The key pair cannot be exported to this certificate. Exports from repository personal. How to import private keys

In the event that a flash drive or diskette is used to work, you can copy Windows tools (this method is suitable for CSP cryptopro versions not lower than 3.0). The folder with the closed key (and the certificate file, if any), you must put in the root of the Flash drive (diskette). The name of the copy folder is recommended not to change.

The folder with a private key must contain 6 files with the extension. QEY. Below is an example of the contents of such a folder.

Copying the container can also be performed using cryptoproder CSP cryptopro. For this you need to perform the following steps:

1. Select Start / Control Panel / Cryptopro CSP.

2. Go to the Tools tab and click on the Copy button. (See Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Window "CSP Cryptopro Properties"

3. In the window Copying the closed key container Press the button Overview (See Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Copy the closed key container

4. Select the container from the list, click on the button OK, then Further.

Fig. 3. The name of the key container

6. In the "Insert and select a closer container storage medium, you must select the media to which the new container will be placed (see Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. Choosing a clean key carrier

7. To the new container will be prompted to install a password. Setting the password is not mandatory, you can leave the field blank and click on the button OK (See Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. Installation of the password on the container

If copying is performed on a carrier Rutoken., the message will sound differently (see Fig. 6)

Fig. 6. PIN for container

We draw your attention: in case of a password / PIN-code, the use of the container will be impossible.

8. After making copying, the system will return to the tab. Service in the window Cryptopro CSP.. Copy completed. If you plan to use a new key container to work in the "Contour-Extern" system, you must install a personal certificate (see how to install a personal certificate?).

Download and run the CERTFIX utility for mass copy.

Details Published: 03/25/2018 14:47

Increasing the number of Bitcoin forks led to the fact that many people are trying to get their "free coins" in different ways, the easiest way of them, as a rule, is the storage of coins in the local wallet, export of private keys from the local Bitcoin wallet and their imports in the forka wallet . As a security measure, it is always recommended to first transfer all of their bitcoins to a new address, and then export the old wallet on which coins were at the time of the form from the Bitcoin Blockchain network. Thus, you will protect yourself from the embezzlement of your BTC. Given the recent addition of SEGWIT official support, it is possible to update the Bitcoin Core wallet now, create a new address with Segwit support and move all your coins there, and then start receiving free new Bitcoin-Forms with a private key from the old address.

How to export private keys:

  • Select "Debug Window".
  • dUMPPRIVKEY "Your Bitcoin Address".
  • Copy and save your private key.
  • walletLock..

How To Import Private Keys:

  • Run your Bitcoin Core client or other Qt-Wallet.
  • Click to the Help (Help) menu at the top of the window.
  • Select "Debug Window".
  • Go to the "Console" tab to enter commands.
  • Unlock your wallet (if it is encrypted) with the help of the command: walletPassphrase "Password of your wallet" 600.
  • Export private keys using the command: importKey "Private Key".
  • Check that the new Bitcoin address was added to the wallet.
  • Block your wallet using the command: walletLock..

Be sure to immediately import your private key as soon as install the wallet of one of the Forms of Bitcoin for receiving free coins, otherwise you may need to synchronize the fork wallet. If you do not move all your cash BTC to another address, before exporting and importing your private key to the forka wallet to get free coins, you can lose all your BTC.

Keep in mind that some scam formations are created specifically to try to kidnap BTC from inattentive or lazy holders who may want to get free coins, because many love free, but at the same time they are lazy enough to transfer their funds to another account. Even with popular forces it is worth keeping the "ear in sharp" and never transmit privata keys of wallets, where significant funds are currently stored. After all, who knows the private key can manage funds on the wallet.

To use the certificate on your or another computer running Windows, it needs to be imported or exported, respectively.

Import Certificate and Closed Key

If someone sent you a certificate or you passed it from one computer to another, certificate and closed key necessary importBefore using them. Import certificate assumes its placement in the appropriate certificate folder.

  1. Open Certificate Manager.
  2. Select a folder in which the certificate should be imported. On the menu Act Select All tasks And select Import.
  3. Click the Next button and follow the instructions.

Note: If the certificate search for the certificate import wizard is performed using the Overview button, notice that in the dialog box Open default Only X.509 certificates are displayed. If you need to import another type of certificate, select the type in the dialog box Open.

Export certificate and closed key

To create a backup copy of the certificate or use it on another computer, the certificate should first follow export.

Export certificate assumes a certificate conversion to a file, which can then be transferred from one computer to another or place in safe place . It is recommended to export certificates for removable media, such as disk or USB flash memory.

  1. Open Certificate Manager.
  2. Right-click the certificate to be exported, select All tasks And select Team Export.
  3. In the Export Master of Certificates, click Next.
  4. If the certificate is used on another computer, click Yes, export the closed key (if not, select No, do not export the private key) and click Next. (This parameter is displayed only if the export of the closed key is allowed and you access to it).
  5. Select the desired format and click Next.

    Note: The choice of the desired format will depend on how the certificate will be used. For example, for a certificate with a private key, you should choose the sharing format. If you need to move multiple certificates from one computer to another one file, you should select the Cryptographic Message Syntax standard. If the certificate is used in several operating systems, you should select the format in the X.509 DER encoding.

  6. To export the private key, enter the password to encrypt the key, confirm and click.
  7. A file will be created in which the certificate is stored. Enter the file name and its location (full path) or click the Browse button to go to the desired location, and enter the file name.
  8. Click Finish.

Exports from Personal Storage

Select the Start menu ("Settings")\u003e "Control Panel"\u003e Observer Properties ( "Browser Properties"). Go to the "Content" tab and click on the "Certificates" button.

Find in the list the desired certificate and click on the "Export" button.

In the "Certificate Export Wizard" window, click on the "Next" button. Then to mark the item "No, not export a private key" and select "Next".

In the window « Format of the exported file »Select" X.509 (.CER) files in the DER encoding "and click on the" Next "button.

Export open key file using crypto pro

To do this, you need to do the following:

Select the "Start" menu\u003e "Control Panel"\u003e Kripto about CSP. Go to the "Service" tab and click on the "View Certificates in a Container" button.

In the window that opens, click on the "Overview" button to select a viewing container. After selecting the container, click on the "OK" button.

In the next window, click on the "Next" button . If, after clicking on the "Next" button, a message "In the closed key container, there is no open encryption key", then to obtain the open key file, contact the technical support service [Email Protected]

In the "Certificate for viewing" window, click the "Properties" button.

In the operating certificate file, go to the "Composition" tab and click the "Copy to File" button.

In the "Certificate Export Wizard" window that opens, click on the "Next" button. Then to mark the item "No, not export a private key" and select "Next".

In the "Exported File Format" window, select "X.509 (.CER) files in the DER encoding" and click on the "Next" button.

In the next window, you must click on the "Overview" button, specify the name and directory to save the file. Then click on the "Save" button.

If you cannot export a certificate, neither first nor second way, then to obtain a public key file, contact technical support at the address [Email Protected] , specifying the Inn and the CAT of the organization, as well as the data of the certificate (the validity period and the name of the owner).