Abstract: The emergence and formation of Kievan Rus. Who created Kievan Kyiv History

Foundation of Kiev

On the lands of the future South Ukraine in the III century. Food gothic kingdom led by the confusion of Ermanarich. His power extended far to the north, up to the Baltic. From 239 to 269. This union makes a number of crushing robbers, which led to the death of many ancient centers on the coast of the sea, Scythian kingdom in Crimea, Lateciful Lower Middneprovskie settlements, cessation of coins in Olvia and dash.

Huns, which came from the Urals, were taken by the Rus for the Divens People sealed in ancient years of the Svarog in the Ural Mountains, which came when the end of the old Koloog Cola was. The oldest texts of the book of Veles (Troyan sh 3, 2) are filled with the expectation of this time: "And we are waiting for time this, when welling wheels are covered. This time on the song Mother Sva will come."
And this time has come. And many it was taken over the end of the world. But then the prince of Rus, Kiy himself, said: "We must go into the military of Yasuni, in order to protect the country from the enemy raids. And the last times will be later" (Bus IV, 4: 2).

From Elbrusy then they moved to the Dnieper of the childbirth of Belogork, Beloyarov and Novoyarov (those that survived after wars with Goths and Huns). Prince Kiye, according to the "Book of Veles" (Bus IV, 1: 2), led Rusch to the Dnieper from the CAP-Grad or White Fairy (then this city or his heir to Don, was named Sarkel). Prince Kiy was the successor Beadoyar Bead.
So in the Dnieper and on the shores of Rosi was born skuffing Kiev. Ki on the site of ancient settlement built hail Kiev-on-dnipro, the foundation of which Novgorod chronicle from the meeting E.V. Barsova (a copy of the XVII century) refers by 430, which completely coincides with the dating "Book of Veles", which speaks of the embedding of Kiev-on-Dnieper during Attila.

In the first two decades V c. Gunns moved along the steppes of the Northern Black Sea region. Apparently, they could not overcome the "Zmaiev trees" and left the Galunsk Russia destroy. According to the "Book of Veles" (Bus IV, 5), Goluns are not taken, and Prince Kiye himself, "Having left the Don lands."
At first, Prince Kiy went from Don to Gunnov Bulgar (Bus IV, 5). The same campaign tells Nikonovsky chronicle. According to the "Book of Veles," after a trip to Bulgarian Kija went to Voronezhez, where he joined his warriors-Polyan. Then he gained Galun and took the future Kiev.

Kiy, cheeks and choriv in the Radziwalov Chronicles

"Brothers Kii, Shchechka and Chorive, with Sestroy Lybedy, lived between glades on the three mountains, from which two will be heard by the name of two smaller brothers, jekovice and chorivice; And the eldest lived where now (xi century) Zborichev Vestivation. They were Known and reasonable men ... built the city and called it by the name of the older brother Kiev. "
The history of the founding of Kiev in the initial chronicle is as follows: "Everyone lived with his own, in their places and the sides, owning every family. And there were three brothers: one name of Kiy (Something), the second one's name of the cheek, the third name Horiv, \u200b\u200band their sister was lying. And sat on the mountain, where Borichev's unguisher, and was with his own. And the brother of his cheeks on another grief, the cheekowing was called from him. And the third chorive, the chorievitian was called from him. And the ridges were created in the name of his older brother and called the name Kiev (Kyi). And there was a large forest and boron, and caught the beast. And there were guys wise and intelligent, gladly greeted, and until now on them Kiyan - Polyana; There were also frowning, sacrificing lakes and sources, and groves like other dies. "
Archaeological studies conducted on Castle Mount, convincingly confirmed the reality of the events described in the chronicles. In addition, the coins of the Byzantine emperors Anastasia і (491 - 518) and Justinian І (527 - 565) dated con. V - Nach. V i centuries indicate the emergence of Kiev in this period or a little earlier. Probably there was a residence of Kiya before it was built on the Staschaev Mount the fortified settlement - the forerunner of the city of Kiev.
How the center of a kind of brothers is based near the courtyard of Kiya, on Strawevskaya Mountainwhere in the X century. Led from the river Borichev UHZH, small "rudors". He got the name of Kiev. Using natural conditions (from three sides, the Staryaev Mountain has steep, impregnable slopes), the glade built from the northern side a high ground shaft with a palico and dug deep ditch. In the middle of the township was the pagan capital, studied in 1908 by Valentiya Khoyko.
Dotole's scattered gods joined around it and got a common name from them "Polyana"but also "Kiyan" - Kievans, "People of Kiya". Princely hunting in the "Forest and Bor Great" is mentioned about the hail, an important component of the Value Slavkin.

Academician B.A. Fishermen writes: "The pronounced attracted form of the name of the city of Kiev (" Cius "," Kiev city ") forces the existence of a person by the name of Kii, who owned this city or built it." The story about the foundation of Kiev is repeated almost unchanged in two chronicles - Kiev, known as the "Tale of Bygone Years", and Novgorod. Difference only in dating.
Kiev chronicler Nestor refers the founding time of the city to the VII century, and Novgorod - to the IX century.
Kiev and Novgorod have long been competing among themselves. Therefore, the Novgorod chronicle indicates a later date, not wanting to admit that Kiev is ancient Novgorod. In addition, he does not recognize Kiya Prince, but calls him a boatman who has been transported through Dnipro.
Nestor enters the controversy with the Novgorod chronicler and in his chronicle includes additional clarification: "other, not leading, they say that the carrier was. In Kiev, because there was a carriage then from the side of the Dnieper. Because said: "For transport to Kiev." But if if the carrier was, it would not go to the Tsarijor's city. But this cue reigned in his own way, and he came to the king of the unknown, but we only know what the great honor would come from the king, who did not know and in which the king came. When he walked back, came to the Danube, and loved the place, and he quit small, and wanted to sit with his family, and did not give him a nearby. Therefore, the donyn is called Danube Kyiv settlement. " According to Nestor, the town of Kyiv, the construction of which was also attributed to Kiu during his campaign to Constantinople, where he was accepted with honorable.
In this clarification, Nestor reports new, very important information: Tsar-Grad then in Russia, called the capital of Byzantium Constantinople, and the king - the Byzantine emperor, it means that Kiev visited Byzantium and was accompanied by the emperor. B.A. Fishermen, comparing this information with other chronicle data, put forward a convincing hypothesis about the time to which the activity of Kiya belongs. Fishermen writes: "This legend (...) is very well stacked in the historical reality of the VI century." The name of the cue may mean "blacksmith". Researchers of Slavic mythology V.V. Ivanov and V.N. The axes identify cue with the hero of an ancient legend about creating Zmiyev Valls - Earth fortifications stretching along the Dnieper hundreds of kilometers. Their origin and construction time is not installed. Zmiev and Trojanov trees are located on the border. In the era of Kievan Rus, they served as defense line against Pechenegs.
The legend says that in the old days flew from behind the sea, the winged snakes - and began to devour people. Dried people, "like grass under the legs of cattle, as millet in the sun." Kuznets - "God's Koval" - defeated the snake, harnessed him into a plow - and smeared the furrow to the sea. The groove filled with water became the Dnieper, and the pulled land - with zmium shafts, existing and understood.
This is a variant of the general Slavonic myth about the divine blacksmith of the Svalog, the winner of the Snake Trojan, the ancestor of the power of Slavic princes. So, Polyansky Kii is another hyposta of this deity-first. Moreover, preserving one of its initial mythological names.
Polyansky and Seversky myth about Kovale coincides mainly with Volynsky, tied to the name of the local legendary prince Radar. According to the legends of the subnet, Koval is the winner of the monstrous snake. Snake attacked the land in which Koval was settled, ruined them, devoured people. Koval built a huge stone blacksmith for three iron doors and in her the first, the Golyan Plow with Iron Lekheh. When the snakes again flew over the prey, the blacksmith carried him into his chase, lured to the grasshopped and wrapped - if that language spines through all the iron doors, allow me to eat himself. Snakes succumbed to the trick and, shedding three assholes, penetrated into the smallest language. Koval of this and waited. He grabbed the serpentine tongue to the tick and beat the snake on the head of a multi-tech hammer while the escaped people were injured the captured monster in the hust. Finally, the snake was curly and surrendered. Koval ordered him to be lying around to the sea - between the lands of the Slavic people and the enemy, "snake" edge. Snake was forced to conquer, and Koval himself went for a plow. So the Slavic land was separated from the enemy deep river, and high shafts were erected in her shores, the trail of the Bogatyr Pahotot of God Koval. These are Zmiev trees on the shores of the Dnieper, on the border with the steppe. The mouth of Dnieper snakes burst, drunk seawater. In ancient times, Zmiev's trees were called Trojanov. So, snakes, the enemy of the Svarog, - the three-headed god of the Troyan, famous for the eastern and southern Slavs.
The mythological legends about Kowal were back in the XIX century, including in the vicinity of Kiev. They should have tested about the battle of Kiya with the snake Troyan and in the Middle Ages. Nevertheless, in the annals, this purely mythological "reservoir" did not find legends about Kie reflection. It is not surprising - at the time of the fierce struggle with the remnants of paganism, he seemed inappropriate. Yes Chronicles, in contrast to the "dwarves," and did not believe in either Svarog, nor in Trojan, nor in other ancient gods. Cue for them was meaning only as the historic founder of Kiev, and not as a mythical hero. Especially since the initial identity of the founder of the princely power, the blacksmith is unlikely to be forgotten, the Kiya-Walls with the Supreme God of Perun. And Trojan - with his opponent, God-Snake Veles. Neither the other place in real history after the baptism of Russia did not remain. The Christian chronicler rethought the tradition in terms of reasonable confidence. Leaded this to a dual result. On the one hand, the "historical basis" was made from the pagan legend. On the other hand, it was made simply at the expense of the "mythological" dropping. The path to rational scientific knowledge was laid over the century before comparing his method.

Based on "inaccuracy" from a scientific Christian point of view remained outside the anniversary of the chronicle Lybed. The origin of the name "Lybede" river is unclear. A convincing version was put forward and justified. The name of the river comes from the personal female name "Smil." Lybia is one of the names of the goddess alive.

Lybad - Goddess alive.

Official Ukrainian the founding date of Kiev - 482.

430-460 governing body Kiya .
With all his "wisdom", the brothers remained pagans. The chronicler emphasizes this to the teaching of contemporaries, which, separating the superstitions of the ancestors, was often inferior to them in valor. Nestor immediately corrects its predecessor: "Polyana lived on the Mountains of the Sim, because still the brothers were glade ..." The brothers come out were not glades, but only assimilated the old population. The name "Polyana" appeared before Kiya. Only the name "Kiyan" appeared since the times of Kie, as the chronicler emphasizes.

Polyansky tribal union formed on the basis of two tribal groups - the reached from the West, sloven-Dlebov, and local,. The legacy of those and others remained even in the early Middle Ages Rus. The basis of the fortified "hail" of Kiev is associated with the invasion of the "Volyntsevsky" tribes of the left bank0000 \u003d\u003d. As a result of tribal groups, there were three - dulabs, ants, including the northern north, and who came with her nomads. The presence of "Saltov" (see) in Kiev VIII century. There is no doubt. Power in such a tribal association could be trial. Each of the co-burning "birth" corresponded to the special tribal component of the Union. Are the historical samples of cius, cheek and choriv "brothers" in the literal sense, initially? In any case, they became such, founding the general hail and creating a single polyansky Tribal Soyuz. Later, as evidenced by the chronicles, their "childbirth" was jointly ruled. The tripled co-combination remained to the IX century. inclusive. It was the essence of the native of the contract concluded upon the invasion. In this scenario - the leader of the invasion of ANT. It is in this sense that it turns out to be "carrier" "from the side of the Dnieper". "Kiev Transport" is not the humiliation of the dignity of the Polyansky Prince, as the chronicler of the XII century believed., And the memory of the crossing of him and his people.
It was from the Ants that the myth was spread about Kie-Svoke and related ideas about the princely power. Volyntsevian aristocracy, in the veins of which the Antian blood flowed, restored them in the new "renunion" on the left bank. Her leaders, similar to the Croatian princes in the Czech Republic and Poland, took one of the names of the Holy Timeller's name as a title. The Supreme Princes of Kiev was considered earthly manifestations or descendants of the Divine.

Initially volyntsevsky tribes Forcedly recognized dependence on the erected in the steppe Khazar Kaganata. The Khazars settled in the left bank, and the Alano Bulgarian "Saltovtsy" obeyed Kagan. Without a union with Kaganat, it would be impossible to resettlement of Volyntsevsky tribes to the east, to the Seversk Don and Don. And those who settled on the Don Volyntsevians were allies and dunns of Kaganat. However, as the Slavic began, the dependence on the alien steppe became increasingly painful. Moreover, Khazaria is already in the VIII century. shocked several crises. Arabs sought from those who were worried about their raids, the adoption of Islam - and once they could even impose him. But the Khazar kagans themselves and especially their military co-beacons were leaning towards Judaism. So unexpected, at first glance, the choice made it possible to approve its independence and from caliphate, and from Byzantium. The adoption of Judaism, which accomplished in two adhesives throughout the VIII century, contributed to the flourishing of urban life and trade in Kaganata centers. But it also led to the hopeless separation of the ruling tip from the heated nomadic mass.

As for the Kiya brothers, they relate to dlebskaya and nomadic components of the Union.
On Shchekavitsa from the VIII century. There was a courtyard or settlement - as in other Kiev mountains, Kiselevka and the Decity. Of these, the Kiselevka (Castle), which was first located Antsky Grad, standing closer to Staryaevskaya and could be a chorievice.
The question of the origin of the name "Chorievitsa" is ambiguous. It is clearly Nestlavian. It is difficult not to see the reflection name of the Old Testament Mount Horive. Then this is a trace of presence in Kiev Khazar.
At about 730, part of the Khazar nobility adopted Judaism, putting the beginning of the appeal of tribesmen. At the same time, the Khazars were inclined to Christianity - so they were familiar with biblical patterns and to Jewish mentors.
So, the name occurs right from the biblical mountain, and "Chorive" is derived from him, the Slavic nickname of the Khazar leader to the mountain. The chorive headed with Kii "Brother" headed nomads. The ruled rules in Kiev, weakened "Rod Choriv" with two other "births". Its alien origin - like the root of the name - forgotten. Neither the constant presence of Khazar-Jews in Kiev is not to speak in the same age.
It is less likely to see the bald mountain in Horiviavice, the Yurkovitsa, where the ancient Kiev region was located ("Bald" Mountain means "sacred"). Is that the Slavic Gentiles arranged in Khorivice in the chorievice, from cleansing considerations. It is curious that both bald, however, turns out to be connected with the Khazar "Jewish" beginning in the ancient Kiev. In x in. On it was placed the Ramal Fortress Samvatas, whose name comes from the legendary Sambation River. For this river on the edge of light as if "lost" ten knees of Israel would have dwell.
Such who lived to the east of the Dnieper converts mnili themselves. The name "Samvatas", however, like hail himself on the Bald Mount, who controlled the marina in the river, and many later than Kiev appears.
The desire of Khazar to "Sambation" had both religious and tangible economic reasons. On the one hand, the nomads who paid them by the Dagestan Jews seemed to meet their lost "relatives" - Western European and Balkan Jews. On the other hand, already in the IX century. Through Podneprovye, a trading path was held, tied by the Volga and Caucasian Jewry with Western relatives. He played a significant role in the economic development of Khazaria and neighboring lands. Searches in this direction could be conducted from the VIII century. Just in the middle of the VIII century. The links of the Polyansky land with the Avar Middle Polyanya or Slavic Moravia have improved.

As for the Bald Mountain, the associations with the Kiev Region, on the site of which was erected in the x in. Samvatas, there are much more convincing searches here Chorievitsa. On the sacred for the pagans, the Lysoy Mountain in the late Middle Ages was placed - probably not without reason, - the place of the Sabbath witches. It was not leaving no noticeable traces that died to the beginning of the city. Is the head of the worship of mother-earth? Then the sanctuary of witches on Bald Mount enters a kind of roll ring with Lybed's courtyard on Devic Grief. Lybed-Smile stubbornly refused marriage. So the witch must behave, the priestess of the female deity. Is this another trace of the resistance of the witches coming to them by patriarchal order?

After Kya and Choriv cheek "remain" only the meadow-dulebs. Its name with the greatest probability comes from the adjacent to the Staryaev Mountain - Shchekavitsa. The name of this mountain Slavic and quite transparent. But it appeared precisely when the main hail was argued in Starovka. At Shchekavitsa, the courtyard of the leader of local dlebov, which entered into the Union with the aliens. If we want to see the "brothers" who came together "from wild fields" "the sides", then another option is possible. One of the leaders of the invasion, Slav, entered the property with the local one and took up its interests in front of his tribesmen. One way or another, the cheek correlates with the Dulebian beginning in the Union. His name, by the way, may also be a completely real nickname of the historic person. As a shchekavitsa, the shadows of the oldest Kiev, and its ruler stood the skull of the Supreme Prince fields, Kiya.


Slavic tribe lived at the site of Kiev - Polyana.
The initial chronicler draws a picture of the unification of the previously scattered "childbirth" around the built tribal center into a single community - Polyansky Union. From his words it follows that Kievans called "Polyans" in the second half of the XI century. The origin of the name "Polyana" he associates with Kii and the "brothers". Later, this refutes Nestor, confirming, however, the fact of association itself. Indeed, the name "Polyana" should be older than Kiev.
Judging by the chronicles and the newest archaeological studies, the territory of the Earth of Polyan (Poly) in front of the Christian era was limited to the course of Dnieper, Rosi and Irpen, in the West she flew to the diver earth, in the North-West - to the southern settlements of Dregovich, in the south-west - to Tiverts, in the south - to the streets. Calling Slavic Polyanov settled here, the chronicler adds: "Zanezh in the Sedyu field."
Polyana, according to the chronicler of Nesor, was sharply different from the neighboring Slavic tribes and in moral properties, and in the forms of public houses: "Polyana Boy of their father's customs of the faith and meek, and the shame to sneah and to their sisters and their mother ... The marriage customs have ", whereas the rallies, radms and vetchi lived in the forests," like beasts ", and they did not have marriages. This description is clearly prevented by Nestor, as a monk Kiev-Pechurch Lavra.
The story takes Polyan already at a fairly late stage of political development: the social system is composed of two elements - communal and princely-doubt, and the first is strongly suppressed by the latter. With ordinary and oldest classes of Slavs - Hunting, Fisheries and Borutrodstva - Polyan has more than other Slavs, cattle breeding, agriculture, "antododbrew" and trade were distributed. There are various theories about its extensity and contacts with other peoples. Academician Peter Tolochko on the Mint Bolds concludes that trade with the East began in the VIII century. - stopped during the devils of specific princes. However, the historian E. Mühlev objects that these coins fell into the ground no earlier than x. "You already mean after establishing the Varangian government in Kiev as an additional proof indicates numismatic research by V. L. Yanin. At first, about half the VIII century. They paid tribute to Khazar.

Slavs and their neighbors in the VII-VIII centuries.

After KIA (430-460) rules his son Lebedyan who also called the Slaver. He, as the "Book of Veles" says (Bus IV, 5), "sat at the city of Kiev near the mountain, and there was a way, and rules from the temple." He ruled twenty years (460-480). He was the Voivod of Torchin (or Torkov, Tivers-Tavrov, they are then tvers, tvyvki).
Then the Kiev throne moved to the prince Verina , invited from the citywork: that is, from the velegraph, the future capital of Moravia, or from the township of Meklenburg (unlikely). According to the "Book of Veles", the land of the sort of cheek (and therefore the degree of Chekhov Treeshd) in those years were included in Russia, because the Czechs were just moved from Kiev and took those lands. Verne Rules Kievan Rus also twenty years (480-500).
After rowing ten years, the prince's rules Serious (500-510), but nothing more is known about it.
The last of Kiev was the prince Tyostar (Supplections. 510-543). He was elected prince at the eve of united Boriaussia and Ruskolan (obviously, in 510).

In con. V c. Under the emperor of Byzantium Aspare, who had a Goto-Alan origin, the Union of Byzantium and Anti had developed. Aspar surrounded himself by Antami (his commander was ant Anagast). At the same time, Byzantium destroyed Ants in the Lower Danube. But then, under the emperors, Zenone and Anastasia, the attitude of the Byzantium to the ants began to change. Thracians and Antah restrained the power of the empire. These uprisings (in fact, former civil war for power within the empire) headed Vitalian. There is reason to consider it by the grandson of the emperor Aspara, and even Slavic.
Vitalyan, at the head of the soldiers, among the koim were goths, Gunns and Scythians (that is, Constantinople besieged three times) three times. Twice it received the required (governance in Frakia and ransom), and for the third time, in 516, he was broken by the commander of Justin. In 517, the numerous tribes of Slavs (koomantines were called "Guethai", but in the Heto-Thracian lands have long been settled by Anty Slavs) invaded Iliria and Macedonia. Then Justin became the emperor (517-527) and expelled the Slavs and Thracians for the Danube. The Natisk of Slavs in Emperor Justinian has particularly intensified. After the emperor climbing the throne, in 527, he began the war on all the borders of his empire, seeking to resurrect the power and greatness of ancient Rome. But his militancy was laid the limit in the north.
Under Justinian (and at the prince of Tryatar), the Slavs destroyed defensive structures on the Danube and invaded Frace, Macedonia and Northern Greece, exterminating and expelled by the Byzantines. And then they settled on empty lands. So the southern branch of Slavic peoples was born: Serbs, Slovenians, Croats, Bulgarians.
The historian of the proof was wrote in his "secret history" about the invasions of the 20s and 30s: "Illyry and Fracey completely, covering the entire territory from the Ionian bay to the outskirts of Byzantium, including Greece and Thracian Chersonese, in almost every year by Huns, scalables And Antami since the top of Justinian in the Roman Empire, and they worked out terrible chaos among the inhabitants of the region. During each invasion of more than two hundred thousand Romans, it seems to me, was destroyed and turned into slavery ... "
Emperor Justinianan did not have anything left, how to recognize Ants with his subjects (in this way, he hoped to divide and honor the Slavic-Antian tribes). Since then, the Ants themselves began to guard the boundaries of the empire from new raids as their tribesmen and Bulgarians, Utygurov and Kutigurov. But they defended the boundaries of the empire reluctantly, the invasion continued.
Byzantium, in turn, began to strengthen the Tauridov of Ostrogotov who lived in the mountains of the Tavridov, who felt a long-time enmity to the Slavs. Since the interests of the ready and Byzantine coincided, the goths recognized the domination of the emperor and gave the obligation to supply three thousand warriors in his requirement in the Empire's troops (proof. "On the buildings", III, 7-14).
Also among the ready Taurida, during the board of Justinian, the empire was explicitly distributed by the Christianity of the Byzantine rite (as opposed to the appearance of the ready-made Arianism). This very much prevented the lack of the ready cities, for they preferred rural life. Justinian sent in the Gothian engineers and architects to build fortresses on the northern slopes of the Crimean Mountains, as well as for the construction of walls and churches in the born Gothic city of Dore (Dorace).
Also strengthened Justinian and Tamansky ready (a bishop was sent to them in 547).
On the main events of those years, about the Goto-Slavic War, the meager Byzantine sources that have come down from that era, do not report anything to an even account. Especially invaluable information that conveyed to us the smell of Novgorod Magi.

According to the "book of Veles" (Lyut I, 4: 2 and 2: 1), at the beginning, "Goths intensified" near Voronezh. In Voronezh, then there was a small squad of Boyhar Gordini, who accepted an unequal battle. It was a glorious battle: "And from this Voronezh glory flows in Russia, and its weld has!" The date of this battle is named "Book of Veles": "One hundred and thirteen years from the Carpathian outcome." That is, we are talking about 543 AD.
Then the warriors of the pride were smashed ready, and their feat was compared with the feat of Segelen and Bolorev, who broke the son of Germany and the hotel of goularech under the walls of Voronezh seventy years ago. However, after the battle of the city, a ash remained. The handful of Russian warriors, and unfeesened, left him. Before leaving the warriors, they gave an oath not to forget their homeland and free the "blissful Russian land."
In the same year, Goths led by the Konung Teodorich III (Tiusis) struck on Galuni and Kiev. "And many of the robes of their dice have been put on Galuni" (Lyut I, 4). And then in Kiev, the Goths hanged the Trywar (lyut I, 1: 1). So ended the dynasty of Kiev. The last prince of this dynasty of Toyar rules rules from 510 to 543 (if he began to rule immediately after Ringa).
Then from Kiev left the "small part of people", which gathered in the "Forests of Ilmer". And then the Great Rus began to create from the north, for "we didn't have any other opportunity." They were then added to Slovenia who fled from Avars, the Rusians who fled from the Khazar, the Wentains who fled from the Germans. Novgorod chronicles add that in Novgorod, in the same years began to rule Vladimir Ancient (From the Russian epic, a loser war in V in. Attila. He was rejected - for nine knees before.).
Kievans fled not just in the forest, but to settlements of Novgorod residents-Sloven ("hunters and fishermen"), which lived here from time immemorial.
Further description of the events in the "book of Veles" allows you to conclude that part of Ruskolan then ran to Don and Kuban, protected by Don Rus and Asov (the wars are described in the table with Gotami and Khazari on Don).
In the book of Veles, "mentioned Beloyar Crivorog, Contemporanik Scottle and Beloyar Gordini (Novgorod Prince is mentioned in 543).
Many ancient sources are informed about the rules and Asahs. So, in the Syrian chronicle of Zecharia Miletsky, written in 555, among the peoples living near the Azov Sea, mentioned: "Neighboring with them (Amazons) The people of HROS (HROS), men with huge limbs that have no weapons and which Cannot wear horses because of their limbs. " It is obvious about the great growth of Rus, the ancestors of the Don Cossacks.
It is also known that in gray. V c. On Tamani and at the mouth of the Don, there were also ready, the womburov and casov (Circassians), the Alano-Rus ("Ruhs-Assa", that is, "bright aces", they are the same). The place of their settlement is called the Taman city or the island of Rus (anonymous geographer of the VII century from Ravena indicates that the city of Mal-and-Ros (RAV. AN. IV, 3) was located in the mouth of Kuban (RAV. AN. IV, 3). Rules of Taman Assa Prince Sarosi (according to Menderman's player). The name of the prince may simply be the title "Tsar Ass", "SAR-I-OS" (Wed with Sarus Buse). Sarosi supported diplomatic connections with the Byzantine courtyard.
In the same years, among the Rusov, Alan, and Christianity continued to be strengthened. The first Christian communities here were founded by the Apostle Andrei. It is known that in the IV-Ohm century. These land entered the Bosporus Diocese (Bishop Bospor Cadm participated in the Nicene Cathedral). Scythian bishops were at subsequent cathedrals. And with Justinian in 547, a separate Episcopian department was approved in the land of Tamansky ready and chigs (that is, Charmas), which means Taman Rus.
And I must say that not all Rus and Assa and the neighboring tribes welcomed the spread of Byzantine influence. In 550, the uprising of the power of the ready and emperor of Justinian was arisked here. First of all, "Abasgi" was rebuilt, that is, Abkhaza (according to the procopia of Caesarian, VI century), as well as "Assa", "Hasquins" (according to Juancheng Juhanscheriani, the XI century). Supported the uprising itself Emperor Justinian, devastating the country of Asov and Rus. Prokokii Kaesarian wrote: "The Romans captured wives of chiefs with all their offspring, they destroyed the walls of strengthening to the ground and devastated the whole country.
After the pogrom 550 on the land of Asov and Chigi, a friendly Byzantium power was established. Apparently, then the king of Alanov and Rusov King Sarosi. Nevertheless, the Caucasian campaign of Justinian was an answer in the next 551. After passing off the Anthea lands, the Kutigur, who came from Taman and the Black Sea steppes came to Frace, then.
The invasion was reflected. Byzantines have strengthened their pressure on the peoples of the North Caucasus. At the Konstantinople Cathedral in 553, "bishop of the people of Chigi" Lomcian was present. However, the war in the Slavic-Anorth borders did not stop.
In 558, Bulgars and Slavs, led by Khan Zavegan, once again plundered Frace and Macedonia. Then the Slavs from the army of Zavengan attacked Constantinople from the sea, and Bulgars from Sushi. To retreat, accepting a pre-rich tribute, Zavegan forced the news that a new horde appeared in the Don steppes, which threatened to hit the Bulgar from the rear.
These were Avara Khan Bayan (Bayan), which were due to the Caspian Sea and Volga, from the Turkic and Mongolian desert. In the 540s. Altai Turks expelled them (and partly destroyed). The remains of crushed Horde then ran to the West and by 558 reached the North Caucasus.
Alansky King Sarosi, the Miller of Byzantium, told the Emperor Justinian on the emergence of Avarov, and then he also ordered to protect the ambassadors of Byzantium, who went to Avaras. Byzantium decided to use the Avarian Horde against the Huns and the Slavs, annoying the empire.
Alano-Rusi also missed Avar through their lands to Voronezh, captured by Goths, and then to the land of Huns (Fuckurov and Kutigurov) of their enemies.
Judging by the "book of Veles," the squads of Alano Rusov then joined Avaras (I suppose those headed by pride). Avars in 559 passed through the lands of Northerners (Sabirov) to Voronezh. According to the "Book of Veles" II 46 (Lyut I, 1: 3), the Walls of Grad, busy by Gotami, came the "One hundred thousand the selected cavalry" Khan Bayan (Bayana). "And there was a shape of evil, and blood flowed like Surin-Honey, and in the evening the bayan was striking ready."
In 560, Avars invaded the country of the womburov in the east of the Azov Sea, and then defeated on Don Kutigurov. Khan Kutigurov (apparently, Zavegan, who deposited Constantinople in 558) became Danitor Bayan. Then Bayan accepted the title of Kagan. And then, in 561, the Avar-Cutigur Horde flowed to the Dniester River, to Antiya.
None of the ancient sources reports Avar wars in the Dnieper. Avars, as before Hunnes, did not risk overcoming the "zmiev trees." Russian squads went to Kiev and Golun then Gordini and Alanian-ion squirrels Scothen. And then the pride again "struck ready," and expelled them from Kievan Rus. In Kiev, established the power of the Slavic-Alanian dynasty Scothen .
Then Kievan Rus entered Alanian kingdom (called Ruskolana again). In the "Book of Veles" it is reported that "Iron (Alans) since ancient times did not take tribute to us and allowed Rusichs to live in Russian," and also the fact that the prince himself "Boyarin Screeny" "lived with his work," that is, did not take Rogu-Dan, laid by the princess (Lyut II, 3).

Volyn Princess

In the meantime, bypassing "Zmiev's trees" from the south, Avara and Kutigur Khan Bayan invaded the earth of Doulebov and Ants, to Volyn. Volyn itself was located at the origins of Buga, Pripyat and Dniester. Antsia, part of the Volyn Principality, flew to the shores of the Black Sea.
In the Volyn Principality there were dules - one of the oldest Slavic clans. They became famous for reflected the attack of Emperor Trajan. Never enemies could not conquer them and force to pay tribute.
In the IV century, after the fall of Ruscolani, the dulab accepted into their lands of Ants and Moscow (Mosokhov) who fled from the Huns from the Caucasus. And the land of Dlebov began to be called Volyn in honor of the goddess of Ants and Moscow Volyni, the spouses of the Sun and the Lords of the Volyn (Caspian) Sea.
Two centuries Volynyan led the fight against Goths and Huns and did not obey any or the other. Never of their lands were in the Empire of Germany and Attila.
All R. Vi in. Volyn Principality Rules Prince Mesimar. In the "book of Veles" (Lyut I, 4) it is said that he first fought with Gotami, won and "dispelled them in all directions." Then the soldiers of Mazamira had to reflect the invasion of the Huns (obviously, Bulgar Bankan). And then the Antah fought with the combined forces of Huns and ready. And again, opponents were broken, thanks to Berendems who arrived at the help of Rus.
And at this time, when the Ants were weakened by the long and bloody wars, the freshly rost of Khan Bayan came from the east. This also reports "Book Veles" (Lyut I, 3): "These are oboras (Avaras), which was like the sand of the marine, decided to routine Russia. And we stopped and beat and beat them, but there were no Lada in Russia, and therefore Obra won victory. "
The victories of Avara borrowed because during these years due to the politician of Byzantium Antsei began to fight among themselves ("There was no Lada"). Rus-Antah, who were arguing along the right bank of the Danube, fought on the side of Byzantium against those who came because of the Danube of their own relatives (so it was during the invasion of the Byzantium of Khan Zacregan and Ants).
Mesamiro and Pride pride with cattle, and not because some time was the allies of Bayan (thanks to this alliance they were striking ready in Voronezh and Kiev), but because they continued to fight with the Crimean Goths.

Dynasty Trywar then was not stopped, for his sons Ferry, Radozhech and Mosca The printed in the lands of the Danube and Carpathian Rus, that is, at Volyn.
Subsequently, the Pierch became the attorney of the princes of the Southern Slavs (Serbs and Croat).

Covering the Carpathians from the south, the major masses of the Slavic population - the carriers of Prague-Korchak (Soclava) and Penkovsky cultures - penetrate the VI century. To the lower ponavier and interfluce the Danube and Dniester. Mixing with the local Dako-Romanesque population, they formed a mortgshty-kyndeshtsky culture. Here the Slavs faced the Byzantine Empire and from that time continuously appear in the texts of Byzantine historians.
Mipoteshi-Kyndeshtsky culture (IPOTESTESHTI-KYNDESHTI-CHUREEL; RUM. Ipoteşti-cândeşti-ciurel, mortgstone-kyndasht-chural) - Archaeological culture of early Slavs V-VII centuries. In the lower pins, on the territory of modern Romania and Moldova.
The mortgagest-Kyndesht culture was formed by Antami-carriers, together with the local novelue population and leaked to the region of the Lower Danube Slavs of the Prague-Korchak group.
In the presence of structural similarities and individual forms of pots, the culture of the IPOTESTI-KYNDESHTI-CHUREEL is difficult to count to one or another of the Rannesian cultures, which does not remove, however, the possibility of the Slavic attribution of monuments of this culture. On the territory of modern Romania, the traditions of the Late Rime Rannevianizanian time were quite stable. Although in a strongly shortened scale, the production of circular kitchenware, the forms of which were often reproduced in vessels made by hand. The ethnic specificity of the forms of the pots here turned out to be lost. Based on this, Romanian archaeologists see in the monuments of cultures of the IPOTESTESHTI-KYNDESHTI-CHUREEL and Kostysh-Botoshan not Slavic, and the autochthonous novel population, which later joined the Slavs. Among the Romanian researchers there is a hypothesis that after moving the part of the Slavs to the south bank, these cultures continued their development, resulting in con. VII century There was a culture of Hellecha in Moldova, and to the beginning. VIII century Culture Drid in the mintation.
In the VIII century The Great Bulgaria was created on the territory of the Iportshty-Kyndeshtsky culture.

The Byzantine historian of the Ferofilat Simocatta also wrote about the princes of Radoishche and Moska, he called them ardagast and pieces. According to the "History" of the Feofilakt, Radochach (Ardagast) was mortally wounded in 597. During the war of Slavs with the Byzantine troops, headed by the Prisbian Stratig. His death mourned Brother Mosca (garbage). Prosh took advantage of the fact that the Slavs made a TRIZNU in Ardagast (Radozhech) and were drunk. After the memorial feud and the TRIZNA RENEY attacked the Musokia-Moska camp and "continued the memorial feast, making it the blood." The next day, rubrev, the Slavs pledged for the raid and freed the prisoners. The "Book of Veles" (Lyut II, 6) says: "And here he (Mosk) drank about his dead, who was departed to the gods. And he was killed by the worship, for the Radochishch was Tryarovich. And after TRIZN, we should not sleep, but fell asleep. And then the warriors attacked us, and we could not resist. And so retreated. And then returned. And they decided: the woes eat a lot and drink, and then for the sake of us will also come and we will drink fraternal wine ... and so the Rhineees were paying for evil them. " After this, the events of Moska Triescript was elected "Single Prince" (Lyut II, 6: 2) and began to take care of the unity of Slavs. And it was in 597. This year of the beginning of the reign of Prince Mosca and the year of the outcome of Slavs with the Danube. Cm.

Legend of Kie

The famous legend that the "Tale of Bygone Years" precesses the story of the beginning of the Russian Earth, it says that Polyan, "living in a person and owning childbirth in its places," there were three brothers - cues, cheeks and chorive, and their sisters were called Lybia. At first, Kiy sat on the mountain, where Borichev, the removal of the cheek appeared, who received the name of the tickovitz, and Horiv on the third mountain, which was nicknamed by Horwig. Then the younger brothers erected a hail in the name of his brother her oldest and called the name of him Kiev.

It was around the city of Forest and Bor Great, with hunting grounds. Nesheglasa (injecting people), notes the chronicler, they say that cue is not a princely kind, but was a simple carrier on Dnieper. But this is not the case: if Kiev was a carrier, then I would not go with the army to the Tsargrad, and after all he spent many countries and with the Constantinople king signed a peace treaty and the Great Honor accepted from him and from him. He also walked to the Danube on the Bulgarian and loved these places and quit a hail, wanting to sit there with his native. The local coarse people were driven by him, but the town of the same and the Dunaiskyian Kiev is nominated. Kiy walked after the Kamak Bulgarians, defeated them, and returning to Kiev, died; Then the brothers of his cheeks and chorive and sister their liberty died.

Legend This has been studied repeatedly from a wide variety of positions. First of all, historians were interested in the names of the founding brothers. The Slavic origin of the name of the older brothers, cius is established with a sufficient degree of evidence. One of the values \u200b\u200bof the ancient Russian word "cue" (in the archetype sounded like "KUV") - Palets, hammer * - Indicates its connection with the forging craft, whose secrets, in the concept of people of archaic societies, owned gods, heroes and kudesniks. It was not by chance that the legend had a legend of the Blacksmith-Smeequette, who defeated the snake, who lasted the country with defeats, hurried him into a plow and plowed the earth; Dnipro, Dnipro thresholds and shafts arose from the furrows and trees along the Dnieper (Zmiev trees) [ Ivanov V. V., Toporov V. N. Slavyanskaya Mythology: Encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 1995. P. 222].

* B. A. Rybakov notes that "In this sense, the name of the founder of Kiev reminds the name of the emperor (more correctly, the king. - S. Ts.) Karl Martella - Karl Molot (Rybakov B. A. Ancient Russia: legends. Werena. Letply. M. , 1963. P. 25).

Regarding the cheek V.K. Thels proposed the Turkic etymology: "The name of the cheeks, cheek, possibly - the Slavic pronunciation of the Turkic lexeme" Cheka "," Chekan "(battle ax, sequir) ..." Wenin V. K. On the issue of the genesis and the historical context of the chronicle "Tale on the foundation of Kiev" // Germenevics of the Old Russian literature X - XVI centuries. M., 1992. Sat. 3. P. 18.]. Indeed, the Bulgarian nobleman who lived at the beginning of the IX century is known. In the Hungarian chronicles, the name of the shock (SAAC) is also found. But even more likely the origin of the "Mountains" of the joke from the Slavic word cheek In the meaning "Cool, mountainous banks of the river."

Finally, choriv lingules are associated with the Iranian Avestian word Huare - Sun [ Danilevsky I. N. Ancient Rus with the eyes of contemporaries and descendants (IX-XII centuries). M. 1999. P. 70]. There is also a biblical reading of this name - by the name of Mount Horiv in the Arabian desert, whose eastern ridge is Sinai. However, this option is unlikely, since it implies a completely different cultural and religious subtext.

This is "etymological" reading the legend about the foundation of Kiev.

However, it is unlikely that you can talk about the true historical historicity of these characters, especially the brothers and sisters of Kiya, who do not play any independent role and die with a squash immediately after the death of the elder brother. Most likely, we are dealing with a typical case of "folk etymology" - the desire to explain the origin of Kiev, local tracts (cheekbones, chorievitsa) and the Lybeda River by creating relevant mythological heroes.

The Legendary Roots of Stories about Kie indicates both the "Taron's History" (Taron - the historical region of the Great Armenia, on the territory of the modern Turkish Vilayet Mushta) - the work of the VII or VIII century, attributed to the two authors: Syrian bishop Senobu Iron and John Mamikonan, the abbot of the Surb monastery - crept. There is also a legend about the three brothers, and the names of two of them will seem surprisingly familiar to us.

So, the semi-free Tsar Valarshak (from the Parfyansky clan of Arshakids, the governor of Armenia, who lived at the turn of the III-II centuries. BC. BCA) sheltered in his possessions of two brothers - Gosneta and Demeter, princes of the princes, expelled by enemies from his country. But after fifteen years, Valarshak himself executed them for some kind of propulsion. Their sons in the killed brothers were inherited - Coyar, Meteki (Meldeles) and Chorean. " Coohar- it says on the pages of the story of Taron, - built the city of Quaara, and he was named Cuari by his name, and Mutei built his city on the field and called him named Meteja; And Charean built his city in the field of the Falun and called him named Harean. And after time, consulting, Coyar and Meteki and Chareman rose to Mount Karkeya and found a beautiful place with a wonderful air, as there were space for hunting and coolness, as well as an abundance of herbs and trees. And they built there villages ... "

It is remarkable that the chronicle legend not only keeps the names of two brothers from the Armenian legend in recognizable form, but, along with that, accurately reproduces the stages of the construction activities of the Armenian Trinity (Kiya, the cheeks and Choriv also first "sit" each in His "Grad", and Then the general is built - in honor of the older brother, Kiya) and even copies the natural conditions, among which the fourth, main city arises, and the economic classes of its inhabitants - "Forest and Bor is great" around Kiev, where Kiye, cheeks and choriv "Bilay catching a beast "

The question of why Kiev and Armenian chroniclers, divided by thousands of versts and several centuries, told almost the word into the word one and the same story, does not have a clear answer. Of course, it is not necessary to talk about borrowing the ancient Russian citizenship by Armenian chroniclers. The legend outlined in the "Story of Taron" is quite distinctive, since it has undeniable local roots. Already in the Pantheon of the Van Kingdom (another name - the state of Urartu, the IX-VI centuries. BC. E.) The deity of Caero / Kuar is known, apparently with a cult of thunderstorms and fertility [ Harutyunova-Fedonian V. A. The Divine of Thunder in Taron // Bulletin Psuppie III: Filology 2008. Vol. 4 (14). P. 16, 17, 20 - 22; Yeremyan S.T. On some historical and geographical parallels in the "Tale of Bygone Years" and "Taron History" of John Mamikonana // Historical ties and friendship of Ukrainian and Armenian peoples. Kiev, 1965. P. 151 - 160]. Onomastics of the Front East retained and consonant names: Mehdi (now the village of Western Armenia now), Hariv (Herat), Chorean / Hoaryna (in Milde), city of Melitta and Kavar, Biblical city Harran and the people of Horreyev, theorical name Malka (daughter of the Assyrian God Bel-Harran), finally, the Armenian princely race of the Falun and the same historical region in the Great Armenia.

However, the opposite assumption is also as unlikely - about transferring the legend from Armenia to ancient Russia, in favor of which there is no strong historical evidence. And most importantly, the toponym "Kiev" and the names derived from it are not to one old Russian, but to the Slavonic Ondomastikon. After all, besides Kiev on the Dnieper in the X - XIII centuries. In the lands of the South, Western and Eastern Slavs, more than seven dozen Kievs, Kyiv, Kyiv, Kiev, Kiev, etc. have arisen. [ Kovachev N. P. MiddlewormsOther Seliche Kiev, Anthroponymis Kiy and reflection in Blairskat and Slavyanskat Toponimia // News at the Institute for the Bulgarian Ozik. Kn. XVI. Sofia, 1968.].

Therefore, it is necessary to either recognize the belonging of the citizen of Coyar / Kie to the general-European mythological fund, or to seek cultural intermediaries who could promote the spread of a legend in Armenia and among Slavs. This role is suitable, for example, Ventes. Strabo mentions not only the Western direction of Migration of Venetov from Pafulagony to Europe, but also writes about the movement of the part of the Venetian tribes to the East. His look traces their way to Cappadocia, behind which in the XIII - VII centuries. BC e. The area occupied by URART tribes began. In this regard, the fathers of Quaara, Mietya and Horeana from the Armenian legend - the princes of Indy, who remind of merchants, floating, according to Rome writers, in the European North of the Indian Ocean ("Venenen Sea") appear. Perhaps, in both cases, we are talking about Windows, venet.

If the legend that interests us was part of the Venetian epic, the Slavs could get acquainted with him during the period of the Venetian domination in Polish Pomorie (by the way, it is possible that the connection of the city of Quaara / Kiya with the land of the Falound / Polyan refers to the archetype of the legend - another reason for the appearance of chronicle "Polyan" in the Kiev "Mountains", among the "boron and forest"). Becoming part of the Slavic legends, the legend about the three brothers later was rethought in relation to the history of ancient Russia: the replacement of the humility on the cheek identifies this later "historization". However, all this is a hypothesis.

Interesting and the connection of the ancient Russian cue with the Danube (hiking to the Tsargrad, the foundation of the Danube Kiev). Byzantine monument VII century. "Miracles of Dimitri Solunsky" knows Prince Kurver, the prince of Slavic region Srem (Sirmiya) in Croatia, where he was forced to move from North Carpathia. As subjects of Avar Kagan, Kutuuta rebelled against Avarov, inflicted them a few defeats and tried to establish the principality on the Byzantine Balkans in the Tsessalonik area (Soluni), but failed.

Thus, it seems that the creators of the ancient Russian legend of Kie used the epic fragments of Danube Slavs about Prince Kouvere - a possible candidate for the role of the founder of the Danube Kywnian mentioned in the chronicles. However, attempts to localize this toponym did not have success. It should be noted that the medieval Danube and his tributaries of "Kiev", only on the plot between the cities of Veliko-Tarnovo and Ruse there were several.

The emergence of Kiev on archaeological data

The archeology of the ancient Kiev also sheds a very weak light on its occurrence due to the fact that the historical interpretation of most finds causes unsuspicent disputes.

The historic core of Kiev consists of several cultural reservoirs, the immediate continuity between which, however, is not traced. This suggests that a significant part of its early history, the city existed as a delegation settlement belonging to an unknown ethnic group (or groups).

The oldest finds in Kiev are dated Roman time (Zarubinetskaya culture). But you can hardly begin counting the history of the city. In the historical part of Kiev, they are practically absent; In addition, among them there is no evidence of the presence of urban forms of life. Apparently, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe future city there was unaffected by Selishche, the inhabitants of which in the II - III centuries. Engaged in transporting through the Dnieper and trade with Roman Taurida. With the beginning of the great resettlement of peoples, life in the settlement gradually stalled.

The next stage in the formation of Kiev was associated with the settlement on the castle grief - an impregnable cliff, ascended by 70 meters above the Dnieper level. In the VI - VIII centuries. This place was settled by a few Slavic gifts that took place from different areas of the Slavic Area, which is confirmed by the mass finds of Slavic ceramics. However, the first attempt of the Slavs to entrenched on the castle grief was not successful. The oldest inhabitants of the local settlement did not consider it necessary to build strengthening and eventually left it - the excavations revealed a sterile clay layer, separating the settlement of the VI-VIII centuries. From the cultural outstanding of a later era.

However, already in the IX century. The north-western part of the Cam Mountain is again engaged in Slavic settlers who combined agricultural activities, hunting and fishing with craft activities.

From this time, the active settlement of the surrounding hills begin. At the neighboring Staryaevsky mountain, located south of the castle, another settlement of approximately 2 hectares appears. Steep slopes reliably protected from three sides, it is protected from the south with an artificial defensive structure - the shaft and the moat of the four-meter depth. Here they also found the remains of the mysterious stone structure, usually interpreted as a pagan capital.

At about the same time there is a settlement on a bald mountain, a disconnected moat and an earthen shaft. The emergence of a number of small ussers and individual yards on the mountains of the delicate and shchekavitsa are not excluded.

From Constantine Bagryanorogennoe, it is known that even in the middle of the city. One of these fortified settlements was still a separate name - Samvatos, probably formed from the Slavic personal name (a gravestone dated 559 was found under Constantinople, with the inscription: "Hilbudium, Sonvatas Son; Prokokii Caesarian mentions Slavic (Anthorsky) Chief Hilbudia, thanks to which it can be assumed that the name Samvatas also belonged to the Slavic nameslo).

Thus, archaeological studies suggest that the firing stage in the development of Kiev continued at least until the last quarter of the IX century. But even for this time, the available materials still give a picture of small, topographically separate settlements, whose character and functions remain unclear.

Boris Rybakov

From school years, a legend is known about the founding of Kiev in three brothers - Kiwa, cheek and chorive. Novgorod historians XI ... XII centuries entered this legend in the chronicle under the 854 year, equalizing Kiev with other cities of ancient Russia, and the prince of Kiya himself declared a simple hunter or carrier through Dnipro.

Kiev historians were not in debt and responded with "nonstore." The first answer was given in the solemn form of the compiler of the chronicle of 1093 (translation): "As in ancient times there was a king of Rome (Romulus) and in his honor the city of Rome was named. Also Antioch and was (city) Antioch ... was also Alexander (Macedonian) and in the name of him - Alexandria. And in many places of the city were informed in the name of the kings and princes. Also in our country was the great city of Kiev in the name of Kiya. "

Two dozen years later, the largest Russian historian Middle Ages, Kiev, Nestor, made a whole study to clarify the oldest history of Kiev. Nestor studied the ancient legends (in his time I remembered well and about the Gothic campaigns of the IV century and the Slavic Prince Buce, the captive goths, about the invasion of Avar in the 6th century, about the Slavic campaigns to the Balkans in the VI century) and outlined the appearance of Kiya more than in Brief legend.

"If Kiev was a carrier," Nestor wrote, "he could not ride the Tsargrad (later - Constantinople, Istanbul). But Kii was a prince in his tribe and came to the emperor, whose name is unknown to us, but we know that from the emperor, to which he traveled, the prince received the Great Honor.

On the way back on the Danube, Kiy built a small town on his place, and assumed to settle in it with his tribesmen, but the locals were opposed.

Until now, Danube calls "Kyiv's settlement". Kiy, returning to his city Kiev, here and died ... After the death of Kiya and his brothers, his dynasty rules in the earth of Polyan. So, to clarify the truth, the famous chronicler Nesor made additional investigations about the personality and historical role of Kiya.

It would seem that now in our hands there are already data for precise dating, the time of activity of Kiya. But, unfortunately, Nestor himself did not know the name of the Byzantine emperor, and scientific conscientiousness did not allow the famous Kievian to invent anything.

Kiev princes made hiking to Tsargrad or became allies of Byzantium and in the IX centuries. So; Maybe the right to Novgorod, who wrote about 854?

Let us turn to the source that already existed long before 854, but was not known to the Russian chroniclers. Half a century ago Academician N.Ya. Marr drew: attention to the striking similarity of the Russian chroniclel legend about the foundation of Kiev with a record in the Armenian "Taron History", written by Zenobum in the VIII century. There is a legend that has nothing to do with the history of Armenia, artificially inserted into the canvas of the ancient Armenian events, but it completely coincides with the Kiev tradition: three brothers - Kuire (cue), Meteje and Horivan (Chorive) - Baset three cities in the country of Funny ( Polyana), and after a while the brothers create another city on Mount Kerkei, where there was a worst for hunting and the abundance of herbs and trees, and put two pagan idols there. The coincidence of both legends is almost complete, only one of the brothers was not the cheek, but mestes. Naturally, the question arises how Armenians in the VII ... VIII centuries could get acquainted with the Slavic epic tale of Kie, cheek and chorve.

First, the Slavs got in touch with Armenians in the era of the Byzantine Emperor Mauritius (582 ... 602), when the Slavs were wanted by the Empire to Frace and the lowering Danube, and Byzantia sent the Armenian corps headed by the Armenian corps headed by the Smambath of Baghartuni. The second real opportunity for Armenians to familiarize himself with the Kiev tradition was the events of 737, when the Arabic commander from the Omeyad dynasty Maped fought with Khazaria and reached the "Slavic River" (obviously. Don), where 20 thousand sedentary Slavic families were captured and moved them to Kakheti, located In the immediate neighborhood with Armenia.

The Armenian record is precious for us to the fact that it moves the date of the founding of Kiev at least to the epoch preceding VII ... VIII centuries AD.

The invitation of Slavic (Antisk) princes with their squads was widely practiced. Emperor Justinian (527 ... 565); It was then that some Slavic tribes attacked the empire, and other tribes, the Allied Byzantium, were defended. And the location of Nestor about Prince Kieu fully fit into world events VI centuries.

Byzantine historian of the proof, contemporary - Justinian, wrote that about 533, one of the military commander of the emperor, who worn Slavic (Antistic) name Hilbudium was sent to Danube to protect the northern border of the Empire, but suffered from others, Slavs, captured And then, by the same version, I returned to the homeland in the land of Ants. Secondary Justinian appeals to the Ants (Pridneprovsky Slavs) in 546, when the embassy sends to them with a proposal to take the city on the Danube and defend the empire. Antes in the general evening chose Hilbudia and sent him to Tsargrad to Zesar.

We will not find out the confusing stories of the proofer about Hilbudium, in which there are many contradictions and ambiguities for the author himself, but we note that the general scheme of events in the Byzantine chronicle and in the Russian chronicle is almost the same: the Prince is invited by Cessera to the Byzantine service.

The awareness of the emperor about the Slavic Princes of the Middle Podprovia should not be surprised at us, because by the time of Justinian on "Rusah - the People's People" knew not only in Constantinople, but also a thousand kilometers south, in Syria, where Pseudo-Zechariah Ritor was in the middle of the 6th century Its description of nomads of the Black Seapecific Steppes and their settlement neighbors ("GRAINS").

Our other is more surprised: how the famous Justinian got into the discharge of the unknown chronicles to Northrot Zesar - after all, in the 9th century, the chronicle (which continued Nestor) was made by Byzantine information about the comet, which appeared in the reign of this emperor, "... Sita The same with Ustignyan Tsesari, the star of the eight in the west, emitting the beam, southelessly poses the blustian and the brilliant days of 20 ... ". Chronicles and subsequent emperors (Mauritius, Irakli and others) knew. The question involuntarily arises: could not the invitation of KIA in Tsargrad to come from the other, earlier in the less famous emperor? There will be no direct response, but indirect considerations arise.

By the appeal of Byzantium to the Slavs for help could take place only when the Slavs have already come into contact with the empire. For a long time, Byzantium was separated from the Slavic world by Huns and Gotami. In: 488, the Ostoghota King of Theodorich took his troops from the Balkans to the West, starting the conquest of Italy, and in five years, with the Emperor Anastasia Dikore (491 ... 518), the first marchs of Slavs for Byzantium (483, 499, 502) began .

In the ancient part of Kiev (Castle Mountain), the coins of Emperor Anastasia were found. They complement a number of indirect evidence.

As a result, we can draw the following conclusion: the chronicle story of Nestor about Prince Kie can be with sufficient persuasiveness: not to the IX century, as the additive Novgorod scribe did, and at least three hundred years earlier - by the VI century AD. Given the greatest popularity of the emperor of Justinian in medieval Christian literature, we can imply another emperor under the "Unknown Cesserara" of the Chronicler, for example, Anastasia. The date of the conclusion of the Union between Prince of Polyan and the emperor of Byzantium can fluctuate within the last 3 ... 4 decades of the V century.

But the foundation of the city of Kiev, symbolizing some important fracture inside the Polyansky Tribal Union, should, in all likelihood, to dawn the time preceded by the broad glory of the Polyansky Prince, who reached the Imperial Palace in Tsargrad.

In this matter, the decisive word belongs to archaeological materials, the number of which is continuously increasing due to the efforts of Ukrainian scientists.

Turning to the archeology data should be discarded the thought that archaeological excavations will open us a classic medieval city with the Kremlin and Posted, with shopping areas, crafts and several strengthening lines. So Kiev will be at the time of his heyday in the X ... XIII centuries.

Born cities are not a fabulous chambers arising in one night. The city is born as a kind of "strength knot" of his counties. The causes and forms of the emergence of such a center may be different and diverse.

It may be a ministerial go central strengthening, a permanent mill leader, a Veete collection point, a place of a Vani warehouse, a tribal ritual center, a crossroads of important roads, a place of periodic bargaining, etc. The more individual signs are accumulated at the same point, the more reliable its transformation from the strength of the primitive district to the city of class society. Not statehood initially creates cities in an empty place (although the facts of the construction of the cities of feudalities are known), and the course of the historical development of the family-breeding system leads to multiplication of such centers and the complication of their functions.

The history of each city known to us should be traced whenever possible from the time when this topographic point has been separated from the environment of neighboring settlements, has become some kind of attitude over them and acquired some special functions.

In fact, and, and came in cases where the 800-year anniversary of Moscow was noted (1947), the 1100th anniversary of Smolensk (1962) and Novgorod (1959).

Numismatic findings of the Roman coins of the first centuries of our era in Kiev testify that in Kiev (more precisely, Docyevsky) altitudes were trading. Here, trading, lost coins, and sometimes special treasures were performed specifically in the form of treasure. Such, for example, the treasure found in the Lviv Square one hundred children ago: it was near Roman coins and medals laid in a bucket. Topographically, they are on the coastal part of the city, to the ancient pier on the Dnieper (Hem, Castle Mountain, Definition ravines), they found in the Staryaevskaya Mountain and in Pechersk. At the place of the future of Kiev, there were several small Slavic villages, and the findings of the coins confirm the opinion of the author "Words about the regiment of Igor", which happy times in the history of Slavs are associated with the "trajan centuries". With the Tsar Trajan, who ruled in 98 ... 117 years, N.E., began broad trade of Slavs with Rome.

These findings of coins and things were often imposed on the idea that Kiev's history should be started from the turn of our era that Kiev two thousand years. At the same time, they sometimes relied on the church legend, invented by Igumen Sylvester in 1116: on the site of the future city on a high grief, the apostle Andrey would be visited, erected on her the cross and predicted that "the great city will arise." Even if a Christian mythology is adopted on faith, "in the times of the apostles", that is, in the 1st century AD, there are no cities yet. Scattered Slavic villages and bargaining without a fortress are the prehistory of Kiev. There were many such points, and the fate of historical centers should not be counted.

In the VI century AD The grand movement of the Slavic tribes south to the Danube and the Balkans, which changed the whole ethnic map of Europe began. It was prepared for no less than a century during the V and the beginning of the VI centuries. In the colonization movement, not only the tribes of the southern outskirts of the Slavic world took part, but also the distant residents of the upper subway, contacting the Balt tribes - the ancestors of the Lithuanians and Latvians.

We take a look at the geographical map and imagine the path of these Slavs-immigrants who subsequently flooded the entire Balkan peninsula. From the forest zone to the south they could sail on such rivers as the Dnieper, the gum, coolant, Berezina, Pripyat. All these rivers flock to Kiev, and Kiev, as a castle, locked the Holly Pool of the Dnieper in a quarter of a million square kilometers. The prince who owned Kiev heights in the V century was the master of the situation; He controlled the flow of immigrants, he could recruit his squad, could charge a soaking duty. And according to the same paths, as the Slavs-Colonists moved, fame about Prince, which Vladovsky Magistral, could reach the Imperial Palace in Tsargrad. And reached.

The new historical situation of the V ... Vi centuries demanded new organizational forms. The owner of the Dnieper could not be content with marins and trading places - he needed a fortress.

Of great interest to the answer to the question where the city of Kiya was a comparison of the legend about the three brothers - the builders of the city with the real topography of Kiev heights.

The configuration of the right bank of the Dnieper in the region of Kiev with its ravines, capes is the result of the ancient blurry of the indigenous shore both by the streams of the cooler and the deroxication and the waters of the gums of the Dnieper's water to the right shore. The high bank of the Dnieper in Kiev stretches from the southeast to the north-west, retreating from the river in the place where the Dnipro forms Luka. Here, in the Dnieper, a wide mouth is reserved, which is an excellent harbor-Zaton. The semicircular lowland space between the solar and high right shore was called the name of the hem and was settled in the first centuries of our era. If you look at the Kiev heights from the side of the cat, then we will see the next extensive panorama from the side of the South-West: the Cape of the main Kiev Plateau will be on the left edge, the Mountain's chronology, simply "Mountain" (subsequently she was named Andreevskaya or Strawevskaya). The indigenous coast retreats further into the depths of the plateau, to the west, almost perpendicular to the Dnieper and forms capes and ravines ("Ditinka", "Kopyrev End", or "Klitney", etc.). Raspius during the time of Kievan Rus were used by potters and tanners.

Right behind the hemp, bordering it from the southwest, there were stretched three mountains stretched into the same line: South close to "Mountain" - Castle Mountain (Kiselevka, Frolovskaya Mountain); Further, to the north-west, the tickovitsa, and behind it, the greatest distance from Dnipro, is Bald Mountain (Yurkovitsa, Jordanian heights).

Between these four mountains, researchers have distributed "hands" of the three heroes of the chronicle legend. Of course, when analyzing those assumptions that were put forward in connection with the legend of the three brothers, we should proceed from the fact that the two brothers could get their names from the existing local toponymic names. The tickovitsa does not cause doubts because it was called in the era of Monomakh ("the ideal of the school"), so it was called in the XVIII century, so it is also called at present.

The choravian with which the name of the third brother was tied is determined differently. Neither the chronicle, no later tradition. It is possible that V.B. Poznaya Opinion should be joined. Antonovich (supported by Soviet archaeologists M.K. Karger and P.P. Tolochko) that the Khorent is bald Mountain. Judging by this kind of name, it was one of those ritual mountains, on which, by popular belief, the Kiev Witches were held. Next to the Bald Mountain was a huge pagan mound burial ground. The pagan ritual nature of this mountain is applied from the description of the events of 980, when Vladimir, approaching Kiev, "breakdown on the degrievers, in between Corporate and Kapych; And there are ditch and until this day. " Kapikha, - Obviously the Kapic, Pagan Temple. Bald Mountain is neighboring with degrids, closer to Kiev; Here the concern was quite appropriate.

The chorals, named in the late sources of the XVI ... XVII centuries, was identified with Vyshgorod. Theoretically, this can be allowed, since in the same Armenian record only chorean was noted as a city located "in the field of the Fali" (Polyan), that is, as it were, as it were, as it were, as it were from the cities of the Senior Brothers. The city (or the region) of Horeman knows Ibn Rusta, mention that the Rusians place the prisoners of Slavs. But Vyshgorod is this, or the Mountain of the Khorent (Yurkovitsa) in Kiev, remains unclear.

It is more difficult to deal with the city of the main hero of the legend - Kiya. Archaeologists in 1908 found in the Staschaev Mountain inside the so-called "city of Vladimir" a small compartment of this city, an independent fortress - "Raddock", an obscured by the shaft and the RV. Modern Kiev archaeologists (P.P. Tolochko, S.R. Kilievich) on the basis of ceramics like "Korchak" dating this "rudd" V ... VI centuries AT. And this can agree.

What was the name "Dokkievsky" Kiev?

Konstantin Bagryanorogenic and this time reports interesting information. Talking about the fact that Single's rooks converge to Kiev from Novgorod, Smolensk, Chernigov, the cessar writes that they are all "gather in the Kiev fortress called Sambatas." The emperor knew Kiev well and mentioned him repeatedly, but in this case it named, obviously, some part of the city associated with the river, the harbor, Zaton. Already a thought was expressed, whether the name of the Kiev Sumbat fortress is an ancient name of the trading point, approaching, judging by the findings of Roman coins on Podol, to the Dnieper himself. It could be one of the small mountains located near the hemp. The etymology of the word is unclear. To two dozens of different interpretations of the Sambat name can be added (for future consideration by linguists) another direction of thought: there is the Slavic word of the XI century "selfishness" denoting independence, naturalness.

The fortress on the Staschairs Mountain was as if the captain's logging, from the height of which the Polyansky Prince could not only see Vyshgorod and the mouth of the gum, but also to manage all the mountains flooded at the foot.

In his heights of the beginning of Kiev, none of the researchers (including I myself in the works of 1950 ... 1960) did not pay attention to the most interesting duality in the definition of Kiya's seat: and the Russian chronicle and the Armenian "Taron History" in full consent to each other A friend said that the prince of Kiya (Quara) first had a residence in one place, and after some time the brothers came to a high mountain with hunting grounds and here they founded a new city.

The Armenian recording states the production in the new city on the mountain of two idols. Excavations of the Kiev archaeologist V.V. Khoyko in 1908 was discovered at one time in the Staryaevskaya Mountain, almost in the center of "Morning" of Kiya, two pagan satellite: one with four protrusions strictly in the countries of the world (God of the Universe, or Svawing) and the other - Round (maybe the God of the Sun Dazhbogu).

Where did you live in initially, before the upper fortress?

We look attentively in the chronicle text: "And Sedaya Say on the mountain, the idea of \u200b\u200bBorichev's ungument."

Borichev UHZO (descent) began near the angle of the upper fortress Kiya (near the St. Andreyevsk Church of Rastrelli) and took out the city on the hem. At first glance, everything coincides - the Kiya Fortress and the beginning of the descent is really neighboring. But it is extremely surprised that in other places of their chronicles, the chronicler Nestor, who perfectly knew the topography of Kiev, mentioned the territory of the ancient "Rudka" of Kiya, but twice indicated her the most notable reference point:, by the tenth church. The initial residence of Kiya is indicated by the descent and expensive to the Dnieper passing outside the city.

She was truly outside the town of Starchevskaya Mountain, at Boricheva Current (continuing Borichev UGO), is a castle mountain, "Kiseyevka", washed by the flow of Cyanka, in whose name is visible to Kiu and Kiev. The path "Borichev" from the Grand Palace of the Palace to the Church of the Piercing on the Podol, who Prince Igor returned in 1185 from Kiev, ran at the sole of the castle mountain.

Castle Mountain - the rest of the high shore with steep, ripped edges - was already settled in the V ... VI centuries. Moreover, the Kiev archaeologists believe that it was from here that the population was going on, and this fully confirms the above assumption about the initial location of the prince of Kii. Here, on the castle grief, there was a powerful cultural layer dated by the Byzantine coins of Emperors Anastasia (498 ... 518) and Justinian (527 ... 565), relating to the end of the V and VI century.

Grad of Prince Kiya on the mountain did not grow up at the time; Then it was time not to build, but hiking, not production, and trophies. But the historical role of Kiev starting from this time continuously increases. In all likelihood, it is at this time that there is a merger in one large union of several forest-steppe Slavic tribes: Russia (according to Rosi and Dnieper rivers), northerners (on the gum and the Seim) and the Pollas who lived north of Russia around Kiev. Championship in the New Union, you can think, originally belonged to Rus.

The Union of Middle Slavic Slavic tribes was called Russia, "Russian Earth" (in a narrow sense), but the capital of this union becomes the Polyansky Kiev, which demanded from the chronicler of a special explanation: "Polyana, who are now called Russia," but he also called Kiev "Mother of Russian cities "

Further events in the East Slavic world confirmed the sustainable position of Kiev as the Main Center for Association and Protection of Slavs.

By the turn of the VI ... VII centuries, the settlement of the Balkan Peninsula Slavs ended. The Slavs of the Eastern Half of the Peninsula received their new collective name from the Turil-Bulgarians, assimilated the Turks and retained a lot of closeness to the eastern Slavs ("Ants"), from which they split in the VI century.

The steppes were occupied by new hordes of nomads, among which the Khazars were distinguished. The chronicler proudly suggests that when Khazar Khan demanded Dani from the earth of Polyan, then Glade was given instead of Dani Sword, a symbol of armed independence.

At about the same time (exactly, it, unfortunately, is not marked, maybe it turns the VIII ... of the 9th centuries), the Dnieper Union is developing into a superstoy, uniting several unions of Slavic tribes. The chronicle lists them: "Rus, Polyana, Drevlyan, Polochan, Dregovichi, North." All of them enter the general concept of Russia. This is almost half eastern Slavs. Such an alliance. The territory that covered the territory of about 120,000 square kilometers and stomped at 700 kilometers to the north, up to Western Dvina, or was already a real state, or became it.

The Kiev historians of the Middle Ages had the best to be proud when they compared their city with Rome and Alexandria, - Kiev was the capital of the largest feudal state in Europe; Kiev successfully fited Slavic peoples from nomads; Kiev took the goods of different countries and ordered annual connections with Byzantium, Arab Caliphate and Western Europe. Kiev princes have come across the imperial and royal houses of Byzantium, Hungary, France, Poland, England, Sweden, Norway.

And the whole history of Russia, Kiev historian begins with an answer to the question: "How does Russian land come from and who in Kiev initiated the first of the princes?"

We can now determine that: Kiev began playing his historical role since its appearance; It emerged as the historical need to one and a half thousand years ago.

Source Information:

Magazine "Science and Life", №4, 1982.

First settlements

Kiev. The first settlements on the territory of modern Kiev emerged from 15 to 20 thousand years ago. According to the legend, at the end of the V-beginning of the VI century. Our era brothers Kii, cheeks and chorive and their sister Lybeda chose the place on the slopes of the Dnieper and founded the city on the steep right bank and called him, in honor of her older brother, Kiev. The place for the city was chosen successful - the high slopes of the Dnieper served as a good stitching from the raids of nomadic tribes. Kiev princes, for greater security, erected their palaces and churches in the High Stress Mountain. The merchants and artisans lived near the Dnieper, where the current hem is located. At the end of the IX century. n. er, when the Kiev princes managed, finally, to unite the scattered and fragmented tribes under its authority, Kiev becomes the political and cultural center of the Eastern Slavs, the capital of Kievan Rus - an ancient Russian centralized state. By virtue of its location on the trade routes "From Varyag in Greeks", Kiev has long supported strong political and economic ties with the countries of Central and Western Europe.

Stormy development

Kiev begins to grow particularly violently during the reign of Vladimir Great (980 - 1015), which in 988 baptized Rus. With Vladimir, the first stone temple was built in Kiev in Kiev - the Tenty Church. In the XI century, under the Board of Yaroslav Wise, Kiev becomes one of the largest foci of civilization in the Christian world. The Sofievsky Cathedral was built and the first in Russia library. In addition, in those days the city counted about 400 churches, 8 markets and more than 50,000 inhabitants. (For comparison: at the same time in Novgorod, the second largest city of Russia, there were 30,000 inhabitants; in London, Hamburg and Gdansk - 20,000). Kiev was among the most prosperous and shopping centers of Europe. However, after the death of Prince Vladimir Monomakh (1125), the process of fragmentation of a single Kiev state begins. By the middle of the XII century. Kievan Rus falls into many independent principalities. The situation did not slow down to take advantage of external enemies. In the fall of 1240. Countless hordes of Batya, the grandson of Genghis Khan appeared under the Kiev walls. Mongol-Tatars managed to take the city after a protracted and bloody battle. The siege lasted 10 weeks and 4 days. In the end, Tatar-Mongols found a weak point in the system of fortifications - Lyadsky Gates (they were located in the area of \u200b\u200bmodern Independence Square). But, even breaking into the city, the Ordans did not immediately manage to capture Kiev - the city had a not one strip of fortifications. Resistance to the inhabitants was so stubborn that Khan was forced to give his troops a breather. But December 4, 1240 Kiev fell.

Tatar-Mongolian Iga and Expansion of Lithuania

The Tatar-Mongols' enraged by unprecedented deforestation was killed more than half of the civilians, almost all artisans were grieved into slavery. The scale of the tragedy is confirmed by archaeological excavations, as a result of which they meet both single bones, and huge fraternal graves appealing not one thousand skeletons. Of the fifty thousand people, after Batiev, the city remains no more than 2 thousand inhabitants. No less damage was carried and the city itself. Assumption, Sofiyevsky Cathedral, Trinity Acraque Church (now the main entrance to Lavra) was damaged (now the church of the Savior in Berestov, the Irininsk Church, was destroyed. Kiev almost ceased to exist. In the late XIII - early XIV centuries. There is little information about Kiev, it is only known that the city has gradually revived. At that time, life from the upper city moves to the handicraft areas - Hem and Pechersk. At the beginning of the XV century. The onset of Lithuania on Orthodoxy begins, increasingly incorrecting for Catholicism under the influence of Poland. From now on, only Catholics can occupy important state posts, they are given broad privileges, the collection of money for the construction of a Catholic monastery begins. For the XV century The situation between the ruling class and ordinary residents is increasingly sharpened. More and more people take place in the summer of crafts in the lowering of the Dnieper, returning only in the winter. Soon, such people stand out in a special class, and became known as Kozaki. In the middle of the XV century. The voivoda prohibits the Kiev Kozakov to live within the city, so they build their homes - a smoker on a free territory located near the city. Until now, this area is called Kurenevka.

A particularly stormy protest of the population caused the so-called "Dark Law" forbidding citizens to cover its homes with the onset of darkness, adopted under the pretext of frequent fires in Kiev (at that time the city practically did not count the stone, residential buildings and even the castle of Prince was wooden).

For violation, a huge fine was charged. The meaning of the law was extremely simple: not to give artisans of the hemp to work with the onset of darkness. As a result of an armed conflict, the decree was canceled. Lithuanian and Polish magnates buy more and more Kiev lands. One of the largest landowners in Kiev was BISPU. In 1506 Podolsk gentlemen fenced to the biscoupe from their territories with a high earthen shaft to protect their lands from alien encroachment. This shaft was located between the modern streets of the lower and the top shaft. In the XV century Kiev was given to Magdeburg law, which ensured the much greater independence of the city in matters of international trade and significantly expanding the rights of urban classes - artisans, merchants and burghers. In 1569, after the signing of Lublin Union, Poland and Lithuania united into one state, known in history as a relationship of the prochance, and gradually approved their domination over Ukraine. The cruelty and the arbitrariness of the ingenians, Poles, Lithuanians and Jews led to the numerous uprisings of the Ukrainian people.

In the XVI-XVII centuries. The population of the city is rapidly increasing. According to the census 1571. In Kiev, there are already 40 thousand. houses. The territory of the city increases, but Kiev still remained divided into three historical parts: the upper city, hem and Pechersk. The area most actively populated at this time is Pechersk, especially adjacent to the Pechersk Monastery of the region. The trade turnover increases, the number of specialties, which are already about one hundred. In the first half of the XVII century. The active tuning of the Upper City begins. Many churches and monasteries are restored, destroyed by the Tatar-Mongolian invasion. An outstanding role in the cultural climb of Kiev in the first half of the XVII century. Kiev Metropolitan Petro grave played. It was he who initiated the restoration of Sofievsky and the Assumption Cathedrals, the Church of the Savior on Berestov - the oldest monuments of Kiev. It was them that they were founded first in the city of the Higher Educational Institution - now this is the Kiev-Mogilyan Academy, located on Podol. In 1648, the inhabitants of Ukraine began an armed struggle with enslavements. At the head of the uprising was the hetman of the Ukrainian Cossacks Bogdan Khmelnitsky. Soon most of Ukraine and Kiev were released. Looking before the need to fight on a few fronts - with Polish and Lithuanian knights in the West, Crimean Khan and Turkish Sultan in the south, Khmelnitsky disroned the fact that belongs to the Triune Russian people of Velikorsov, Maloros and Belarusians and turned to Russian king. The assistance of one-terrestrial and only siblings did not make himself wait, Poles, Tatars and Jews were bits and fled. The reunification agreement on the Russian land was concluded in 1654 in Pereyaslav (Pereyaslavskaya Rada).

Time is bloom

After reunion for Kiev, the time of heyday occurs. The city is growing. Building begins towards Lukyanovka. Kirillovskaya Street is laid (now the street. Frunze). In the late XVIII- early XVIII centuries. A new burst of the construction of churches begins. They were built mostly for money rich kozacs. The architectural style of these buildings was called - "Kozatskaya Baroque". Civil construction is developing, private ownership of Hetman Mazepa is being built. After the treason of the Hetman, the communal case, its transition to the side of the Swedes and the descend the defendant of the Swedes and trains, the ownership of Mazepa in Kiev was demolished by Peter first. The Board of Peter was a milestone for Kiev. At this time, there is a sharp economic ascent, an increase in the military power of the state. Peter considered Kiev the most important strategic point, therefore, in 1707, the Pechersk fortress was laid in direct participation. Already in 1709 there were up to 5 thousand troops. In the same year, the Kiev troops, held mainly from Kozakov, receive an order to prepare for defense from the Swedes, but the latter bypass the city. In the XVIII century there is a long-awaited association of two parts of Kiev: Pechersk and the rest of the city. Starts to build sticky. From the end of the XVIII century to this day, this area is considered an elite. In 1797, the first building on Khreshchatyk appears. From the middle of the XIX century is the central street of the city in the XIX century. The territorial and economic growth of the city continues. New houses are built, streets are laid. The territories adjacent to Khreshchatyk are especially stormy. As an elite area is finally drawn up by sticky. There is a significant increase in production. One of the troubles of Kiev remains frequent fires. Especially often they arise on Podol, Pechersk. These areas are easy prey for fire - mostly wooden areas, where houses are not separated from each other, and the walls are to the wall. The last of the largest fires in Kiev happened in 1811. Hem burned for three days, thick smoke was visible at a distance of 130 km from the city. After a fire, only two streets remained on Podol, which were not injured from fire - Voloshi and Mezhigorskaya. Despite this, the area was rapidly restored. After social reforms of 1861 and the abolition of serfdom in the cultural and economic life of Kiev there were further improvements. The number of hospitals has increased, rude, educational institutions. After the construction in the 1860s G.G. Odessa-Kursk railway line, with the shipping developed by that time on the Dnieper, Kiev becomes a major transport and shopping center. Trading on the Kiev Bread and Sugar Exchanges determined world prices for these products. The first in Russia (and the second in Europe) electric tram was launched in Kiev in 1892 along the route connecting the hem and upper city and held in the current Vladimir descent. Domestic and foreign industrialists inserted considerable funds to the city. The infrastructure of Kiev has developed rapidly. In 1871, the first permanent chain bridge was opened through the Dnieper, the longest at that time in Europe, a permanent building for a circus appeared (on the street. Gorodetsky). Governors constantly proceeded about a worthy view of the city. In the late XIX - early XX centuries. Kiev was one of the most beautiful and comfortable cities in Europe - "Pearl in a rim of the royal crown."

XX century

At the beginning of the 20th century, the situation in Kiev is exacerbated. At that time, the whole Russian Empire is experiencing a sharp economic crisis associated with the Russian-Japanese war and indignant 1902-03. But Kiev compared to Moscow and St. Petersburg feels more calm. The workers in Kiev were unrest in Kiev, but their scale was much less than in the capitals. During the revolution of 1917 and the Civil War of 1918-1922, power in the city changed with kaleidoscopic speed. The government of the Central Rada was knocked out by the Red Guard detachments, after them Hetman Skolopadsky came, to change the directory, Petlyura, White Guards, Germans, Belopolds, Batka Makhno. During the 1920-21 years, Kiev tens of times passed from hand to hand. Pogroms in the city became commonplace. Depending on his views, the army cut out the part of the Kiev population, which they did not like them, especially frequents were Jewish pogroms. Kiev throughout its history was familiar with this phenomenon - the first Jewish pogroms were marked by Vladimir Monomakh in 1113. The establishment of Soviet power in Kiev, the formation of the SSR Union opened a new page in the life of the city. Large industrial construction partly changed the face of the city, according to the general plan for the reconstruction of the 1936 emptiness on the central streets, new quarters were built. During the years of the Stalin five years in the city there are many new factories and plants, the old are reconstructed. Kiev became the center of medium and accurate engineering, light industry. River and sea vessels were built and equipped in the city, an electrocabolic, photorectivations, scientific appliances were produced. June 22, 1941 German aircraft bombed the city. "Kiev bombed, we were declared, so the war began" - the words of the well-known Soviet song. During the 1941 fights, which lasted 72 days, the city was seriously injured. The fascists have established a bloody terror mode, however, during the occupation in the city there are still several underground groups. One hundred thousand Kievan was vigorously to work in Germany. The rapid offensive of the Soviet troops in November 1943 did not allow the fascists to completely destroy the city, although they managed to disassemble more than 60 kilometers of tram tracks for their needs and many stone buildings. As a result, the battles were almost completely destroyed by the main highway of the city - Khreshchatyk. After victory, the city restores the damage caused by war and becomes the third largest among the cities of the USSR. Kiev was awarded the title of the city hero, for the courage, which his inhabitants showed during the war.

Modern Kiev.

After the war in Kiev, housing construction is widely deployed and several new microdistrict are erected in fifteen years - Pervomaysky, Otradny, Nivok. In 1960, the third Kiev water supply was put into operation, the reconstruction of the city funicular was carried out, the subway was built, seven bridges were built over the Dnieper. Today, Kiev is the largest and most beautiful city, with a population of more than two and a half million people. Half of urban territory falls on reservoirs and green arrays, which makes Kiev unusually cozy and fresh. In the city of two airports, railway station, three dozen museums and as many theaters. Kiev is a major scientific center, tourism is well developed in the city.

Introduction 3.

1. Instruction of Kievan Rus 5

2. Internal policy of Kievan Rus

2.1. Political system of Kievan Rus 8

2.2. Socio - Economic Story of Kievan Rus 11

2.3. Church. Adoption of Christianity 13.

3. Foreign policy of Kievan Rus

3.1. The defeat of the Khazar Kaganate 17

3.2. Relations of Kievan Rus and Byzantium 19

3.3. Fighting nomads 22

Conclusion 25.

List of references 26


Kievan Rus is one of the largest states of medieval Europe - formed in the IX century. As a result of the long internal development of East Slavic tribes. Its historical core was the middle subway, where new social phenomena, characteristic of class society, originated very early.

Due to the fact that the center of this powerful state for several centuries was Kiev, in historical literature it received the name of Kievan Rus.

Kievan Rus played an outstanding role in the history of Slavic peoples. The formation of feudal relations and the completion of the processes of the formation of a single Old Russian state have a positive effect on the ethnic development of East Slavic tribes, which gradually developed into a single Old Russian nationality. It was based on a common territory, a single language, a total culture, close economic vessels. Throughout the entire period of the existence of Kievan Russia, the ancient Russian nationality, which was the overall ethnic basis of the three fraternal East Slavic peoples - Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian, developed by further consolidation.

The union of all East Slavic tribes in a single state contributed to their socio-economic, political and cultural development, significantly strengthened them in the fight against the general enemy. Cultural values \u200b\u200bcreated by the genius of the ancient Russian people withstood the test of time. They became the basis of the national cultures of the Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian peoples, and the best of them entered the treasury of world culture.

In the international arena, the ancient Russian state occupied one of the leading places. It supported broad economic, political and cultural ties with many countries of the East and West. Especially close was the contacts of Russia with Poland, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Armenia, Georgia, Central Asia, Western European countries - France, England, Scandinavia, with the Byzantine Empire, etc. The existence of Kievan Rus covers the period from the IX century. to the 30th year of the XII century.

1. Time Kiev Rus

It is known that the first words of the historical work of Nestor were words about the origin of Russia: "Where there is a Russian land". In the literature there are about twenty different answers to this question, mutually exclusive each other. According to B. A. Rybakov, "Rusov considered both Varyags and Lithuanians and the Baltic Slavs, and Finns, and Slavs, and Central Asian aors, and others." The main struggle in historiography on this issue, which does not stop today, went between normators and their opponents. The duration of disputes on the origin of Russia was multiplied by contradictions in the sources, the abundance of speculations and guesses from the ancient authors themselves. These sources have direct directions to the fact that the rises are whirlwinds, and just as direct evidence of their Slavs. Rusov is called nomads, they say that they are from the Slavs tribe, they oppose their Slavs, etc. Opinions on this expense, the historians will also work in this area, to express their hypotheses and various judgments. However, it is necessary to take into account that in the "Tale of Bygone Years" of Nestor, the use of the words "Rus", "Russian Earth" is associated with the concept of eastern Slavs, a single Russian nationality, a single Russian state. The same concept is characteristic and for later judgments of the chroniclers. On this "Russian land" there were several hostilities among themselves: Kiev, Pereyaslavskoe, Varya Yuryevich, Chernigo-Severskaya Varya Olgovichi, etc. From various judgments about the concept of "Russian Earth", the point of view of Academician B. A. Rybakov seems to us the most acceptable and believable. Russian Earth IX-XIV centuries. In the broad sense of the word - this is an area of \u200b\u200bancient Russian nationality with a single language, a single culture, temporary unified state border. The beginning of the state of Russia is associated with the foundation of the city of Kiev in the land of Polyan. In antiquity, Kiev was considered the "mother of the cities of the Russians." The founder of Kiev, as the chronicler Nesoris notes, was Kiya - a historical personality.

Kiya is the Slavic Prince of the Middle Podprovia, the prince of Kiev princes. He was known to the emperor of Byzantium, who invited Kiya back in V c. In Constantinople and sought to attract it as a military ally.

Another point of view in the book "The History of the Fatherland: People, Ideas, Decisions is also a certain interest in these plots: people, ideas, decisions. Essays of the history of Russia IX - early XX century.". In the article S. V.Dumika and A. A. Turilova "Where there is a Russian land" you can find interesting judgments on these issues with which you can agree, and you can argue. The authors write that we must be aware that in itself the origin of the country's name is by no means decisive to assess the genesis of its statehood. There are many examples in history when the people borrow their name at all of that ancestor, from which the language and material culture inherits, and the combinations can be very different here. Slavic Bulgarians wear the name of the Turkic tribe, in the VII century. Creating the first Bulgarian kingdom in the Balkans and disadvantaged among the Slavic tribes that make up most of its population. At the same time, the authors note, the presence of a third ethnos - ancient Thracians, Helninized during the Roman Empire, is very noticeable in their material culture.

The union of East Slavic land in the ancient Russian state was prepared by internal socio-economic processes.

But it happened, according to the authors, as a result of the campaign of Prince Oleg, along with other tribes to Kiev in 882 with the active participation of the Varangian squad. A relatively easy statement of Oleg's power in Podneprovier indicates that the internal conditions for the union are ripened by this time. What role did the Varyagi played in this? Undoubtedly, very important. The point is not in some organizational and state qualities of Scandinavians. As a confirmation of this provision, it is planned to pay attention to the fact that in Iceland and Greenland, the descendants of Normannes, provided themselves in the Middle Ages, granted to themselves, states did not create at all. But in Eastern Europe, the appearance of Varangi friends, apparently, noticeably accelerated the process of state education. They were the consolidating element and at the first stage were support of the Grand Duke, their representative. Slavic, at its base (together with Balt, Finno-Ugro tribes), the ancient Russian state was not purely the Varangian "brainchild". However, elements of the active participation of Varyagov in the life of Slavs contributed to the strengthening of this process.

The current IX century. The ancient Russian feudal state (called historians also Kievan Rus) arose as a result of an extremely long process of spliting society into classes held by the Slavs during the I millennium. e.

2. Internal policy of Kievan Rus

2.1. Political system of Kievan Rus

Political structure of ancient Russia IX-X centuries. It was characterized as an early referred monarchy. The head of the state stood the Kiev Prince, called the Grand Duke. Prince managed with the help of the Council of other princes and warriors. Somewhat later, this form of government entered the history of Russia called Boyar Duma. The prince had a significant military force where the fleet acting both on the rivers and on the Black Sea. An important role in strengthening the state was played by legal norms developed in the X B. The rules of early referred rights were reflected in the so-called "ancient truth", published at the beginning of the XI century. Prince Yaroslav wise, in which the main legal provisions regulating many parties to life were reflected.

Russia of this time was an extensive state that had already united half of the East Slavic tribes. The Russian tribal union turned into a feudal state submitted to himself the neighboring Slavic tribes and equipped distant hiking. The literature also meets information about the Rus, who lived at that time on the Black Sea coast, about their campaigns to Constantinople and the baptism of part of Russia in the 60s. IX century With all the diversity of judgments and points of view on the origin and the formation of an ancient Russian state, the main thing is obvious: the Russian state has developed independently of the Varyags.

At the same time, other Slavic States, the Bulgarian kingdom, Velikomovskaya Power and other states arose with the Russians in the same period. Kievan Rus is the first sustainable major state association of the Eastern Slavs of the period of formation of feudalism. It occupied a huge territory from the Baltic to the Black Sea and from Western Bug to the Volga. Under the rule of the Kiev prince there was a number of Slavic tribal unions of the Middle Podprovia, and then several Lithuanian-Latvian tribes of the Baltic States and the numerous Finno-Ugric tribes of the North-Eastern Europe were subordinated to him. The center of the union was the Holy Tribe, which in the second half of the IX century. It was the strongest economically.

Kievan Rus was an early refortel monarchy. At the head of state, the great prince stood. He had a Council (Duma) from the most noble princes and senior warriors (boyars), who spent the role of the governor, as well as the Office of the Office, which was collecting tribute to the tributes and files, judicial affairs, penalties. In this apparatus, the duties of officials were performed by junior warriors - swordsmen (judicial performers), Virnechniki (penalties), etc. In suspended Granual Prince Lands and cities of the management functions carried out princely governors - positors and their nearest helpers - Thousands, who headed during the military action folk militia.

To carry out power over the population, expanding the borders of the state and protection of it from external enemies, the Grand Duke had significant military forces. They consisted primarily from the squad of the most Grand Duke, as well as from the troops of the vassal princes, who also had their own squads.

Princes of individual lands and other large, medium and small feudal feudals were in a vassal dependence on the Grand Duke. They were obliged to deliver the great prince of warriors, to be at his request with a friend. At the same time, these vassals themselves fully implemented the control functions in their patrimony and the grand-road governors did not have the right to interfere with their internal affairs.

In the early refortel society of Kievan Rus, two main classes were distinguished - the peasants (first of all the scenery) and feudal. Both classes in their composition were not homogeneous. Sadda shared on free communities and dependent. Free soughtdowns had their natural economy, they paid tribute to Princes and Boyars and at the same time were the source of the reciphence of the category of dependent people for the feudalists. The dependent population consisted of procurement, ordinary, rogues, pushes and horses. The purchases called those who came into dependence, taking a bunch (debt). The rankings became those who came into dependence after the conclusion of a number (contract). Relief - these are impoverished people from the communities, and pusters are freely published slaves. The slaves were completely disappeared and were actually at the position of slaves.

The class of feudalists made up representatives of the Grand-Point House with the Grand Duke at the head, the princes of tribes or lands, boyars, as well as senior warriors.

Somewhat later, in the second half of X and especially in the XI centuries. This emerging dominant class also joined the tops of the clergy, which also exploited peasants and possessing people. The interests of the feudalists were protected by the laws of the state, on their side were power and military force. But the peasants did not remain passive to the feudal oppression. In the history of that period, the many uprisings of peasants and Posad Luda are known, especially in the XI-early XII century. The largest of them were during this period uprising in Kiev.

2.2. Socio - Economic Story of Kievan Rus

The main branches of production in Kievan Rus at that time were agriculture and craft.

If you keep in mind the socio-economic system of Russia of that period, first of all, attention should be paid to the state of agriculture. The basis of agriculture during the early feudalism was agriculture of different types. During this period, agriculture technique was significantly improved. And yet, in general, the technique of agriculture was pretty archaic. In agriculture, an important place was occupied by the peasant community, which consisted of both one large array and from a number of scattered settlements, which included both small and large peasant farms, which jointly treated the Earth were bound by a circular place, mutual responsibility for paying Dani, etc. The peasant communities existed in Russia throughout the history of feudalism.

The number of such communities gradually declined and subsequently remained only in the extreme north of the country. Feudal relations over time expanded due to challenge personally free communities. The feudal ownership of Earth arose in the process of property inequality due to the transition of a significant part of the arable land of communities. At the same time, the appearance of feudal locks with their grain stocks and other products was to a certain extent progressive phenomenon, as it created certain reserves in case of crawling or war. The main productive cell of feudal society was peasants. Landowners, or feudalists, ancient Russia, as well as in Western European countries, differed in the number of land, dependent people and military servants. After the adoption of Christianity (which will be discussed below) the special type of land ownership is also becoming church and monastic land tenure. With the development of feudal relations, the struggle of peasants against the dominant class intensified. For many areas of the ancient Rus X-XII centuries. The displeasure of the peasants and their open speeches were characteristic.

Along with the peasant community, an important element of the feudal society was the city, which was a fortified center of handicraft production and trade.

At the same time, the city was important administrative centers in which wealth and large food reserves were concentrated, which were versed here by feud. The largest cities of the ancient Russia were Kiev, Novgorod, Smolensk, Chernigov, and others. Based by the princes of the city preserved as a rule the names of these princes: Yaroslavl, Izyaslav, Vladimir, Konstantinov. Many of these names of cities reached our time.

The Russian craft of that time in terms of its technical and artistic level was not inferior to the craft of the advanced countries of Western Europe. At the same years, the increase in the number of cities began. In the chronicles (before the XIII century), more than 220 cities mentioned. Interestingly, even in Scandinavia Rus was called "Gardaria" - the country of cities.

Internal and foreign trade occupied a large place in the history of ancient Russia. Especially activated foreign trade from the end of the IX century. Russian squads mastered ways to the most advanced countries of that time - in Byzantium, Caucasus, in Central Asia and other parts of the outside world.

2.3. Church. Adopting christianity

The structure of the church hierarchy has developed mainly as follows. At the head of the church, the Kiev Metropolitan stood, which was appointed from Constantinople or the Kyiv Prince himself, with the subsequent election of the Cathedral of the Bishops. In the major cities of Russia, bishops were provided with all practical affairs of the church. Metropolitan and bishops owned land, villages, cities. Princes on the maintenance of churches sacrificed almost a tenth share of their tributes and occasions. In addition, the church had its own court and legislation that gave the right to interfere in almost all directions of the life of their parishioners. One of the strong organizations of the Church was monasteries who generally played an important role in the history of medieval states, including in the Old Russian state. All this came to Russia with the enhancement of the influence of Christianity.

The baptism of Vladimir is the turning point of the Christianization of Kievan Rus, but the Christianization itself did not occur immediately, she stretched out, as S. V. Bakhrushin noted, a number of decades. With Vladimir, the princely family and princely squad were baptized. In the large cities, such as Kiev, Novgorod, etc., the inhabitants were driven into the river and, as noted in one of the ancient legends that have come down to us, "rutting them into the river, Aki herd", "Yes, and who are disliked, but And the fear of the commanding blessby ". Despite the measures taken by the ruling class, a significant part of the Russian population in the XI century. remained still pagan. The introduction of Christianity was the active resistance from a large number of population. Started by Vladimir, the introduction of Christianity in the X century. It was actively continued. Mostly completed by Prince Yaroslav already in the XI century. By the time of the reign of Yaroslav applies to the final design of the Church as an organization.

The change of religious cults was accompanied by the destruction of images once been revered by the gateways of the gods, the construction of churches in the places where pagan idols and temples stood.

The transition to Christianity had objectively large and progressive importance, since it contributed to the speedy fracture of the remnants of the generic system. First of all, it concerned the marriage right. In the highest circles dominated polygamy. For example, Prince Vladimir had five "leaders", that is, legitimate wives, not counting the concubine. The Christian Church from the very beginning contributed to the elimination of old marriage forms and consistently conducted this line into practice. And if already in the XI century. The monogamous marriage received a final confession in Russia, then there was a considerable merit of the Christian church.

Having accelerating the process of eliminating the residues of the generic system, Christianity contributed to the acceleration of the development of the feudal method of production in ancient Russia. In Byzantium, the church was a major feudal institution and landowner. With the adoption of Christianity, the same methods were brought to Kievan Rus, where church institutions along with Princely create major land ownership, concentrating large land ownership in their hands. The progressive side of the Christian Church was to eliminate the elements of slave labor, which were preserved in some areas of ancient Russia. To a certain extent, the Christian church fought against the illegal enslavement of people. The influence of the Byzantine clergy affected the development of feudal legislation in Russia. Christianity played a big role in an ideological substantiation and thereby strengthening the authorities of the Kiev princes; The church is assigned to the Kiev prince all the attributes of Christian emperors. On many coins, chased in Greek samples, princes are depicted in the Byzantine Imperial Review.

Baptism had an influence on the cultural life of Russia, the development of technology, crafts, etc. From Byzantium, Kievan Rus borrowed the first experiments of the coin chasing. The noticeable effect of baptism was manifested in the artistic field. Greek artists created new masterpieces in the convertible country, which were equated with the best examples of Byzantine art, for example, the Sofia Cathedral in Kiev, built by Yaroslav in 1037. Currently, he is a major museum. Who happened in Kiev, could not help but admire this masterpiece of ancient Russian art. A sample of architectural art is still built in 1050 Sofia Cathedral in Novgorod. From Byzantium to Kiev penetrated and painting on the boards. In connection with the baptism, appeared in Kievan Rus and samples of Greek sculpture. The noticeable trace left the baptism and in the field of enlightenment, book publishing. According to Academician M. N. Tikhomirov, book enlightened in Russia began to spread with the introduction of Christianity. The Slavic Alphabet was distributed in Russia at the beginning of the X century. Initially, the Slavic alphabet was represented by two alphabets: verbs and Cyrillic. Both of these alphabet were known in Russia since the beginning of the X century. Writing in ancient Russia developed on the basis of Cyrillic, the letters from which were included in the modern Russian alphabet. The rapid development of Russian writing took place in the XI century, after the recognition of Christianity the official religion in Russia. The need for church books in Slavic has increased dramatically, as Christianity penetrated not only in the city, but also in the countryside.

The adoption of Christianity in Russia as a state religion was determined by a number of reasons. Appearance in VII- IX centuries. Class early refortional system and state religion was the result of processes related to each other. Formation of local princes and creation based on them in the IX century. Ancient Russian state with the center in Kiev required a number of changes in the ideological region, in religion. An attempt to oppose Christianity the reformed pagan cult did not lead to success. Rus in the IX-X centuries. Traditionally, it was associated with Constantinople - Tsargrad and with Slavs in Central Europe and on the Balkan Peninsula, also in close communication with Byzantium. These bonds were largely determined by the church orientation of Russia to the East Christian world and the Konstantinople deputy. Kiev princes could choose the direction of Christianity, mostly responsible for the political and cultural needs of the state.

In the history of ancient Russia, Christianity was a progressive phenomenon. Borrowed from the Greeks and at the same time not laid out completely from the West, it ultimately turned out to be not Byzantine and not Roman, but Russian. In the history of Russia, the Russian Church played a complex and multifaceted role. However, her positive role was that it as an organization objectively helped strengthening young Russian statehood in the era of the rapid progressive development of feudalism.

3. Foreign policy of Kievan Rus

3.1. Defeat Khazar Kaganata

Kievan Rus conducted an active foreign policy. Her rulers set diplomatic relations with neighboring countries. It was the time when the foundations of the Old Russian statehood were laid, cities, culture of ancient Russia developed. Not by chance, in antiquity, Kiev called the "mother of Russian cities".

Ancient Rus, and later the early refortel state had active connections with the outside world. The nature of these connections and relationships with adjacent peoples changed depending on the particular historical situation in which the state was in these years. A certain influence external situation put on the inner life of the state. Relations with individual states were aggravated for some period, they improved. In many ways, the nature of foreign policy was determined by the consequences of hostilities, which led the ancient Russian state. Rus was fighting against enemy squads, Visantia, Khazaria and other states. The fight against the external danger was one of the important factors contributing to the formation of a early refortional state with the center in Kiev. On the other hand, during this period, the old Russian princes sought in turn also to expand the territory of the state and the conquest of new trade routes. It had important important state for a young, developing state.

At the end of IX and in the X century. Russian troops committed a number of campaigns on the coast of the Caspian Sea and in the Caucasian steppe.

A neighbor of the ancient Russian state was Khazar Kaganat, located on the Lower Volga and in the Azov.

Khazara were the semi-human people of Turkic origin. Their capital of ITIL, who was in Delta Volga, became a major shopping center. During the heyday of the Khazar state, some Slavic tribes paid Khazarad Dan.

Khazar Kaganat kept in his hands key points on the most important trading routes: the mouth of the Volga and Don, the Kerch Strait, the crossing between the Volga and Don. Customs installed there were collected significant trading duties. High customs payments adversely affected the development of the trade of ancient Russia.

Sometimes Khazar kagans (state rulers) were not satisfied with trading fees, detained and robbed Russian merchant caravans returned from the Caspian Sea. In the second half of XV. A planned struggle of Russian budgets with Khazar Kaganat began. In 965 Kiev Prince Svyatoslav defeated the Khazar state.

After that, the Nizhny Don was again populated by the Slavs, and the former Khazar fortress Sarkel became the center of this territory (the Russian name of Belaya Phea). On the banks of the Kerch Strait, the Russian principality was formed with a center in Tmutarakani.

This city with a large marine fleet has become the County of Russia on the Black Sea. At the end of the X century. Russian squads made a number of campaigns in the Caspian coast and in the steppe areas of the Caucasus.

3.2. Relations of Kievan Rus and Byzantium

The relationship between Rus with Byzantium was important in this period. Russian princes tried to strengthen in the Black Sea and in the Crimea. By the time there were already a few Russian cities. Byzantium also sought to limit the scope of Russia's influence in the Black Sea region. To this end, she used militant nomads and the Christian church in the fight against Russia. This circumstance complicated the relationship between Russia and Byzantium, their frequent clashes brought alternate success to one, then the other side.

The development of ancient Russian state took place in cooperation with the peoples of neighboring countries. One of the first places among them was the powerful then the Byzantine Empire. Russian-Byzantine relations of the IX-X centuries. We were complicated. They included and peaceful economic relations, political and cultural ties, and sharp military clashes. Despite its power, Byzantium was constantly exposed to the invasion from the Slavic princes and their warriors. At the same time, the Byzantine diplomacy sought to turn Russia into the state dependent on Byzantium. To this end, she decided to use the Christianization of Russia.

Russian squads, swimming on the ships of the Black Sea, made raids on the coastal Byzantine cities, and the prince of Oleg managed to even capture the capital of Byzantium - Constantinople.

The chronicler tells how Oleg, collecting many Varyagov, Sloven, Krivichi, Mary, Drevlyan, Radmichi, Pollas, Northerners, Vyatichi, Croatians, Dulebov, Tiversev, moved to Byeh and ships. The Greeks closed the harbor of the chain and locked in Constantinople. Oleg ruled the city district and created a lot of evil, and then put the ships on the wheels, deployed Sails and moved to the city of the city. The Greeks were horrified at the sight of the coming Russian rati and requested the world, promising Oleg to pay tribute, which he wants. Oleg stopped the army. Negotiations began, which in the future ended with the conclusion of the peace agreement Rus with Byzantium.

In the second half of the X century. It begins more active Russian-Byzantine rapprochement. Going to this rapprochement, the Byzantine emperors at the same time expected to use Russian squads in the war, with their neighbors.

The new stage of relations between Russia with Byzantium and with other neighboring peoples is accounted for by the reign of Svyatoslav, who conducted an active foreign policy. He came into a clash with a powerful Khazar kaganat, the defeat of which in 965 led to education from Russian settlements on the Taman Peninsula of the Tmutarakan Principality and to liberate from the power of Kaganata of Volzhsko-Kamsky Bulgarians, which formed their state after that.

The fall of the Khazar Kaganate and the promotion of Russia in the Black Sea region caused concern to Byzantium. In an effort to weaken Russia and the Danube Bulgaria, the Byzantine Emperor Nikifor II Fock suggested Svyatoslav to make a campaign to the Balkans. Byzantine plans were not justified. Svyatoslav won a victory in Bulgaria and captured the city of Pereslavl on the Danube. Since this outcome was undesirable for the Byzantines, they began the war with Rus. Although Russian squads fought bravely, the forces of Byzantines were much superior to them in numbers. In 971, a peace treaty was concluded: the squad of Svyatoslav was able to return to Russia with all his weapons, and Byzantia was satisfied only by the promise of Russia not to make attacks. On this, however, events have not ended.

For the weakening of Russian influence in Bulgaria, Byzantium uses Pechenegs. Initially, Pechenegs were nomaded between the Volga and the Aral Sea, and then, under pressure, Khazar passed the Volga and occupied the Northern Black Sea region. In the Dnieper thresholds, Pechenegs attacked Russian army, Svyatoslav died in battle.

The next stage of Russian-Byzantine relations has to reach Vladimir's reign and is associated with the adoption of Christianity Russia. Byzantine Emperor Vasily II appealed to Vladimir with a request to help in the suppression of the region of the commander of Warda Foki, who captured Malny Asia and, threatening Constantinople, claimed the imperial throne. Vladimir's squad helped to rebel. However, the Byzantine emperor was in no hurry to fulfill his promise to marry Vladimir his sister Anna. Meanwhile, this marriage had important political importance for Russia. The fact is that the Byzantine emperors occupied at that time the highest place in the feudal hierarchy of the then Europe and marriage in the Byzantine princess was noticeably raised by the international prestige of the Russian state. To achieve the fulfillment of the contract, Vladimir began military actions against Byzantium. By defeating Byzantium, he achieved not only the fulfillment of the contract, but also the independence of his foreign policy activities from the Byzantine emperor. Rus became one row with the largest Christian powers of medieval Europe. This position of Russia was reflected in the dynastic links of Russian princes. In those years, an ancient Russia with the German Empire and other European countries united dynastic ties.

3.3. Fighting nomads

During this period, ancient Russia had to lead a permanent fight against nomads. In the X and early XI centuries. Nomadic tribes of Pechenegov, who made quick and decisive attacks on Russian land and cities lived on the right and left banks of the Lower Dnipper. To protect against Pechenegs, the Russian princes built a belt of defensive structures of fortresses, shafts, etc. The first information about such cities-fasteners around Kiev belong to the time of Prince Oleg.

In 969 Pechenegi led by Prince Kurysa was besieged Kiev. Prince Svyatoslav at that time was in Bulgaria. At the head of the defense of the city rose his mother Princess Olga. Despite the difficult situation (the absence of people, lack of water, fires), the Kiev managed to hold out before the arrival of the prince's squad. South of Kiev, near the city of Rodni, Svyatoslav, the head of the head of the Pechenegs and even captured the prince smoke. And three years later, during a collision with Pechenegs in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Dnieper thresholds, Prince Svyatoslav was killed.

The powerful defensive line on the southern borders was built at Prince Vladimir Saint. Fortresses were built on the stung rivers, Sulu, gum and others. The largest was Pereyaslavl and Belgorod. These fortresses had permanent military garrisons scored from the warriors ("best people") of various Slavic tribes. Wishing to attract all the forces to the defense of the state, Prince Vladimir gained in these garrisons mostly representatives of the northern tribes: Sloven, Curvich, Vyatichi. After 1136, Pechenegs cease to prevent a serious threat to the Kiev state. According to legend, in honor of the decisive victory over the Pechenegs, Prince Yaroslav Wise erected the Sophia Cathedral in Kiev. In the middle of the XI. Pechenegs were ousted from South Russian Steppes to the Danube who came from Asia with Turkic-speaking tribes of Kipchak. In Russia, they were called Polovtsy, they occupied the North Caucasus, part of the Crimea, all South Russian Steppes. Polovtsy were a very strong and serious opponent, often made hiking on Byzantium and Rus. The position of the ancient Russian state was also complicated by the fact that the princely gravestites began at this time, and some princes, seeking to use Polovetsky troops to capture power, they themselves led their enemies to Rus. Polovtsy expansion was especially significant in the 90s. XIV., When Polovtsy Khan even tried to take Kiev. At the end of the XI. Attempts were made to organize community campaigns against Polovtsy. At the head of these campaigns stood by Prince Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh. Russian squads managed not only to win the captured Russian cities, but put a blow to the Polovtsy in their territory. In 1111 The capital of one of the Polovytsky tribal formations was taken by Russian troops - the city of Steruukan (near the modern Kharkov). After that, a part of the Polovtsy Overall to the North Caucasus. However, Polovtsaya danger was not eliminated. During the whole XIIV. Military clashes between Russian princes and Polovtsian Khans took place.

By this time, the ancient Russian state becomes one of the largest European powers that had close political, economic and cultural relations with many countries and the peoples of Europe and Asia. Relationships with adjacent states and peoples were ambiguous.

It supported broad economic, political and cultural ties with many countries of the East and West. Especially close was the contacts of Russia with Poland, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Armenia, Georgia, Central Asia, Western European countries - France, England, Scandinavia, with the Byzantine Empire, etc.


In IX century Most of the Slavic tribes merged into the territorial union, called the Russian Earth. The center of the association was Kiev, where the Rules of the High-Land Dynasty of Kiya, Dira and Askolda. In 882, the two largest political center of the ancient Slavs - Kiev and Novgorod united under the rule of Kiev, forming an ancient Russian state.

From the end of IX to the beginning of the XI, this state included the territory of other Slavic tribes - Drevlyan, Northerners, Radmich, Radimitz, Vyatichi. In the center of the new state education was the Holy Tribe. The ancient Russian state has become a kind of tribal federation, in its form it was an early refortel monarchy.

The territory of the Kiev state focused around several political centers of once former tribal. In the second half of the XI - early XII century. Within Kiev, Russia began to form quite sustainable principalities. As a result of the merger of East Slavic tribes in the period of Kievan Russia, ancient Russian nationality was gradually formed, for which the well-known common language, territory and mental warehouse was characterized, manifested in community culture.

Ancient Russian state was one of the largest European states. Kievan Rus conducted an active foreign policy. Her rulers set diplomatic relations with neighboring countries.

Rusi's struggle with nomad raids was of great importance for the safety of countries as anterior Asia and Europe. Widely trade relations between Russia. Rus supported political, trade and cultural relations with Byzantium, also established ties with France and England. On the international meaning of Russia, dynastic marriages concluded by Russian princes.
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