Abundance symbol. Magic symbols for attracting money - signs of wealth and prosperity (11 photos). Money mat


If you think about it, everything in our life is symbolic. Symbols play a much more significant role in human destiny than we can imagine. None of the areas of our life can do without symbols. No religion, no political movement are impossible without symbols that reflect the main ideas of their adherents.

An army without a symbol - a banner - is just a crowd, a state without a symbol - a coat of arms - just a territory, a person without his personal, supporting and inspiring symbol - a boat without oars in the ocean of life. Symbols are able to influence the fate of not only individuals and groups, but entire nations. Why do you think the terrorists attacked the World Trade Center in New York? Because this building is one of the basic symbols of American state power. Terrorists, not without reason, believed that by destroying the symbol, they would undermine the foundations of the entire society. True, they did not take into account one detail: the attack itself turned into a symbol that inspired the whole world to fight terrorism.

Why is the influence of symbols so great? Because they speak directly to our subconscious. And some symbols are transmitted genetically, from generation to generation - by the way, symbols of wealth belong exactly to this category.

If you look around carefully, you will find yourself literally bathing in symbols. We go out into the street, load a computer program, turn on the TV - everywhere there are solid symbols - cultural, political, sports, state, religious, sexual. All these symbols are imprinted in the subconscious and create there their work imperceptible to us, which then translates into real actions and deeds. After all, all key decisions and ideas come to us precisely from the subconscious, all our reactions to events come from there; it is in the subconscious that the control center of our destiny is located.

The subconscious is inaccessible direct impact, it understands only the language of symbols, therefore it is sensitive to them. Moreover, it is very difficult to control this process, since the logical mind does not participate in it, only imagination is involved - it is a bridge between consciousness and subconsciousness. Hence, a simple conclusion suggests itself: whoever speaks the language of symbols has power - both over his own destiny and over the destinies of others.

No one will dispute the colossal impact that television has on us. All cinematography and the entire advertising industry boil down to the construction of a series of characters that can provide a powerful lasting impact on the viewer's subconscious. After all, how is an advertising campaign built? First, with the help of well-chosen symbols, a connection is formed with the subconscious of a potential consumer. Further, the video sequence is converted into the most laconic logo, which becomes the face of the product or service. The reverse sequence is also possible: first, a logo is selected, and then the entire advertising campaign is built on it. We scold "stupid" advertisements, and when we arrive at the store, we automatically select the product for the purchase of which the symbols presented in it have programmed us.

Symbols imprinted in the subconscious, when triggered, turn out to be a terrible force. Because they carry energy and are able to accumulate it. Energy, sealed in a combination of simple lines, is sometimes so significant that it changes the fate of a person. That is, symbols are magical, they are able to influence reality.

Another example is football. It is difficult for a person who has never played football to understand the appeal of this activity. A logical objection arises: well, it's just a game, fun. But just a game becomes a Game, it is worth joining in it, plunging into its atmosphere. A herd, running under screams and hooting, hitting the target, prey, general delight ... How many millennia of the life of our ancestors depended on the outcome of this "fun"? The program (archetype) was imprinted in the subconscious and, passed down from generation to generation, after many centuries, found a way out in football. Pay attention: the ball is not hammered, but is "driven" into the goal and the body of the opponent, and it is this moment that causes the most violent emotions among the players and fans. The archetype has turned into a symbol that, resonating with the subconscious of a person, releases energy, and its source is inexhaustible, because it is outside a specific personality, but in the collective unconscious (the energy-informational field of humanity, egregor).

Mudras, yogic asanas are also symbols, symbols of the body located in space, which it takes in order to acquire some new properties. Of course, the point here is not only in the visual position of the body, but also in the special arrangement of organs that arises when taking a particular asana, breathing, and a state of mind. But it would be unwise to ignore the symbolic component of the pose. Read my book "Cosmic Yoga" - there all this is explained in great detail.

So, with the help of the symbol, a person receives a tuning for one or another type of energy. The symbol, as a key, opens access to energy resources, and these resources are endless. This applies to all symbols without exception. And since there is a centuries-old belief that certain symbols bring monetary luck, this is no accident, no matter how we think about it.


Mankind has invented many "magnets" for attracting money during its existence. Now I'm going to talk about some of them - partly so that you learn about this diversity, partly to "magnetise" you a little money before you get acquainted with my method, partly so that you realize that all existing methods of attraction money is intended for a limited circle of people.

Symbols are always created for a specific culture, and not for a person in general, therefore, in order for a symbol to come to life, to work, you need to be saturated with the spirit of the cultural environment that gave birth to it, and not just thoughtlessly apply it. A symbol outside the cultural context is just a beautiful rattle.

Feng Shui symbols

Feng Shui appeared over five thousand years ago in China. Surprisingly, this ancient practice, which has existed for so many centuries, has survived to this day. But in the distant past, feng shui was available only to emperors and high officials. Feng Shui masters passed their knowledge from mouth to mouth to their favorite students or close relatives. Therefore, for a long time, feng shui was practiced only by the ruling classes of China, and feng shui masters were either revered or killed so that the secret knowledge would not become the property of those who could use them against the emperor. The economic prosperity of countries where feng shui is integral part life - China, Taiwan, Hong Kong.

You can raise money in Feng Shui using symbols of water, Chinese gods and animals. Each symbol of the Chinese is tied to a certain type of luck, more precisely to the kind of energy that this type of luck creates.

BI GAN has long been revered as the god of wealth. There are several temples in China dedicated to Bi Gan, but the largest of them is located in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). It was built at the expense of those who were helped by the worship of this deity to get rich. What is this symbol? In one hand, Bi Gan holds an ingot of gold, and in the other he often has a scroll with the inscription: Zhao Cai Jin Bao - "Your wealth has arrived." In China, they believe that a little more luck and profit have not prevented anyone, and therefore they boldly put Bi Gan figurines in their offices.

DAIKOKU. If you have ever paid attention to the collection of netsuke figurines, you have seen one of the most beautiful figurines depicting this god of wealth and prosperity. He is usually represented with a mallet, a sack of rice, and a rat. The rat gnaws holes in the Daikoku sack, and the magic rice falls to the ground, giving wealth and prosperity, and with each beat of the beater, the world is more and more filled with happiness. In feng shui, it is believed that this is one of the most favorable talismans for attracting wealth to the house.

CHEN LOBAN, or Guardian of Money, is also held in high esteem. Feng Shui masters believe that this talisman is especially useful for those who cannot learn how to plan their budget and relate income to expenses. It contributes to the conclusion of successful transactions, successful investments, preservation and growth of capital. According to the Chinese tradition, this figurine is inherited, along with it, the wisdom and foresight of their ancestors, and, consequently, financial success, are passed on to the children and grandchildren.

HOTTEI, or the laughing Buddha. Perhaps this is the most famous and most beloved deity. He is also called the Buddha of Abundance. Translated from Chinese "hottei" means "canvas bag". The prototype of Hottei is a real person who lived in the Middle Kingdom at the end of the 10th century. When Hottey achieved enlightenment, he began to laugh - just like that, for no reason. He moved from village to village, and people, hearing his infectious laugh, also began to laugh. And everyone was a little worried: “What will they think of me? There is no reason for laughing. " But people were always waiting for Hottei. Because in their life they have never laughed so naturally, so sincerely, so deeply as with him. Because after this laughter, they discovered that the veil from their eyes fell off, that their feelings became clearer, and their whole being became light, bright, as if they had freed themselves from a heavy burden. In the East, no one is remembered with such respect as Hotteya. Every Chinese and Japanese house has his figurines.

In China, it is believed that if you make a wish and stroke Hottei's belly three hundred times, it will certainly come true. Hottey is depicted either standing, or sitting in the lotus position, on a horse, with a peach in his hands, or surrounded by children, but always laughing. There is Hottey with a dragon, with an umbrella on his back, with a gold ingot over his head, with a pearl. Feng Shui masters believe that being invited to the Hottey's house creates favorable vibrations that help attract money to the family.

WATER is the main monetary attribute in feng shui. Feng Shui masters claim that water (fountain, waterfall, aquarium with fish) or its symbol (water landscape, figurines and images of fish, turtle, toad) in the southeastern sector of the premises provide a stable flow of money.

HAPPY COINS. Three coins tied with a red ribbon are a traditional feng shui symbol to attract prosperity, wealth and monetary luck. The coins of the Qing dynasty are also very popular - ten coins corresponding to the reign of all ten emperors of the Manchu Qing dynasty. The coins symbolize the treasury of each of the emperors. Feng Shui masters claim that ten coins, attached to an imperial yellow cloth, prevent evil from penetrating into a person's life and help attract money. Moreover, money begins to come from more reliable and worthy sources.

"MONEY" TREES. These symbols include plants with rounded, fleshy leaves, shaped like coins. The most common "money" tree is a plant called jerky.

I have listed just a few of the symbols of wealth. In general, their pantheon is diverse and includes more than a hundred symbols.

Now let's move on to Russian realities.

In one of the St. Petersburg firms, things were going well. To make them go even better, the CEO ordered to put a large aquarium with bright fish in the recreation room, in its southeast corner - as prescribed by the teachings of feng shui, and waited for the result. The result was immediate. Two months later, the firm underwent unpleasant changes: profits began to fall sharply, and employees began to apply for resignation. The director, in bewilderment, turned to me with a question: they say, I did everything according to the rules of feng shui, and on you ...

Coincidence? Maybe. But this case is far from the only one. Complaints that feng shui does not work I hear quite often. After reading books, people hang their houses with bells, Chinese coins, set windowsills with "money" trees, and work tables with Hotteys and three-legged toads, acquire numerous aquariums and fish. And nothing has changed. There was no money, and there is still no money. What is the reason?

Firstly, popular feng shui books present this teaching in a simplified way. Real feng shui, in addition to symbols, involves astrological calculations that are inaccessible to a person who has not undergone special training.

Secondly, and most importantly, we are not Chinese. In our subconscious mind, feng shui symbols are not spelled out as attributes of abundance, therefore there is no connection to the energy source, the “provider”. Feng Shui works for those who have absorbed it with mother's milk. If you want all these wonderful trinkets to bring you monetary luck, you need to go to China and immerse yourself in this culture, plunge into it, take in yourself, join the egregor, that is, in fact, become a Chinese, like the Frenchwoman Alexandra David-Neel, a traveler , which opened Tibet to Europeans, became a Tibetan. In other words, there must be the deepest, at the level of the subcortex, faith.

Among other things, feng shui masters honestly warn that correct placement furniture and lucky symbols are not enough to achieve good luck. This is only a third of the case! Feng Shui teachings about three types of luck - human, heavenly and earthly. Feng Shui bestows earthly luck. Heavenly luck cannot be changed. And human, or personal, luck must be created with your own hands - spiritual work, the development of the intellect, the awakening of one's abilities and the training of the physical body. So feng shui is not a pill for lack of money, it is an addition to your work on yourself.

The Tibetan Method of Raising Money

In Tibet, a talisman called Bumpa, or "precious vessel" is most often used to attract money. Bumpa is a vessel filled with earth from sacred sites and a variety of magical items made and consecrated by lamas. The vessel itself should be metal, ceramic or wood, round and squat, flaring downwards, like a pumpkin with a cut off top. It is important that the neck of the container is wide, but not wider than the middle. It is believed that it is easy for wealth to enter into such a vessel, but difficult to get out of it.

Masters of Sa Che (the Tibetan analogue of feng shui) recommend keeping him in the house for a happy and prosperous life. Usually, personal wishes for prosperity are also added to the vessel, written on small pieces of paper, which are then tied with red thread, and objects that personify wealth - coins, precious stones, gold and silver jewelry.

Bumpa can be effective with us, but on condition that you fill it yourself with those objects that you personally associate with wealth, having previously charged each of them with your own energy. Charging means meditating for 5-7 minutes on your dream of well-being, holding an object in your hands: imagining yourself under a shower of money, surrounded by piles of money or things that you would like to have. Then this talisman will work. If you decide to make it, then, in addition to the attributes of wealth, I advise you to put there the star of Ertsgamma or its image - a miraculous talisman that opens the door to the world of unlimited possibilities, the earthly embodiment of Cosmic harmony (a detailed story about the star is waiting for you ahead).

Gypsy symbols of attracting money

Many of us believe that there are many sorcerers and sorcerers among the gypsies who not only know the future, but also know how to attract money.

Gypsy wealth has always been invested in jewelry - gold coins, bracelets, necklaces, earrings. It is believed that gold brings good luck to the gypsies and acts like a magnet: it attracts even more gold to its owner.

The gypsies also have other talismans of wealth. Since ancient times, every gypsy has had ways- a bag for storing small things, among which there must have been magic items - amulets and talismans. Talismans attracting wealth are made from squirrel fur, rabbit legs, silver coins, magnets, glass beads, acorns, loupes, dice. Stones are also considered symbols of wealth - black opal, carbuncle, coral, diamond, emerald, green tourmaline, moon rock, quartz, ruby ​​and turquoise. Charged talismans in different ways - they lowered them into running water, uttering ancient spells over them, buried them in the ground, and then dug them out again, held them over the smoke of a fire or in the light of the moon.

As money talismans feathers are often used by gypsies. The red feather is considered a very lucky sign indicating wealth and good fortune. There is another belief: if a bird flies over your head, in the plumage of which there are red feathers, and at the same time it flies from left to right, then this promises an influx of money. Therefore, increased attention is paid to robins, red-winged thrush and other similar birds.

There was also a talisman bokmoro, or "happy bread". It is bread in which every ingredient means something. So, flour symbolizes the physical shell of a person, yeast - spirit, water - eternity and wealth, sugar - sweetness and prosperity, egg - revelation, clarity; garlic scares away evil, olive oil provides protection from material adversity, honey symbolizes love and peace. Bokmoro was supposed to bake at night, after sunset, and in the morning the gypsies brought him to the four corners of their camp. In each corner, a piece of bokmoro was to be broken off, and then thrown to the ground. The rest of the bread was scattered around the perimeter of the camp. These actions symbolized an offering to beings who feed on what the pilgrims leave behind. The gypsies believed that the generosity shown to these creatures would return them back. From the point of view of Cosmic laws, everything is correct: in order to receive something, you have to give something, sacrifice something. And, nevertheless, the gypsy talismans work only for the gypsies. In the hands of a person of another culture, they are powerless.

Monetary symbols of European magic

European magic is pagan magic that works with the forces of Nature. The symbols of wealth there are attributes of natural elements - stones, herbs, trees, flowers, fruits, shells, candles, feathers, colors.

Red, yellow and green are associated with wealth, money. Red is the color of leadership, health, mental energy, personifying victory and high social status... Yellow symbolizes power of thought, success, confidence and foresight. Green is the color of prosperity, sweetness, labor and wealth.

Cowrie and dentalium (sea tooth) are considered "cash" shells.

Plants that carry the energy of abundance: alfalfa, cinnamon, spicy cloves, corn, ginger, honeysuckle, marjoram, nutmeg, bergamot, poppy, sassafras, sesame, vetiver, woodruff, basil, mint, calamus, cinquefoil, jasmine, myrtle, verbena , aloe, sage, allspice, rosemary.

"Cash" trees: maple, pine, linden, cedar, fir.

Stones that attract money: aventurine, heliotrope, jadeite, tiger's eye.

Feathers and candles are chosen depending on the color. To attract money, they take yellow, red and green ones.

By themselves, the attributes of the elements are rarely used - as a rule, they are used in the ritual. The ritual is a meditation on the mental image of the desired result, and the symbols serve to connect to the energies of the elements. The simplest ritual for attracting money is to burn incense with the smell of any of the herbs listed above, rub a green candle essential oil some "money" plant and, looking at the flame, concentrate on the favorable outcome of the situation for which the ceremony is being carried out.

The technique is effective, but. It works only for people close to nature, who know how to contact with it. And yet, doing magic, it is very important to believe in yourself, in your strength - without this nothing will work.

I could tell you about many more symbols - wonderful, powerful and "dead" in our Russian environment. But I consider it necessary to stop at this, especially since you are already a little charged with monetary energy and are ready to start interacting with symbols that will really attract money into your life.


"And what symbols should we use, people living in Russia?" - the reader will ask.

Unfortunately, we know a lot about Chinese and other symbols of wealth, but we almost never come across descriptions of our Russian money symbols, which should help us by default.

Slavic symbols work in Russia. Not Chinese, not gypsy, not Indian, not any other. Slavic symbols are embedded in the egregor of the Russian people, to which we all belong. These are the symbols that you see on the back cover page - runes and signs of the Slavic gods Dazhdbog and Veles.

“But I don't believe in Slavic symbols! - a skeptical reader will exclaim. - This is the first time I see them!

Never mind! You don't have to believe in them! Hundreds of generations of your ancestors have already done this for you! Their thoughts have already formed an energy-informational field associated with these symbols, the so-called egregor.

It already exists, and you have a birth canal connection with it. That's why the cover characters will work for you. They are “written” in your genetic memory. The idea of ​​creating a money envelope has been ripening for me for a long time, I experimented for a long time, sorting out various symbols, and I can say: those that you see on the cover are the most powerful, energetic, they are the quickest helpers in money matters.

Runes are energy signs that attract money

One priest never had a wife. He had a forest for communication, a sky for the questions of the soul, a land for rest, and a river for caressing the body. But one day the priest went to a distant cave and found an amazing beauty there. It consisted of blue silk and was airy like a white cloud. The priest gave her a mirror, and she followed him and became his wife. No one saw her, except for the priest himself and the clergy. Simple people only heard her breathing and saw her footprints as she passed by. When the priest asked her, she climbed the mountain and helped him in performing the ritual. Her name was Runa, a spirit that always helps.

Runes are symbols of the ancient magical alphabet, the origin of which has not yet been figured out. According to Scandinavian mythology, the runes were bestowed on Odin, the supreme god, who voluntarily crucified himself on the branches of the World Tree - the Yggdrasil ash tree. One, in turn, passed them on to the people. It can be assumed that the runic alphabet, otherwise called Futhark, goes back to the archaic writing system that originated in the territory Northern Europe for many centuries BC. It was used not only by the Scandinavians, but also by our ancestors, the Slavs.

Word runa means "secret" and goes back to the most ancient root with the meaning "to hide, to hide". Traces of this word have survived in modern languages: in German raunen means "to whisper", in Latvian runat- "speak" in Finnish runo and does mean "spell".

These symbols have a different set of energies that can affect both the inner world of a person and the events taking place in his life. In addition to the fact that the rune talisman itself fulfills the task assigned to it, many of its owner's desires are realized, as it were, by themselves.

The range of application of runic talisman symbols is very wide:

In communication, runes allow you to always be in the spotlight;

In the learning process, they help to better assimilate knowledge;

In love, they act as indispensable helpers in charming a beloved or beloved;

They protect against all kinds of negative impacts, block the thoughts of enemies and ill-wishers;

And, of course, they help to achieve success in business, improve financial situation and the general welfare of its owner.

That is, the energy of the runes acts in accordance with your goals.

In the old days, runes were drawn on objects made from natural materials - wood, clay, metal, stone. Today they can be drawn on paper with a pen, pencil or felt-tip pen.

The following ten runes are responsible for wealth (they are shown on the cover in a special sequence that reinforces each other's action).

How to use runes to make money wishes come true

You don't have to work with runes on purpose. When you put bills in this book, the magic letters will automatically start multiplying your investment. But you can speed up the process of making your money desires come true by working with the runes separately. It’s very simple.

1. Before bed, focus on a money goal. Create an image of the final result in your mind. For example, if you intend to acquire a new furniture set, imagine it in the room for which it is planned, and yourself next to it.

2. Choose the rune suitable for your specific situation. If you don't know which one to choose, choose on a whim.

3. Draw a rune on a blank piece of paper with your chosen target in mind. It is better to draw with a marker or felt-tip pen - red or green. These colors, especially the bright ones, attract the maximum amount of money and luck energy. Draw the rune slowly, as if you are putting your dream into these lines, imprinting it in them. That's all! Fold the sheet neatly and place it under your pillow overnight.

4. Every time before falling asleep, unfold the sheet and look at the rune for a couple of minutes, and then hold it in consciousness until you fall asleep.


Meaning: wealth, hefty movable property.


Helps get out of want, plight,

Protects against mistakes in real estate transactions,

Guarantees the safety of movable property,

Promotes the acquisition of material wealth,

Helps to fulfill the plans conceived,

Supports morally, not allowing to lose heart and give up their positions.


Value: day.


Promotes augmentation of state,

Eliminates obstacles on the way to the goal,

Helps to achieve a breakthrough in business,

It speeds up and facilitates the healing process of lingering ailments.


Meaning: The harvest.


Helps to successfully complete the started business,

Provides a long period of wellbeing,

Transforms consciousness, bringing it to a higher level.


Meaning: light, torch, strength, energy, power.


Strengthens and concentrates the will,

Promotes the implementation of hatched plans,

Provides the opportunity for absolute self-realization,

Accelerates the healing process.


Meaning: intuition, creativity.


Improves memory

Awakens creativity

Attracts people who sympathize with you,

It greatly enhances the degree of intuitive comprehension of reality,

Promotes insight into secrets,

Helps to conclude a successful marriage or profitable business partnership,

Extinguishes quarrels and conflicts,

It makes it possible to influence other people (if you mentally draw this rune in front of the eyes of the interlocutor, he will satisfy any of your reasonable wishes).


Meaning: The relief from the burden.


Returns lost (debt, property),

Provides unexpected profits

Promotes the disclosure of talents,

Changes consciousness, transferring it to a higher level,

Brings out the vicious circle of negative experiences and situations.


Meaning: The sun, triumph.


Is a symbol of the coming triumph,

Contributes to the successful outcome of any undertaking,

Helps you to successfully complete what you started and resolve any difficulties,

Leads to the optimal solution,

Enhances the effect of the treatment.


Meaning: Success in any competition.


Provides victory in any competition and over competitors,

Helps in solving any problems

Strengthens resolve

Restores trampled justice

Promotes the successful resolution of conflicts.


Meaning: tour (this was the name of the wild bulls, distinguished by their special ferocity).


Gives strength, self-confidence,

Helps in strengthening love, friendship and relationships with business partners,

Returns lost health

Promotes career growth.


Meaning: family estate, property.


Promotes "fouling" of property,

Protects the family and its property from hostile foreign intrigues,

Protects the well-being of the clan,

Promotes the spiritual bonding of people who make up one working group (business team).

The green background, which depicts the runes on the cover, gives the energy of healing, prosperity, luck and fertility.

Symbols of the Slavic gods - the earthly embodiment of the energy of money

Dazhdbog is one of the most powerful and beloved gods of the Russians. His sign is a six-pointed star. This is the “giving god” (“Dazhdbog”, “to give”, “rain” - these words have one root meaning “to share” “to distribute”), the god of fertility, personifying the strength and brightness of the luminary.

Dazhdbog was asked to fulfill desires, health and other benefits. And the symbols of Dazhdbog were light, glowing metals - silver and gold.

Dazhdbog sent people gifts, crops and the Sun, which saturates the earth with light and warmth. But the Slavs considered the Sun to be an all-seeing eye, which oversees the fair observance of ethical laws. No wonder at all times criminals, hiding from justice - both earthly and heavenly, expected the coming of night.

The Slavs believed that Dazhdbog rides across the sky in a wonderful chariot drawn by four snow-white horses with fiery manes and golden wings, and the sunlight comes from the magic shield that Dazhdbog carries with him. Twice a day - in the morning and in the evening - he crosses the sea-ocean on a boat pulled by ducks, geese and swans. Dazhdbog has a stately gait, a straight, open gaze that does not know lies and wondrous golden hair fluttering in the wind.

Day of Dazhdbog was celebrated on September 22, on the autumn equinox. The crop is removed, underway last fees in the fields, orchards and orchards. All residents of a village or city went out into nature, rolled a burning wheel, symbolizing the Sun, onto the mountain, and danced with songs, played ritual games. Then the tables were brought out to the main street, food was put on them, and a general feast began. People ate food - their own and prepared by others, praised it, and all together praised the Sun, the earth and Mother Russia.

Dazhdbozh's (solar) grandchildren - this is how the Rusichi called themselves. Therefore, the signs of Dazhdbog were present everywhere in our ancestors - on clothes, household utensils, dwellings. Every Russian man was obliged to create a clan - to feed, raise and educate children, that is, symbolically become Dazhdbog. This was his duty, however, honor, glory.

Veles is the moon god, the brother of the Sun, the master of the wild, the ruler of the unknown, the leader on all roads, the patron saint of travelers, the mighty wizard and master of magic, the guardian of merchants, the patron saint of those who know and seekers, the giver of wealth and good luck. And the owner is Navi. According to Vedic teachings, after death, human souls rise along the moonbeam to the gates of Navi, where Veles meets them. Pure, righteous souls are reflected from the Moon and follow the sun's ray to the Sun - the abode of the Most High. The rest of the souls either stay with Veles on the Moon to cleanse themselves, or reincarnate on Earth in people or lower spirits.

They portrayed Veles in different ways: a bull, a man with a bear's head or a bear, in his hands he had a cornucopia. The magic abode of Veles was the Buyan island.

The signs of Veles and Dazhdbog are symbols of the Russian ethnos, which are “registered” in our genetic memory. This is why they work. The tradition of worshiping the Slavic gods in Russia has deep roots and is amazingly tenacious. Even after the adoption of Orthodoxy and the Baptism of Rus, both Dazhdbog and Veles continued to be venerated under the guise of Orthodox saints.

The purple color on the cover, against which the signs of Veles and Dazhdbog are depicted, enhances the energy of power, prosperity and healing.

How to work with the symbols of Dazhdbog and Beles in order to fulfill a money desire

With these symbols, as well as with runes, you don't have to work much. When you put bills in this book, the symbols of the Slavic gods will automatically start multiplying your investments. But you can speed up the process of making your money desires come true by working with these symbols separately. It’s very simple.

1. Before bed, focus on a money goal. Create an image of the final result in your mind. For example, if you intend to get a new car, imagine it in the parking lot next to your house and yourself next to it.

2. Select one of the symbols. The one that at the moment you want to choose.

3. Draw the symbol on a blank piece of paper with the target in mind. It is better to draw with a marker or felt-tip pen - red or green. These colors, especially the bright ones, attract the maximum amount of money and luck energy. Draw the symbol slowly, as if you are putting your dream into these lines, imprinting it in them. That's all! Fold the sheet neatly and place it under your pillow overnight.

4. Every time before falling asleep, unfold the sheet and look at the symbol for a couple of minutes, and then hold the image in consciousness until you fall asleep.

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book The Secret Knowledge of Money the author Natalia Borisovna Pravdina

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From the book Key to superpowers! 100 + 1 Ideas to Unleash Your Potential from the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari author Sharma Robin S.

Secret of Wealth No. 26 Magic keys for entering the world of wealth (affirmations, mantras, yantras, prayers, pentacles, meditation, visualization) There is no magic stronger than the magic of words. Anatole

Slavic symbols z alozen in the egregor of the Russian people, to which we all belong.

These are the symbols that you see - runes and signs of the Slavic gods Dazhdbog and Veles.

“But I don't believe in Slavic symbols! - a skeptical reader will exclaim. - This is the first time I see them!

Never mind! You don't have to believe in them! Hundreds of generations of your ancestors have already done this for you! Their thoughts have already formed an energy-informational field associated with these symbols, the so-called egregor.

It already exists, and you have a birth canal connection with it. They are "written" in your genetic memory, they are the quickest helpers in money matters.

Runes are energy signs that attract money

One priest never had a wife. He had a forest for communication, a sky for the questions of the soul, a land for rest, and a river for caressing the body. But one day the priest went to a distant cave and found an amazing beauty there. It consisted of blue silk and was airy like a white cloud. The priest gave her a mirror, and she followed him and became his wife. No one saw her, except for the priest himself and the clergy. Ordinary people only heard her breathing and saw her tracks when she passed by. When the priest asked her, she climbed the mountain and helped him in performing the ritual. Her name was Runa, a spirit that always helps.

Runes are symbols of the ancient magical alphabet, the origin of which has not yet been figured out. According to Scandinavian mythology, the runes were bestowed on Odin, the supreme god, who voluntarily crucified himself on the branches of the World Tree - the Yggdrasil ash tree. One, in turn, passed them on to the people. It can be assumed that the runic alphabet, otherwise called Futhark, goes back to the archaic writing system that originated in Northern Europe for many centuries BC. It was used not only by the Scandinavians, but also by our ancestors, the Slavs.

The word runa means "secret" and goes back to the oldest root meaning "to hide, to hide." Traces of this word have survived in modern languages: in German raunen means "to whisper", in Latvian runat - "to speak", in Finnish runo means "incantation".

These symbols have a different set of energies that can affect both the inner world of a person and the events taking place in his life. In addition to the fact that the rune talisman itself fulfills the task assigned to it, many of its owner's desires are realized, as it were, by themselves.

The range of application of runic talisman symbols is very wide:

In communication, runes allow you to always be in the spotlight;

In the learning process, they help to better assimilate knowledge;

In love, they act as indispensable helpers in charming a beloved or beloved;

They protect against all kinds of negative influences, block the thoughts of enemies and ill-wishers;

And, of course, they help to achieve success in business, improve the financial situation and the general well-being of their owner.

That is, the energy of the runes acts in accordance with your goals.

In the old days, runes were drawn on objects made from natural materials - wood, clay, metal, stone. Today they can be drawn on paper with a pen, pencil or felt-tip pen.

The following ten runes are responsible for wealth (they are shown on the cover in a special sequence that reinforces each other's action).

How to use runes to make money wishes come true

You don't have to work with runes on purpose. When you put bills in this book, the magic letters will automatically start multiplying your investment. But you can speed up the process of making your money desires come true by working with the runes separately. It’s very simple.

1. Before bed, focus on a money goal. Create an image of the final result in your mind. For example, if you intend to acquire a new furniture set, imagine it in the room for which it is planned, and yourself next to it.

2. Choose the rune suitable for your specific situation. If you don't know which one to choose, choose on a whim.

3. Draw a rune on a blank piece of paper with your chosen target in mind. It is better to draw with a marker or felt-tip pen - red or green. These colors, especially the bright ones, attract the maximum amount of money and luck energy. Draw the rune slowly, as if you are putting your dream into these lines, imprinting it in them. That's all! Fold the sheet neatly and place it under your pillow overnight.

4. Every time before falling asleep, unfold the sheet and look at the rune for a couple of minutes, and then hold it in consciousness until you fall asleep.


Meaning: wealth, hefty movable property.

Application: ... helps to get out of need, a plight,

Protects against mistakes in real estate transactions,

Guarantees the safety of movable property,

Promotes the acquisition of material wealth,

Helps to fulfill the plans conceived,

Supports morally, not allowing to lose heart and give up their positions.


Value: day.

Application: ... promotes the increment of state,

Eliminates obstacles on the way to the goal,

Helps to achieve a breakthrough in business,

It speeds up and facilitates the healing process of lingering ailments.


Meaning: The harvest.

Application: ... helps to successfully complete the started business,

Provides a long period of wellbeing,

Transforms consciousness, bringing it to a higher level.


Meaning: light, torch, strength, energy, power.

Application: ... strengthens and concentrates the will,

Promotes the implementation of hatched plans,

Provides the opportunity for absolute self-realization,

Accelerates the healing process.


Meaning: intuition, creativity.

Application: ... improves memory,

Awakens creativity

Attracts people who sympathize with you,

It greatly enhances the degree of intuitive comprehension of reality,

Promotes insight into secrets,

Helps to conclude a successful marriage or profitable business partnership,

Extinguishes quarrels and conflicts,

It makes it possible to influence other people (if you mentally draw this rune in front of the eyes of the interlocutor, he will satisfy any of your reasonable wishes).


Meaning: The relief from the burden.

Application: ... returns lost (debt, property),

Provides unexpected profits

Promotes the disclosure of talents,

Changes consciousness, transferring it to a higher level,

Brings out the vicious circle of negative experiences and situations.


Meaning: The sun, triumph.

Application: ... is a symbol of the coming triumph,

Contributes to the successful outcome of any undertaking,

Helps you to successfully complete what you started and resolve any difficulties,

Leads to the optimal solution,

Enhances the effect of the treatment.


Meaning: Success in any competition.

Application: ... ensures victory in any competition and over competitors,

Helps in solving any problems

Strengthens resolve

Restores trampled justice

Promotes the successful resolution of conflicts.


Meaning: tour (this was the name of the wild bulls, distinguished by their special ferocity).

Application: ... gives strength, self-confidence,

Helps in strengthening love, friendship and relationships with business partners,

Returns lost health

Promotes career growth.


Meaning: family estate, property.

Application: ... contributes to the "fouling" of property,

Protects the family and its property from hostile foreign intrigues,

Protects the well-being of the clan,

Promotes the spiritual bonding of people who make up one working group (business team).

The green background, which depicts the runes on the cover, gives the energy of healing, prosperity, luck and fertility.

Symbols of the Slavic gods - the earthly embodiment of the energy of money

Dazhdbog is one of the most powerful and beloved gods of the Russians. His sign is a six-pointed star. This is the “giving god” (“Dazhdbog”, “to give”, “rain” - these words have one root meaning “to share” “to distribute”), the god of fertility, personifying the strength and brightness of the luminary.

Dazhdbog was asked to fulfill desires, health and other benefits. And the symbols of Dazhdbog were light, glowing metals - silver and gold.

Dazhdbog sent people gifts, crops and the Sun, which saturates the earth with light and warmth. But the Slavs considered the Sun to be an all-seeing eye, which oversees the fair observance of ethical laws. No wonder at all times criminals, hiding from justice - both earthly and heavenly, expected the coming of night.

The Slavs believed that Dazhdbog rides across the sky in a wonderful chariot drawn by four snow-white horses with fiery manes and golden wings, and the sunlight comes from the magic shield that Dazhdbog carries with him. Twice a day - in the morning and in the evening - he crosses the sea-ocean on a boat pulled by ducks, geese and swans. Dazhdbog has a stately gait, a straight, open gaze that does not know lies and wondrous golden hair fluttering in the wind.

Day of Dazhdbog was celebrated on September 22, on the autumn equinox. The harvest has been removed, and the last harvest is being carried out in the fields, orchards and orchards. All residents of a village or city went out into nature, rolled a burning wheel, symbolizing the Sun, onto the mountain, and danced with songs, played ritual games. Then the tables were brought out to the main street, food was put on them, and a general feast began. People ate food - their own and prepared by others, praised it, and all together praised the Sun, the earth and Mother Russia.

Dazhdbozh's (solar) grandchildren - this is how the Rusichi called themselves. Therefore, the signs of Dazhdbog were present everywhere in our ancestors - on clothes, household utensils, dwellings. Every Russian man was obliged to create a clan - to feed, raise and educate children, that is, symbolically become Dazhdbog. This was his duty, however, honor, glory.

Veles is the moon god, the brother of the Sun, the master of the wild, the ruler of the unknown, the leader on all roads, the patron saint of travelers, the mighty wizard and master of magic, the guardian of merchants, the patron saint of those who know and seekers, the giver of wealth and good luck. And the owner is Navi.

According to Vedic teachings, after death, human souls rise along the moonbeam to the gates of Navi, where Veles meets them. Pure, righteous souls are reflected from the Moon and follow the sun's ray to the Sun - the abode of the Most High. The rest of the souls either stay with Veles on the Moon to cleanse themselves, or reincarnate on Earth in people or lower spirits.

They portrayed Veles in different ways: a bull, a man with a bear's head or a bear, in his hands he had a cornucopia. The magic abode of Veles was the Buyan island.

The signs of Veles and Dazhdbog are symbols of the Russian ethnos, which are “registered” in our genetic memory. This is why they work. The tradition of worshiping the Slavic gods in Russia has deep roots and is amazingly tenacious. Even after the adoption of Orthodoxy and the Baptism of Rus, both Dazhdbog and Veles continued to be venerated under the guise of Orthodox saints.

The purple color on the cover, against which the signs of Veles and Dazhdbog are depicted, enhances the energy of power, prosperity and healing.

How to work with the symbols of Dazhdbog and Veles in order to fulfill a money desire

With these symbols, as well as with runes, you don't have to work much. When you put bills in this book, the symbols of the Slavic gods will automatically start multiplying your investments. But you can speed up the process of making your money desires come true by working with these symbols separately. It’s very simple.

1. Before bed, focus on a money goal. Create an image of the final result in your mind. For example, if you intend to get a new car, imagine it in the parking lot next to your house and yourself next to it.

2. Select one of the symbols. The one that at the moment you want to choose.

3. Draw the symbol on a blank piece of paper with the target in mind. It is better to draw with a marker or felt-tip pen - red or green. These colors, especially the bright ones, attract the maximum amount of money and luck energy. Draw the symbol slowly, as if you are putting your dream into these lines, imprinting it in them. That's all! Fold the sheet neatly and place it under your pillow overnight.

4. Every time before falling asleep, unfold the sheet and look at the symbol for a couple of minutes, and then hold the image in consciousness until you fall asleep.

The importance of powerful symbols.
ART Studio "Art of Russia"

Symbols have great importance in our life - this is the influence and impact on the life and fate of people, as well as this good way change everything! - it works great and the positive effect is much stronger if you openly and without doubt believe, attach great importance and need. It is obvious that knowledge and understanding of the meaning of symbols, and even more unshakable faith, enhances their impact on a person who owns this or that talisman and amulet! The eternal and most popular symbols for attracting good luck and wealth - money, love, health, happiness and goodness. It is quite easy to change your life with the help of powerful symbols, which is why this knowledge is so in demand, and perhaps this is what will make you happy and give you everything you dreamed of. And since you, dear visitor here, let me assume that you are looking for "your" symbol that will help you, in your business, and if so, then this article is for you!

Talismans and charms to attract

Tattoos take a special place! - any change on the body or additions in the form of a tutu is a very important step, think 1001 times before drawing! In our opinion, it is the most effective method to attract good luck, happiness, health and wealth is to believe in yourself! Lead active and healthy image life, develop spiritually! Strong symbols and signs will certainly help, but the main work still belongs to you! For a better understanding of what we want to convey, I would like to cite a couple of quotes from the songs: "Just believe in yourself and everything will be corrected!" - and: "You must be strong, otherwise why should you be !?"

We wish you happiness, love, success, health and new achievements!

There are many symbols of success and money. If used correctly, they can attract happiness, prosperity and prosperity.

Each culture has its own symbols that can attract any benefits to life. Everyone can use this knowledge and create a strong amulet for themselves, so that special signs and symbols attract everything they need to life. The site experts offer the site to get acquainted with the most famous symbols that will help attract what you want.

Oak and acorn symbolize wealth. A painting depicting a large spreading oak tree will bring additional income in the workplace, help you make wise decisions and find the best deals. You can also stock up on several acorns that will attract financial flows.

Rainbow attracts good luck, and such a symbol is simply necessary for those who need a bit of luck. A rainbow can be put on the screensaver of your phone and computer.

Grasshoppers bring good luck to the house and protect you from trouble. A painting or embroidery depicting this insect can be hung next to the front door so that there is no place for setbacks in the home and family. In addition, a grasshopper is able to protect it from the evil eye, therefore, to protect it from damage, you can carry a brooch or pendant with the image of this insect with you.

ladybug considered a symbol of prosperity, well-being and good luck. You can draw such a symbol yourself, buy a small picture of an insect, or weave a ladybug from beads so that she is always with you and brings positive things to life.

Dragonfly- a symbol of good luck. This insect is able to protect against any troubles, so the image of a dragonfly should be carried with you. V modern world you can do this by posting a picture of a dragonfly on your phone.

Scarab v Ancient egypt considered the main messengers of wealth and prosperity. A figurine of this insect, located at home or at work, is capable of attracting money and good luck in a business environment.

Dolphins are also considered symbols of good luck, intelligence and resourcefulness. The dolphin figurine should be positioned in the workplace so as not to experience difficulties when performing complex tasks and to receive additional profit.

Pig- a symbol of wealth, so you should keep a piggy bank at home. And in order to increase its effectiveness, it is worth talking to it about raising money.

Turtle attracts good luck. Such a figurine can be placed on a desktop or placed at home, in the room where households gather most often.

Elephant is a symbol of not only good luck and wisdom, but also rebirth. An elephant figurine in the workplace will bring prosperity and help get rid of problems, and the image of this majestic animal house will attract good luck.

The bats bring prosperity and good luck. Their image can be placed at home front door and at work.

Frog- a symbol of prosperity. She is popular in the East, and almost every home has her figurine with a coin in her mouth.

Rabbit foot brings good luck, and such a talisman is indispensable for those who often take risks.

Four-leaf clover brings wealth and good luck. Such a talisman will be especially valuable for those who are looking for treasures, excavations or other matters related to the search. Including clover helps to find the most profitable and profitable business deals.

Money Tree brings prosperity, and such a flower can be grown in every home to get rid of financial difficulties.

Chinese lanterns bring good luck to the owners, and such a symbol can be hung in the house to attract well-being to the family.

Horseshoe- a symbol of luck and endurance. It helps to scare off trouble. You can not only hang this symbol over the door, but also purchase a horseshoe-shaped pendant so that luck is always near.

Stairs considered a symbol of good luck for many centuries. The image of a ladder will help both in career growth and in personal life.

Horn acts as a symbol of abundance. It can be purchased for home decoration, so that there is always wealth and prosperity in it.

Triangles are a symbol of good luck. Triangular pyramids bring success, which is why they can often be seen in the East in homes and even offices.

Sapphire considered a symbol of good luck, it was worn by kings, chieftains and kings. Sapphire jewelry will bring happiness, increase purposefulness and self-confidence.

There are many symbols, among which everyone can choose a suitable talisman for themselves. You can speak and even do it yourself in order to get rid of difficulties in life, as well as to protect yourself from negative influences from the outside. I wish you happiness and prosperity, and do not forget to press the buttons and
