The night was the August Star, write specific nouns. Russian language with teaching techniques. Morphology. How to make pencils

1. The beautiful April sun is very warm, but there are still snow in the grooves and in the forest. 2. Low above the earth stood clouds of mosquitoes. 3. Shadows go on the plain. 4. MGLL as it did not happen. 5. The steppe is easily sighs with a wide breast. 6. In Circus, Fedyushka recognized Kashtanka. A minute later, the dog was on the top tier and licked his hands, Luke Alexandrovich and Fedyushki. 7. Wolf stopped and put her wear on the snow.

(A. Chekhov)

Creative and selective dictations

1. To write down the nouns first, calling the days of the week, and then - months in order.

Tuesday, December, November, October, Monday, Saturday, February, Thursday, April, Wednesday, January, March, Friday, May, August, July, Sunday, June, September.

2. Write nouns in two columns: in one - nouns responsible for the question?, In the other - to the question of what? Ukraine, country, drawing, students, portfolio, lake, work, Kiev, library, Peter, woman, doctor, accuracy, poplar, baby, speed, dog, Moscow, iron, group, old age, steppe, bear, wheat.

3. Record noun male and female kind in two columns.

I. Cloak, hoop, mouse, valley, night, reed, game, ivy, beam, quiet, crying, help, borsch, watchman, thing, doctor, key, power, strongman, rye.

II. Birch, room, month, garden, autumn, walnut, weather, pencil case, family, cock, spring, sister, tomato, phone, street, capital, evening, father.

4. Record noun male, female and middle kind in three columns.

Holiday, silence, saturday, heart, spring, honesty, cast iron, fluff, pasture, group, feeling, quarrel, seagull, sun, meeting, terrain, miracle, program, food, cane, rosehip, staircase, watchmaker, class, resident Amount, metro, apple.

5. Record nouns in the plural.

Ant, sparrow, nightingale, leaf, wing, brother, count, chair, tree.

6. To write down first nouns having only the form of the only number, then only the shape of the plural number.

I. Accuracy, fear, Belil (Oil), gasoline, luggage, trousers, concrete, weekdays, vermicelli, wealth, rake, money, dwarf, jeans, gates, subtraction, yeast, friendship.

II. Jungle, kindness, jasmine, frozen, frost, west, oxygen, tights, red, noodles, pasta, carrots, scissors, spelling, glasses, grasses, pliers, fullness, sleigh, darkness, ink, whisper.

7. Determine the genus and the number of nouns in Russian and Ukrainian.

Slender poplar - poplar string.

Evil dog - evil dog.

Strong pain - stronger Bіl.

Wide steppe - wide step.

The distant path is far away.

Ancient manuscript - Dovniy Manuscript.

Western Siberia - Zakhіdni Sibir.,

Green foliage, green leaves - green sheet.

Long roots - Dov Kornnya.

New furniture - Novi furniture.

Blue ink - blue Zhornilo.

Silent ears - an important beggar.

Beautiful hair - beautiful hair.

8. Finish sentences using nouns. Put questions who? what? to noun.

1. The precipitation is .... 2. Vegetables are .... 3. Predatory animals are .... 4. School supplies are .... 5. Close relatives are .... 6. Coniferous trees are ....

9. Listen to the text. Record it, inserting the nouns suitable in the place of the pause.

It has come early ... The first sunbeam looked at .... He woke up Masha. She quickly dressed and went to the kitchen. In the kitchen Mom prepared ... She poured into the cups ... and put in the plates .... Masha quickly had a breakfast and ran to walk. On the street was beautiful ...

10. Write nouns. Pick up Antonyms to them.

Top (bottom), rich (poor man), cold (warm), friendship (enmity), meeting (parting), good (evil), descent (rise), anxiety (peace), noise (silence), inhale (exhale), Friend (enemy), sunset (sunrise).

11. Written words. Pick to them single-rooted nouns. Running (running, runner), get sick (pain, illness), bloom (color, flower), blame (wine), life (life), beautiful (beauty), unload (cargo), play (game), draw (drawing) build (building, construction), learn (teaching, student, study, teacher), write (letter, writer).

12. Disposable combinations of nominal and own nouns.

Baby Korotshi.

In the same house on the street of the bells there were sixteen kids-shortly. The most important of them was a kid-short named knowing. In the same house, the famous Dr. Pilyulkin lived. He lived here also, the famous mechanic of Vicky with his assistant tower. He lived in this house a hunter bullet. He had a little dog bun. He lived a tube artist, musician husl and other kids: Toroping, grouse, Molchun, donut, Rasteryayka, two brothers - Avoska and a bike. But the most famous among them was a baby named Dunni.

(On N. Nosov)

Favorite fairy tale

In the story of the writers of the writers A. Milna and B. Skodnika "Winnie Pooh" ten chapters. In the first chapter, we get acquainted with a bear swarm. In the second chapter, Winnie Pooh goes to his friend a rabbit. In the third chapter of the Pooh and piglets, the Piglet went hunting and almost caught the terrible beech the terrible beech. In the fourth chapter, the donkey IA-IA loses the tail, in the fifth - the Picklet meets elephant. In the sixth chapter, Ia-Ia had a birthday, and in the seventh - Mom Kenga and Babya Ru appeared in the forest. In the eighth chapter, the boy Christopher Robin organizes an expedition to the North Pole. In the ninth - the Piglet is completely surrounded by water, and in the tenth - Christopher Robin arranges in the forest.

Explanatory and control dictations

1. To emphasize three nouns, put questions about them.


In the desert crawled turtle. Suddenly she covered the shadow of an eagle. The turtle quickly dragged her leg and head into the shell. As if hid in the house and slammed the door. Eagle collapsed on top. Grabbed the turtle, took off and brought it to a distant rock. But then another eagle rushed to him. He began to take prey. Eagles clung to the air. And the turtle fell into thick grass. In memory of the adventure remained on the shell traces of eagle claws.

70 words. (On N.Semladkov)

How clothes appeared

Primitive people have no clothing. They were covered with thick wool. Then the man covered the body with animals with skins. In the cave of the fire in such a skull was convenient. But when driving, she fell on the hunt. There were bones and clashes. The bedspread turned into clothing. Shawli, raincoats and capes are their native children of that first skins.

53 words. ("Children's Encyclopedia")

2. emphasize the three nouns, determine their genus and number.

In the sands

The desert is yellow and blue. Yellow - sands under the legs. Blue sky. Brooks and lakes there without water. In the summer they dry. Under the trees almost not to see the shadows. There are no leaves on them. Winds do not refresh. They are hot like fire. The rains do not have time to fly to the ground. Good weather in the desert is called cloudy and raw. Only in the spring and autumn can be seen in the desert green grass.

63 words. (On N. Sladkov)


Not far from our village in the forest stood a small wooden house. We lived in it only in the summer. In winter it was empty. But in this winter people settled in the house. In the mornings from the pipe having fun shame. The windows were cozy in the evenings. People knew how cold and hungry birds. They immediately made the feeder and poured there all soles.

56 words. (According to Yu Kazakov)

Smaller brothers

Many people happy with the joy of animals. After all, they bring great benefits. How many from them in the house of heat and coziness! You will come home, and a joyful bark of the faithful dog is heard outside the door. Or a fluffy kitty will get to your feet. But some people do not relate to their friends. Forget them to feed them, take a walk. Sometimes they even beat them. Never offend animals! After all, they are our smaller brothers!


Shines hot spring sun. Rins warm rain. Alenka and Tanya went outside and began to slap barefoot on the puddles. Merry splashes took off. Girls laughed loudly. The rain is rapidly over. Girls saw Vanya Drozdov. He was a small village. These were: Lipki. They were raised from seeds. The tree will plant near the apiary. Bees love linden color.

54 words. (By L. Voronkova)

3. Determine the role of highlighted nouns in sentences. Emphasize them as subject, addition or circumstance.

Morning Nikita

Nikita Wokes sparrow. He woke up and listened. Honey voice whistled Oriole. The window was revealed. IN room Powered grass and freshness. Sunset sun shaded wet foliage. Owned breeze. Daew drops fell on the windowsill. Nikita called. He was half a minute. Before it was well listening to the whistle of the tie, look out the window on the wet leaves.

53 words. (By A. Tolstoy)


The tin soldier carried out the flow further. It was impossible to stop. His boat slid down. But the poor fellow stayed steadfast. He didn't even blink her eye. The boat is spinning a wolf, filled with water and began to sink. Tin soldier divered deeper. Only head sticking out. But she disappeared and she. Here he thought about his beauty. Do not see him more charming dancers!

59 words. (In the city of Andersen)

Cat Goshka

It was an early morning. Old cat sat on porch. Front paws he wrapped fluffy tail. The cat was big, with a white apron on the breast. His fluffy coat glitter in the sun. He licked her well. Claws quotier pulled. Gray eyes sniffed slightly. They turned into narrow pockets. He seemed to be the best cat. Kota called Goshka.

54 words. (On N. Romanova)

4. Stress the nouns denoting non-residential items.

How to appear chairs

The first chairs invented the ancient Egyptians. They were the first guessed to attach the handles to them. It turned out a chair, throne. There were only Pharaoh and his spouse on such a seat. Chairs spilled from the vine, cut out of wood. The kings were sitting on gold thrones with precious stones. In our century, chairs began to make from iron bent pipes, plastic.

56 words. ("Children's Encyclopedia")

5. Stress nouns denoting live items.


Many have enemies. People, dogs, wolves, foxes, crows, eagles hunt them. Night walks the hare in the fields without fear. And in the morning the enemies wake up it. The hare is sensible hears the bark of dogs, sneezing, the voices of the men, crackling from the wolf steps in the forest. And begins the bunny to rush from side to side. The next morning view the hunters traces in the snow, the hare's tricks are surprised.

58 words. (By L. Tolstoy)

Bird dining room

The guys of our school have long been feeding birds. Birds from the end of August and April arrive in our bird dining room.

At the beginning of the fall, we have a lot of fosms, zonankok, in winter - bullfires, waxers, check box, forty. They really like sunflower seeds, elderberry berries, rowan, thistle seeds, reurenik. Guys are watching small and large birds with interest. This occupation brings them a lot of pleasant and joyful minutes.

6. Strip nouns in the plural.

How to make pencils

Simple pencils are made of graphite. Dry graphite powder is mixed with clay and water. From cedar or pine make billets. Then they cut into two parts, cut the gryvanese routine. Both halves with a blade then glue. And the plank is cut on pencils. There are pencils for writing on glass, fabric, plastic, film. There are pencils for builders. Their trail holds on an open surface for several years.

64 words. ("Children's Encyclopedia")

7. Stress these nouns that are not used in the plural.

Bird cafe

Sparrow Chick sat on the edge of the feeders. He looked at the feed first with one eye, then another, and then at once again. What was there just no! Usually, bird feeders are called bird tables. But it was not a dining room, but a whole cafe. People poured into the feeder of oatmeal, millet, cannabis, linen seed, pine seeds and trees, buckwheat, bread crumbs.

58 words. (According to Yu Kazakov)

First cold

The first snow fell. Star nights died. The river fell asleep. The cold tried to sow her ice. So it happened. There was a quiet clear night. Dark forest on the shore was like the guard from the giants. Mountains seemed higher. High month poured all with his loafing light. The mountain river Primella. To her quietly crept the cold. He hugged the beauty tightly and accurately covered it with a mirror glass.

63 words. (According to D. Mamina Siberian)

Ministry of Education and Science of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

KGAOU SPO "Kansky Pedagogical College"

Materials for independent work

Specialty 050146 - "Teaching in primary classes"

Reviewer: , Dr. Philol. Sciences, Professor FGBOU VPO "Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University. "

Russian language with teaching techniques. Morphology: Materials for independent work / Sost. ; REC. ; KGAOU SPO "Kansky Pedagogical College". Kansk, 2012. - 29 p.

These materials are designed for students in the specialty 050146 "Teaching in primary classes". The task system will help organize the active forms of independent work of students, will contribute to a more conscious and durable absorption of the software.

These materials are intended for a specialty 050146 "Teaching in primary classes" according to the MDC.01.02 "Russian language with teaching techniques".

© KGAOU SPO "Kansky Pedagogical College"

Practical lesson

Purpose: analyze the content and nature of the categories of the genus, the number and case of nouns.


- Know :

- the nature of the category of numbers, features of the manifestation of this category in nouns of various vocabulary-grammatical discharges, the main values \u200b\u200bof the forms of the only and multiple number and the sphere of their use;

- To be able to:

- identify the identity of the nouns to one or another family, coordinate the nouns with the defining words;

- to determine the values \u200b\u200bof the forms of the number of nouns and agreeable forms, means and methods for expressing the category of numbers, differentiate options forms;

- Determine the casements, means and methods for expressing case values, correctly use the proposed-case forms in speech.

Terminology minimum:grammatical category, grammatical value, grammatical shape, formation, paradigm, noun, genus, number, case, decline.

Questions to the topic:

Why does the category of kind refers to the number of the most universal categories of the grammatical structure of the Russian language? Give the category of category. What is the category number of nouns names and ways of expression? How is the multiple number of nouns names? What are the case forces are in Russian? Due to which we allocate a certain number of cases?

Practical tasks:

Required exercises:

Zemsky. In 2 parts. Part 1. Lexicology, stylistics and culture of speech, phonetics, morphology: textbook for students Ped. School. on special № 000 /, S. E Hooks; Ed. . - 10th ed., Act. and add. - M.: Enlightenment, 1986. - 304 p.

UPR. 141, p. 126. Determine the name of the names of the nouns (in brackets in some nouns, the end of the rank. Case

UPR.142, p. 126. Code in the dictionary and specify the name of the following nouns ...

UPR. 143, p. 126. The number of nouns.

UPR. 147, p. 129. Write the names of the nouns in indirect cases (with pretexts and without prepositions), along with those words that they depend on, and determine the case.

Additional exercises:

Exercise 1. Determine the grammatical genus of these nouns and explain your decision.

1. Brotherhood, crow, gate, time, glazes, Gnovesdyshko, Gorodishko, Kids, Director, Domyschi.

2. Uncle, Lake, Plaques, Pond, River, Swirl, Sani, Sirota, Steppe, Tulle, Trout.

Exercise 2. Use the phrase in the singular.

Heavy rails, leather shoes, foreign banknotes, home slippers, adjustable adjustments, beautiful earrings, new clips, strong spasms, green shutters, white cuffs, new sneakers, white swans.

Exercise 3. Determine the genus of the allocated names of the nouns and add the end of the names of adjectives, pronoun and verbs.

1. This Borya is terrible ... Zabyaka. 2. It is impossible to be, Tanya, so ... Nariya. 3. Sasha Koreiko - so ... quiet. 4. This ... Plaks again roared all day ... 5. Maria Ivanova - Young ... Director of the Plant. Yesterday, the director gave ... Order to go for a semi-hour working day. 6. In the adoptive of the old ... Dent ... Anna Pavlovna's doctor is always a lot of patients. 7. New ... the older group chose me.

Exercise 4. Determine the grammatical generation of data nouns and explain your decision.

1. Wait trouble.

2. Dial mushrooms.

3. Meet friend.

4. I'm interested in this spectacle.

5. Reach good result.

Practical lesson

Lexico-grammatical discharge names of adjectives

Purpose: send the criteria for the delimitation of adjectives for lexico-grammatical discharges.


- Know :

- identifying signs of high-quality, relative and attractive adjectives

- To be able to:

Identify the adjectives of adjectives to one or another lexico-grammatical category

Terminology minimum: An adjective name, high-quality adjective, relative adjective, attracted adjective, comparison degree.

Questions to the topic:

1. Give the definition name as part of speech, specify its semantic and grammatical signs.

2. List lexico-grammatical discharge of adjectives; Give examples of each of the groups.

3. Is it possible to transfer the name of the adjective from one lexico-grammatical group to another?

4. What are the foundations to allocate attractive adjectives, ordinal numerical and locomotive adjectives as special groups of relative adjectives?

5. What morphological signs are only in qualitative adjectives?

Practical tasks:

Required exercises:

Zemsky. In 2 parts. Part 1. Lexicology, stylistics and culture of speech, phonetics, morphology: textbook for students Ped. School. on special No. 2001 /, S. E Hooks; Ed. . - 10th ed., Act. and add. - M.: Enlightenment, 1986. - 304 p.

UPR. 189, p.163. Read and specify which combinations relative adjectives are used in a qualitative value.

UPR. 190, p. 163. Read and specify which adjectives are high-quality and what relative; Then specify the genus, the number and case of each adjective.

Additional exercises:

Exercise 1. Determine the lexico-grammatical discharge of adjectives. Why did you attribute this adjective to quality? relative? Pretty? Specify the syntactic function of adjectives.

1. The night was August, star, but dark. C. 2. Pale and thin face it looked like alabaste mask . B. 3. Away, over the dust of the lonely, over the boredom of the country cottage, a little golden pretzel bakery, and a child crying is heard. Bl. 4. [Pharmuses] and the cigal ideas of these throw! G.. 5. Peasant horses, coented in a night on a meadow, wildly look at the white stars of electric lanterns, hung on the distant forest, and sorze away from fear. Paust. 6. The ratchets and dogs of the neighbor are sleeping, - no wagon, or votes. Color 7. Spring night dark and cheese, the black wall of mountain cliffs is barely distinguishable. B. 8. What will the Pushkin lines tend me? Bet. 9. From the monastery flower garden, she just had a foul moisture for the princess, a quiet singing of men's voices came from the church, which made it seemed very pleasant and sad. C. And I am festive, especially from these grandfather glasses, full of bitter-sweet thin-blooded wine. B. 11. In the eyes of the evil or children's green light; A Turkish patterned handkerchie caught on the neck. Ohm. 12. That distant Moscow spring this deception was especially sweet and strong . B. 13. Ah, in the Doha Bear and find out you hard, - if not your lips, Don Juan! Color 14. The steamer, of course, had already dubbed a naew ark - human

the wit is not rich. B. 15. In the city thug hurricane

artillery fire, and heard a solid long cry of a large mass of people. Pl. sixteen. Multicolored granite sarcophages, coffins from a golden lacquered tree clutched the lobby . B.

Exercise 2. Highlight the adjectives. Determine their lexico-grammatical discharge. From high-quality adjectives, form a brief form (of all kinds) of the only number and form of a plural number. If you cannot form a brief form, explain why.

1. And clone the head of the Misit of the sage before this lie. Fet 2. Nazar, a wrinkled old man, with a hawk nose and a wedge-shaped beard, seemed to the threshold of the stable. G. 3. Before this yellow, inhibit my birch side, before this herd at the bridge, before all the old white light I swear: my soul is clean. Ruby. 4. Crude freshness of the late evening changed the midnight dry heat, and for a long time she was lying to a soft canopy on the fallen fields. T. 5. From the trees fell a dry leaf, then pale-yellow, then the crimson, sadly crying over the ground among the rosy fog. GUM. 6. In one regiment of our division there was a regimental commander wife ... Bony, redhead, long, wool, flock. KUPER. 7. But you came, the guest is uninvited. L.

Exercise 3. Highlight high-quality adjectives in comparative and excellent degrees. How are these forms of degrees of comparison? What kind of syntactic function are performed?

1. With every spring clear and singement of the sacrament of white nights. Bl. 2. He [Grisha] is already studying in the preparatory class, and therefore is considered great and smartest. Part 3. Maximilian Andreevich was considered, and deserved, one of the most famous people in Kiev. Boule. 4. Do not envy a friend if a friend is richer if he is beautiful if he is smart. Sowing. 5. I am all the charming, the song and the blood of my I will give. ACT.

Exercise 4. Select relative adjectives used in the value of high-quality, attracted adjectives in the value of high-quality or relative. Determine their value.

1. Greater clouds Terrible John under the icy gladies. Scar. 2. It lasts without the end - amber, grave day! Ahm. 3. And over your Sable Fur walks the wind blue. Bl. 4. Here the emperor has shocked such a dog, such a dog, hoarse and intermittent laughter, as if he scared someone. Tyn. 5. And the color of its satin skin is intense. GUM. 6. I am a rite: it is easy to fix the cavity of the cavity on the fly, and a thin mill, hugging, cut, and rush into the snow and in the darkness. Bl. 7. And suddenly the terrible cow Ryv: breaks into the church of Kiryusha and with a cow's roar lomit through the crowd straight to the amvon. B. 8. And again the voice of the silver deer in Zveztsa speaks of the northern shine. Ahm. 9. But her cheeks only rummaged the study wind, and under the Baran fur coat it was warm. A. T 10. Eternity threw a tin sunset to the city. Bl.

1. From the text, write adjectives by calling their original shape. Determine the lexico-grammatical discharge of adjectives and indicate which signs (the meaning of the word, the morpheme-word formation structure, the features of the formation, etc.) it can be determined.

2. Are there any such adjectives such that can be used and as high-quality, and as relative? If there is, you call these adjectives.

3. Is this adjective refer to the category of quality? Answer Motivate.

Option 1

1. Calling, crawled out of his hole in the stony fox ravine, went out on the Moonlight and gently pulled out on the skate, reeling a fluffy tail. Green phosphorus flashed wolf eyes in an oak shrub. And, having imagined the terrible beauty of these eyes, Ambrella felt the attack of a terrible delight. (Bunin.)

2. Apple, eyelid, artistic, demanding, cathedral, influenza, January, wolf, cheese, your own, other.

3. Bearded.

Option 2.

1. By chance by opening his eyes, I saw the light that had fallen from the windows from somewhere from the bottom and mysteriously illuminated the resin walls of the hut: it was the default of fresh hay on Zavaling. And in Belles Dushak, in some endless snowy meadows, who immediately after that they began to dream, were filled with countless lights of greenish wolf eyes. (Bunin.)

2. Kuni, honey, five-year-old, its, hundredth, horizontal, linen, traditional, critical, dizzy, on-board.

3. Exceptional.

Tasks for self-control

Determine the LGR allocated adjectives, find cases of transition relative to high-quality, attracted relative or high-quality.

It was goldenbut coldthe present springmorning. On the gold belt hung Chestanka raised up her lisamuzzle. Eye for me feline: I see you at night, as a day, or even better. Our different updates, shoes, salop on fox.fur. Barely entering the forest, we immediately attacked haretrack. I'll bring a lot of different wonderfulgrass : Cukushkinatears petrovcross, harecabbage. Men's faults, twenty years befell, with chickenbodies I. haresouls, unable to strongdesires I. heroicacts. Just do not dare to do on me baranjeeye. Mokhnaya baransthe hat pulled him on the back of the head. The joiner took some kind of mouse woodenthing - to blame, Mr. Captain, - woodenromashov answered the voice. Hear caninescreech Answered the obstacles, smiling short, doggysmile. We walked down, to the pond, by broad shorealley. Pucheglase, S. hawpnose, with a round yellow face, Roma genus, hot-temperedand vengefulshe was not inferior to her husband. Martian approached people, raised his little hand over a wide sleeve and said thin, glass,slow voice birdword. Revealed an exorbitant perspective vaulted glassroofs Once I was on bird B.azar. She lost something birdvoice. Near him stood high, subtle Englishman with convex racheseyes and big birdnose. We live in homes stone. Well, I do not know! You stonesome kind!

Practical lesson

Morphological analysis of registered parts of speech

Purpose: send the algorithms of grammatical analysis of registered parts of speech.


- Know : algorithms of grammatical analysis of registered parts of speech;

- To be able to:characterizes grammatical categories and grammatical phenomena, both separately taken and in the complex in the morphological analysis of registered parts of speech.

Lingvomethodic comment


1. Disposal nouns are needed together with the pretext, which helps to correctly define the case. The pretext must be taken into brackets, showing that morphological analysis you expose the noun: (K) Flower.

2. When identifying the "own" or "nominal" signs, difficulties arise when analyzing the noun, which is part of the phrase. In this case, instead of instructions, the own / nominal formulation is given: it is included in the name expressed by the phrase. Compare: (Platonovskie) reading³ - Noun Nounted, Indicates Item: What? reading. Initial form - reading. It is part of its own naming (built according to the phrase of the "adjective + noun").

3. When determining the sign "Auduous" or "inanimible", it is necessary to rely on questions who? or what? One of the criteria for isolation is semantic: the animated nature is called the objects of wildlife, inanimate - inanimate. But the main difference is grammatical: in forshelted nouns the formative case of a plural number coincides with the form of a multiple pidewall formAnd in the inanimate nouns, the formative case of a plural number coincides with the form of a nominative case of a plural: (see) who? what? people, dolls, birds - these are animated nouns (see) who? what? Peoples, tables, herbs - These are inanimate nouns

4. Rod is usually determined by the Word substitution he she it or pronoun my one is mine, as well as the adjective or verb - the faugible.

Special groups u are nouns of the common kind (nouns on-and, which may designate people and male and female: sneak, Nevadi, and rubber, drunkard and others.

Nouns denoted by both female, ta and male ( doctor, Professor, Poet And so on) they are analyzed outside the context: they are noun male genus.

In foreign-speaking unclonied nouns, the genus is determined by meaning ( lady - Female genus), or on syntactic relations: winter coat (medium genus), black coffee (male genus).

The genus of nouns used only in the plural is not determined (chess).

5. When determining declining, it should be remembered:

a) the declination of words used only in the plural is not determined;

b) 10 nouns on-" (Flame, Stirringand so on) and the nouns are detached (change in 3 and 2 declinations);

c) need to remember the unclear nouns: the names of animals are usually a male genus ( my chimpanzees), items - the middle kind ( my coat). The genus of own unlock nouns is determined by the nominal: country Congo (female genus), Tbilisi city (male genus).

6. Padege and number - signs of non-permanent, so before enumeration you need to use the word "used".

Difficulties causes the definitive case of a. To avoid them, you need to ask a double question: who? what?

The number of unclear nouns is established in meaning: kangaroo jumped along the track (plural)


1. The adjective of the proposal is written together with the nouns from which they depend. It is on the noun that some signs of adjective are determined.

2. When detecting the discharge of the impressive names, it is necessary to consider: when the lexical value changes, adjectives can move from one discharge to another: gold ring (relative); gold character (high-quality); bear trail (assignant); Bear Service (Quality); Bear meat (relative).

2. Adjectives that have a composite comparison are discharged with words more or less, the least.

3. Rod, the number and case of adjective is determined by the noun, on which it depends.


1. It is necessary to distinguish with a numerical value from words with a numeric value: numerals can be built in a row of natural numbers ( one, two, ... twenty two, ... seven hundred fiveand so on or first, second, ... twenty second, ... seven hundred fifth). Nouns in this row can not be put. In addition, other morphemes (suffixes, consoles, roots), characteristic of these parts of speech, also have the words of other parts of speech with the meaning of the number. five, five, Pyhat, heels, three times, triple, together, two-story, three-storeyetc.

2. Disposable numerant, together with a noun and pretext, which are included in one phrase with numeral: (c) fifth (hour).

3. Nutritive with two roots are treated as complex: fifty, three thousand, three thousand.

4. The case is determined by all numeral, and the genus only in ordinal, as well as quantitative one - one, two - two, both - both, one and a half - a half. The number is determined only in ordinal numerical and in quantitative numerical one.

Practical tasks:

1. Make a complete morphological analysis of the selected nouns according to the following sample .

Sample: Spere 3 field announced my privacy. P.

I. SWITRY - noun.

II. 1. Initial form - Svirl (I.F.F.).

2. Permanent signs: nominal, specific, subject; Inanimate (V. p. Mn. h. \u003d I. p. Mn.; Indicates the subject of inanimate nature, answers the question of what?); female genus (indicator - the paradigm of declination, flexion); III declination, declining paradigm - complete, has 12 members; There are no options for case endings.

3. Non-permanent signs: Current case (indicator - Flexion); Subject value); The only number (indicator is flexy; the value is concrete; the paradigm of the number is complete).

III. The function in the proposal is an indirect addition.

1. Before yours krasya.3 magnificent without speeches and without sounds3mouth. Mei. 2. Today I do not give you to unprecedented in the world damari3: I reflect my on water3 per hour, as the evening river does not sleep, look at the fact that Paduch star3. It did not help in heaven to return. Ahm. 3. Poogi foals, with kuts tail3 and dismissed by the grivy, runs on the wrong legs3 Following the mother . T. 4. It can be written that this edge is very rich forests3 and peat, hay and potatoes, milk and berries. Paust.

2. Make a complete morphological analysis of the selected adjectives by the following sample .

Sample: From Lipa, souls3 honey pulls. Fet

Fragrant - adjective.

1. Initial form - fragrant (I. p. Uzh. H husband. R.).

2. Permanent features: high-quality, complete shape (s), positive degree; Adjective declination, solid subtype, with constant stress based on.

3. Non-permanent signs: Male genus, the only number, the cleaner case (the forms of the kind, the numbers and cases are syntaxed and are determined by the word for honey (what?) (Honey (what?)), Indicator - Flexion (-th)).

4. The function in the proposal is a consistent definition.

She showed truly oslay3 Stubbornness. Her hair was tenderer3 silk . Surov3. You were, you're in young3 years skilled the mind of the passion to subjugate Most complex3 For me, the tenth question was.

3. Make a complete morphological analysis of the selected numerals according to the following sample.

Sample : Imagine almost two3 printed sheets of the most chemmered and useless chatter. D.

I. Two - numeral,

II. 1. Initial form - two;

2. Permanent features: Simple, quantitative (denotes an integer); inclined on a special type of declination (numeral two three four).

3. Non-permanent signs: has a form of kind; used in the vinegenous case of a male race; The forms of the number has no.

III. The proposal is the subordinate component of non-free phrases two sheetswhich performs the feature of the add-on.

1. The last wall was busy three3windows. L. T. 2. But lives without any glory, the medium of green oaks, seven3 Bogatyurians, that's all my mile. 3. Houses were one, two and one and a half3 floors, with eternal mezzanine, very beautiful, according to the provincial architects. G.

Material for independent work:

1. Write out nouns from offers and make them morphological analysis.

She was not worried about the memories that she was on the ball at Satan that some miracle was returned to her that a novel argued from the ashes that again everything turned out to be in his place in the basement in the alley, from where the Aloiec alley was expelled ( M. Bulgakov). The diaries tell about the complex fate of the "Turbine Days" play in the Moscow Art Theater; The theater's life in those years is reflected in the "Theater Roman" M. Bulgakov, where Stanislavsky, and Nemirovich-Danchenko (from the newspaper) are prototypes of the heroes.

2. Remove the adjectives from the proposals and make them morphological analysis.

Oh, as on the slope of our years / gentle, we love and superstitious ... / Siai, Siai, farewell light / love of the last, dawn evening! (F. Tyutchev). There is in the autumn of the original / short. I, but I'm time - / all day it stands like a crystal, / and radiant evenings (F. Tyutchev).

3. Write out of proposals numeral and make them morphological analysis.

Once a person ten officers dined with Silvio (A. Pushkin). In four versts, I had a rich estate belonging to the Countess B ***, but only the helper lived in it, and the Countess visited his estate only once, in the first year of his courage (A. Pushkin). Once, in the second spring of my pinching, there was a rumor that the Countess with her husband will come for the summer to his village (A. Pushkin).

Tasks for self-control

Make a complete morphological analysis of the selected nouns, adjectives and numerals.

1. U. grid3.Fencing Channel, crowded man twenty3 - there was an ordinary morning3 scandal. KUPER. 2. In thin in three3 years there is no soul that is not laid down in Lombard; Tolstoy calmly, look - and appeared somewhere at the end of the city house, bought in the name of his wife, then at the other end of another the House 3, then near cities3 villages, then the village with all the lands. G.

Practical lesson

Purpose: expand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe category of facial and verb assays, pay special attention to the fact that it is connected not only with the end, but also with the character of the verb basis.


- Know :

Determine the verb as part of speech, his time, number, face;

-- To be able to:having hide the verbs in the present and the future, to recognize the face and number of verb in pronoun, at the personal end, on the issue; distinguish between the personal endings of the verbs of the I and II of the Loans and on personal endings to determine the rigging of verbs; Change the shape of the face of the verbs of the same liner and correctly write personal endings of verbs; Recognize the hinge of verbs on the impact personal endings, correctly write the shock personal endings of the verbs.

Questions to the topic:

1. Give the definition of the category of the face of the verb. What basis are the forms of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd person, what values \u200b\u200bare they expressed? Give examples.

2. How many forms and what can have impersonal verb? Show it on the examples.

3. What is called the leasing of the verb in a wide and narrow meaning of this term?

4. What forms of verb are called hidden and why?

5. What are the forms of verb called unqualified and why? Confirm examples.

6. Tell us about the leaning of the verb. What is "post-tracking verbs"? Give examples.

7. How can I make a morphologically determine the verb belonging to the type of hide? Show on the examples.

Practical tasks:

Remember algorithm for definition of verb assholes and some difficult cases, listed bellow.

- Put an emphasis in the personal shape of the verb. If the verb has a prefix you, then discard it and check it out where the stress falls. If the enhancing in the personal shape of the verb falls on the end, then the verbs with the shock E, U / Yu are the verbs of the Ilitness I, and with the shock and, and the II of the Hinders.

- If the injury in the personal shape of the verb does not fall on the endTo determine the Hinding, the verb is put in an indefinite form. The verbs are to be (except to shave, string) relate to the II solving. The same lining includes 11 verbs of exceptions (drive, keep, watch, see, breathe, hear, hate, depend on, tolerate, offend, twirl) and all the prefix derivatives from them. The remaining verbs belong to the I Helding (including these shaving, string).

- Remember that the involvement form driven with a suffix II of the Hidness comes from an obsolete verb to move, and not from the verb to move.

- Remember that there is a small amount of differenceproken verbs. They combine the end of both hides. These verbs want, run (and all the prefix derivatives from them), silent, tool, eat, boring, give, create. The verb needs to be aware of the II solving, however, in 3 persons of the multiple number, there are two equal endings - honor (II lifting) and tight (I Hiding).

4. Take advantage of the algorithm and determine the touch of the following verbs: see, foresee, pale, pale, silence, silence, silent, harden, harden, offend, offend, silence, run, want, wonder, pay.

Required exercises:

Zemsky. In 2 parts. Part 1. Lexicology, stylistics and culture of speech, phonetics, morphology: textbook for students Ped. School. on special № 000 /, S. E Hooks; Ed. . - 10th ed., Act. and add. - M.: Enlightenment, 1986. - 304 p.

UPR. 260, p. 224. Spinit, inserting missed letters; Specify the face and number of verbs. Mark all the features in the use of face forms.

UPR. 262, p. 225. Spinit, inserting missed letters in the end of the 2nd face of the singular, and specify the values \u200b\u200bof this form of the verb; Highlight personal endings.

UPR. 264, p. 225. Make proposals so that in one of them the verb was in the 3rd face of the only number of the present and future time, and in another - in an indefinite form.

UPR. 266. Spariate, inserting missed punctuation marks. Specify the impersonal forms of personal verbs and impersonal verbs, determine their values.

UPR. 268, p. 229. Corrosive verbs.

I will take, hale, salt, I write, I hear the glue, I, I will, I will, I, hold, I seek, I'm fighting, I want, I want, I eat, eat.

UPR. 272, p. 230. Spinit, inserting missed letters and punctuation signs. To each verb, pick up an undefined form and indicate the leaping of the verb - I or II.

Additional exercises:

Exercise 1. Impersonent verbs Replace verbs in the form of the past time and build proposals with them.

It becomes, I want, it dreamed, it will be sick, it is possible, it is mint, the lights, not sleep, the dwellings, hurt, frost.

Exercise 2. Forward the verbs of the 2nd face of the only number and 3rd face of the plural.

Become, remember, chant, glue, dig, shave, sow, tolerate, plow, dress, slip, slip, slander, disperse, sleep, hear, listen, send, send.

Exercise 3. Divide into groups of verbs that have no shape of the 1st person of the singular. Specify the features of each group.

Hold, tick, convince, hang, crowd, overtake, win, evening, dawn, nausea, tortime, come (about time), boil (about water), occur, flow, break, shake, passed, grab.

Exercise 4.. Corrosive verbs recover, adzyny, beyond. What do you need to remember while the assay of these verbs?

Material for independent work:

1. In the following verbs, highlight the basis of the present time.

Having fun, forget, sound, pour, remember, carry, stroke, go out, greasy, sew, boil, catch, nicon.

2. In the following verbs, highlight the infinitive basis.

Think, ask, sing, depend, calculate, think over, fall asleep, die, break, spend the night, shed, mourge, be able.

Tasks for self-control

1. In what form of the verb is changing on persons? Form the paradigm of the verbs face.

Anton Chekhov

The lights

Behind the door, the dog was alarming. Ananiev engineer, his assistant student von Schtenberg and I left the barrack to see who she barks. I was a guest in the barrack and could not go, but, confess, from the drunk wine I had a little bit spinning my head, and I was glad to breathe fresh air. "No one ..." said Ananiev when we came out. - What are you lying, Azelka? Fool! There was no soul around the circle. Fool of Azelka, black yard dog, wanting, probably, apologize to us for his vain Lai, looked at us and merged with a tail. The engineer has bent and touched him between the ears. - What are you, creature, do you laugh? He told the tone, how good-natured people talk to children and with dogs. - The bad dream saw that? Here, doctor, I recommend to your attention, "he said, turning to me, - an amazing nervous subject! You can imagine, does not endure loneliness, there are always scary dreams and suffers from nightmares, and when you stick to him, then something like hysterics is made with him. - Yes, a delicate dog ... - confirmed the student. Azelka, must be understood that the conversation is about him; He raised his face and stolen himself, as if he wanted to say: "Yes, at times I am unbearably suffering, but you, please, sorry!" The night was August, star, but dark. Because before I have never been in my life with such an exceptional setting, which I accidentally hit now, this starry night seemed to me deaf, intense and darker than she really was. I was on the railway line, which was still built only. High, half finished mound, piles of sand, clay and rubble, barracks, pits, scattered in some places, flat elevations over earthmakes, in which workers lived, - all this Yelash, painted by dwarfs in one color, attached to earth some strange , wild physiognomy, resembling about the times of chaos. In everything he lay in front of me, it was before that little about it, that among the ugly insistent, nor not like the land somehow was strange to see the silhouettes of people and slender telegraph poles; Those and others spoiled the ensemble of the painting and seemed not from this world. It was quiet, and only heard, as over our heads, somewhere very high, Telegraph buzzed her boring song. We climbed to mound and looked at the ground with her height. In the seedlings of the fifty of us, where bumps, pits and heaps merged fastened with the night of the Molten, blinked dim light. Another fire was glowing behind him, after this, the third, then, retreats the steps of a hundred, glowing along two red eyes - probably the windows of some barrack - and a long row of such lights, becoming all the thick and dim, stretched along the line until the horizon itself, then The semicircle turned left and disappeared in a distant Mol. The lights were stationary. In them, in the night silence and in the sad song of the telegraph, something in common was felt. It seemed that some important mystery was buried under the embankment, and only lights, night and wire knew about it ... - Eka grace, Lord! - sighed Ananya. - So much expanser and beauty that even debt! What is the mound! It's my friend, not mound, but a whole Mont Blanc! Millions cost ... Related by lights and embankments, which costs millions, fucking from wine and a centimentally configured engineer patted the student's shoulder von Schtenberg and continued in a joking tone: - What, Mikhailo Mikhaylich, were thought? I suppose, nice to look at your hands? Last year, there was a naked steppe in this very place, a human spirit did not smell, and now look: life, civilization! And how is all this good, to God! We are building a railway, and after us, so far in a hundred or two hundred years, good people will configure factories, schools, hospitals here and - boil the car! BUT? The student stood motionless, putting his hands in his pockets, and did not break his eyes off the lights. He did not listen to the engineer, thought about something and, apparently, was worried about the mood when I don't want to talk or listen. After a long silence, he turned to me and said quietly: - Do you know what these endless lights look like? They cause me an idea of \u200b\u200bsomething long ago, who lived thousands of years ago, about something like an Amalektyan camp or the Philistines. Exactly some kind of Old Testament people settled down and is waiting for the morning to fight Saul or David. For the completeness of the illusion, there is not enough tubular sounds, so so that there are time for hours on some Ethiopian language. - Perhaps ... - agreed the engineer. And, as for the purpose, the wind ran the wind and the sound of a sound, similar to the bumping of weapons. Silence has come. I don't know what the engineer and student thought about now, but it seemed to me that I see the dead ahead of myself a long time ago and even hear the hourly speaking of incomprehensible language. Imagination My Hurry to draw tents, strange people, their clothes, armor ... "Yes," the student muttered in thought. - Once on this light, the Philistines and Amalektyans lived, wars, played a role, and now they were leaked. So it will be with us. Now we build a railway, we are standing in philosophice, and thousands of two years will be held, and from this embankment and from all these people who are now sleeping after hard work, there will be no dust. In essence, it's terrible! "And you throw these thoughts ..." said the engineer seriously and instructively. - Why? - And therefore ... life should be born, and not start. You are still too young for them. - Why? - repeated the student. - All these thoughts about the fragility and insignificance, about the aimlessness of life, about the inevitability of death, about the illuminated darkements, and so on., All these high thoughts, I say, my soul, good and natural in old age when they are a product of long internal work, are distinguished and in fact make up mental wealth; For the young brain who barely begins independent life, they are just misfortune! Misfortune! - repeated Ananiev and waved his hand. - In my opinion, in your years it is better not to have heads on the shoulders at all than to think in this direction. I, Baron, seriously say. And for a long time I was going to talk to you about it, because from the first day of our acquaintance I noticed addiction to these Anathemian thoughts! - Lord, why are they anathema? - asked, smiling, a student, and in his voice and in the face it was noticeable that he only responds from simple politeness and that the dispute was inflicted by the engineer, not at all interested him. My eyes sticked out. I dreamed that immediately after the walk we wish each other late night and lay sleep, but my dream did not come true soon. When we returned to the Barack, the engineer removed the empty bottles under the bed, took out two complete wicker drawers and, defending them, sat down at her desk with an obvious intention to continue drinking, talking and working. Cutting a little bit from the glass, he made a pencil note on some drawings and continued to prove the student that he thinks in an inappropriate way. The student was sitting next to him, checked some scores and was silent. He, like me, did not want to talk nor listen. I, in order not to interfere with people to work and expect every minute that I will be offered to lie down in bed, sitting away from the table on a hiking crumular engineer bed and missed. There was the first hour of the night. From nothing to do I observed my new acquaintances. Neither Ananeva, nor the student I have never seen before and met them only in the night described. Late in the evening I was returned to the top from the fair to the landowner, whose he was located, got into the dotmakes, not on the road and worn. Circling around the line and seeing how dark night is thick, I remembered the "barefoot cast-iron", seating walking and equestrian, Strestil and knocked on the first Barack. Here I was welcomed by Ananev and a student. As it happens to people who have fallen to each other, descended by chance, we quickly met, made friends and first for tea, then the wine had already felt as if the whole years were familiar. Through some hour I already knew who they were and how fate brought them from the capital to the distant steppe, and they knew who I did, what I was doing and how thought. Ananian engineer, Nikolai Anastasyevich, was carnown, wide in his shoulders and, judging by the outside, he had already started like Othello, "go down to the Valley of the Old Years" and too much to fully. He was in that very time, which the Swhahs call the "man in the juice", that is, there was no young nor old, loved to eat well, drink and praise the past, burned slightly when walking, in a dream, snores in a dream, and in handling The surrounding showed that the late, unperturbed good nature, which is acquired by decent people, when they translate into headquarters officer ranks and begin to fully. His head and beard were far from gray hair, but he somehow unwittingly, without noticing himself, condescendingly the young people of My "My Soul" and felt how it would be good-natured to bung them for the image of thoughts. His movements and voice were deceased, smoothly, confident, like a person who knew perfectly that he had already gone out on the real way, that he had a certain deal, a certain piece of bread, a certain look at things ... his tanned, a fat face And the muscular neck as it were said: "I felt, healthy, satisfied with myself, and the time will come, and you, young people, will also be fed, healthy and satisfied with themselves ..." He dressed in a sieve shit with a slash and wide Linen pantalons covered in large boots. According to some trifles, such as, for example, on a color gap rouse, embroidered apartment and crest on the elbow, I could guess that he was married and, in all likelihood, gently love his wife. Baron Von Schtenberg, Mikhail Mikhailovich, a student of the Institute of Communication, was young, 23-24 years. Only alone blond hair and a liquid beard, yes, perhaps, some of the rudeness and dryness of the face were reminded of its origin from the Ostsey Barons, yet the rest - the name, faith, thoughts, manners and the expression of his face were pure Russian. Dressed in the same way as Ananiev, in a sutsteen shirt of a blank and large boots, a short, long-haired, tanned, he was not like a student, not on Baron, but on an ordinary Russian subset. He said and moved it a little, the wine drank reluctantly, without appetite, the scores checked mechanically and all the time seemed to think about something. The movements and his voice were also deceased and smoothly, but his peace was quite another kind of engineer. Tanned, slightly mocking, thoughtful face, his looked little bit of eyes and the whole figure expressed his spiritual lull, brain laziness ... He looked as if it would be determined to be resolutely, whether the fire was burning before him, or not, whether Wine, or disgust, whether the scores that he checked, or not ... and on his smart, the deceased face I read: "I don't see anything good in anything in a certain case, nor in a certain piece of bread, nor in a certain glance on things. All this is nonsense. I was in St. Petersburg, now I sit here in the barrack, from here in the fall I will leave again in St. Petersburg, then in the spring again here ... Which of all this will come out, I don't know, and no one knows ... it became, and nothing to be interpreted ... ... " The engineer listened to him without interest, with those indulgent indifference, with what kind of cadets of senior classes are listening to the dislike-mindedness. It seemed that all the said engineer was not new for him and that if he was not too lazy to speak, he would say something newer and smart. Ananya, meanwhile, did not get down. He, he left good-naturedly, joking tone and said seriously, even with hobby, which did not at all go to his expression of peace. Apparently, he was not indifferent to the abstract issues, loved them, but they did not know how to interpret them and not used. And this unaccustomer has so much affected his speech, that I did not immediately understand what he wants. - All soul hate these thoughts! - he said. - I myself was ill with them in my youth, now I didn't quite get rid of them and tell you, it may be because I'm stupid and that these thoughts were not hard for me, - they did not bring me anything but evil . It is so clear! Thoughts about the aimlessness of life, about the insignificance and fragility of the visible world, the Solomon "Justa of Just" made up and make up the highest and final level in the field of human thinking. I got a thinker to this step and - Stop Machine! Next go nowhere. This completes the activities of the normal brain, which is natural and in the order of things. Our misfortune is that we begin to think exactly from this end. The normal people cum, the more we start. From the first Ambutsuga, barely only the brain starts an independent work, we climb the highest, the final stage and know do not want those steps that downgrade. - What is it bad? - asked the student. - Yes, you understand that it is abnormal! - shouted Ananiev, looking at him almost with anger. - If we found a way to climb on the upper step without the help of the lower, then the whole long staircase, that is, the whole life with her paints, sounds and thoughts, loses all meaning for us. What in your years this thinking is evil and absurd, you can understand from each step of your reasonable, independent life. We put that this is now a minute you sit down to read some Darwin or Shakespeare. I barely read one page as a reflection begins to affickly affect: and your long life, and Shakespeare, and Darwin seem to you fucking, absurd, because you know that you will die that Shakespeare and Darwin also died that their thoughts were not saved Their themselves, no land, no you, and that if, thus, life is deprived of meaning, then all these knowledge, poetry and high thoughts are only unnecessary fun, idle toy adult children. And you stop reading on the second page. Now, put people, as a smart person, people come to you and ask your opinion, for example, at least about war: is it desirable, it is moral or not? In response to this terrible question you will only like your shoulders and limit yourself to some common place, because for you, with your manner think, it is still strong anyway, whether hundreds of thousands of people will die violent or their death: in the other case, results Some and the same - dust and oblivion. We build a railway with you. What, it is asked, to break the heads, to invent, rise above the template, regret the workers, steal or not steal, if we know that this road will turn into dust in two thousand years? And so on, and so on ... Agree that, with such an unhappy way of thinking, no progress, nor science, nor art, neither thinking itself is possible. It seems to us that we are smarter than the crowds and Shakespeare, in essence, our thinker work comes down to nothing, as we have no hunt to descend on the lower steps, and there is no place to go above and it is worth our brain at the freezing point - neither TPRRU, nor well ... I was under the oppression of these thoughts about six years old and, I swear to you, for all this time I did not read any voucher of the book, did not become smarter for a penny and did not enrich my moral code. Isn't it misfortune? We will discuss, just that we ourselves are poisoned, but we still contribute to the life of the surrounding us. Would be good, we would give up life with your pessimism, would go to the caves or hurried to die, and then we, submissive general law, live, feel, love women, bring up children, build roads! "From our thoughts to anyone neither warm or cold ..." said the student reluctantly. - No, you are - ah, leave! You have not sniffed, as it should, of life, but as you live with my, my friend, you know Kuzkin's mother! Our thinking is not so innocent as you think. In practical life, in collisions with people, it only leads to horrors and nonsense. I had to worry about such provisions, I would not wish any evil Tatarin. - For example? - I asked. - For example? - asked the engineer; He thought, smiled and said: - For example, take at least such a case. Rather, this is not a case, but a whole novel with a string and junction. Fine lesson! Oh, what lesson! He poured wines to himself and drank, stroked his hands his wide chest and continued, turning more to me than to the student: "It was in the summer of 187 ... of the year, shortly after the war and at the end of the course me. I went to the Caucasus and stopped traveling for five days in the Primorsky city of N. We must tell you that in this city I was born and grew up, and therefore there is nothing wisdom that N. I seemed unusually cozy, warm and beautiful, although the metropolitan person lives It is also boring and uncomfortable, as in any chukhlome or stuff. I walked past the gymnasium in sadness, in which he studied, with sadness walked through a very familiar city garden, made a sad attempt to see the people who have not seen a long time, but remembered ... everything and sadness ... By the way, I went to one of the evenings in the so-dressed quarantine. This is a small, whipping a grove, in which a quarantine has ever been to the forgotten plague in the forgotten time, now daccias live. Riding it comes from the city four versts on a good, soft road. You go and see: to the left of the blue sea, rightly an infinite frown steppe; It breathes easily and eyes not closely. The grove itself is located on the seashore. After releasing his cab driver, I entered the familiar gate and headed by Alley to a small stone gazebo, which I loved in my childhood. In my opinion, this round, heavy gazebo on the clumsy columns, which combined the lyricism of the old grave monument with the apotion of the Sobevich, was the most poetic corner in the whole city. She stood on the edge of the shore, over the coolest, and it was perfectly visible from her. I sat on the bench and, having frowning through the railing, looked down. From the gazebo on a steep, almost the head of the shore, the path fled on the clay bumps and the ruin; Where she ended, far below the sandy coast was lazily foam and gently purred low waves. The sea was the same magnificent, infinite and intense, as seven years before that, when I, king the course in the gymnasium, leaving my native city to the capital; The smoke strip was dark, it was a steamer, and, besides this, almost visible and stationary strips, and the Martyshki, who melted over the water, did nothing revived the monotonous picture of the sea and the sky. To the right and left from the gazebo, uneven clay shores stretched ... You know when a sad tuned man remains one on one with the sea or in general with a landscape that seems to be a grandiose, then for some reason he always mixes confidence that he will live and dying in obscurity, and he is more reflectively enough for a pencil and hurry Write on what got your name. That is why it is probably all lonely, secluded corners, like my gazebos, there are always stained with pencils and rolled up with perico knives. As I remember, looking backing the railing, I read: "O. P. (that is, left the memory) Ivan Korolkov on May 16, 1876. " Immediately, next to Kolikov, some local dreamer signed and added: "He stood on the shore of the desert waves, the Duma of the great full." And his handwriting was dreamed, sluggish, like wet silk. Some cross, probably a very small and insignificant little man, so strongly felt his insignificance, which gave the will a peer-knife and depicted his name deep, topped letters. I automatically pulled a pencil from my pocket and also signed on one of the columns. However, all this does not concern ... Sorry, I do not know how to talk briefly. I got sad and missed a little bit. Boredom, silence and purring waves a little, brought me to the very thinking about which we just talked. Then, at the end of the seventies, it began to be fashioned by the public and then at the beginning of the eighties it became gradually to move from the public to literature, science and politics. I was then no more than 26 years old, but I really knew that life is aimless and does not make sense that all the deception and illusion that essentially the results of a cautious life on the island of Sakhalin is no different from life in Nice that the difference between the brain Kant and the brain flies do not have a significant value that no one is right in this light, nor faults that everything is nonsense and nonsense and that well it is all to hell! I lived and as if I did this facilities with an unknown force, forcing me to live: on, they say, look, power, I put my life in the penny, but I live! I thought in one particular direction, but for all sorts of frets, and in this respect I was on that subtle grocery car, which from one potato knew how to prepare a hundred delicious dishes. There is no doubt that I was unilateral to some degree even narrow, but then it seemed to me that my thought horizon had no beginning, nor the end and that my idea was like a sea. Well, as far as I can judge by myself, thinking about which is in its essence, something retractor, narcotic, like tobacco or morphine. It becomes a habit, need. Each minute of loneliness and every convenient case, you use in order to resignore the thoughts about the aimless life and the diplomas. When I was sitting in the gazebo, the Greek children with long noses were grayly strolled along the allele. I took advantage of the sim convenient case and, looking at them, began to think in such a kind: "What, what do you think, do these are the most children? Is there any meaning in their existence? They will grow, not knowing why, will live in this wilderness without any need and penetrate ... " And I even became annoying on these children for the fact that they go gray and something somewhat talking, as if it was actually expensively appreciated their small, colorless lives and know what they live ... I remember, far at the end of the alley Three female figures appeared. Some young ladies are one in a pink dress, two in white - they walked around, holding under his hands, they said about something and laughed. Watching them with my eyes, I thought: "It would be nice now from the boredom of the day for two go here with some kind of woman!" By the way I remembered that my Petersburg Baryn was the last time I was three weeks ago, and thought that the fleeting novel would be very much for me. The middle young lady in white seemed younger and more beautiful than his girlfriends and, judging by the manners and laughter, was an older gymnasics. I did not look at her bust without unclean thoughts and at the same time I thought about her: "I will learn music and manners, I will marry somehow, forgive the Lord, Greek Pindos, will live gray and stupid, without any need, nait, herself Not knowing why a bunch of children and die. Veliad life! " In general, I must say, I was a master to combine my high thoughts with the lowest prose. Thoughts about the postal darkens did not interfere with me to give proper tribute to bust and legs. To our cute baron, his high thoughts also do not bother to ride on Saturdays in the shaking and make the Donzhuan raids there. Speaking on conscience, as far as I remember myself, my relationships to women were the most offensive. Now, I remember about the gymnasium, I flushed for my then thoughts, then my conscience was completely deceased. I, son of noble parents, a Christian who received a higher education, by nature, is not angry and not stupid, did not feel the slightest concern, when he paid women, as the Germans say, blutgeld or when he had gymnasics offensive views ... the trouble is that youth It has its own rights, and our thinking in principle has nothing against these rights, whether they are good or disgusting. Who knows that life is aimless and death is inevitable, it is very indifferent to the fight against nature and to the concept of sin: Born or do not fight - you still die and holy ... Secondly, the sacares of mine, our thinking even in very young People so-called rationality. The predominance of the mind over your heart is overwhelming. Direct feeling, inspiration - everything is muffled in a petty analysis. Where is the rationality, there is coldness, and cold people - there is nothing to hide the sin - do not know the chastity. This virtue is familiar only to those who warmly, cordient and can love. Thirdly, our thinking, denying the meaning of life, thereby denies the meaning of each individual personality. It is clear that if I deny the identity of some Natalia Stepanovna, then for me it is determined, it is also offended or not. Today, he insulted her human dignity, paid her blutgeld, and tomorrow I don't remember her. So, I was sitting in a gazebo and watched the young lady. Another female figure with a uncoated blond head and with a white knitted handkerchief appeared on the alley. She walked along the alley, then entered the gazebo and, holding a railing, indifferently looked down and away at sea. Entering, she did not pay any attention to me, did not notice exactly. I looked at her from the legs to the head (but not from my head to the legs, how to look like men) and found that she was young, not older than 25 years old, Milovoid, well folded, in all likelihood, no longer the lady and belongs to the category of decent. It was dressed, it was homely, but fashionable and tasteful, as generally dressed in N. All intelligent barynis. "That's it with this ... - I thought, looking at her beautiful waist and hands. - Wow ... There must be a spouse of some arculap or teacher of the gymnasium ... " But to come together with her, that is, to make her heroines of one of those expressive novels, to whom the tourists are so tanks, it was not easy and perhaps possible. I felt it, after watching her face. She so looked and had such an expression, as if the sea, the smoke was away and the sky had long been tired of her and tired her eyesight; She, apparently, was tired, I missed, I thought about something as a little, and there was no even thieh, stretched-indifferent expression, which is almost in any woman, when she feels near the presence of an unfamiliar man. A blonde glanced in a glimpse and boredly looked at me, sat down on the bench and thought about something, and I understood her look that she was not up to me and that I didn't even excite in her simple curiosity in her. But I still decided to speak with her and asked: - Madam, let me ask you, in which the hour leaves from here to the city of the line? - It seems to ten, or in eleven ... I thanked. She looked at me once, and on her impassive face suddenly flashed curiosity, then something like surprisingly ... I hurried to give myself an indifferent expression and take the appropriate pose: pecks! She, exactly her something hurt, suddenly rose from the bench, smiled meekly and, hurriedly looking at me, she asked timidly: - Listen, do you happen, not Ananiev? "Yes, I am Ananyev ..." I replied. - And you do not know me? Not? I was a little embarrassed, I looked at her closely and, you can imagine myself, I learned it not to face, not in a figure, but for meek, tired smile. It was Natalia Stepanovna, or, as she was called, pussy, the same, in which I was on the ears in love with 7-8 years ago, when there was a gymnasium uniform. The affairs of the long-lasting days, a dedication of antiquities deep ... I remember this pussy small, slender gymnasium 15-16, when she portrayed something in the gymnasium taste created by nature specifically for Platonic Love. What a lovely girl! Pale, fragile, easy, - it seems to dance on her, and she will fly away like a fluff, under the most heavens - the face is meek, perplexed, handles are small, the hair is long to the belt, soft, the waist is thin, like the wasp - in general Essential, transparent, similar to moonlight, in one word, from the point of view of the gymnasium, the beauty is indescribed ... I was in love with her - in how! Nights did not sleep, poems wrote ... It happened, in the evenings she sat in the city garden on the bench, and we, the gymnasists, crowded around her and reverently contemplated ... In response to all our compliments, poses and sighs, she nervously haughtily devoured from the evening damp, jumped but smiled meekly, and at that time terribly looked at a small pretty kitten; When we contemplated her, every of us came the desire to climb her and stroke like a cat, - hence the nicknamed pussy. For seven or eight years, while we did not see each other, the pussy has changed much. She became courageous, fuller and completely lost the similarity with a soft, fluffy kitten. The features are not the same to raise or faded, but it seemed to sweat and became more stricter, the hair seemed shorter, the growth is higher, the shoulders are almost twice as wide, and the main thing was already the expression on maternity and humility, which is for decent women in her years and What I used to, of course, did not see her ... In a word, the meek smile only survived from the former gymnasic and Platonic and more ... We talked. After learning that I was already an engineer, the pussy was terribly delighted. - How good is it! - she said, happily looking into my eyes. - Oh, how good! And what are you all well done! Of all your release there is not a single loser, of all people came out. One engineer, another doctor, the third teacher, the fourth, say, now the famous singer in St. Petersburg ... All, all you are well done! Oh, how good is it! In the eyes of the pussy, sincere joy and goodwill glow. She admired me like an older sister or a former teacher. And I looked at her cute face and thought: "It would be good to come together with her!" "Remember, Natalia Stepanovna," I asked, "as I once brought you a bouquet with a note in the garden?" You read my notch and your face there was such a bewilderment ... "No, I don't remember," she said, shook. - But I remember how you wanted to call Florence to duel ... - Well, I don't remember this, I do not remember ... "Yes, what happened, then it passed ..." a pussy sighed. - Once I had a Godman, and now my turn has come to look at all of you from the bottom ... From further conversation, I learned that the pussy of the year two after the end of the course in the gymnasium married one local man in the gymnasium, half-semi-Russian semi-Russian, whoever served in the bank, not that in the insurance society and at the same time of wheat trading. The last name he had some kind of wisdom, something like pollocks or scandulous ... Damn him knows, forgot ... In general, he said a little and reluctant about himself. The conversation was only about me. She asked me about the institute, about my comrades, about St. Petersburg, about my plans, and everything that I said, I excited living joy in it and exclamation: "Oh, how good!" We went down down to the sea, walked around the sand, then, when the evening damp, came from the sea, returned to the top. All the time the conversation was about me and about the past. We walked until the windows of the evening dawn began to fall in the windows. "Let's go to me drink tea," the pussy suggested me. "There must be a samovar for a long time on the table ... I'm alone at home," she said, when her cottage appeared through the greens of acacia. "The husband is always in the city and returns only at night, and even that is not every day, and I have, admit, such a boredom that is just death." I walked behind her, admired her back and shoulders. I was pleased that she was married. For fleeting novels, married is more suitable material than the ladies. It was also nice to me that her husband is not at home ... But at the same time I felt that the novel was not ... We entered the house. Rooms in pussy were small, with low ceilings, furniture Country (and in dachas, the Russian man loves the furniture uncomfortable, heavy, dim, which and to throw out a pity and to delete now), but for some trifles it could still be noted that the pussy with his spouse I lived not poorly and lived thousand five or six per year. I remember, in the middle of a room that the pussy called the dining room, for some reason, there was a round table on six legs, samovar and cups on it, and on the edge of the table lay open book, pencil and a notebook. I looked into the book and learned in it an arithmetic problemer of Malinina and Burnin. It was disclosed, as I remember, on the "Rules of the Partnership". - What are you doing with? - I asked the pussy. "She answered with anyone ..." she answered. "It's me so ... from boredom and from nothing to do, I remember old, the tasks decide. - Do you have children? - There was one boy, but lived for a week and died. Began to drink tea. Admiring me, the pussy spoke again about how good that I am an engineer, and how she was glad to my successes. And the more she spoke and the sincere smiles, the stronger the confidence became in me that I would leave it from Solono Bread. I was then a specialist in part of the novels and knew how to really weigh my chances of success or fail. You can safely count on success if you hunt the fool or on the same seeker adventure and sensations as you yourself, or a woman, for which you are alien. If you meet a woman with a wrong and serious, whose person expresses tired of humility and goodwill, which is sincerely rejoicing your presence, and most importantly - respects you, then you can turn back. Here, to be successful, you need a longer period than one day. And the pussy during evening lighting seemed even more interesting than the day. I liked it more and more, I, too, apparently, was sympathetic to her. Yes, and the situation was the most suitable for the novel: the husband is not at home, the servants are not visible, there is silence ... no matter how little I believed in success, but still hesitated just in case to start an attack just in case. First of all, it was necessary to go to the familial tone and the lyric-serious mood of the pussy to change to a lighter ... "Let's, Natalia Stepanovna, change the conversation," I started. "Talk about something cheerful ... First of all, let me give me an old memory to make you pussy." She allowed. "Please tell me a pussy," I continued, "what a fly bit the whole world's beautiful floor?" What happened to him? Before everyone had such moral, virtuous, and now, have a mellow, about anyone you ask, about everyone they say such that just for the person is scary ... One young lady with an officer fled, another run and fascinated with him a gymnasium, the third, lady, left From her husband with an actor, the fourth of her husband went to the officer, and so on, and so on ... a whole epidemic! Stage, perhaps, in your city there will be no one launcher and not a single young wife! I spoke a vulgar, fluffing tone. If I laughed in response to me, I would continue in such a kind: "Oh, see a pussy, how would any officer or actor who would have kidnapped here!" She would lower the eyes and said: "To whom the hunt will come to kidnap me such ? There is a lifting and more beautiful ... "And I would:" Fullness, pussy, yes, I would have kidnapped you with pleasure! "And so on in such a kind, and in the end it was my hat. But in response, my pussy did not laugh, but, on the contrary, I made a serious face and sighed. "All this, that is told, though ..." she said. - With the actor left the husband my cousin Sonya. Of course, it is not good ... Everyone must endure the fact that he is laid from fate, but I do not condemn them and do not blame ... The circumstances are sometimes stronger than a person! - It's so, a pussy, but what circumstances could the whole epidemic bequeathed? "Very simple and understandable ..." said a pussy, raising his eyebrows. - We have intelligent girls and women decisively have nowhere to go. Going to courses or to enter the teacher, in general, living with ideas and goals, as men live, not everyone can. We must get married ... And for whom you will order? You, boys, end the course in the gymnasium and leave for the university to never return to the native city, and marry the capitals, and the girls stay! .. For whom they will order to go out? Well, for the lack of decent, developed people, and God comes out knows for whom, for different brokers, yes Pindos, who only know how to drink yes in the club scandalous ... Girls come out so, in vain ... What is the life after that? You understand, the woman formed and educated lives with a stupid, heavy man; She will meet some intelligent person, an officer, actor or doctor, well love, will be unbearable to her life, she runs away from her husband. And it is impossible to condemn! - If so, a pussy, then why marry to go? - I asked. "Of course," a pussy sighed, "but every girl seems to be that at least some husband than anything ... In general, Nikolay Anastasyevich, it's not good here, very bad! And in girls is stuffy, and married stuffy ... Here you laugh at Sonya for the fact that she fled, and even with the actor, and if they looked into her soul, they would not laugh ... " Outside the door again lay azelka. He splashed viciously on someone, then overwhelmed with a longing and all the body strangged on the wall of the barrack ... Ananyeva's face pierced against pity; He interrupted his story and came out. Two minutes heard was, as he consoled a dog behind the door: "Good dog! Poor dog! " - Our Nikolai Anastasic loves to talk, "said Schtenberg, smiling. - Good man! - he added after some silence. Returning to Barack, the engineer has poured wine into our glasses and, smiling, stroking himself on his chest, continued: "So my attack failed. There was nothing to do, I left unclean thoughts to a more favorable case, came up with my failure and what is called, waved his hand. Moreover, under the influence of a brushful voice, evening air and silence, I myself climbed into a quiet, lyrical mood. I remember, I sat in the chair of the open window and looked at the trees and the dark sky. Silhouettes of Acacia and Lipa were all the same as eight years ago; Just like then, during childhood, somewhere far a bad piano, all the same was the manner of the public to wander around the alleys back and forth, but there were no people. I didn't go to the alleys, not me, not my comrades, not the objects of my passion, but some other people's gymnasists, strangers of the ladies. And I got sad. And when you received five from pussy about your friends about my questions about: "Died," my sadness turned into a feeling that you feel on a memorial person on a good person. And I sit here at the window, looking at the walking public and listening to the piano's brand, the first time in his life with his own eyes, I saw with what greed one generation is in a hurry to change the other and what is the fatal value in a person's life even some seven or eight years! Pussy put a bottle of Santururian on the table. I drank, Raskis and began to talk about something long. Pussy listened and still admired me and my mind. And time went. The sky has already darkened so that the silhouettes of Acacia and Lipa merged together, the audience no longer walked along the alleys, the piano calmed down and only a smooth noise of the sea was heard. Young people are all the same. Crack, make you a young man, treat it with wine, let him understand that he is interesting, and he will be pursuing, will forget that he is time to leave, and will say, speak, speak ... The owners stick their eyes, they are time Sleep, and he sits and says. So I. Once inadvertently I looked at the clock: there was half the eleventh. I began to say goodbye. - Drink on the track, "Pussy said. I drank on the track, again spoke long, I forgot that it was time to leave, and sat down. But the men's voices, steps and rhodial spurs heard. Some people went under the windows and stopped near the door. "It seems that the husband returned ..." said a pussy, listening. The door clicked, the voices were already in front of the front, and I saw, as past the door leading to the dining room, two people were held: one - a full, solid brunette with a humpback nose and in a straw hat and another - a young officer in a white twig. Passing by the door, both of them are indifferent and gladly looked at me and a pussy, and it seemed to me that both were drunk. - She, it means, you lied, and you believed! - rang out a loud voice with a strong nose nose. - First, it was not in a big club, but in small. - You, Jupiter, are angry, it became, you're wrong ... - said another, laughing and coughing, obviously an officer voice. - Listen, can I stay with you spent the night? You are conscientious: I'm not crazy? - What a question?! Not only possible, but even should. What do you want, beer or wine? Both were sitting through two rooms from us, they said loudly and, apparently, were not interested in a pussy, nor her guest. With pussy, when the husband returned, a noticeable change occurred. She first blushed, then her face took a timid, guilty expression; She took possession of some concern, and it began to seem to me that she could state her husband and I want me to go. I began to say goodbye. Pussy spent me to the porch. I perfectly remember her meek, sad smile and affectionate, submissive eyes, when she shook my hand and said: - Probably, we will never see you again ... well, God forbid you all the best. Thank you! Not a single sigh, not a single phrase. Saying good, she kept a candle in her hands; Bright spots jumped over her face and neck, exactly chasing her sad smile; I imagined my former pussy, which I happened, I wanted to stroke like a cat, I looked closely at the present, for some reason I was remembered: "Everyone must endure the fact that he should be out of fate" - and my soul was not good . My flair guess and my conscience whispered to me, happy and indifferent that I was worth a good, friendly, loving, but tortured ... I crushed and went to the goal. It was already dark. In July, in the south of the evening, it is early and the air gets dark quickly. By ten o'clock, it is so dark that even an eye of a rider. While I was almost touching to the gate, I burned a dozen two matches. - Motor! - I shouted, going beyond the gate; In response, I have no glaze, no frustration ... - Machor! - I repeated. - Hey! Line! But there are no cabrs, nor Linek. Coffin silence. I only hear how the sleepy sea is noise and how it beats from Santourian my heart. I raise my eyes to the sky - there is not a single star. Dark and overcast. Obviously, the sky is covered with clouds. I shrug for something, I smile stupidly and once again, it's not so decisively, the call of the cab driver. - SCH! - answers me echo. Four verst flight on foot, and even in darkness - the prospect of unpleasant. Before you decide to walk on foot, I think for a long time and call the cab driver for a long time, then I shut out my shoulders and without any definite goal, go back to the grove. In the grove dark terribly. Someone between the trees blush the dachnik windows. Crow, awakened by my steps and frightened matches, which I light my way to the gazebo, flying from a tree to a tree and rustles in foliage. I am annoyable and ashamed, and the crow seems to understand it and teases - Krrra! An annoying to me that you have to walk, and I am ashamed that in pussy I drank like a boy. I reached before the gazebo, groped the bench and sat down. Far below, behind thick dots quietly and angrily grumbled the sea. I remember, as the blind, did not see the sea, nor the sky, nor even the gazebo, in which it was sitting, and it was already that all this light consists only of thoughts that roam the head in my ohmel, and from invisible power , monotonously noisy somewhere below. And then, when I tried up, it became me to seem that noise was not the sea, but my thoughts, and that the whole world consists of only one of me. And, focusing in this way in itself the whole world, I forgot about the cabrs, and about the city, and about the pussy, and surrendered to the feeling that I loved so much. It is a feeling of terrible loneliness when it seems to you that in the whole universe, dark and shapeless, there are only one. The feeling is proud, demonic, affordable only by Russian people who have thoughts and feeling as wide, endless and harsh, like their plains, forests, snow. If I were an artist, I could certainly depict a person's expression from a Russian man, when he sits motionless and, picking up his legs, hugging his head with his hands, indulges to this feeling ... And next to this feeling of thought about the aimless life, about death, Postal darkeys ... Thoughts are not worth a penny, but the expression of the face must be beautiful ... While I sat and dreamed, not deciding to climb - I was warm and dead - suddenly among the smooth, monotonous noise of the sea, like on Canva, the sounds were marked, distracted by my attention from yourself ... Someone hastily walked along the alley. Going to the gazebo, someone stopped, sobbed like a girl, and asked the voice of a crying girl: - My God, when, finally, will end all this? Lord! Judging by the voice and in terms of crying, it was a girl about 10-12 years old. She hesitantly entered the gazebo, sat down aloud not that pray, not to complain ... - Lord! She said it out long and crying. - After all, it is unbearable! This will not stand any patience! I suffer, silent, but after all, I will understand, and I want to live ... Ah, my God, my God! And everything in such a kind ... I wanted to look at the girl and talk to her. In order not to frighten her, I first sighed loudly and coughed, then carefully chirped the match ... Bright light flashed in dotmakes and illuminated who we were crying. It was a pussy. " - Miracles in Sweat! - Schtenberg sighed. - Black night, the noise of the sea, suffering she he With the feeling of universal solitude ... Damn knows what! Lack only Circassians with daggers. - I tell you not a fairy tale, and the experience. - Well, even if it was ... This is all for nothing and for a long time already known ... - Wait to despise, let's finish! Said Ananiev, having thrown his hand. - Do not interfere, please! I don't tell you, and Dr. ... "Well," he continued, referring to me and sinking to the student who got down to his accounts and seemed very pleased with the fact that he had teased the engineer. "Well, with, seeing me, a pussy was not surprised and did not get frightened, as if I used to know that he would see me in the gazebo. She intermittedly breathing and trembled with all the body, as in a fever, and her face, wet from tears, as far as I could see, Ignoring a match behind the match, it was not the former intelligent, submissive and tired face, and some other, which I am I can not understand now. It did not express her pain nor anxiety, nor longing, nothing such that expressed her words and tears ... I confess, because it probably didn't understand him, it seemed to me meaningless and drunk. - I can't more ... - I was driving a pussy with a voice of a crying girl. - No of my strength, Nikolai Anastasic! Sorry, Nikolai Anastasych ... I am not able to live like this ... I will go to the city to the mother ... Cut me ... For God's sake, spend! In the presence of crying I did not know how to talk nor be silent. I was confused and in consolation, I was driving some kind of nonsense. - No, no, I will go to the mother! - she said decisively pussy, climbing and convulsively grabbing my hand (her hands and sleeves were wets from tears). - Sorry, Nikolai Anastasy, I will go ... I can no longer ... - Pussy, but not a single cab driver! - I said. - What will you go on? "Nothing, I'll go walk ... here is not far." And I'm no longer able to ... I was confused, but not a rashogan. For me, in tears of pussy, in her trembling and in the blunt expression of the face felt frozen French or small melodrama, where every spool of empty, cheap burning is poured by backing tears. I did not understand her and knew that I did not understand, I would have to be silent, but for some reason it is likely that my silence was not understood as nonsense, I thought it was necessary to persuade her not to go to the mother and sit at home. Crying do not like it when someone sees their tears. And I lit a match for match and chirkal until the box was empty. What I needed this non-religious illumination, I still can not understand. In general, cold people are often awkwards and even stupid. In the end, the pussy took me at hand and we went. Going out for the gate, we turned to the right and walked slowly on the soft, dusty road, it was dark; When my eyes, my little, got used to the dark, I began to distinguish the silhouettes of old, but skinny oaks and linden, which grew on the parties. Soon the black strip of the uneven, rippled shore crossed into some small deep ravines and prominations was unclear. Night bushes, similar to sitting people, nodded near ravines. It became terribly. I suspiciously mowed to the shore and the noise of the sea and the silence of the field unpleasantly scared my imagination. Pussy was silent. She did not cease to tremble and, without passing the half-breed, weakened from walking and choking. I was silent too. In the verst from Quarantine there is an abandoned four-story building with a very high pipe, in which there was once a steam flock. It costs lonely on the shore, and it happens far away from the sea and from the field. Because it is abandoned and that no one lives in it, and because it sits echo and clearly repeats the steps and voices of passersby, it seems mysterious. And now imagine me in a dark night at hand with a woman who runs from her husband, about a long and high grudge, repeating each of my step and motionlessly looking at me with a hundred of his black windows. A normal young man would hit the romanticism with such an atmosphere, I looked at the dark windows and thought: "All this is impressive, but the time will come when and from this building, and from the pussy with her grief, and I will not be left with me with my thoughts and dust ... all nonsense and bustle ... " When we were filled with a flouroline, the pussy suddenly stopped, freed her hand and spoke, but not a girl's voice, but with her own: - Nikolai Anastasic, I know all this seems strange. But I'm scared unhappy! And imagine even you can not, as I am unhappy! Can not imagine! I do not tell you, because it is impossible to tell ... Such life, such a life ... Pussy did not agree, her teeth squeezed and dismantle as if she tried his best to shout from pain. - Such a life! - she repeated with horror and the nationality, with the southern, a little hokhlats emphasis, which, especially in women, gives excited speech character of the song. - Such a life! And, my God, my God, what is it? And my God, my God! Just wanting to solve the mystery of his life, she shrugged in bewilderment, shook her head and splashed his hands. She said, as if sang, moved gracefully and beautifully and reminded me of one famous Hokhlats actress. - Lord, yes, I'm in the pit! She continued, breaking his hands. - At least one minute to live in joy, as people live! And my God, my God! She lived to such a convolution that with someone else's man I'm leaving at night from my husband, like some kind of blessing. What is still good can you wait after that? Adopting her movements and voice, I suddenly began to feel the pleasure of the fact that she did not live in Lada with her husband. "It would be nice to come together with her!" - I fumbled in my thoughts, and this ruthless thought stopped in my brain, did not leave me all the way and smiled at me wider and wider ... Passing the versts to one and a half from flourolia, you need to turn to the city to the left past the cemetery. The turn on the corner of the cemetery is a stone windmill, and near her a small hatch in which the miller lives. We passed the mill and khatka, turned left and reached the gate of the cemetery. Here the pussy stopped and said: - I'll be back, Nikolai Anastasic! You go to yourself with God, and I myself will come back. I'm not scared. - Well, now! - I was afraid. - If you go - so go ... - I'm in vain I got excited ... Everything because of the trifle came out. You reminded me of the past with your conversations, hung me to different thoughts ... I was sad and wanted to cry, and the husband with an officer told me audacity, well, I could not stand it ... And why should I go to the city to the mother? Will I be happier? It is necessary to go back ... And however ... go! - said pussy and laughed. - Does not matter! I remembered that there is an inscription in the cemetery gates: "An hour is coming, In the same time, VSI, I will hear the Son of God," I knew perfectly, that sooner or later the time would come, when I, and Pussy, and her husband, and officer In the White Kittel we will lie down behind the fence under the dark trees, I knew that the unfortunate, an insulted person was going next to me, - I was consciously conscious, but at the same time I was worried about heavy, unpleasant fear that pussy would return and that I would not be able tell her what is needed. Never at another time in my head, the thoughts of the highest order did not intertwined so closely with the lowest, animal prose, like this night ... terrible! Not far from the cemetery we found the cab driver. I drove to a large street, where Kischkin's mother lived, we let go of the cab driver and went on the sidewalk. Pussy was silent all the time, and I looked at her and was angry with myself: "What are you not starting? It's time! "Twenty steps from the hotel where I lived, the pussy stopped near the lantern and cried. - Nikolai Anastasych! She said, crying, laughing and looking into my face with wet, brilliant eyes. - I will never forget your participation ... What are you good! And all of you are so well done! Honest, generous, heartfelt, smart ... oh how good it is! She saw the intelligent and advanced man in me, and on her wet, laughing face, next to the defeating and delight, who excited my special in her, was written by sorrow, that she rarely sees such people and that God did not give her happiness Be the wife of one of them. She mumbled: "Oh, how good!" Children's joy on face, tears, meek smile, soft hair, knocked out from under the handkerchief, and the most scarf, carelessly thrown on his head, with the light of the lantern reminded me of the old pussy, which I wanted to stroke like a cat ... I could not stand and stroke her hair, shoulders, hands ... - Pussy, what do you want? - I felt. - Do you want me to with you on the edge of the world? I will take you from this pit and give you happiness. I love you ... We'll go, my charm? Yes? Okay? In the face of pussy there was bewilderment. She retreated from the lantern, and, stunned, looked at me with big eyes. I firmly grabbed her hand, began to sink her face with kisses, neck, shoulders and continued to swear and give promises. In love affairs, oaths and promises make up almost physiological necessity. Without them you will not cost. Sometimes you know that you are lying and that the promises are not needed, but still swear and promise. Stunned pussy all five times back and looked at me with big eyes ... - Not necessary! Not necessary! She was folted, removing me with his hands. I hugged her tightly. She suddenly scattered hysterically, and her face took the same meaningless, stupid expression, which I saw in her gazebo when I lied the match ... Without asking her consent, I miss her to say, I forcibly dragged her to my hotel ... She was like in a tetanus and did not go, but I took her at hand and almost carried ... I remember when we climbed up the stairs, some kind of figure with the red scene was surprised at me and bowed a pussy ... " Ananyev blushed and silent. He silently walked around the table, disadvantly scratched his head of the back and several times convulsively shrugged and blades from the cold, who ran through his big back. He was so ashamed of it hard to remember, and he fought with him ... - Not good! He said, drinking a glass of wine and shaking his head. - It is said that every time in the introductory lectures on female diseases are advised to students-doctors, before undressing and feeling a sick woman, remember that each of them has a mother, sister, bride ... This advice would not be good for the same doctors But for everyone to someone else come across anyway in life with women. Now that I have a wife and daughter, oh, how I understand this advice! As I understand, my God! However, listen to what's next ... "By becoming my mistress, a pussy looked into business differently than me. First of all, she loved passionately and deeply. The fact that for me was an ordinary love imprompt, for her was a whole coup in life. I remember it seemed to me that she was crazy. Happy for the first time in life, the smoking age for five years, with an inspired, enthusiastic face, not knowing where to go from happiness, she laughed, I cried and never stopped dreaming out loud about how tomorrow we will go to the Caucasus, from there in the fall in St. Petersburg , as we will live later ... - And about your husband, you do not worry! She calmed me. - He is obliged to give me a divorce. The entire city knows that he lives with the older Kostovich. We will receive a divorce and turn. Women when loved, climate and get used to people quickly like cats. I had a pussy in my number of hours and a half, and I felt like at home, and managed my kind, as my own. She stacked my things into the suitcase, juroiled me for the fact that I didn't hang my new nail, an expensive coat, and throw it on a chair like a rag, and so on. I looked at her, listened and felt fatigue and annoyance. I was a little bit of the idea that a decent, honest and suffering a woman was so easy, in some three or four hours I became the mistress of the first counter. This is how a decent person, you see, did not like. Then, it was still unpleasant for me that women like pussy shallow and frivolous, too love life and even such a trifle such as love for a man, ascend to the degree of happiness, suffering, life coup ... In addition, when I was fed, I was annoying for myself that I was drunk and contacted a woman who would have to be deceived ... And I should notice, despite my randomness, could not lie. I remember, the pussy sat at my feet, put her head on his knees and, looking at me with brilliant, loving eyes, asked: - Kohl, do you love me? Highly? Highly? And laughed from happiness ... It seemed probably, gently and inequately, and meanwhile I was already in such a mood when I was looking for first of all the "depth of thought". "Pussy, you would go home," I said, "and then your relatives, which is good, you will be pleading to you and will look around the city." Yes, and awkward that you will come to the mother in the morning ... Pussy agreed with me. For sale, we agreed that tomorrow at noon I will see with her in the city garden, and we will go to Pyatigorsk together after tomorrow. I went out to accompany her to the street and, remember, gently and sincerely caressed her dear. There was a minute when I suddenly became unbearably sorry that she so straightforwardly believes me, and I decided to take her with myself in Pyatigorsk, but, remembering that I only have six hundred rubles in my suitcase and that in the fall to unleashed with her it would be much more difficult What now, I hurried to drown out my pity. We came to the house where Kischkin lived. I pulled the call. When the steps were heard behind the door, the pussy suddenly made a serious face, looked at the sky and thorkelly crossed me several times, as a child, then grabbed my hand and pressed to his lips. - Till tomorrow! - she said and disappeared behind the door. I switched to the opposite sidewalk and he looked at the house. At first, the windows were dark, then in one of the windows flashed a weak bluish light only a lit candle; The light grew up, launched from himself rays, and I saw how some shadows moved around the rooms. "Did not wait!" I thought. Returning to my room, I undressed, drank San Turinsky, bit the fresh grainy caviar, which I bought a day at the bazaar, slowly lay down in bed and fell asleep with a strong, serene bed of tourist. In the morning I woke up with my headache and in the bad location of the Spirit. Something bothered me. "What's the matter? - I asked myself, wanting to explain my anxiety. - What is disturbing me? " And I explained my concern fear that now, perhaps, a pussy will come to me, it will hurt me to leave and I will have to lie and break in front of her. I quickly dressed, put my things and got out of the hotel, ordered the Swiss to deliver my baggage to the station to seven o'clock in the evening. I spent the whole buddy-doctor all day, and in the evening I left the city. As you can see, my thinking did not prevent me from hitting her noise, a changeal flight ... All the time, while I was sitting at a friend and then drove to the station, I was tormented by anxiety. It seemed to me that I am afraid of meeting with a pussy and scandal. At the station, I was deliberately promoted in the restroom to the second call, and when I made my way to my car, it gave me such a feeling, as if all I was chosen from my head to the legs. What impatience and fear I waited for the third call! But there was a saving third call, the train tried; We passed the prison, barracks, went to the field, and anxiety, to the great my surprise, still did not leave me, and still I felt my thief, who would passionately run. What is the oddity? To dispel and calm yourself, I began to look out the window. The train went on the shore. The sea was smooth, and the turquoise sky was having fun and calmly, almost half painted in a gentle, golden-crushing color of the sunset. Something on it was blackwear fishing boats and rafts. The city is clean and beautiful, as a toy, stood on a high shore, and twisted the evening fog. The golden chapters of his churches, windows and greens reflected in themselves the sun, burned and melted, like gold, which melts ... The smell of the field would interfered with a soft dampness, having had from the sea. The train flew quickly. Laugh of passengers and conductors were heard. Everyone had fun and easily, and my incomprehensible concern grew and grew and grew ... I looked at a light fog that covered the city, and it seemed to me how in this fog near churches and houses, with a meaningless, blunt face a woman was taking place, looking for me and voice of a girl or a sharp, like a hokhlats actress, moaning: "And my God, my God!" I remembered her serious face and big, concerned eyes, when she baptized me yesterday, as a native, and engineered his hand, which she was automatically looked kissed. "I'm in love, or what?" I asked myself, scratching my hand. Only with the onset of the night, when the passengers slept and I was one on one with my conscience, I became clear what I could not understand before. In the carriage twilight stood in front of me the image of pussy, did not move away from me, and I was already clearly realized that I had an evil, equivalent to murder. I was tormented by conscience. To soak this unbearable feeling, I assured myself that everything is nonsense and bustle that I and Pussy will die and shring that her grief is nothing in comparison with death, and so on and so on ... that, in the end, free will No and that I, it became, is not to blame, but all these arguments only annoyed me and somehow especially quickly were tried among other thoughts. In the hand, which pussy kissed, there was a feeling of longing ... I went to bed, I got up, drank at stations vodka, abused sandwiches, again it was taken to confrete myself that life does not make sense, but nothing helped. In my head, it was strange and, if you want, a funny job. A wide variety of thoughts in disarray were prayed alone on the other, confused, prevented each other, and I, the thinker, stupid into the land of his forehead, did not understand anything and could not navigate in this pile of the right and unnecessary thoughts. It turned out that I, the thinker, did not even assimilate the techniques of thinking and that I didn't know how to manage my own head, how to fix the clock. For the first time in my life, I thought hard and tensely, and it seemed to me such a wonder that I thought: "I am going crazy!" Whose brain does not always work, but only in difficult moments, it often comes to madness. I washed thus the night, day, then another night, and, making sure how little helps me thinking, I was clear and finally understood that I am for the bird. I realized that my thoughts are not worth a penny and that I haven't yet started to think about meeting with a pussy, I didn't even have a thing about what a serious thought means; Now, having grown, I realized that I had neither conviction, nor a certain moral code, nor heart, nor reason; All the mental and moral wealth of mine consisted of special knowledge, scraps, unnecessary memories, other people's thoughts - and only, and my mental movements were easy, simple and ascround, like Yakut ... If I didn't like to say a lie, did not cradle I killed and did not do obviously gross mistakes at all, then this is not due to my convictions, - I didn't have them, - but just because I was connected by the hands and feet with Nyanyushkin fairy tales and the capital morality, which entered my flesh and Blood and who were unnoticed for me led me in life, although I considered them with absurreness ... I realized that I was not a thinker, not a philosopher, but just a virtuoso. God gave me a healthy, strong Russian brain with talent making. And now imagine this brain on the 26th year of life, not trained, completely free from the standal, not burdened by any pretty, but only slightly dulled in some knowledge of the engineering part; He is young and physiologically declared work, looking for her, and suddenly completely randomly places the beautiful, juicy thought about the aimless life and afterlocking darling. He greedily pulls her into his senses, gives her order all his expanses and begins to play with her on all sorts of frets as a cat with a mouse. The brain neither erudition, nor the system, but it does not matter. He owns his own, natural forces on the self-taught manner copes with a wide thought, and does not pass months, as the brain owner from one potato prepares a hundred delicious dishes and misunderstands himself ... This virtuosity, the game in a serious thought of our generation introduced into science, in the literature, in politics and everywhere, where only it was not lazy to go, and with virtuosity it made his cold, boredom, one-sidedness and, as it seems to me, has already time to raise them in the mass New, still unprecedented attitude towards serious thought. I understood my abnormality and round ignorance and appreciated thanks to misfortune. Normal my thinking, as I seem to me now, it started only from that time when I got for the alphabet, that is, when the conscience drove me back to N., and I, without causing a sly, rejoiced in front of a pussy, squeezed her like a boy , forgiveness and plowed with her ... " Ananyev briefly described his last date with a pussy and silent. "Tek-s ..." student moved through his teeth when the engineer cumshot. - Such things in this world! His face was still expressing a brain laziness, and, apparently, the story of Ananueva did not touch him at all. Only when the engineer, having rested a minute, began to develop his thought again and repeat what was already mentioned at first, the student frowned the student, got up from the table and moved to his bed. He was postponed and began to undress. - You now have such a kind, as if you really convinced anyone! - He said irritably. - I, who convinced someone? - asked the engineer. - My soul, but do I pretend to this? God with you! It is impossible to convince you! You can walk to belief only by personal experience and suffering! .. - And then, amazing logic! - grumbled student, putting on the night shirt. - Thoughts you don't like so much, for young people, for old people, as you say, make up the norm. Accurately we are talking about Sedins ... Where does this senile privilege come from? What is it based on? If these thoughts are poison, so poison for everyone equally. - Oh, no, my soul, do not say! Said the engineer and cunning shifted by the eye. - Do not speak! Old men, first, not virtuosos. Their pessimism is not from the outside, it's not by chance, but from the depths of your own brain, and after they will expand all sorts of Hegels and Kants, are subject to the darkness of the mistakes, in one word, when the entire staircase is up to top. Their pessimism has a personal experience, and solid philosophical development. Secondly, the pessimism is not Saltay-Bolt, as we with you, and world pain, suffering; He has a Christian lining, because it follows from the love of a person and from thoughts about a person and is completely deprived of that egoism, which is noticed in virtuosos. You despise life for the fact that her meaning and the goal is hidden from you, and you are afraid of your own death, the real thinker suffers that the truth is hidden from everyone, and is afraid of all people. For example, there is a stateless Lestering Ivan Alexandrych. Good such an old man. Once he was the teacher somewhere, painted something, damn it knows who he was, but only the clever, the dog was wonderful and in terms of philosophy ate. He read a lot and now he is constantly reading. Well, somehow recently met with him in the truck ... and there just at this time put sleepers and rails. The work of Nimudrenaya, but Ivan Alexandrych, as not a specialist, it seemed something like focus. In order to put the sleeve and fix the rail to it, an experienced master must be needed less than a minute. Workers were in the spirit and worked, indeed, deftly and quickly; Especially one of the scoundrels unusually deftly fell a hammer into the head of the nail and driven it from one scope, and in the handle, the hammer almost a sagen and every nail in foot long. Ivan Alexandrych looked long on the workers, lost and told me with tears in his eyes: "What a pity that these wonderful people will die!" I understand such pessimism ... - All this does not prove anything and does not explain, "the student said, hiding the sheet," and all this is one thing only in a step! No one knows anything and nothing can be proved with words. He looked out from under the sheet, lifted his head and, irritably fascinated, spoke quickly: - It is necessary to be very naive to believe and give the crucial importance of human speech and logic. With words, you can prove and disprove anything, and soon people will improve the technique of language to such an extent that they will prove mathematically that twice two are seven. I love to listen and read, but I thank you, I do not know how and I do not want. I believe alone to God, and you, at least you told me to the second coming and seduced another five hundred pussy, I believe, just when I go crazy ... Good night! The student hid his head under the sheet and turned away to the face to the wall, wanting this movement to make it clear that he really does not want to listen or talk. On this and the dispute ended. Before you go to bed, I and the engineer came out of the barrack, and I once again saw the lights. - We tired you with your chatter! - said Ananev, yawning and looking at the sky. - Well, yes, well, my friend! Just a pleasure in this bored, that here you will drink wine and pofoforming ... Eka mound, Lord! He died when we approached the mound. - This is not a mound, but Ararat Mountain. He paused a little and said: - Baron these lights resemble Amalektyan, and it seems to me that they look like human thoughts ... You know, the thoughts of each individual, too, in this way scattered in the mess, stretch somewhere on the purpose of one line, among the darke, and, nothing Not refreshing, without clarifying the night, disappear somewhere - far beyond old age ... however, quite philosophy! It's time Bai-Bai ... When we returned to Barack, the engineer began to ask me so that I would lie to his bed. - Oh please! - He said beggingly, pressing both hands to the heart. - I ask you to! And about me do not worry. I can sleep anywhere, and not soon there is a lying ... Make such a favor! I agreed, undressed and lay, and he sat down at the table and began the drawings. "Our brother, my friend, no time to sleep," he said in a low voice when I lay down and closed my eyes. - Who has a wife and a couple of guys, not to a sphanger. Now fodder and dress yes for the future of the supplies. And I have two of them: the son and daughter ... the boy has a good little family ... six years old there is no ability, I have been talking to you, extraordinary ... here I have about their cards ... Eh , My Baby, Baby! He stepped in papers, found a card and began to look at them. I fell asleep. Woke me Lai Azorki and loud voices. Schtenberg von, in one underwear, barefoot and with short hair, stood on the doorstep of the door and speaking with someone loudly. Light ... Gloomy, Blue Dawn looked at the door, in the window and in the barley slit and weakly illuminated my bed, the table with papers and ananya. Stranded on the floor on a burken, putting out his fleshy, hairy breasts and with a leather pillow under his head, the engineer slept and snoring so loudly that I had sought a student from the heart, who had to sleep with him every night. - What are the ones we will take? - shouted von Schtenberg. - It does not concern us! Go to the engineer Chalisov! Who are the boilers from? "From Nikitin ..." - answered sullenly someone's bass. - Well, so go to the chalisov ... it is not in our part. Which hell is it? Go! - Your well-being, we were of Mr. Chalisov! - said Bas still sullen. - Yesterday, they were sought for a whole day on the line, and in their barracks we were so they said that they were left for the Dymkov plot. Take, make mercy! How long do we carry them? We take it on the line, and do not see the end ... - What's there? - Cooker Ananev, waking up and raising his head quickly. - From Nikitina the boilers were brought, "the student said," and they ask us to take them. " And what would we take? - chase them in the neck! - Make mercy, your wellness, bring to order! Horses Two days not Jersey and owner, tea, gray. Back to us to take, or what? The railway boilers ordered, it became, she should take ... - Yes, they understand the same, Duby, that this is not our business! Go to Chalisov! - What? Who's there? - Cooker again Ananyev. "And you take them at all," he lit, rising and going to the door. - What? I got dressed and minutes after two came out of the barrack. Ananya and student, both in underwear and barefoot, something hotly and impatiently explained the man who stood in front of them without a hat and with a whip in his hand and, apparently, did not understand them. On the faces of both was written the most everyday concern. - What did your boilers surrender to me? - shouted Ananiev. - I put them on my head to myself, or what? If you did not find Chalisov, then look for his assistant, and leave us alone! Seeing me, the student probably remembered the conversation, who was at night, and his care disappeared on a sleepy face and the expression of cerebral laziness appeared. He waved his hand on a man and, thinking about something, moved to the side. Morning was cloudy. On the line, where the lights were lit at night, they had shut down just woken workers. Voices and creak of the wheelbarrow were heard. Started working day. One horse in the rope break was already splashing on the mound and, with all his might pulling the neck, dragged the cart with sand ... I began to say goodbye ... Much was told at night, but I did not take a single solved issue with my whole conversation now in my memory in my memory, as on the filter, only lights and image of pussy remained. Sevsha on the horse, I last looked at the student and Ananeva, on a hysterical dog with muddy, exactly drunk eyes, on the workers who melted in the morning fog, on the mound, on a horse, pulling the neck, and thought: "You will not understand anything in this light!" And when I hit the horse and crushed along the line and when, a little time, I saw only an endless, sullen plain and a cloudy, cold sky, I remembered questions that were solved at night. I thought, and the plain scaled by the sun, a huge sky, the indiffered by the oak forest and a foggy distance as if they told me: "Yes, you will not understand anything on this light!" It began to go up the sun ...

311. Determine the lexico-grammatical discharge of adjectives. Why did you attribute this adjective to quality? relative? Pretty? Specify the syntactic function of adjectives.

1. The night was August, Star, but Dark. Part 2. Pale and thin face it was similar to alabaster mask. B.

3. In the distance, over the dust of the alley, over the boredom of the country cottage, a little golden pretzel bakery, and a child crying is heard. Bl. 4. [Pharmuses] and cullen ideas throw it! C.

5. Peasant horses, coented in a night on a meadow, wildly look at the white stars of electric lights, born on the distant forest, and sorze away from fear. Paust. 6. The ratchets and dogs of the neighbor are sleeping, - no wagon, or votes. Tse. 7. Spring night dark and cheese, the black wall of mountain cliffs is barely distinguishable. B. 8. What will Pushkin Rows tear me? Bet. 9. From the monastery flower garden, he looked at the princess of fragrant moisture to the shorter of the rescue, the quiet singing of men's voices came from the church, which made it seemed very pleasant and sad. Part 10. ... and I am festive, especially from these grandfather glasses, full of bitter-sweet fine-cooled wine. B. 11. In the eyes of the creepy or children's green light; A Turkish patterned handkerchie caught on the neck. Ohm.

12. That distant Moscow spring this deception was especially sweet and strong. B. 13. Ah, in Doha Bear and find out you hard, - if you were not your lips, Don Juan! Tse. 14. The steamer, of course, had already dubbed the naew ark - the human wit is not rich. B. 15. In the city there was a hurricane artillery fire, and he heard a solid long cry of a large mass of people. Pl. 16. Multicolored granite sarcophages, coffins from a golden lacquered tree clutched the lobby. B.

312. Highlight the adjectives. Determine their lexico-grammatical discharge. From high-quality adjectives, form a brief form (of all kinds) of the only number and form of a plural number. If you cannot form a brief form, explain why.

1. And clone the head of the Misit of the sage before this lie. F. 2. Nazar, a wrinkled old man, with a hawk nose and a wedge-shaped beard, appeared on the threshold of the stable. T. 3. Before this yellow, inhibit the side of birch, before this herd at the bridge, before all the old white light, I swear: my soul is clean. Ruby. 4. Crude freshness of the late evening changed the midnight dry heat, and for a long time she was lying to a soft canopy on the fallen fields. T. 5. From the trees fell a dry leaf, then pale-yellow, then the crimson, sadly crying over the ground among the rosy fog. GUM. 6. In one regiment, our division was the wife of a regimental commander ... Bony, redhead, long, thin, rotted. KUPER. 7. N about you came, the guest is uninvited. L. 8. And Petrusha was also ordinary. The kind of petty, umishko chicken, Natura is shy and lustful. B. 9. But treason of the Virgin passionate knife for the heart of century! L. 10. Sadly heard among the empty fields, this washed, monotonous, hopeless mournful entangle. T. 11. I put a glove on my right hand with a left hand. Yahl /. 12. Gloomy Stormy Night on the outcome of rainy months, darkness, hurricane and livne. B. 13. It was a rushing girl with rusia hair, blue eyes and a chubby pink mouth. M.-S. 14. In the windy November darkness, in the immense deserted Russia, there was one live point - a lump of hot flesh, greedily beloved to them. A.T. 15. The shniks stood clear, frosty, with a red morning sun, with a waxy of sun daylight, with long blue evenings. Pill.

313. Highlight high-quality adjectives in comparative and excellent degrees. How are these forms of degrees of comparison? What kind of syntactic function are performed?

1. With every spring clear and singement of the sacrament of white nights. Bl.

2. He [Grisha] is already studying in the preparatory class, and therefore is considered great and smartest. Part 3. Maximilian Andreevich was considered, and deserved, one of the most famous people in Kiev. Boule. 4. Do not envy a friend if a friend is richer if he is beautiful if he is smart. Sowing. 5. I am all the charming, the song and the blood of my I will give. ACT. 6. Suslon village, one of

the richest Zaralsky villages, beautifully ruled on the high right bank of the Keyword River. A /.- with. 7. One of the witnesses ... gave unexpected readings on the most foggy, but as it turned out, in the future the main issue in the whole of the investigation. A.T. 8. His reflections were messy. And as otherwise, if Vovka himself turned out to be much more sorry than the great-grandfather represented him from far away. Hall. 9. My dove! Surceptive finally, that of the fools known for the Lona, the funnier than all of us wearing a fool. Bar. 10. [Molchanin] With three ministers was the head of the separation. Translated here. [Chatsky] Good! An empty man, from the most stupid. C. 11. Grove is nearing, it becomes more painfully, majestic, black and greener. B. 12. I gave me a name for baptism - Anna, the most sweet for the lips of people and hearing. Ahm. 13. To enchant the hearts to excite the hands-up, I heard that for a singer most needed a gift. Bar. 14. Every day [Latkin] became more demanding. T. 15. Yes now, the man Lukaway Besa! DMW. 16. All my life later, this booby remained for Nehludov one of the brightest and strong memories. Ji. T.

314. Write high-quality adjectives and form forms with comparative and excellent degrees (synthetic and analytical). If the forms of degrees of comparison are not formed, explain why.

1. But it bloomed with its cold, arrogant beauty of dahlia, peonies and asters, spreading in a sensitive air, herbaceous, sad smell in a sensitive air. KUPER. 2. But beware of your girlfriend passionate to tell my unique nonsense, then that he will penetrate the burning poison your benevolent, your joyful union. Ahm. 3. Over the black slush of the road does not rise fog. Imported, poking, drowning my polynyaya bloody. Bl. 4. Both eyes Azazello were the same, empty and black, and the face is white and cold. Bulg. 5. And here is the area there are already square, empty, white, dazzling, and for her even more dazzling white station building, - it is almost scary with its white on Bellov from the heat. B. 6. This shower was a strange creature: ugly, humpbat, with widely opened strict eyes and a compressed thin mouth, she face, voice, angular fast movements resembled her grandmother, gypsy. T. 7. The old, forgotten companion between the shaggy graves, good and gentle God, in a dream came. Vert. 8. This strand is such a golden not from the old fire? - Passionate, godless, empty, unforgettable, forgive me! Bl. 9. How to memorize her shiny nut eyes, its open and friendly look, clean sound of voice, nobility of hands and legs. B. 10. Threat, Yellow's nervous fingers ran on board a brown short jacket, fastening and squinting buttons. KUPER. 11. The scoop ... waking up, pulled the eared head and glanced by Okum looked around. B. 12. Nights winter will throw, perhaps we are in the insane and the Devil's Ball, and I will finally destroy your separating, your gaze, your dagger. Bl.

315. Highlight high-quality adjectives. What about the formation of abstract nouns? adjectives with subfixes of a subjective assessment? Narachchi with suffix -o?

2. He was jealous, disturbing and gentle, like God's sun, loved me. Ahm. 3. She was no longer scared, either ashamed, but tormented her strong desire to go and swell on the cheeks this vocal, this hand-out, stupid, happy woman. C.

4. ... She painfully and dusty adored pretty little children of younger sister, always decent and obedient, with pale milders and with curly flaxed puppet hair. KUPER. 5. I myself am not so - not the former, incorruptible, proud, clean, angry. Bl. 6. A week ago, the prince sat near her gate on the old rustle, - in the header, in the fox, thin and dark and dark, bent and stuck with his hands in a gray nostril stone. B. 7. - And the happiness turned out to be lime. - Gumilev spit a contemptuous grimace. - Well, nothing to say, happiness. Anya sits in Bezhetsk with Lenochka and Levushka, mother-in-law and an old aunt. The boredom is unimaginable, impassible. Odoer. 8. What kind of [Chekhovskaya longing] seemed to them a beautiful, refining, poetic, elevated. Chuk. 9. I returned home to the empty alleys of the village; Month, full and red, like a glow of a fire, began to appeal due to the gear horizon of houses. L. 10. Sarafan was wide, light, and it was so free to her long girlish body. B. 11. Sweetly shy his chest, breathing that special, volatile and fresh smell of the Russian summer night. T. 12. Look, as pity you are weak, a cowardly and obsessive warrior, a lazy and crazy slave! Bl.

13. But he knows the hell, he is thick and still, as before a terrible thunderstorm, which should be a flood. B.

316. Write high-quality adjectives used in conjunction with adverbs of measures and degrees. With the help of intelligent dictionaries of the modern Russian language, determine the lexical meaning of the adverch.

1. He [Rusak] Lobshad, with large and pressing, looking back by vitreous eyes ... It's all the same senselessly shiny, like in life, eyes. But his whole heavy carcass is already solid and cold. B. 2. In a word, he [Jean Batist] to the extreme to be bad. Bulg. 3. The child was so sculptively small, as if all this cardboard was. Ya. 4. And Mitya woke up, all in the sweat, with a stunningly clear consciousness that he died that in the world so monstrously hopelessly and gloomy. B. 5. Each feature of Assol was alrigiously easily and clean, like the flight of swallows. Green 6. Golden Your belt is set, brazenly models wild look. Bl. 7. Marriage to Missy, which seemed so close yesterday, was now presented to him completely impossible, l. t. 8. The posture of it is strained fixed and, if all the blind, Egyptian. B. 9. Your intentionally evasive speeches and your intentionally cold, strict gaze - everything says that we need to part. Apukht. 10. How Tomno was silent, as a flamingly eloquent, in heart letters so careless. I am 11. ... A certain prince of Maktuev was swatched to her, a man is rich, but completely insignificant.

Ch. 12. And yet Katya looked at him unconfigured and sad glance. B.

317. Highlight high-quality adjectives and choose Antonyms to them. If the adjective does not have antonym, explain why.

1. Stay unclear, dreary, autumn in the morning pale under this droop will be guy, on a reticular background of shadows. An. 2. And a vaguely distant ringing is heard: then he is a mournful, then angry and holding! Scar. 3. General of Anosov, fat, tall, silver elder, heated heavily from the footboard. KUPER. 4. On a yellow face, she ran outward, contemptuous smile. C. 5. To the end, to the quiet cross, let the soul remain clean! Scar. 6. And somewhere shines the image of the pale, always sad, always silent. GUM. 7. The pale in the evening of spring and thoughtful and quiet, Zarumin the evening zareu. FOF. 8. As in my dark braids, silver gentle strand. Ahm. 9. The manor was small

shaya, the house is old and simple, the farm is simple, but requiring a large courtyard - a new life for Mitya began. B. 10. Nights insane, nights sleepless, frequent speeches, tired eyes. Apukht.

318. Select relative adjectives. Replace them (where possible) the form of indirect case name of the noun (with or without a pretext). Relying on the intelligent dictionaries of the modern Russian language, determine the lexical meaning of relative adjectives.

Sample: spicy, dry and finely smelled - the sacred aroma of mummies, as if the soul of fabulous Egyptian antiquity itself. £.: Egyptian \u003d Egypt.

1. And calling the Moscow people. ACT. 2. He [Adjutant] stretched out before the glass screen and imperial back and reported. Tyn. 3. It was processed by two popovichi on a rural teacher. Part 4. The first event that terrified us was also a Sukhodolskoye: the murder of grandfather Gervaska. B.

5. Zowa - does not respond, the marina sleeps tightly. Elabuga, Elabuga, Cemetery Clay. Tark. 6. The pale of lampposts is inferior to his place of live paint, and street turmoil becomes noiser. Part 7. In one hand he kept a beretheny tuber, and in another long cherochchal stick. M.-S. 8. And in a cup of clay cold water, and towels snow, and the candle wax burns, as in childhood, racing the moths. Ahm. 9. Pavel Petrovich dreamed of the usual afternoon sleep. Tyn.

10. They sparkle in the gold rays of their mantle bugres, and on the sterns of their smoke diamond crowns. GUM. 11. Vasychuk sang in a low voice, under the accompaniment of feminine Reuters, Italian folk canzonetets and Rubinstein oriental songs. KUPER. 12. In the corner of a wooden conea, a hail of Kyrgyz yellow wolfhound. Mr. 13. Yesterday I had a cap in the theater. - Karakulus? - I asked. - No, cotton. Av. 14. The Petrogradsky train has just come: driven by cabers, catches and without sedocks stretched from the railway station. B. 15. Villages at the bottom seem no more match box, forests and gardens - like small herb. KUPER.

319. Select the attractive adjectives. What parts of speech are they formed? how?

1. Then he felt foul in a cat's nose in Professors of her knees and silently meoweow, widely and poorly revealing his mouth. KUPER.

2. [Lisa] Da-s, Baryshnin is unhappy with temper: can't look from the side, as people fall string. C. 3. In the sky, the cry of Orlins flocks, the wolf voice in the field! L.K.T. 4. I have a shoulder - wider grandfavon, to. 5. The first narrations, the first songs, who are traveling us, were also Sukhodolsk, Nataliani, fathers. B. 6. The most valdshnepina junk is this ravine! B. 7. - This is not our [dog], - Prokhor continues. - This is General Brother, which has come to come. Part 8. He drove into Siberian Governor, who dared to put new bridges in his province for his passage. The journey was not Mamienikino: everything should have been as it is, and not unfolded. Tyn. 9. ... pulled to go to the slas, look into the native brother's eyes. Sh.

10. Balls, balls! Children's balls! Money Others! Buy, Sudders, Children's Balls! Hey, the fox fur coat, if there are superflores, do not spare five hundred. LN. 11. [Pharmuses] With me, employees are very rare; More and more nursing, baking kids. C. 12. And I thought: my life, like a thread, for God's fingers on the lightweight fabric of being runs by the same stitches. Move. 13. Here it is, Atamanov's life, if back and back through the shoulder look back. Sh. 14. The sanging of the mask was glowing, the Merlyn crutch was tapping. An. 15. Some of the windows of the villagers showed Baba heads in the headscarves. M.-S. 16. Peacock Creek and Piano Rocky. Ohm.

320. Select relative adjectives used in the value of high-quality, attracted adjectives in the value of high-quality or relative. Determine their value.

1. Greater clouds Terrible John under the icy gladies. Scar. 2. It lasts without the end - amber, grave day! Ahm. 3. And over your Sable Fur walks the wind blue. Bl.

4. Here the emperor lasted such a dog, such a dog, hoarse and intermittent laughter, as if he scared someone. Tyn. 5. And the color of its satin skin is intense. GUM. 6. I am a rite: it is easy to fix the cavity of the cavity on the fly, and a thin mill, hugging, cut, and rush into the snow and in the darkness. Bl. 7. And suddenly the terrible cow Ryv: breaks into the church of Kiryusha and with a cow's roar lomit through the crowd straight to the amvon. B. 8. And again the voice of the silver deer in Zveztsa speaks of the northern shine. Ahm. 9. But her cheeks only rummaged the study wind, and under the Baran fur coat it was warm. A.T. 10. Eternity threw a tin sunset to the city. Bl. 11. These are your eyes your eyes, Asia, I looked at me in me, did something implied something. Ahm. 12. And there is no kudri Golden wreath of sunlight. GUM. 13. On the floor to sleep? After nights in the swamps or on the branches of the trees it is a royal bed. Av. 14. And the red dusk eyes of your tart snake infernity. Bl. 15. Moving the bottom, I watch Block, along the ravine, densely overgrown with a stylted non-decreasing osiennik. B.

321. Highlight the adjectives and determine what type of declination they relate.

I. 1. I love the winter of your brutal air and frost, running the sled along the Neva wide, the girls are brighter than roses. 2. But the daughter of the Love of the Father's Head will not be redeemed. 3. And the summer, warm night Darkness is a black prison. 4. Whose passionate kiss live your ulcer lobzany? 5. The magic power of chasing in the foggy memory of my so animated the visions of the bright, then sad days. 6. And you will not leav from the court of worldly, as you will not leav from God's court. 7. Think: this head was not very human, but wolf. 8. Sad War Song Russian. 9. I am sent to you from Done from free troops, from brave atamans ... see your condemns are clear eyes.

10. Gentleless, tears reproach is not powerful over his soul.

II. And the lush castle is empty. Tiha Maryan Svetlitsa.

12. So the heart, the victim of delusions, among the vicious jets keeps one holy deposit, one divine feeling. A. Pushkin

11. Twilight and clouds were thickened, while they were driving from the station on the Big Selu, also more spring, dirty. Everything was tone in these unusually soft twilight, in the deepest silence of the Earth, the warm night, which fastened with the darkness of indefinite, low rain clouds, and again the Mitya was delivered and rejoiced: how calm, simple, wretched village, these odorless curly horses, have long been sleeping, - With the Annunciation Good People do not swear fire, - and as well in this dark and warm steppe world! Tarantas dived in Ughabam, in dirt, oaks behind the yard of a rich man rose at all very naked, unwriting, worn with grocery sockets. The hut was stood and peered into the dusk strange, as if from ancient times, a man: bare feet, torn Armenian, Baranya hat on long straight hair ... and went warm, sweet, fragrant rain. Mitya thought about the girls, about young babes sleeping in these outbreaks, about all the female, what he approached for the winter from Katya, - and everything merged into one - Katya, girls, night, spring, the smell of rain, the smell of plowed, ready To the fertilization of the Earth, the smell of horse sweat and the memory of the smell of the husky gloves. I. Bunin

32 2. Select subtative adjectives. Have they undergone full or partial substantive substantive? What value are they expressing?

1. They lay the rays from your feet in the living room without lights. Fet 2. Baratynsky is immersed in self-analysis, in the study of the disadvantage of a person with the goal. Cows. 3. Prince Karbsky from the Tsarsky Wrath fled, with a drop of Vaska, W Ibanov, as hard. ACT. 4. How long was the vigil! h. 5. Gray peeper and fire fighters would be much more appropriate here. Av. 6. Instead of fresh roast, he elave is always Solonin. Tyn. 7. Under the pillow lay Wick: she wanted to pay the priest for her own waste. T. 8. And unpleasantly worried that on the choirs occasionally yelling the wilderness. Part 9. The wedding of the young was happening, according to the old rite, in the ancient splitting prayer. M.-S. 10. Here then traded ice cream, and there was a calanca left. Vert. 11. - A cute brother, call me singers, "said Saint. B. 12. At one of the few houses, he [Sanin] saw a sign: "Italian confectionery joisny Rozelley" stated themselves passersog. T. 13-in Lermontov personal, subjective always outweighs the total. Cows. 14. In the house the fire was only in Lacée. Ya. 15. The city turned out to be a small milk. Akun. 16. - Talked about the houses living on the stable. Av. 17. - There is a dirty, go, heated! Av.

32 3. Write the adjectives and make their morphological analysis.

The procedure for analyzing the adjective

1. Initial form (I. Units. H husband. R.).

2. Permanent features: 1) lexico-grammatical discharge (qualitative, relative, assignant); 2) complete or brief form (in high-quality adjectives); 3) in quality: comparison degree (comparative or excellent, method of education and value); 4) Telling type.

3. Non-permanent signs: 1) Rod; 2) number; 3) Padege (in the text).

4. Function in the proposal.

Sample: The low-hearted honey pulls. Fet fragrant - adjective.

1. Initial form - fragrant (I. un. N. Husband. R.).

2. Permanent signs: high-quality, full form (s) positive degree; I Adjective declination, the solid foundation of the Іdushist.

3. Non-permanent signs: Male genus, the only number, the cleaner case (the forms of the kind, the numbers and cases are syntaxed and are determined by the word form (what?) (Honey (what?)), Indicator - Flexion (s)).

4. The function in the proposal - the agreed is defined by IE.

I. 1. Far in front, in the dark lowland, scattered red and white lights, stands the pink glow of the city, and the night over it and over the sea bay of black and soft, like soot. B. 2. When the faith by random movement successfully turned the bracelet before the fire light bulb, then in them [grenades], deep under their smooth egg-shaped surface, suddenly caught the charming dense-red live lights. KUPER. 3. Brighter and the Green Paradise Foliage was Silk of Your Türban. B. 4. And I believed that there is a cool snow and a blue font for those who have a nurse and sick, and the Sanok of the little such wrong run under the Zvezov Ancient distant bells. Ahm. 5. Do not touch the darkness and alert of June roses on the window, and there will be a light street, and there will be a world of blessed! Tark. 6. That great post, with his twilight, with his bell tall ringing, the quiet Nastina Eyes - forever remained the most beautiful in the life of Donat. PIIN.

7. The first disaster that struck him was the most sensitive: Masha broke up with him. T. 8. So sharp-dry sleeping and dry grasshoppers confusion ringing. F.T.

9. Fifth partner, Kuishkin Son Andrei, a black painful painful boy, in a stem shirt and with a copper cross on his chest, it is still motionless and dreamily looks at the numbers.

Part 10. I thought not having time, I will say: you all mile. P.

II. And her beauty had some kind of Indian, Persian: dark-amber face, magnificent and somewhat sinistering in their thick black hair, gently shiny, like black sobat fur, eyebrows, black, like coal, eyes; The captivating velvety-punch lips of the mouth was shadowed

com; leaving, she most often put on a pomegranate velvet dress and the same shoes with gold clasters (and the courses went with a modest ridge, had breakfast for thirty kopecks in a vegetarian dining room on Arbat); And as far as I was inclined to chatty, to simply merry, so it was most often silent: everything I thought something, everything as if in something mentally delve into something; Loku on the sofa with a book in his hands, often lowered it and looked in front of him in front of him: I saw it, after going to her and day, because every month she didn't leave three days at all and did not go out of the house, Lyzh and read, Forcing me and me sit in a chair near the sofa and silently read, and bunin

be and you will be married to the Sonechka -

he spoke, -

ours will play. L.T. 2. Winter! -

continued he restructured

slimming and turning around to the Sedoka. -

I do not like! Painfully

i am angry! Standing on the frost and all kochenia, shaking ... Bake

cold, and I really have a muzzle ... such a complex! Not

used! Part 3. It remains in memory. Repeated like a rumor:

the heart beats, the army beats -

same words! The same

verbs -

non-random probably. The same laws and

hearts, and the regiment ... -

It says as if it comes in with intonation

vortex: The army beats, the heart beats, beats the banner over

head! Born 4. I have one friend, -

he jerked b, on

you looked. He would say the eyebrows by arguing in the arc, lights

your mad jogging: -

These stupid little rivers I mean

i can not understand. Born

511. Select the communion with the defining word, specify

writing in communities verb signs and signs


1. A man in a worn coat and with

shaved, bluish-baggovy physiognomy. Part 2. Reed was

the Divine Snan and the heart filled the holy

charm, l. 3. Old, black and sipped road

stretched in front of him the infinite thread seated by his

winds; right

naked place, long ago compressed Niva;

remove them, he looked from the gallery down and saw Selifana,

returning from the stable. L 5. And when I looked around, I

saw the painted face of my satellite and blue wide

olyu and calmly lying among highlighted mountains covered

swimming forests, vineyards and villas in parks. B,

512. Dream from these verbs all possible forms of communion,

highlight formaking affixes. Explain the impossibility

formation of some forms.

Call, breathe, sign, clarify, lead, lead,

prick, split, forget, forget, cook, say, speak,

513. Determine the time and deposit of communion, highlight the forms

Decorated, cultivating, foreseen,

thuscoon, baked, said, laughing, launched,

published, removed, fixed, broken, wearable,


Order parsing order

I. Part of speech (unfriendly verb form).

P. 1. Initial form (infinitive).

2. Permanent signs: a) View: Perfect or

imperfect; b) Return: Return or non-returnable; in)

input: transitional or non-transparent; d) Pledge:

valid or persistent;

3. Non-permanent signs: a) Time: Real or past;

absolute or relative time value; b) full

or a brief form (for persistent communities); c) padege

(for communities in full form); d) number; e) genus;

III. Syntax function.

Sample: worried with memories, I forgot C.

Worried -

unqualified verb form -

participle; Initial form -

worry Permanent

signs: imperfect species; irrevocable;

transient; persistent collateral. Non-permanent

signs: has the form of the present time in

relative use; Used in full

form, in the nominative case, the only one

number, male genus. In the sentence is


514. Highlight the communion, perform their full morphological

untuvenible in no one. Ahm. 2. Yurts are waiting for saddled

horses Born 3. But at all, they were good people, full

hospitality, and a person who born with their salts or

who spent the evening behind the wist was already becoming something

loved ones, especially chichikov with their charming

qualities and receptions, who really knew the great secret

like. G. 4. I found all the passions described and

similarity with all the characters, and with heroes, and villains

every novel as a forty person finds

signs of all possible diseases, reading a medical book.

L.T. 5. But home training is completed. KUPER.