Installing cryptopro on RELS. Installing cryptopro on RELS editing a list of trusted nodes

Installed ROSA Enterprise Linux Server 6.7 in the Configuration "Standard Rosa Server", access to the repositories (for this you need to use the key, in advance from the support service, executing the echo command<ключ>»\u003e / Etc / rosa-support-id-server with administrator rights).


The instructions describe the installation of CSP 4.0 cryptopro cryptopro for Rosa Enterprise Linux Server 6.7 to work with the route. An example is specified for the 64-bit AMD64 architecture, for a 32-bit installation, the installation is similar to the attribution of installation packages and folders.

When it does not mention the need to use the superuser's rights, it is understood that everything is performed with the rights of the user who will be working in the Firefox browser. This user must remain unchanged throughout the process described.

Obtaining installation packages

To install SPI Cryptopro CSP 4.0 First you need to register on the site and from the download page download version 4.0 R2 for Linux in RPM format

We also immediately download Cryptopro EDS Browser Plug-in version 2.0 | From here

After that, the browser should be closed.


To install, you need to unpack the resulting archive. To do this, open the terminal (the terminal tab is located on the left in the middle of the application startup panel)

and execute the following commands:

cD ~ / downloads / tar -xvf linux-amd64.tgz tar -xvf cades_linux_amd64.tar.gz

There should be a folder with cryptopro installation files, you can go to her in the console

cD Linux-AMD64 /

Setting the basic components of cryptopro


and enter the password, after that enter commands for installation:

yum Install Redhat-LSB * CCID PANGOX-COMPAT ./

Installation of additional components of cryptopro


It is also worth noting device support packets (tokens / reader / extension cards). These packages are in the CSP cryptopro archive, their names begin with cPROCSP-RDR. If you need to use a specific device (for example, the RUWCEN EDS) should be installed the corresponding package ( RPM -IVH CPROCSP-RDR-RUTOKEN *). Also in the archive there are packets with drivers ( iFD- *) They should also be installed using the appropriate device (RUCOCEN S -\u003e rPM -IVH IFD-Rutokens *).

You should not install the CProcSp-RDR-GUI package, since in a bundle with CProcSp-RDR-GUI-GTK, it disrupts the work of graphic components.

Installing Browser Plug-in

cD .. RPM -IVH LSB-CPROCSP-DEVEL * YUM Install Cprocsp-PKI-2.0.0-AMD64-CADES.RPM YUM Install Cprocsp-PKI-2.0.0-AMD64-PLUGIN.RPM

Connecting Token

Now you can connect the router to the USB port of the computer

We run in a separate console window the PCSCD program with administrator rights (root). At this stage, the debuginary startup option is used.


After starting, you will not close this console (it can be seen as the system communicates with a smart card).

For subsequent commands, we will use the console that we opened the first. For them, the superuser rights are not required (you can dial in the EXIT terminal to cancel the root mode).

The utility should see the device:

Installing certificates

Editing a list of trusted nodes

To begin with, add the cryptopro site to the list of trusted. To do this, close the browser if it was opened and enter the command in the console (without administrator rights):

firefox /etc/opt/cprocsp/trusted_sites.html.

We drive the name of the site in the "Add New" string, click "+" and "Save".

Install Certification Center Certificates

To work with certificates, you need to install the certificate of the Certification Center (in this case, the root certificate is installed directly) and the certificate with the route to local storage. To do this, you need to download a file containing a certificate chain from the certificate site (usually file with extension .cer or.p7b) and a list of reconciled certificates. They are available at the following link ( You need to click "Loading the CA certificate chain" and "Loading the last base CRL". In the console, using the right of a regular user, execute the following commands:

/ OPT / CPROCSP / BIN / AMD64 / CERTMGR -INST -Store uroot -File ~ / downloads / certnew.p7b / OPT / CPROCSP / BIN / AMD64 / CERTMGR -INST -CRL -File ~ / downloads / certcrl.crl

Read more about CERTMGR program, you can now learn to work with containers located on tokenet. If there are no containers on the device, you can create them. To do this, use the instructions in the paragraph. After installing the packets (clause 5.1. And clause 5.2.) It should be possible to see containers on the device. To find out the path to the container, as well as about the fact of its availability, you can enter the following:

Installing a certificate from a container on tokenet

Now set the certificate with the route in Personal Storage (UMY):

/ OPT / CPROCSP / BIN / AMD64 / CERTMGR -INST -CONT "<путь к контейнеру, начинающийся на \\.\>"-Store UMY.

If everything was fulfilled without errors, you can move to the item

Most often extension. The.CER complies with the certificate, AP7B - container in which one or more certificates may contain (for example, their chain)

Creating a test certificate

Creating a container on a rigid disk

If there are no containers on the device, you can create them. We go to the test certifying center (UC) cryptopro ( and fill the required fields (be sure to fill in the "Name:" field). It is necessary to mark the key as exported. It is worth noting that to check the Browser Plug-in Checking Service, you need to use the 2001 standard.

Press the "Submit\u003e" button

Now you can copy the container to the token, but first you need to know its name. To do this, open the console and execute the following command:


You must also find out the full name of the container obtained during the generation of the certificate:


Copying container on token

Then use these names in the following command:

/ OPT / CPROCSP / BIN / AMD64 / CSPTEST -KEYCOPY -CONTSRC "<полное название контейнера>"-ContDest" \\\\. \\<название токена>\<желаемое название контейнера>"

Now the token contains a container. You can return to the "Installing a Certificate from a container on a token (clause 7.3)", pre-delete the certificate installed from the hard disk container (generated by the test certifying center).

Set the certificate from the container on the token, it is necessary in order for the system to bind a certificate to the device

You can delete this certificate by using the following command:


And, if necessary, selecting the certificate number you want to delete.

Verification of the electronic signature using Browser Plug-in

To verify the work of the Browser Plug-in, you can use the following resource: is also worth checking if unnecessary certificates are not installed, the resource works correctly Only if a single certificate is installed (you can use the / OPT / CProcSp / BIN / AMD64 / CERTMGR -DEL command). In the case of proper operation, the page will look approximately as follows.


In general, the installation algorithm scheme is as follows.

Recommendations for using Cryptopro command line utilities

Installation of environment variables

For convenience, you should first make it so that you can run programs without prescribing the path to them every time. This can be done in many ways. In this case, it is proposed to enroll as follows:

In the console we get the superuser rights (type SU and enter the password) enter the following command (to specify the path to all users except the superuser):

echo "Export Path \u003d $ Path: / OPT / CProcsp / BIN / AMD64: / OPT / CProcsp / Sbin / AMD64" \u003e\u003e / etc / profile

If you need to do the same for the superuser, we use the command

echo "Export Path \u003d $ Path: / OPT / CProcsp / BIN / AMD64: / OPT / CProcsp / Sbin / AMD64" \u003e\u003e /root/.bash_profile


To check, you can sign and check the file and check the signature:

Use of pseudonyms

For frequently used commands (for example, a command to enumerate containers) is worth using simple, quickly recruited pseudonyms. To destination aliases, you need to use the Alias \u200b\u200bcommand. For example, assign a pseudonym for the command


In the console, we obtain the superuser rights (type SU and enter the password) enter the following command:

eCHO "ALIAS CONTS \u003d" / OPT / CPROCSP / BIN / AMD64 / CSPTEST -KEYSET -ENUM_CONT -VERIFYC -FQCN "" \u003e\u003e / etc / bashrc

Reboot the example of work can be seen below.

Literature on the use of command line utilities

For information on other programs, it is better to use the command with the "--help" flag (for example, CSPTEST --HELP).

Some useful teams

Container removal:

cSPTEST -KEYSET -DeleteKeySet -Container "<полное название контейнера>"

Show trusted sites:

cpconfig -ini "\\ Local \\ Software \\ Crypto Pro \\ Cadesplugin \\ TrustedSites" -View

Copying container:

cSPTEST -KEYCOPY -CONTSRC "<полное название исходного контейнера>"-Contdest"<полное название контейнера назначения>"

The default cryptoproder change (available types and names can be viewed by the cpconfig -Defprov -View_Type command):

cpconfig -Defprov -SetDef -Provtype<тип провайдера> -Provname.<название провайдера>

Find out the cryptopro version:

cSPTEST -KEYSET -VerifyCont.

View license information:


Entering a license (key is written without quotes):

cpconfig -license -Set.<номер лицензии>

List available containers:


Today's small record I decided to highlight the topic of creating an electronic digital signature by the Cryptopro cryptoproder. It will be about the BAT file that can be used to automate the signature of electronic documents.

In order to automate the process of signing electronic documents, we will need:
1) Crypto-pro CSP;
2) a USB key (for example, a router), inserted into USB port;
3) notepad (notepad.exe);
4) Certificates installed for your key;

The stumbling block throughout this story is the CSPTest.exe file that is in the cryptopro directory (default C: \\ Program Files \\ Crypto Pro \\ CSP \\ CSPTEST.EXE).

Open the command prompt and execute the command:

CD C: \\ Program Files \\ Crypto Pro \\ CSP \\ and CSPTESTES

We will see all possible parameters of this EXE file.

sELECT FROM: -Help Print This Help -Noerrorwait Do Not Wait for Any Key On Error -Notime Do Not Show Time Elapsed -pause Wait for Keyboard Input After Completion So That You May Check Memory and Other ResourcesProvider Call DestroycSprovider () of Last Used CSP AT EXIT SERVICES (Cryptsrv *, HSM, ETC) not affected -randinit INITIALIZE SYSTEM RNG WITH SRAND (X) (DEFAULT: TIME) -Showrandinit show System RNG Initialization Value -Stack Measure Stack Usage sELECT FROM: -lowenc low level encryption / decryption test -sfenc simplified level message encryption / decryption test -cmslowsign CMS low level message signing test -cmssfsign CMS simplified level message signing / verifying test -lowsign low level message signing test -lowsignc low level message signing test with Cycle Use "-Lowsign -REPEAT NN" Instead! -sfsign simplified level message signing / verifying test -ipsec ipsec tests -defprov default provider manipulations -testpack Pack of several tests -property certificate obtain / install property for secret key linking -certkey change provider name in certificate secret key link -context provider context tests -AbSorb Absorbs All Certs from Containers WITH SECRET KEY LINKING -DRVTSTST PROXY-DRIVER TEST -SIGNTOOL SDK SIGNTOOL ANALOG -IIS MANAGE IIS -HSM MANAGE HSM-CLIENT -RPCC RPC OVER SSL CLIENT -RPCS RPC OVER SSL Server -Oid Oid Info / Set / Get -Passwd Set / Change Password -Keycopy Copy Container -Keyset Create (Open) Keyset -Tlss Start TLS Server -Tlsc Start TLS Client -tls TLS Tests -Prf Prf Tests -hash Hash Test -Makecert Certificate Issuing Test -Certprop Show Certificate Properties -Rc Verify PKCS # 10 / Certificate Signature -CMSENCLOW CMS Low Level Message Encryption / Decryption Test -Sfse Simplified Level Message SignedAndenveloped Test -STress Stress Test for AC quire / ReleaseContext -ep public key export test -enum CSP parameters enumeration -cpenc CP / Crypto level (advapi32) encryption tests -setpp SetProvParam tests -perf Performance tests -speed Speed \u200b\u200btests and optimal function mask setting -testcont Install / Uninstall test containers - Install CSP Installation Information, Clearing Out CSP -Version Print CSP Version

In order to see the parameters of this or that global option, it is enough to call this file with this option, for example

CSPTEST -SFSIGN. : -sign Sign Data From Input Filename -Verify Verify Signature on Data Specified by Input Filename -Help Print This Help : -in INPUT FILENAME TO BE SIGNED OR VERIFIED -OUT Output PKCS # 7 FileName -My CERT From Current_user Store to Process Data -My CERT FROM LOCAL_MACHINE STORE TO PROCESS DATA -DETACHED DEAL WITH DETACHED SIGNATURE -ADDD Add Sender Certificate to PKCS # 7 -Signature Detached signature file -alg Hash algorithm: SHA1, MD5, MD2, GOST - default -ask Acquire csp context using my cert (default: none) -base64 Input / output with base64DER conversion -addsigtime Add signing time attribute -cades_strict Strict signingCertificateV2 attribute generation -Cades_Disable Disable SigningCertificatev2 Attribute Generation

Thus, to sign the file via CMD tools CSPTest.exe, you need to call the command:

CSPTEST -SFSIGN -Sign -in Dogovor.doc -OUut Dogovor.doc.sig -My Ltd. LLC Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich

-My. - indicates the holder of the key;
-in - Indicates which file you need to sign. If the file is not in the folder with CSPTEST, then you need to specify the full path.;
-out. - indicates the name of the signature file;

You can check the signature on the website of the State Service for this link.

Most probably. If you download this file on the state service, it will be an error. Caused by the fact that information about the certifying center is necessary. There will also be no extra dates and time of the signature of documents. To do this, add two parameters to our team:

CSPTEST -SFSIGN -Sign -in Dogovor.doc -OUut Dogovor.doc.sig -My Ltd. LLC Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich -AddSigtime -Add.

If we need a connected format signature, then add another parameter:

CSPTEST -SFSIGN -Sign -in Dogovor.doc -out Dogovor.doc.sig -My Ltd. Mine Programs Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich -AddSigtime -Add -Detached

Note: If the signature of the document is executed with an error
Unable to Open File
An error occurred in Running The Program.
. \\ signtsf.c: 321: Cannot Open Input File.
Could not find the specified file.

When calling, as in the last example, and you are confident in the correctness of the paths in the -in and -out parameter, try creating a signature for the first example, and then execute the command with a full set of parameters !!!

We got the main command for the signature. Now a little simplifies the procedure. We will make a bat file, when starting which will sign the SECRET.TXT file, located in Tyuza folder as the BAT file. Let's open a notepad and write the listening code:

CHCP 1251 SET CURPATH \u003d% CD% CD C: \\ Program Files \\ CRYPTO PRO \\ CSP Call CSPTest -SFSIGN -Sign -in% Curpath% \\ Secret.txt -out% Curpath% \\ Secret.txt.sig -My Mine Programs Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich -AddSigtime -Add -Detached CD% CURPATH%

Click "File" -\u003e "Save As" -\u003e Specifying S.Bat -\u003e "Save"
Both everyone. For reference:
cHCP 1251. - Specifies encoding for CMD. It is necessary for the valid processing of Russian letters in the code;
sET CURPATH \u003d% CD% - Saves the path of the current CMD directory into the CURPATH variable;
cD - Specifies the current CMD path;
call - launches the program;