December 22 Transition from Sagittarius to Capricorn. Horoscope by date of birth

People born on December 22 in the sign of the zodiac Capricorn - the constancy itself. Their strong trait is the ability to long-term planning and strict implementation of proposals made and intended programs. The theme of the systematic implementation of conceived relevant for these people, both in their professional activities and in personal life. Feeding in love, man born in day December 22Regardless of whether a man is either a woman, will not hit the imagination of his elect extravagant leaving, or passionate poetic recognition in love. No, they will not go to the attack, they will take this fortress to Emory. People who were born on December 22 have a well-developed intuition, and are able to make accurate predictions. These abilities are applied to the exact practical calculation in the material equivalent. Born 22.12 - patient nature. But they may be annoyed in trifles in the most common household situations, becoming unbearable in communication. Exposing in categorical form its discontent, these authoritarian individuals calmly calm down. But they should be remembered that such behavior they cause discontent of others, and in particular members of their families.

Born on day December 22 in the sign of Capricorn - Great Planners

But, all of the above does not mean that people born on December 22 are not able to change their vital orientation. Men and women of this day are perfectly aware of their own capabilities and needs for a certain period, which gives these people a brilliant opportunity to properly plan their time and those efforts that will be needed to achieve the goal.

Those who were born December 22 - personalities to the highest degree of reliable

It is no secret that people born on December 22, more than all appreciate reliability. This feature is inherent in all the representatives of the Capricorn sign. In intellectual and spiritual terms, these people develop slowly. Threshingly, painstaking, year after year, they create and improve the structure of their lives. They are extremely careful, these individuals whose birthday is twenty-second December, and therefore they make less mistakes, suffer less defeats. And yet, without misfortunes, their lives do not do, but it is always real catastrophes, for a long time bringing the Capricors of this day of birth with the intended path.

The best compatibility on the horoscope born December 22

People born under zodiac sign Capricorn twenty-second December - the embodiment of constancy. Lions will not find mutual understanding with them, and marriage with firing, scales, crayfish and Aries are very complex. But the Capricorns have excellent compatibility on the horoscope with devices, tales, scorpions and fish.

Year of animals by the Chinese horoscope

  1. Monkeys - 1920 Zodiac / 1932 Zodiac / 1944 Zodiac / 1956 Zodiac / 1968 Zodiac / 1980 Zodiac / 1992 Zodiac / 2004 Zodiac / 2016 Zodiac
  2. Petuha - 1921 Zodiac / 1933 Zodiac / 1945 Zodiac / 1957 Zodiac / 1969 Zodiac / 1981 Zodiac / 1993 Zodiac / 2005 Zodiac / 2017 Year of Zodiac
  3. Dogs - 1922 Zodiac / 1934 Zodiac / 1946 Zodiac / 1958 Zodiac / 1970 Zodiac / 1982 Zodiac / 1994 Zodiac / 2006 Zodiac / 2018 Zodiac
  1. Kabani / Pigs / - 1923 Zodiac / 1935 Zodiac / 1947 Zodiac / 1959 Year of the Zodiac / 1971 Zodiac / 1983 Zodiac / 1995 Zodiac / 2007 Zodiac / 2019 Year of the Zodiac
  2. Rats - 1924 Zodiac / 1936 Zodiac / 1948 Zodiac / 1960 Zodiac / 1972 Zodiac / 1984 Zodiac / 1996 Zodiac / 2008 Zodiac / 2020 Zodiac
  3. Will / Bull / - 1925 Zodiac / 1937 Zodiac / 1949 Zodiac / 1961 Zodiac / 1973 Zodiac / 1985 Zodiac / 1997 Zodiac / 2009 Zodiac / 2021 Zodiac
  1. Tiger - 1926 Zodiac / 1938 Zodiac / 1950 Zodiac / 1962 Zodiac / 1974 Zodiac / 1986 Zodiac / 1998 Zodiac / 2010 Zodiac / 2022 Year of Zodiac
  2. Rabbit / Cat / - 1927 Zodiac / 1939 Zodiac / 1951 Zodiac / 1963 Zodiac / 1975 Zodiac / 1987 Zodiac / 1999 Zodiac / 2011 Zodiac / 2023 Zodiac
  3. Dragon - 1928 Zodiac / 1940 Zodiac / 1952 Zodiac / 1964 Zodiac / 1976 Zodiac / 1988 Zodiac / 2000 Zodiac / 2012 Zodiac / 2024 Zodiac
  1. Snakes - 1929 Zodiac / 1941 Zodiac / 1953 Zodiac / 1965 Zodiac / 1977 Zodiac / 1989 Year of the Zodiac / 2001 Zodiac / 2013 Zodiac / 2025 Zodiac
  2. Horses - 1930 Zodiac / 1942 Zodiac / 1954 Zodiac / 1966 Zodiac / 1978 Year of Zodiac / 1990 Zodiac / 2002 Zodiac / 2014 Zodiac / 2026 Zodiac
  3. Sheep / goats / - 1931 Zodiac / 1943 Zodiac / 1955 Zodiac / 1967 Zodiac / 1979 Zodiac / 1991 Zodiac / 2003 Zodiac / 2015 Year of the Zodiac / 2027 Zodiac

Compatibility Horoscope: December 22 Zodiac sign Sagittarius or Capricorn - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

  • Aries 21.03 - 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 - 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 - 22.07
  • Lion 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 - 22.09
  • Scales 23.09 - 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
  • Fish 21.02 - 20.03

On this day, ambitious, purposeful and solid people appear on the world. They are moderately idealistic and practical, which allows them to look at things with a wide view and without internal resistance to perceive a wide variety of ideas or suggestions, not allowing complete immersion in illusion. Born on December 22 under the sign of the Zodiac Capricorn - figures and thinkers endowed with great energy and leading active life. Unfortunately, many of them do not know how to relax, so they can quickly blown.

Most birthday dates are endowed with excellent business qualities, they love research, easy to rise, quickly turn on in any case and try to delve into its essence. They are weighted with fine intuition and natural a little danger that helps to avoid unpleasant situations. These people are decisive, have an inner rod, so they are almost impossible to knock out. Little can stop such a person in achieving the goal, he is alien to doubt and retreat. These qualities help solve the most complex life tasks and achieve success in everything.

The most useful feature inherent in the majority of the birthdays of this date is the ability to make long-term plans and successfully implement them. In general, the theme of the solitude of life is very relevant for such Capricors. They are usually far-sighted, insightful and even own certain abilities for predictions, but they build them most often on accurate calculation and logic. These people at any time are ready to change the direction of their life course, because they can adequately evaluate their own capabilities and needs for a specific point in time, which allows them to competently allocate their efforts.

According to the horoscope, on December 22, Capricorn, which exceeds reliability, stability and consistency are valued. They develop quite slowly, but continuously and confidently, gradually creating and improving their lives. Inherent Careful Birthdays and Carefulness allows you to avoid multiple errors and tolerate much less lesions compared to the amount that is characteristic of most other people. Serious catastrophes and crushing failures in the lives of representatives of this date and the zodiacal sign are practically absent, but if something like this happens, then, being absolutely notophical to such a turn of affairs, they immediately get out of the rut. Although they are able to quickly come to themselves and return to the system to continue their path with astounding perseverance.

If the ambitions make the person born this afternoon move along the career ladder, then this movement usually happens as slowly. Birthday women do not want to go to unjustified, in their opinion, risk, not ready for compromises or adoption of adventurous decisions. Their attitude to life is akin to the Master's Philosophy, who enjoys both from the process of creating their masterpiece and from the result obtained.

Relationships with others.

Capricorns, born on December 22, are staunch stresses that do not suffer because of trifles, rather unceremonia in relations with others and their own opinion is always put above any other. Understand such people is quite difficult. They often make high demands for others, may be too critical in their estimates. But it is always ready to help and support anyone in a difficult situation.

In the global sense, most of those born twenty-second December are very patient, and easily annoyed on trifles in ordinary household situations, becoming absolutely unbearable in communication. They instantly splash their emotions, however, after making anger, discontent or insult, do not know how to keep anger on the offender, quickly depart and establish relationships. Although this happens only in cases where a person no longer admits such actions and literally follows the rules established by them.

Often, representatives of the zodiac sign and this date are overly fond of authoritarian methods, which cause sharp discontent of others, especially those who close to them. In most of the Born on December 22, prefer to communicate in a company of several proven friends or in the circle of their family. Periodically, they need longitia and uncomfortable feeling under the sight of the annoying attention of society.

In personal relations, representatives of this date are waiting for the admiration of the admiration, recognition of their talents, beauty and intelligence. They choose the role of the player and take everything that they are supposed. According to the horoscope, the passion in such men and women awakens only under the influence of the consciousness that the chosen one is delighted with their physical, moral and mental qualities. In such cases, they become devoted and reliable, surround their partner care is ready for all for the sake of conservation of relationships.

When the Satellite of Life Born on December 22, they try to conquer the heart of the most worthy, and they are so confident in their irresistibility that they really conquer almost everyone around. They do not regret money and strength to create a romantic atmosphere of love and passion. But, having achieved the desired, can torture the partner with its unbearable jealousy. To build relations with representatives of this day, only those people who inspire them the feeling of stability and will be really devotees.

Representatives of the sign born in this afternoon are outstanding strategies and tactics. They are capable of long-term planning and very successful independent realization of the intended goals. These people like no one else disassemble what and what to do to get the best result. In the work they are measured and stable, able to fine with the responsibilities of the organizer and the head, but also know how to be selfless and competent performers.

The physical and psychological condition of the birthday names of this day from nature is quite good. However, over the years, their complex minigration is able to violate the balance of the inner world, and the associated mental problems are caused not only harm to the nervous system, but also cause a number of psychosomatic diseases. If they do not cure them on time, it is possible quite serious impairment of health. In addition, many diseases in these Capricors are exacerbated with age.

Life Improvement Tips

Learn to relax to quickly disagree from your irrepressible energy. Be prepared for any situations in your life, including serious disasters and crushing failures. Do not allow such events to find you surprise and knocked out of the rut.

Do not be so unceremonious in relations with others. Forgive listening to someone's judgments, do not put your own opinion above all. Show to the surrounding less high demands, do not be too critical in your estimates. Hold your irritation, do not splash emotions to other people.

Do not get carried away by authoritarian methods that interfere with normal relations with people close to you. Do not expect from your chosen to excessive admiration by your qualities. Learn to build relations on equal terms. Do not torfer the partner with its unbearable jealousy.

Avoid psychological problems associated with your complex character and maidos. Do not bring the case to nervous breaks and psychosomatic diseases. Reliable from all the symptoms and causes the disease. For the prevention periodically remove the voltage, relax, let's a full-fledged organism.

December 22 - Zodiac Sign

Born on the day of the transition of one zodiac sign to another - ambitious, purposeful and dedicated people. More than other Capricorn, you like to explore the world and use the knowledge gained to better understand it. You want to find the true meaning of life, but despite idealism, practical, realistic and do not allow yourself to fully immerse yourself in illusions. The figure, thinker and worker, you lead an active lifestyle and have a huge reserve of energy. If you do not learn to relax, then you risk quickly burning. You are extremely intelligent, witty and when we find the time to rest, become a real soul of the company.

The most wonderful trait of born December 22 is the ability to long-term planning and implementing planned plans. The topic of dimension in both work and family life is generally very relevant for these people. They usually have certain abilities to predictions, but the abilities of these, as a rule, are used mainly to accurately calculate where they themselves are and how they will be fate, based on past merit. All this, by the way, does not mean at all that they are not able to change their life course; Rather, it suggests that they are well aware of their capabilities and needs for a certain period of time, and this gives them the opportunity to plan their time and effort accordingly.

Born on December 22 above all in the world validation appreciated. They develop slowly, but right, after year, creating and improving the structure of their lives. By virtue of their caution, they usually make much less mistakes and suffer much less lesions than most people. But if the catastrophe is collapsed on their shoulders (it happens with them, perhaps once or two for a lifetime), then this is a serious disaster, which is cut out of the gauge for a long time. However, after a while spent on the climb of the Russian Academy of Sciences, they return again to continue their path with amazing inflexibility.

Zodiac sign December 22 - Capricorn

Element sign: Land. Your zodiac sign refers to the group of earth element signs, which are allocated by the following qualities: discipline, calculation, honesty and accuracy, and also - excellent skill to lead.

Planet Governor: Saturn. Her chief "gift" is Capricorn - the desire for order in everything. This planet is the main patroner for people engaged in construction and design, as well as for managers. Planet in Exile - Moon. It is she who is responsible for some emotional coldness of your sign.

December 22 is a transitional day from Sagittarius to Capricorn. Capricorn-born researchers appeared in this date. They are taking new knowledge, seek to open new horizons. Little can stop caperpashers on the way. Representatives of the sign of the alien doubt. They clearly know what they want and how to achieve it. Capricorn - convinced fibergusts. Such people are not inclined to suffer because of trifles. As for interpersonal relations, Capricients are unceremonious. Own opinion is more important for them. Capricorn is not easy to understand. The representative of the sign may be unnecessarily demanding to others. But he will always help in a difficult situation.

If a person born on December 22 is peculiar to ambitiousness (that, in fact, there are rarely people in such people), then his promotion to the tops of the career occurs painfully slowly - by virtue of obvious reluctance, both to go on an unjustified, in his opinion, risk and risk and Take the inevitable compromise solutions in some cases. In relation to work, and to life in general, in the born this day there is something from the artisan who receives pleasure both from the labor process itself and from its end result.

Born on December 22 very patient in the global sense. However, they are also able to irritate in trifles in some domestic situations, while becoming absolutely unbearable in communication. In such situations, they are characteristic of instantly throwing out their emotional reactions on others (such as, for example, anger outbreaks). Expressing its discontent, they rarely retain anger or poor attitude for a long time and quickly calm down. True, after such cases, they expect from those who suffered from their rage, literally following their rules, especially in relations with their children. In such people, there is a danger of excessive enthusiasm by authoritarian methods, which they should be avoided in every possible way, since such behavior can cause a resentment or even sharp discontent among others, especially members of their families. In most of the birth on December 22, they have a secretive and serious character. However, if they have a reason to show their sense of humor, they give it out, as they say, on a complete coil. The best society for them is a company of several close friends or family members. Being in nature by people with lonely and in need of long periods of indity, they always feel uncomfortable in crowded assets and prefer to go to themselves, thus getting rid of the Company's annoying attention.

Born on this day is very important to learn to gently handle with his humor, which can often have shades of the ring of irony or satire, and not to extract it to sarcasm or an evil mockery. A very important task for them is also to find a balance between seriousness and entertainment, isolation from society and social activity. If possible, they should look for a certain channel, according to which their thoughts and feelings (often depressed or isolated) could fully go into the world around the world and find their expression there.

Capricorn man - born December 22

Men, which appeared on December 22, differ in the following features: Wonderful sense of humor, ambition and responsibility. Capricorn man is a diplomat and a gentleman, a pleasant in communication, which owns the art of etiquette, but at the same time confident and a few. He does not speak loudly and beautifully, does not greet the compliments, long looks short to his woman like him, notes his features close to him - often representatives of this sign pay attention not only not to appearance, but also to help the ability to keep themselves.

Capricorn woman - born December 22

Women celebrating birthday December 22 possess the following qualities: ambitiousness, caution, the ability to smooth the conflict. Capricorn women are somewhat more erotic and in love, than representatives of the strong sex of this sign. Capricorn woman as no other knows how to behave like a real lady - she is stronger in compliance with the external propriety and at first glance seems cold and unapproachable, strict and mysterious, but rarely in which woman lies such a passion volcano. Her charm is mysterious and ambiguous, and first of all, he is aimed at ensuring that the man won and sought her, attached efforts.

Birthday December 22

People born December 22 Zodiac sign Capricorn can plan long-term business and implement them. Responsibilities for work performs very carefully due to thinking of each step. As a result, the result is worth waiting for a long time, but it will be above all praise. Personal life is also subject to careful planning. Very often these people find the ability to predict. Predictions that require accuracy or what fate will come to them best and often involuntarily. Such people can change their fate due to the fact that they correctly evaluate their capabilities and plan their actions in advance. Do not put a goal to change good for the best, but simply improve the first.

People who were born on December 22 Zodiac sign Capricorn, reliability consider the best quality in others. They also value constancy and internal harmony. Just for these people alien. They love to do everything gradually, so that no one disturb them to be disturbed. Because of its caution, people born on December 22 Zodiac sign Capricorn make a lot less vital mistakes than other people. If still a mistake happened, they could not come to themselves for a long time. But after a while they return to the old rut to go further, as if nothing had happened.

Born December 22 Zodiac sign Capricorn - people are quite ambitious, but they are very difficult and slowly moving through the career ladder due to the fact that they do not go on risk and compromise. The risk is often considered implain, although this is not always the case. In the work for such people the process itself is important and an excellent result. People born under the sign of Capricorn on December 22 are quite irritable on the trifles that occur in life, and there are few people with such situations. Plus, in the fact that, expressing its discontent, they quickly calm down. These people are susceptible to the authoritarian management method, often it leads to numerous dissatisfaction of people, especially families. By virtue of its incontinence, problems often arise in society. Therefore, such people are often called unbearable.

Born December 22 Zodiac sign Capricorn, have a deep and thoughtful character. Often hidden. And if they are starting to joke, then the humor is coming out without a residue. Jokes are very intellectual, but slightly impolite. The most pleasant circle of communication for these people is a couple of close friends and family. Huge companies and places of great accumulation of people are not the most comfortable place for people who were born on this day of December. Therefore, these people often need a large amount of time to stay alone. Try to be less demanding. Do not blame for trifles. Do not be afraid to make a mistake, sometimes a potential error can lead to a great success. Shatter and raise new friends!

Love and compatibility

In personal relationship you are a passionate and loving, but more freedom-loving than ordinary fittings. You will be dedicated and faithful, only if you find a genuine intellectual community and mutual understanding with a partner.

The ideal partner for Capricors in all spheres of life is the Taurus. Practicality and stability will become the most strong foundation for their relationship. Also, a good union is waiting for Capricors with other earthly signs, representatives of these signs brings the desire for simple healthy life, to delicious food and pleasant sex. Harmonious relationships are waiting for caperpashers with weights, as well as with representatives of their sign. Smooth relationships are expected with fish and crayfish. Capricorn relations with Aquarius and lions are strongly contraindicated: representatives of these signs are people of different elements and temperaments. The absolute antipode of Capricious - Gemini, with which the Cossacks have practically no common points of contact. One of the most difficult signs for Capricorn signs - Aries, whose frantic energy literally demoralizes a balanced and stable Capricorn.

Work and career

Born on December 22 are people of purposeful, ambitious, devoted to their thoughts, ideals, principles and ideas. They love to explore the world. Such people are easy to rise, quickly turn on in an interesting job for them. Born on December 22, they seek the meaning of life, seek to understand the essence of phenomena and events. People who have emerged on this day are distinguished by fine intuition, determination, resistance. They have a soul rod. Born on December 22, it is difficult to knock out a rut. In addition, such people have a natural marriage. They know how to predict the events that it often helps to avoid serious trouble.

Capricorn, born on December 22, outstanding strategies. Long-term planning - their horse. In the realization of the planned plans, Capricorn also equal not to find. They know what and in what sequence to do to obtain the maximum result with minimal costs. I appreciate the signs of the sign in the work dimension and stability.

Health and illness

Born on December 22, often face problems, which is based on a complex worldview. Psychological troubles can manifest themselves in physical ailments - for example, with age, bone and eyelids are exacerbated. It should be referred to physical exercises that produce flexibility - yoga, tai-shea, kalisthenics. In addition, in addition to a tight diet, you can try to develop culinary skills. Strictly controlled emotions can find a way out in love. From a physiological point of view weak places from representatives of the sign are bones and organs of vision. Diseases are exacerbated with age. Often the Capricorns suffer from arthritis, osteoporosis, osteochondrosis. Bad vision for them is also practically normal.

Fate and luck

On this day people are born with difficult fate. They came to this world to work out karmic debts. Their task is to clear his genus, pour it off his prostrates. There will be ups and downs, a person will have to make their way through obstacles. And if he can withstand, it will not break, it does not get out, but will save in the shower well, there will be a merciful and wise, it will succeed, using those talents and opportunities that they were supplied at the birth of the power of the Universe.

Are you ambitious, and the promotion of the career ladder goes very slowly? Maybe it is worth reconsidering your risk attitude? Is he always unjustified? Soften your demands and self-control. Learn to be more open and tolerant towards others. Do not blame and do not condemn anyone. Stuffy sometimes have a large therapeutic meaning and, moreover, can be very funny. More communication!

Horoscope by date of birth

Birthday December 22: What is the sign of the zodiac, the nature of children and adults, names

Born December 22: Birthday

A lot of difficulties in life is waiting for those who pushes the world, star patrons will lay on them the duty to pay the sins of past lives, to respond to the mistakes of the whole kind.

If you are born on December 22, the zodiac sign is Capricorn, who gives you enough strength and patience, so you need to become a pity and humility. Faith in the fact that after the tests of the tests and deprivation, the period of continuous luck and well-being will come, should be your inseparable companion.

Only diligence, courage, determination and mental kindness will help you to decline the grace of fate; Take all the trials worthy, and she generously rewards you for your patience.

Foreignness, dimension and ability to work for the future gives the sign of the zodiac of people born on December 22, they calculate each of their own step, they understand what this or that action will lead, carefully plan not only things, but also the events of personal life.

All this eliminates such persons from unnecessary mistakes and disappointments, these are those who tend to act slowly, but confident. They can damage for a long time, but then they will quickly and comfortably go.

Stability and mental harmony are incredibly important for the persons who came to our world on December 22: the zodiac sign helps them to better improve the standard of living without hustle and hurry.

They will never take reckless decisions, risk, they do not change good for the best, but they will increase all the advantages that they have.

Such is enough ambitious and always have ambitious plans for professional activities, but it will be quite difficult to embody them.

Do you think the influence of the sign of the zodiac is noticeable in the behavior of people born on this day?

December 22: The influence of the Capricorn sign

With the ability to be collected in truly complex situations, the Capricors who were born on December 22, the composure of domestic issues is lost, any trifle can be derived from themselves. The problem is that they are not accustomed to His irritation, generously splashing it on everyone who is near.

Because of his incontinence and irritability, they may have problems with communication, and they will be asked by persons unquestioned, although they have a lot of positive qualities.

As a rule, born on December 22 are very serious and even secretly, they rarely frankly, never talk about their plans. But thanks to wit and ability to insert a relevant joke on time, they can give the sea around the sea.

True, they themselves are more comfortable in noisy companies, but in the society of two or three proven by the time of friends and the closest relatives.

Their humor is very thin and always intellectual, but they do not have enough delicacy, so you need to fear that good jokes do not turn into ulcer irony. So these are needed to learn how to properly combine work and rest, privacy and friendly communication.

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Born on the day of the transition of one zodiac sign to another - ambitious, purposeful and dedicated people. More than other Capricorn, you like to explore the world and use the knowledge gained to better understand it. You want to find the true meaning of life, but despite idealism, practical, realistic and do not allow yourself to fully immerse yourself in illusions. The figure, thinker and worker, you lead an active lifestyle and have a huge reserve of energy. If you do not learn to relax, then you risk quickly burning. You are extremely intelligent, witty and when we find the time to rest, become a real soul of the company.

The most wonderful trait of born December 22 is the ability to long-term planning and implementing planned plans. The topic of dimension in both work and family life is generally very relevant for these people. They usually have certain abilities to predictions, but the abilities of these, as a rule, are used mainly to accurately calculate where they themselves are and how they will be fate, based on past merit. All this, by the way, does not mean at all that they are not able to change their life course; Rather, it suggests that they are well aware of their capabilities and needs for a certain period of time, and this gives them the opportunity to plan their time and effort accordingly.

Born on December 22 above all in the world validation appreciated. They develop slowly, but right, after year, creating and improving the structure of their lives. By virtue of their caution, they usually make much less mistakes and suffer much less lesions than most people. But if the catastrophe is collapsed on their shoulders (it happens with them, perhaps once or two for a lifetime), then this is a serious disaster, which is cut out of the gauge for a long time. However, after a while spent on the climb of the Russian Academy of Sciences, they return again to continue their path with amazing inflexibility.

Zodiac sign December 22 -

Element sign:. Your zodiac sign refers to the group of earth element signs, which are allocated by the following qualities: discipline, calculation, honesty and accuracy, and also - excellent skill to lead.

Planet Governor:. Her chief "gift" is Capricorn - the desire for order in everything. This planet is the main patroner for people engaged in construction and design, as well as for managers. Planet in Exile - Moon. It is she who is responsible for some emotional coldness of your sign.

December 22 is a transitional day from Sagittarius to Capricorn. Capricorn-born researchers appeared in this date. They are taking new knowledge, seek to open new horizons. Little can stop caperpashers on the way. Representatives of the sign of the alien doubt. They clearly know what they want and how to achieve it. Capricorn - convinced fibergusts. Such people are not inclined to suffer because of trifles. As for interpersonal relations, Capricients are unceremonious. Own opinion is more important for them. Capricorn is not easy to understand. The representative of the sign may be unnecessarily demanding to others. But he will always help in a difficult situation.

If a person born on December 22 is peculiar to ambitiousness (that, in fact, there are rarely people in such people), then his promotion to the tops of the career occurs painfully slowly - by virtue of obvious reluctance, both to go on an unjustified, in his opinion, risk and risk and Take the inevitable compromise solutions in some cases. In relation to work, and to life in general, in the born this day there is something from the artisan who receives pleasure both from the labor process itself and from its end result.

Born on December 22 very patient in the global sense. However, they are also able to irritate in trifles in some domestic situations, while becoming absolutely unbearable in communication. In such situations, they are characteristic of instantly throwing out their emotional reactions on others (such as, for example, anger outbreaks). Expressing its discontent, they rarely retain anger or poor attitude for a long time and quickly calm down. True, after such cases, they expect from those who suffered from their rage, literally following their rules, especially in relations with their children. In such people, there is a danger of excessive enthusiasm by authoritarian methods, which they should be avoided in every possible way, since such behavior can cause a resentment or even sharp discontent among others, especially members of their families. In most of the birth on December 22, they have a secretive and serious character. However, if they have a reason to show their sense of humor, they give it out, as they say, on a complete coil. The best society for them is a company of several close friends or family members. Being in nature by people with lonely and in need of long periods of indity, they always feel uncomfortable in crowded assets and prefer to go to themselves, thus getting rid of the Company's annoying attention.

Born on this day is very important to learn to gently handle with his humor, which can often have shades of the ring of irony or satire, and not to extract it to sarcasm or an evil mockery. A very important task for them is also to find a balance between seriousness and entertainment, isolation from society and social activity. If possible, they should look for a certain channel, according to which their thoughts and feelings (often depressed or isolated) could fully go into the world around the world and find their expression there.

Capricorn man - born December 22

Men, which appeared on December 22, differ in the following features: Wonderful sense of humor, ambition and responsibility. Capricorn man is a diplomat and a gentleman, a pleasant in communication, which owns the art of etiquette, but at the same time confident and a few. He does not speak loudly and beautifully, does not greet the compliments, long looks short to his woman like him, notes his features close to him - often representatives of this sign pay attention not only not to appearance, but also to help the ability to keep themselves.

Capricorn woman - born December 22

Women celebrating birthday December 22 possess the following qualities: ambitiousness, caution, the ability to smooth the conflict. Capricorn women are somewhat more erotic and in love, than representatives of the strong sex of this sign. Capricorn woman as no other knows how to behave like a real lady - she is stronger in compliance with the external propriety and at first glance seems cold and unapproachable, strict and mysterious, but rarely in which woman lies such a passion volcano. Her charm is mysterious and ambiguous, and first of all, he is aimed at ensuring that the man won and sought her, attached efforts.

Birthday December 22

People born December 22 Zodiac sign Capricorn can plan long-term business and successfully implement them. Responsibilities for work performs very carefully due to thinking of each step. As a result, the result is worth waiting for a long time, but it will be above all praise. Personal life is also subject to careful planning. Very often these people find the ability to predict. Predictions that require accuracy or what fate will come to them best and often involuntarily. Such people can change their fate due to the fact that they correctly evaluate their capabilities and plan their actions in advance. Do not put a goal to change good for the best, but simply improve the first.

People who were born on December 22 Zodiac sign Capricorn, reliability consider the best quality in others. They also value constancy and internal harmony. Just for these people alien. They love to do everything gradually, so that no one disturb them to be disturbed. Because of its caution, people born on December 22 Zodiac sign Capricorn make a lot less vital mistakes than other people. If still a mistake happened, they could not come to themselves for a long time. But after a while they return to the old rut to go further, as if nothing had happened.

Born December 22 Zodiac sign Capricorn - people are quite ambitious, but they are very difficult and slowly moving through the career ladder due to the fact that they do not go on risk and compromise. The risk is often considered implain, although this is not always the case. In the work for such people the process itself is important and an excellent result. People born under the sign of Capricorn on December 22 are quite irritable on the trifles that occur in life, and there are few people with such situations. Plus, in the fact that, expressing its discontent, they quickly calm down. These people are susceptible to the authoritarian management method, often it leads to numerous dissatisfaction of people, especially families. By virtue of its incontinence, problems often arise in society. Therefore, such people are often called unbearable.

Born December 22 Zodiac sign Capricorn, have a deep and thoughtful character. Often hidden. And if they are starting to joke, then the humor is coming out without a residue. Jokes are very intellectual, but slightly impolite. The most pleasant circle of communication for these people is a couple of close friends and family. Huge companies and places of great accumulation of people are not the most comfortable place for people who were born on this day of December. Therefore, these people often need a large amount of time to stay alone. Try to be less demanding. Do not blame for trifles. Do not be afraid to make a mistake, sometimes a potential error can lead to a great success. Shatter and raise new friends!

Love and compatibility

In personal relationship you are a passionate and loving, but more freedom-loving than ordinary Capricorn. You will be dedicated and faithful, only if you find a genuine intellectual community and mutual understanding with a partner.

The ideal partner for Capricors in all spheres of life is the Taurus. Practicality and stability will become the most strong foundation for their relationship. Also, a good union is waiting for Capricors with other earthly signs, representatives of these signs brings the desire for simple healthy life, to delicious food and pleasant sex. Harmonious relationships are waiting for caperpashers with weights, as well as with representatives of their sign. Smooth relationships are expected with fish and crayfish. Capricorn relations with Aquarius and lions are strongly contraindicated: representatives of these signs are people of different elements and temperaments. The absolute antipode of Capricious - Gemini, with which the Cossacks have practically no common points of contact. One of the most difficult signs for Capricorn signs - Aries, whose frantic energy literally demoralizes a balanced and stable Capricorn.

Work and career

Born on December 22 are people of purposeful, ambitious, devoted to their thoughts, ideals, principles and ideas. They love to explore the world. Such people are easy to rise, quickly turn on in an interesting job for them. Born on December 22, they seek the meaning of life, seek to understand the essence of phenomena and events. People who have emerged on this day are distinguished by fine intuition, determination, resistance. They have a soul rod. Born on December 22, it is difficult to knock out a rut. In addition, such people have a natural marriage. They know how to predict the events that it often helps to avoid serious trouble.

Capricorn, born on December 22, outstanding strategies. Long-term planning - their horse. In the realization of the planned plans, Capricorn also equal not to find. They know what and in what sequence to do to obtain the maximum result with minimal costs. I appreciate the signs of the sign in the work dimension and stability.

What sign of the zodiac is dominated in December? What sign of the zodiac is the people born on December 22 and 23?

Astrology is a very exciting and useful science. Many people, not joking with her, live exclusively according to its laws and believe in her predictions.

According to astrology, the zodiacal belt is divided into twelve compartments (zodiac signs), each of which is attributed to certain characteristics and are given forecasts for the future (horoscope)

This article will be devoted to those signs of the zodiac, which fall out for the first winter month - December

December - What is the sign of the zodiac men and women?

Sagittarius - Zodiac sign of the first half of December

  • December is the month of domination of two signs of the zodiac - Sagittarius and Capricorn. It is absolutely different, but at the same time quite temperamental signs
  • The first half of December is entirely owned by Sagittar (23.11-22.12) according to Wikipedia
  • Sagittarius is quite open, straightforward and friendly zodiac sign. However, sometimes the straightforce can put in an awkward position or even offend another person. At the same time, the "culprit of the celebration" himself may not even understand what an insult was applied. Therefore, it is not necessary to be offended by this pretty naive, but at the same time a truthful sign
  • Sagittarius are considered brave, and sometimes even risky people. They are constantly in search of something - their inexorably manits the thirst for adventure
  • In the society, Sagittarius enjoy respect - others listen to their thoughts, support their ideas
  • Men-Sagittarius are always very popular with women. They are able to easily and without any intentions to conquer attention and the favor of several ladies at the same time. Perhaps this lightness to conquer and led to the fact that the Sagittarius began to be considered non-serious in terms of relationships. Men-Sagittarius love freedom and prefer not to burden themselves with any relations. The representative of this sign should be able to quit everything at any time and go for new victories. Precisely because Sagittarius either for life remains bachelors, constantly changing his companions, or become familiar with families, but have one or more mistresses on the side
  • If a man-Sagittarius will be married, then only the perfect woman can be his chosen. It should be beautiful, interesting, intelligent, well-groomed and damn charming lady. At the same time, the satellite Sagittarius will still have to come to terms with a certain level of his freedom.

  • Female Sagittarius as well as Men Sagittarius, quite often lead the bachelor's lifestyle. But it happens to them not because of freedom and thirst for change, but because of its complex nature or absence, worthy of them, representatives of the strong half of humanity
  • Sagittarius woman always rubs the truth right in the face - she care about the feelings of other people. If she believes she is right, it does not convince her. This is exactly what leads to frequent quarrels and partings of this sign with their friends and close people.
  • As for men, there is special requirements for them to women. She will not give up his satellite over himself, but at the same time he must be interesting for her and enough volition
  • Female Sagittarius - there are no kingdom. They simply do not have time and effort on homemade hassle
  • Another problem of this sign in a personal life is the ability of a woman to become a man not beloved, but just a good friend. The representatives of this sign sometimes incorrectly arrange the relationship with a strong floor, directing them into a completely different direction. In such situations, a man begins to seem that he is just a friend who always listens and give advice, and not a beautiful woman

  • As for the second half of December, from December 23, the second sign of this month comes into force - Capricorn according to Wikipedia
  • Capricorous men are considered very serious, solid and sometimes harsh individuals. For the Capricorn, a worthy existence and material stability becomes the meaning of his life. On the way to this dream, he, as a rule, fills a lot of cones, makes a lot of effort and works until the seventh sweat. Having achieved the desired, this sign of the zodiac can calmly rest on the laurels, proud of himself and enjoying the praise surrounding
  • When choosing a permanent life companion, Capricorn also does not forget about its own authority and prestige. His wife can be only a woman who can make a pleasant impression and be worthy of her husband
  • Cheat Capricorn - the task is not the lungs. Quite often the reason for their marriage becomes unrequited long love - by creating new relations they are trying to escape from old insults and experiences
  • Very important for Capricorn are his loved ones - parents and children. The spouse in this regard is allocated only honorable third place.

  • Capricorn women, as a rule, have a rather attractive appearance, and are able to preserve their beauty and a working time to the older age. At the same time, they can remain completely invisible, which helps them in the business sphere. Few perceive them, as a serious competitor. And they are easily and just reach their goal right under the nose in rivals
  • Capricorn women, like men-Capricorn, are terrible careerists. They dream of prosperous, opportunities to silent money and endless security. On his way to career achievements, they used to fall and ride
  • In satellites, the Capricorn woman chooses only a decent man who uses the authority and respect in society. Evaliable in this choice is the financial position of its chosen
  • Capricorn women are excellent owners. They are always clean and comfortable at home.
  • Representatives of this sign can not forgive the treason's life satellites. They themselves position themselves as very faithful spouse. Although, if the Capricorn woman will not experience all the paints of intimate proximity with his legitimate satellite, she can go search for new pleasures on the side
  • Sex plays an important role in the life of excellent representatives of this sign. They, like no other signs of the zodiac, are able to experience a whole kaleidoscope of feelings and sensations during love. Because women-Capricorn and are considered the best love partners

December 22 Zodiac sign Sagittarius or Capricorn?

  • A man born on December 22 belongs to the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius. But on his character, to some extent can be imprinted and the next sign of the future sign, as this date is as close as possible to the initial date of the rule of Capricorn
  • The Sagittarius, born on December 22, like all other firemen, will strive for a better life and conquest of respect and authority among others. They will collect their own property in a gathering, ride in steps on the career ladder, but in the end they will achieve the desired
  • In the communication of the Sagittarius, born on December 22, at first glance seems quite pleasant, but restrained individuals. They can be squeezed and play with jokes, but only in a close circle of their relatives and loved ones. At the same time, the overall impression of themselves, they easily spoil the spontaneous outbreak of anger. And this zodiac sign can be angry with any trivia, and then it is no longer restrained - it can easily offend anyone who fell under a hot hand, a man. At the same time, the Sagittarius quickly cooled
  • However, once saw the Sagittarius in rabies surrounding him, as a grumpy and unpleasant person. With that, completely in vain. Sagittarius, born on December 22, quite quickly departs from his anger and immediately turns into a calm, kind person
  • In the love of the Archers, born on December 22, as a rule, choose the expectant tactics. They do not precipitate the object of their rehabilitation by constant attention, gifts and compliments - they are just waiting for the victim herself will fall into, placed by them, network
  • Intellectual and spiritual development of people born on December 22th occurs for quite a long time. They are never in a hurry anywhere - everyone in their lives should be thoughtful and planned

December 23 Which zodiac sign: Sagittarius or Capricorn?

  • Born on December 23 belong to the sign of the zodiac - Capricorn. Those who are familiar with the natives of this number can say in one voice that they sometimes sometimes happen to them, oh how sweet
  • Capricorn, celebrating the birthday of December 23, are people who all go according to plan. Spontaneity - not their fellow traveler. They need to plan everything and monitor each second, whether everything is executed
  • Capricorn born on December 23, often become inventors. They are in constant search and crave new discoveries. In his desire to realize their dreams, they will not stop neither before. At the same time, they are not in a hurry to enter into open conflicts - their tactics wears more expectant.
  • Capricorn, born on December 23, are big dreamers. However, their dreams are pretty landed and close to the realities. That is, these are just those dreams that will absolutely be in life. And in this Capricorn, their unsurpassed perseverance and patience will help
  • In communicating with unfamiliar people, this zodiac sign is sufficiently restrained, although in his acquaintances he can specifically shake
  • Quite often, the opinion of the people around Capricorn, born on December 23, is ambiguous - it is either respected or hate. A negative impression This sign of the zodiac can be left due to its irrepressible desire to prove to everyone. In this desire, he does not look at the face - can shout, scandaling and even insult people
  • To cultivate and educate the good and tenderness of Capricorn, overly, over long years of life. Precisely because in old age Capricorns appear already in the form of more relaxed and peaceful people
  • The same rigidity concerns and upbringing their own offspring - their Capricorns are always kept in Held Mittens. But at the old age years, nursing already with grandchildren, they show unexpected patience and warmth

Zodiac sign Sagittarius: Video

Zodiac sign Capricorn: Video

December 22 - January 20

"Capricorn fits so well into any atmosphere, sometimes becoming quite invisible on her background that its external characteristics are not specially noted."

How to recognize Capricorn

- Dad William, said a curious baby. - Your head is white.

Meanwhile, you always stand upside down.

What do you think right?

Learning to learn this zodiac sign is not difficult, you should only take a little bit. Take, for example, spider. He is not able to sneak out of flies, but they all fall into his deftly woven network. One more example. In the basin of Ezopa, the slow turtle stubbornly, without turning, which crawls to the goal, overtakes the rapid hare and comes to the finish.

And now we take Capricorn. Most often, you will find it where it can move along the path of his secret ambitious aspirations. At any reception, he will be among the most famous and richest people. Sometimes it can be seen among less well-known and not so rich.

But in the circle of those who are lower on the material and social situation, they will not find it. In such places, Capricorns are not found.

Capricorn is calm and Malozamenne, it is more often watching the resulting published, rarely interfere with the conversations, and even more so disputes.

Capricorn fits so well into any environment, sometimes becoming quite invisible on its background, that its external characteristics are not specially noted. Capricorns can be any physique: durable and strong, thin and elegant, complete and even fat. But independently from the type of physique, all the Capricorn stands firmly on Earth and to knock them down almost impossible.

People whose patron saint is Saturn, the Las-Losa is more likely straight, smooth and dark, gaze of the dark eye and dark or light-olive skin.

Sometimes there are fair-haired and light-eyed Capricorn, but if you look at, attentively, it is, then for idyllic-romantic appearance, the same iron determination, perseverance and a delivery is glanced.

Capricorn is surrounded by aura of sadness and seriousness, and SA-Tourna demands from its wards of strict discipline and severity. Capricors have a smooth, spo-coin voice, and the intonations are inherent in the softness, the acting on people is pacifying. However, although the cozier seems sometimes softer Pooh, in fact, he is solid as rock. Capricorns stubbornly, without turning anywhere, go to the intended purpose, not paying attention to insults and disappointment, and overcome all obstacles. While others in search of a shorter path can be rejected to the right and vla-in, Capricorn is stubbornly forward.

Capricors respect the power and honor the traditions, because of what people often stick to them a label of chiphosphere and Snow-Bizma. Such accusations do not leave Capricorn Raughty, but, being wise, he prefers not to be called with offenders and not to make an extraordinary nephery. Often, Capricorn is inferior and forgives, but it is only a well-thought-out tactic aimed at achieving the goal.

Moving forward, Capricorn does not look around and does not consider the stars. The look he is directed forward, and the legs are firmly standing on the ground. Earth and heaven - pity, malice, love, jealousy, wastefulness, laziness - it is not bothering him, let others squander themselves. Capricorn can only resemble, without stopping, soaring or condemn them in the soul and will continue his way further.

Sometimes among the Capricors come across too novel-ticious personalities who can dream of the moon and pi-grab lyrical poems. But at the nearest review of dreams, dreams are wrapped in thought about work, and poems are written with a clear handwriting, in compliance with all the rules of spelling and punctuation.

Young Capricorns are more often satisfied with life than living. This is explained by the fact that in the youth Capricorn tend to idealize their ancestors and read Rhoiteli. Over time, the reckless tricks of the younger generation are puzzled and frighten conservatively confusedly concerns. They are disapprovingly swing their heads and remember the "good old days." Fortunately, many of them subsequently adapt to changing-seamy atmosphere and even begin to find it in something funny.

The same Capricorns, which it fails, turn into obese bore, poisoning the existence of others.

Capricorns rarely intervene in other people's affairs and not split. They will never give advice if they are not asked about it. If (at your request), the Council is given, and you do not follow him. Capricorn will not remind you of this, but only a little in the shower on your short-sightedness and frivolity.

Very often about the Capricors say that they marry and marry settlement. This, of course, an exaggeration, but a prudent goat never marries himself, heavily, founding it without preparing to this event.

In childhood, Capricorns are the weakest and painful? From children, but with age gradually gaining power. Calm, measured nature of a goat has such life potential that among the Capricors are often frequent, living up to a hundred and more years.

The most terrible enemies of the Capricorn - fears, sullen and pessimism. Those of them who seek to extend their lives should spend more time on the air, exercise and work out an optimistic look at things. Almost all cacuracials are very sensitive and delicate skin, which is why they frequent skin diseases of an invection and allergic nature. It is not uncommon to the intestinal and nervous system. They are subject to strong headaches, kidney diseases and herbal-mams of knee cups, joints and bones.

Capricorgov have or beautiful, white, healthy teeth, or, on the contrary, are very bad, because of what they often have to contact dentists.

Many Capricorn seems timid, gullible and soft-kim, perhaps only a bit stubborn. In fact, he learned to hitrominely hide his "me," to seeklying the secret goal - the position of the leader.

Favorite Capricorn colors: official black, co-lined brown, strict dark blue, and for more romantic natures - dark green. Capricorn stone ~ Bright red ruby, and metal - heavy lead. All the treasures of Capricorn lie in the ground, reliably covered from prying eyes soft fluffy moss and descending to the ground with thin branches-mi weeping willow.

Celebrity born under the sign of Capricorn

Edgar Gouver

Joan of Arc

Marlene Dietrich

Johann Kepleler.

Martin Luther King

Rudyard Kipling

Richard Nixon

Isaac Newton

Louis Paster.

Edgar Allan P.

Galina Ulanova

Paul Cesanne


Do not delay him, girl! Do you know how much time costs? Thousand pounds - one minute! ... and do not turn your fingers! .. Do not justify-wat, better spin. Do you know how much the conversation is? A thousand pounds - one word!

This man erected a stone wall around him. He is timid, but at the same time strong and strong. Soft, but terrible, but ambitious. It seems that he prefers single-in. In fact, it is not. Rather, not quite so.

In secret, he is eager for human approval. In the depths of the soul, he is an incurable romantic, but Saturn imposes heavy shackles on him, requiring strict discipline, half of her age, practical actions and serious intentions. This is his cross, and he is forced to carry it to the end.

Summies You will unscrew the harsh, stubborn Capricorn inside out, would be a gentle and a cheerful dreamer, thirsting for fresh wind, I am siping his hopes. But, unfortunately, all this will remain harnessed somewhere in the caches of his soul, and on the surface he will be exactly the way you know it and imagine. And although the desired is not the same as the action, the idea that (not if Saturn's influence) it is laid in it, will help you look at your goat with other eyes.

Capricorns are trying to assure others that they do not need compliments. In fact, it is not. In secret, he craves for people to notice him worthy of interest and merit. Simply, being from nature modest, he is lost when praise is crushed. But did you notice how your ears are burning and shining eyes when something is spoken by something pleasant? He is happy, just his nature does not allow him to jump to heaven and express the delight in an explicit way.

Capricorn can be likened to the late flower (if such a comparison is generally appropriate). It matures his peers later, but much longer they retain the youth of the soul and body. In my opinion, this is one of those opposites that should be stopped in more detail.

Other men at first could not raise with the boy habits for a long time and mature, and then suddenly sharply, almost overnight, turn into grilling, dissatisfied elders. Capricors have all the turnover. At first, they will seem to you too chinny and decent, but more mature years will not only be delighted, but also pleasantly surprise you. In his youth, Capricorn is unlikely to run away from his beloved to Paris, buying all violets from Montmartra flowers and throwing them to her legs; But it is precisely four or five years old after the wedding invites you to India to admire Luminous Lunar Light Taj Mahal, while other husbands will prefer to sit at home at home by the fireplace, complaining of gout.

If you belong to the breed of unreasonable wives, which, feeding in youth only sandwiches and with an apertifies, spoil their health and then go to the vegetarian cuisine, Capricorn, of course, not your part-rod. Roman with Capricorn (of course, if he ends with marriage) reminds traditional, for all the rules lunch with dessert under the curtain.

The process of long-term failure of the caferals can, of course, cause your fear in his infidelity. And it may well happen, both in young years and in more mature age. But, belonging to a reverend to the home altar. Capricorn will give you much to less chagrin in the field of feelings than the remaining signs of the zodiac. No passion will never replace the Capricorn family, wives and children. Family bonds for him are sacred. And so he refers not only to his own family (wife, children), but also to the family in which he has grown (parents, brothers, sisters, etc.).

It should not only be humiliated or offended by his relatives and loved ones, they need to be revealed with respect and attention, even if, in your opinion, they do not deserve it. If your relationship with his Rhodes is wrong, Capricorn, forced to rush between two lights, will become sullen and gloomy.

Capricorn, who are not immediately dried to the response - a set step, for example, marriage will most likely do it when they receive complete economic self-sufficiency and will be able to contain a family according to their ideas.

Chooses Capricorn wife very long and picking up. Chosen by Capricorn must first of all respond to his ideal of the future mother of the family: to be a devotee, faithful, loving and patient. Secondly, it must prepare well and co-keep the house in sample order. An important knowledge for Capricorn has it, and whether his future wife is able to dress with taste, whether it has good manners, education and mind to produce a favorable impression on colleagues and bosses. And only after that he will think about whether his beloved beautiful and whether she likes him. If you do not have very magnificent hair and are not the most beautiful in the light of the legs, do not be mistaken. For your future, Capricorn's husband is not so important.

If you want to impress him, press it (and even better with my mother) for lunch. Moreover, all the dishes should be prepared by you by your own and are filed on the family mound. When he invalid you for a walk, grab the young Ses Trenka with me and be extremely attentive to it. (If you do not have a younger sister, lend a child from neighbors or acquaintances.) Walking with Capricorn, you can spend your speech from time to time by French expressions and tatami from classical works. It does not hurt as a lacaround, that one of your ancestors of Sen-strangled on the side of George Washington in the Ford Valley, and your uncle was the right hand of Henry Ford.

If you strictly follow these tips, you will have only one test - to get the approval of its family. And since it is obtained, you can watch yourself bride.

Meeting with Capricorn, it should not be extravagant to dress, lean from foot to the head of exotic perfumes and behave defiantly, otherwise you may find that your discreet, loving in the whole measure of the Groom-Capricorn unexpectedly disappeared.

Since Capricorn lack emotion, it should be brought up from the very beginning to bring it in this direction. Give him poetic collections, and the more romantic than their content, the better. Teach it to be affectionate and show you visible signs of love and sympathy. If you do not inspire him from the very first days of your life together, do not complain later that he does not tell you about his love. And if you try to reproach it in this, it may argue: "I do not like you? Yes, you crazy. Don't you remember what I said when a priest asked me on the day of our wedding? "

Capricorn seems to be that if he contains you, Cor-Mit, Sit, clothes, not only you, but also your children, is a sufficient manifestation of his true feelings that do not need verbal confirmation. And if you give him to understand that the gentle words you need no less than his concerns about you, he will be sincerely surprised.

Capricorn is a real father in the classical understanding of this word. It requires respect of children of respect, ambassador and strict discipline. He, for his part, will be devoted to them to the depths of the soul and even capable of self-sacrifice. Capricorn fathers do not indulge children and do not spoil them out permissity. The only thing they can be reproached is in excessive severity. But from the Capricors, the most wonderful de-docks are obtained. By the time their grandchildren appear, they become less strict and sometimes allow mars of sitting not only on their knees, but also on her head.

Capricorns are not from those who quickly marry, and then doubt. They do the opposite, they choose for a long time, but if they decided to part, they do it without regret. Capricorns rarely destroy the family, but if it is done, then sharply and irrevocably.

Although the Cossacks have everything strictly regulated, starting with spending money and ending with love, it is with them that you will be reliably insured against any unexpected, as an emotional, spiritual and financial character. If you are not too passionate, a person is not too passionate, but a reasonable and calculating, it can come to you very much to taste. While other men raw their feelings in his youth, Capricorn will appreciate and love you all my life, no matter how much gray hairs will add in your hair or how many wrinkles will appear on your face. And it is important that the word "love" he said just once in his life, if it means "I love forever", and not for five minutes and not for five years.

Capricorn woman

With these words, she got up, and went on the lawn, at first it was very fastened, for she was afraid, no matter how the crown flew from her head, but then bolder, persuading himself, herself HQ. there was no soul. - if I really have a queen, "Alice thought out loud, - S. week Ya i will learn to cope with it.

The appearance of a Capricorn woman can be sau-guns different: with a strict beam, in a white coat, ne-reliving fluids from one test tube to another, and an extraordinarily feminine, the coquetty lady, around which the crowd of fans goes. But regardless of the appearance, Capricorn Watai is not always dreaming about how to grab the most pretty man, who will achieve in the life of painful heights and will ere it on the pedestal, which she is worthy.

Many cacurase women make a professional career. And not at all because they prefer the work of family life. Just for Capricorn sau-my important is to achieve recognition in the life, and the tenth thing is the tenth. And if she feels that it is not able to find a man who would satisfy-rode her ambitious ideas, she immersed in work, believing that it is better to succeed in professional activity, than to own life with a dishonest-beloved spouse.

True, the thought of a successful marriage remains in the subconscious of the Capricorn woman, and it is sooner or later, he will achieve what he wants. For no success in their work will give her such satisfaction as a successful marriage.

One of the most pleasant features of Capricorn is an extraordinary graduation and ability to own themselves. According to Manners, always impeccable, you never guess about her social origin.

Thanks to the huge excerpt and the power of the Will, Coserian-hectare, it will seem for you that it always has a good, even mood. But it is not. Planet Saturn Return-Gaet to disgust, pessimism and melancholy, and non-Capricorn women have to make a lot of strength to fight such an unsuccessful predisposition. You, for our part, should help ensure that the bad mood has visited it as less as possible. And for this never tear over it. She does not tolerate it. Do not deceive it, especially in serious affairs, and praise when it deserves.

In the affairs of love, especially at first, while she is not sure about anything (nor in your serious feelings and intentions, nor in your financial situation and plants for the future), it is very uncomfortable. But barely understand the met, what exactly are you - her chosen one, how do you surprise her storm, tenderness and even passionship! Women's goat-horns are never given to their hobbies of a frantless ship, not knowing where it can lead them. But if she is firmly confident that her ship follows the manna course, she will relax and give you all of themselves, without a rest.

In family life, Capricorn in all adheres to the instituted orders, traditions and strict etiquette.

Capricorov's women will not call the hands of beauty-cums, but they are inherent in the special, elusive charm and endless charm. While other women have long overlooked the peak of their heyday, the Capricors still seem young, like girls.

A man who chose Capricorn's wife must uvarn and read her family. Do not let yourself talk and jokes about mother-in-law in its presence. With regard to his parents, she is capable of such victims that sometimes it can even affect the well-being of her own family. True, in such attachment to relatives there are positive parties. She surrongs not only your parents, but also brothers and sisters, if you have. Goat-horns do not need to ask to sit with a sick mother-in-law. She willing to do it herself, without any hints of you, and will be devoted to care for her to complete recovery. By the way, Capricorn are almost the only women who sincerely like their future mother-in-law. And no surprise - but - after all, excellent wives are obtained.

The Capricorn Woman's House looks like an ordinary woman hurts in it, and the magician with the Ku-whose assistant-dwarves, such it is clean and cozy.

Capricorns love serious classical music and not indifferent to all types of art. Capricorn Ro-Mantic. True, it does not approve of romanticism. According to her conviction, in life you should choose a high goal and go to it, overcoming all the obstacles on the path. Only this is the true romance for her, and not at all to chanting happiness in the chaolache.

In relation to children, Capricorn Story: it raises them in them a respectful attitude towards relatives and old PliM and teaches their discipline and good manners. Love for children is not expressed in her sugary kisses, but in attention and patience. Perhaps Capricorn is sometimes overly strict, but becoming older, the children themselves will thank her for it. The only exception is the transitional age - it happens that at this time there are too conmervative Capricors conflict with their free-loved children. But common sense and the logic of Cosero-Gov and then come to her aid, and she will find the strength to conclude an acceptable compromise with children.

Because of the very sensitive skin of Capricorns, rarely use cosmetics, and if they use, it is extremely necessary. Fortunately, nature rewarded them with such a molding, which roses are shining on their cheeks and shine when other women have erased them long ago.

Capricorn requires your attention and care to overcome uncertainty in yourself and their forces. She will give you love and devotion to you, who will accompany you all my life.

Capricorn child

Well, why I do not fold, like a pickle pipe! If I had only knew how to start, I would, on-right, managed.

Pust her head! See how she will be happy.

... a little friendly participation ... and papillos in the hair ... And she is not a completely unrecognizable.

According to some people, all newborn babies are reminiscent of old people and old women with their crossed larch and tales. But if this is a guide and valid, then only in the application to the Cossack Gam. In infancy, they look like small old old people, but in mature years they look much younger than their peers.

Even in the Baby Capricorn, an extraordinary maturity and adulthood feels. So, if you start to suck and bear that nonsense, with what usually it is cooked with the kids, he gives you a look that you feel stupid and immediately stop the non-appropriate bowel.

In kapricon children, strong will, and they firmly know what they want. But unlike other babies, they will not express their desires with screams or other manifestations of stubbornness. If they don't like something, they will calmly look into your eyes, and you will understand that they were wrong. And feel yourself, as if I quit a schoolboy in front of the teacher.

Capricorgo children express their desires very oppositely and distract them from the conceived is not possible. True, if the conceived is not very important for them, they can safely come back in response to your solid "no". But if something is very necessary for them, they will still achieve their sooner or later.

Capricorn child from an early age is characterized by dis-cycle. His toys lie in a certain place, and he will protest if you dare to break the order established by him. And boys and de-bulls Capricorgi are pretty obedient and rarely "go on the head."

Capricorn children are very tied to home and family. The re-Balko-Capricorn prefers to walk with his parents, and if they are busy, sit at home, but will not run into the courtyard with their peers.

He rarely has many buddies, but there is a close friend who he believes all his secrets and secrets.

Studying at school and the institute does not represent the difficulty-tapes for the Capricorns due to perseverance, perfection, partnership and hard work. The problem can only be excessive slowness.

From all games, the Capricorcogs prefer to play adults: Mom and Pap, a doctor - a patient, a teacher - a student, a seller - the buyer, etc. Capricorms also love to draw and listen to music, but most of all they love to do what has what -This practical meaning, for example, marshy.

Capricorn children are obedient, reliable, stubborn, but sly-com timidations are unsure of themselves and noncommunicable. In this regard, a lot of problems arises in transitional age and especially during the first love. In such cases, children should help overcome fear, timidity and uncertainty.

In general, the children-Capricorn in nature are very pleasant. They are respectful, do not climb into other people's affairs, the house and everyone who is in it is, first of all you. So they will remain for life, and you are in full measure to feel their love and care when the composition is. They will surround you as attention and caress, what kind of you surrounded them once in the distant childhood.


He told them once, they told them two - all words were in vain.

I grumble when I am satisfied, and wish the tail when I am angry. Consequently, I am not in my mind.

Capricorn all day stubbornly sits in his chair. Phones on the table are continuously calling, and he raises the phone with a tube and even, calm voice gives an answer to any question. In his head, as if in a huge statistical reference book, there is a complete information on any issue.

Its working day begins from early morning and started late in the evening when Capricorn makes the launch of orders for tomorrow. Sometimes he has to not only dinner, but also to shave in his office.

And at the same time, Capricorn is very worried when he has to give a watch, intended for the family, his work. No matter how he loved the work, a house for him is typical.

For her subordinates, Capricorn is a native father, strict but fair. It requires from employees not just obedience, but self-dedication. The orders are never done in order tone or, feel God, with a scream. His voice is calm, with the exception of those cases when the negligence or chu-previsible inattention is derived from himself.

Employees he never flatters and does not make comblotes. His praise is very restrained. But he always carefully listens to your problem and, if it is in his power, will certainly help.

On encouragement Capricorn is not very generous, but the employee's meritor, the employee always gets due to the time.

The Capricorn-boss is so modest that in Ma Leash mention of his merits, his ears are breathing. Being extremely responsible, he sometimes forgets the most pressing needs: about food and rest.

Capricorns prefer a dark suit and a white ru-tank with a tie of a little coloring.

If he wears a wristwatch, then usually classical shape on the leather strap; Some Capricorns love vintage pocket watch. Under the glass on his desk often you can see the photos of the genus.

This or approximately such (with small vari-antami) Capricorn-boss.

He will not waste time, and you will not like a back. He will always find than to take his subordinates.

If the Capricorn-Chief does not like something in his subordinates, he rarely will make a remark to them - it will simply notice this lack of himself or reacts to it raised in bewilderment.

Capricorn does not like when women subordinate to him consume bright cosmetics and perfume with a strong smell. In men, he does not apply beard and long hair, as well as too free

or untidy clothes.

Do not be afraid to speak in his presence about your near and about your attitude. He will appreciate it.

And most importantly, watch yourself and your manners, be restrained into the tongue, ramorebnings and are true and ever, hear, never contact him by name (even with the warmest relationship) in the presence of outsiders. If you comply with all these requirements. Capricorn will relate to you as a native and you will work with him for many years (or as much as you yourself want). A professional astrologer on this site. If you want to try to consult free from astrologer, Tarologist or psychic, then one free consultation you can get by registering on the partner website under this link: Astrologer consultation