Adding S to verbs in English. The rule of use of the apostrophe's' s in English. Ending -s in Present Simple

This is actually all the endings that are found in it. Unlike the Russian language, which is rich in various endings. Due to the fact that the endings in English are only three, their consumption is found everywhere: both in the verbs, and in nouns, and in adjectives, and in Gerundy, and in common. Let's stay in more detail on each of the endings and reveal the most common cases of their use.

End s in english

So ending - S. in English (also - ES) It is used in the following cases:

  1. The multiple number of nouns is formed by adding the end of -S to the noun:
  2. cAT - CATS;
    table - Tables;
    disk - disks;
    window - Windows.

  3. If the noun ends on -ss, -x, -z, -ch, -shh or on-α, then the end end is added:
  4. fox - Foxes;
    bush - bushes;
    potato - Potatoes.
    dress - Dresses.

  5. However, nouns borrowed from other languages \u200b\u200band ending on -o are added to -S:
  6. photo - photos;
    piano - Pianos.

  7. The end - S in English (also - ES) is used when used verbs in the third party of the only number in Present Simple (for He, She, IT):
  8. I Play - He Plays;
    They See - IT SEES;

  9. Such an end is still used to form a drawing case of essential, which is written through the apostrophe:
  10. my Mother's Coat - My Mom's Coat;
    brother's Cup - Brother's Cup;
    Susan's Sister is Susanna's sister.

  11. In the event that the noun is in a plural or complete on -S, after it is only an apostrophe:
  12. his Parents' Anniversary - the anniversary of his parents;
    students' Books - Student Books;
    Lucas' Wife is Lucas's wife.

Ending ED in English

When do you use the end of ED in English?

  1. If the verb is used in Past Simple and it is correct, it is necessary to add the end to it - ED:
  2. She Wached The Concert Yesterday. - She watched a concert yesterday.
    He LOOKED FOR IT TWO DAYS AGO. - He was looking for him two days ago.
    I Borrowed This Dress From A Friend. - I pledged this dress at the girlfriend.

  3. Also, this end is used in the event that it is about the third form of the correct verb (past time communion) in the periods of PERFECT:
  4. She Has Learned English Since She Was 5.
    The Snow Had Stopped WHEN WE Arrived.
    I Will Have Dressed The Baby BY 10 A.M.

  5. The verb with the end - ED is sometimes translated as an adjective (what? What? What?)
  6. folded T-Shirt - Folded T-shirt;
    blessed Marriage - a blessed marriage;
    opened Door - open door.

Always see if there is a noun for such a word to know which part of the speech is rightfully transferring the verb with the end; ED.

Ending ing in english

In what cases do you use the ending ing in English?

  1. If we are talking about the fourth form of the verb (or the communion of the present time) - the times of the Continuous group:
  2. She is typing now.
    I Will Be Reading Tomorrow AT 5 P.M.

  3. We can also translate the word with the end - ing adjective if there is a noun associated with it in meaning:
  4. sleeping Baby - Sleeping kid;
    crying Lady - Crying Woman;
    boring Book - boring book.

  5. You can also translate the word with the end - ing nouns (see the topic of gerundium) - everything depends on the context and the order of words:
  6. Stealing is a crime. - Theft is a crime.
    Walking is good for your Health. - Walks are good for health.
    I Like Dancing. - I love dance.

Probably, each of us remembers how the chalk board stood at the lesson of the beautiful and mighty Russian language and for some unknown reason he painted over the word to the arc, then a tick, then the square. The whole entertaining process was pathetic called the word on Morphem, namely: the prefix, root, suffix and, of course, the end. On the last, but only in English, we will talk today and talk. There Might Be Something You don "T Know!

If we speak a purely language of grammar, then under the concept of "ending" ( ending.) or fashionable word "flexy" ( inflexion.) From the Latin "To Bend" - to bind, implies a variable part that is responsible for the process of forming various variations of the same word to the main form of which special elements are added. Through these manipulations, grammatical values \u200b\u200bare expressed, that is, a special role that the Speech unit performs in the proposal. To the endings in the grammar of the English language include: a drawing case (" s.); plural (- s. / -es); Present 3 person + units (- s); past time (- d.), (-eD) or (- t.) and the end (- ing.). Well, now in order.

Flexion "S" in English

Possessive ( possessive Case) We use when we need to say that something belongs to someone. This very case is formed by adding a special sign to the end of the word " " »Apostrophe and ending" - s." Below are some examples for clarity.

Ending -S / -ES / -ies in English

First, simple present, everyone known as Present Simple. It is used when we are talking about some facts or ordinary actions.
We form currently using the basic form of the infinitive (without part of TO). Golden rule: third party in the singular ( he. / she. / iT.) just requires the ending - s. / -es / -iES.. For example:

Every Morning Kelly Eat s. A Sandwich With Blueberry Jam and Peanut Butter and Drink s. A Mug of Coffee for Breakfast.
Every morning Kelly, breakfast eats a sandwich with a blueberry jam and peanut butter and drinks coffee mug.

Secondly, when it is necessary to use a noun in a plural ( plural Nouns.), according to the rule of the multiple number to the form of a noun in units, depending on which the letter is at the end, the end is added - s. / -es / -iES.. For example:

Pumpkin, Don "T Forget to Buy 10 DONUT s., 5 Orange s. and 3 banana. s., Please.
Tick, do not forget, please buy 10 donuts, 5 oranges and 3 banana.
VERB / \u200b\u200bNOUN + SVERB / \u200b\u200bNOUN + ESVERB / \u200b\u200bNOUN + IES
vOWEL + Y / OTHER CASES -CH / -SH / -S / -SS
-X / -Z / -O
to Slay - He / She / It Slays
A Gun - Guns
to Fuss - He / She / IT Fusses
A Coach - Coaches
to Ply - He / She / It Plies
a wheelry - WHERRIES

Ending -ed / -ied / -d / -t in English

First, the end - eD inherent right English verb (REGULAR VERBS) that are used in Past Simple.. As you know, a simple past time is used to establish a fact or description of a number of actions that directly walked each other in the past. Education formula: verb (without to.): bombinate (buzz) +. eD = bombinated. (buzzed). Example in context:

James Got in the Old Clunker, started. The ENGINE AND DROVE OFF.
James sat down in his ruins, started the engine and tried from the spot.
Verb + ED.Verb + Ied.Verb + D.Verb + T.
consonant. cONSONANT + Y. vowel irregular Forms.
to yell - Yelled
To Belong - Belonged
to Vary - Varied
To Cry - Cried
to whine - whined
To Bake - Baked
to Send - Sent
To Feel - Felt

Secondly, - eD meets and communion of past time ( participle II.). Communion - Golden middle, where signs of verb, adjective and adverb, which answers the question " what (c) done?», « what?" For example:

THE QUOTE, PRESENT eD In The Article, Caught My Attention.
Quote presented in the article attracted my attention.

THE QUOTE " what? " or " what made?» — present. The action is already completed - it has already been used in the article. The communion determines the subject in the proposal, complementing it with new facts and signs.

Ending -ing in english

First, the ingue end is used when building long English times Continuous. = Progressive. For example:

Currently, My Bearded Mate Is Play ing. PS4.
At the moment, my bearded buddy plays PS4.

Here Present Continuous: auxiliary verb bunch to be in the right form + infinitives of the semantic verb without to.but with the end - ing.. However, to times that emphasize the action or state in the process relates Perfect Continuous. = Perfect Progressive.. For example:

A Bearded Mate Of Mine Has Been. Play. ing. PS4 for Six Hours Already.
My bearded buddy plays PS4 for 6 hours.

Present Perfect Continuous: Auxiliary Verb to Have in the desired form + been + infinitives of semantic verb (without to.), but with the end - ing..

Secondly, - ing. meets and at the communion of the present time ( participle I.), which responds to a number of the following questions: " what?», « what making?», « what making? ". Example:

That woman resting on the sofa, my future wife.

We observe that the communion is formed by joining the end - ing. to the main verb form And brings new features that are characteristic of the subject.

Participle I.
Verb Base +. -ing
FINAGLE + -ING \u003d FINAGL ing.

Participle II.
Verb Base +. -ed

Thirdly, this flexion is also used with Gerundia ( gerund.), a special form of verb, which behaves in a sentence as subject (subject to), an object (failed) or predicate (definition / circumstance). The gerundium to some extent resembles exactly the exclusive noun, for this reason the Russian can be translated as an infinitive, an apparent offer or a noun. Several viewers for illustration:

My Buddy's Favourite Occupation IS Hang ing. Out with Friends.
Favorite occupation of my friend - Parties with friends.
WELL, TO BE HONEST, I'M Not Engossed in Pastel Draw ing..
Well, to be honest, I do not enjoy painting pastels.

Types of English-speaking endings

Today we have gathered together the most common endings that are used everywhere in English. We hope that from now on you will have a full-fledged picture about what the ending, what it can be when it is and where it needs to be used. If the endings turned out to be not enough, then catch the English suffixes for dessert. Yummy!

Big and Friendly Family EnglishDom

English is a storehouse of exceptions, special occasions and sustainable structures. People, just begin to study his study, of course, scare out peculiar rules, and even more so exclusion of them, but these difficulties arise only at first. With the development of English grammar, the studies of the simplicity and logicality of this foreign language comes to studying. And what was complicated at first glance, with the second becomes immediately understandable and obvious. I will be convinced of this in practice, disassembled today: the end of S in the verbs in English, as well as the use of the endings from nouns and adjectives.

Russian speech refers to synthetic languages, that is, to compile the right context, we tend the words, add consoles and suffixes to them, and also change any members of the sentence to them. English, on the contrary, is a characteristic representative of a group of analytical languages. In his system, the main emphasis is placed on a strictly fixed procedure for members of the sentence, and the addition expression is carried out with the help of official and auxiliary words. Simply put, in such a speech, the relationship between words is transmitted not to the end of these words, but their place in the proposal and the neighborhood with pretexts.

  • Beautiful cat but Sits at the door -A.beautifulcat. iS.sitting.aT.theirdoor (word order - subject).
  • I see a beautiful cat w.I.seea.beautifulcat. (The order of words is an addition).
  • I go to a beautiful cat e. . – a.beautifulcat. (Preposition of the direction + addition).

As can be seen from examples, the British are perfectly bypassed without the word decline system. But the grammatical category of expirations in their language still exists, and there are many three representatives in themselves. What do they look and what a destination bear, we learn in the following sections.

Ending S verbs in English

The most common case of consumption of an additional letter at the end of words is the formulation of the verb in 3 face the only number of a certain time. Him includes pronoun he, she, it (it, it, it) and nouns that can be replaced by these pronouns. Recall that IT denotes only inanimate items to which animals can also relate to English (if they are not pets).

Simple describes regular, ordinary, familiar actions, so it can often be found in the speech of the British. Accordingly, the incorrect formulation of the faithful in the third face is a very rough mistake, which will cut the hearing to a foreign interlocutor. In order not to blush for your English, you need to remember a simple rule.

Consider the use of the specified law in practice.

  • es many.TV-showseveryday - She is watching a lot of television shows every day.
  • IT Sound. s. Very Strange is Sounds highly Strange.
  • He Eats Chip. s. and Drink. s. Lemonade - ON. eating crisps and drink lemonade.

For a third party, the verb ending is also preserved in a negative and questioning form, undergoing a small change in - ES, and adding not to the main one, but to auxiliary verb. At the same time, the main thing is faced in the form of a simple infinitive.

  • Do. esJessica Write Letter to Him? - SHE DO. esn't Write Letter to Him.
  • Jessica writes him a letter? - She does not write a letter to him.
  • Do. es A KOALA BECOME A BIG AND STRONG ANIMAL? - IT DO. esn't Become A Big and Strong Animal.
  • Koala becomes big and strong animals? - It does not become a big and strong animal.
  • Do. es Your Father Work As A Lawyer? - He do esn't Work As A Lawyer.
  • Does your father work a lawyer? - He does not work by a lawyer.

The end of S verbs present Simple in English has its own eating and pronunciation nuances that will help us disassemble the table given below.

Category Rule Example
Spelling The verbs ending on the letters O, X or the lettering -CH, SH, SS, ZZ, TCH, require the ending in the form - ES. Father Wash es (Wash) HIS CAR ONCE A WEEK - Father Moose His Machine time in week.
Baked, which end on -y have two writing options. If in the word in front of -y there is a vowel letter, then no changes occur, sim simply adds to the ending. In the verbs with the consonant preceding y, there is a transformation Y → I, and then adding -es. Jackplay. s. (PL aY. ) basketball.very.well - Jack plays basketball very well.

The Rule Appl. iES. (App. lY. ) to Verbs and Nouns - Rule applies to verbs and nouns.

Pronunciation The end S is read as [s] ( russian S.) In cases when it is preceded by a deaf consonant sound.

works, Sleeps, Calls, Stops and T..P.

My Little Son Always Sleep s. With toys.

My little son always sleeps with toys

The end S is read as [z] ( russian Z.) If the pronounced vowel or ring consonant in front of him.

openS, Reads, Plays, Sings and T..P.

She Play. s. Tennis TWICE A WEEK.

She plays tennis twice a week.

End ES pronounced (from).

Available ES should not be confused, with a simply adding S to the verb with non-pronounced E.

He usually Watch es (from) Horror Movies.

He usually looks horror movies.

She Like s. (c) to dance.

She likes to dance.

In the end of the section, we note that the verbs have a special form in the third face (3 l - HAS) and to Be (3 l. - IS, in Past.Simple - WAS). In proposals, such designs are often reduced by forming the end of the 's. IT. s. (IS / WAS) A PEN. He. s. (HAS) Learnt 10 Words.

Ending S nouns

The second most popular way to meet the English ending is to draw up a multiple number of nouns or put it in a presumptive case. In fact, and in another case, the nouns in English are added to the base.

Usually, the multiple number is formed by adding simple s. But if we take the noun, ending on SH, TCH, SS, CH, X, O, the end, as in the case of verbs, turns into ES. An important role is played by borrowed nouns with the ending on -O. They, unlike the original English words, will receive only the letter S.

  • MY.grandparents.grow.potato. es and.tomato. es aT.theirdacha is my grandfather and grandmother grow potatoes and tomatoes in the country.
  • s. from.theirbirthdayparty? - Where are my photos from the celebration of the Birthday?

Another important feature is associated with noun, finishing on F / Fe. In most cases, they change these letters on V and get the end of ES. But there are some exceptions that use the letter s.

  • THEREaremany.shel. ves. iN.theirroom - In the room there is a lot of shelves.
  • The Cats Like To Walk On The Roof s. - Cats Love walk by roofs.

In other cases, the reading, spelling and pronunciation rules in English for nouns are completely coincide with the table shown in the verbs section.

As for the assistant forms, their ending is formed using a special symbol - apostroph ('). Nouns. h. Get the ending -'s, and sowing. MN. h. if they already ends on s receive only apostrophe.

  • I REMEMBER MY PARENTS 'ADVICE - I I remember Council My Parents.
  • Jack's Life Is Very Interesting - Life Jack highly Interesting.

End and Ing

And the last part of the speech, which English grammar gave endings is the adjectives with the endings of ED and ING. The roots of their formation lies in the verbs, so they can rightly be called gestures. For these adjectives in English, the expression of active or promoted actions is characteristic, which corresponds to Russian valid and suffering communities. As of its basis, both types of these words coincide, and differ only in additional endings. Therefore, it is important to understand what these endings hide in themselves.

The adjectives with the end of the ING transmit the characteristic of the face / subject, its ability to active actions, influences on anyone. The expression answers the question "What?" And refers to the object of speech, and not to the speaker. It is noteworthy that the form of the word completely coincides with the English communion of the present (Participle i).

  • I Watched An Interesting Film Yesterday - I looked yesterday interesting film.
  • This Lesson Is Very Boring - This lesson highly boring.
  • IT Was An Amazing Evening is Was stunning evening.

Adjectives with ED in English express the opposite direction: the impact provided by the subject. With their help, the speaker describes its state; The impression produced by the subject of conversation. Such designs correspond to the form of communion in the last time (Participle II).

  • She Was Disappointed That Her Boyfriend Hadn't Called Her - She was Disappointed Top, what her guy not called to her.
  • I WAS SURPRISED THAT ALL MY BOOKS WERE SOLD FOR 2 WEEKS- Was Surprised agriculture, what everything my books were Sold out per 2 weeks.
  • My Little Brother IS Tired of His Homework - My Jr brother Tired from his home Work.

Examples show that the meaning of the entire statement depends on the use of ending. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to navigate in cases of using ED and ING endings.

As we learned from the material, the endings in English have an important function and can correspond to three parts of speech. Check the assimilation of the theory by performing small exercises.

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Ending -S / -ES adds to the noun For the formation of a plural.
Ending -S / -es add to verbs For the formation of 3 persons of the only number in the form (Present Indefinite).
Rules of addition -s / -es. The noun and verbs are almost the same.

1. Standard ending grade case - S. to a noun or verb.

Examples:book - Book s. - book - books;
To Look - (He / She / IT) Look s. - Watch - (he / she / it) looks;

2. If the noun or infinitive verb ends on -o. or -Sh., -ch., -X., -ss., -tchthen the end is added to the word -Es..

Examples:adDre sS. - Address es - address - addresses;
Bru sh - Brush. es - Brush - brushes;
Carg. o. - CARGO. es - cargo - loads;
TA. x. - Tax es - tax - taxes;
chur ch - Church. es - Church - Church;
to PA. sS. - Pass es - pass - (he / she / it) passes;
To SMA sh - SMASH es - break - (he / she / it) breaks;
To D. o. - DO. es - do - (he / she / it) does;
to Rela x. - Relax es - relax - (he / she / it) relaxes;
to CA. tCH - Catch es - catch - (he / she / it) catches;
to Tea. ch - Teach. es - to learn - (he / she / it) teaches;

note that nouns borrowed from other languages And ending on -O., add ending -s..

Examples:phot o. - Photo. s. - Photography - photos;
Pian. o. - 2 Piano. s. - Piano - 2 piano;

3. If the noun or infinitive of the verb ends on -y with preceding consonantthen the end adds -Es., while replacing -Y on the -I..

Examples:bab. y. - BAB iES. - Baby - babies;
to FL. y. - FL. iES. - fly - (he / she / it) flies;

Please note that if before -y worth it vowelT. -y The end is preserved and added -S..

Examples:kE. y. - Key s. - key - keys;
to STA. y. - Stay. s. - stop - (he / she / it) stops;

4. If the noun ends on -f., -Fe., when forming a plural number, replacement -f., -Fe. on the -V. And the end is added -es..

Examples:wi fE. - WI ves. - wife - wives;
LI fE. - LI ves. - life - life;
WOL. f. - Wol. ves. - Wolf - wolves;

However, some nouns ending on -f., -Fe., when forming a multiple replacement -F. on the -V. not happening. Multiple number is formed only by adding the end -S..

Examples:chie. f. - Chief. s. - Head - chiefs;
hoo f. - hooof s. - hoof - hooves;
Ree. f. - Reef. s. - reef - reefs;
ROO. f.- Roof. s. - Roof - roofs;
SA fE. - SAFE. s. - Safe - safes;
Handkerchie. f. - Handkerchief. s. - scarf - shawls;

The rules for the pronunciation of nouns and verbs with the end of -S / -ES. Rules for -S / -es pronunciation

1. If the word ends on deaf consonant, I say [s].

book - Books.
to Like - Likes

2. If the word ends on vowels or conditional, I say [z].

key - Keys.
To Fly - Flies
to Seem - Seems

3. If the word ends with a letter or letter -Sh, -ch, -x, -ss, -tch (sweating, whistling sounds), then pronounce .

aDDRESS - Addresses [ədresiz]
to Relax - Relaxes

In English, there are not so many endings if you compare it with the Russian language. The connection between the words, which means that the meaning of the phrase or supply in Russian is transmitted by different types of endings - case, generic, temporary, endings of the lossiness and other.

In English, many tasks relating to grammar and meaning are solved by a fixed order of words, pretexts and system of auxiliary verbs. Nevertheless, endings in some cases are used in English grammar. One of such cases is the end of -S.

End of S and ES in English are used in the following cases:

When the multiple nouns are formed

break- Breaks Change - Change

birch - Birch Birch - Birch

When forming a form of a third party of the only number of verbs in the present simple time (Present Simple)

Lima Seldom Sews. - Lima rarely sews.

Rebecca Washes The Porch Every Weekend. - Rebecca washes the porch every day off.

Ending S verbs in English

1. When the end of s is put in English

3 Person The only number in English is determined by noun or pronoun (subject to). The pronouns of He, She, IT or nouns, which can be replaced by these pronouns, will be markers that determine the need -s at the end of the verbs in English in the form of Present Simple.

Greta (She) Prefers Chips with Cheese Sauce. - Greta (she) prefers chips with cheese sauce.

Yan (He) Dresses His Son in the Morning. - Yang (he) puts his son in the morning.

Tilda and Melissa (They) Try to Learn Spanish. - Tilde and Melissa (they) are trying to learn Spanish.

2. How to write english verbs with the end of -S (-es)

When adding expirations to English words, it is necessary to keep in mind that these endings may affect the spelling of the word. The rules for adding the end S to the English verbs in the form of 3 individuals of the singular can be represented as a table:

The word ends on ...

winning / Whistling Sound (CH, SH, S, SS, -Z, -X)

He mi. xes. English and Spanish Words, IT's Really Funny.

He mixes English and Spanish words, it's true funny.

Lima D. oes. Her Hair Once A Week.

Lima makes hairstyle once a week.

vowel plus -y

Lima St. ays. AT School Till Late.

Lima remains at school is late.

face plus -y

ES (-Y changing on -i)

Lima "s Father Always Carr iES. Out his Promises

Lima's father always fulfills promises.

all other words

Rebecca usually PI nS. The Messages to the Door.

Rebecca usually attaches notes to the door.

3. How to pronounce English verbs with the end of -S (-es)

The pronunciation of the end (-es) is possible in three different ways. It can be transmitted by the sounds [s], [z] ,. Pronunciation variant, as well as spelling, depends on the sound to which the verb ends.

4. When the verb in Present Simple does not need the end of -S (-s)

As already mentioned, in the third face of the only number of time Present Simple verb, the end of -S is needed. But according to the rules of this time, such an end to the verb is added only in the affirmative proposals.

As follows from the rule, in denials and questions to helping the sense verb comes auxiliary. In the case of Present Simple, this is a verb DO. It is consumed in all forms, except 3 faces of the singular.

Does Os Often Repeat These Words? - Do they often repeat these words?

THEY DON'T OFTEN REPEAT THESE WORDS. - They do not often repeat these words.

At the same time, in 3 face units. The end of the end does not go anywhere - it goes from the main verb to the auxiliary. Thus, Does turns into DOES.

Lima Adores Such Kind of Scent. - Lima loves such a smell.

Lima Doesn't Like Such Kind of Scent. - Lima does not like such a smell.

Does Lima Adore Such Kind of Scent? - Lima loves such a smell?

As you can see examples, the verbs in 3 face the only number in question and negative forms from the end of -S are released.

5. In what other English verbs is the end of -S?

The third party category of the singular is generally very useful to remember to properly use a number of English rules. The end of the -s can be noticed not only in the verbs of this person of this simple time. We see his tracks in such forms as:

All these forms are also used in 3 face. numbers.

To properly use the endings in English, the table of which is given above, you need not only to know the rule, but also practiced regularly. Present Simple is the simplest English time. And the most common mistake of students - the missed end of the verb 3 faces. At first, everything is done without exception. Do not forget about this feature, do exercises, say more - and mistakes from your speech will disappear.