Exercises for hyperactive children 3 4 years. Hyperactive child: signs, symptoms and diagnosis of hyperactivity in children. Correction classes, exercises and games with hyperactive children at home, at school and in kindergarten. Hyperactive child: what are the case

Hyperactivity is a condition in which the child cannot sit smartly for a minute. Symptoms "on face": kids are movable, restless, they are not able to concentrate on some one activity. Often such children offend other guys, annoying and distracting adults with their behavior and are constantly in a nervous excited state.

Aged three to seven yearsAs a rule, the peak of hyperoportability occurs. But also, this time is characterized by significant changes in life: during this period, babies lead to kindergarten, they begin to drive into developing studios and sections, and also prepare for admission to school. The child needs to master a huge number of skills and skills, including the ability to communicate in the team, perceive and process information, perform simple tasks and requests. It was during these years that the hyperactive baby and his parents have the most difficult, and the abundance of information and the new responsibilities that have emerged, only worsen the state of the child with the deficit syndrome and hyperactivity.

How to understand what baby is hyperactiveHow to cope with surgery problems and go through this difficult period with minimal losses?

Hyperactive child: reasons

Before proceeding to the diagnosis and treatment of a hyperactive baby, it is worth finding out the causes of neurological behavioral disorder. This will make it more competent to proceed to the process of treatment and correction.

Possible causes of problems:

  1. Healthy factor. One of the most common causes of hyperactivity is the genetic predisposition.
  2. Pathology during pregnancy and childbirth (fetal hypoxia, threat of miscarriage, prestosis, severe childbirth, cesarean section, etc.).
  3. Small weight newborn and prematurity.
  4. Infectious diseasesTransferred by Mother during pregnancy and child in the first weeks of life.
  5. The impact of unfavorable intrameal relations and stressful states.
  6. Eating during the development of the fetus alcohol, tobacco products and some medicines.
  7. Also, it is not excluded impact of a bad environmental situation, lack of necessary trace elements and improper nutrition (sweets and fast food).

Attention! It is worth noting that the deficit syndrome and hyperactivity is more often found in boys than girls. What is associated with a larger weight of newborn male, which increases the risk of generic and intrauterine injuries.

Hyperactive child 3 years - 4 years: what to do

Often it is during this period that parents begin to actively contact the specialists for help. This is due to three-year-old child for the first time goes to kindergarten or development teamwhere the signs of hyperoportability are pronounced brightly, as well as sharpening problems with adaptation in the team.

The occurrence of hyperactivity is also explained by the inability of the nervous system of crumbs to quickly cope with the increase in mental load, new and incomprehensible requirements.

Signs of hyperactivity between 3 to 4 years

To the signs of the hyperoportability of the child 3-4 years belong:

  • uncontrollability, lack of reaction to requests and orders;
  • chaotic movements, running without a goal;
  • speech delay;
  • inattention, forgetfulness;
  • baby Elzit on a chair, jumps, spinning;
  • increased anxiety, hot temper and hysterical;
  • bad, restless sleep.

Treatment and correction of hyperopulility of kids 3-4 years.

  • Mandatory classes with a children's psychologist and speech therapist. The work of specialists will reduce the feeling of anxiety and anxiety, develop speech, figurative thinking, visual and auditory memory.
  • At this age are not recommended competitive Games. It is better to visit the pool or buy a baby bike.
  • Try to provide a child calm and friendly atmosphere in the house. Hyperactive kid should feel protected and beloved.

Hyperactive child 5 years - 6 years old: what to do

At the age of 5-6 years, the child's condition can occur with hyperoportability, as the preparatory classes in the senior groups of the pre-school institution begin. In addition, the period is characterized by the active ripening of the brain structures, which can cause an excessive overwork of the kid.

Signs at 5 years and 6 years

In addition to typical signs of hyperactivity, a neurological behavioral disorder at the age of 5-6 is characterized by the appearance:

  • Nervous ticks. Unpromptic twitching of the facial muscles may appear, contraction of the muscles of the body, limbs, and neck, flashing, shaking, shuddering and shaking head.
  • Excessive chatty. At the same time, the child is inclined to interrupt and do not listen to the address facing it.
  • Frequent change of mood. Impulsiveness and impatience.
  • A variety of complexes, phobias and sustainable fears.

To improve the state of the child with a deficit syndrome and hyperactivity, in addition to working with a psychologist and visits to a neurologist will need significant lifestyle correction. This will help the baby 5-6 years old faster adapt to increasing loads:

  • Pay attention to sleep mode. It is advisable to go to bed and get up at the same time. Before bedtime, do not overload the baby with information and reduce the active games.
  • Exclude Fast Food, sweets, baking, carbonated drinks and sweet juices from the diet.
  • Turn on the schedule of day unhurried walks before bedtime.
  • Add physical activity into life fidget. At this age, the child can already be recorded in the sports section. This will make it possible to remove the tension and reduce aggression.

Hyperactive child 7 years

As a rule, at the age of seven, preparation for school and training in the first grade begins. New requirements and tasks exacerbate the problems of a hyperactive child. Hyperoportability prevents normal adaptation in the team and provokes the emergence of conflicts with peers and teachers. Due to nonsense, impatience and light
excitability, such a child is not able to calculate the consequences of their actions, which can lead to aggressiveness and asocial agencies.

Symptoms of hyperactivity at a seven-year-old child

At the age of seven years, a hyperband child is different:

  • I am inappropriate to finish the work started to the end.
  • Infertility to sit out all lesson.
  • Restrained during classes and increased attention to extraneous stimuli.
  • Errors in homework due to inattention and scattered.
  • Inappropriate to organize your work.
  • Constant loss of things, school supplies and books.

Preparing for school if you have a child hyperactive, what to do, 7 years

To facilitate the adaptation of the baby to school duties, it is necessary:

  • Make a strict, strictly executed day mode.
  • Try not to allow persistent rejection and disgust to school.
  • Find out which problems are interfere with the cognitive process (underdeveloped hearing memory, weak logic or figurative thinking).
  • To form a positive attitude to the learning process.
  • Prepare to prepare for upcoming loads at school.

If you have an alarming child, an aggressive child

One of the most common and problematic forms of violation of the behavior of a hyperactive child is children's aggression. In order to effectively cope with this disorder, it is necessary first of all to determine the cause of aggression.

Attention! Most often, with the help of aggression, hysterics and asocial behavior, the child is trying to pay attention to others. The lack of care, love and support causes a hyper-bargainable baby, exercise negative emotions, anxiety and aggression.

To correct the aggressive behavior, the child is recommended to contact a family psychologist, as often this problem concerns all family members. After all, only mutual understanding and close contact with the kid can improve the condition and behavior of a small aggressor.

Correctional activity

with hyperactive children

senior preschool age


Pedagogue psychologist MKDOU-

d / s № 14 "Gerl"

Kurbatova TM

To the classroom

The lesson is intended for children of senior pre-school age.

The number of children in the group is 5-8 people.

The reason for enrolling the child to the correctional group is: the diagnosis of a doctor, the conclusion of a psychologist, observation and reviews of educators, the wishes of the parents.

The composition of the correctional group, in addition to hyperactive, may include unsure, impulsive and inattentive children, as well as one balanced child. The latter serves as an example for imitation (but without excessive praise it for exemplary behavior). Uncertain in themselves, childish children get the opportunity to show great activity, and in that time their security is protected by the rules that are mandatory for all participants in the group.

Before proceeding with the main course of classes, with hyperactive children it is desirable to conduct an individual work aimed at the development of attention or control of impulsivity.

Group classes can be carried out both in the first and in the afternoon.

The duration of the lesson is 30 minutes.

Each of the correctional classes includes games for the development of attention, impulsivity control and motor activity management, psychodistic and physical oriented exercises. (The need to introduce the latter is explained by the fact that, according to the observations of physicians and psychologists, hyperactive children are not only poorly managed by their behavior, but also they are poorly owning their own body, the parts of the body do not feel enough.)

At the beginning of each stage of occupation, the recommended duration of its implementation is given.

It is better to spend classes in the music hall - there is quite spacious, there is a carpet covering of the same time, there are few distracting moments.

For a better organization, the introduction of a group into the hall and the elimination of it is carried out in the form of a game in the "train": children are built into the column at each other. The first of the children is "the train", the rest are "trailers". Children put hands on the shoulders to arrive - "trailers are cloured", and, making the sounds of "Tu-TU", "the train enters" the hall or "leaves" from it.

Psychocorrection work requires a long time and, of course, more lessons. This complex should be considered as indicative, from some parts of which additional classes can be made. Children are happy to play the same games many times, and the benefits of the proposed games consists also in the fact that they allow you to train insufficiently developed mental functions.


  • development of arbitrary and self-control;
  • development of attention and imagination;
  • development of coordination of movements;
  • removing psycho-emotional voltage;
  • development of emotional and expressive movements;
  • development and improvement of communicative skills.

Materials for the lesson: soft toy.

1. Game "Forbidden movement"(5 minutes).

Children stand in a semicircle opposite the psychologist. Psychologist says:

I will show various movements. You will repeat all movements except one.

At first, the psychologist shows different movements (for example, hands up, on the sides, etc.). Children repeat them.

The psychologist then calls and shows the "Forbidden" movement (for example, bouncing), which children should not repeat. The signal is given to the top of the game. Children repeat all the movements of the psychologist, except for "forbidden."

Errors usually cause rapid emotional reactions, laughter, but not to bring children from the game.

2. Game "Zoo" (8-10 min).
Psychologist says:

Now try to depict the movements of various animals. If I get sick in your hands once - jump like a bunnie, slamming twice - go a rotational, like bears, slamming three times - "turn" in storks that can stand on one leg long. We start the game.

  1. The exercise "Tell and show" (3 min).

Children get up semicircle opposite the psychologist and repeat words and movements behind him.

One two three four five!
We can all show!
These are elbows - they will touch them.
Right, we swing left.
This shoulders - they will touch them.
Right, we swing left.

If we swing down,
Then knees we will touch.

One two three four five!

We can all show!

4. Exercise "Saltay-Bolt" (2-3 minutes).

Children stand in a circle at a distance of an elongated hand from each other and turn the housing to the right and left. The hands at the same time are freely dangling along the body.

Psychologist pronounces:

Saltay-chat sitting on the wall,
Saltay-chat fell in a dream.
Children squat or fall on the carpet.

5. The final stage (2-3 min).

Children sit on the floor, forming a circle. The psychologist asks for children to say what task today was the most difficult. Children, passing to each other a soft toy, alternately express their opinions.

BBK 88.8 A 88

Arzishevskaya I. L.

A 88 work of a psychologist with hyperactive children in kindergarten. Ed. 2nd, extra. - M.: Klebolyub, 2005. - 64 p. (Psychological service.)

ISBN 5-93927-073-5

When making the necessary additions, this cycle of classes can be used in correctional and developing work with students of junior classes.

The manual is addressed to practical psychologists and other specialists who assist children with attention deficit syndrome and hyperactivity.

BBK 88.8 ISBN 5-93927-073-5


Recently, parents, educators and teachers are increasingly facing children, whose motor activity goes beyond the ideas about just a moving child. Most preschool children are distinguished by mobility, impulsiveness, immediacy and emotionality, but at the same time they can carefully listen to an adult and perform its instructions.

With hyperactive children, it is difficult to establish contact already because they are in constant movement: they do not walk, but they run, do not sit, but they die, do not stand, but they are spinning or searched somewhere, do not laugh, but laugh, are accepted for business or Run, without hearing the task to the end. Their attention is scattered, the eyes wander, look difficult to catch.

Parents complain that the child does not give them peace - he constantly interferes with adult conversations, something happens to him all the time, and in order to achieve obedience, it is necessary to raise the voice, but comments and punishments do not bring results.

During collective classes, such children often jump off, do not understand what a teacher or teacher wants from them, cannot fully tasks to the end. Hyperactive child gets more remarks, okhikov, "negative attention"; It interferes with other children and usually falls into the "Rogue". Pretending to leadership, these children do not know how to subordinate their behavior of the rules or to give up to others and, as a result, cause numerous conflicts in the children's team.

Hyperactive behavior begins to appear in most cases after four years and continues until adolescence. However, some people and in adulthood continue to maintain hyperactivity features: excessive mobility, fussiness, impulsiveness, emotionality and talkativeness.

The most difficult period of life of hyperactive children is associated with admission to school. Despite the fact that after seven years, children become more prettier, the problems continue, and the so-called "deficit of attention" appears to the fore. Students with hyperactivity difficult to focus on and keep it on something one, it is difficult to memorize and fulfill the instructions of the teacher, without being distracted by foreign stimuli. For several decades and in our country, and abroad conducted biochemical studies of the brain's work of such children, as a result of which the decrease in metabolic activity in the frontal and middle shares of the brain was revealed, that is, in those areas that are responsible for controlling behaviors. Thus, you should not blame the child in the absence of desire or volitional effort ("may not want 1"), it is necessary to understand that the problems associated with its training and education are the result of the changed biochemical activity of the brain structures ("Wants, tries, but can not!").

In domestic medicine, children with insufficient maturity of individual brain zones are diagnosed with "minimum brain dysfunction" (MMD) and associate it with certain "harm", experienced by the fruit during pregnancy of mother and childbirth. Children with MMD are less stressed resistant, they have reduced mental performance, engine awkwardness is observed, increased fatigue, excessive sensitivity; Boys may have hyperactivity, aggressiveness, stubbornness.

The observations of scientists have shown that MMD is more often accompanied by a decrease in attention and mental performance and only some children inherent hyperactivity. However, hyperactive children always suffer a deficit of attention. In recent years, specialists in such cases are diagnosed with "attention deficit syndrome with hyperactivity" (ADHD). In 1997-1999 This syndrome was revealed from each fifth preschooler of the middle strip of Russia (according to I.P. Bryazgunov).

What kind of help can have psychologists when identifying violations in children, combined with hyperactivity?

First, it is necessary to advise parents to take the child to consult a psychoneurologist for the formulation of an accurate diagnosis and distinction of ADHD with a number of states and diseases in which similar external manifestations are observed.

Secondly, it should be explained to the teachers that the hyperactive child is not "harmful" and not "bad", it is simply more difficult for him than other children to restrain his motor activity, he is not to blame. In communicating with a hyperactive child, the educator must try to comply with the following rules:

\u003d\u003e Do not "Notice" small pranks, hold back irritation and do not shout on the child, because the excitement is increasing from noise;

\u003d\u003e If necessary, use a positive physical contact: Take the child by the hand, foster the head, press to yourself;

\u003d\u003e During classes, please set the first part to reduce distracting moments;

=> in the middle of the classes, give the opportunity to move: ask for something to raise, bring, offer to wipe the board, etc.;

\u003d\u003e Praise for every manifestation of restraint, self-control, openly show your delight, if he brought some matter to the end.

When conducting meetings with parents of children suffering from ADHD, a psychologist should be popularly described by the causes and signs of syndrome, to convince the parents in the fact that only stubborn, consistent and special educational techniques are able to smooth out the manifestations of this state. The psychologist offers parents to familiarize themselves with the list of signs of ADHD (see Appendix) and note those of them that manifest themselves in the behavior of the child. It will help parents understand that they are not alone in their "wrestling" that they have special - active, inquisitive, creative - children who need to help master their own behavior. The psychologist needs to set up parents for long-term work with the child, sometimes until adolescent age, give each "recommendations for the parents of hyperactive children" (see Appendix). After this meeting, parents must come to the conviction that the consistent and calm teachment of the child to attentive work, to the containment of their impulsive desires and reactions is the main medical and educational task, which will ultimately lead to success.

Psychologists of kindergartens can contribute to the upbringing of hyperactive children. Their arsenal has enough games aimed at developing arbitrary processes and attention. An equally important factor is the collectivity of games, their competitive character, which creates additional motivation in children to master their behavior.

The course consisting of 16 correctional classes is intended for children of senior preschool age.

The number of children visiting classes is 5-8 people.

The reason for enrolling the child to the correctional group is: the diagnosis of a doctor, the conclusion of a psychologist, observation and reviews of educators, the wishes of the parents.

The composition of the correctional group, in addition to hyperactive, may include unsure, impulsive and inattentive children, as well as one balanced child. The latter serves as an example for imitation (but without excessive praise it for exemplary behavior). Uncertain in themselves, childish children get the opportunity to show great activity, and at the same time their safety is protected by the rules that are mandatory for all participants in the group.

Before proceeding with the main course of classes, with hyperactive children it is desirable to conduct an individual work aimed at the development of attention or control of impulsivity.

Group classes can be carried out both in the first and in the afternoon. The duration of the lesson is 30 minutes. Each of the correctional classes includes games for the development of attention, impulsivity control and motor activity management, psychodistic and physical oriented exercises. (The need to introduce the latter is explained by the fact that, according to the observations of physicians and psychologists, hyperactive children are not only poorly managed by their behavior, but also they are poorly owning their own body, the parts of the body do not feel enough.)

At the beginning of each stage of occupation, the recommended duration of its implementation is given.

It is better to conduct classes in the music hall - there is quite spacious, there is a carpet and at the same time little distracting moments.

For a better organization, the introduction of a group into the hall and the elimination of it is carried out in the form of a game in the "train": children are built into the column at each other. The first of the children is "the train", the rest are "trailers". Children put hands on the shoulders to arrive - "trailers are cloured", and, making the sounds of "Tu-TU", "the train enters" the hall or "leaves" from it.

Psychocorrection work requires a long time and, of course, more lessons. This complex should be considered as indicative, from some parts of which additional classes can be made. Children are happy to play the same games many times, and the benefits of the proposed games consists also in the fact that they allow you to train insufficiently developed mental functions.

Abstract classes

Lesson 1.

\u003d\u003e Establishment of the relationship of a psychologist with a group and children among themselves;

\u003d\u003e Development of coherence of movements;

\u003d\u003e Development of emotional and expressive movements.

Materials for the lesson: the ball of medium size.

1. Exercises from "Nogovskaya gymnastics for kids" (see Appendix) (2-3 min).

2. Exercise "Walk to the Forest" (7 min).

The psychologist invites children to stroll to the imaginary forest. Children repeat the movements of the psychologist: go quietly, on tiptoe, so as not to wake up the bear, they are moving through a dog, around which net grows, carefully stealing the bridge, percked through the stream, jump around the bakes in the swamp, lean, collecting Mushrooms and flowers, stretch up behind nuts, etc.

■ You can ask children what kind of mushrooms, flowers, trees, etc.

« Stone and traveler "(5 minutes).

The psychologist says that after the walk you need to relax. Invites someone from children to become "stones", and the other - "travelers". Children who depict stones are descended to the floor, wrap their knees with their hands and sit motionless, stress. Each of the "travelers" sits down, climbing his back on the back of a child depicting a stone. Then children change roles.

■ At the end of the exercise, the psychologist asks children: what were the "stones" - comfortable or uncomfortable, solid or soft?

4. Game "Pay attention!"(5 minutes).

Children get up in a circle. The psychologist takes the ball and enters the center of the circle. He calls the names of children and throws the ball. Child, having heard his name, should catch the ball and throw it back. \u003d The game is carried out in a rapid pace.

5. Exercise "Pass traffic"(5 minutes).

Children stand in a circle and in a sign of a psychologist pretend that they transmit a big ball, a heavy gury, hot pancake, flower, etc.

■ Exercise is performed silently.

6. Final stage (3-5 min).

Lesson 2.

\u003d\u003e The development of arbitrary and self-control;

\u003d\u003e Development of attention, observation and imagination;

Materials for the lesson: tape recorder; cassette with a recording of calm music; Molbert (Stand); Board and chalk (watman leaf and markers); Wand (length - 30 cm).

1. Exercises from "Yogan gymnasticsfor kids "(See Appendix) (2-3 min).

2. Game "Image phenomenon"(8 min).

The psychologist and children list the signs of autumn: the wind blows, the trees swing, fall leaves, it is raining, puddles are formed.

The psychologist shows movements that correspond to these phenomena:

"Wind blows" - blowing, stretching his lips.

"Trees are swinging" - shakes hands stretched up.

"Fall leaves" - performs smooth movements with hands from top to bottom.

"It's raining" - performs minor movements with hands from top to bottom.

"Puddles appear" - closes his hands into the ring in front of them.

When children will remember the movements shown, the rules of the game are explained: while the music sounds, children run, dance, as soon as the music stops, children stop and listen to what phenomenon will call a psychologist. Children must perform movements that correspond to this phenomenon.

3. Game "Aircraft"(2-3 min).

Children are squatting far from each other - "aircraft on the airfield." Psychologist says:

- The aircraft touched, tuping, touched, rose and flew.

Children buzzfully quietly, then all louder, rise and begin to run around the hall, bringing hands to the sides.

- Fly, flew and sat down.

Children are squatting, they are waiting for the team of a psychologist. So is done several times. At the end of the game "Airplanes arrive at the sea" - children sit on the chairs or fall on the carpet so as not to hurt each other.

4. Exercise "Annoying Fly"(2 minutes). Psychologist says:

- Imagine that you lie on the beach, the sun warms you, do not want to move. Suddenly, fly flew and on Lobik sat. To drive a fly, move the eyebrows. Fly is spinning near the eyes - Pour them, flying from the cheek to the cheek- purchase each cheek in turn, sat down on the chin- rent a jaw, etc.

5. Exercise "One two Three- speak! " (10-12.min). Children sit on chairs. They are standing in front of them, on which a small board is installed (or a large sheet of thick paper is attached). The psychologist draws a seashore, waves, chaps, steaming. Then he calls one of the children and in a whisper invites him to make an addition to the drawing (depiction of a cloud, a boat, pebbles on the shore, another bird, etc.). Molbert turns over, the caused of the child performs the instructions, and the drawing is again demonstrated by children. The psychologist asks for children to determine which new item appeared in the picture, and call it, but only after the team sounds: "Once, two, three - speak!". \u003d The picture is complemented alternately by all children.

6. Exercise "One big animal"(2 minutes). Children and psychologist get up in a circle and take hands. Psychologist says:

- Imagine that we- one big animal. We will breathe all together: a step forward- inhale, step back - exhale.

Exercise is repeated 3 times.

7. The final stage(2-3 min).

Lesson 3.

\u003d\u003e The development of arbitrary and self-control;

\u003d\u003e Development of attention and imagination;

ð Removing psycho-emotional voltage;

ð Development of emotional and expressive movements;

\u003d\u003e Development and improvement of communicative skills.

Materials for the lesson: three or four medium-sized cubes.

1. Game "Forbidden movement"(5 minutes). Children stand in a semicircle opposite the psychologist. Psychologist says:

-I will show various movements. You will repeat all movements except one.

At first, the psychologist shows different movements (for example, hands up, on the sides, etc.). Children repeat them.

The psychologist then calls and shows the "Forbidden" movement (for example, bouncing), which children should not repeat. The signal is given to the top of the game. Children repeat all the movements of the psychologist, except for "forbidden."

■ Errors usually cause rapid emotional reactions, laughter, but one should not withdraw children from the game.

2. Game Zoo (8-10min). Psychologist says:

- Now try to depict the movements of various animals. If I slam your hands once- jump like bunnies, slapped twice- go a rotate like bears, slapped three times- "Turn" in storks that can stand on one leg long. We start the game.

3. Exercise "I am a cube, I do not dare"(10 min). At a distance of 5-6 meters from each other there are two rows of chairs (by the number of children).

Children are divided into two teams. Each team takes a number of chairs.

The psychologist puts cubes on the palm of children entering one of the teams. Children must, marching, like robots, convey the cubes, transfer their participants to another team and return to the place. Children who received cubes perform the same actions.

■ If children easily cope with the task, the cube is put on the back of the palm or head. The nature of the movements changes - children must move smoothly.

4. Exercise "Humpty Dumpty"(2-3 min).

Children stand in a circle at a distance of an elongated hand from each other and turn the housing to the right and left. The hands at the same time are freely dangling along the body.

Psychologist says: - Saltay-chat was sitting on the wall, Saltay-chat fell in a dream.Children squat or fall on the carpet.

5. The final stage(2-3 min).

Children sit on the floor, forming a circle. The psychologist asks for children to say what task today was the most difficult. Children, passing each other a cube, alternately express their opinions.

Lesson 4.

\u003d\u003e The development of arbitrary and self-control;

\u003d\u003e Development of attention and imagination;

\u003d\u003e Development of coordination of movements;

\u003d\u003e Removing psycho-emotional voltage;

\u003d\u003e The development of emotional and expressive movements;


\u003d\u003e Development of group cohesion and confidence of children to each other.

Materials for the lesson: ball.

1. Exercise "Tell and show"

Alternately bend the fingers of the right hand.

We can all show!

Rhythmically clap your hands.

These are elbows- they will touch them.

Cracked with palms both elbow.

Right, we swing left.

This shoulders- they will touch them.

Put hands on the shoulders.

Right, we swing left.

Perform slopes to the right and left.

If we go forth, then we touch the knees.

Perform slopes along the knees.

One two three four five!

Alternately bend the fingers of the left hand.

We can all show!

Rhythmically clap your hands.

2. Game "Pass the ball"(8-10 min). Children stand in a circle and transmit each other ball with eyes closed.

■ You can modify the game: a psychologist closes his eyes, and children (with open eyes) silently transmit the ball to each other. As soon as the psychologist says "Stop!", The ball remains in the hands of one of the children. The psychologist, without opening the eye, is trying to guess who has a ball.

3. Body-oriented exercise "Pump and ball"(5 minutes).

The psychologist invites children to be divided into pairs. One of the children depicts the ball, the other - the pump. Each child performs movements in accordance with the role received.

"Ball blown" - the child sits squatting.

"The pump inflates the ball" - the child makes the corresponding movements with his hands, accompanying them with the sounds of "S-C-C ...".

"The ball is becoming more and more." The child gradually gets up, inflates his cheeks, raises his hands up.

"The pump stops work" - the child pretends that it pulls out the hose.

"The ball is being blown again." The child slowly sits down, produces air from the cheek, lowers his hands.

The exercise is repeated several times, then children change roles.

4. Game "A steam room with the name."

Children sit on the chairs located near the wall in one row. The child, which will be the first to depict the locomotive, are chosen using readers.

"The train goes down" - the child rises from the chair and slowly runs in a circle, alternately working bent in his elbows and uttering: "Chuch-Chuh-Chuh." Having made the circle, the "train" stops near one of the children and pronounces his name.

The child named by name becomes a "train" and gets up ahead, and the first child becomes a "trailer". Now they are together "ride" in a circle with the words "Huh-Huh-Huh" and, "driving" to children, choose a new "train".

The game ends after the last of the children depict the "train".

■ Children repeat the name of the child, which depicts the "train", while he runs in a circle.

If necessary, the psychologist asks "the train" to move slower, so that "trailers" are not pulled off.

"Clowns" (2-3 min).

Children stand in a circle and raise hands up. At the command of the psychologist, the following movements are consistently performed:

hand brushes lowered down;

hands bend in elbows;

hands relax and fall down;

the torso is bent, the head goes down;

knees bend, children squatted.

Children sit on the floor, forming a circle. A psychologist asks for children to say what exercise they liked. Children, passing each other ball, alternately share their impressions.

Lesson 5.

\u003d\u003e The development of arbitrary and self-control;

\u003d\u003e Development of attention and memory;

\u003d\u003e Development of thinking and imagination;

=> development of emotional and expressive movements;

\u003d\u003e Removing psycho-emotional voltage;

\u003d\u003e Development and improvement of communicative skills.

Materials for the lesson: sheets of thick paper and markers.

1. The game "Space Journey" (10 min).

Children are standing near the chairs located along the wall in one row.

Psychologist says:

- Imagine that you have turned into astronauts, and chairs- in the rocket. You have to go on a trip to another planet. Put on safes.

Children pretend to wear scaffolds.

- Spacets are putable. The crew of astronauts makes a circle of honor before landing in the rocket.

Children walking in each other bypassing the hall.

The psychologist reminds that they are put on them with large salas, so you need to go slowly, spreading your legs.

- Cosmonauts occupy places in rocket.Children sit on chairs.

- Attention! 5 seconds left until the start. Time counting begins: "Five, four, three, two, one, start!"

Children imitate the sound of engines.

In the course of the game, you can offer children to "test overloads (backbone back, cuddle to the back of the chair, strain the night and hands) and portray a person in weightlessness (to bring out of the chairs, perform slow smooth movements).

- Announces common readiness. Before you an unknown planet. Rocket goes to land.

Children pretend to be fastened. Put hands on his knees, lean their heads back, strain the muscles of the body.

- Congratulations. Landing was successful.Children relax muscles.

- Now you land on an unfamiliar planet. Be careful. You have to tell all the residents of the Earth about what you will see.

Children get up from the chairs, spreading their legs wide, walk around the hall, look closely around.

- Attention! He says a command post. All cosmonauts need to return to the spacecraft.

Children sit on chairs.

- Focus, soon you will get into touch with the ground.

Children lower head and close their eyes.

2. Exercise "Interview"(2-3 min). Psychologist says:

- Land in touch. You have to answer questions from journalists. Answer a chorus, but remember that the Earth is very far, the sound will not reach immediately, but after 3 seconds, so you only need to say after the account "times, two, three". All ready? Started!

- Cosmonauts are healthy? One two Three!

- People on the planet are there?

- Sky what color?

- Is there water?

- Animals are there?

- Do you want home?

■ You can come up with any questions related to the description of the hall.

3. Exercise "Rostock"(2-3 min). Psychologist says:

- Now imagine that you planted on the planet trees. Show how they will grow.

Children get out of the chairs and squatted.

The exercise is repeated several times. At the end, the psychologist asks what trees every child put.

4. Exercise "Swimmers"(2-3 min). Psychologist says:

-It's time to go back to the way back.Children sit on chairs, mimic the sound of the engines.

- The rocket is approaching the ground. Sit down. What happened? We did not land, but "driven". The rocket was in the sea. We will have to get out of it and sail to the shore.

Children get out of his chairs and, imitating the movements of swimmers, run around the hall and sit on the seats.

5. Drawing on a given topic (10-12 min).

Children are distributed sheets of tight paper and markers.

- Imagine and draw what each of you could (would like) to see while traveling on an unfamiliar planet.

Children perform a task.

Occupation B.

\u003d\u003e The development of arbitrary and self-control;

\u003d\u003e Development of attention, observation and memory;

\u003d\u003e Removing psycho-emotional voltage;

Materials for the lesson: red, yellow and green circles; screen; Wand (length - 30 cm).

1. Movable game "Traffic light"(.5 minutes).

Children put hands on the shoulders each other, walk around the hall and buzz, portraying the bus. Psychologist, depicting the traffic light, shows the "bus" circles of different colors. When showing a red circle, children must stop, yellow - "buzz" and marching in place, green - continue moving.

- And now each of you will be the driver of your own car. Carefully follow the traffic lights and follow the rules of the road.

Children, portraying motorists, move around the hall and follow the signals of the "traffic lights".

■ For violation of the rules of the road, you can "put the car in the parking lot" - to plant a child on the chair.

2. Game "Attentive eyes"(5-7 min). Psychologist says:

- You drove, drove and arrived at school. Let's see what you carefully, do you know each other well.

The psychologist suggests one of the children to hide behind the screen or the chart. The rest of the children are answering questions: what his hair, eyes, pants or dress, etc.

The exercise is repeated several times.

3. Exercise "Do you know the numbers?"(2-3 min). Psychologist says:

- Well done, all of you are very attentive. Now let's see if you know the numbers. You need to answer the choir, but only after my team.

A psychologist draws some digit in the air, and after a while it gives the team: "Speak!" Children in chorus answer.

4. Exercise "Tell and show."Psychologist says:

- A change began. Stand up near the chairs, listen carefully to the poem and perform the movements that they say about it.

Fear having fun

And raise your knees.

Finger We will be squeezing into fist

And behind the back will remove.

Hands to the side, forward,

And right turn.

Hands on the sides and down

And turn left.

Children by performing movements that are mentioned in the text are sitting on chairs.

5. Exercise "Do you know the letters?"(2-3 min). (Exercise is performed similarly to the previous one - see clause 3.)

6. Exercise "Whoper who is worth? "(5-7 min). Psychologist says:

- You are very attentive, let the letters know, you know the numbers, now let's see how you remember.

Children are built in a car with each other, and one child is asked to get out of the ranks and carefully look at the children. Then he turns away and, recalling who for whom it is worth, reproduces the names of children in order.

■ You can offer to children to change in places, and leading - to place everyone.

7. Body-oriented exercise "Barbell"(3 min).

The psychologist invites children to visit the physical education class and imagine that they raise a heavy barbell. Children spread their legs wide and strain them. Burn forward and squeeze their hands in the fists. Slowly straightened, bending in the elbows intense hands, jerk rave an imaginary bar, then lowered it down and relax the muscles.

8. The final stage(2-3 min).

Children sit on the floor, forming a circle. The psychologist asks for children to say what task today was the most difficult. Children, having passed to each other "wand-cutting", alternately express their opinions.

Lesson 7.

\u003d\u003e Development of attention and arbitrary behavior;

\u003d\u003e Prevention of fears;

\u003d\u003e Development of orientation in space and tactile sensations;

\u003d\u003e The development of speech and imagination;

\u003d\u003e The development of emotional and expressive movements;

\u003d\u003e Removing emotional voltage;

\u003d\u003e Development and improvement of communicative skills.

Materials for the lesson: scarf; Material bag and 7-8 small toys; ball.

1. Game "Zhmurki" (8-10 min).

With the help of readers, the leading is selected. The psychologist ties his eyes with a scarf. The task of the leading is to catch someone from the players. Caught baby becomes new leading, the game continues.

In the role of a leading should be every child. If the player "caught" for the second time, he is offered to sit on the chair, and the psychologist chooses the new leading.

2. Exercise "Pot"(2 minutes).

Children gather in a circle, sit down and close their eyes.

Psychologist says:

- So we woke up, sweetly reached out.

Children open their eyes, slowly get up, pull their hands ahead, then raise them up, weighing the head and climb the socks.

- Sweetly stretched, smiled at each other.Children stand on the feet, lower hands down.

The exercise is repeated several times.

3. Exercise "Lemon"(2 minutes).

The psychologist invites children to imagine that they have a lemon in the right hand, from which you need to squeeze juice. Children squeeze the right hand as much as possible in the cam, then relax her.

A similar exercise is performed with your left hand, then children sit on chairs.

4. Exercise "Magic Pouch"(5 minutes).

Children view 7-8 small toys. The psychologist is imperceptible to children puts one of the toys in a cliff and says:

- Put the bag and guess what lies in it.Children alternately feel the toy in the bag, and express their assumptions. The psychologist takes a toy and shows children. The game is held several times.

5. Exercise "Describe toy" (10min). The psychologist adds all toys into the bag. Each child alternately comes to the bag, pulls out one of the toys and makes up a story about it.

■ If it occurs difficulties, you can ask for children questions: "What is the toy?" What color is it? "," What does it have (what does she have)? "," How can I play? "

6. The final stage(2-3 min).

Children sit on the floor, forming a circle. A psychologist asks for children to say what exercise they liked. Children, passing each other ball, alternately share their impressions.

Lesson 8.

\u003d\u003e The development of arbitrary and self-control;

\u003d\u003e Development of attention and observation;

\u003d\u003e Development of confidence in another;

\u003d\u003e Orientation development in space;

=> development of emotional and expressive movements;

\u003d\u003e Removing psycho-emotional voltage;

\u003d\u003e Development and improvement of communicative skills.

Materials for the lesson: scarf; Molbert (Stand); Board and chalk (watman leaf and markers); pointer.

1. Body-oriented exercise "Blind and guide" (10min).

The psychologist puts a few chairs around the hall and shares children to the pair.

One of the children entering a couple will play the role of the blind, the other is a guide.

"Blind" tie his eyes, "guide" takes him by the hand and leads around the hall, bypassing chairs.

Then children change roles.

The rest of the children ("viewers") are watching a pair.

■ After each child is in different roles, you can ask: "Who liked to be more -" render "or" blind. " Why?"

2. The game "flies - notflies "(3-5 min).

Everyone gets up in a circle. The psychologist calls various items. Children should raise hands up only when a psychologist pronounces the name of the subject that can fly.

■ Psychologist, provoking children, raises hands up when uttered every word.

3. Joint drawing of manand game "What has changed?" (10-12.min).

Children sit on chairs. They are standing in front of them, on which a small board is installed (or a large sheet of thick paper is attached).

The psychologist draws a man's head. Then the children alternately fit to the easel, the whisper is called a part of the body that needs to be drawn (neck, shoulders, etc.), and complement the drawing.

At the end of the joint drawing, the easel turns over, the psychologist contributes some detail and again shows the image to children.

Children should "Water in the mouth to dial" and be silent. The psychologist gives a pointer to the child sitting calmly, he comes to the board and shows the detail that appears.

■ Additions to Figure are entered several times.

4. Body-oriented exercise "Snowman"(3-5 min).

The psychologist invites children to stand in a pose of the person drawn and says:

- Our little man can not speak and can not move. Imagine that he turned out to be in winter on the street, the snow fell on him and fell, and soon the little man turned into a snowman. Let's try to portray a snowman.

Children dilute tense hands to the sides, inflate cheeks, make a sad face and stand motionless in place.

- So I stood our snowman all the winter, but the spring came, it was harnessed the sun, and the snow began to melt.

Children are gradually relaxing, they lower their hands, "crumble, substitute the face of the sun" and squatted. Exercise is repeated 3 times.

5. Final stage (1-2min).

At the end of the exercise, a psychologist says:

- This little sad story ended very well. Under the affectionate solar rays, the snowman melted and turned into a funny stream. The ruffle was lung and went on the road. On the way, the good rudes saw flowers and herbs. Soon he got to a large river, joined it and went to a long amazing journey.

Lesson 9.

Development of arbitrary and self-control;

\u003d\u003e Development of attention and coordination of movements; -

\u003d\u003e Removing psycho-emotional voltage;

\u003d\u003e The development of emotional and expressive movements;

\u003d\u003e Development and improvement of communicative skills.

Materials for class: red, blue and yellow squares; Long ribbon or rope.

1. Game " Candy - pupils - risks "(5 minutes). Psychologist says:

- Guys, carefully follow the squares that I will show. If you see a red square- you can jump, run and scream if yellow- you can only whisper, and if blue- need to measure in place and silence.

Psychologist shows squares, children perform instructions.

2. Exercise "Sun Luche" (3min).

Children are squatting and closed their eyes. Psychologist says:

- We played, played and tired a little. Crossed relaxed and tricked. But here is a sunny ray:

touched the eye - open your eyes; Touching forehead- stir the eyebrows; Touch the nose- merrate your nose; touched lip- stir lips; Touch the chin- rent a jaw; Touch the shoulders- lift and lower your shoulders; touched her hands- shake hands; touched her legs- lie on the back and undermine the legs. The sunlight played with you and disappeared- get up guys.

3. Game "Who is the first jump in the circle"(5-7 min).

With the help of a ribbon or rope on the floor laid a large circle. Children stand on the outer perimeter of the circle. Psychologist says:

- When you hear the word "home", quickly jump into the circle.

Psychologist pronounces different words. Children await when he says the word that serves as a signal for the jump.

■ After several players, the word-signal changes.

4. Game "Do not rush"(5-7 min).

Children sit on chairs. At a distance of 5-6 steps from them is a chair. Children are alternately suitable (do not run!) To the chair, enveloped it and, not in a hurry, return to their place.

After each will enclose the chair, the task go back.

5. Clause-oriented exercise "clowns" (see Lesson 4) (3 min).

6. Final stage (3 min).

Children sit on the floor, forming a circle. A psychologist asks for children to say what exercise they liked. Children, having passed a yellow square, alternately share their impressions.

Lesson 10.

\u003d\u003e The development of arbitrary and self-control;

\u003d\u003e Development of attention and imagination;

\u003d\u003e The development of emotional and expressive movements;

\u003d\u003e Removing psycho-emotional voltage;

\u003d\u003e satisfaction of the need for recognition;

\u003d\u003e Development and improvement of communicative skills.

Materials for the lesson: tape recorder; cassette with a recording of calm music; Wand (length - 30 cm).

1. Exercise "Let's say hello" (5 min).

Sounds of calm music sounds, children walk around the hall. If a psychologist chlorides his hands once, the children greet hands, if two - shoulders, if three times - backs.

2. The game "The Sea is worried" (5 min).

Children run around the hall, portraying the movement of the waves. Psychologist says:

- The sea worries times, the sea is worried about two, the sea is worried about three, sea figure- zamri!

Children must stop and hold the pose in which they were before the "Zamri" team sounded.

The psychologist walks around the hall, considers "sea figures", praises every child for the unusualness or beauty of the figure, for immobility, etc.

3. Claim-oriented exercise "Plasticine doll" (5-7 min).

Psychologist divides children to couples. One of the children in a couple will play the role of sculpture, the other plasticine. The "sculptor" must sculpt the "doll", giving "plastic" a certain pose. "Plasticine" should be soft and supple.

■ After each child is in different roles, the psychologist asks: "Who did you like to be more: a sculptor or a plasticine doll? Why? Is it convenient to be a doll to be in the pose that sculptor came up with it? Why?" etc.

4. Movable game "needle and thread" (5-7 min). One of the children becomes the lead - "needle", and everyone else is "thread." A child who performs the role of a needle, runs around the hall, changing the direction, and all other children run behind him.

The lead is changing, the game is repeated.

■ Each child should be as needle.

5. Exercise "Saltay-Boltay" (see Lesson 3) (2-3 min).

6. Final stage (2-3 min).

Children sit on the floor, forming a circle. The psychologist asks for children to say what task today was the most difficult. Children, having passed to each other "wand-cutting", alternately express their opinions.

Lesson 11.

\u003d\u003e Development of attention and self-control;

\u003d\u003e Development of memory and imagination;

\u003d\u003e The development of emotional and expressive movements;

\u003d\u003e Removing psycho-emotional voltage;

\u003d\u003e Development and improvement of communicative skills.

Materials for the lesson: Molbert (Supply); Board and chalk (watman sheets and markers); pointer.

1. Game "Openposts! " (4 min).

Children are built into the column.

A psychologist who performs the role of the commander gets up ahead. The column begins to move along the hall. When a psychologist chlorides his hands, a child coming the last must stop. So the "commander" puts all the children in their conceived order (ruler, circle, square, etc.). ■ In the role of the commander can be one of the children.

2; The game "What has changed" (10min).

Children sit on chairs.

Psychologist says:

- We arrived in the Winter Forest. Be careful and try to remember everything you see.

The psychologist puts the Molbert before children, on which a small board is installed (or a large sheet of thick paper is attached). On the board (sheet), drifts, ate, naked trees, clouds are drawn.

Children are considering the picture, then the psychologist turns over the easel and makes a detail in an image: bird, butterfly, flower, snowdrift, mushroom. The drawing is re-demonstrated by children.

Children should "Water in the mouth to dial" and be silent. The psychologist gives a pointer to the child sitting calmly, he fits on the board, shows the appeared object and answers the question: "Can this item be in the winter forest?" If the child fulfilled the task correctly, the children clap, with an incorrect answer - they have legs.

■ Supplements in the drawing are made until all children visit the board.

3. Exercise "Snowflake"(2-3 min). Children sit on chairs, eyes closed. Psychologist says:

- Imagine that snowflakes fall from the sky, and you catch their mouth. And now Snowflake:

lay on the right cheek- inflate her;

lay on the left cheek- inflate her;

loaded onto the nose- merrate your nose;

led on the forehead- stir the eyebrows;

laugh for centuries- pour your eyes and open them.

Snowfall ended.

4. Game "Winter Fun" (2-3 min).

Children are divided into two teams. Teams get up in the ranks opposite each other. Psychologist says:

- Imagine that the street thaw, the snow became sticky. You sculpt snowballs from it and throw another team to the participants. But do not forget to dare from the snowballs who fly in you.

5. Joint Drawing Snowman (5 min).

Children sit on chairs. They are standing in front of them, on which a small board is installed (or a large sheet of thick paper is attached).

Psychologist says:

- Now we are all depicting a snowman. Everyone will draw one detail.

Children alternately approach the easel and, following the instructions of the psychologist, they first draw the bottom circle, then the middle, top, depict parts of the face, bucket on the head, broom, etc.

6. Body-oriented exercise "Snowman"(3-4 min).

The psychologist offers children to present themselves with snowmen.

Children stand up, breed tense hands on the sides, inflate cheeks and hold the predetermined pose for 10 seconds.

- And now,- says psychologist, - sunshine looked out, his hot rays touched the snowman, and he began to melt.

Children are gradually relaxed, lowered their hands, "crumble" and squatted.

The exercise is repeated several times.

7. Exercise "Skiers"(2-3 min). Psychologist says:

- Today we walked around the winter forest, played snowballs, blinded the snowman, and now it's time to go home. Imagine that we wear skis and go back.

The psychologist imitates the ski and ski movement. Children repeat after him.

Built in the column "Skiers go out" from the hall.

Lesson 12.

=> development of arbitrary and self-control;

\u003d\u003e Development of attention and sense of humor;

\u003d\u003e The development of emotional and expressive movements;

\u003d\u003e satisfaction of the need for recognition;

\u003d\u003e Removing psycho-emotional voltage;

\u003d\u003e Development and improvement of communicative skills.

Materials for the lesson: tape recorder; cassette with a recording of slow calm music; cut into two parts of the postcard (pictures); Red, blue and yellow squares.

1. Exercise "Snowflake dance"(3 min). Children enter the hall where calm music sounds. Psychologist says:

- Imagine that you are snowflakes, which are circling in the wind to the music - slowly, calmly, beautiful. As soon as the music stops to sound, take the hands of one who stands nearby. Hearing the sounds of the melody, continue to dance with couples. When I say "Stop!", You need to immediately stop.

2. The game "Peres" (4-5 min).

The psychologist gives each child to half the postcard (one of the halves it leaves himself) and explains the rules of the game:

- First, everyone will find a couple of themselves, and for this you need to determine who has the second half of your postcard. Couples are taken by arms, raise them up, get up with each other, forming a "corridor". The child who remains without a pair passes under the hands of the players, chooses someone, takes him by the hand and leads. At the end of the "corridor" a new couple gets up and raises up hands. The child who remains without a pair runs forward and also, passing through the "corridor", chooses a couple. New couples get up last.

■ The game passes in a rapid pace.

3. Exercise "One big animal"(see Lesson 2) (2 min).

4. Exercise "We are looking for errors"

Psychologist says:

- I will read the story. Carefully follow my speech. If you hear some confusion or something that can not be,- fill your legs, and then explain why you interrupted the story and correct my mistake.

Story with ridiculous

I am somehow in the forest. He took a dog, backpack and skis. I come to the forest, I put the skates and start moving according to the ski. Suddenly my cat saw something. Under the Christmas tree sat red hare. Dog jammed, the hare rushed to run. The hare jumped into a tree, and the dog climbed behind him. The hare from the dog ran away, because he runs slowly. Then my dog \u200b\u200bbegan to dig the ground and excavated - what would you think? MUSHROOM! No, of course, not a mushroom, but a mink, but in that mink there lived a crow. The dog sniffed mink and drove further. I went after her. I wanted to eat. I got from the portfolio two sandwiches and thermos with coffee. One of the pies I gave a dog. We filed, and suddenly I heard the knock of the wheels and the beep of the steamer, it means that the railway is close.

We went to the sound of the train and soon reached the station. At the station, I removed the skates, got money from the suitcase and bought a ticket to the train. A few minutes later we got into the bus wagon and went back.

That's the fairy tale, and who listened - well done!

5. Game "Anchors - whispers- mOLcHALKI "(see occupation 9) (4 min).

6. Game "Broken phone"(4 min).

Children and psychologist take chairs and sit in a circle.

Psychologist says:

- Let's some more whiskey- let's play in the "spoiled phone".

Children explain the rules of the game: the psychologist comes up with the word and whisper utters it to the eye of the child, sitting on the right of him, he also sends the heard neighbor on the right, etc. The last child utters the word out loud.

■ Usually the last word does not coincide with the initial option, which causes the rapid reaction of children.

A psychologist gives children time to manifest emotions and continues the game.

7. Game "The train with the name"(see Lesson 4) (5 minutes).

8. The final stage(2 minutes).

The psychologist thanks all the children and notes those who were especially attentive, kind, etc.

Lesson 13.

\u003d\u003e The development of arbitrary and self-control;

\u003d\u003e Development of auditory attention;

\u003d\u003e The development of emotional and expressive movements;

\u003d\u003e development of tactile perception;

\u003d\u003e Development and improvement of communicative skills.

Materials for the lesson: envelope with geometric figures (circles, triangles, squares, rectangles, ovals, rhombuses); ball.

1. Exercise "Tell meand show "(3-4 min). Children get up semicircle opposite the psychologist and perform the movements that are mentioned in the rhyme.

Right hand- on the shoulder, left hand- on a barrel. Hands to the sides, hands down, and rightly turn.

Hand left- on the shoulder,

Right hand- on a barrel.

Hands up, hands down,

And turn left.

The exercise is repeated several times.

2. Game "Listen and answer"(5 minutes).

Children get up in a circle. The psychologist takes the ball and enters the center of the circle. He alternately throwing the ball with children, asks to call some plant, animal, toy, car brand, etc.

■ The game is carried out in a rapid pace.

3. Game "Brownian motion"(5-7 min).

Children walk around the hall, trying not to hurt each other. Hearing the team of the psychologist "Eyes Close", the children closes their eyes and slowly go to the center of the hall. When children approach each other, a psychologist says:

- Once or twice or three, of those who are near, take the hand. Do not open the eye, and who is this, guess.

Children to the touch determine who stands nearby, call each other's names and open their eyes.

4. Game "Guess the figure"(7 min).

Children sit on chairs and close their eyes. The psychologist takes an envelope in which there are different geometric shapes, and says:

- Do not open your eyes, but what figure on the palm will put, guess.

The psychologist puts on the palm of every child on one figurine. The child on the touch determines which figurine he got, calls her, then opens his eyes.

■ The game is held twice: at the beginning, the psychologist puts the figure on the right, then on the left palm of the child. If necessary, before the start of the game, the names of geometric shapes are specified.

5. Game "Edible- inedible "(5-7 min).

Children are built in a row. The psychologist takes the ball and stands opposite the children. (Distance between psychologist and children - 5 steps.)

Psychologist, calling any subject, alternately throws the ball to children. If the name of the edible subject sounded, the child catches the ball, inedible - repels. With the right task, the child takes a step forward. The one who will come to a psychologist becomes the lead.

The game is repeated.

6. Exercise "Two bear sitting ..."(2 minutes). Children get up semicircle opposite the psychologist and repeat words and movements behind him.

7. The final stage(3 min).

Children sit on the floor, forming a circle. A psychologist asks for children to say what exercise they liked. Children, passing each other ball, alternately share their impressions.

Lesson 14.

\u003d\u003e The development of arbitrary and self-control;

\u003d\u003e Development of attention, speech and imagination;

\u003d\u003e Development of coordination of movements;

\u003d\u003e The development of emotional and expressive movements;

\u003d\u003e Removing psycho-emotional voltage;

\u003d\u003e Development and improvement of communicative skills.

Materials for the lesson: three or four medium-sized cubes; Long ribbon or rope.

1. Exercise "I am a cube, I do not dare"(see Lesson 3) (8-10 min).

2. Game "Circus artists"(12 min). Children put chairs along the wall.

The psychologist with a ribbon or rope lays out a large circle on the floor and says:

You were agile, as if circus artists. Now be careful and focused as artists before the performance. Imagine that you are behind the scenes and waiting for your exit to the arena.(Shows the circle). You can slowly talk, move, to warm up, rehearse your number. But as soon as you hear your name, you need to get ready and, having consisted of yourself to three, go into the arena and someone to portray- jonglera, rope, silica, magician, trainer or animal animals.

■ After each "speech", a psychologist withstands a pause of 5-8 seconds.

3. Body-oriented exercise "Clowns"(see Lesson 4) (3 min).

4. Game "Yes" and "no" do not say "(3-5 min). Children sit on chairs.

Psychologist says:

- I will ask each of you a question. Responding to him, you should not use the words "yes" and "no".

The psychologist alternately sets the following questions to children:

- Are you at home now?

- Are you 6 years?

- Do you study at school?

- Do you like to watch cartoons?

- Cats know how to bark?

- Apples grow on the Christmas tree?

- Now night?Etc.

one". If a child uses the words "yes" or "no," the psychologist repeats the question. During the game, each child can offer to answer 1-3 questions.

5. Exercise "Tell and show"(3 min). Children get up semicircle opposite the psychologist and repeat words and movements behind him.

One two three four!

Rhythmically clap your hands.

Let's sweep the floor in the apartment.

Imitate movements.

Five, six, seven, eight!

Rhythmically clap your hands.

Come to visit tomorrow.

Smoothly bred hands to the sides.

Eight, seven, six, five!

Rhythmically clap your hands.

We will play together.

Jump and squat.

Four, three, two, one!

Rhythmically clap your hands.

Pies we will give you.

Pull hands forward, holding an imaginary tray with pies on the palms.

In the meantime we will rest-

Love on the carpet.

I lay on a barrel, we must.

Long on the carpet, close your eyes.

8. The final stage(1-2 min). The psychologist thanks all the children and notes those who were especially attentive, kind, etc.

Lesson 15.

\u003d\u003e The development of arbitrary and self-control;

\u003d\u003e Development of attention, thinking and speech;

\u003d\u003e Prevention of aggression;

=> development emotional expressive movements;

\u003d\u003e Removing psycho-emotional voltage;

\u003d\u003e Development and improvement of communicative skills.

Materials for the lesson: tape recorder; cassette with a record of major music; towel or scarf; Funny soft toy ("fiction); Lovers of thick paper, markers (color pencils).

1. Exercise "Turtles"(3 min). Children are squatting. Psychologist says:

- Imagine that you have turned into small turtles. Night has come. Turtles hid under shells- they pulled and lowered the heads, pressed the legs to the body, closed their eyes. Sweet turtles sleep. But at night replaced the morning. The sun rays looked at the turtles and wake them. Turtles are slowly waking up. Here they carefully moved their fingers on their paws, they opened their eyes, slowly slowly raised their heads, pulled the neck and looked around with curiosity. It's time to get up- they straightened the legs, drove, stretched to the sun, raised the legs up. Oh, what kind of gentle, warm sun today! With good morning, turtles!

2. Game "Listen to the team"(5-7 min).

Children move around the hall to the music. Suddenly, the music is interrupted. The psychologist is in a whisper pronounces the team (raise the right hand, sit down, jump, take a chairs, etc.).

Children execute the team, music turns on, the game continues.

3. Exercise "Some of the answer"(5-7 min). Children sit on chairs.

Psychologist says:

- I will ask you questions. Everyone who knows the answer is stretching his hand forward, compresses the fingers into the fist, and the thumb ups up. Show these movements.

Children perform a task.

- When I see a lot of fingers raised upwards, I'll start count: "Once, two, three." At the expense of "Three" you will all together you will whisper the answer.

The psychologist asks the following questions:

- What is the time of year now?

- What is the day of the week?

- What is the name of the city (village) in which you live?

- What number follows five?

- What is the name of the cow?

- How many paws do dogs?

- How many paws have two dogs?Etc.

4. Game "Zhuja" (6-7 min).

With the help of readings, the leading - "Zhuja" is selected. He sits on a chair standing in the center of the hall. In the hands of "Zhuja" holds a towel (scarf). The rest of the children begin to tease "bzhuza", to curl in front of her, pronouncing words:

"Zhuzh, Zhuzh, come out,

Zhuzh, Zhuzh, catch! "

"Zhuja" patiently sits on a chair. But "Patience ends", she jumps up and cares for someone from children with a towel (scarf).

Awested child becomes a "bumbry".

■ We must carefully monitor the blow to be not strong.

5. Drawing onthe specified topic (10-12 min). Children sit on chairs.

The psychologist shows the children a funny soft toy and says:

- Guys, fiction came to visit us. He knows how to tell the cheerful implausible stories. Listen to one of them:

"Once I ran along the lawn and jumped on one, then on the other foot. Once I jumped so much that I flew to the cloud. Speaking at him more comfortably and decided to travel on it. The cloud flew-flying and suddenly faced another cloud. I threw up, I rejected through my head and began to fall, but I do not understand- up or down? What do you think guys? The fact of the matter is that not down, and up, and fell on the star. The star was very hot, so I could not stand still and began to jump and darned up to an extraordinary flower. I have long admired this flower. All petals he had multicolored and such bright, that I had to close my eyes. And when I opened them, it was at home in bed! It was a dream!"

Fantastic wanted to draw what he saw in a dream, he did not succeed. Let's help him. Take sheets of paper and markers (pencils), draw a dream fiction.

Children perform a task.

6. Final stage (1-2min). Fantastic thanks children, praises their drawings.

Lesson 16.

\u003d\u003e The development of arbitrary and self-control;

\u003d\u003e Development of attention and imagination;

\u003d\u003e The development of emotional and expressive movements;

\u003d\u003e Removing psycho-emotional voltage;

\u003d\u003e Development and improvement of communicative skills.

Materials for the lesson: tape recorder; cassette with a record of major music; middle size ball; hoop; Cards depicting persons in different emotional states (joy, anger, surprise, insult).

1. Game "Checkbox"(5-7 min).

Music sounds. Children marching around the hall. At a sign of a psychologist (raised checkbox), they must stop moving and secure the posture in which they found a signal for 5-7 seconds. By repeated signal, the movement is resumed.

2. Exercise "Compliments"(3-5 min).

Children get up in a circle. The psychologist, giving the ball to one of the children, tells him a compliment. The child must say "Thank you" and pass the ball to a neighbor, pronouncing affectionate words in his address. The one who took the ball says "Thank you" and transfers it to the next child.

■ Children, speaking compliments and words of gratitude, pass the ball first one, then in the other direction.

3. Movable game "Owl"(5-7 min).

With the help of readings, the leading - "owl" is selected. The rest of the children will depict mice or birds.

At the team of the psychologist "Day" "Owl" sits in the "nest" (hoop lying on the floor) and closes his eyes, and children begin to run around the hall. When a psychologist says: "Night", children squat and freeze, and the "owl" goes on the hunt. She looks out for those who move or laughs, and "takes" them to themselves in the "nest".

4. Exercise "Emotions"(7 min). Children sit on chairs.

The psychologist alternately shows the kids card with the image of persons.

Children, determining the emotional state of the person shown in the picture, silently raise her hand. Psychologist says: "Once, two, three." At the expense of "three" children all must whisper the answer.

At the end of this exercise, a psychologist invites children with the help of pantomimics the following emotional states: sadness, offense, joy, anger, surprise, calm.

Children perform a task.

5. Body-oriented exercise "Ship"(3-4 min).

Children get up in a circle. Psychologist says:

- Imagine that we are on the deck of the ship. In order not to fall, lay the feet of the sewn and press them to the floor. Hands clutch behind his back.

The wind flew out, the wave rose, the boat swung. Press the right leg to the floor, bend a little slightly in your knee, touch the floor only with its toe.

Wind Uty.- straighten, relax.

Attention! New wave. The ship swung in the other direction- press the left foot to the floor, right relax.

Sea calmed down- straighten, relax, breathe deeply and exhale.

6. Final stage(2-4 min).

Children sit on chairs.

The psychologist proposes to remember what good, pleasant words each heard every today.

Children recall the compliments spoken by them. The psychologist thanks children for the fact that they were attentive and kind.


Yogovskaya gymnastics for kids

1. Children walk in a circle each other and buzz as the train: "Tu-Tu-U-U-U".

2. Stay, get up in a circle.

3. "Ringing alarm clock" - squeeze palm into the cam, perform circular movements at the solar plexus: "Jick-Jick-Jick".

4. "The alarm clock": "z-zz". We will stop him - the children are slightly hit with his palm on the head.

5. "Miscellaneous Lico" - spend hands on the edge of the face.

6. "Miscellaners" are pushing the pillows of the fingers on the roots of the hair.

7. "Bloving" - spend fingers on eyebrows.

8. "They make eyes" - touches the tips of the fingers of the eyelids, spend the point around the eyes. Blink through eyes.

9. "Miscellaneous Nose" - spend the index finger from the bridges on the wings of the nose down.

10. "The ears are pushed" - plug in the ush, stroke the ears.

11. "They make chin" - a chin.

12. "Pain the novel of the sun" - turn the head, paint the carriage of the rays - perform the appropriate movements from the bottom up: "Zhzhik-Zhzhik-Zhzhik".

13. Pronounce in chorus: "I am good, kind, beautiful," stroke my head.

Exercises for the development of common and small motors

"We tell and show"

One two three four five!

Bunny went out.

Bunks hid behind the Christmas tree.

Is there a fox here Ile Wolf?

Pee down because of the palms.

One two three four five!

Get up and clap your hands.

You can play fun.

Jump or spinning on the spot.

One two three four five!

Alternately bend fingers into the cam.

What will we draw?

Compress and squeeze cams.

Narisu-ka Lion.

Lion depicts.

To start- head.

Put palm on your head.

To look truthfully, painting him the mane.

Raise and join hands above their heads.

And now the eyes and ears so that he listened to the rustles.

Apply palms to the ears.

Here is a handsome lion is ready!

Clap your hands.

He winked-


And there was such a thing!

Sat, close the face with palms.

One two three four five!

Alternately bend fingers into the cam.

We can all show!

Rhythmically clap your hands.

Show the speeds, friend, rooster scallop.

Show your fingers bent in the phalanges.

And now duck nose.

Show your fingers connected into a chin.

And now a goose tail.

Connect the fingers of both hands, thumbs are hiding inside the palms.

One two three four five!

Alternately bend fingers into the cam.

We can all show!

Rhythmically clap your hands.

One two three four five! Fingers got off.

Compress and squeeze cams.

Mysinetty dancing on the porch,

Nameless- near the stove

Middle- near the bridge

Pointing- in the bushes.

Even the largest

Dance me to dance.

Flex and extension appropriate fingers.

One two three four five!

Compress and squeeze cams.

There will be fingers to rest.

Sleep your hands down, shake brushes.

Questionnaire for parents of hyperactive children

Cock the circle of the numbers opposite those utterances with which you agree.

My child

very moving, runs a lot, constantly spinning .........................................1

sleeps much less than other children ............... 2

very talked ..................................................

can not quietly, calmly play or do something .................................... .4

with difficulty waiting for his turn (in games, in stores) .................................... ..5

begins to respond, without hearing the question, or, on the contrary, asking the question, does not listen to the answer ... 6

often interferes with others, interferes in the conversations of adults .................................................. ..7

can't calmly wait for remuneration (if, for example, they promised to buy something). ‘….. 8

often does not hear when they turn to him ...... ..9

it is easily distracted when he read the book ...... 10

often does not bring the started business (game, task) to the end ...................................................... 11

avoids classes where long-term concentration is required .............................12

Make a conclusion about the presence of a child ADHD can be if during six monthsyB Children's Institution, and at home there are no less than seven symptoms from those listed.

1. In his relationship with the child, support a positive installation. Praise it in each case when he deserves it, emphasize the progress. It helps strengthen the child's confidence in their own power.

2. Avoid repeating the words "no" and "it is impossible."

3. Speak restrained, calmly, gently. (Sounds excite the child.)

4. Give the child only one task on a certain period of time so that it can complete it.

5. To reinforce oral instructions, use visual stimulation.

6. Encourage the child for all types of activity requiring concentration of attention (for example, working with cubes, designer, board games,coloring, reading).

7. Support home clear routine of the day. The time of meals, performing homework and sleep daily must correspond to this schedule.

8. Avoid the abuse of people. Stay in large stores, markets, etc. It has an excessive stimulating effect on the child.

9. During games, limit the child with only one partner. Avoid restless, noisy buddies.

10. Furthers a child from fatigue because it leads to a decrease in self-control and increasing hyperactivity.

11. Let's give the child the opportunity to spend excess energy. Useful daily physical activity in the fresh air - Walking, Running, Sports (Gymnastics, swimming, tennis, but not a struggle or boxing, because these sports are traumatic).

12. Remember that hyperactivity inherent in the deficiency syndrome, although inevitable, can be kept under reasonable control using listed measures.

Games and exercises for individual classes

Before starting collective gaming classes, it is advisable to spend several individual training sessions with children. These are especially needed by defective, inhibited, excessively shy and children with poor coordination of movements.

When carrying out individual sessions, you can use the following games and exercises.

1. For the development of arbitrariness:

\u003d\u003e "Yes" and "no" do not say "(occupation 14);

\u003d\u003e "Flies - does not fly" (lesson 8);

\u003d\u003e "Edible - inedible" (occupation 13);

\u003d\u003e "Forbidden movement" (occupation 3);

\u003d\u003e "Forbidden Word": the child follows the psychologist repeats

all words, except for one that "prescribed the forbidden".

Instead, he can, for example, clap his hands;

\u003d\u003e "Once or two or three - Speak!" (lesson 2);

\u003d\u003e "The sea is worried" (occupation 10).

2. For the development of attention and memory:

\u003d\u003e "What disappeared?": The psychologist puts on the table 10 toys. The child considers them and closes his eyes. The psychologist removes one toy. The child opens his eyes and defines, "What disappeared";

\u003d\u003e "What has changed? ": The game is similar to the previous one, only toys are not cleaned, but change places;

\u003d\u003e "Attention - draw!": The psychologist shows a child for 2 seconds a simple drawing (see: Nikitin V.Educational games. - M., 1985). Then the drawing is cleaned, and the child draws it by memory;

\u003d\u003e "Listen to cotton": the psychologist negotiates with the child that if one cotton sounds , you need to march in place, two cotton - stand on one leg (like a stork), three cotton - jump (like a frog);

\u003d\u003e "Consider a toy, and then it is described";

\u003d\u003e "Remember and repeat motion": a psychologist shows three different movements, the child looks, remembers and repeats them. Then there are four movements;

\u003d\u003e Work at the table on the sheets: "Correcting Sample", "Maze", "Connect in order" and others.

3. For the development of motility and coordination of movements:

\u003d\u003e "Biryulki": on the table slide lie small toys or matches. They need to take two fingers so as not to touch the rest;

\u003d\u003e "Pump and ball" (occupation 4);

\u003d\u003e "I am a cube carry and does not drop" (occupation 3);

\u003d\u003e "Clowns" (lesson 4);

\u003d\u003e "Line walking": the child must pass in a straight line, putting the heel of one leg in front of the other and holding hands to the sides;

\u003d\u003e "Cross cotton": a psychologist and a child get together opposite each other; First, the usual cotton is made, then cotton with the hands of a psychologist about the hands of the child, again the usual cotton, then the right palm of the psychologist makes cotton about the right palm of the child, again the usual cotton, then cotton with the left palm of the psychologist about the left palm of the child and ordinary cotton;

\u003d\u003e "Robot": a psychologist says that the child will now turn into a robot that can only obey the teams. The child freezes in the rack "Smirno." Further, a psychologist, gives him teams, for example: "Three steps forward, two steps right, right hand forward, two steps left, left hand to the side, Hands to lower, stand quietly";

\u003d\u003e Any finger or gesture games that this child cause difficulties.

4. To overcome shyness:

\u003d\u003e "Dunno": the child is offered to play the role of Locking. In response to any question that a psychologist will ask him, he must make a surprised face, shake his shoulders and say "I don't know ...";

\u003d\u003e "Bunny scared": the child must present himself a hare, which is afraid of a wolf, and depict a fright with the help of pantomimics;

\u003d\u003e "Angry Wolf": a child with pantomimics depicts an evil and hungry wolf;

\u003d\u003e "Cockery": a child with a pantomimika depicts a brave rooster, a proud cock, a sad cock, a cheerful cock;

\u003d\u003e "Delicious candy": the child must imagine that it was treated with delicious candy, and show how he unfolds, takes her mouth and slowly squeezes her, while his face depicts pleasure.

Chistolyakova M.I.Psychogympics. - M., 1995; Kataeva Lee.The work of a psychologist with shy children. - M.: Knikolyub, 2004.

5. To activate subcortical structures of the brain:

a) breathing exercises:

\u003d\u003e Breathing with a delay in inhalation / exhalation - first in your own, then in the installed rhythm. It is running on the floor "in Turkish" or standing on the knees, palms are put on the diaphragm region;

\u003d\u003e Child sitting on the floor "in Turkish" and raising his hands up, makes inhale. When exhaling slowly leans forward, lowering hands and saying: "down";

\u003d\u003e Child sitting on the floor, spreads his arms to the side, squeezes all your fingers except the big, in a fist. When inhaling, the child raises the thumb up, with a slow exhale, it gives down and whistles;

\u003d\u003e Child lying on the floor, puts palms on the belly. Making a slow breath and exhalation of the belly, the child represents that the air ball is inflated and blown away.

Respiratory exercises - See: Belyakova L.I., Goncharova N.N., Shishkova T. G.Methods for the development of speech breathing in preschoolers with speech impairment. - M.: Knikolyub, 2004.

b) exercises for normalization of muscle tone:\u003d\u003e "Snowman": the child is offered to imagine themselves only

what a blinded snowman - the body should be very tense, like frozen snow. But the sun was harvested, and the snowman began to melt: first "melts" and hangs his head, then the shoulders are lowered, their hands are relaxed, etc. At the end of the exercise, the child gently falls on the floor and lies relaxed, presenting that he is a pool of water;

\u003d\u003e "Tree": a child, depicting seed, sits squatting, head on his knees, hands hug their knees. "Seawning" germinates and turns into a tree - the child lifts his head, then slowly gets up, straightens, raises his hands. Suddenly, the wind flew out and broke a tree - the child bends in the waist, relaxing the top of the body, the head and his hands hang it lifeless;

\u003d\u003e "Fingers": in the sitting position or standing the child bends his hands in the elbows and begins to compress and squeeze the brushes of the hands, gradually speeding the tempo. Then lowers hands, relaxes and shakes hands;

\u003d\u003e "Boat": the child falls on his back, pulls his hands. By team, he simultaneously raises his head, straight legs and hands. Pose is held as long as possible. Then the child performs an exercise, lying on the stomach.

c) exercises for spatial orientation:

\u003d\u003e The child takes the ball and on the team of a psychologist raises him up, lowers down, puts him in front of him, on the right and to the left of herself, puts it under, on the table, etc.;

\u003d\u003e Child jumps on two legs forward, back, left, right;

\u003d\u003e "Find treasure": a toy is hidden in the room. The child must find her, focusing on the team: "Two steps forward, one right, etc.".

These and other exercises - see: Ganicheva I.V.Timody-oriented approaches to psychocorrection and developing work with children. - M.: Klebolyub, 2004; Goryacheva T. G., Sultanova Az.Sensor correction of mental disorders in childhood. - M., 1999.


Alexandrova E.M., Kurekova N.V.Psychological support of children of younger school age: study-no-method. benefit. Part 1 - M., 2001.

Bryazgunov I.P., Casatikova E.V.Friend child. - M., 2001.

Professional IG, Pellinger E.L., Uspenskaya L.P.Elimination of stuttering from preschoolers in the game. - M., 1984.

Goryacheva T.G., Sultanova A.S.Sensor correction of mental disorders in childhood. - M., 1999.

Zavadenko N.I.How to understand a child: children with hyperactivity and attention deficit. - M., 2000.

Kataeva L.I.Correctional and educational classes in the preparatory group: occupation abstracts. - M., 2004.

Kataeva L.I.The work of a psychologist with shy children. - M., 2004.

Kryazheva N.L.Development of the emotional world of children. - Yaroslavl, 1997.

Lyutova E.K., Monina GBCheat Sheet for adults: psychocorrection work with hyperactive, aggressive, disturbing and autistic children. - M., 2000.

Romanov A.A.Directional playback of violations of behavior and emotional disorders in children. - M., 2000.

Selfish N.V.Games at school and houses: Psychotechnical exercises and correction programs. - M., 1993.

Snegiva l A.Games and exercises for the development of communication skills in preschoolers. - Minsk, 1995.

Strakovskaya V.L.300 rolling games for the recovery of children. - M., 1994.

KhuklaevO.. B.. Lestenka joy. - M., 1998.

Chistolyakova M.I.Psychogympics. - M., 1995.

Shevchenko Yu.S.Correction of the behavior of children with hyperactive and psychopathic syndrome. - M., 1997.

In some cases, immediately after delivery is made a diagnosis of perinatal encephalopathy (PEP).

A detailed description of the risk factors, the mechanism of development, diagnosis and correction of ADHD see: Wawdenko NL.How to understand a child: children with hyperactivity and attention deficit. - M.: School press, 2000.

The author thanks Logopeda N.E. Egorov for the exercise loose cycle "Let's tell and show" (see classes 6, 13, 14 and the application).

The picture material is contained in the game: Tkachenko T. A.Funny stories. - M.: Prometheus; Booklist, 2002.

Zavadenko N.N.How to understand a child: children with hyperactivity and attention deficit. - M., 2000. - P. 88

Many parents are not acquainted with such a term as hyperactivity in children. Recently, through the edge of beating activity and the inability to stream at least 5 minutes in one place often strongly exhaust parents who are forced to restrain the irrepressible energy of their children almost the clock. most common in preschool age. This behavior is difficult to control not only parents, but also to educators, educators. Children with increased activity are often distinguished by excessive impulsiveness and even aggressiveness. Such properties of the character interfere with the child to find a common language with peers and make friends. The optimal solution in this situation is the correct adjustment of the child's behavior.

A hyperactive child is not always easy to find a common language with peers, because not all of them are fidget. Correction of the child's behavior will help even establish the social life of the kid

Classes with a child with ADHD

If parents notice that the child is difficult to focus its attention - most likely, this indicates violations in the corresponding brain department. In this case, it is not necessary to strain this site, avoiding overloading the child's attention. As an alternative to teachers and psychologists in one voice, they offer to develop children's memory and thinking, thus exercising normally developing brain areas.

When choosing games and exercises, follow the following rules:

  • Tasks for games and classes should be extremely short and clear. It is possible to use visual pictures-tips. Before you start, make sure that the child understood the task well.
  • Help the child to master the rule: first you need to bring one thing to the end and only then take on another - so it will learn to be consistent.
  • Time to perform the task should be small to avoid overworking the child. Excessive load will lead to the fact that the child will begin to lose control over himself and will become even more active and aggressive.
  • The sequence of active and quiet games should alternate so that the child has time for the "restoration" of the brain. Noticing signs of excessive activity, try to send excessive energy into a positive channel, offering him more relaxed games.
  • Help your child learn your tendency to any case: drawing, sport, design, music or something else. Give the opportunity to quietly do your favorite thing. Mastering a large number of skills and achieved some results, the child will begin to feel more confident.
  • Try to train the weaknesses of the baby. Often, hyperactive children are poorly owned by small motility, in this case it is worth offering classes for its development: beading, origami and so on.

Small motorcy need to develop not only at all small children, but also at schoolchildren - the designer's beloved designer, puzzles, weaving from bead or modeling will help the child better manage their movements


Correction with the help of games is relevant for the development of poorly developed brain functions in hyperactive children. Children with increased activity often prefer to play more noisy games - it is connected with the fact that the child can not make himself sick in one place. Completely informed in this case will be the choice of moving games.

The list of correctional exercises proposed below is perfect for hyperactive preschool children (3, 4 and 5 years). Also such games will be interesting and school-age children. In the process of games, children will train the reaction and attention, as well as participants will have the opportunity to learn how to be more tactical and polite in relation to each other.

Active Games according to the rules will help make a child more disciplined and teach to set us tasks and achieve a goal. Pre-negative rules of games contribute to training attention from a child. Similar games are widely used in kindergartens, but also may well be adapted for home conditions with mom and dad.

The game "Hour of silence and an hour of activity"

Purpose: If children do not hear comments and requests addressed to them, it's time to enter this game. Children in a games form splash the accumulated energy, and parents or teachers get the opportunity to control naughty babies.

Note: Different days of the week may correspond to a certain time - for example, today there will be time for silence, and on Wednesday - time for noise. The main thing is to strictly follow the rules.

In the hour of silence, the baby can do those games that will not interfere with the family rest - for example, drawing, modeling, reading

Game "Pass the ball"

Purpose: Implement excess children's energy.

Note: For experienced players, it is possible to complicate the game by tolding the eye to the eye bandage.

GBVT game

Purpose: Develop attention.

Siamese Gemini game

Purpose: make kids more friendly, rally them.

Note: Make a "common" foot one and friendly with the help of a rope. You can connect pairs with backs, heads or other parts of the body.

Game "Zvaki"

Purpose: to develop concentrated attention in children, increase the speed of the reaction, to teach coordinate your movements and clearly follow the rules.

Note: There is another version of the game, where cotton in your hands coincides with any word from the song. The song can be included on the tape recorder or sing it all together.

Horror games were still known to our ancestors. They played not only a ritual role, but also helped develop concentration and attentiveness from the kids

The game "Four Elements"

Purpose: Training of attention affecting the development of motor and auditory functions of the body.

Content: Exercise can be carried out standing or sitting in a circle. The lead explains how to show certain words. For example, the Earth is to sit down, water - smooth movements with hands, air - stand on socks and stretch your hands up, fire - image of palms of flashes from fire. By remembering the movement, players are watching the lead. He utters a word, and participants must show it quickly. The lead can confuse the guys, saying one word, and showing another.

Note: Words can be taken any: dig, water, sow, hang underwear, etc. The minimum age threshold for this game is 4 years.

Game "Forbidden Movement"

Purpose: Children's discipline is produced thanks to a predetermined clear game rules. The exercise for cohesion of the team trains the speed of the reaction, settles the emotional background in the team and strengthens the relationship between children.

Note: Instead of movements, you can use the free digit. Players must repeat the choir for leading all the numbers, except for one, which is prohibited. Instead of this figure, players must sink their feet, jump or clap your hands.

The game "Cap My Triangular ..."

Purpose: Exercise teaches players attentiveness, coordination of movements, and also gives a charge of cheerfulness and excellent mood.

Content: Participants get up in a circle. All players begin to pronounce the chain of the phrase: "My triangular cap, a triangular meat. If the cap is not triangular, then this is not my cap. " Each player calls only one word from the phrase. The next round is carried out like this: the words "Cap" and "mine" are replaced by movements. Thus, the number of spoken words with each round decreases, and the number of shown - increases. In the last round, children show the whole phrase with gestures.

Note: If children do not cope with such a long phrase, you can cut it. This game is suitable for hyperactive children over 4 years old.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal Psychology and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in Clinical Psychologist

Astrakhan Institute for Advanced Traffic and Retraining

Department of "Pedagogy and Psychology"

Topic: "Interaction with hyperactive children"

Performed (a) Prokopenko E. L.

Pedagogue - psychologist

znamensk Dow No. 6

Checked (a)


1. Introduction

2. The concept of hyperactivity -

3. Work with the parents of a hyperactive child -

4. Correctional work with hyperactive children -

5. Features of holding classes with hyperactive children -

6. Games and exercises with hyperactive children -

7. Work with teachers on the problem with hyperactive children -

8. Used literature

1. Introduction

If you see a child who can sit for a long time or lie down, then
Surely (and fairly!) Agreate: Is it healthy? After all, children like
The rule is very moving, active is their nature, physiological
The pattern of their development.

Mastering walking skills, the child begins to energetically use these
fascinating opportunities. It will fit on benches and sofas,
Jump from them, squeeze in all corners, spank on puddles.
Especially big fidget-kids 3-4 years old. Striving for knowledge
The surrounding world encourages them to constantly action. They want everyone
To see, touch, even break to look inside.
Do not limit the natural mobility of the child. But how to be with
Mobility excessive? And, most importantly, what is considered excessive?
Of course, the norm here is not easy to determine: much depends on
Individual features of the body, from character, temperament. And all
There are children who doctors call hyperactive. They are literally ne.
know no peace of rest if they do not run, do not fuss, then in their movement
hands, something verty, unbutton; in motion head, then
turning there and here; in motion even the mouth, the child is chewing, then
Language will dry out, then bite it. Excessive mobility
The only feature of their feature. They are plaques, restless, capricious.
It is said about them - "natural disaster". They are even derived from themselves
The most calm and patient adults. These are them constantly wound up
Shame and scold. They can not walk calmly, sit quietly, silently
then engage They run all the time, jump, noise, chat, start
Something to do and very quickly throw the started, lose things, give off -
In general, they are very and very uncomfortable. They are characterized excessive
Mobility combined with nonsense, elevated

distractions, disruption of the concentration of attention. Such children sometimes
There are negatives, sometimes aggressive. And everyone would have nothing, only
would we - adults - add more strength and patience if ourselves
Hyperactive children did not experience so many difficulties of the most different kind
And in communication, and in school. The peak of manifestation of hyperactivity accounts for 5-7
years. It is at this age when a feeling appears in adults
The uncontrollability of the child, most often appeal to a doctor or psychologist.
And there are diagnosed attention deficit and hyperactivity syndrome

Now this diagnosis is increasingly. Statistics says that in Russia
such children 4-18%, in the USA - 4 - 20%, the United Kingdom - 1 - 3%, Italy -
3 - 10%, in China - 1 - 13%, in Australia - 7 - 10%. Boys among them in 9
Once larger than girls.

2. The concept of hyperactivity.

"Active" - \u200b\u200bfrom the Latin "Activus" -Exterative, effective. "Hyper" - from the Greek "Nureg" - above, on top - indicates the excess of the norm.
"Hyperactivity in children is manifested by unusual for normal,
appropriate age, child development inattention,
distractions. impulsive and hyperactivity "(psychological
Dictionary, 1997, p. 72).

The first manifestations of hyperactivity can be observed under the age of 7 years.
Peaks of the manifestation of this syndrome coincide with the peaks of psychorette
development. In 1-2 years, 3 years and 6-7 years. In 1-2 years, speech skills are laid, in 3 years, the child increases the vocabulary, in 6-7 years, the skills of reading and writing are formed (Zawadenko N. P., 2000).

Most researchers celebrate three main manifestation block
Hyperactivity: attention deficit, impulsiveness, increased
Motor activity (Shevchenko Yu. S. 1997; Zavadenko N. N., 2000, etc.).
To adolescent age increased motor activity as
The rule disappears, and impulsiveness and attention deficit remain.
Behavioral disorders remain almost 70% of adolescents and 50% adults,
In childhood, the diagnosis of hyperactivity syndrome (by: Zawadenko N. P., 2000).

The basis of hyperactivity, as a rule, is the minimum brain
Dysfunction (MMD), which is the cause of school
problems of approximately half of the unsuccessful students (Shevchenko Yu. S, 199.7,
Campbell R., 1997. Zavadenko N. N., 2000). Despite the fact that this problem
Many specialists are engaged (teachers, defectologists, speech therapists, psychologists.
Psychiatrists), Currently, among parents and teachers, there is still an opinion that hyperactivity is just a behavioral problem, and sometimes just "licenses" of a child or the result of inept upbringing. Moreover, almost every child exhibiting in a kindergarten group or in the classroom excessive mobility and nonsense, adults are ranked to the discharge of hyperactive children. Such a hasty in the conclusions is not always justified, since the hyperactivity syndrome is a medical diagnosis, the right to produce only a specialist, and the diagnosis is made only after conducting a special diagnosis, and in no way on the basis of fixing excessive motor activity of the child.

The main reasons for the occurrence of hyperactivity in children are primarily the pathology of pregnancy, childbirth, infection and intoxication of the first years of the life of the baby, genetic conditionality. In 85% of cases of hyperactivity, the pathology of pregnancy and / or childbirth is diagnosed (Zawadenko N. N., 2000)

Hyperactivity or excessive motor dismissal,
It is a manifestation of fatigue. Fatigue in the child goes wrong
adult who controls this condition and rest on time, and in
overexcitation (chaotic subcortical excitation), weak it

The characteristic feature of the mental activity of hyperactive children is
cyclicity. At the same time, the brain works productively 5-15 minutes, and then 3-7
Minutes energy for the next cycle. At that moment a child
"Falls" and does not hear an adult, can make any actions and
Do not remember this. To stay in consciousness, such children need
constantly keep your vestibular apparatus in activity - thrust
Head, move, spin. If the head and body will be stationary, then
Such a child decreases the level of brain activity. (Srotyuk A.L., 2003)

When a person thinks he spends so much energy as no one
Physical work does not require. So if energy is enough, he
copes. If not, there are two ways: either exhaustion comes or if
He ripe famously and his focused will, then the bodily danced
Functions. There are not enough energy on them, and there is a different psychosomatic

When a child S. ADHD one remains, he becomes sluggish, as if
semi-free or lingered without a case, repeats some monotonous
actions. These children need external activation. However, in the group with
Excessive "activation" they are overcited and lose performance.

When a child lives in a family where smooth, calm relationships, then
hyperactivity may not be manifested. But, falling into conditions where
Many external stimuli, the child begins to demonstrate the whole
Set of signs ADHD.

Also as hyperactivity In children weak motor coordination,
Characterized by embarrassing disorderly movements. For them
Characterized by a constant external chatter that happens when
Nonformation of internal speech controlling social

Among such children may be gifted, possessing extraordinary
abilities. Hyperactive children can have a good common
But to develop it to fully interfere with violations of development.

3. Work with the parents of a hyperactive child

Parents of hyperactive children tend to experience a lot of difficulties
When interacting with them. So, some seek tough measures
fighting the "disobedience" of the son or daughter, increase disciplinary
Methods of exposure, increase workloads, are strictly punished for
The slightest misconduct, introduces a uncompromising system of prohibitions. Others, tired of endless struggle with their children, waving on everything with her hand, try not
pay attention to his behavior or, "lowering hands", provide
child complete freedom of action, thereby depriving such a necessary for
His adult support. Some parents, hearing in kindergarten, and at school, and in other public places, incessant reproaches and
Hanging to your child, start to blame only themselves in the fact that he
such, and even come to despair and fall into the state of depression (which,
In turn, negatively affects a sensitive child). In all these
Cases parents are often lost when choosing a line of behavior with a child.
Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a systematic explanatory
work. First of all, you need to explain to moms and dads, grandparents,
that the child is in no way guilty that he is so, and that disciplinary
Measures of impact in the form of permanent sentences, comments, okhricov, notations
will not lead to improved behavior of a child, and in most cases even
worsen him. To do this, it is advisable to organize a permanent
lecturing, in which parents can ask specific issues
specialists, as well as conduct joint trainings of parents and children. IN
The processing process is those and others will learn better to understand each other.

With a hyperactive child, it is necessary to communicate gently, calmly. If a
adult performs a study with him, task, then it is preferably not
there were screams and orders, but also enthusiastic intonations, emotionally
Raised tone. Hyperactive child, being very sensitive and
susceptible, most likely, will quickly join your mood.
His emotions will be overwhelmed and become an obstacle for further successful

Quite often hyperactive children possess extraordinary
abilities in different areas, smart and quickly "grab"
information that parents have the impression that the usual
The training program in kindergarten or school is too primitive for them, and they record a child in various circles, on electives. but
Illuminated requirements for such children and an increase in training loads
Often lead to overwork, whims and refusal to study at all.

It happens that parents, having believed either in the exclusiveness of their children, or in the impossibility of changing something, choose tactics. Advocability, and very quickly, an intended child begins to manipulate adults. And since this child is simply necessary for the sensation of its own safety, the clear boundaries of the permitted and mandatory "feedback" from the adult, then in this case the behavior is only aggravated.

A hyperactive child tend to make a huge amount
comments and at home, and in kindergarten, and at school, in connection with this suffers from him
self-esteem, so it is necessary to praise him more often for successes and achievements, even
The most insignificant. It is impossible, however, forget that it is unacceptable praise
insincere, undeserved. All children, and especially hyperactive (and especially
Sensitive), quickly "shake" you and stop trusting.

However, remembering that the hyperactive child for strengthening
self-confidence needed praise and approval of adults, it is impossible
forget that if an adult wants to praise the child for a successful
performing a task, for perfection or accuracy, it is better to do that
Too emotionally, not to transport it.

If an adult wants to achieve his hyperactive child
Performed instructions and requests, you need to learn to give instructions for it.
First of all, the instructions should be few and maintain no more
10 words, otherwise the child simply "turns off" and will not hear you.
Parents should not give a child several tasks immediately, for example:
"Go to the nursery, remove toys, then cleaned your teeth and come at the table ..."
It is better to give the same instructions, but separately, adding the following only after
how the previous one is fulfilled. And it is necessary that the tasks be
Further for the child and physically, and in time. Their execution
It is necessary to check.

In case parents believe that some kind of child activity is necessary
prohibit (for example, the child can not walk alone, you can not take the match, etc.), then
It must be remembered that such prohibitions should be very few, they should
be pre-stipulated with the child and formulated in a very clear and
inexperienced. It is desirable that the child knows what sanctions
Adults will be introduced for a violation of one or another prohibition. In turn.
Parents must be very consistent in the execution of sanctions. IN
otherwise the child every time will be a victim of mood mom or
Pope and will be afraid of not a specific punishment by an adult, and any
Unexpected "emotional storms." All this will only lead to
The child will begin to try to hide the incidents from parents, and children's
Parental relationships will deteriorate.

In everyday communication with hyperactive children, parents must
Avoid sharp prohibitions beginning with the words "no" and "it is impossible."
Hyperactive child, being impulsive, most likely, immediately
Root to such a prohibition by disobedience or verbal aggression. In this case,
First, you need to talk with the child calmly and restrained, even if you
I prohibit anything, and secondly, it is desirable not to tell the child "no",
And give him the opportunity to choose. For example, if a child is "worn like a whirlwind"
By the apartment, you can offer him a choice of two or three other classes:
Run in the yard or listen to the reading of an adult. If a child is loud
Shouts, you can sing with him on his choice some favorite songs. If a
The child moves to toys and things, you can offer him games with water,
which are described in the section "Games in which play ..." (for example, "ball
Fights ").

By virtue of its impulsiveness, a hyperactive child is difficult to first
The requirement of adult switch from one type of activity to another.
Sometimes better, a few minutes before the start of the new activity,
Dupended him about it. For example, if the child is watching TV, and parents need to go to the store, you can say to him: "After 10 minutes, we turn off the TV. Okay?" And so that, do not cause the child's aggression, it is better if after these 10 minutes it is not reminding you, but a bell of alarm clock or a kitchen timer. In the event that the child performs the right conditions correctly, he certainly deserves remuneration, and here it is appropriate to use a system of encouragement and punishment, which was discussed above.

Very often, the parents of hyperactive children argue that their children never get tired: "On Sunday Valera visited the zoo, in the Peter and Paul Fortress, in the summer garden, went to the salute, and in the evening she asked for a walk in the yard. It was very cheerful, active and movable. I didn't even want to sleep for a long time. I fell asleep at 12 o'clock in the night, "says Mom. In fact, Valera, of course, is very tired. And it was this fatigue that manifested itself in the form of motor anxiety, which parents often take care. Such children are very quickly tired, and this leads to a decrease in self-control and to grow
the penisters from which they themselves and their parents are suffering, and all
surrounding. Therefore, to prevent overanxcitation, parents
It is recommended to limit the stay of hyperactive children in places of cluster of a large number of people, try not to invite many guests to the house.

Compliance with the house of a clear regime (routine) of the day - also one of
of the most important conditions for successful actions when interacting with hyperactive
Child. And meals, and walks, and performing homework
It is necessary to exercise in the same, known to the child, time. To
Prevent overexcitation, such a child must go to bed in a strictly defined (fixed) time, and the duration of sleep must be sufficient to restore forces;, (in each case, parents are identified this duration itself, based on the child's condition).

If possible, it is necessary to protect the hyperactive child from long-term classes on the computer and from watching television gear, especially
contributing to its emotional excitation.

Prettyly the parents of a hyperactive child, seeking to give the opportunity to spend their speakers to spend excess energy, write them into various sports sections. Unfortunately, it does not always contribute to the child's calming. In addition, the style of teaching an adult is of great importance. If the coach adheres to an authoritarian, hard-style education, if during the child's stay in the circle it is exposed to numerous punishments and restrictions on the part of an adult, then, most likely, it is most likely to be available only to increasing hyperactivity. If the section is visited by a large number of children, they are engaged only by group types of classes (for example, a game in volleyball, football), and a hyperactive child does not interact with the coach one on one, then, obviously, he is also unlikely
calm down, and after class at home will be forced to throw out the accumulated

energy. Well, when a child is engaged, for example, swimming, running, etc.
sports. But there are cases when the child cannot adapt
to classes in the numerous group of peers. In such situations joint
With parents, classes will bring him much more benefit.

Useful to hyperactive child and calm walks with parents before
sleep, during which parents have the opportunity frankly, alone
Talk to the child, learn about his problems. And fresh air and measured
Step will help the child calm down.

4. Correctional work with hyperactive children

The purpose of the correctional work with hyperactive children is as follows:

Teach concentrate attention;

Bring the work started to the end;

Control their movements;

Remove muscle tension;

Control their emotional manifestations;

Expand the behavioral repertoire in interaction with adults
and peers. The emotional background of communicating with the child should be even, positive, but without Euphoria from his success and rejection due to failures.
Tactics of permissiveness is also unacceptable, as such children are very
Quickly become manipulators. Hyperactive children should be given

In work with hyperactive children, use three main
Directions: First, the development of deficient functions (attention,
control of behavior, motor control); secondly, working out
specific interaction skills with adults and peers; in-
Third, if necessary, work with anger should be carried out.

Work in these areas can be carried out in parallel
or, depending on the case, one can be selected
priority. For example, testing the skills of interaction with

Consider in detail each direction.

The development of deficient functions.

In the development of deficient functions, it is necessary to be guided
The following rules. Correction work should be carried out
Phased, starting with the development of one separate function. This is due to the fact
that the hyperactive child is difficult to both be attentive and attentive, and
calm, and inexpulsive. When sustainable positive results are achieved in the course of classes, you can move to training at the same time two functions, for example, attention deficit and control of motor activity or attention deficit and behavior control. And only then you can use exercises that would develop all three deficient functions at the same time.

Correctional classes

Based on such an understanding of the features of psychocorrection work with disturbing, aggressive and hyperactive children, I make a plan, an individual program. Which depends on the state
Child, from the peculiarities of its development and behavior, from its capabilities.

For example, a work plan with a hyperactive child in general
It can be compiled as follows:

1. Preparatory stage.

1). Defining a query.

Acquaintance with medical card

Parent survey (questionnaire)

Questioning of teachers (basic and additional)

Conversation with parents

Conversation with teachers

Acquaintance with the child, observation
2). Drawing up a program.

Drawing up a list of problems

Allocation of the priority task

Coordination of plans of all specialists
3). Diagnostics of the child's condition based on:


Psychodiagnostic techniques.

2. Correctional work.

1) individual.

2) Group.

3. The final stage.

one). Diagnostics of the child's condition

2). Conversation with specialists

3). Conversation with parents

with baby.

The reduced plan of correctional work with hyperactive children
is conditional in nature, he only notes the main stages of working with
Child. In each case, it will be adjusted, solved
how many classes need to be carried out with individual or
Group forms should be started, etc.

5. Fability of classes with hyperactive children

Working with a hyperactive child is based on his strengths and weak
sides: fast distractions, unstable performance, short, but,
Perhaps a very productive period of work without distract.

Nothing in the room (especially in the classroom) should not distract the child:
nor younger or senior family members nor pets nor sounds
Radio or television, etc.

On the table, followed by the child, there should be nothing superfluous,
distracting attention.

Speak emphasized calmly, without irritation. Speech must be
Clear, leisurely, instruction (task) clear and unambiguous. Child
Does not understand complex instructions and long offers. First
Ensure that each word is clear in the instructions (task).
Before you give a task, attract the attention of your student.

In order to concentrate the child's attention, you can use
System of gestures, facialy, other means (for example, put your hand on
Child's hand, raise a card with a circle or an exclamation mark!
). Attention can be attracted by words, tapping a pencil. Important,
So that it was the same sign and that he does not annoy the child.

Supplemental contact is obligatory, the work "eyes in the eye". Such
Reception allows the child to focus, not distracted, especially in that
The moment when the task is given.

During the work, you can use clear and short directions: "Listen,
remember, do not hurry, think ", etc., but they should not sound like
military orders, the teaching tone must be benevolent,
calm, soft.

If the task is large, divide it into parts and each let's give a new one
Instructions. And begin the explanation of the following only after
As the previous part is performed.

If you need to set something to the house or in cases where part of the work
It is transferred the next day, it is worth writing this task (read it
Adult or child himself, if he is already reading). By the way, children, not even
Reading, can "write down" tasks with drawings.

Many hyperactive children need encading and support for
The move of the task. It gives them confidence and stimulates
Continuing work.

In case of inadequate behavior (irritation, tears, cry,
aggressiveness) do not make rough comments, is strictly prohibited
Scream, use sharp movements. Distract the baby, remove into
Quiet place, beware of cool water, stick. While child ne.
calm down, he does not hear comments and actually does not understand what
He wants an adult from him. Only when the child calms down, his

you can discuss with it and explain what exactly disgusts you. Follow
remember that, as a rule, these are wounded children, with increased anxiety,
they are very quickly tired not only from negative, but also from
Positive emotions.

6. Games and exercises with hyperactive children.

For the corrective impact on hyperactive children, we use
The following technologies and technologies recommended by psychologists:

Training to the receivers of self-regulation through the use of relaxation,

Self-mass learning.

Games for the development of fast reaction, coordination of movements.

Games for the development of tactile interaction.

Finger games.

Moving games using restraining moments.

Psycho-personatic etudes for learning understanding and expression
emotional state.

Work with clay, water, sand, testoplasty.

Let's talk more about every reception.

So, use of relaxation, visualizations.

Exercises for relaxation and development of imagination We take from work
L.I.Katayeva "Correctional and educational classes with preschoolers"
(All exercises for relaxation, if possible, are performed under
calm relaxing music)
"Butterfly fucking"

Children lie on the rug on the back, hands stretched along the body, legs
Straight, slightly spread.

Educator: "Close your eyes and listen to my voice. Breathe easily I.
calmly. Imagine that you are in the meadow in a wonderful
summer day. Right in front of yourself you see a magnificent butterfly
fluttering from a flower on a flower. Trace the movement of her wings. These
Movements are very easy and graceful. Now let everyone imagine that
He is a butterfly that he has big and beautiful wings. Feel like
Your wings are slow and smoothly moving up and down. Enjoy
Feeling slow and smooth care in the air. And now
Take a look at the motley meadow over which you fly. Look at how much
It is bright colors. Find your eyes the most beautiful flower and gradually
Start approaching it. Now you feel the aroma of your
Flower. Slowly and smoothly you sit on a soft schuch middle
Flower. Inhale his aroma again ... and open your eyes. Tell O.
His feelings. "

"Quiet Lake"

Lie in a comfortable position. Extend and relax. Now close

eyes and listen to me.

Imagine a wonderful sunny morning. You are near the quiet,

beautiful lake. Only your breathing and splashing of water can be heard. The sun

shines bright, and it makes you feel better and better. You

feel the sun rays warming you. You hear twitter birds and

drakets of grasshoppers. You are absolutely calm. The sun shines, air

pure and transparent. You feel the whole body heat of the sun. You are calm I.

mixed, like a quiet morning. You feel calm and

happy, too lazy to move. Each cell of your body

enjoying peace and solar heat. You are resting...

And now open your eyes. We are again in kindergarten, we are good

rested, we have a cheerful mood, and pleasant feelings will not leave

us throughout the day.

"Flight is high in the sky"

Lie in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and listen to my voice.
Breathe slow and easy. Imagine you are on the summer
Fragrant meadow. Over your summer warm sun and high blue sky.
You feel absolutely happy. High in the sky you see
Bird soaring in the air. This is a big eagle with smooth and shiny

The bird freely ferry in the sky, its wings outstretched on the sides. Time
From time to time she slowly cheers wings. You hear the sound
Wings when they dissect air vigorously.

Now let each of you imagine that he is a bird. Imagine that
it's you slowly parry swim in the air and your wings are open in
Parties. Your wings dissect air. Enjoy Freedom I.
An excellent feeling of the saving in the air. And now, slowly cheating
Wings, close to the ground. Here we are on earth. Open your eyes.
You feel well rested, you have a cheerful mood and
The wonderful sense of flight that will remain for the whole day.

"Journey to the Magic Forest"

Lie comfortably and close your eyes. Imagine that you are in the forest where a lot
Trees, shrubs and all kinds of colors. In the most often white
Stone bench, tie to her. Listen to the sounds and
Enjoy the smells around you: it smells the wet land, the wind comes
Smell pine. You hear the singing of birds, roasting herbs. Enjoy this
Feeling, grab this feeling with you, returning from the trip.
Let it be with you all day.

Next reception - self-mass learning.

Hand Massage Ribbed Pencil, Hand Finger Massage, Point Massage on Improving Immunity on Uman, Sweet Massage Together After Sleep, which carries many functions - hardening, developing friendly relationships with tactful sensations and a light relaxing effect.

As you know, on the urine of the ear there are points that are associated with all
Our bodies. If the child can not calm down and fall asleep,
The educator can make it a lightweight massage of the Ear Mushya. After 5-10.
Minutes calm even the most playful children.

Games for the development of fast reaction, coordination of movements.

"Fist - palm", stroking yourself on the head with straight movements, and
Belly - circular, alternately performing movements with hands up and
Down, the game "Attention", "Third End", "Homeless Hare", etc.

Games for the development of tactile interaction.

I Already said that children come to us, whose language capabilities
limited. Making any actions, they accumulate experience. They have
While prevailing sensual impressions caused by activity
Any kind. Unfortunately, adults often do not share the children's
joy from sensual impressions and are waiting for greater kids
rationality. And if the child is also hyperactive, then he often
aggression manifests itself, because the child does not know how to manage its
emotions. For the correction of such manifestations there are games that are conditional
You can call "affectionate". They teach a child to treat each other

Affectionate games are games with touch when you can touch
to each other. They can be spent directly on the carpet.

"Elephant on the back"

All children who wished to participate in the game lie on the carpet on the stomach and
Close your eyes. Adult drives one or more fingers
Backs, as if drawing the outline of different items, letters, numbers. Who
Guess what is drawn - leads himself. If the children will be too
It is difficult, you can "let them" run on the back of different animals: a cat,
ant, elephant, etc.

"Affectionate Cube"

Children sit on the carpet. In turn throwing a cube. 1 should fall out
porch a neighbor, 2-hug, 3- Making a back massage, 4- kiss in
Nose, etc. All you want to come up with gesture gestures. Children
Older may be shy to exercise affection. Need to explain to them that
It is necessary to shy someone, but caress not ashamed.

"Plot a statue"

One child comes out of the room, the rest are hiding under the bedspread.
When the water is called back, you must be silent and not to move - to be
as statues. The leading feelings of statues one after another. If driving
I guessed whom it was he felt, then this child drives. Or led
Maybe the one who learned the last.

"Affectionate machine"

Everyone is sitting at each other. The latter is the organizer of the game. He whispers on
Usho sitting in front of him a team. For example: "Plot
Head. The child performs the command. Child sitting in front of him
Reacts accordingly and also begins to iron one who is ahead. So
Head strokes as a chain reaction comes to the end of the chain.
Now, when all the players have already been actively worn stroking,
Should some new team follow.

"Hidden toy"

Each child chooses a small plush toy. It is necessary
Hide to yourself and cover the bedspread. Hide there is where - under
sweater, in a straw or under the ass, etc. One child or two if
Playing children a lot, should find a toy to the touch. Movement
Must be affectionate.

Finger games.

When studying the activities of the brain and psyche of children scientists
Mark a large stimulating effect on them functions of the hand.
There is an opinion that a person's hand is like a "output" from
brain. Numerous scientific research indicate
The fact that when developing a small baby's shallow motility (finger gymnastics)
Speech is developing faster, and in the future is formed

Hand training should be started as early as possible. To us children
fall at middle age and we start to engage from the first days
Development of shallow motility. At the initial stage of learning finching
Gymnastics is better to carry out with supporting hands on the table or another
surface, and then in a position with bent in front of oneself on
Breast level with hands.

Exercises of finger gymnastics can be classified as:
1. The work of the muscles of the fingers of the hands in different directions:

Flexion of fingers in fist and extension;

Fingers apart - together;

Rotational movements with brush and each finger;

Stretching the muscles of the fingers with another hand;

Relaxing your muscles with passive and active movements
(swaying hands, shaking with brushes);

Exercises to coordinate the movements of the fingers:
one, two fingers, a thumb compound with others,
clutch of fingers;

All exercises of this group can be performed by two hands.
At the same time or alternately each hand.

2. Fingering in various parts of the body and surfaces.

3. The construction of the figures from the fingers ("house", "glasses", etc.)

4. Construction of figurines from sticks, various mosaics with small
details, wrapping of plasticine, collecting various beads, lacing,
Buttons and unbuttoning buttons, buttons, lacing (pillows).

We try this work to accompany verses, spectats or
sweat, which creates a positive psychological and
Emotional attitude in children.

Since the main task of a kindergarten to prepare a child to
Learning, we are still engaged in specific hand preparations for writing. IN
Medium Group Learn Children Collect major pictures with clear
circuit colored pencils. We learn to keep pencils correctly,
Picthes with small strokes, without leaving the contour and without spaces. IN
The senior group is a hatching in a special notebook, learn to see
The direction of hatching by the elder, develop the eye of the eye when writing
lines at the same distance. In the preparatory group drawing
By cells - the ability to navigate the notebook, see the cells, count
Cells, etc.

Now there are a lot of books with finger games. I'll tell you about those
which are rarely found.

"Designer from matches"

Need to take some matches without sulfur heads, plasticine, which
Used as connecting material. From plasticine roll
Small balls. Try to build a cube, house, etc. from matches.
You can give a task that the children themselves have come up with some
Geometric design, and then they said that they did it.


Fold 20 matches in a pile in disarray on the table. Playing
alternately one carefully take from a bunch of sticks so that not
Move others. Stand count. Who will be able to collect more
The number of sticks, he won.


The left hand must be put on the table, bent it in the elbow. Fold
Four fingers together, thumb to stay to the side - this is "Berloga
bear. Put one wand at the entrance to Berloga, slightly leaning
One of her end to the thumb. This is the "Bear". Treat from
"Bear" distance equal to the length of six sticks. At such a distance. Put four sticks - "bullets." Mysinetty, Unnamed, Middle and
Index fingers are hunters. Click each of these fingers
About the sticks to try to be knocked down a stick (kill the bear).

Whose four "hunters" will kill the bear smaller
"Shots", he wins.

Moving games using restraining moments.

This type of games is usually used while walking. And, of course,
Each of you in stock is enough such games. Therefore I will not tire
You will be described by the listing of them: "Once, two, three - figure
Zamri "- you need to portray any geometric shape (ball, circle,
cube, square, etc.), "Spots-Christmas Falls", "Various Steps", "Sticks
Causes, various relay, etc.

Psychodastic etudes for learning to understand and
expression of emotional state.

IN The process of growth of the child occur changes in its emotional
sphere. Change his views on peace and relationship with the surrounding,
The ability to realize and control their emotions is developing. But
By itself, the emotional sphere cannot develop. It is necessary
develop. Familiarize children on examples of fabulous heroes with five
emotions: joy, grief, anger, fear, surprise. When reading
Fairy tales There is a primary acquaintance with emotion. Then when children
rehearsing the role, they live emotional states, verbalize
your experiences, get acquainted with cultural heritage
man (literature, music). Helps children develop the ability to see
Emotional experiences from others such a game as "passing the face."
Learn to see. good and evil actions such a type of activity as
An essay of a small story in the picture on which
Various children, animals in a cheerful, sad, crying condition.
We must come up with a story about what happened and how can you help
Who is crying. Very often I spend with them the game in the NTV "Empathy" on
walks. I suggest them "turning" into the growing tree, not spinning
Flower, broken branch, abandoned toy, etc. and tell about your
Thoughts, emotions, experiences. As a result, the circle expands
understood emotions, children become capable of deeper
Understanding yourself and other people, they often show empathy
manifestations in relation to the world around.

Work with clay, water, sand, testoplasty.

Games with water, sand, croups are developing not only tactile
Feelings, soothe children, because act on fingertips like
micro massage, but also help preschoolers do not be afraid of committing
Errors, from which no one is insured. How often we
We are watching the child's nervous concern if he painted something on
Sheet is wrong. He wants to immediately turn the leaflet, erase
Error or cross so much so that it does not see him. In the work of S.
Sand, croups are all easier: if you did something wrong, spend your palm in the sand and start first. This property of sand is especially useful.
Children with mental delay.

"What hid in the sand?"

The child is proposed to lower his hands in the sand and find what he gets.
It can be numbers, molds of various sizes or wands,
pebbles, etc. Then the adult asks to lay out these numbers on the sand
order, sticks, pebbles, molds in order of increasing - descending.
Can I continue the game "What happened?" Or "What has changed?"

"Guess what got caught in your hands?"

The child is proposed to lower his hands in the sand, find a small item, and not

taking it out of the sand, determine what he caught in his hand.

Games with water

You can come up with at first some fairy tale, and then start the game with

"Warm - Cold"

First show the child and give to touch two bowls with warm and cold

water. Then tie my eyes and ask to guess where what kind of water. Hand

the child in the water lowers the educator.

"Learn to taste"

The child is three identical circles with water. He tries her on
Taste - normal. Then add sugar to one mug, let's try, in
Other -Con, also try, to the third - lemon juice. Then tie
Eyes and ask to guess the boat taste.

"Find over the smell"

So - to spend, like the previous ones. You can take cologne,

fruit juice, coffee and other liquids with bright smells.

The choice of methods for correction of children with ADHD is large enough. You can choose the following to work:

Game psychotherapy

Sand therapy

Music therapy

I have already told about the game and sandy. Now let's talk about music in
Our life. Scientists spent several experiments on the study
Impact of music on man. They took 2 glasses of ordinary water supply
Waters, put them in different rooms. Near the first glass twisted
tape recorder with obscene expressions, and about another
Played calm classical music. After some time in the first
A glass of water was covered with mold, and in another surprised even scientists - she remained transparent and even began to smell the valley. Since our
The body mainly consists of water - draw conclusions yourself. Another
The experiment was conducted by studying the impact of various music on alive
Organisms. On three wheat fields put pillars with speakers. On the
The rock played rock, on the other - classics, on the third - Indian
classical music. The result was so. On the first field wheat has become
tend to the opposite side from the post, even the roots grew from
Post, as if wheat wanted to escape; On the second field - grew well,
Exactly, on the third, she was leaning toward the post, and that he grew closer to the post even
wrapped him. I I read that in Germany at train stations and airports all the time
transmit quiet classical music, because they noticed that drug addicts
Do not tolerate classical music. In the brain centers responsible for
addiction and pleasure from classical music are in different
Hemispheres. Therefore, passing children to listen to classical music, we
Reduce the risk of asocial behavior of children.

We are in our group, except for listening to musical passages during
classes, always put a cassette with calm classical music before
Day sleep. Children calm down faster and fall asleep. Sometimes
Classical music is accompanied by board games.

And finally, artepia.

This is the usual theatrical activity that is engaged.
Almost all educators in their groups. We have it goes as part
Works on teaching children to work fairy tales. In a complex of this work
It enters the acquaintance of children with fairy tales of various nations and literary
fairy tales. Preparation and show of these fairy tales with various types of theater. Games
on the development of creative imagination. During these classes, children learn
Control your emotions, develop speech. They develop
self-confidence because in these classes does not happen wrong
Replies. Learn to select suits, music, attributes to performances. Not
They are afraid to remake a fairy tale to a new way or come up with his own. Learn
social behavior, etc. But most importantly, they really like
Show fairy tales that they prepared, kids. And, of course, participation
The fairy tale is an incentive for controlling his behavior.

"Find Difference "

Objective: Development of skills Concentrate attention on details.

The child draws any simple picture (cat, house, etc.) and transfers
Its adult, and himself turns away. Adult tears a few
Details and returns the picture. The child should notice what has changed in
Picture. Then the adult and the child can swap roles.

The game can be carried out with a group of children. In this case, children in turn
draw on a blackboard any drawing and turn away (at the same time
The possibility of movement is not limited). Adult drawing
Several details. Children, looking at the drawing, must say what
Changes occurred.

"Affectionate legs"

Purpose: Removal of voltage, muscle clamps, reducing aggressiveness,
Development of sensual perception, harmonization of relations between
child and adults.

Adult picks up 6-7 small items of various textures: a piece
fur, brush, glass bottle, beads, wool, etc. All this is laid out
on the table. The child is offered to talk hand over the elbow; adult explains
That by hand will walk the "animal" and touch in gentle legs. We must
closed eyes guess which "animal" touched her hand - to guess
thing. Touch should be stroking, pleasant.

Game option: "Zvek" will touch the cheek, knee, palm. Can
Change with the child places.


Purpose: development of observation, the ability to act according to rule, volitional

Of the multicolored cardboard it is necessary to make 3 palm silhouettes: red, yellow,
blue. These are signals. When the adult raises the Red Palm -
"The Crochet" can be running, screaming, very much; Yellow palm - "whisper"

You can quietly move and whisper, on the "sicoral" signal - blue palm

Children must measure in place or lie on the floor and do not move.
To finish the game follows the "silence".


Purpose: Development of attention concentration.

One of the participants (optional) becomes leading and goes beyond the door.
The group chooses any phrase or line from the song known to all,
which is distributed like this: each participant in one word. Then
enters the leading, and players all at the same time, choir, start loudly
Repeat each of your word. Leading should guess what kind of song is
Having gathered her in the word.

It is desirable that before the leading, every child repeated
loud to him the word.


Purpose: Development of communicative skills, activation of children.

The game is held in a circle, the participants choose the leading, which rises and
makes his chair for a circle, thus it turns out that chairs for one
Less than playing. Next, the lead says: "We are changing in some places
Who ... (blonde hair, clock, etc.) ". After that, having called
The sign must quickly stand up and swap, at the same time
Drinking tries to take free space. Participant of the game remaining without
Chair, becomes leading.

"Conversation from hands "

Purpose: Teach children to control their actions.

If the child came up, something broke or caused someone to
You can offer him such a game: Silhouette palms on a sheet of paper.
Then suggest it to revive the palms - to draw them eyes, mouth,
Color fingers coloring with colored pencils. After that you can start
Conversation with hands. Ask: "Who are you, what is your name?", "What do you like to do?".
"Why don't you like?", What are you? ". If the child does not connect to a conversation,
Speak a dialogue yourself. It is important to emphasize that the hands are good,
they know how much (lists what exactly), but sometimes not
Listen to their owner. Finish the game needs a "concluding contract"
between hands and their owner. Let the hands promise that within 2-3 days
(today or, in case of working with hyperactive children, still
a short time) they will try to do only
Good deeds: Mastery, greet, play and will not hurt anyone.

If the child agrees to such conditions, then through a pre-agreed
time interval must be played in this game and conclude
A contract for a longer period, praising obedient hands and their owner.


Purpose: Development of ability to control impulsive actions.

Tell the children the following. "Guys, I will ask you simple and complex
Questions. But you can answer them only when I give the team:
"Speak!" Let's practice: "What time of year is now.

7. Work with teachers on the problem with hyperactive children.

Pedagors are also held by the explanatory work, that the hyperactive child is not "harmful" and not "bad", it is simply harder to him than other children to restrain his motor activity, he is not to blame. In communicating with a hyperactive child, teachers suggest trying to observe the following rules:

Not "Notice" small pranks, restrain the irritation and do not shout on the child, since the excitement is enhanced by the noise;

If necessary, use positive physical contact: Take
Baby Hand, Possess your head, press to yourself;

During classes, please set the first desk to reduce distraction

In the middle of the classes, give the opportunity to move: ask for something
raise, bring, suggest to wipe the board, etc.;

Praise for every manifestations of restraint, self-control, openly
Show your delight, if he brought some matter to the end.

I also give educators recommendations in the selection of games, as it is necessary
consider such individual features of hyperactive children as
inability to obey the group rules for a long time, fast
fatigue, inability to listen and execute instructions. In the game name
It is difficult to wait for your turn and reckon with the interests of others. therefore
Include such children in collective work is appropriate in stages.
You can start with the individual work, then connect the baby to the games
In small subgroups, and only after that move to collective games.

For younger, I advise you to conduct yogognistic gym for
kids (book, p.49); Exercises for the development of common and small motors
"We tell and show" (book, p.50); Various fingers
gymnastics; Overall exercises that improve perception,
activate the learning process; Exercises for language and muscle jaws;
breathing exercises; Relaxation exercises, etc.

For older age: Functional exercise "Listen to silence", exercise for the development of shallow motility "Colepko", "Lezginka", "Ambulance"; Visualization, relaxation, etc.

A prerequisite for any correction process is the system
penalties and promotions that are developed by the whole group together with
tutor. The punishment can serve the disposal from the game on the "bench
Spare ", deprivation of the role of the leader, etc. As a promotion can serve
Various prizes: this is a leading role in the game, the right hand of the educator in the classroom
or during the day, the choice of favorite music to accompany class or
Choosing a read book, etc.


1. "ABC of Communication" L.M. Shipitsina, O.V. Filter, A.P. Voronov.
TA Nilova, "Childhood-Press" S.-Petersburg, 2003

2. "DOG Lessons" Seenaka C., "Arct" Moscow, 2003

3. "Psychodics in kindergarten" Alyabyeva E.A., "Creative Center
"Sphere" »Moscow, 2003

4. Articles from the Internet


6. "Correction and educational classes with preschoolers" L.I. Kataeva
Link Press, Moscow 2000

7. "Dancing with fingers" Zh.E Firielev, "Preschool Pedagogy"

8. "Smart Games, Smart Children" O.ANtonov, Novosibirsk, 2007-10-29

9. "500 five-minute educational games" Jackie Silberg, Minsk 2004
10. "Games for children from 2 to 6 years old", Moscow "Rosman", 1999

11. "ABC Fizkultminuts for preschoolers" V.I. Kovalko, "Vako"

Moscow 2005.
12. "Whatever the child does not master" Kozak O.N., St. Petersburg, 2004