the morning, tell yourself - I already lived this day before, and I returned to live it again, but this time to feel all its charm and beauty. Now time is not linear. And every morning is a journey through time. We are returning to the past, to the most unique day of our lives! And don't be surprised if you suddenly feel a sense of deja vu. Now you know what happened today, but now it is truly beautiful!

What Russian does not like holidays?! Fortunately, not only because it is a great excuse to get drunk. After all, an unusual holiday - St. Valentine's Day - which appeared in our country just a few years ago and over the years has won crowds of fans - is full of romance, love, beautiful words, red roses, "valentines" with declarations of love and, of course, cute gifts, from sweets, balloons and heart-shaped boxes to diamond necklaces.

Legend of Saint Valentine

In general, according to the legend, this holiday is sad. It received its name in honor of the Christian priest Valentine, who died a martyr's death in the name of Love on February 14, 273. According to legend, a young priest from the Roman city of Terni went against the emperor Claudius II, who immensely honored the military prowess of the Roman legions and categorically forbade his soldiers to marry. According to the logic of the emperor, a respectable family man spends too much time in the family and thinks not about military prowess, but about the charms of his darling wife ...

Valentine, being a young and sympathetic man, continued to secretly marry legionnaires in love. However, everything secret someday becomes clear ... Soon the authorities became aware of the young priest's disrespect for the law. He was taken into custody and sentenced to death.

But the story does not end there ... When Valentine was in prison, the blind daughter of the jailer, whom the priest was able to heal from blindness, fell in love with him (or he fell in love, or the love was mutual - now it doesn’t matter anymore). Before the execution, the young man wrote a touching letter to the girl and signed: "Your Valentine."

Whether this is true or fiction - we do not know, but it was from this story that the tradition of giving "valentines" was born - small postcards, notes, messages with declarations of love. Later, the Christian martyr was canonized by the Catholic Church, and Valentine's Day became Valentine's Day.

Tribute to traditions

The main detail of the holiday of all lovers - "valentines" in the shape of a heart. As a rule, they are not signed and allow the addressee to guess the authorship of the epistolary declaration of love.

The curiosity of the situation lies in the fact that especially curious recipients - for example, the British - do not want to rack their brains over ingenious riddles, or, even worse, remain in the dark, and flood private detectives with orders to identify senders. Services are not cheap at all - from 500 pounds, but this does not stop potential brides and grooms.

Another symbol of Valentine's Day - roses, certainly red. And all because of the goddess of love Aphrodite, who once was in such a hurry to her lover that she accidentally stepped on a bush of white roses, injured her leg and sprinkled the flowers with blood. Since then, it is red roses that have been considered a symbol of love and passion.

An important detail: all traditional gifts on this day should be in the shape of a heart. Chocolates, balloons, small pillows, key chains, watches, tea pairs - yes, anything ... Only in the shape of a heart. Well, or at least in a red "heart" package.

Even if you decide to pass for an original personality and give your soul mate a movie, theater or philharmonic ticket, a subscription to your favorite publication, an annual club card to a fitness club or a ticket to Paris - seemingly unpretentious pieces of paper can (and even need to!) Pack into a pink envelope with a heart corresponding to the holiday and mood.

As you meet the year, so you will spend

If the majority of people on the planet New Year comes on January 1, then to sweet couples - on February 14, on Valentine's Day. Therefore, you need to spend this day in such a way that it is not excruciatingly painful for the aimlessly and, most importantly, sadly lived next year. We will not engage in scenario dictatorship, and therefore we will offer several options for celebrating Valentine's Day.


Morning. A ray of sunshine breaking through the curtains. On a tray with coffee, croissants and chocolate, there is a small rose in an elegant glass.

Love sms during a long work day.

Romantic dinner. A table in a cozy restaurant, where a mysterious twilight reigns. A lonely candle gently illuminating the eyes of a loved one...

Walk through the night city. Or better yet, in the park. White forest. White, as if skillfully carved by the master's hand, precious branches. White edges covered with an even snow blanket. Peaceful silence ... Only the snow crunches under your feet when you catch tiny snow "valentines". A fairy tale, and only ...

Or a quiet evening at home, candles lit, a light gourmet meal, Lady In Red by Chris de Burgh, a bottle of wine… A path of rose petals leading to the bathroom. Again, a lot of candles, a bath of foam, from which the neck of the bottle peeps out. Inside the bottle is a letter. In a letter? Well, well ... You will come up with the text of the letter yourself.


Paris. Rome. Venice. Amsterdam. Athens. Barcelona… Celebrating Valentine's Day in distant (or not so distant) lands is a good thing. And where exactly - in the Canary Islands, in Greece or in Bobruisk - depends only on the two of you. More precisely, from your imagination, financial capabilities and generosity.

By the way, February is quite right time for a trip to the Baltics. To calm, sometimes archaic, medieval Tallinn with narrow winding streets, antique and souvenir shops, the famous “knitting” wall, where even in the winter cold it is full of sweaters, hats and mittens self made. Or to the fabulously beautiful, cheerful, bustling Riga with many cafes, restaurants, discos and nightclubs ...


Down with lessons, lectures and seminars! Early in the morning - fresh frosty air, playing snowballs and fooling around in a snowy park. In Moscow, for example, you can go to one of the most picturesque corners - the Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo park. What is not here: 200-year-old pines, centuries-old oaks and giant larches, the Khimka River and a landscape park created at the end of the 18th - early XIX century by order of Princess Shakhovskaya-Glebova-Streshneva. But the main local attraction is the Swan Princess spring with amazing clean water and constant water temperature in any weather - 6 degrees.

They say that if you give your loved one a drink of spring water, he will never stop loving you. So, if you are sure that next to you is the same person with whom you would like to live together all your life - run to the elixir of eternal love.

Then a coffee shop. Sweet chatter between lovers. Although... Sometimes words are out of place... You can just sit at the table, carefully swallow hot coffee, break off a piece of branded cake with a dessert spoon and look into each other's eyes.

Cinema. Are kisses sweeter than in the last row of a dark cinema? Just you and him... Oh, and don't miss the choice of movie! Go to the melodrama - the most promising art form. In the sense of kisses, of course ... The main thing is that the plot on the screen does not captivate you more than the one who is sitting next to you in the auditorium.

And for a snack - night club. Express to each other all your passion and love mood on the dance floor, and the night will never end!


Location: apartment, house, cottage. Light buffet table. There are red and white garlands on the walls, posters with simple comic inscriptions like "Don't let your life partner go!" or “Do not build family relationships on a nervous basis!”, as well as paper hearts with photographs of couples who have gathered in your house.

If there are those among the guests who have not yet decided on the choice of a friend or girlfriend, you can try to help them. Before they arrive, cut out hearts from cardboard and cut them in half along a zigzag line, designate the halves as “male” and “female” in advance (in order to avoid same-sex couples - of course, this only applies to heterosexual companies) and hand them to guests right in the hallway. When everyone is assembled, announce that there should be no “broken” hearts - let everyone find their soul mate.

As you know, on Valentine's Day, a girl can freely confess her love to a man and even make him a marriage proposal. Hang little paper hearts on the walls reverse side which guests will write their declarations of love or friendship, and on the front side - the name of the person to whom the message is intended. Naturally, only the addressee is allowed to read "valentines".

You can try to find the “most in love” - the one who has a more frequent heartbeat (for this you will need a watch with a stopwatch) ... Blindfolded, recognize your halves by the nose. Recall and try to reproduce in pantomime the couples who glorified themselves with love and fidelity - Orpheus and Eurydice, Odysseus and Penelope, Romeo and Juliet, Ruslan and Lyudmila, even Bonnie and Clyde, in the end ... Remember the continuation of the line from the love song. Take up writing poetry. I'm not talking about dancing, celebratory toasts and singing under karaoke ... In short, to participate in a variety of competitions - for which there is only enough imagination. For the victory, each couple removes a heart from the wall with a playful romantic parting word and those who collect the largest number hearts are declared the "Perfect Couple".


He. She. And a couple of juvenile offspring, which cannot be handed over to a loving grandmother. As a result, Valentine's Day is for the whole family!

Maybe take a day off? Start the day with a cup of hot chocolate and a cinnamon pie. After breakfast - circus, zoo or kids club. While the kids are frolicking, parents have a rare moment to exchange declarations of love.

Holiday dinner. A flower, a chocolate bar and scarlet "heart" balloons - for each family member.

And now let's go to the neighboring park - to ride on a sled or ice skates. Yes, even on your own ass! If you're lucky, upon arrival home - after the children get their hot tea with Altai honey and go to bed - there will be an opportunity to take a bath only together ... Or four of them - if you're not lucky!


Options - the sea! The main thing is to choose the right one for you two.

For example, an equestrian club: prancing among snow-covered trees and meadows, alone with your loved one, you can feel like a Beautiful Lady traveling accompanied by a brave Knight ... Romance!

Ski club. Minimum program: all day skiing or snowboarding, after - dinner with mulled wine by candlelight, well, then you'll figure it out yourself ...

Only mountains can be better than mountains! Or a climbing wall. If you have a technique - excellent, no - it does not matter: together you will conquer a wall of any complexity. As a last resort, the instructor will help.

Aquapark. sea ​​coast with the surf, palm trees, waterfalls and grottoes, extreme tobogganing and calm relaxation on the beach, in pools or jacuzzis, plus the view of your own perfect body in a swimsuit will warm up even the most cold-blooded representative of the fairer sex. By the way, an ordinary pool is also suitable - it’s not in vain that they say, with a sweet paradise in a hut!

Kartodrome. If you think that karting clubs exist only for crazy thrill-seekers and those who express themselves in an incomprehensible language - like “it’s hard to slow down on a distant parabola - there is a high probability of getting into tires”, then you are mistaken. The karting track can be an ideal place for joint relaxation.

Bowling. The joint throwing of balls rallied more than one couple. In addition, there are usually a dime a dozen beginners on the bowling lanes, so there is neither their inherent stiffness nor the malicious chuckles of "professionals".

Ice rink. Does he not know how to skate? The more interesting the evening will be. Then together you will remember how you taught him to stay on the ice, how he pretended to fall in order to hug you tighter. How they drank hot tea and ate pancakes piping hot and how tired but satisfied they got home...

Well, so how?

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