Current and accusative case in German Questions. Akkusativ in German. Certain articles of batteries

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Today we will touch you themes of nouns and how to work with them in German.

As you noticed, until this time we considered only verbs and rules for working with them. For example, as competently say:

menwho comes every night with a woman in the cafe. They always order coffee and fruit cake. An hour later, he pays and they go.

Later we will say it in German.

Dedicated words are in the case of accurate (Akkusativ) And answer questions "Who? what?" and where?"

I see (Who?) man.
He comes (where to?) in the cafe.
They order (what?) Coffee and fruit cake.

Nouns in Accident

In German, it works as follows:

Male Rod
Nominativ. - Wer? WAS?
(who what?)
This is a man. DAS IST DER (EIN) MANN.
This is the park. DAS IST DER (EIN) PARK.
Akkusativ. - Wen? WAS? WOHIN?
(Who? What? Where?)
He goes to the park. Er Geht in Den Park.
Feminine gender
Nominativ. - Wer? WAS?
(who what?)
This is a woman. DAS IST DIE (EINE) FRAU.
This city. Das IST Die Stadt.
Akkusativ. - Wen? WAS? WOHIN?
(Who? What? Where?)
I see a woman. ICH SEHE DIE (EINE) FRAU.
She goes to the city. Sie Fährt in Die Stadt.

It changes the article only the male genus der - Den. Everything else - no change:

Haben verb

Haben - have.

When using this verb, all the existing nouns are in the accumulation.

The verb is changed by the rules:

ICH habe
Du hast.
ER, SIE, ES hat.
Wir. haben.
Ihr. habt.
Sie, Sie. haben.


Nouns are denied in German with the help of a negative article KEIN (E).

This is a man. This is not a man, this is a woman. She has no man. - Das IST EIN MANN. Das IST KEIN MANN, DAS IST EINE FRAU. Sie Hat Keinen Mann.

This is an apartment. It is not an apartment, it's a house. I have no apartment. - Das Ist Eine Wohnung. DAS IST KEINE WOHNUNG, DAS IST EIN HAUS. Ich Habe Keine Wohnung.

This is a car. This is not a car, this is a bus. I do not have a car. - Das IST EIN AUTO. DAS IST KEIN AUTO, DAS IST EIN BUS. ICH HABE KEIN AUTO.

These are friends. They are not friends. He has no friends. - Das Sind Freunde. Sie Sind Keine Freunde. Er Hat Keine Freunde.

And here is the text that was at the beginning. Now you can easily understand almost all the grammatical structures that are present in it - you already know a lot of enough!

I work in a cafe and see every day menwho comes every night with a woman in the cafe. They always order coffee and fruit cake. An hour later, he pays and they go.

Ich Arbeite in Dem (in dem \u003d im) Cafe und Sehe Jeden Tag Den Mann, Der Jeden Abend Mit Der Frau in Das (in das \u003d Ins) Cafe Kommt. Sie Bestellen Immer Den Kaffee Und Den Obstkuchen. In Einer Stunde Bezahlt Er Und Sie Gehen Weg. (Weggehen - leave)

Compare two Russian offers:

The car rolled over the angle.

I noticed this car.

In the first case, the acting person is the car. Word a car stands in the nominative case (who what?)Since here is called, the leader is called. In the second case, the machine from the leader turns into an object (here - observations). This is the so-called accusative case. (I blame, blaming who? What?).

A car turns into machine, that is, changes the end.

Let's see now that in a similar situation occurs in German:

DER Zug Geht Um Halb Zwölf. - The train departs half the twelfth.

Ich Nehme. dEN. Zug. - Literally: I'll take this train. (In fact, it means: I will go by train)

As you can see, unlike the Russian language, it has changed not the ending, but article. Der Zug. - in the nominative case (Nominativ), Den Zug - in the vinegenic case (Akkusativ). In the nominative case, the words answer questions who? what? (wER. ? WAS?), and in the vinema - to questions who? what?(wen. ? WAS?). But when you speak German, you have no time to control ourselves with questions. Therefore, it is easier to navigate what this word represents: a leader or an object of action. If an object of action is then Akkusativ.Just imagine the arrow (⇒) - And you can't make wrong. Moreover, the object of action should be without an excuse, since the pretext, as in Russian, changes everything. Compare: Made a job. He coped with work.In other words, the arrow should output directly to the object.

Proverb: Übung Macht. dEN. Meister. - Exercise makes the master. (Russian analog: Repeat - mother of teaching.)

Until now, we dealt with a male family, where articles dER Changed on dEN.. We are watching now what is happening in other kinds and plural:

Neuter gender (n): Ich Nehme Das Taxi. - I'll take a taxi.

Feminine gender (f): Ich Nehme Die Strabenbahn. - I'll take (this) tram. (In the sense: I will go to the tram)

Plural (PL): Ich Nehme Die Briefmarken. - I will take (these) brands.

As you can see, nothing happens. Akkusativ. It does not change the nouns of the middle and female genus, it does not affect the plural.

Therefore, you need to remember: Akkusativ.- It's only for a male race, only DER on the dEN. !

And if the article is uncertain?

ICH TRINKE EINE MILCH, EIN BIER UND EIN en Wein. - I will drink milk, beer and wine.

(I will go for such a risk for the sake of grammar.) Where is the word of male genus here? Right, der (EIN) Wein. IN Akkusativ EIN. Switched B. Einen., adding -en..

It means dER ⇒ Den, Ein ⇒ Einen (Kein / No / ⇒ Keinen, MEIN / My / ⇒ Meinen). All by -en. .

Note that after expression eS GIBT (available)need to consume Akkusativ.(for the simple reason that literally this expression is translated it gives ... Who? what?):

ES GIBT HIER EIN en Biergarten. - There is Birgarian ("beer garden": beer under the trees).

To express time, especially the segment of time is also used Akkusativ.:

Ich War Dort. dEN.ganz. enTAG / MONAT. - I was there all ("whole") day / month.

Ich Gehe Jed. enTag Dorthin. - I go there every day / month.

Actually, this will come in handy for you only with the words Tag Monat - in combination with "whole" and "each".

Nalificial name can be replaced by pronoun ("instead of name")When and so clear, about whom or about Chem is speech.

Ich Kenne Den Mann. - I know this man.

Ich Kenne.ihn. . - I know him.

Here we have Akkusativ. - And male genus. As well as dER Changing on DEN., pronoun eR (he) Changing on iHN (His). It is easy to remember, because everywhere -r.goes in -n.

But it is possible and not to use special pronouns (ER, IHN), You can simply leave the defiate article - and it will be the same, only a little bit familiar:

Ich Kenne Den. - I know him (this). Der Ist Mein Freund. - He is my friend.

In other kinds (Sie - she, ES - it) and plural (Sie - they) No changes occur. Akkusativ \u003d nominativ.. That is, literally, says:

I know she, I know it, I know they.

For example:

Ich Kenne Die Frau, Ich Kenne Die (Sie). "I know this woman, I know EE."

Ich Kenne Das Buch, Ich Kenne Das (ES). - I know this book.

Ich Kenne Die Bücher, Ich Kenne Die (Sie). - I know these books, I know them.

Ich Kenne Sie. - Do I know you.

Polite form Sie. German is not taken from you, and from they are. That is, politely referring to you, they say: I know they.

As for other so-called personal pronouns (denoting persons) in Nominativ. and B. Akkusativ., then they are best remembered in the examples:

Ich Liebedich . - I love you.

Liebst du. mich. ? - Do you love me?

Seht Ihr.uns. ? - You see us?(IHR -it's when with each of the interlocutors on you.)

Wir Sehen.eUCH . - We see you.

All German prepositions are used with a certain case. learn german prepositions with translation, their use, as well as freely apply them in practice, you will need a lot of time. But this is not a trouble, over time, the prepositions will fall in your head, most importantly, use more often various expressions and verbs with them in your speech ....

In German, there are prepositions that are used only in the case of Akkusativ or German prepositions used only in Dativ. And also, in German there are pretexts that require both cases, both Akkusativ and Dativ (In this case, you need to navigate on the issue). Well, do not forget about Genitiv.

P.S. The declination of article articles can

And today in my article we Consider German prepositions with the transformation and examples\u003d) Let's go!

Prepositions used only in Akkusativ:

  • bIS (before ...): Der Zug Fährt Bis Köln. - The train rides to Cologne.
  • dURCH (through / through) : Sie Fahren Durch Die Türkei. - They go through Turkey.
  • entlang (along / for): Wir Fahren Die Küste Entlang. We go along the coast.
  • für (for / for something): Er Braucht Das Geld Für Seine Miete. He needs money to pay for rent.
  • gegen (counter / c): DAS AUTO FUHR GEGEN EINEN BAUM - The car drove into a tree.
  • ohne (without): Ohne Brille Kann Ich Nichts Sehen. I can't see anything without glasses.
  • um (about / around / in (- time)) : WIR SIND UM DIE KIRCHE (HERUM) Gegangen. We went around the church. Die BESPRECHUNG BEGINNT UM 13.00 UHR. The meeting begins at 13.00 h.
  • wIDER (contrary to / mind): Wider Das Recht. Against the law | against the right. Wider Die Natur. Against nature

Prepositions used only in Dativ:

  • aB (from / s - indicates time) / starting with ..): AB Nächster Woche Habe Ich Urlaub. Since the next week I have a vacation.
  • aUS (from) : Ich Komme Aus der Türkei. I am from Turkey.
  • außer (excluding / except / out of something): ICH HABE AUßER EINER SCHEIBE BROT NICHTS GEGESSEN. In addition to a slice / piece of bread, I did not eat anything.
  • bei (1. What is the location where - l / s. - y / with / near. 2. Indicates a state - for / during something) - (Bei Dem \u003d Beim): Ich Wohne Bei Meinen Eltern . I live with my parents. | Er Sieht Beim Essen Fern. He is watching TV while eating / for meal.
  • entgegen (contrary): Entgehen Den Erwartungen Verlor Der Boxer Den Kampf. Contrary to expectations, the boxer lost battle.
  • gEGENÜBER (on the contrary): Das Cafe Befindet Sich Gegenüber Dem Theater. The cafe is located opposite the theater.
  • mit ("C"; and also indicates a means of performing an action): Ich Fahre Mit Dem Auto. I'm driving a car. | Ich Gehe Mit Meiner Schwester Ins Kino. I go with my sister in the movies.
  • nach (after): NACH DEM ESSEN GEHE ICH INS BETT. After eating, I go to sleep.
  • seit (points to point in time - from some moment starting from ..): Seit Adams Zeiten - since Adam and Eve. | ICH HABE SEIT GESTERN ABEND STARKE KOPFSCHMERZEN. - My head hurts from yesterday.
  • von (from - in temporary value; C, from - spatial value; indicates the prenateness) / (VON DEM - VOM): DAS IST DER SCHRIIBTISCH VOM Chef. This is the table of my chef. | Ich Komme Gerade Vom Zahnarzt. I'm only from the doctor.
  • zu (used when changing location, targeting target / location; k ..) / (zu dem \u003d zum | zu der \u003d zur): ZUM GLÜCK REGNET ES NICHT. Fortunately, there is no rain (it does not go raining).

Prepositions used in both cases - And in Dativ, and in Akkusativ - are called WechSelpräpositionen. In this case, you should always ask questions:

WO? (Where? Place) / Wann? (when?) \u003d require DATIV case.
WOHIN? (Where? Direction, movement) \u003d Requires akkusativ.

And now to these pretexts:

an (An Dem \u003d Am | An das \u003d ans) - on:
Dativ - Das Bild Hängt An der Wand. (WO? - AN DER WAND). Picture hanging on the wall (where?)
Akkusativ.- ICH HÄNGE DAS BILD AN DIE WAND (WOHIN? - AN DIE WAND). I hang painting on the wall. (where to?)

aUF (AUF DAS \u003d AUFS) - on:
Dativ- Das Buch Liegt Auf Dem Tisch. The book is on the table.
Akkusativ.- Ich Lege Das Buch Auf Den Tisch. I put the book on the table.

hinter - For, behind, from:
Dativ - Der Brief Liegt Hinter Dem Schreibtisch. The letter lies at the table.
Akkusativ.- Der Brief Ist Hinter Den Schreibtisch Gefallen. The letter fell at the table.

in (in dem \u003d im | In das \u003d Ins) - in:
Dativ - ICH WAR IN DER SCHWEIZ. I was in Switzerland.
Akkusativ.- ich Fahre in Die Schweiz. I'm going to Switzerland.

neben - Nearby, near:
Dativ - Der Tisch Steht Neben Dem Bett. The table is standing near the bed.
Akkusativ.- ICH STELLE DEN TISCH NEBEN DAS BETT. I will put the table near the bed.

Über - Over, O, more:
Dativ - Das Bild Hängt über Dem Sofa. Picture hanging over the sofa.
Akkusativ. - Laura Hängt Das Bild Über Das Sofa. Laura hangs the picture above the sofa.

unter - under:
Dativ - Die Katze Sitzt Unter Dem Stuhl. The cat sits under the chair.
Akkusativ. - Die Katze Kriecht Unter Den Stuhl. The cat climbed under the chair.

vOR (VOR DEM \u003d VORM) - Before:
Dativ -Die Taxis Stehen VORM Bahnhof. Taxi stand in front of the railway station.
Akkusativ.- Die Taxis Fahren DIREKT VOR DIE TÜR. Taxis drive up straight to the door.

zWISCHEN - Between:
Dativ -Das Foto IST ZWISChen Den Büchern. Photo stands between books.
Akkusativ.- HAST DU DAS FOTO ZWISCHEN DIE BÜCHERN GESTECKT? - Did you put a photo between books?

Prepositions with the case of Genitiv:

  • außerhalb (outside / for / outside / outside): Außerhalb Der Stadt Gibt Es Viel Wald. Over the city there is a big forest.
  • innerhalb (within / inside / within / within): Bitte Bezahlen Sie Die Rechnung Innerhalb Einer Woche. Please pay an account within a week. Der Hund Kann Sich Innerhalb Der Wohnung Befinden. The dog can be in the apartment.
  • lAUT (in accordance with ... / according to what-l / software /): Laut Einer Studie Sind Nur 50% Der Deutschen Glücklich. According to the study, only 50% of Germans are happy.
  • mithilfe (with / with assistance): Mithilfe Eines Freundes Gelang Ihm Die Flucht. Thanks to the help of friends, he managed to escape.
  • statt (instead of something): STATT EINES BLUMENSTRAUSSESS VERSCHENKTE ER EIN ALTES BUCH. Instead of a bouquet of flowers, he gave an old book.
  • tROTZ (despite / contrary): Trotz Einer Schlechten Leistung Bestand Er Die Prüfung. Despite his bad performance, he passed the exam.
  • während (throughout anything / during the time of anything / in the process): Während Seines Studiums Lernte ErnTe Ernglisch. During his studies at the institute, he learned English.
  • wEGEN (due to / due to): WEGEN EINES UNGLÜCKS Hatte Der Zug Verspätung. The train is Opazdal because of the accident.
    IMPORTANT : with personal pronouns pretext wegen. will be used with case Dativ: WEGEN DIR | MIR (+ Dativ) -WEGEN DIR HABE ICH DREI KILO ZUGENOMMEN. Because of you I scored 3 kg.

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Lesson 20 - German case. In this step, we will learn how to build more complex phrases. For example, in the proposal I want to read the book word « book"Standing in Russian is no longer in its standard form (book), but gets the end -U.. There is a change in the case (I want to read ... Who? / What?). In the German language, words are also changed by case. The usual word shape (book) is called Nominativ, and the word change (book) is akkusativ. We will meet with him in this lesson.

How to say in german phrase I want to read the book or I want to buy a closet and lamp . In this case, German words do not change, but their article changes:

As you can see, the change occurs only in male genus - Der ➙ Den. Middle, female genus and multiple number fully coincide.

EIN Und Kein and Akkusativ Paddle

Let's see how they change eIN. and kein. :

Sleeping eIN. and kein. Also get the end -en., in other birth, nothing changes. Only changes men's genus: Der ➙ Den, Einen, Keinen.

Examples of the use of german case Akkusativ:

Ich Möchte Das Buch Lesen.I want to read the book. (concrete book)
Ich Will Ein Buch Lesen.I want to read the book. (some book)
ICH WILL DEN SCHRANK UND DIE LAMPE KAUFEN.I want to buy a closet and lamp. (concrete things)
Ich Möchte Einen Schrank Und Eine Lampe Kaufen.I want to buy a closet and lamp. (Abstract, some things)
Ich Möchte Keinen Schrank Kaufen.I do not want to buy a wardrobe.
Ich Will Kein Buch Lesen.I do not want to read the book.
Sie Will Keine Bücher Kaufen.She does not want to buy books.

More examples:

Gib Mir Den Teller, Bitte.Give me a plate, please.
Ich Brauche Eine Kreditkarte.I need a credit card.
ICH SCHREIBE DIR EINEN BRIEF.I'm writing you a letter.
Ich Habe Das Auto Verkauft.I sold the car.
ICH SCHAUE GERN FILME.I am pleased to watch movies.
Er Hat Keine Lampe Gekauft.He did not bought a lamp.
Sie Hat Mir Ein Packet Geschickt.She sent me a parcel.

Phrases "I have something" Formula is expressed

haben + Akkusativ. (I have something)

ICH HABE EINEN HUND. — I have a dog.
Er Hat Eine Schwester.He has a sister.
Hat Sie Eine Wohnung?Does she have an apartment?
Sie Hat Keine Wohnung.She has no apartment.
HAST DU SÜßIGKEITEN ZU HAUSE?Do you have sweets at home?
Nein, Ich Habe Keine Süßigkeiten.No, I have no sweets.

In the German language, only 4 cases: nominative, acusive, giving and genitive.
Words in German when declining do not change like us: Koshak. Cat, with a cat ... In German, the article is changing, standing in front of the word. There are pretexts that require a vinuatello case of 8 acusive) and there are verbs, after which the words are put in the acuzative.
Most often you can easily put a question of whom? what?
See whom? what?
I put, I put, buy what?
Here are the prepositions, after which the accumulative is always used:

They can change value. But for the average level of German, it is worthwhile to know the main values \u200b\u200bof these prepositions:

  • entlang (Along) - ER GEHT Die Straße Entlang
  • dURCH (through, through) - WIE GEHEN JEDEN TAG DURCH DEN PARK.
  • um - (around, at a time) Die Kinder Sitzen Um Den Lehrer.
  • gegen (mind or about such a time) -
  • Was Hast Du Dagegen? Ich Bin Gegen Deinen Plan. About Time: Sie Kommt Gegen 5 UHR
  • für (for) - ES Gibst Ein Brief Für Deine Frau. Die Pause Beginnt UM 14 UHR.
  • bIS (up) Sie BleiBt Hier Bis Morgen
  • ohne (without)- Er Kann Ohne Wörterbuch Gut Schreiben.
As you can see, the nouns have changed.
Grammar can be remembered simply: articles are inclined as follows: DEN - DIE- DAS-

Denis Adi das
He tries for us!

And after these prepositions, it can stand both by the giver and the acuzative. We have already learned them.

How to use, we remember: when moving the subject, we putAkuzativ, when resting. Dava.

now having a table before your eyes, we will work: Denis Adi-das he tries for us!

Der Schrank Cabinet Die Küche Kitchen Das Klo toilet
Der Boden Paul Die Decke ceiling DAS.Haus House
Der Tisch Table Die Veranda Veranda Das Sofa Sofa
Der Korridor Corridor Die Vase Vase Das Foto Photo
DER SESSEL (LEHNSTUHL) DIE Chair Kommode Dresser DAS.Fenster window
Der Teppich Carpet Die Wohnung Apartment Das Bett Bed
Der Spiegel Mirror Die Tür Door Das Regal Shelf
Der Keller Basement, Storeroom Die Toilette Toilet Das Bad
Der Ausgang Exit
Der Eingang Input
Task 1 make up proposals:
1. The dog is coming IN Bedroom. The dog is coming IN White bedroom.
2. I put a vase ON THE bedside table I put a vase ON THE Old bedside table
3. We put the table BETWEEN Armchairs. We put the table BETWEEN Blue chairs.
4.Merring is hung on the Wall (to the wall). Mirror hang on the wall (to the wall) incorridor.
5. The machine is approached to Login.
6. Putting the shelf w.walls.
7. Book a book on the table.
8. The dog went under table.
9. In the bathroom I always put 2 new Pockets.
10.Mnose you need to buy a new chair.