Complex words theme in elementary school. Topic: "Comforted words". School of Russia. Examples of complex words with connecting vowels -o

Russian is considered one of the richest languages \u200b\u200bof the world. It is multifaceted thanks to his one, only dictionary V.I. Daly has about 200 thousand units of speech, and this is not counting the word forms. And since the world does not stand still, then russian progresses Together with him, causing new lexical units from various spheres of life: science, technologies, industry, etc. Due to the development of industries in Russian, complex and difficult in writing a word appear to designate new concepts.

In contact with

What are complex words

A complex word is made up of several parts. In Russian, more often meet complete words with two bases(steam locomotive, waterfall, sofa bed), but you can meet with three or more (examples: creamy chocolate-nut ice cream, gas-grade, Tsuninjerkorn Slavic). The writing of complex words causes difficulties even among those who work with the texts on a professional basis, editors, proofreaders, journalists.

Important! One complex word in Russian may consist of 20-30 letters! For example, X-rayEelectrocardiographic - 32 letters.

Complicated expression for writing often act as nouns and, although most often are formed from "Noun + verb". Many lexical designs in Russian are hard-to-see and quite often found in everyday speech. They are so commonly premises that we do not think about their origin (aircraft, building materials, aircraft).


The formation of complex words is happening in the following ways:

With connecting vowels: receiving, metal-cutting, cook, armored personnel carrier, shipwreck, crazy,

five, seedapochka, eight-storey, two-way. The list of examples can be continued for a long time.

Sophisticated words in Russian, for which the correct Writing is correct:

  • A complex noun with the prefix ex-: ex-king, ex-husband, ex-chancellor.
  • The principle of repetition of the foundations: blue-blue, only-only, is about, hot-hot.
  • Construction - repetitions having in the second part of the prefix or suffix: Beauty-coloringVitza, a wonderland-omission, focus-bouquet, firmly firmly, terem teremok, cold-strongly.
  • Combinations from the semi-: semi-franc-municipal, middleman-shelter, semi-loss semi-axes, half-seats, half-sidew.
  • Close to the meaning of the word: geese-swans, road path, to-porch, any and expensive, poorly poor.
  • Comprehensive words with approximate indication: four or five people, a year or another, in January-February.
  • A complex word with an abbreviation in the first place: microwave oven (ultrahigh-frequency), IR port (infrared), DNA analysis (deoxyribonucleic acid), ADC vaccine (adsorbed coup-diphtheria-tetanus).
  • Sophisticated noun having located first part: Vanka-stand - play with a vanka-stand, a carrier rocket - on a carrier rocket, the hero-pilot - the title of a pilot, writer, science fiction writer.
  • The design "The main and dependent word": Côte-Bayun, a beautiful daughter, a dog-oscale, a touch-tanning tablecloth, a lover's father, a single father.
  • Sophisticated word has the unclear part: SI-MINOR, SOL-DEZ, RE-MINOR, OSTINA-PALE, BAGER-CASHNA, Grotto-formula (for chemical elements), gross rate (insurance premium size), net rate (share of the insurance factor), Solo- Guitar, disco-ball, disco-band, disco bar, maxi-scooter, Maxi-golf, Maxi-puzzles, midi controller, mini-piano, mini-model, mini-review.
  • Intermediate sides of the world: turn to the southwest, the course northeast, East-South-east.
  • Military posts and titles with prefixes: Vice Admiral, Chac-Juncker, Council Admiral, Life Dragun, Ober-Hofamarshal, Ober-Intendantant, Stats Secretary, Unter-Officer, Flegene Adjutant, headquarters-Rothmist.
  • Words that have a service part of speech in their design: Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, Kalach-on-Don, a flower and foothold flower, Ivan-Da-Marya's plant. This group mainly includes names of cities, countries and plants.
  • To write the names of residents of cities with hyphenan writing, a way to merge fundamentals is often used.
  • Combinations with the console floor (for words starting with a vowel or with consonant) in the parental case: half-July, half a shop, floor-line, floor ravine, half-cucumber.

Dictionary of Russian Language

The formation of complex words in Russian without connecting vowels:

  • Difficult words with the prefixes of non-void, neither, inter-, after-, excess, wheezing, and other, unlimited, innocent, interest, infinite , unprofitable, continuously connected, irreconcilable, uneven, interroom, intercontal, inter-element, postpartum, postpartum, post-warranty, post-school, ultrahonovascular, superficial, supercritical, superconduct, false collection, ljesocialist, lzhenauca, bits, self-removal, self-seated, extraterrestrial, foreign policy, elevated , the above, harvest, protective, easily, fancy, involved.

Note! Words with the prefix liar-with its own names in Russian have a male writing: Lia-Dmitry, Lia-Arya, false-neron.

  • Words with semi-and-half-half prefixes: semi-crystalline, one and a half months, half-mounted, half-and-half, fill, half aim.
  • Painting words with prefixes of IR-, DIS-, IM-, trans-, sub-, control, hyper-, de, re-, post-, etc.: irrigation, irrigator, irrigation, irrelevant, discrete, remote, disposition , imbalance, immanent, immunobiological, transgression, transzomeria, transcontinental, transatlantic, subatmospheric, subunit, subjective, submarine, counterparty, contigrong, connector, counterproogress, hypergeometric, hyperfunction, hyperactive, hypernefroid, dismantling, deformation, decentralization, degradation, demotivator, reformation , reorganization, reproduction, post-infarction, post-Soviet, post-industrial, challenge.
  • Hard words part of the foundation of which is numerical: three-month, pentighed, bilateral, centenary.
  • Lexical units ending on: seed-processing, pastime, selflessness.
  • The end of the first part of the foundation on-and-or -to-: Vertishek, Gorizzvet, Sorvigolov, Gorjorova. Very often, spelling errors are allowed in these examples.
  • Words formed from their own names of their own: Almaty, St. Petersburg, Sanpaulz, Kostaiankan.

Abbreviated words also belong to the concept of "complex word", so on. educated by reducing the basics and their merger: UEFA, USSR, VDNH, deputs.

Writing the complex words of this type in Russian is governed by the following rules:

  • The first letters of the words were taken: Moore - Moscow criminal wanted list, FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation, PFK - Professional Football Club.
  • The initial parts of the foundations are taken: Polyborate - a political worker, the General Plan - the general plan, Sampo - independent training.
  • The first letters of one and the beginning of the basis of another word are taken (the first two ways are combined): Inwissin - Institute of Foreign Rate Studies and Initiatives, had the Institute of World Literature, Lito - Literary Association.
  • The basis of the foundation and the whole word are taken: the spare part is the spare part, the commander-in-chief.

Note! Typically, complex words relate to scientific terminology and are used in the narrow circle of industry specialists. Often deciphering abbreviation represents a very difficult task, you can simply not know the full name or confuse the abbreviation itself with similar in writing. As for the definition of a kind in comprehensive structures , then in Russian, it is determined by the main word in the complex name.

What are the sophisticated words in Russian

Examples of complex words


As indicated at the beginning of the article, the difficult words in Russian are found everywhere and daily. They became an integral part of our life, so it is important not only to understand their semantic load, but also learn to determine the correct writing of complex words.

The abstract of the lesson in the Russian language

(System of educational training L.V. Zankova.)

Grade 3 (1-4)

Theme lesson:


Primary school teacher

Fedosyuk Elena Vitalevna

MBOU "Gymnasium №3"

astrakhan - 2017.

Thing: Russian language
Class: 3
Tutorial author: Nechaeva N.V., Yakovlev S.G.

Theme lesson: "Difficult words".

Didactic goal: Create conditions for the formation of the concept of "complex words" and

introduce it to the knowledge system

Tasks lesson:

Logically remove the algorithm for defining complex words, give a concept
"Complex words" based on children's knowledge;
- develop the ability to find complex words among other words, develop
Thinking operations and creative abilities, students' speech;
- to educate the feeling of beautiful, love and careful attitude towards nature.
Type of lesson: lesson opening new knowledge.

Equipment: Tutorial "Russian Language Grade 3" Nechava N.V., Yakovleva S.G., Presentation for

During the classes:

    Self-determination to activities. Slide 1.

Today we have guests at the lesson. Turn around, say hello to guests and sit down

per desk. The lesson is interesting and brings joy when we think, working together. Today

we will work with words, analyze, compare, arguing, search for solutions.
We wish each other successful work.

II. . Actualization of knowledge.

- Opened a notebook, put them a little on the corner. They recorded a number and cool job, remembered the landing rules.

Guys, what time of year outside the window? (Fall).

A.S. Pushkin loved this time of year very much and devoted him a lot of beautiful lines. Here is some of them: Slide 2.

"Sad time, very charming ...

My beautiful beauty is pleasant to me.

I love the magnificent nature of fading,

In the bazhret and in gold dressed forests ... "

Today and in our lesson, autumn is visiting.

III . Minute calligraphy. Wordwork. Slide 3-4.

We repeat the writing of letters Oh, O. , compound OS. , word FALL , form from this word one-sided - adjective - AUTUMN.

What way is this word formed? (Suffix).

What other ways to educate words do you know? (Pottable, subfixtary-suffix). Slide 5.

We will analyze the word according to the composition: Autumn - H -

Today you will get acquainted with another kind of word education. What? You will learn at our lesson.

IV . Theme lesson.

Read the record on the screen ... "Sophisticated words." Slide 6.

Name what part of the speech is the word "complex". (This is adjective!)

What does the name adjective mean? (Sign of the subject).

Name, and what can be more difficult? (Complex tasks, complex situation).

And what is a complex word?

(Answers Guys.)

- Today we will get closer with difficult words and their features.

V. . Explanation of the material. Actualization of knowledge.

1. - Guess what autumn month is we talking about?
Emitted our old garden,
Claws in the distance fly
And on the southern edge of the earth
Cranes rummaged.
Opened school doors.
What came to us for a month? (Write down - september )

Slide 7.
All gloomy face of nature:
Handled gardens,
Take the forests,
Bird voice pile
Bear in a hibernation fell.
What a month came to us? (Vocabulary Word - october )

The field is black and white.
It falls the rain, then snow.
And also got cold -
Ice squeezed water rivers.
I will warm in the field of fierce rye.
What for the month, tell me? (Vocabulary Word - november)

2. - What do you think that these words are common?
( These are the names of the nouns, the only number, male genus, have two syllables, the first of them is unstressed, the same in composition.)

We will analyze the words according to the composition:


3. - And in the ancient Slavs, every month had her name. So September called "Gmury". What do you think, why? The name "Gmury" he received thanks to his weather differences from other months - the sky begins to frown often, it rains, in nature comes autumn. Slide 8.
- October was called "List Falls". Why? At our ancestors, he is known under the name "leaf fall" from the natural phenomenon that we are observing in October.

Slide 9.
- And November was called "Pigeon". What do you think, why?
To answer this question, see how the ground, broken after the autumn rain, the road. In the old days, this month was called breastnie, from the chest of frozen earth with snow, and in ancient Russian language the winter frozen road was called breastway. Slide 10-11-12.

III . Fixation of difficulties in activities.

Write down the names of the Old Slavic months, follow the collapse of the words according to the composition alone.

Khmoulen Sheet - O - Pad Bend Slide 13.

- In which word, it was difficult when performing a task.
Pupils: Leaf fall
Teacher: Explain the meaning of this word?
Pupils: Natural phenomenon - leaves fall.
Teacher: Highlight the root in these words.

Pupils: leaf, PadSlide 14-15.

To make a new word, a new way to form words is used - the addition of the foundations, the addition of the roots, with the help of a connecting vowel o, e.

IV . Building a project to exit difficulty.
1. Working with the textbook.
- And now we will open textbooks on page 71, find the rule.

What did you remember from the rule? Let's fix on the examples. And we write a few words in the notebook. Slide 16-17.

UPR. 143, p. 71. - Find words that are formed by the foundation base.

Forest Sainseclase

2. Education of complex words

Forest catch

Fish Fermat.

Bird strip

Deer breed

(Forest belt, fisherman, poultry farm, reindeer belode). Slide 18.

V. . Fizkultminutka. Playing ball.

The game. "Difficult word".

Tired? Let's Play. I throw you the ball and two simple words, you return one complicated one.
Forest, chop - logger
Self, fly - plane
par, walk - steamer
himself, cooks - samovar

meat, chop - meat grinder
couples, carry - steam locomotive
book, Love - Bookmag

skates, run-horse skewers
second, measure - Stopwatch

Fizminutka for eyes.Slide 19. .
VI . Independent work with mutual test.

The wind autumn tree blew on complex words and scattered them all. Let's bring them correctly. We work in groups. Recomident to each other. We write words into a notebook.

konnehod icefallSlide 20.

hermitage Star

password Aquarlet

selfd. Sheetage

(Helicopter, ice-frequency, aircraft, leaf fall, starfall, steam locomotive, steamer, waterfall, stonepad, water carrier.) Slide 21.

Guys, what conclusion can we do about difficult words?

The complex words are formed by the addition of the foundations, the roots with the help of connecting vowels O and E. If the basis ends on a solid consonant, it means in the middle we write a connecting O, and if on a soft or hiss, sh, h, sh, c - then we write e .

VII . Inclusion in the knowledge and repetition system.
1. Creative work. Work on cards (differentiated task).
- Autumn is beautiful not only in the forest, but in the mountains. Slide 22-23.

Listen to Tex "in the mountains."

In the mountains.

In the autumn, our class went to the mountains. In the forest on the slopes of the mountains was very beautiful. Leisurefall pulp the ground with a fern carpet. In open areas that did not rock forest, the danger of stonepad arose. All struck the beauty of the mountain river. The waterfall raised thousands of splashes. And at night in the sky, we watched another interesting phenomenon - starfall.

Last name and first name: _______________________________

1 card. The task. Insert the proposal suitable for the meaning of the word. Disassemble these words in composition.
In the mountains.
In the autumn, our class went to the mountains. In the forest on the slopes of the mountains was very beautiful. _____________ Speeding the Earth with a pests carpet. In open areas that did not swing the forest, the danger of ________________. All struck the beauty of the mountain river. ________________ raised thousands of splashes. And at night in the sky, we watched another interesting phenomenon - ______________.

Words for references: kohnpad, Starfall, Fall Falls, Waterfall

Last name and first name: _________________________

2 card. The task. Education from words for certificates complex words. Insert the proposal suitable for the meaning of the word. Disassemble these words in composition.

In the mountains.
In the autumn, our class went to the mountains. In the forest on the slopes of the mountains was very beautiful. _______________ Skipped the earth with a fiber carrot. In open areas, unparalleled forest, a danger arose _______________. All struck the beauty of the mountain river. ________________ raised thousands of splashes. And at night in the sky, we observed another interesting phenomenon - _________________.
________________ Skipped the earth with a pests carpet.
And at night in the sky, we watched another interesting phenomenon - ______________.

Words for references: (water, fall), (leaf, fall), (star, fall), (stone, fall).

VIII. . Reflection.
- What was the goal of our lesson?
- Have we reached her?
- Have you had difficulty?
- Were we could overcome them?
- What are we going to do in the next lesson?
- Well done! I am satisfied with your work at the lesson. Are you satisfied with? Let a smile appear on the face of the kolobka if yes, or sad expression, if it was difficult!

1) reference manual in Russian, O.V. Pierorova, E.N. Nefodeova, 2009
2) Collection "Rules and Exercises for Russian Language" O.V. Pierorova, E.N.
Nefodeova, 2009
3) Collection "We study the part of speech" E.G.Mervechko
4) Culp S. V. "Unconventional lessons in elementary school."
Voronezh. Teacher. 2012.

Form new complex words

  • books + Love \u003d
  • Moon + walk \u003d
  • leaf + Fall \u003d
  • couple + walk \u003d
  • ice + prick \u003d
  • walk + walk \u003d
  • himself + flies \u003d
  • armor + vest \u003d

Form new complex words

  • books + Love \u003d
  • Moon + walk \u003d
  • leaf + Fall \u003d
  • couple + walk \u003d
  • ice + prick \u003d
  • walk + walk \u003d
  • himself + flies \u003d
  • armor + vest \u003d


Municipal composite general educational institution "Basic Secondary School №22" IRSK.

Open lesson of the Russian language

Grade 2.

Prepared and spent:

Sorokina Natalia Mikhailovna

primary school teacher.

2013-2014 uch.g.

Plan-abstract lesson

Class: 2, "Perspective Primary School", N.A. Chuhrakova "Russian language", a textbook in three parts. Edited by M.L. Kalenchuk, Moscow "Academknig / Textbook", 2012.

Subject: Russian

Subject: How to do words. Complex words from two roots with the letter of the coupling vowel.

Type of lesson: Studying a new material.

Objectives and objectives of the lesson:


To actualize the knowledge of children about the composition of the word,

Identify the knowledge of the formation of words with the help of prefixes and suffixes

To form students on students about how complex words are made that have two roots.


Formation of practical experience of the word analysis of the composition,

Promote the development of educational skills and skills, the ability to work in pairs,

Develop attention, observation, memory, thinking


Facilitate the development of students' speech,

Develop orphographic areas

Develop the ability to objectively assess their knowledge.


Educate accuracy, adjacent, desire good

To study,

Raise the ability to listen, take a point of view


Show friendly attitude to comrades during

Joint activities.

Planned results:


Clarify knowledge about the composition of the word,

Be able to recognize different parts of the word

True writing words on the rules studied,

Find the necessary information in the textbook,


Understand and keep in mind the learning task of the lesson,

Choose actions in accordance with the goal,

Perform training actions accompanying commenting,

After assessing their knowledge, make the necessary adjustments to their actions on the basis of accounting made errors.


To exercise educational and cognitive interest in the new educational material and how to solve the new task of the lesson.

Formulated Wood:

Cognitive - independent formulation of a cognitive goal, comparison and classification on specified criteria, analysis of words to allocate their signs, synthesis;

Communicative - cooperation with the teacher and classmates, be able to ask clarifying issues, draw up their thoughts in oral and written speech, justify the judgment expressed;

Regulatory - to determine and formulate the learning task in the lesson in the dialogue with the teacher, classmates, be able to organize their workplace and work, work on the proposed plan, adjusting its work, focusing on the intermediate assessment of the level of material assimilation;

Personal - moral and ethical assessment of their work at the lesson, awareness of success in studying the topic.

Technical learning tools:multimedia projector, exposure screen, laptop, presentation.

Methods and forms of learning:

Methods: visual, verbal, practical,

Forms: Frontal, individual.

Intergovernmental ties: Reading (reading tasks in tutorial)

Equipment: Presentation,

Didactic cards on the topic "Writing words with unverified writing."

Teacher's activities

Activity student


  1. Organizing time.

Motivation of educational activities.

Welcomes students, checks the readiness of the class and equipment.

Slide number 2

Adjusts students to work:

We will write today again

Draw conclusions and argue.

And for the lesson to go to each future,

Actively in work Turn around my friend!

- Our task is to work actively and right, with a good mood to perform all tasks.

Listen to the teacher. Organize workplace.

Regulatory Wood

Personal Wood

II. Staging the theme and objectives of the lesson. Self-determination to activities.


The teacher asks for children a problematic question:

Guys, guess the riddle: Who has one horn? Well, of course …

What word did you do?

Write down the word on individual planks.

Disassemble it in composition.

What did you notice?

Open the tutorial on page91, read the name of the lesson, on what we work today at the lesson.

What wishes would you like to express me that would help to further explore the new material in the lesson?

Which of you have a desire to learn something new in the lesson?

Children are independently trying to form a word, determine how many roots in the resulting word. With the help of a teacher, determine what they will learn at this lesson.

Regulatory Wood

Communicative Woods

III. Actualization of early knowledge gained.

  1. Check your homework. The teacher takes place in class, looks at the notebook, whether the children have completed their homework.
  2. The teacher sets the guys to perform work:

Open the notebooks that I distributed you today, write down:


We write beautiful, gently, we take it right, calligraphically every letter.

2. Work on Cards "Writing words with unverified writing."

Guys, swap cards. Check if you performed the task of your neighbor.

3. Repeat on how the words are formed:

What ways to educate words do you know?

With what kind of new words are formed?

What parts of the word are involved in this?

The guys are open to the notebooks in which they performed their homework.

Children write down the date.

The guys perform tasks on cards.


Frontal work on issues.

Regulatory Wood

Cognitive Uud.

Personal Wood

Communicative Woods

IV. Work on new material.

Work on the textbook is accompanied by the slides of the presentationSlide№4-10.

1. The teacher activates the work of children on the textbook.

- Open the tutorial on page91. We start reading the text of the new material, trying to correctly fulfill all the tasks of the wizard and anishite yokopovna.

Spicy words.

Work on issues on page 92. (penultimate paragraph)

Let's try to disassemble these words in composition.

How many roots in new words that we did?

What letter connects these roots?

Reading output on page 92 -Last paragraph.

Work on the textbook.

Reading text S.91-92.

In the course of reading the text, tasks are performed on the formation of new words.

Guys write off words. S.92 - Tutorial.

Guys read output.

Cognitive Uud.

Personal Wood

V. Fizminutka.

Vi. Refline, studied material.

1. The reader sets children to perform the task to the number.

- On page.93, find and read the task to # 102.

Guys, show in writing, how the words forest-steppe and forestry industry were formed.

And now look attentively on the board correctly, did you fulfill the task?

Slide number11.

Work on the exercise:

What do the words mean?
-What does the logger in the forest?

What makes a forestry in the forest?

What words gave life to the words Lesorb and Lesovoz?

2. Agra "form complex words"

Slide number12

3. Filling the creative task "form new complex words"

Slide number13.

4. Filling the task to develop creative thinking "Replace in one word"

Slide №14-15.

5. Perform the task "Find complex words in the text". The teacher sets up children to work.

Slide #16-17.

6.Mostual work. №103 p. 93 in the textbook. Teacher sets up children to work.

Slide number18-19.

Work on the textbook.

Performing a task to №102, working in pairs.


Collective work orally.

Work with individual cards.

Self-test for the presentation slide.

Collective work orally.

Each student has a text with the text on which the guys emphasize complex words.

Check for the presentation slide.

Guys perform numbers numbers

Self-test for the slide.

Cognitive Uud.

Regulatory Wood

Communicative Woods

Regulatory Wood

Communicative Woods

Personal Wood

Regulatory Wood

Communicative Woods

Personal Wood

Personal Wood

VII. Summing up the lesson.

Slide number 20.

A teacher, asking leading questions, helps the guys to conclude that they learned in the lesson.

The guys together with the teacher conclude: what have they learned?

Regulatory Wood

Communicative Woods

VIII. Homework.

Slide number 21.

The teacher explains how to perform homework.

Guys write homework.

Regulatory Wood

Who has one has a horn? Well, of course ... Nose about horn

How from two words forest and park Can you form a new word? forest park

What is the name of the forest strip, that is, a strip of forest plantation? Lesopolos.

What is the land between the forest and the steppe? forest-steppe

What is the name of the forest processing plant? Lesozavod

Is it called a forest harvesting plant? Lesocombinat.

What is the name of the landing of the forest? Forest stand

Forest park, forest belt, l ejobombinat, logging, l-sucping, forestopic. O o o o o o

Forest / + rub / ie \u003d forest o rub forest / + WHO / IT \u003d WHO

Form complex words course Ice everywhere Sea smoke soon

Form new complex words books + love \u003d moon + walk \u003d leaf + fall \u003d couples + walk \u003d ice + prick \u003d walk + walk \u003d armor + vest \u003d bookmaster moonwalk leaf fall steamboat icebreaker pedestrian body armor

Replace in one word Coffee maker Zverles Concrete mixer Snowfall n ribbor with which coffee is boiled? To AK can be called a person who catches animals? Is it called a car that prevents concrete? How can I call the phenomenon of nature when snow falls?

Replace in one word cannibal sweet tooth-legged green-eyed blue-eyed with a vague character who eats people How can you call a man who eats sweets? How can you call a person who has long legs? What is the name of a person with green (blue) eyes?

Find complex words in the text. Sitting squirrel on the trolley, she distributes nuts: Tolstophal, Bunny, Kosolapoma, Horse Zlatogrivoy, Hedgehog Hardworking.

I can work independently perform the task to No. 103.

Check! Did you correctly fulfill the task? Sorokono w ka. A whole forty legs at the Sorokono w Ki - the weight of E LO b either on the lens.

I know ... I learned ... I can ... I can ...

Homework №104 p. 94.

Used literature Tutorial N.A. Chuhrakova "Russian language", a textbook in three parts. Edited by M.L. Kalenchuk, Moscow "Academknig / Textbook", 2012.

MOU Secondary School No. 40


Theme of the lesson: "Comforted words"

Prepared: primary school teacher

Shcherbakova L.N.

Saransk 2014-2015

Russian language lesson.

Theme lesson: "Sophisticated words".

purpose : Create conditions for the formation of the concept of "with false words" and introducing it into the knowledge system.

Tasks :

1. To know students with the formation of complex words.

2. Developing spelling dust, develop research skills, develop the ability to find complex words among other words, develop mental operations, students spending.

3. Recompret the interest in language, the word.

Type of lesson : Lesson studying a new material.

View of the lesson : Lesson - research.

Teaching methods:



Information and communicative

Equipment : Russian language tutorial 3 Polyakova class, emoticons to assess their work.

Formation at d:

Cognitive : Formation of a cognitive goal, search and allocation of information, independent creation of problems, ways to solve problems of creative and search nature.

Communicative: Skills of cooperation.

Regulatory: Determination of sequence and intermediate purposes, taking into account the final result, comparison with the standard; allocation, awareness of students' students and the level of assimilation; Self-adjoint, mutual control.

Personal: motivation of the study of the new.

During the classes.

1. The organizational moment. Emotional attitude to the lesson. Motivation to educational activities.

Check out everything you need to lesson. Smile to each other and give a smile to us. I wish you a good mood, good luck, mutual understanding.

A minute of cleaning.Open notebooks. We write down the number and class work. Look at the desk. Continue pattern OE EO

Read the proverb. Explain its value.

Small business, better than great idleness.

Actualization of knowledge.

Today at the lesson we will continue to study the "Word formation" theme and expand our knowledge in this area. Tell me, what studies word formation?

Formulation of the problem.

Orfograms have fun

And errors appeared.

You quickly find them all

Correct words correctly.

Frontal work.

Find in words errors. Write down correctly. Highlight the root.

(The teacher shows the cards with the words. Big. Fisk. Trov. Bigut. Flac.)

Multi-test. Check each other.

What orders met the words?

Guys, please guess the riddle.

On the road, field, forest

Stars filed from heaven.

I collected them guys

All day big shovel.

What is it?

Write down the word -Fall and highlight the root.

Setting a problematic issue.

I saw that you were determined in different ways the root in the word - snowfall.

Word opens - Snowfall

There is a question how many roots in the word - snowfall?

Solution to the problem.

When they say so? Began snowfall? (When snow drops on the ground from the sky.)

Recording on the board (the snow drops).

What is the root in the word -Sneg? Choose single words.

What root in the word falls? Choose single words.

Are there a root -sneg and -pad-in the word snowfall?

So how many roots in the Word -Fall?

Do you know another words with two roots?

How can you call these words?

Message themes and objectives of the lesson.

Try to form the topic of today's lesson.

And today in the lesson we will conduct a study that will help to explore a new topic. And you will be researchers.

Guys, do you know who researchers? Let's see how this is stated in the Skolly Dictionary of Ozhegov.

We write a sentence and emphasize the main members.

We find orfograms.

At night, the blizzard brought all the paths and paths.

We will analyze the word - brought in composition.

What parts of the word serve to form words?

(Prefix, root, suffix).

And what part of the word we forgot? (Basis).

There are other ways to educate words. And we will learn about this today at the lesson. Let's make up a study plan. What do we need to know first? I offer you such a research plan. Does my plan arrange you? (I open on the board)


And so that our research is successful what you need to be in the lesson?

Studying a new material

What is the first point of our plan (as complex words are formed)

What do you think it is for the words such - complex?

And what word in mathematics is the same root as the word complex? What can be folded in the lesson of the Russian language - think? (sounds in syllables, syllables in words, words in suggestions, sentences in text, parts of the word in words)

Look at the board - what is it (the roots of words, basics)

On the desk: couples; himself, var; ice, move; Nose, horn.

What task can be offered? (I suggest to make words and record them in the notebook)

Fold the foundations, highlight the root

Check. What is common in words? (sophisticated)

How did you get difficult words? (folded two roots, two foundations)

What conclusion can be done?

How are complex words formed?

Research 2.

What is the next point of our plan

Opened page 92 No. 171. Work on the textbook with commenting.

Read the rules p. 92

What are the connecting letters in difficult words? Tell me confident.


We are fluffy snowflakes,

We are Magic Mushki,

Like white light

Sketched white plaid.

We made friends with each other,

In white dance concerned

And the land quietly sank.

Study 3.

Read the next item of our Plan

Let's go back to the Word in which we have difficulty - snowfall.

How best to say - snowfall? Or falling snow in large quantities? (snowfall)

Why? (so shorter, more convenient and more beautiful)

Each of us sees snowfall in its own way.

How do you see snowfall?

Make a small story. Cover it. We work in pairs

Fastening learned (Children make up stories in groups)

What should we remember working in groups? (politely access to each other, be attentive, listen to the opinion of everyone without interrupting, know how to learn from others)



  1. How are complex words formed?
  2. With the help of what the roots are connected in difficult words?
  3. What role do complex words play in speech?

Homework:page 93 No. 172, if desired, to write a fairy tale about complex words.


Complete the sentences

On the desk

Today at the lesson I learned ..........

It was difficult ......... ..

It was interesting ………..

I like it ………..

Show with what mood you will leave the lesson (children show emoticons (with cheerful, cheerful))

The lesson is over. Thank you

Subject: Russian language umk "School of Rosiii"

Theme of the lesson: complex words.

The purpose of the lesson: Forming the ability to correctly record complex words using the connecting letters O, E; determine the basics of a complex word; Apply the spelling rules of spelling in the roots of a complex word.



To form the skill of spelling complex words with a support on the algorithm;

Intensify and expand vocabulary from students.


Contribute to the development of cognitive interest among students, logical general educational skills and skills, mental operations, imagination, different types of memory;

Create for the development of all types of channel perception channels.


Continue to develop positive personal qualities (responsibility, sense of mutual assistance, goodwill);

Shape self-regulation skills (ability to hear and listen);

We instill respect for work, work products.

During the classes

    Organizational moment (greeting).

    Approximately motivational stage.


    Children are invited to guess the riddle.

"Guess easily and fast: soft, lush and fragrant,He and black, he and white, and it happens. "(Bread)

Choose to the word "bread" single words.

Record: Bread, bread, bread. Highlighting the root.

    Remember proverbs about bread.

Finding out the meaning of proverbs.

Reading proverbs from the board. Finding out their meaning. Recording one of them by choosing.

3. Preppy for the study of a new topic.

Where do bread bake? (on bakery)

Assistant director of the bakery is drawn to us. He was instructed to make a signboard. Let's help him. Bread? factory. - Problem (on the board the inscription)

What is interesting in the word record? (Two roots).

How can you call words that can consist of several foundations?

What to call a vowel, which connects two roots in a difficult word?

What is the subject of the lesson? (Open the topic of the lesson on the board)

Record offers and analysis.

R ... Bochy bread ... Plant showed studies ... nicknames their r ... bot.

Individually a card.

In ... Ter, M ... Bel, KV ... Rtira, Comn ... Tom, m ... Gazin, R ... Bota, P ... Court, st ... Kan, L ... Path, m

4. Observation of the facts of the language. Generalization of structural and semantic signs of concept .

1) Bread workers have prepared a question for you.

When the connective vowel is written in difficult words, and when e?

Watch and conclude:(On the desk)

Bread ... bakery oil ... factory

Birds ... fishing ... move

Myself ... took away the course ...

Dust ... SOS self ... var

Home ... sad skin ...

Report of groups. Reading the rule in the textbook.


Guess the riddle, write down the guess and scatter the composition. (I write out the answers to the notebook)

Machine that flies itself ... (aircraft)

He stood in the forest

No one took him

In the red hat fashionable

Nothing is not suitable. - (agar)

Noodles have

Constantly hands in Boki.

Foka water boils

And, as a mirror, glitters. - (samovar)

From the mountain runs a fault,

Water drops quickly.

Beauty See this -

I will never forget. - (waterfall)

What is the name of the very first bike? (SCOOTER)


    Sharing concepts and rules.

Perform an exercise 122, p. 50

    Read the rhymes 2 times, then write down the words from memory.

(Work in groups)












national one.

Individually a card.

Connect parts of complex words.

earth move

thunder seconds

meat removal

hay merry

everywhere combine

drovo Kol.

ice mower

    The outcome of the lesson.

Did you like the lesson?

I found out?

I can?

