Kirill Titaev. Why do we need frameworks and mass checks in the subway and why the security system in Russia does not work. Sociologist says. Director of Research

Why should it be canceled all the degrees of sociology, awarded after 1991, what the average length of the scientific article in Russia and why there were arguments in sociogumanitarian discussions, the arguments turned out, in an interview with Kirill Titaev.

Paradox of Russian Social Sciences (I will talk, relying on two, who know close: sociology and right) is that the overwhelming majority of what is issued for these sciences does not have any attitude to scientific knowledge at all. These are dissertations that are not scientific, these are articles that are not scientific, it is very often courses that are anti-scientific. And not because there are no such sciences, but because in Russia they have been such.

- How do you prove it?

Let's go through examples. In Russia, there is a recommended UMO textbook "History of Sociology" of Professor Nemirovsky. He tells us that the history of social science is, among other things, the history of different conspiracy. "... There is a wide range of sociological theories, which is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe development of society as a result of the struggle of" secret "and" obvious "forces. ... In general, they are combined under the term "Conspirology" "(p. 78). This is not a random phrase. Further, the professor claims: "Conspirology acts as a combination of sociological theories" (p. 89). All this understands tens of pages, interlacing links to books like "Occult Secrets of the NKVD and SS" (p. 86).

The problem is not that such books are written and published. I repeat: this is a textbook of sociology recommended by the UMO, according to the classical university education, according to which teaching in a number of universities. And the "professional community" confirms: this is a good textbook.

Then it would be possible to stop, but, unfortunately, "on average in the hospital", as far as I can evaluate, about the same nightmare. If you open Kravchenko and Dornkova textbooks, less frank madness, but the presentation of social theory ends at best of the 1960s. If you look at the methodical textbooks of their own authorship, you will see that all statistics ends with two-dimensional distributions. This does not mean that there are no good textbooks. This means that there are a lot of bad and they, unfortunately, are widely used.

If you discover what we have in Russia called scientific articles, most texts cannot be considered a science or research. The average academic article on sociology contains five to seven pages.

Kirill Titaev

Leading Researcher of the Institute of Enforcement Problems at the European University in St. Petersburg

Here we take to RINC median ten percent (by rating Science Index) of Russian magazines on sociology, choose a magazine with the highest amount of issues. We get the "Vestnik of the University of Turan". The average number of pages in the 2016 article - 6.0, the average number of references in the literature list - 5. OK, in the 516 magazine rating anything happens.

We do the same with the first hundred. We will receive the magazine "Education and Society". Similar indicators - 4.6 pages, 9 links. We repeat the same operation for the sphere "State and Law. Legal sciences. " In the middle with a decent number of issues - "Legal Bulletin of the Rostov State Economic University". 6.5 pages, 11 links. Turn to the first hundred. The most published from the central tent of the "Financial Law". The average number of pages is 4.5, references - 12.

In general, any person who conducted a study that empirical that theoretical, understands that for five to seven pages (seven-ten thousand characters) can not say anything. In such a volume, the abstracts can be set out, without any confirmation. If we look at the size of the scientific and reference apparatus, we will see that many articles do not have it at all. Not a single link. That is, the person wrote a scientific article in which he did not refer to any work, zero. Even if it relies on five or ten works, it's still insignificantly small. In jurisprudence, it is even more difficult, since the bulk of the scientific and reference apparatus is references to regulatory legal acts. There is a mass situation when a person does not refer to anyone at all. Although, we note, in recent years the situation is improving. When I did a similar monitoring five years ago (then there was no hands, modern tools in Rincz), the situation was much worse.

There is a powerful industry, which, unfortunately, captures not only marginal compilations and magazines. If RINTS can still somehow live in the kernel, then beyond all that is published on sociology and right, it is simply necessary to burn, and all salaries received by these people can be considered as an embezzlement of budget funds.

Kirill Titaev

Leading Researcher of the Institute of Enforcement Problems at the European University in St. Petersburg

And the entire system of post-Soviet stimulation of science is, unfortunately, supports, because the quality was ignored there. A bright example is what is now called state registration reports or reports on nims through which universities receive a significant part of the money. Even very good nirways end with the delivery of Talmud for several hundred pages. Regardless of the industry - I saw it in astronomers, and in biologists - no one ever reads these volumes, but people spend on their production to the fifth part of the time they conducted for the study, at the same time ruthlessly falsifying this reporting.

The same with dissertation councils. Consider again an example. Russia has 47 councils on sociological specialties. We order them according to the date of the order of the creation, take the central - at Saratov University, D.212.243.06 - and look at the indicators on the Kazer RINTS in the members of the Council. Chairman - Publications 0, Hirsch index - 0. There is no information about the substituent. Scientific Secretary - Publications 1, Hirsche - 0. According to members of the Council, 1,7 publications, 6.2 citation, the Hirsch index - 0.3. But it is a pretty shy digit. The fact is that almost all indicators are responsible for the famous Russian geonstologist Professor Eloin. If we exclude it, then the average indicators will be: 0.7 publications, 3.8 citation and Hirsch - 0.15. But for these indicators only a couple of council members is responsible. Medicine values: 0 publications, 2 citation, Hirsch index - 0.

It is impossible, however, to say that this is the fault of concrete people.

The key problem is that our "sociologists", "political scientists", etc. - these are people who have never been involved in any science. They were teachers of the Department of Scientific Communism, Marxist-Leninist Philosophy, Political Economy, Party History. And at the beginning of the nineties, they were all forced to "repaint" overnight.

Kirill Titaev

Leading Researcher of the Institute of Enforcement Problems at the European University in St. Petersburg

Historically, the occurrence of science (political science or sociology) from an empty place from the adjacent pseudoscience brought there the worst features of the past pseudoscience. Our "sociologists" and "philosophers" could no longer write detailed articles in the spirit of scientific communism, and they never wrote them. They began to write microsts in which they broadcast their ideas, not research. Further, it was very strengthened and smoothly reproduced. People who are so writing now ... they taught them and brought up in the post-Soviet time. They are just such a science that is terrible.

- Are they honest?

They are usually completely honest. Many of these people seem to me sincerely believe that what they do, is a scientific job. According to my observations, the community has a border between those who write articles, and those who do not write, but not between those who write good articles, and those who write bad. For example, on the same legal department, which I studied, there is a normal historian of the right, which writes good articles. In languages \u200b\u200breads, and in the languages \u200b\u200bof the right, which writes about. He writes about the German law of the Middle Ages, reads on two or three ancient languages, rides the archives. And from the point of view of the legal community, when you start to find out what place he occupies there, he is a respected member of the community. He writes articles, in contrast to those who do not write, and so, to loosen. But the "scientist", which writes articles in three or four pages, which sets out its opinion on Russian statehood, but already a doctor and professor - to him a respected historian right to grow and grow: he is only a candidate.

- And how did the structure of the relationship in which in the first place?

Very simple. When you have a total of organizations, within which there is no criticism, no discussion, and there is only reporting and receiving degrees, and it turns out. Mikhail Sokolov wrote about this when he talked about "poor science." To hold conferences, evaluate the quality of articles to conduct research, in the end, we need resources. And in the 90s, there were practically no such resources in sociogumanitarian science. As a result, very bad starting positions, the personnel unqualified in its regions, was added to the impossibility of the formation of a clear alternative. Over and a half decades, a pitch arose, path Dependency.From which no longer get out. And in this situation, scientific recognition comes down to degrees, and scientific research is to "expressing their own position." This is the last - substitution of the presentation of the study of the "expression of the position" - and is, by the way, the worst one.

- What do you mean?

I highly recommend listening to scientific conferences of lawyers, they are often laid out on the network. A person gets up and voicing some position. This phrase is "voice position" - key. Actually, the publication is the scan of a certain thesis. The foundations are voiced, and some conclusions are logically built. This can be supported by some empirical base, can rely on clean theoretical and dogmatic logic, but it is a scan of a certain thesis. So, in sociology and in the right of such texts and performances is negligible. In the overwhelming majority, this is just a statement of some thesis: "Deposulation is dangerous for Russia", "it is necessary to prepare a new criminal procedure code", "Carthage must be destroyed."

Saying without argument. Here is the appearance of these texts of theses without argument - this is the worst thing, which is happening in socio-humanity science. Actually, when you hear the words "I want to just voice my position," you have to drive with dirty rags from any academic structure.

Kirill Titaev

Leading Researcher of the Institute of Enforcement Problems at the European University in St. Petersburg

I observed the excellent sociological conference ... Discussion on the topic "Do I need to socialize the children who have passed the penitentiary system through Orthodox values?" Or socialize children through Islamic-Buddhist values?

- Normal discussion ...

It is still two positions, it is not a discussion. And then you are waiting for that there will be a dispute, argument ... I respectfully treat the idea of \u200b\u200bsocialization through religion, adolescents after prison would have been socialized through anything, and that would be bread! Religiosity so religiosity. But then there arises a discussion about "that closer to the children's soul." I am not kidding! "What is spiritually closer to the Russian post-penitentiary teenager?" The crown argument: "My whole experience says that they will even breathe in the Orthodox Church in another way!" Everything! We switched to jokes, but if we speak systemically, this situation is the elimination of discussions based on the facts. That is, people moved to the statement of positions.

Thanks to the sad track of the 1990s - the beginning of the 2000s from massive humanitarian and socio-economic sciences, the argument was left and the argument was gone. Although I do not deny that individual islets remained. If, for example, in theoretical sociology, conventionally speaking, I can poke your finger into several groups, conventionally speaking, and say: "Here people have an argument, they know how to discuss in one language, and there is more or less clear who won, Who lost. " In empirical studies, in sociology, in political sciences less, in jurisprudence - exactly, there the argument just left, it is simply not.

People express their opinions, and there is no idea that judgments need to be argued, to prove, check empirically, in the end. And this is the most important thing.

Kirill Titaev

Leading Researcher of the Institute of Enforcement Problems at the European University in St. Petersburg

I do not understand two things then. First, why does the state pay money for it? Secondly, many departments have adequate scientists working on another system of scientific knowledge. Why are they not solidified and will not start working on the construction of a different system?

Because for this you need to immediately go against the system. Now the expert Council of VAC in sociology and philosophy in its sociological part is relatively applied. I do not know, under what dloum they drove these people there, but, in general, it consists of scientists who have written some decent books for their lives. If we look at the tips on the floor below, then we will see that almost there are almost no people in almost all the councils who have published decent. We already have an example disassembled.

In such a situation, a small group of solo-working solo groups should go into conflict, say that "your king is naked!" It comes out such a comrade with the candidate degree and says 40 doctors: "You idiots." A honest official who sees it, there is no tool for distinguishing.

Kirill Titaev

Leading Researcher of the Institute of Enforcement Problems at the European University in St. Petersburg

Already mentioned Michael Sokolov wrote about it 10 years ago. A honest biologist or physics has 40 doctors and one candidate. And the time to open texts and see that it is just nonsense, he does not have and will not. Accordingly, it turns out a more or less closed system that reproduces itself.

And the second reason why no one rebels is as follows: it is not clear how to solve this situation. Probably, just overclock everyone. And, relatively speaking, prohibit teaching without three publications in the core of RINTs in industry magazines.

A simple argument remains against this measure: and who will teach? All over the world, thousands of people are taught on bachelor's programs, who are not scientists, but teachers. They once wrote something as a qualifying work and shoved on science - went to teaching. And they must safely live and calmly teach. Another question is that the core should be on each department or the faculty - those who are in mainstream, those who, conventionally speaking, will not be taught by the "History of Conspirology" under the guise of sociology. I do not know. Maybe it should be some kind of metric on the same Korear RISC for the division as a whole ...

Yes. But if you rely on it, then in the usual average provincial city (I now describe a specific example, but we will bypass without names) there will be three or four sociologists. They are ordinary, but completely honest sociologists. Let them write not very good articles, but these are sociological articles. You can argue with them, there is a thesis, which is confirmed by the conventional argument. They can be allowed to teach sociology to students.

This is a variable, I watched different things. In some cities, local sociologists are very well sitting in local administrations and serve them with polls, sometimes not even falsified. Such cases I know for sure. And, in general, this is such expert support. In other cities, this is not. But it is never a serious source of money, maybe for one or two people in the region, no more. Their money is not from the Mayor and regional governments.

- All the same, the main source of power of this "pseudoscience" is state money?

Yes, Moscow money, ministerial. The State party for training and is often the stateship for conducting research. And do nothing particularly. How, will we cancel all sociology in the country?! It is impossible. The main problem is that it is not very difficult to chop this tail in parts. Because he grows faster than it is chicken. Gradually introduce new and new requirements that beat just in meaningful, conscientious scientists. We demanded publications in Scopus, and the pseudochess found themselves "predatory" magazines and closed the indicators. And those who really work are trying to squeeze two meaningful articles per year with an incredible teaching burden. Administrative measures of this kind, formal, simply do not work. The tail must be chopped radically. But no one is ready for this.

He graduated from the Institute of Social Sciences of the Irkutsk State University, in the specialty "Sociology" (specialization - sociology of communications), 2005 (diploma with honors); Three-year academic program of the Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology. Received a Master of Sociology (Diploma Validated by the University of Helsinki, Finland) (2006)

Participation in contests:

2002 – 2003 Scholarship of the Academic Council of the Irkutsk State University
2003 – 2005 Scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation
2005 Laureate of the Competition of Articles of the magazine "Economic Sociology" (1st place in the "Debut Work" nomination)
2007 – 2008 SPENSER Foundation Scholarship
2007 – 2008 Scholarship of the Oxford Foundation - Russia
2008 Laureate of the competition of educational developments, benefits, projects and programs to ensure students' research activities (Journal "Studying Schoolchildren" and the All-Russian Movement of Creative Teachers "Researcher")
2009 - Scholarship of the personnel reserve program of the GSE


  • How does the decisions arbitration court? // Enforcement Studies in Russia. M.: Statute, 2011 (in print)
  • Demographic Processes and Institute of Registration Meetings in the Russian Federation // Passport and Registration System in the Russian Federation. Effective analysis. Ed. B. Panich and E. Rinn. St. Petersburg, 2009, SS. 145 - 160.
  • The education system and the Registration Institute in the Russian Federation // Passport and Registration System in the Russian Federation. Effective analysis. Ed. B. Panich and E. Rinn. St. Petersburg, 2009, SS. 101 -118.
  • Industrial forest management: participants and relationships. // Informal forest management economy ed. I. Olympic, O. Pakhchekova, Z. Solovyva M.: MONF, 2005 (
  • How much is the exam for the people? Etude on Corruption in Higher Education // Economic Sociology №2, 2005 (
  • From the point of view of power - in terms of subjectable. Review of the book by J. Scott "Good intentions of the state ..." // Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology, 2006, №3, SS. 187 - 193 (
  • Kiakhta et La Mondialization (Kiakhta Sur Internet Et Internet à kiakhta EN 2003) // Etudes Mongoles et Sibériennes, Centrasiatiques et tibétaines (Paris) N ° 38-39. RUSSIE PRURIELLE. Confins et profondeurs. ED.: Jean-Luc Lambert (Ephe - Paris) Et Dany Savelli (Toulouse II) PP 409 - 417.
  • Between the astrologer and the poet: the birth and reproduction of provincial science // Thematic collection (the name is specified) M.: IP RAS, 2009 (in print)
  • "PORTUGAL" IN RU-NET // Slavica - Iberica Lisbon, 2008. (in collapse. From O. Rusinova, in print)
  • Officials, deans and invisible contracts: Reply to Article M. Sokolova // Anthropological Forum 2008, №9 (
  • Largely holocious in the tourist industry: a story as a service // Baikal Siberia: fragments of a sociocultural card Research Almanac. Vol. 2. Regions. Irkutsk, Tsncio, 2007.
  • "Habitus" of Irkutsk politics. // Baikal Siberia: Fragments of a sociocultural card. Irkutsk: IGU, 2002.
  • Practical recommendations for conducting research works of schoolchildren in sociology / research work of schoolchildren. Scientific and Methodical and Information and Publicistic Magazine, 2008, №1, SS.106-114
  • Gender School // Alternative Technology: overcoming gender inequality. Irkutsk: TsNSIO, 2006

Participation in conferences:

December 2010.InLiberty Seminar "Violence in modern liberal theory", report "Specialists of state violence: who they are and how they work"
December 2010. Methodological seminar SPBF GU HSE, Report "Methodological strategies and economic base of St. Petersburg Sociologists"
December 2010.VDNH EU SPB, the report "How can I study Russian courts"
October Conference "Problems of Research in Modern Social and Human Sciences", Lviv, International Association of Humanitarians, Report "Economic Strategies of Sociologists of Peterberburg"
April 2010.International Conference "Problems of Enforcement in Russia, opportunities for study", Report "The participation of an official in the Russian arbitration process"
December 2009.VDNH EU SPB, Speaker, "Statistics of the Russian Arbitration System"
October 2009 XXV Session of the International School of Sociology of Science and Technology, Rapporteur, Report "Affiliation, as Determinant Academic Career"
May 2009, Conference "Humanitarian education in Siberian universities: university norms and life chances", Irkutsk, Rapporteur
April 2009, III Golofast Readings, St. Petersburg, Rapporteur
January 2009,XVI International Symposium "Ways of Russia", Moscow, Rapporteur
November 2008, III All-Russian Sociological Congress. Section 28. Sociology of education and modern society. Rapporteur, leading meeting. Rapporteur (Report "Reasons for the institutionalization of informal economic relations in the Russian university"), leading meeting "Modernization of higher education: General sociological problems"
April 2008.International Colloquium "Party and State Organizations in the USSR in 1953-1985 - new sources and new topics" (Moscow), Rapporteur (topic report: "Party, business and Soviet bodies in small settlements: Possible sources and problems of study")
April 2008.- Conference "Social issues of labor in the context of the transition to the innovative development of society" (St. Petersburg), Rapporteur (report "Informal components of the teacher's labor contract in the regional university")
April 2008.- Conference "Constructing Soviet", St. Petersburg, Rapporteur, (Report "Memories of the Soviet University: Memory Operation")
November 2007.- Conference Slavica-Iberica (Lisbon), co-author of the report (report "PORTUGAL" IN RU-NET ")
November 2007.- Seminar "Japanese-Russian Cooperation and New Rules of Explicit / Import Operations of the Forest Spring", Rapporteur ("Corruption in the Forest Spring"), Expert (Irkutsk)
April 2007.- Vectors of development of modern Russia (Moscow), plenary report "Luca Metaphor Boltanski and Laurent Teveno as a tool for analyzing the daily life of rural Russia"
March 2007.- Convention of Independent Sociological Centers, Irkutsk
November 2006.- Seminar of the Sociological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Rapporteur "Provincial Humanitarian Science in the post-Soviet Russia"
September 2006.conference "Partnership in Countering Corruption", Khabarovsk "Research as a factor of countering corruption"
December 2005.- Conference "Problems of Development of the Scientific Community", Tomsk report "Experience in the implementation of remote educational projects in the sociological sphere"
November 2005."Kandidatskaya Workshop", St. Petersburg, participant
September 2005.- International Conference "Soviet people in the post-Soviet world", Irkutsk, Report "Survival Practice and their discursive reflection"
July 2005.- Conference "Prospects for Young Humanitarian Siberia", Tomsk, Report "The Role of Independent Research Organizations"
July 2004.- Conference "Mapping Corruption and Anti-Corruption in Siberia", Irkutsk, Report "Experience in Unification of Research and Social Projects"
November 2003.- Conference "Civil society in the young city", Ust-Ilimsk, report "Growth potential in the young city"
November 2002.Conference "Ethnopolitical Situation in the Baikal Region: Monitoring and Analysis", Irkutsk, Report "Habius Irkutsk Policy"

Research projects:

Current projects
Values \u200b\u200band norms of the judiciary (supported by the EU St. Petersburg), a project employee
Statistics of court decisions (supported by Foundation K. and J. Makarturov), key researcher

Completed projects

  • November 2008 - June 2009 Students SPBF GU HSE, GU HSE, Methodical Project Manager
    October - December 2008. Institute of Registration in Modern Russia. Danish Union churches. Expert
  • May 2008 - July 2008 - Students of the First Course of the St. Petersburg Branch of the State University "Higher School of Economics", Methodical Project Manager, Analyst
  • June 2006 - September 2007 - Collective project "Poverty Problems in the post-Soviet Russia" (supported by the Foundation "Khamovniki"), researcher
  • May 2006 - June 2006 - Project "Attitude to Corruption in Irkutsk", Analyst (supported USAID through MSI)
  • February 2006 - September 2006 - Project "Knowledge against Corruption", an expert, teacher (supported by USAID through MSI)
  • September 2005 - February 2007 - Project "Baikal Siberia: Fragments of a Sociocultural Card", Researcher (supported by Ford Foundation)
  • October 2005 - July 2006 - Project "Labor lessons as a mechanism for the reproduction of gender inequality", Head of the Research Group (supported Crem through KFGR)
  • April 2005 - August 2005 - Project "Informal Forest Management Economics in the Irkutsk Region: Participants, Practices, Relations", Researcher (Supported by USAID through MONF)
  • November 2004 - June 2005 - The project "Internet courses" Quality Methods in Social Analysis ", Project Manager (supported by Ford Foundation, through Ano" Context ")
  • August 2004 - December 2004 - Project "Informal Forest Management Economics in the Irkutsk Region: Sociological Analysis", Researcher (Supported by USAID through MONF)
  • August 2004 - February 2005 - Research Module "New Generation in Science" project, attracted consultant (supported by Ford Foundation)
  • May 2004 - July 2004 - Project "Attitude to Corruption in Irkutsk", Project Manager (Supported by USAID via MSI)
  • March 2004 - November 2004 - Project "Counteracting Corruption in Higher Education", sociologist (supported by USAID through MSI)
  • May 2003 - May 2004 - Project "Russian-Mongol Border: Difference of the Eurasioregion?", Researcher (supported by Ford Foundation)

Why is the investigation of each crime in Russia cost almost a million rubles, what is the "Security Theater" and is it possible to prevent an explosion in the subway?

At the festival "" Leading Researcher, the Institute of Enforcement Employment of the European University in St. Petersburg, Kirill Titayev told how the security system in Russia was arranged and because of which it is ineffective. "Paper" Publishes the main one from the lecture of the sociologist.

Three quarters of deaths in Russia occur due to diseases, and every 40th is a murder

According to statistics in 2016, 47% of deaths are a consequence of cardiovascular diseases, 18% of unidentified reasons, 16% - oncology, 11% of other diseases, 8% - external reasons, including killings.

Kirill Titaev

Three quarters of deaths are a disease, and every 40th death - murder. Maybe we need at least twice the budget of the law enforcement system and start doing something with cardiovascular diseases? This question comes to mind, probably, anyone who begins to understand the statistics.

Supporters of spending more money on a law enforcement system than health care, in turn several arguments. First, death from illness, as a rule, comes later than death as a result of criminal violence. If people often die closer to the old age, then the greatest probability to die from criminal violence is in the range between 25 and 35 years. Secondly, in addition to the murders there are other crimes: theft, fraud, telephone terrorism, with which you also need to fight. In addition, the crime rate directly affects the status of confidence in society.

Kirill TitaevLeading Researcher of the Institute of Environmental Enforcement Employment:

Good news: according to sociological data, mutual trust in Russia is continuously growing since the beginning of the 2000s. Prior to that, it was impossible to imagine that a person leaving the toilet in the restaurant leaves the wallet on the table. We are less afraid, and this is useful: rest instead of straining and worrying. In this regard, effective struggle with crime brings quite a lot of benefit.

The amount spent on the investigation of one crime exceeds the damage it brings

977 thousand rubles spend on the investigation of one crime in Russia. Moreover, a typical crime is the most massive of those that are investigated, is theft in the store under the camera. And the property damage of the middle crime is 260 thousand rubles.

Kirill TitaevLeading Researcher of the Institute of Environmental Enforcement Employment:

This is very bad statistics, but we have no other. Bad that's why. Signally speaking, in 2004, the average damage was half a million rubles. Because all the damage, which was imputed then in the case of Yukos, entered this statistic.

Because of such a break in sums in criminology, they are discussing the opportunity to pay victims of compensation in the amount of damage they suffered without making criminals.

Tens of millions of rubles are spent on the fight against terrorism in Russia. But how big is the real threat - it is unclear

According to Cyril Titayev's estimates, about 65 people per year per year in the country, and at the very radical assessment of law enforcement agencies about 90-100 (it takes into account the years of war with Chechnya and tragedy in Beslan).

Kirill TitaevLeading Researcher of the Institute of Environmental Enforcement Employment:

I would like to name beautiful figures about financing the fight against terrorism, but they are not. They are classified. However, you can call those figures that were inappropriately surfaced only at the regional level - without the participation of large federal players like the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, SC and so on. For example, in the Astrakhan region in 2014, 120 million rubles spent on the fight against terrorism. If you extrapolate this in the population, we will receive 10 billion: that is, 100 million rubles are spent on each deceased, only from regional budgets is spent.

Terror, as Titaev notes, causes people a fear that makes them, for example, do not descend in the subway: so it was after the terrorist attack in St. Petersburg on April 3, when the next day you could see loose cars. "Yes, with terrorism you need to fight, no one denies this. But how important is this threat? This is a big question. We see that today the whole world looks at it as an extremely important threat. "

Metal detectors and guards are "Theatrical gestures" to calm people

The surrounding world should see the "reaction to threats", explains Kirill Titaev. This reaction, he calls "theatrical gestures" in response to real events. From such examples - the framework of metal detectors in the subway. They cost the city at least 50 million rubles, and the daily work of additional inspection - at least 150 million rubles per year. However, such measures are not effective.

For example, I recently attacked a journalist Tatyana Felgengauer in the editorial office of "Echo Moscow": to get into the building, the criminal in the face of the guard from the gas cannon and lamented under the turnstile. It turned out that the system does not help protect people in a building from those who really have criminal intentions. At the same time, the time of staff spends wasted, which every morning get and show a passport at the entrance, and money for salaries of guards.

However, the guards themselves are nothing to blame, says Titaev, because they performed their work, they were not protected by glass and could not wait for an attack from everyone.

Kirill TitaevLeading Researcher of the Institute of Environmental Enforcement Employment:

A few years ago, the team of journalists conducted the following experiment, I was an observer. They tried to get to the territory of the university, using a mass-riquity model of a gun and having no documents. In all cases it succeeded. The method is extremely simple: we put the courier's clothes, on which "delivery of something" is written, and show the envelope "Rector for Painting". Everything.

In the existing security system for security, personnel are hired, which performs the most basic actions like verification of documents: hiring qualified employees for such work does not make sense. Thus, according to Titayev, people with very low qualifications are totally begin to engage in ensuring security.

Security measures at airports and metro are not offered by experts

One of the most important tools for detecting explosives - a dog nose, tells Kirill Titayev, and it would be more efficient instead of the framework to allocate funds from the budget for kinologists.

Kirill Titaev Leading Researcher of the Institute of Environmental Enforcement Employment:

Metal detectors are a direct indication of the first person, a person who has not visited the stations as a passenger for a long time and, in general, does not understand anything in law enforcement activities (it is about installing a metal framework at the railway stations of St. Petersburg and Moscow at the direction of Dmitry Medvedev - approx. "Paper"). Because he never studied it specially: a course of criminals, a course of criminology, a law enforcement course listened to the Jürfak of the University of Leningrad, and that's it. This is again a bright theatrical gesture. Even worse, the situation with inspection at the entrance to the airport: giant queues accumulate there - and thereby create conditions for the terrorist attack.

It is noteworthy that in Russian cities, it was different to the idea of \u200b\u200binstalling the framework of metal detectors in different ways: Most of all this measure was supported by those cities in which there is no metro, and in particular those in which there is no efficiently used railway: "Condakingly speaking, Priozersk was categorically Beyond the framework, and Petersburg was categorically opposed. "

As another example of the Non-Spert Reaction, Titayev recalls the situation with the release of the article in the "New Gazeta", which revealed the VKontakte community, allegedly calling adolescents to suicide. After that, an additional article on the propaganda of suicide was introduced in the Criminal Code, and the first courts of this case should be held soon.

Kirill TitaevLeading Researcher of the Institute of Environmental Enforcement Employment:

What features of the system work we see in this example? First, such a reaction is almost never, in my opinion, does not relieve the analysis of the problem and its significance. The second is, of course, the total ignoring the realism of the measures themselves. As soon as this wave passes over the suicide of adolescents, everyone will forget about this article, because it is impossible to identify and prove such crimes. It lies beyond the face of human strength. As I said, unprofessionals are often engaged in this: the examination of the spring in the field of corruption is ready to trust, but its examination in the field of adolescent communication on social networks is not very.

Protection against terrorist attacks in the subway - a problem that cannot be solved yet

Safety decisions should be based on the analysis of the scale and reality of the threat, be implemented and directed against the criminals, and not against their guns - for some exceptions, for example, the ban on combat weapons must be preserved. And such solutions should not complicate the life of ordinary citizens.

Restricting the access of people with explosives to the subway is the task that Titaev cannot be performed. Places where a large number of people are going to have always been the objects of increased danger: "It is better not to do anything than to do knowingly useless things." At the same time, the metro should be responsible for the safety of passengers, but not in cases of terrorism.

Kirill TitaevLeading Researcher of the Institute of Environmental Enforcement Employment:

It is very important to share: there are organized networks - religious, political; But the worst thing that we have is an initiative single. To search for schemes of how to make a suitable device, takes 5-7 minutes, and the device itself is also easy. It cannot be prevented in any way. If the terrorist attack in St. Petersburg was preparing a group, you can blame the FSB officers who did not follow, were not warned, they did not arrest before. If this did a loner, how should they track it? Check every crazy?

It is likely that with the development of technologies in the future, sensors and cameras will appear, which will be able to grab the entire flow and recognize, identify all the faces. Then new real measures to prevent terrorist attacks will appear.

Today, the frame has earned in full force, a person with me should have about 8 kilograms of iron. And if she worked in prisons, it could be a reaction to a laptop, a perochy knife, a large all-metal handle, and therefore a person may not stop. "People who are engaged in checking understand that this is meaningless work. It is impossible to make a single person, 90% of whose work is meaningless. Those 10% will be performed bad, "says Titaev.

The crime rate in Russia decreases, the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia reports. But is it connected with security measures - unknown

Today, the number of accidents, suicides, murders decreased. On this occasion, there are many hypotheses - for example, about the impact on the situation of computer games and social networks, because of which teenage gangs disappeared in part from the streets. But it is not known whether the reduction in crime crime is associated with accepted security measures. In particular, the installations of the framework, since there are no facts of detention of terrorists with their help. In addition, it is worth considering the tendency of the world's crime drop.

The world of the average Russian judge - for example, the world or district court - is closed at work and family: getting 60 thousand rubles per month, it works for 80 hours a week; On the joy of an ordinary person - communication with friends, traveling and so on - she usually does not have time.

This as if a closed and inaccessible world since 2009 is studied at the Institute of Enforcement Problems at the European University. Recently, there was a study "Russian judges: a sociological study of the profession": on the material of almost 1,800 questionnaires and 70 depth interviews Team of scientists answered a sacramental question "And the judges who?".

The Village spoke with one of the authors of the book, the leading scientific officer of the Institute Cyril Titayev, how "girls" become judges, as they treat colleagues posing in the photo in social networks with a bottle of vodka, and why they do not like lawyers.


dmitry Rieschechikov

- Why is the profession feminization? Two thirds of judges in Russia - women.

There are several mechanisms. The first and significant: in the modern Russian - rather patriarchal, discriminatory - culture it is assumed that routine heavy non-physical work is traditionally feminine. All our accounting departments, personnel departments, a significant part of the lower bureaucracy are predominantly female, especially at the "lower floor" career. With the judges - the same: the more bureaucracy, routine, papers, the more likely women are engaged in this. How this happens technically: the Chairman of the Court, making a choice, will keep in mind that this "girl" is a good, prettier, "we know it." So, it is necessary to take it.

- So they say - "Girl"?

Yes. In an interview, it sounds: "Our girls", "girls will come" and so on.

Second: Judge is a very nearrier position. With a high probability, you will come by the World Judge and finish your career after 20-25 years of the judge of the district court (or may remain in the world). Male - propagandable in Russian culture - career type involves growth, development. Therefore, the same chairmen, the same qualification colleges understand: Well, came from the "Boy" prosecutor's office for 27 years, passed the exam, try to become a judge. If he does not go to the chairmen of the court - he will run away in five years. Maybe not worth trying? Because again, look for a replacement, and the procedure for appointing the judge is very long ... Therefore, in the judicial system - by virtue of structural social conditions - women are more likely to be.

But the higher the "floor" - the less women, because exactly the same social elevator will push the "boys" upstairs, and "girls" leave below. Traditionally, we assume a man in the leadership role. There is such a situation, I was described by several respondents: when a man's judge is like impacuing, but so-so, with the shaft of the work he copes badly. So let's rise him to the chairperson! In this case, the relatively low adaptation to the lower operation is pushing up.

In all countries, judges do not earn significantly above average, but Russia - among the leaders on the rupture between the Central and Judicial Salary

Well, another mechanism is associated with sources of appointments to the position of the judge. We now have a court apparatus now as this source. This means that five years before the workers of the experience, a university graduate should sit in the post of secretary or assistant judge. For graduates of Jurfakov - young men, this is not the most attractive option: put five years that in our society is considered an incorrect male strategy. It would seem that you will forehead 25 years old, and you sit on a salary of 15-17 thousand, and even process. Accordingly, there is a situation when "girls" come to the device.

But further to keep these "girls", you need to promise the judicial chair. And the Chairman of the Court is associated with obligations to its apparatus. The employee must understand that yes, this is a working model: here, in the neighboring office, Olenka was sitting - she was appointed judge. And this is at least a four-fold jump in the salary.

- Agrow data about the load of judges: For example, one of the respondent says that it works for 13 hours a day, as well as on Saturdays - that is, in the mode of the 80-hour working week. At the same time, the salaries of judges are not at all fabulous.
Does it seem to be normal such a load?

Let's go beyond the limits of two ring roads - then we will understand that 60-80 thousand rubles at 35 years for a good specialist are quite a decent earnings even for the Regional Center. And if you work at the district center - you will be in a dozen-twenty specialists with the highest official salary. What is fine: the judges must earn a lot. At the same time, in all countries, the judges do not earn significantly higher than the average, but Russia is among the leaders in the rupture between the Central and judicial salaries.

The person who goes to the judge understands that processing is a predition. There are no surprises for them here. This is a normal obligation in exchange for greater salary, good social security and is the most important thing - lifelong content. The judicial experience is 20 years old: that is, if you sat down in the judicial chair at 27 - in 47 you can resign. Lifelong content is equal to the average relevant salary of the judge of the same rank. As a result, it turns out a little lower due to the lack of premiums, but still according to Russian standards it is a giant pension. Receive now 60-70 thousand rubles pension means there are no one-minded old age. A completely normal narrative of the judge: "Well, yes, I'm sobring health, but I will not think about how to survive later."

My favorite situation: when the Pension Fund refused to independently make decisions on the formulation of the "actor" and "artist". And as a result, everything, who in the employment book was recorded "Actor", went to courts (so that the court has established that not only "artists", but also "actors" have the right to retire. - Approx. Ed.): Over five years, several tens of thousands of such cases have typed. And there are quite a lot of similar examples.

What is more important for judges - work or family? And how do they tend to assess the situation when work enters the conflict with his family? For example, I remember the case when a student, the son of the judge of the Purovsky District Court of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, killed the protein in the CPKIO in an Elagin Island, after which there was a rather long judicial judicial in St. Petersburg.

This is understandable, an anecdotic situation - there were several such stories in St. Petersburg. In the judicial community, they are perceived as more or less normal: "Not lucky with a child, with everyone can happen."

In another region there was a case when the son of a very distinguished judge committed a very stupid crime. The situation learned about the situation. And in the event of the case, the court decided to show his principality, worked for society: the defendant received a period of two times more than the average is given for this crime.

In general, due to the system of selection, the judges are forced to do everything so that the family looks as long as possible. After all, at the stage of appointment, the judges check everything that can be. It happens on the verge of a joke: we watched Case when the judge refused the appointment, because the Son from another marriage of her biological father committed a criminal offense of moderately. At the same time, she did not see this father in his life: he left her mother during pregnancy and went to the near abroad. From the materials of verification of operatives, the judge found out that she has a living biological father and a biological brother who has committed a crime.

Therefore, large conflicts between work and family does not occur. The question is that for the average Russian judge the whole world, except for work and family, is absent. Everything that has such a judge is one or two weeks of vacation, mainly on the beach.

- How do the judges relate to the ethical misconduct of colleagues? Here, for example, a story is remembered with the Buryat judge Irina Lewandovskaya, which was fired for obscene photos in social networks.

Here are three groups here. The first: these are obvious crimes from the judge - among colleagues they cause condemnation, and if a person is expelled from the profession, this community supports.

The second group: misdeed, which in the opinion of an ordinary person are not something terrible. For example, when the photo was inappropriate to the network, on which the judge hugs a bottle of vodka or batted in the bath. A person generally might not know that his or her was removed, and even more so that some kind of infection would hang it in social networks, he also will noted a judge in the photos. Agree, not the most serious misconduct: we all go to the bath, most of the judges with some regularity use alcoholic beverages - it cannot be said that it is absolutely non-pedestrian community. But from the point of view of the judges themselves, at least at the level of our interviews, it is perceived as something completely terrible, unacceptable.

The idea that the foundation of the court's independence is the information closeness and the absence of any things that can compromise the community - consensus. This idea is characteristic of many professions. In this regard, the judges can compare themselves with priests.

Finally, there is a third group of misconduct, which, on the contrary, seem to us in nightmares, and the judges are perceived as something normal. This is all that is associated with the process of processing the process. When the record is drunk in the network, on which the judge is yelling on the parties using an abnormative vocabulary, we will assume that the heroine of the roller behaves unethical. But from the point of view of the judicial corporation, it seems almost normal: in conditions of a huge load, in conditions, when anyone and to represent themselves, in conditions, in conditions, when judges work more with marginalized groups of the population than with conditionally normal ... " It's not good, of course, but everyone is broken. It is impossible to punish it. "

For the Middle Russian Judge, the whole world, except for work and family, absent. Everything that has such a judge is - one or two weeks of vacation, mainly on the beach

- How do judges relate to rebar inside the system? Such as Julia Sazonova is the former world judge, which first judged oppositionists, and then stood on their side.

The public riot will most likely condemn, because the notorious closure of the community is a very important value. A public statement about political preferences does not cause sympathies. However, there are riot methods within the system itself. In all regions, we were told about the fundamental judges: for example, those who endure endless sentences (translated into Russian this "endless" means two exclusive sentences per year instead of once in seven or ten years). And such activism will rather be supported, although it is possible to condemn the individual level.

This plan is characterized by a very different attitude to the two gone judges of the Constitutional Court (This refers to the history of 2009, when two judges - Vladimir Yaroslavtsev and Anatoly Kononov - resigned after speaking in the media with criticism of the Russian judicial system. - Ed. Ed.). One went quietly - and they are very respectful. The second left with a big public scandal, and about it in the community they say: "Well, why make sings from the hut?"

- By the way, about the "every seven or ten years." Why in Russia such a small percentage of exclusive sentences is less than 0.5%? It is clear that no one wants to spoil the statistics of prosecutor's appeals that will satisfy the court of supreme instance. But still, the judges themselves find it normal?

It is impossible to live normally and for a long time to do your work, while thinking that you do something terrible. Or that an integral part of your work is the punishment of innocent people. In the judicial community - where, of course, everyone knows all these figures - there is a steady narrative about why this happens. The main argument is the story of "On Three Lawyers": the investigator, the prosecutor and the judge. Like, if the case looked at the whole three lawyer, it means that everything is fine. When we brought out the statistics of other countries, we were answered: "This is the country of common law, where the lawyer does not prepare the case - it brings it immediately to the court, which is not clear who. Therefore, a lot of excuses. " But here they are mistaken, and in countries where there is a large-scale pre-trial consequence - Germany, France - the proportion of just much higher than ours.

I note that the judges are mistaken in the history of "about three lawyers": the prosecutor's office of the case almost does not wore, on the investigation there are even fewer people, than in court. In fact, the final judge in Russia is the bunch of the "Operative investigator". At that time, when the investigator wrote the decision to attract a criminal case as a suspect or on the initiation of a criminal case regarding a particular person - everything, it is clear that a person will receive either conviction, or the record "was brought to criminal responsibility under such an article."

The second story is about more advanced judges. You tell them: "Here, see, official evidence of rehabilitation statistics on a consequence, here is prosecutor's statistics." Reaction: "See what our low crime level we have!" That is, "we have all dubious cases not even a consequence." They say, a bunch of criminals walks unmarried, but those who reached the court, for sure the criminals.

And finally, a very rare case, which is more about investigators and other law enforcement officers. "I understand that this is not quite this or not quite so. But in any case, he committed a crime. " Given that 60% of the flow of our defendants is unemployed, another 20% - individuals involved in physical labor (that is, mostly representatives of marginalized groups), this judgment is empirically not deprived of grounds. But it contradicts the right of the right of law: it is impossible to condemn a person for the fact that he is a criminal at all, for the fact that he has a "crusher's muzzle," it would be nice to prove that he committed a specific crime.

There is such a situation: When a man's judge is like sensible, but so-so, with the shaft of the work copes badly.
So let's rise him to the chairperson!

- In your study, it is indicated on the attitude of the general attitude of the judicial community to lawyers. Why so happened?

It's like a joke: when a person falls on a deserted island, he builds two clubs - one walks, and he does not go to another. In any social mechanics there should be a certain group that, on the one hand, as it were, and on the other, it is not very good. On American material it is described as an individual choice of judge: some will rather not love defenders, some kind of prosecutors.

In our case there are two important stories. First, the practice of deceiving by the lawyers of customers through the mythologization of judicial corruption (or through the actual use of judicial corruption) is certainly present. There is a practice to "take under the judge" (It meant to take a certain amount from the client allegedly to a concrete judge. - Approx. Ed.) Or take a bigger fee under the slogan "I am familiar with the judge." Such stories sooner or later become famous. They are very stronger, which does not contribute to the relationship within the community.

Secondly, the Russian advocacy, especially working in criminal matters, in general, is not the most savvy and prone to self-cleaning organization. By the way, as a result. The lawyer is no better than the investigator, but also nothing worse. And this also does not create additional incentives to love them. And the social mechanics are very simple: as soon as the common trend decided - then everything works for it will increase and spread, and everything that works against will go out.

However, I happened to take an interview with the judge with an even opposite position: she is the fan of the lawyer and hates investigators. All investigators understood that herself had to get to the arrest of IKCE - this is all, death: arrests it cuts with a probability of 80%. At the same time, she is not from the lawyer - came from the state industrial sector.

How do judges relate to cases when the system is in a broad sense, the state is unfair to themselves? Well, there is a case with a new building of the St. Petersburg City Court, in which, as it turned out, the permissible concentration of ammonia is repeatedly exceeded. I know that many employees of the court because of this suffered from headaches. Someone tried to sue the court, but it is obvious that the situation is deadlock - and put judges in such a situation that is the system. How do they react?

Just like me with you. No climbing justification of the state, when injustice is going on or against their colleagues, judges, of course, not. This is the only situation when it is considered to be normal to bring litter from the hut.

- injustice - only against them? Not someone else?

See, the default judge will discuss the case of a protest for honest elections and the case of a protest of residents opposing the construction of the store. This is such a long-term situation when the protest in private events, the fight against private injustice is recognized as a worthy matter.

- And the protest is generally good for everything, against all the bad ...

- ... marked rather negatively. In some of the judges, with whom I talked, after the protests of winter 2011-2012, a resentment was added: "We worked at the maximum, they did everything honestly - openly, transparently, quickly. And they did not appreciate! " By the police, by the way, the same attitude. This insult is, it is strong.

And about the struggle for their rights on private reasons, each judge will have several narratives, as he or she supported, saved, defended the weak. And here, unlike some other situations, I, listening to this, is proud of along with the judge, I think: "That's what a good person!"

- It is clear that the proceedings are a conveyor, routine. But there are categories of cases that are stitched by judges? For example, the same stories of the private struggle of a little man. Or, on the other hand, there are some grandmother - Kupchinsky maniac on the bench of the defendants.

Cases that the judges are impressive, of course, is. Everyone will have a huge number of such cases. I have a wonderful story from a magnificent judge from one district center. She told about the defendant who regularly came across in small thefts. At the same time stole for children. Climbed to the store, stole two drawers of vodka and four Kinder surprise. And I didn't drink vodka - he immediately sold it, bought things to children and boards to fix something at home. Going home with these boards, it is delayed. And here he has the first conviction that is unreasured, the second, the third ... "I am not deprived of his freedom," the judge says. - But he comes in the fourth time. What I just did ... In the end, I said: "You're a thousand rubles, go to pay a penalty for the first conviction. I will give it to you here and again I can appoint a punishment without real deprivation of freedom. " Of course, the defendant is a criminal, and it must be condemned. But it cannot be deprived of freedom: the wife is sick, children will go in the orphanage, a vegetable garden will be lifted ...

Some judges have come to listen to terrible affairs, they told them about them. For example, I talked to the judge, which listened to the maniac-killer. And she told about the internal conflict. There was an ambiguous conclusion of psychiatric examination, and the judge had to make a decision: to prescribe a re-examination, creating (in her opinion) an additional possibility that man would leave for punishment; Or to rely on the materials of this examination, to recognize the defendant sane and give it a big real term. It seems that as a result, she leaned towards the first version, but the re-examination showed the accumulation of the defendant, so the judge was able to appoint a long time.

There are impressive stories and civil proceedings. One judge said that in the second half of the 90s, he considered a dispute over the property for one very large company (I do not know whether it is true), where the governor and the President of the Russian Federation were responsible parties. The judge said: "The president was ill (remember about the Aorticoronaryth shunting of Yeltsin?), So I did not call him in the hall. But I walked the governor to each meeting! "

The judge is a very nearrier position. With a high probability, you will come to the world judge and finish your career after 20-25 years of the judge of the district court