New Testament What is included in it. When does the new covenant begins? Bible: New Testament, Gospel

New Testament New Testament

the second, christian part of the Bible. Dated, most likely, the second half I - the beginning II centuries.


The one covenant, in Christianity - the contract, the covenant between God and the man, which replaced by the Old Testament (cm. OLD TESTAMENT), as well as the collection of books that are an expression of this contract. If in the Old Testament of the relationship between God and man is based on the form of a legal contract, on compliance with all commandments (law), then in the New Testament of this simple compliance is not enough. Old Testament is limited to one elected people. The new covenant is concluded for every person who wishes to accept it. New Testament legislation expressed by Christ (cm. JESUS \u200b\u200bCHRIST) In the Nagorno sermon.
The books of the New Testament sets out the entire history of the founding of the New Testament Church, as well as the beginning of its creed. Total in the New Testament 27 of the Sacred Books: 4 Gospel (cm. Gospel), the book of the Acts of the Apostles, seven Cathedral Messages, 14 Poala Apostle messages (cm. Pavel (Apostle)) and apocalypse (cm. APOCALYPSE) Apostle John the Bogoslov (cm. John theologian). The two gospels belong to the Apostles from among the 12th Matthew and John, two - satellites and disciples of the Apostles, the Holy Mark and Luke. The book of Acts is also written by an employee of the Apostle Paul - Luko. Of the seven cathedral messages, five belong to the apostles from 12 - Peter and John and two - Jacob and Jude, who also worn the title of the Apostles, although they did not belong to the number of 12.
Fourteen messages are written by Paul, who, although he was called up and later than the rest of the apostles, but as called precisely by Christ himself is the apostle, equal to 12 apostles. The apocalypse was written by the Apostle John theologian.
According to its contents of the book of the New Testament, it is customary to divide on the legislative - four-order, in which the basis of the whole Christian faith is located; Historic - Acts of the Apostles and the Qurangeangelie, in which there is a historical image of the life of Jesus Christ and the Apostles; The teachers are the messages of the apostles, in which those explain the various foundations of Christian faith and life; Prophetic - apocalypse, which contains various visions of the Apostle John the Theologian about the future fate of the church. Some prophecies also contain in other books of the New Testament.
The authentic text of the New Testament reached us primarily in a large number of ancient manuscripts, more or less complete, about 5 thousand (from 2 to 16 centuries). Until recent years, the most ancient of them were applied to the 4th century. The most important of them: Sinai Code (cm. Sinai Code), Alexandria (both in London) and Vatican (Vatican) manuscripts. Archaeological findings enriched new taving science with many fragments of manuscripts on a papyrus belonging to 3 and even KOR 2 century, for example, boder manuscripts found and published in the 1960s. In addition to Greek manuscripts, there are numerous ancient translations to Latin, Syrian, Coptic languages, of which the oldest existed already from the 2nd centuries.
In addition, numerous quotes of church fathers in Greek and other languages \u200b\u200bare preserved in such a quantity that if the text of the New Testament was lost and all ancient manuscripts were destroyed, then scientists could restore this text on quotations from the creations of the Holy Fathers of the Church. This abundance of material in the text of the New Testament exceeds the volume of what is available to the science to establish and clarify the text of the classical authors of the ancient world.
Original Scripture Text (cm. HOLY BIBLE)As all the ancient text is generally solid, without separation between words and suggestions. Over time, text division appeared for the convenience of reading and finding individual places and expressions. So, for example, Deacon Ammonium Alexandria (cm. Ammonium Alexandria) (2-3 century) broke the text of the New Testament on very small pericopes (Greek. "Cut") to one sentence. Ammonium pericopes make it possible to compare the parallel narratives of the New Testament as identical and similar. For this, Essian Pamphil (cm. Eustian Caesarian), Bishop Caesarian, church historian and theologians of the 4th century, amounted to 10 "canons", or tables that combined identical ones and consonant narratives of the Gospels. They did not lose their meaning of the Donyn, although in modern publications (from the 19th century) more often use so-called parallel places, which, however, do not exhaust all parallels.
In addition, since the 5th century, red rows and cinal initiatives, which began to highlight the liturgical passages (pericopes) of the text. Gradually, each passage was consolidated at a certain day of the liturgical year. There were even whole compilations, the so-called aproarade gospel, in which the gospel narrations were located not in chronological order, but in the order of their readings for worship throughout the year.
The modern division on the chapters in the New Testament, as in the whole Bible, goes back to the 13th century. In 1205, Archbishop Canterbury Stefan Langton first divided the Bible to the head. This division took advantage of its biblical concordation (Symphony) Spanish Cardinal Gogo de Shan (mind 1263), which is therefore considered often the author of the division of the Bible on the chapter. In 1551, Paris publisher Robert Stefan in his edition of the New Testament introduced a fission to poems, which was accepted now in all publications of the New Testament.
New Testament Canon was established during the first centuries of Christian history. Already in the second half of the 2nd century, undoubtedly, the most sophisticated in the church was undoubtedly the corresponded on the church in the church. Books: Four Gospels, the Book of the Acts of Apostles, 13 Epistle of the Apostle Paul, the first John and the first Peter. The rest of the books were less common, although they were genuine.
A decisive role in the establishment of canon played the Easter Message of St. Athanasius Alexandria (cm. Athanasius Alexandria) (367). Listing all 27 books of the New Testament, St. Athanasius says that only in these books is the teachings of piety and that the books of the books can not be taken away from this assembly, it is impossible to add something to him. The Great Canon proposed by Afanasiy was adopted by East East (Orthodox) Church. In the Western Church, the Canon of the New Testament in the present form is finally established on the Hippon (393) and two Carthage (397 and 419) cathedrals. The Roman Church adopted by these Cathedrals authorized the decree of Pope Gelasia (492-496).
Christian books that were not entered into the canon, although they had a claim for it, were recognized as an apocryphic.

encyclopedic Dictionary. 2009 .

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    New Testament, look in the article Bible ... Modern encyclopedia

The Bible is one of the oldest memo wisdom of humanity. For Christians, this book is the revelation of the Lord, the Holy Scripture and the main leadership in life. The study of this book is an indispensable condition for the spiritual development of both a believer and an unbeliever person. Today, the Bible is the most popular book in the world: more than 6 million copies have been published.

In addition to Christians, the sacredity and the soundness of certain biblical texts recognize the adherents of a number of other religions: Jews, Muslims, Bahai.

Bible structure. Old and New Testament

As you know, the Bible is not a homogeneous book, but a collection of a number of narratives. They reflect the history of the Jewish (God-proof) people, the activities of Jesus Christ, moral teachings and prophecies about the future of humanity.

When we talk about the structure of the Bible, two main parts should be highlighted: the Old Testament and the New Testament.

- Common Holy Scripture for Judaism and Christianity. Books of the Old Testament were created in the interval between the XIII and I centuries to our era. The text of these books reached us in the form of lists on a number of ancient languages: Aramaic, Jewish, Greek, Latin.

In Christian creed, there is a concept "canon". Canonic called those Scriptures that the church recognized as inspired by God. Depending on the confession, the canonistic recognizes a different number of texts of the Old Testament. For example, Orthodox recognize canonical 50 Scriptures, Catholics - 45, and Protestants -39.

In addition to Christian, there is also a Jewish canon. Jews are recognized by canonical Torah (Pentateuch Moiseevo), Nevim (Prophets) and Ktuvim (Scriptures). It is believed that Torah was first recorded directly by Moses. All three books form Tanahs - "Jewish Bible" and are the basis of the Old Testament.

In this section of the Holy Letter talks about the first days of mankind, the World Floral and the Further History of the Jewish people. The story "brings" the reader to the last days before the birth of the Messiah - Jesus Christ.

Among theologians, there is already a discussion for a very long time - whether Christians need to comply with the law of Moses (i.e. prescriptions, data from the Old Testament). Most theologians still adhere to the opinions that the victim of Jesus made us necessarily compliance with the requirements of Pentateuch. A certain part of the researchers came to the opposite. So, for example, Seventh Day Adventists adhere to Saturdays and do not eat pork.

A much more important role in the life of Christians is occupied by the New Testament.

- Second part of the Bible. It consists of four canonical gospels. The first manuscripts are dated to the beginning of the I century of our era, the latest - IV century.

In addition to the four canonical gospels (from Mark, Luke, Matvey, John) there are a number of apocrys. They affect previously unknown faces of the life of Christ. For example, some of these books describe the youth of Jesus (canonical - only childhood and maturity).

Actually, the New Testament describes the life and acts of Jesus Christ - the Son of God and the Savior. Evangelicals describe the miracles committed by the Messiah, his sermons, as well as the final - martyrdom on the cross, the redeemed sins of mankind.

In addition to the Gospels, the New Testament contains a book of Acts of Apostles, Messages and Revelation of John the Bogosla (Apocalypse).

Act Talk about the birth and development of the church after the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In essence, this book is a historical chronicle (real personalities are often mentioned) and geography textbook: Describes territories from Palestine to Western Europe. Its author is considered the Apostle Luke.

The second part of the Affosts Acts tells about the missionary activity of Paul and ends with his arrival in Rome. The book also responds to a number of theoretical issues, such as circumcision in Christians or compliance with the law of Moses.

Apocalypse - These are recorded by John vision, which the Lord applied to him. This book tells about the end of the world and the terrible court - the final point of the existence of this world. Judging humanity will be Jesus himself. The righteous, resurrected in the flesh, will receive an eternal paradise life with the Lord, and the sinners will go to the eternal flame.

The revelation of John the Bogoslev is the most mystical part of the New Testament. The text is filled with occult symbols: a wife clothed in the sun, the number 666, the riders of the apocalypse. For a certain time, precisely because of this church feared to make a book in the canon.

What is the Gospel?

As already known, the gospel is a description of the life of Christ.

Why did the part of the Gospels become canonical, and the part is not? The fact is that it is these four gospels that practically do not have contradictions, but describe just a little different events. If the writing of a certain book by the apostle is not questioned, then the acquaintance with the apocrypha does not prohibit. But the moral guidelines such a gospel can not be for a Christian.

It is the opinion that all the canonical gospels were written by the disciples of Christ (Apostles). In fact, this is not the case: for example, Mark was a student of the Apostle Paul and is among the seventy equivalence. Many religious dissidents and supporters of the "Conspiracy theories" believe that the clergymen specially hidden from people the true teachings of Jesus Christ.

In response to such statements, representatives of traditional Christian churches (Catholic, Orthodox, some Protestant) meet that, first, it is necessary to understand what text can be considered the Gospel. It was to facilitate the spiritual search for a Christian and a canon who protects the soul from heresy and falsifications was created.

So what's the difference

Considering the foregoing, it is easy to determine what the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Gospel differ, is still different. In the Old Testament, events are described before the birth of Jesus Christ: the creation of a person, a flood, receiving Moses of the law. The new covenant contains a description of the coming of the Messiah and the future of mankind. The gospel is the main structural unit of the New Testament, directly telling about the life path of the Savior of mankind - Jesus Christ. It is because of the victim of Jesus now, Christians may not adhere to the laws of the Old Testament: this duty was redeemed.

part of the Bible containing a description of the life of Jesus Christ, his sermons. Consists of 27 books: Four Gospels, Acts of Apostles, 21 Messages of the Apostles, Revelation of John the Bogosla (Apocalypse).

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It is the most outstanding monument of early Christian literature, who made the second part of the Bible. The union of the Holy Books under the title of the Old Testament and the New Testament is attributed to the Apostle Paul (I. AD), the founder of the Christian community in the city of Corinth, the zealous preacher of the new faith in Greece, Macedonia, in Cyprus, in Malaya Asia, who has taken martyrdom for her Death (according to legend, was beheaded). In the New Testament formulated the main provisions of Christianity, which were developed throughout the I - IV centuries. And they were finally approved at the Laodician Cathedral in 364. The full canon of the Old and New Testaments, which had 66 books (39 Books of the Old Testament and 27 Books of the New Testament), was established by the Church Worker and theologian Afanasim Alexandria. Not only the ideas of the Old Testament, but also the religious doctrine of Philone Alexandrian, who considered Logos as an analogue of being and an intermediary between God and Man, as well as the philosophy of Stoicism (initial provisional provision, the highest divine power, managing the fate of people and The world) and neoplatonism (ideas about the identity of thinking and being as the emanation of "one", about the immortality of the soul, about beauty and harmony as evidence of the divine origin of the world). New Testament Canon includes four gospels (from Matthew, from Mark, from Luke and from John), "Acts of the Holy Apostles" (Greek. Apostolos - "Ambassador, Messenger"; books of Paul, Peter, Andrei, John and Pseudocliment, talking about wonders Createn by the apostles after the Descent of St. Spirit), seven Cathedral Persons of the Apostles: James (one), Peter (two), John (three), Judah (one) and fourteen messages of the Apostle Paul. Completes the new covenant "Revelation" ("Apocalypse" from Greek. "Disclosure, manifestation") John the Bogosla (68 AD), the main themes of which are the second coming of Jesus Christ, his victory over Satan and a terrible court. The gospel (Greek. "Joyful, good news") from Matthew (Levi), according to the Old Trejunkeeper legend, it was written by a student of Christ, the collector of the filters (Mytarem) in Kapernahum, probably in 60-300. This is the most extensive of the canonical gospels, telling about the pedigree Jesus Christ (Christ - the Greek translation of the Aramaist "Anointed", which corresponded to the Hebrew "Messiah"), the descendant of Tsar David, about the flight of Mary in Egypt, about the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, his baptism and temptation In the desert, about the first students (Simoneepetra and his brother Andrei), sermons and wonderful acts of Jesus, about his solemn entrance to Jerusalem, Easter dinner (secret evening) with their 12 students (apostles), the communion of bread and wine. Then the betrayal of Judas, the arrest of Jesus "high-priests with elders and scribes and all Sanhedrin", which took him to the Roman procurator of Pontae Pilat, who let go of Wererava, and "Jesus, Biv, betrayed on the crucifix." The story ends with the crucifixion and death of Jesus, his burial and resurrection. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe gospel is that the messianic aspirations of the Old Testament about the Savior found in Jesus. The gospel of Mark, one of the satellites of the Apostle Paul, and then translator and the scribe of the Apostle Peter, was written allegedly approx. 60 - 06 GG. in Rome. It begins with the Baptism of Jesus John the Baptist in Jordan, his temptations in the desert of Satan, calling them the first four apostles (Simonpeter, Andrei, James, John), the wonders that he performs as a servant of God who fulfills God's will (expulsion of Legion demons, resurrection The daughter of Jair, the healing of a woman who suffered from a disease of 12 years, blind in Wethsaid, a saturation of 5000 "five breads and two fish", walking on water, etc.). The Gospel contains the predictions of Christ about the destruction of Jerusalem and about their death, the description of the "Supper of the Lord", the betrayal of Judas, crucifixes, burials, resurrection and meetings of students with the Risen Jesus. A distinctive feature of the gospel of Luke (approx. 60 - 00) addressed to the educated Greek Theophilus is the author's desire, a satellite of the Apostle Paul in missionary trips, to associate the events of the Holy History with the world and submit Jesus as a perfect Bohell. It opens with predictions "in the days of Herod, Tsar Jewish" about the birth of John the Baptist and Jesus, who came to the world to bring rejected to God. Compared to other authors of Luke pays more attention to the history of Mary, the birth of Jesus, the phenomenon of the angel to the shepherds, the events in Galilee (in the synagogue in Nazaret, from where Jesus was kicked out, and in Kapernahum, where he expelled demons and healed patients), descriptions of visiting Jerusalem, vocation Jesus twelve students (Simonpeter, Andrei, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Foma, Jacob "Alfeyev", Simon Zilot, "Juda Idaklev and Judas Iskariot"), which he "named apostles", gave them "power and power Cancel demons and heal diseases. " In the gospel of John (approx. 85 - 50), Jesus is glorified as an eternal Logos ("In the beginning there was a word, and the word was God, and the word was God ... The word became a man and lived among us"), like light, truth, love , "Good shepherd", "Bread, who came from heaven." The symbolism is designed to identify and emphasize the fullness of the mission of Jesus Christ, who became clear to his disciples only after the descent of St. Spirit. The evangelist saw his main goal in the fact that people "believed that Jesus is Christ, the Son of God, and, believing, had a life in his name." The central way of the New Testament is the image of a preacher from Galilee, the founder of one of the three world religions called him by name, - Jesus Christ (epithets: "Son of God", "Savior", "Redeemer", "Pantokrator", "Great Bishop", " King kings, "etc.). Archangel Gabriel predicted the Virgin Mary, engaged with a carpenter Joseph, the birth of a baby, immaculately conceived by the action of St. Spirit. During the census of the population, Joseph and Maria went to the Palestinian city Bethlehem to sign up at the place of residence of a kind. According to the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus was born in the reign of Herod's I Great (37 or 40 - 4 BC) in Bethlehem. After eight days, the baby subjected to rite circumcision and registered on God's instructions by Jesus; On the fortieth day, he was brought to the Jerusalem Temple to dedicated to God. During the beating of babies, arranged by order of Tsar Herod, Joseph and Maria run with Jesus to Egypt. At the thirty-year age, Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River by John the Baptist, then retired to the desert, where forty days crashed by the Devil. After return, he called on the first students and began to preach the God-stroke, given over the teachings in Cana, the place of the first miracle, performed by Jesus, Capernaum and other cities on the shores of Gennisret Lake. Violating prohibitions of Judaism, Jesus healed on Saturday, communicated with the rejected sins, rushed to them, resurrected from the dead, taught people "as power having, and not as scribes and Pharisees," which caused the indignation of Jewish rabbis. In the days before Easter, Jesus solemnly drove in Jerusalem, where the crowd welcomed him with ritual exclamations. In Sanhedrin, a trial of Jesus was held as a challenger on the role of the king. One of his students - Judas Israariot - betrayed his teacher. Jesus was arrested and led to the Roman governor of Judea Pontius Pilat (26 - 66) for the approval of the sentence of the Sanhedrin - Beach and crucifixion on the cross. On the third day after death, Jesus Christ was risen from the dead, and on a fortieth day, he was ascended from the Eleon Mountain on the sky in the presence of eleven students. For centuries, the image of Jesus Christ, the "most great religious genius in the whole history of mankind" (E. Renan), and the associated New Testament plots, legends and motives were widely used in art and literature.

The question of who wrote the Bible is the Old and the New Testament - for believers, it seems inappropriate, since their authorship is unconditionally attributed to God, agreeing only with the fact that he made their great intent on the hands of concrete people. Not jerking to challenge this opinion, we will try only to outline the circle of those chosenses of God, thanks to which humanity received a sacred writing in all the variety of religious essays.

What is the Bible?

Before talking about who wrote the books of the New Testament and the Old Town, referred to in the aggregate of their Bible, or otherwise (sacred Scripture), we will define with this term ourselves. According to a centuries-old tradition, under the word "Bible", which in ancient Greek means "books", it is customary to understand a very extensive meeting of religious texts recognized by the sacred among Christians and partly among the Jews (the new covenant is rejected by them).

Historical studies have shown that they were created for 1600 years (about 60 generations of people) and were the fruit of work of at least 40 authors - the most elected of God, about which it was above. It is characteristic that their number includes representatives of various social layers, from simple fishermen to the highest state dignitaries and even kings.

We will also add that the Old Testament (on chronology earlier than the new one) includes 39 canonical books recognized by the sacred, and a number of later writings, also recommended for reading due to their high spiritual value. The New Testament consists of 27 books written after the completion of the Savior's terrestrial path, and being corrugated, since they are created, as it is considered, on the Nativity of God.

"Father of the Old Testament"

It is known that the first essays included in the Bible (Jews have these tanya), began to be created by ancient Jews in the XIII century BC. e. This process was very active and gave rise to many disputes about which of them are considered sacred, and which are not. To disassemble this, the high priest called the name of the ezder, who lived in the V century to N. e. And entered the story as "Father Judaism," because it was managed not only to systematize the texts, but also to create a slim and clear concept of the very religious teaching of the ancient Jews. Subsequently, his works were continued by other theologians, and as a result, modern Judaism was formed, part of the main world religions.

With the advent of Christianity, the literary material collected and systematized by him, only with minor changes, amounted to the part of the Holy Scriptures, which was called the Old Testament. Thus, adhering to another creed, and sometimes entering confrontation with the Jews, Christians recognize the merits of the Head of the Heart Priest of the Ezra, considering it the "father of the Old Testament". Despite the fact that a number of texts appeared after his death.

Two components of the Old Testament

In early chronology and the most extensive part of the Holy Scripture, called the Old Testament, includes books covering their contents from the creation of the world to the epoch preceding the earthly embodiment of the Son of God - Jesus Christ. This is the history of the Jewish people, and the statement of the basics of moral law received by the Prophet Moses on Mount Horiv, \u200b\u200band prophecies about the phenomenon in the world of the Messiah.

The birth in the first century of Christianity, replenished the sacred writer by his second in the chronology of creating a section that received the name of the New Testament. It includes 27 books, on the pages of which God reveals themselves and their will. They are made with a well-known part of the convention to the following categories:

  1. The legislative, including the four Gospels - books containing the good news of the phenomenon into the world of the Son of God. The authors recognized the evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luka and John.
  2. The historical, describing the acts of the Holy Apostles - the nearest students and the associates of Jesus Christ.
  3. Teaching - compiled on the basis of texts of apostolic messages to various early Christian communities and individuals.
  4. The prophetic book, which is called the "Revelation of John the Theologian", but also known as the "Apocalypse".

Who is considered the author of the majority of the texts of the New Testament?

Despite the fact that the Christians of the whole world are attributed to the authorship and this part of the Holy Scriptures to God, weaning people only the role of blind guns in his hands, from researchers, however, there are certain issues related to certain issues related to these issues relating to above all.

The fact is that neither in one of them, with the exception of the "Gospel of John", does not specify the name of the Creator. These works are completely anonymous, which gave reason to consider them some repaid of apostolic stories, and not their personal creation. Doubts in the authorship of Matthew, Luke and Mark were first discovered at the beginning of the XVIII century, and since then, all new and new supporters are found.

Definition of the period of writing new tightening texts

In the 20th century, comprehensive studies were conducted, the purpose of which was to obtain as much as possible scientific data on the authors of the New Testament. However, even modern technical means, which have at the disposal of scientists, did not make it possible to answer the questions posed before them.

Nevertheless, the results of an in-depth linguistic analysis of the language on which the texts were drawn up were allowed to say that the authors of the New Testament were really lived in the middle or in the second half of the I century, which is very important because it eliminates the likelihood of later falsifications. Some stylistic features of writing works were established, also testifying to the historical period of their creation.

Mysterious "Source O"

Despite the fact that the question of who wrote the New Testament remains open, most of the modern bibliophile scientists believe that they were anonymous authors - contemporaries of the earthly life of Jesus Christ. It could be both the apostles themselves and the faces from their closest environments, who heard the stories about the Savior.

There is also a hypothesis, according to which the authors of the New Testament or at least four Gospels entering it, people who did not have personal communication with the apostles could become, but those who have been lost later by the text, which received the conditional name from modern researchers - "Source O". It is assumed that, without being a fully evangelical story, he was something like a collection of the sayings of Jesus Christ, recorded by someone from the immediate participants of the events.

Dating of evangelical texts

If the question about who wrote the new Testament did not manage to get a comprehensive answer, then with dating creation of individual parts of the case is much better. So, based on the results of the same linguistic examination, as well as for a number of other signs it was possible to conclude that the earrorded text in it is the Gospel not from Matthew, which is usually the first in their list, but from the brand. Scientists believe that the time of his writing was the 60s or 70s of the I century, that is, the period separated by three decades from the events described.

It was on the basis of this essay that the gospel was subsequently written from Matthew (70s - 80s) and from Luke (end of the 90s). The author of the latter, by the general opinion, is the creator and the New Testament book "Acts of Apostles". At the same time, at the end of the first day I centuries, the Gospel of John, the author, apparently, did not have to communicate with the first three evangelists and worked independently.

Bible - Wisdom and Knowledge Storage

It is curious to note that among the representatives of modern Catholicism, recognition in the absence of a clear and unequivocal answer to the question of who wrote the New Testament is by no means considered to be blasphemy. Such a position was demonstrated by them during the Second Vatican Cathedral, which was continued from 1962 to 1965. One of the articles of his final document was prescribed to continue instead of the names of the evangelists mentioned in the Canon of Holy Books, to use a faceless wording - "Holy Authors".

In Orthodox circles, also recognize the availability of a problem related to the establishment of the authors of the Holy Scriptures. Eastern theologians, like their Western colleagues, not have the opportunity to answer the question about who wrote the Old and the New Testament, however, argue that this does not question the holiness and the spiritual importance of texts in them. You can not disagree with them. The Bible was and for all will remain the greatest repository of wisdom and historical knowledge, as a result of which the people of various religious beliefs are with deep respect.

Language of contemporaries Jesus Christ

Install the one who wrote the New Testament is extremely difficult and because not one of the originals of the text has not been preserved to our days. Moreover, it is not known even in which language it was drawn up. In the era of the earthly life of Jesus Christ, the main part of the population of the Holy Land spoke on Aramaic, relating to a very extensive family of Semitic laws. It was also common and one of the forms of Greek, the name "Koine". And only a few residents of the state talked to the Jewish dialect, which was the basis of Hebrew, regenerated after many centuries of oblivion and being today the state language of Israel.

The probability of errors and text distortions

The earliest New Testament texts that have come down to us in the Greek translation, which only in general, give an idea of \u200b\u200bthose linguistic and stylistic features that are inherent in the originals. The complexity is also aggravated by the fact that initially the works of early Christian authors were translated into Latin, as well as Coptic and Syrian languages, and only after that they received the reading of us.

In view of this, it is likely that mistakes and various kinds of distortion could be brought into them, both random and deliberately entered by translators. All this makes it even treats the names of the authors of the messages with a well-known share of caution. In the New Testament, they are indicated as the apostles - the nearest students of Jesus Christ, but researchers and in this respect arises a number of doubts that are not detaining, however, the spiritual and historical value of the texts themselves.

The question remaining unanswered

Partly the work of researchers contributes to the fact that the time interval between the creation of texts and their earliest incomes to us are relatively not great. Thus, the most ancient surviving manuscript is an excerpt from the Gospel of Matthew, dated 66 years old, that is, created no more than 20-30 years after the original. For comparison, it is possible to recall that the dating of the most ancient manuscript with the text "Iliad" of Homer lags behind the date of its creation for 1400 years.

True, in the above case, we are talking only about a small fragment of the gospel, while the earliest full text found in 1884 among the manuscripts of the Sinai Monastery, dates back to the IV century, which is also a lot of historians. In general, the question of who wrote the Bible is the New Testament and the Old - remains open. Budraja minds, he attracts all new generations of researchers to work.

When does the new covenant begins?

The Bible Book is clearly divided into 2 sections. Even the numbering of pages in the New Testament begins with the number 1. As if by saying that the Old and New Testament is 2 absolutely different books connected in one in some strange publisher.
However, if you ask the question when all the same is officially the new covenant begins - then you can come to very unexpected conclusions. Someone may think that the Old Testament ends and the New Testament begins with the birth of Jesus Christ.

However, God determined that any covenant, or the agreement be bonded by blood. If the Old Testament was concluded through the blood of animals, Telf, the new covenant was concluded by the blood of Jesus Christ himself.

And I took the blood of the blood and sprouted the people, saying: these are the blood of the covenant who the Lord concluded with you about all these words.
(OX.24: 8)
For Moses, uttering all the commandments by law in front of the whole people, took the blood of the tales and goats with water and wool shrouded and hisssop, and sprouted both the book and all the people, saying: this is the blood of the covenant who has commanded you. (Heb. 9: 19,20)

Christ was the sacrifice that the new covenant approved. Spring his blood - the death of Jesus marked the offensive of the New Testament.

And he told them: this is the blood of my new covenant, for many exhausted.
(Mar.14: 24)

And what is you asking? The new covenant all the same came - and what is the difference from the birth of Jesus or from death, the main thing is that now believers live in the New Testament.

And this affects how you read the Gospel. Because everything that happened in the Gospels - during the life of Jesus Christ - happened in the Old Testament - it took place during the action of the law, and not grace.

The requirements of the law were as follows - that if a person wanted to justify himself before God - he had to fulfill the entire law, without violating any of the slightest commandment in law. If he violated one little commandment - he became a criminal of law - and death should have become a punishment.

In one of the phrases in the Nagorno sermon, Jesus said that if anyone says a bad word in the near, insult, will call him a "fool" or "idiot" - it will be equivalent to murder.

You heard what was said to ancient: do not kill who will kill, subject to the court.
And I tell you that anyone angry for your brother is in vain, subject to the court; Who will say to his brother: "Cancer" is subject to Sanhedrin; And who will say: "insane", is subject to geenna fiery.
(Matt.5: 21,22)

Many believe - that it is just a new covenant. However, given that Jesus talks to Jews in time in the Old Testament. And even the death of Jesus was not even a speech - Jesus here removes the meaning of their law by Jews. Those. Jesus, as Rabbi pushes Scripture - from the point of view of God - this is what sense was made in the law of Moses. And people, Jews, spoiled him with their traditions. Jesus wanted to explain to them how to actually need to fulfill the law.

And if you look at someone who was intended to be the gospel from Matthew, it will become clear that the author wanted to emphasize. It was intended to the Jews. Therefore, it says so much about how it was necessary to fulfill the Old Testament law.

And the foresown the idea that Jesus wanted to convey, when he spoke a Nagorno sermon - it was necessary to fulfill the entire law, i.e. It is necessary to be perfect as God himself.

And the feelings that had to appear at the listeners of Jesus - not delight from the wonderful words of grace - and the horror from the inexorable claims of the law. Awareness of the sinfulness of every Jewish listener, an understanding that the law no one performed is the goal to which Jesus sought.

And considering the gospel with this perspective - you can see the story that Matthew, Mark, Luka, John told the authors, John. The story that the law was preceded by grace. The story of how new new is better than the old one.