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The topic of the conversation - on the one hand, sad, and on the other hand, exciting. And on all sides - important. The conversation will go about the current education system, because it is connected with many other things in society. Guest in Studio - Alexander Grigorievich Asmolov, Professor of Moscow State University.

What does society worries today first of all? As you know, the lack of information always gives rise to certain ideas that they are going to make power or some people, on whom the human life in Russia depends.

And the information is as follows: free study of all items, which, from the point of view of the Ministry of Education and Science, are considered superfluous, canceled. There remains church-parish set: reading, letter, account. It will be free. Everything else is for money. This is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe coming education reform in very many Russian citizens. Is it really?
(Listen to this conversation in the audio file)

Asmolov: Every time creates its myths. And the deficit of information gives rise not only to myths. He gives rise to the monster.

In this situation, it is necessary to understand the following simple things.

Modernization of education is inevitable, because people live in another time and in another century. This is a banality, but which many not always with a sufficient degree of reportability reflexes.

The 21st century is called the information age or century of communications. But one of the most accurate and capacious names is a network century. We all live in the network century. What does this mean? What people were on the information synchrophasotron. And that many professions that exist today and on which current students are preparing, in 2004 did not exist at all. What students study in the second year in technical universities, it is obsolete to the fifth year, and students turn out to be in other reality.

If there was a television about 50 years to capture the information field, the Ai-Pads captured him in one or two years. That is, they completely changed the speeds in which we live. At these speeds there are a new generation of children who can be called "information accelerators".

If an adult is now going with a child of four, and sometimes even three years old, and he began to slightly pick up a mobile phone, he is lost and thinks how to call. The child takes the phone in his hands, and he begins to work. Explain the child, as he did it, can not, but he did it because he lives in this world.

The key tragedy in education today is the lag of primary school teachers from primary school students in the field of mastering information reality.

- You are talking about those places of our country, where informatization is present. And let's take a rural school somewhere in the Altai Territory, where there is no Internet. Although, probably, mobile phones have become simply ... Now some movie looked about the modern village, so everything is with mobile phones. But still it is mainly a disease or happiness of large cities. And what a country is huge ...

Asmolov: You are absolutely right. If we talk about the concentration of informational reality, then it is associated with megalopolis. At the same time, today "smart" mobile phones exist everywhere. Moreover, when the government reports, it turns out that almost all Russian schools are investigated. In other words, the internetization of the whole country occurred.

At the same time, some do not see the social consequences of the internetization. And one of these consequences is that the opposition of the center-peripheral or center-province begins to disappear. Today is the main thing - This is the availability of unique flow streams for teachers, and not just for students. The Internet opens this accessibility for teachers. We always talk about the availability of the Internet for a schoolboy, and I am talking about his accessibility for the teacher.

Therefore, the key problem in today's education is the problem of the professional and personal growth of the teacher, its values \u200b\u200bin culture. This problem is number one.

In this context, this is the main thing that is necessary, with the introduction of a new generation of standards that have nothing to fear. I will say sharply, loss, who would like to give up physics, mathematics, biology and literature in school, not found. The question is that from discrete (individual) objects we go to educational areas.

The main task of the school is not to make a student, for example, studying physics, knew how to enable or turn off the light, but in order to give him a picture of the world. It was the picture of the world - the main task. And when we give the child different educational areas, thereby, we help him enter these pictures of the world.

Second moment. The new standard that is introduced today is not a standard of knowledge A Constitution of School's Life. And this means that it is not at a minimum of knowledge, and in general knowledge is the most important thing. And that is why they begin to scare. But without an understanding that culture is, as Paul Florensky said, Wednesday, stretching personality, nothing will work. Culture is the basic basis of education. The breaking of education from the context of culture is unnatural for human development and its socialization. And today it is information socialization as a key characteristic. Therefore, we are in the standards of education introduce an idea of \u200b\u200buniversal thinking actions.

- Many many are indignant when they hear about the subject of natural science. What is this object that will combine all the natural sciences that are all accustomed to study separately? Physics, chemistry, biology, etc.

Asmolov: A great mistake is that we are confusing the development of science and development of education. These are two different institutions of culture. The case of education is to broadcast, but not just to broadcast, as the parrot makes, what is done in science. You will never be treated for science, nothing will happen. Because if every new discovery to push into the curriculum will work "Cucoschina principle". Ecology appeared - reduce physics or chemistry, etc. Very complex relationship between the birth of knowledge in a particular activity and scientific development. These are two different logic. These are not two parallel straight, they intersect, but at the same time, when they begin to transfer the logic of scoop-centers to school, this is an error.

The main thing is to create a situation of activity in which a person is attached to the world of culture, including the world of scientific culture. But here it is impossible to confuse scientific culture with a scientific research. Studies have always analytical installations on the decomposition of certain reality. To understand, you should always find your unit, your atom, your molecule.

Here our task is to give orientation in the world. Therefore, the key task is to teach a child to solve problems in conditions of uncertainty. Today, the information world needs a school of universal actions, a school of uncertainty is needed when the child would not be tied to the progressive tasks. In life, people today have a deal with a different task class. These tasks are associated with motivation, they have redundant data, insufficient data.

We are accustomed to school challenges, in which everything is given, and in life, as Kolmogorov said, it is necessary to join the task, always disadvantage, deficiency, or, on the contrary, excessive data from which it is necessary to build a solution process. Therefore, we are talking today that you need a school of uncertainty, when the child would solve different types of tasks, preparing for uncertain situations in life.

The tajicated Tajik of the Soroka is praying to the monument to residents of our Moscow region, who died during the Great Patriotic War.

Nearby, almost on a memorial plate - the started bottle of vodka. The migrant worker periodically seals and cries. I had to come and angrily demand that I immediately removed the alcohol from the monument. In response to good Russian: "Look, Sergeyev Pasha here ... We are together in Afghan ...". I realized that I found an awkward and non-sustainable, but high TRIZNU for a friend.

No matter how bitterly, it sounds, but the seams around the monuments in honor of our common victories and cemeteries - became the only space where the people from the Soviet republics are not "chocks", not migrants, and "do not imagine here", and - single-sex, friends, brothers . About the Soviet character, imperial ambitions and other inheritance of the USSR, our conversation with a psychologist and historian Alexander Asmolov.

Alexander Asmolov: Before us the brightest example of the fate of a person deprived of the meaning of life in the 90s. The Great Tragedy was as follows: people who lived in a huge country in anticipation of communism, no matter how they understood him, had a high meaning of existence. No social alchemy should deprive them of this feeling. I as a psychologist I say: for any democracy, it is shock. Certain social groups have lost their usual values. For example, "Afghans" or returned from the Chechen war.

Your Tajik found an expensive surname on the monument. He absolutely do not care that it is just a one-fampots of the deceased friend. For him, the fraternity is important. And the fact that then the country tent times said that it was not necessary to raise the protection of internationalism in Afghanistan and that all this was later called a historical mistake, - for the "Afghans" does not matter. Once in the post-Soviet situation, when there was no common country, your friend is looking for a support in general symbols of culture. And the Great Patriotic and its monuments are just such a support. We still have surrender, creating a unique identity. "We" defended our "our" country and in Afghanistan. I remove the hat in front of such people. What happened during the war is their value staff. This is a special identity of the guys of the disaster. But the loss of "I" as "We" is incredibly dangerous for a person. No matter how far the privatization of "my" consciousness has entered. And the find of this collective "I" is akin to religious ritual. As you expressed, "TRIZNE".

Russian newspaper: Unfortunately, youth, which in the evenings is going around the monument to drink beer, does not perceive more Tajik brother. I had to accompany my jetty Visavi to the house ...

Asmolov: In our country, unfortunately, xenophobic moods grow. The person is suspicious only because he is Tajik, Chechen, Ukrainian ...

RG: And the Soviet people seem to be not peculiar?

Asmolov: Everything is more difficult. After all, what is happening in inter-ethnic relationship is now the consequences of a huge generic injury in the form of "deportation". And Chechen, and other ethnic groups, and even social layers, such as fouls. When the root changes, consciousness changes, people turn into a "rolling-field". Such shifts are wrapped with specific installations and behavior. After all, there is a culture of utility and culture of dignity. These two types of crops and dictate behavioral to other people. If you live in the culture of dignity, then you absolutely do not matter what form or length of a person's nose.

RG: A neighbor says that she got a "imperial consciousness" to her inheritance. It manifests itself as follows: it feeds Kyrgyz, which are cleaned in the entrance. Buys fruit, sunflower oil, sometimes sweets. At the same time, it quotes Exupery about "in response for those who have tamed" ... another post-Soviet injury?

Asmolov: You remember the words: "Do not rush to find out, the bell calls, is it calling for you?" This costs a unique human ability to empathize: if I suddenly find out that someone died in Somalia or in Chile, that an earthquake and people were dying to Haiti in Japan or Haiti, it would be hurt and hard for me. This is an universal (non-ethnic or civilian) identity (not ethnic or civil) identity that allows you to live according to Maugli's formula: I'm with you one blood - you and me. What strange terms this property is not focused, was called imperial consciousness or some others, in normal language it is called people in a difficult situation.

RG: This year marks 20 years, as we live without the USSR. Is it a sufficient period to say: "Soviet man", "Scoop", "Homo Sovieticus" - went to the past?

Asmolov: The question of the speed of mental changes is very complicated. I want to remind you how literally for several years the mentality has changed one of the countries, which was famous for his intelligentsia, with his scientists, ways of thinking in front of the whole world. And suddenly - the third Reich. Quickly everything has changed in Russia. Remember the Bunin with "Okayan Days" and a block with his article "Intelligentsia and Revolution", which began with the words "Russia dies, Russia is no longer." Both speak of a unique acceleration of changes. The most accurate these mental shifts are transmitted by verses. Tikhonov wrote in 1923: "We have learned the poor to feed. To breathe in the sea moisture salty. Meet the sunset. And in the shops to buy for the copper garbage Gold lemons." It would seem that lines are far from reality, but they showed how the worldview, a worldview, approach to life change with a huge speed. It is very important what kind of task is the ideology at this time. Soviet leaders set the main one: to pay a new person, superman. Similar wording We also find the author of the book "Myth of the XX century" Alfred Rosenberg, who is an ideologist of the Nazi movement.

The whole ideological Soviet car worked for the smelting of a new reality. The work was performed and the "Soviet man and the community of Soviet people" appeared. The appearance of a new mentality recorded the best works of literature and films of those years. According to them, just as a wonderful anthropologist Gerasimov on the skull remains, the expression of the face of Ivan the Terrible was restored, the image of the "paid ideologists of the party of the Soviet person could also be restored.

RG: I foresee that in this portrait I hardly recognize expensive people from Soviet childhood ...

Asmolov: I immediately want to emphasize, I'm a psychologist and I am not going to give an estimated characteristics, only I will try to allocate several features that were characteristic of "Homo Sauzetikus", as Zinoviev said. At the same time, I believe that the last person who knows well what is good and what is bad, Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky was. In the unique period, which we speak, lived Bulgakov, Pasternak, my father, in the end. And they were personalities, and not people "scoop".

Meanwhile, a new person whom "paid" Soviet ideologues was distinguished by several features. The first is faith in the existence of the center who sees everything, everything knows and understands everything. She was in one way or another was perceived from the Russian mentality. We often talk about the "cult of personality", but it would be more accurate to say: "Cold Center". It is he who changes the mentality of the people in totalitarian states. Both in Romania and in China, and in North Korea, and in Poland, and in the GDR. In fact, the totalitarian system imposes its matrix. The formula that is valid now: "The state console of all amazes the cult virus. There is an infection from the console, see the design is not that." And to justify this design, appropriate tight totalitarian control. Freud said that the image of the father was controlled by everything. We also manage the image of the "Great Father", and not native.

Another feature of Soviet identity is faith in the existence of the enemy. Initially, it was capitalism, then the enemies of the people. And today, this archetype did not leave our mentality. Fortunately, there are many migrants in the country, people of another nationality. Today we are a country of developed xenophobia. The third feature concerning the image of "Homo Sovieticus" is escaping decision-making. Formulas: "Sydi and wait - come up with leaders", "I am a small man", "on top knowy" anyway existed in our consciousness with you.

RG: Similarly described Max Weber, refused to "a representative of the social religion of equality" in the natural deposit of freedom. You can argue with you, because at least, that all these qualities "Homo Sovieticus" can be found in one degree or another from nations who have not passed the communist re-education ... And what about the Russian mentality?

Asmolov: Russia is experiencing a situation of loss of identity. If earlier we all sang: "Our address is not a house and not the street, our address is the Soviet Union," today we have a praise and struggle of various mentality. Soviet ideological programs that are motivation factories in different social groups disappeared. A number of brilliant works were written about the modern crisis of identity. In particular, it seems very interesting to me the work of Leo Gudkov that we now gain identity by the formula "against whom" (this is the echo "enemy's image"), which is called "negative identity". We were in the world of uncertainty, where the most powerful processes were walking, starting with the so-called "restructuring". The main of these processes, which distinguishes our modern mentality, we have acquired in the 90s - this is the privatization of consciousness. It is much more important than the privatization of factories, factories and raw materials. The man himself began to make decisions and responsible for his actions. Young people have always been a carrier of indignant behavior in any cultures. But Russian modern youth earlier the search for the meaning of life begins, much earlier "mature" is the trait of our time. We cease to feel a unique domestic fear in the situation of uncertainty - the fear of entering the open door.

RG: When did we talk about the fundamental features of the Soviet man, was it concerned only by Russian citizens or in general all the Soviet people?

Asmolov: Total Soviet Union. Ideologists worked everywhere. With the manifestations of the Soviet mentality, you will come across in Uzbekistan, and in the Baltic States. For example, in Estonia or in Latvia, when people go out of themselves, forget their native language and begin to firm in Russian. The Russian Mat is also a mentality line. The unique religious Soviet system crystallized a special social character. However, in our consciousness there are layers of different antiquity. And the designed "Homo Sovieticus" some layers pulled out, others changed, the third began to change when Homo Sovieticus collapsed. And then the features of ethnic identity and ethnic culture appeared on the surface. This happened, for example, with Uzbekistan and with Tajikistan. Please note that in these countries we now have unique totalitarian systems with a cult of great personality. There is a Soviet matrix, which is superimposed on the feudal matrix of consciousness. Features of such psychological conglomerates are investigating such sciences as historical psychology and mentality history. Of particular interest to scientists now is Kazakhstan, since the only CIS among the countries has made the main on-site modernization of education in world samples. Privatization of consciousness there is in full swing.

From Dossier RG.

Aleandr Asmolov - Head of the Department of Psychology of the Personality of the Psychological Faculty of Moscow State University, author of the course "Historical Psychology of Personality".

Tolerance with political coloring

In Kiev

In Kiev, a supporter of the radical "fraternity" Anna Xinkov, who was gathered on December 16, 2010 to fry the scrambled eggs and sausages on the eternal fire in the Park of Glory. The prosecutor's office presented her accusation, and the court ruled to keep the girl in the SIZO. Four unknown persons tried on eternal flames and sausages. Video about it appeared on the Internet.

In Tallinn

In Tallinn, at the entrance to the military cemetery, a pointer was established, which, including it was written here, "Monument soldiers of the Soviet Army occupied on September 22, 1944," Tallinn. It is set not far from the bronze soldier to whom thousands of inhabitants of Estonia come on the day of victory and the day of the liberation of Tallinn. Unknowns damaged the stand pointer. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia received a note of the Russian Embassy in Estonia, which expressed bewilderment due to the text contained on the stand. The Estonian Ministry of Defense dismantled the corrupted information stands that caused a political scandal for their recovery. In connection with the spill of the stand, a criminal case was initiated.

In Riga

The former Soviet partisan Vasily Kononov, who died last Friday, was buried at the Riga Cemetery. Arrested in 1998 on charges of war crimes, Kononov was in custody until 2000 and was sentenced by the court to 1.5 years in prison. In June 2008, the Strasbourg court spoke on Kononov's side, and in May 2010, having considered an appeal - on the side of Latvia. In November 2010, the court accepted the work on the revision of the case. The basis was the declassified data of Russian archives on hostilities in Latvia during World War II.

Original taken from SS69100.l

ABOUT Children is our future. "This saying sounds quite naturally for every normal person. What do you mean in it? Depends on the context. But in the most general case, children are the future of our depreciation.

Then it turns out that if someone denies the wording " oURthe future ", then such a person separates himself from the people of Russia. The latter assumption is confirmed, if it is also said directly: " I do not like the wording "children is our future". Children have their own future, I have my own ”.

Moreover, the disorder of children - our future, this wording is something like a life credo, because this phrase with approval is cited publicly and indicates it, a more famous in the people as Zinoviy Gerdt.

But this is not all. Member of the Public Council of the Russian Jewish Congress, Director Federal stateinstitutions "Federal Institute for Education Development" (Firo), deputy. and the first deputy minister of education of Russia, etc. Alexander Grigorievich Asmolov Throughout the post-Soviet era, it is conducting the above-mentioned credo into real Russian life. He is equipping futureour children. By dividing them in the category: Elite, Harbor and service.Plans to carry out this starting with nursery. And today it is already pushing hard in schools. He began with Transbaikal, now working with hundreds of Moscow schools.

Those. Prepares for children the future in full compliance with the idea of \u200b\u200bZalman Slapinovich: to each his own. By the way, this slogan was posted on the gate of Buchenwald.

The question arises: and when honey Get a disgusting person on the surname asmolov? Together with His full support for another disgusting person V. Posner.

The reason for these notes was the article V. Popova "Shadow Figure. Where there is a variability. " Lit. Newspaper №39 05. 10. 2016, where finally called and thereby exposed the main culprit of the collapse of domestic education. This is not someone else like Dr. Psychological Sciences Alexander Grigorievich Asmolov. Over the past decades, a series of educational ministers was held, who invariably became a target for criticism, but they, according to the author, were only pawns, submissive performers of the will of Kuklovod A.G. Asmolov. At the place of Fursenko and Livanov, I would be fatally offended by such a miserable role allotted by him in the history of domestic education. For those who left the ministers from the life of the ministers, for "dead convulsions do not have."

We will return to the text of the article, but before several preliminary comments. Each person is formed under the influence of key historical events of his time. Deathing hopes in the present make it seek mistakes in the past, in history. This experience is determining the importance of life.

In our dynamic situation, when everyone has its own history (version of the past), the war of memory is inevitable. They are conducted by those who call for compassion for victims, against those who insist on their continuity in their tormentors. Wars of memory lead national states, political parties, historians, writers and ordinary people. As a teacher, I see that sometimes in the same family its members cultivate different versions of the past, which leads to sharp conflicts. For for some people, patriotism is unconditional admiration for everyone without withdrawing the pages of domestic history, and for others - patriotism, along with pride in the glorious past, is determined by the measure of shame that a person is experiencing a crime committed on behalf of his people.

The wars of memory equally relate to the gray old antiquity, and the events of the newest story. That, by the way, it is viewed in the subtitle of the article V. Popov: from where there is a variability. In memory immediately comes the chronicle stained: "However, the Russian land comes from, and who in Kiev initiated the first of the princes."

And one more pre-remark. We, the Soviet generation, felt fully included in Soviet life, were sincerely rejoiced by such elements of the Soviet ideology as chasing collectivism, internationalism, equality and care for children, which was not empty words. Hence the feeling of the reality of human happiness, coziness and well-being of the life, where along with fear there were advances and order. In this, among other things, the source of post-Soviet nostalgia is a significant part of the people of my generation. That and V. Popov has its own version of the recent past. God for the sake.

But in war, as in war! The ideological war dictates its laws. Iz up the mud representative of a different point of view - the Holy Case. It is noteworthy that in many countries of the world there are festivals of dirt, where participants, closing in oily mud, relax, throwing her whisk in each other. Among these countries: Korea (of course, South), America, Germany ... to the psychologists to judge how these fun holidays are removing human aggression. For such festivals, special time is allocated and place.
We have a mud festival acquired permanent character with that feature that instead of natural natural mud, dirt is used verbal.

"Outstanding atnistechik", "Exemplary demagogue", etc. - Here are just some epithets that rewards their ideological opponent V. Popov. It's funny that the author of the literary newspaper (!) In the quality of the disruption of the opponent, relations considers his proximity to the writing environment, which played the role of sheep's skins for the asmol wolf.

Academician Asmolov itself in defense does not need. And it would hardly be worth paying attention to this duty mud stream, when the author had taken an attack on the principle of formational variability. People who are not sophisticated in school are easily misleading, presenting the matter so that the formativeness of education allows each school to live according to the principle of "what, then and spoil", destroying the unified educational space of Russia. I have a hurry to reassure alarmed citizens. "Not" with the verb in all schools of the Fatherland is still taught to write separately, as well as folding simple fractions and further on the list of complicating content of school education. The variability involves the record of the characteristics of children, which, as you know, are so different. Accounting for the state of psychophysical health of the child, his abilities and inconsistencies (than, actually speaking, psychologists are intended to be engaged) allows you to individualize the learning process, stop focusing on the non-existent so-called medium student. Thanks to this very variability, adaptive programs for children with development problems, profile classes, taking into account the abilities and interests of high school students who have already chosen their future profession have appeared. Order again to build everyone in the column four and lead forward with the head turned back, in the idealized Soviet past?

Yes, the famous triangle Asmolov points out the poles: gifted children, children with development problems, and children with a diviant (deviating) behavior. But V. Popov confused the triangle asmolov with a Bermuda triangle. The rest of the children do not fall anywhere. On the contrary, knowledge of poles allows teachers of mass schools to individualize the learning process, selecting the appropriate techniques and technologies for a specific contingent of children. And here the role of psychological service is indisputable, because the psychologist is a specialist in unequalness. Another thing is that chronic underfunding of education does not allow everywhere to strengthen the psychological service, making it by qualified personnel.
Nevertheless, a long work has not passed in vain. Saving the positive experience of the Soviet school with its fundamental approach to teaching the subjects of the natural-scientific cycle, adding its necessary degrees of freedom, which represents the variability of education, we gradually begin to occupy leading places in international ratings. So rumors about the collapse of domestic education, which is guided by the author of the article, I do not confirm. Such is the essence of the case.

But back to the form of the article. She, in my opinion, is not random. The author summed up the reckless love to all of the Soviet. In particular, to such a forgotten newspaper genre as political denunciation.
Those who forgot to remind you that, according to the law of this genre, it is necessary to put forward a conspiracy version that explains the failures in the internal and foreign policy and indicate the enemies of the people. In a word, if there is no water in the house, it means they drank themselves who: Liberasts and Tolleras.

In Article V. Popova, the figure of the gray Cardinal Asmolov grows to the universal scale. Holding for threads of dolls, he collapsed Russian education, undermining our spirituality and cobatriness. And where did the president watched, arguing the appointment on the leading ministerial posts of Chinese chilks? Here is only one incorrect. Gray Cardinal always acts secretly, for the political scene. Asmolov is a public figure, he never hid his views, always expressing them openly in the media. It happened that boldly walked to the ambrusuras, stating his disagreement with the ministers, which far from always shared his views.

The demonization of Asmolov The author of the article completes the description of the devastating consequences of its devilish activities. This is the collapse of educational work in the Russian school, and the growth of children's suicides. Asmolov is made in guilt even a recent scandal in the 57 Moscow school, since the local psychologist (read the follower of Asmolov) did not help the girl who was led by the teacher.

But in the courtyard of the twenty-first century, with its new opened technological capabilities. Article - Donos is already archaic. According to the laws of the genre behind her, a television film should be followed, in which the gloomy figure of Asmolov will be revealed against the background of the smoking ruins of Russian education.

By the way about films. Favorite cult Soviet film: "Caucasian captive". There is an episode. Focusing Shurik, he is accused of indulging in orgies on the ruins of an ancient castle.

And what, I also ruined the castle? - Asks dumbfounded Schurik.
"No, it was up to you, in the fifteenth century," soothe him.
Having matured shurrik, Alexander Asmolov, is presented more serious, but the same ridiculous charges.

Years of life:1949 - at our day

Motherland: Moscow (USSR)

A.G. Asmolov was born on February 22, 1949 in Moscow in the family of employees (Mother Maria Samoyovna - Economist, Father Grigory Lvovich - Honored Energy of the USSR).

In 1966 he entered the Moscow Regional Pedagogical Institute. N.K. Krupskaya, and in 1968 transferred to the second course of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, who graduated in 1972. Here at the faculty, he went away from the laboratory assistant psychophysics laboratory to the head of the first personality psychology department (from 1998 to the present).

In the field of state service, A.G.Asmolov held the post of chief psychologist of the USSR state formation (1988-1992); Deputy and First Deputy Minister of Education of Russia (1992-1998).

Along with the scientific, organizational and pedagogical activities of A.G. Asmolov actively participates in social activities. From 1989 to 1992, he was the Vice-President of the Society of Psychologists of the USSR at the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Currently - Chairman of the Specialized Council on the Protection of Doctoral Dissertations in the specialty "General psychology, psychology of personality, history of psychology" in Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov; Member of the Scientific and Coordination Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation; Chairman of the Expert Group "Improving the Content and Technology of Education" of the Federal Institute for Education; Member of the Expert Council on Pedagogy and Psychology of the VAC Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation; Member of the Presidium on Psychology UMO on Classical University Education; Vice-President of the Russian Psychological Society; Member of the Presidium Federation of Russian Education Psychologists.

In 1976 A.G. Asmolov defended his dissertation on the topic "On the place of installation in the structure of activity" under the direction of A.N. Leontiev, and in 1996 - the doctoral dissertation "Historical and Evolutionary Approach to Personal Psychology".

2 pages, 951 words

62.7. McLakov A.G. / General Psychology / St. Petersburg, Peter, 2008. 8. Nomov R.S. / Psychology, / M., Higher education, 2005, pp.12-48; 80 .... / Introduction to general psychology, / M., Chero - Yurait, 2002, p.9- ... .. 2. Gamezo M.V., Domshenko I.A. / Atlas Psychology, / M., Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2003, p. 12-43. 3. Hyphenreiver Yu.B ...

A.G. Asmolov is a follower of the scientific school of cultural and historical psychology L.S. Vygotsky, direct student A.N. Leontiev and A.R. Luria. He is one of the leading developers of the methodology of a systemic approach in psychology and its implementation in the social practice of education. Scientific and pedagogical works A.G. Asmolov contributed to the allocation of personality psychology as an independent discipline in modern psychology. The textbooks, encyclopedia and dictionaries of the ideas about the hierarchical level of installations as the mechanisms for regulating the behavior of the personality, about the unconscious, the semantic formations of the personality structural units and the historical and evolutionary approach to the development of the individual stimulated the fundamental studies of the new generation of scientists.

In 1995 A.G. Asmolov was elected a corresponding member, and in 2008 - a valid member of RAO. In the course of his professional and social activities, he contributed to the development of the following directions of science, education and social practice:

development and formation in the public consciousness of plants of intercultural dialogue, peacefulness, tolerance, prevention of interethnic and interpersonal conflicts;

development of the principles of the historical and evolutionary approach and ideas about mutual assistance, cooperation during the process of evolution as a methodology for analyzing the patterns of biological evolution, social history and individual in social and behavioral sciences;

psychology of the personality as an independent direction of personism and educational discipline at the universities of Russia.

Scientific results of research A.G. Asmolov was reflected in the following work: "Activities and installation" (1979), "Personality as a subject of psychological research" (1984), "The principles of organizing a person's memory. System-active approach "(1985)," Psychology of individuality: the foundations of the methodology of a historical and evolution approach "(1986)," Personal psychology: principles of generality analysis "(1990)," Cultural and historical psychology and constructing of worlds "(1996)," VYGOTSKY TODAY: ON THE VERGE OF NON - CLASSICAL PSYCHOLOGY "(1999)," EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN POTENTIAL IN RUSSIA "/ IN CN:" Report on the development of human potential in the Russian Federation "/ UN Development Program / (1999)," On the other side of consciousness: the methodological problems of non-classical psychology "(2002), a textbook on psychology for classical universities" Personality Psychology: Principles of Generalical Analysis "(1990, 2002)," Personality Psychology: Cultural and Historical Understanding of Human Development "(2007)," Social competence of a class teacher. Directory of joint actions "(2007, in collaboration)," How to design universal training in elementary school. From the action to thought "(2008, in co-authorship).

5 pp., 2014 words

Directions for which the subject of psychology is associated with the inner essence of the individual (humanistic, existential psychology), cognitive processes, the development of intelligence and processing stages of information ... in an increased or reduced personality activity. Under the mental properties, sustainable education should be understood, providing a certain qualitative and quantitative level ...

In 2008, they published work on the methodology of psychology and modernization of education: "The incompeently historical and evolutionary paradigm of the design of the diversity of worlds: activity as an existence", "Strategy of socio-cultural modernization of education: on the way to overcoming the identity and civil society crisis." Trudy A.G. Asmolov translated into foreign languages.

Based on the methodology of a system and activity approach from 1988 to 2008 A.G. Asmolov developed and implemented projects, concepts and programs that have influenced the development of the education system of the Russian Federation and the formation in modern society:

organization of the service of practical psychology of education in the USSR and Russia; training in the new direction "Practical Psychology of Education";

6 pp., 2623 words

His students and staff the concept of psychology of installation. Installation is an unconscious state, which is presented and determining ... N. Findings Experimental bases of the psychology of the installation General doctrine of the installation. Setting the problem of installing an illusion of volume. Take two ... Deploying any forms of mental activity. Installation acts as a state of mobilization, readiness for ...

development and implementation of state programs "Creative gifts", "Socio-psychological support, training and education of children with developmental anomalies", "Socio-legal and psychological and medical and pedagogical service of assistance to children and adolescents", "Chernobyl children: socio-psychological and Medical and pedagogical aspects ";

participation in the restoration of pedology repressed in 1936 - comprehensive science on the diagnosis and support of the individual development of the child;

creating a concept of variable education as a basis for designing education, providing a competent choice by a person of individual educational trajectories and personality self-realization; implementation of the strategy and principles of variability in the education system of the Russian Federation;

development, organization and implementation of the scientific guidance of the Federal Target Program "Formation and Prevention of Extremism in Russian Society" (2001-2005), as well as the development of tolerance projects within the framework of the Federal Target Program "Development of Education" (from 2005 to the present).

A.G. Asmolov is the editor-in-chief of the magazine "Age of Tolerance", a member of the editorial board of magazines "Questions of Psychology" and "World of Psychology". He is the author of more than 330 work on the problems of intercultural dialogue, social confidence, the formation of plants of tolerant consciousness, prevention of conflicts, cultural and historical psychology and education. Under his leadership, 15 candidates and 5 doctoral dissertations are protected.

In the context of the Federal Target program developed on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation, the formation of plants of the tolerant consciousness and prevention of extremism in Russian society "A.G. Asmolov develops ideas about tolerance as a civilization rate that ensures the possibility of intercultural dialogue and harmony between different peoples, religions and worldviews. A.G. Asmolov repeatedly acted as part of state and public delegations with reports on the formation of policies and ideologies of peace-loving, violepability and tolerance at conferences, symposia and seminars on the UN, UNESCO, OSCE, UNICEF, Institute of Europe in Stockholm, Strasbourg, Vienna, Geneva, Warsaw , Paris, Washington, Seoul and Tokyo.

5 pages, 2114 words

Man is located; The impact is to change the condition, behavior, value-semantic formations of a partner (intentions, installations, opinions, decisions, ideas, needs, activity, actions, tastes, norms and ... composition of participants. In accordance with the established tradition, in domestic social psychology There are three different types of interpersonal communication in their orientation: imperative ...

In 2007 under the direction of A.G. Asmolov was developed and implemented by the first innovative program for the psychology of negotiations and conflict resolution.

A.G. Asmolov actively contributes to the formation of peace-friendly installations, tolerance, violence and prevention of xenophobia in the society, acting in a wide range of media.

For professional activities A.G. Asmolov is marked by the following awards and titles: "Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Russian Federation" (2005); Medal K.D. Ushinsky for merit in the field of pedagogical sciences (2003); "Higher School of the USSR" (chest of services for the highest education of the USSR, 1990); Gold medal "For achievements in science" of the Russian Academy of Education (2007); laureate of the National Psychological Competition "Golden Psyche" (2005); "Honored Professor of Moscow University" (2009).
