Studies of insulin sensitivity of muscle tissues. OK, how can you control this hormone to stimulate muscle growth and burning fat? Signs of reduced insulin sensitivity

Low sensitivity to insulin can lead to diabetes. How can I increase this indicator?

To reset the overweight and increase muscle mass to not adhere to a certain diet. It is equally important to increase the sensitivity of the body to insulin.

This is due to the fact that the body will be able to create the reserves of fat cells necessary to increase muscles. It should be remembered about the possibility of diabetes. Low insulin sensitivity is one of the main causes of this very serious illness. To achieve the goal, there are many ways that can be divided into several groups:

  • Regular physical exertion.
  • Proper nutrition
  • Compliance with the regime of the day

Regular physical exertion

To increase insulin sensitivity, physical exertion is of great importance. After high-quality workouts, an increase in muscle mass is observed, and the cells need enhanced nutrition. After severe physical exertion, muscle tissues begin to consume most of the energy (about 90%), which is transferred with blood. According to research, the increase in muscles by 10% reduces insulin resistance by 11%.

Stamina training is the most effective for increasing insulin sensitivity. But at the same time it must be remembered that they are suitable only for those muscle groups that are well trained. For example, runners the lower part of the body is the most sensitive to insulin.

The greatest effect can be achieved only when combined training. It is necessary to combine the aerobic load with power. Only in this case can be achieved the best result.

Proper nutrition - Pledge of health

People who do not lead an active lifestyle and overweight, it is necessary to pay special attention to receiving carbohydrates, and reduce its number up to 50 g per day. In the same way, there has no problems with excess weight, it is necessary to limit the amount of carbohydrates entering the body until 100-200 g. You can also resort to a carbohydrate cycle.

People who are engaged in unprofessional sports should also limit the amount of food with a large content of these substances in the days of training. The rest of the time you need to adhere to low carbon diet.

It is worth noting the proteins that have a great impact on insulin sensitivity. This is due to the ability of proteins to slow down the growth of blood sugar. Very good results showed whey protein. It gives the body better to carry glucose. In many ways, this fact is associated with the ability of a substance to cause a sharp emission of insulin into blood. This may seem somewhat strange, given the large amount of amino acids in its composition.

Speaking of proper nutrition, it is worth noting the introduction into its diet to the maximum possible amount of vegetables. Special attention here is worth paying for leafy types of vegetables and cruciferous cultures (cauliflower and broccoli). Here, there should be also products that have a low glycemic index. These are products that include a large amount of antioxidants, such as berries, and all the same fruits.

Very effectively increase sensitively to insulin acidic products - lime, lemon, as well as vinegar added to dishes.

Some marinated products, for example, ginger were well shown well. It is best to use them with products rich in carbohydrates: potatoes, rice or sandwiches. If you continue the topic of seasonings, then you need to pay attention to cinnamon, turmeric and Shambalu. They are able to strengthen insulin signals into muscles, which will reduce the amount of fat stored by the body as energy.

In its diet, it is necessary to introduce fatty fish, which is rich in substances that increase the strength and flexibility of cells. Also, attention should be paid to some minerals, especially magnesium. It has a beneficial effect on insulin receptors of all organism cells. As a drink, it is recommended to use green tea or a mat that contain many antioxidants.

And now it came to talk about those products that are not recommended to use in their diet. Immediately it is worth saying about sugar, which must be excluded from your food program. This also applies to those products in which it is contained. They are recycled even faster, and provoke a powerful insulin emission to blood.

Trans-fats used in pastries are subject to exception. These substances are undesirable for any organism, since the cause of many cardiovascular diseases.

Continuing the subject of sugar, it is impossible not to affect the fructose contained in the fruit and some kinds of vegetables. Now we are talking, first of all, about liquid fructose contained in various drinks, including in most sports. Especially rich in the fructose Agava, therefore, it should be seized from the diet. Among the fruits and vegetables are quite a lot of products containing the minimum amount of fructose (berries, avocado, tomatoes, etc.), which are recommended to use in food.

Currently, refined oils from various types of products (sunflower, corn, rape, etc.) are widely used. No recycled or packaged product is done without using them. But the excess amount of fats of this type contributes to cell degradation.

Nuts and seeds are useful for the body, however, you should adhere to the moderate use of these products.

Proper organization of the day

Compliance with the regime is very important for any person, not just an athlete. It has been proven that insulin sensitivity is significantly reduced from the lack of sleep. This feeling causes a person to eat high carbohydrate food, but because of this, the condition can only worsen. This happens because of the reduction of the ability to transfer glucose. If all the moments happen when you cannot sleep, you should be careful in choosing food.

It has long been harmful to the late snack. However, mention is necessary. Most often in the evening I want food, in which many carbohydrates. If you do not resist the temptation, then a lot of insulin will fall into the blood, and the daily biorhythm will be shot down. In turn, it will affect sleep quality, as Melatonin is a hormone responsible for this state, can only be synthesized after decreasing insulin levels.

If the late snacks happen infrequently, it can only be stunned at night. It is much worse when food before bed is accepted constantly. For this reason, the entire hormonal balance may change.

Well, the last recommendation concerns a sedentary position. With long-term seats, insulin sensitivity will sharply decrease. Moreover, it does not matter, whether you are all executed in the items described in the article. According to studies, for three days of a sequiguous lifestyle, young people have significantly decreased sensitivity to insulin. But in ordinary life they were all quite active.

Insuline video:

More than 80 million Americans (23% of the population) have insulin resistance, which can lead them to the development of diabetes. And you can also be on the way to diabetes for 10 years or more, and do not even know what it happens. Hormone Insulin makes your cells open and get a portion of glucose from the blood. But if there is insulin resistance, then the cells lose sensitivity, and begin to ignore the signals to open and take glucose. As a result, your body continues to produce insulin more and more to try to transfer to the message to the cells. But the cells do not hear the body, and your insulin level rises higher and higher.

Those who have chronically high insulin level , get a rapid weight gain, premature aging, high blood pressure, heart disease and very high risks of cancer. Ultimately, such a state of the body leads to the development of type 2 diabetes.

However, there are herbs, spices and food products that can become your first defense line from insulin resistance. Here are eight products that can help restore and maintain the sensitivity of your cells to insulin.

1. Turmeric: 100% efficiency in preventing diabetes

The study conducted in 2009 showed that Kurkumin, the active substance contained in Kurkuma was from 500 to 100,000 times more efficient than metformin - medication to activate glucose absorption. In another study, 240 adult patients with prediabet were obtained daily or 250 mg of curcumin, or placebo. After nine months, none of those who accepted Kurkumin did not receive the development of diabetes, and 16.4% of the participants in the experiment fell ill in the placebo group of diabetes. In other words, Kurkumin had 100% effectiveness in preventing type 2 diabetes.

2. Ginger lowers blood glucose level on an empty stomach by 10.5%

In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 88 patients with diabetes mellitus were divided into two groups. Every day, one group received a placebo, and the other received 3-gram ginger powder capsules. After eight weeks of testing, the group hosting the ginger, the level of blood sugar was decreased by 10.5%. However, in another group there was an increase in the level of blood sugar in an empty stomach by 21%. In addition, insulin sensitivity has increased significantly in a ginger group group. In another study, scientists have proven that the reception of 1600 mg of ginger per day improves the indicators of eight markers of diabetes, including sensitivity to insulin. Many other studies prove the value of ginger to treat diabetes.

3.Chiritsa: less than half of the teaspoon per day reduces blood sugar levels

Cinnamon is one of the oldest spices and one of the most popular spices. It was used for thousands of years for taste and healing qualities of dishes. Cinnamon was shown to normalize blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus to increase their ability to respond to insulin. Meta-analysis of eight clinical studies show that cinnamon or cinnamon extract reduce blood glucose level on an empty stomach. Cinnamon also slows down the speed with which the stomach becomes empty after eating. In one study, the tests have eaten about 200 grams of rice pudding without and with a teaspoon of cinnamon. Those who added cinnamon were able to slow down the gastric emptying rates from 37% to 34.5% and significantly slowed down the level of blood sugar levels. Even the dose less than half of the teaspoon per day reduces the blood sugar level of patients with diabetes type 2.

4. Olive leaves extract: Comparable results with metformine

Oakland University researchers proved that the extract of olive leaves decreases insulin resistance. In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 46 men's overweight were divided into two groups. One group received capsules containing olive leaves extract, and the other group received placebo. After 12 weeks, those who received olive leaves extract showed a decrease in insulin resistance by an average of 15%. The extract also increases the performance of the pancreatic cells, which produce insulin, by 28%. The researchers noted that the addition to the extract of olive leaves gives the result "comparable using drugs, in particular, metformin."

5. Berries lower insulin level after meals

Studies show that the body requires less insulin for the sugar balance after eating, if during meals to take berries. In Finnish study, healthy women ate white and rye bread together or without different wipe berries. Starch from bread gave the peaks of the level of glucose immediately after eating. But the researchers found that adding berries significantly reduced insulin production after meals. Strawberry, blueberry, lingonberry, and black-like rowan were the most effective. It was also effective was a mixture consisting of strawberries, blueberries, cranberries and blackberries.

6. Total 2 grams of black cumin reduce insulin resistance

In the study, 94 patients with diabetes were prescribed either 1, 2 or 3 g per day capsules with black tmin. Scientists have found that at a dose of 2 g per day, the level of blood glucose is significantly reduced and insulin resistance decreases dramatically. But at a higher dose - 3 g per day, the result did not show additional benefits.

7. Spirulina increases insulin sensitivity by 225%

In a randomized study of insulin-resistant patients, scientists compared Spirulina and soy in their ability to control the level of insulin. They appointed 17 patients 19 grams of Spirulina per day. Other 16 patients received 19 grams of soy. After eight weeks, the Spirulina Group showed an increase in insulin sensitivity by 224.7%, and the group with soybean increased its insulin sensitivity by 60%.
In addition, all participants from the group with spirulina were able to increase their insulin sensitivity, and in the group with soybeans only 69% showed changes.

8. Berberine is also good, like three different medicines from diabetes

Berberine is a bitter substance contained in the roots of some plants, including in Hydrasty, Barbaris and Oregon grapes. Chinese researchers compared Berberine and Metformin (cure for diabetes) in a pilot study with the participation of 36 patients. They found that Berberine reduced blood sugar levels as well as Metformin, and did it in just three months. Patients also significantly reduced the magnitude of the blood glucose peaks on an empty stomach and after eating. In the same study, scientists gave Berberine 48 patients with diabetes for three months. After just one week, Berberine reduced insulin resistance by 45%.
Other scientists conducted a meta-analysis of 14 earlier studies with 1,068 people. They found that Berberin is effective in the same way as Metformin medication, Glypizid Rosiglitazone. These are the most effective drugs from diabetes in the modern market. And most importantly - Berberin does not have serious side effects.

Information sources:

* Teayoun Kim, Jessica Davis, Albert J Zhang Xiaomine He, Suresh T Mathews. Curcumin activates AMPK and suppresses Gluconeogenic gene expression in hepatome cells Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2009 Oct 16; 388 (2): 377-82. EPUB 2009 8 Aug.

* Hassan Mozaffari-Khosravi, Behrouz Talaei, Beman-Ali Jalali, Azadeh Najarzadeh, Mohammad Mozayan Reza. The effect of ginger powder additives on insulin resistance and glycemic indices in patients with type 2 diabetes: randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study Extra MED. 2014 February; 22 (1): 9-16. EPUB 2014 8 Jan.

* Tahereh Arablou, Naeed Aryaeian, Majid Valizadeh, Faranak Sharifa, Aghafatemeh Hossaine, Mahmoud Djalali. The impact of ginger of consumption on glycemic status, lipid profile and some inflammation markers in patients with type 2 diabetes. Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2014 4 Feb. EPUB 2014 4 Feb.

* Paul Davis, Wallace Yokoyama. Cinnamon reduces blood glucose consumption on an empty stomach: meta-analysis. J Med food. 2011 SEP; 14 (9): 884-9. EPUB 2011 Apr 11.

* Joanna Hlebowicz et al, "cinnamon effect on postprandial blood glucose, gastric emptying, and a feeling of satiety in healthy subjects." Am J Clin Nutr June 2007

* Riortt Törrönen, Marjukka Kolehmainen, Essi Sarkkinen, Kaisa Economic Development, Transport, Hanna Mykkänen, Leo Niskanen. Berries to reduce the postprandial reaction to insulin wheat and rye bread in healthy women. J Nutr. 2013 APR; 143 (4): 430-6. Epub 2013 January 30.

* Abdullah O Bamosa, Huda Kaatabi, Fatma M Lebdaa, Abdul-Muhssen Al ELQ, Ali Al-Sultanb. The effect of Nigella Sativa seeds on glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Indian J Plants Pharmacol. 2010 Oct.-dec.;

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An accurate understanding of biological processes is very important to select adequate actions. After all, many "harmful" manifestations of the disease are actually manifestations of the negative effect of the disease, and vice versa - an attempt to fight the problem. Thus, the increase in temperature improves the fight against viruses and the abusing the antipyretic can be obtained by chronic infection, the increase in the pulse can be an adaptive reaction during dehydration and so on. But very often adaptive, adaptive reaction can go very far away and start creating additional problems. And here it is important to understand - where is the line between adaptation and pathology? I tell a lot about insulin resistance and emphasize both negative and positive aspects of the insulin hormone. We are also often talking about insulin resistance, which is perceived as an absolute evil. These are not so and today we will talk about the adaptive, adaptive properties of physiological insulin resistance in order to understand this phenomenon deeper and more accurately work with it. At the end of the article, I will tell (do not be afraid \u003d) even about the benefits of insulin resistance and how to benefit from it. Yes, already started (February 2, 2017), write down. If you do not have the ability to come, then you can

What is insulin resistance (insulin resistance)?

Insulin resistance (hereinafter referred to It is a violation of a metabolic response to insulin. Insulin resistance is a physiological basis in which the cells (first of all liver, muscle, adipose tissue) do not react to the usual effects of insulin hormone. The body produces insulin, but the cells in the body acquire insulin resistance and cannot use it effectively. This concept is applicable to all physiological effects of insulin, its influence on protein, fat exchange, the state of the endothelium of the vessels. Resistance can develop both one of the effects of insulin, regardless of others, and complex. For a more accurate assessment of insulin resistance, the HOMA index is used. But unfortunately, insulin condensence in most cases remains not recognized before the occurrence of metabolic disorders.

Yes, of course, physiological (peripheral, muscular)insulin resistance is significantly different from pathological (central, liver). Physiological IR: Pubertat; pregnancy; night sleep; Diet rich in fat. Strengthen IR overeating, hypodynamine, stress, lack of sleep, etc. In some cases, physiological insulin resistance can grow into pathological. So, the physiological insulin resistance of pregnant women converts into diabetes and weight gain, the physiological insulin resistance of teenage girls is developing in polycystic ovaries syndrome, night physiological insulin resistance is easily converted into obesity if you start abundantly in the evenings. Remember - physiological insulin resistance is not dangerous if you do not abuse calories. And if you still do not have hypodynamia, then everything will be just wonderful. Especially help you understand the general picture acquaintance with metabolic flexibility ()

Insulin resistance and metabolism management.

In energy formation processes, consistently carbohydrates, fats and proteins are used. Such a sequence is strictly observed during the day and dynamics of life processes throughout the human life. Provide this sequence can insulin, since the tissues have different sensitivity to it. The most sensitive to the anticatabolic effect of insulin glycogen liver, slightly less - adipose tissue. Data that 10 μED / ml of insulin is required to suppress lipolysis by 50%, and to suppress glucose products by 50% - 30 μED / ml of hormone, do not contradict it, since the products of glucose liver are made of glycogenolysis and gluchegenesis.

IR mechanisms can function effectivelyand inefficient. For effective method In the body will be used mainly carbohydrates and fats for ATP products (energy). In this case, disorganization in the body system is small. This method of energy products is observed in an adult healthy body, which is at rest or ordinary activities. In some states, it is quite physiological to raise an IL, when the production of energy in the target organ or in the body as a whole increases, and amino acids that appear in catabolism protein are not used for energy synthesis, but in plastic purposes. So the mechanisms of IR are functioning in a feto-placental complex, in a newborn, adolescent, during physiological sleep, with muscle activity, benign and malignant neoplasms, etc.

For inefficient method The functioning of the IR mechanisms for the production of ATP endogena is attracted by proteins that disorganizes the system much more. At the same time, a decrease in anabolic effect of insulin is observed, accompanied by a violation of glucose phosphorylation, a decrease in energy production, the weakening of the sugared insulin effect, which leads to metabolic and functional disorders that are most fully manifested by the development of type 2 diabetes (SD2). So the mechanisms of IR are functioning with hypertension, aging, obesity, pregnancy, endocrine pathology, etc.

The self-regulation of the body system is gradually increasing Il in the dynamics of the development of processes. It consistently releases from the depot glucose, fats and amino acid derivatives (precisely in such a sequence). Almost all organism systems directly or indirectly affect the actions of insulin. Therefore, they also take part in the regulation of metabolism, i.e. are mechanisms of IR. The IR level is the integral indicator on which numerous interconnections are closed between systems.

Insulin resistance - This is a historically established mechanism for adapting the human body to a change in external conditions for maintaining the energy balance and the normal functioning of all organs and systems. Many physiological conditions predispose to IR: elderly age, pregnancy, night sleep, hypodynamia, pubertal period, obesity, infection, stress, starvation, uremia, liver cirrhosis, ketoacidosis, antibody blocking insulin receptors, endocrine diseases (Cushing syndrome, acromegaly, feuhromocytoma , glucagon, thyrotoxicosis, hypothyroidism).

Daily, seasonal, age-related, pregnancy, diseases, food fluctuations and energy consumption require homeostatic versatility, including the ability to change sensitivity to insulin, which allows the interstitial membrane to optimize the variable influx of nutrients. For example, in response to their short-term excess, skeletal and heart muscles become temporarily insulin resistant, physiological adaptation contributes to the redirection of excess nutrients into the fatty tissue for storage. The dependence of the insulin resistance index was discovered in healthy women from the phase of the menstrual cycle, its decrease in the folicular phase, correlating with a decrease in progesterone levels in physiology.

Therefore, it is now that insulin resistance allows us to more efficiently store fat, which will be needed during periods of lack of food. This property helps the body safely survive hunger. But modern people in consumption of calories and oily foods have obesity and metabolic syndrome developing such people.

According to the hypothesis about the "economical genotype", extended V. Neel (1962), an IR is an evolutionary consolidated mechanism of survival in adverse conditions, when periods of hunger alternated with abundance periods. In modern conditions, in countries with a high standard of living and constantly concomitant abundance, the IR mechanisms continued in genetic memory continue to "work" to the accumulation of energy, which leads to the development of abdominal obesity, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and finally - type 2 types. During the period of hunger, the IL was formed that glucose from glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis and lipolysis were sent to insulin dependent tissue (brain and heart) and their energy supply occurred. This continued until the next abundance. Initially, IR was presented as helping a person to survive in the environmentally unfavorable conditions for him. I draw your attention that Il does not present a threat to you if you don't eat! We will return to this point. In the process of phylogenesis, this feature of metabolism led to a significant prevalence of Il in society: it is detected from each fourth almost healthy person.


In September 2015, in Stockholm (Sweden) conducted an international conference of endocrinologists "Insulin resistance - benefit or harm?", In which during the discussion E. Ferrannini and D.R. Matthews considered two polar points of view on the problem of IR.E. Ferrannini on the question "Insulin resistance is good or harm?" He answered that it was always harm. In defense of his opinion, the professor presented the well-known data that we have outlined earlier.

There is another, the polar previous, a look at the problem of Il. His supporters of D. R. Matthews, V. Neel, P. Poulsen and M. DipaSquale do not deny the negative consequences of the IR, which were listed above, but they pay a special role to the mechanism for the occurrence of IR. They believe that initially IR develops as an adaptive, protective reaction of the organism on the effect of pathological factors. Opponent of the previous speaker D. R. Matthews pointed to the fact that along with IR exists and insulinsity. While Il is in his "physiological framework", it is not a pathological process. D. R. Matthews Indicates complex relationships between β-cells and IR: IR and β-cell dysfunction, on the one hand, can lead to the development of type 2 type 2, and on the other - β-cells and IR may exist balanced.

"IR is a physiological process, but it may become pathological (like any other physiological process) under the influence of a genetic defect, drugs, overeating, etc. The main cause of the transition of the IL into the pathological process is that in the process of evolution, it was not possible to find a balance between overeating and genetically caused by β-cells. To remain a physiological process, it should be combined with physical exertion, a low-calorie diets and a healthy lifestyle, "said D. R. Matthews. According to P. Poulsen et al. (1999), in the development of Il, along with hereditary, a significant role is assigned to external factors (overeating, obesity, hypodynamia, chronic stress, hyperlipidemia).

M. DipaSquale In 2009, in Body Building magazine published an article "Fat Confusion: Is Fat Bad for You?", Where I wrote that Il is good. Its presence contributes to a faster weight reduction. The glucose in the cell falls in insufficient quantity, therefore, so that insulin-dependent cells do not suffer from energy deficit (as the energy from gluconeogenesis and from glycogenolysis is not enough to cover all cells of cells), they begin to split the SZhK by β-oxidation, respectively, fat weight Reduced. Then the IR will help break fats and oxidize the SBJ in the liver to generate energy. In this way, IR may even help you lose weight and soon I will tell you how to use this knowledge.

In March 2015, C. J. Nolan with co-authors issued a job in which the dogma was questioned that insulin resistance (IR) is primarily harmful to the body and it is necessary to lead an implacable struggle with it at any cost. The authors recognize that the IR is a physiological mechanism that protects the critical tissues of the cardiovascular system from injuries induced nutrient substances. By this, they explain the high degree of risk of a subgroup of patients gaining weight, against the background of the intensification of sugar therapy. It is argued that the desire to reduce the plasma levels of glucose, especially with intensive insulin therapy, possibly harmful. In large studies of patients with diabetes mellitus, it was not grounded that rigid insulin therapy did not provide a visible improvement. As an argument, the following is formulated: a decrease in glycemia, which occurs due to overcoming IR, supplies even more nutrients into already overloaded tissues, which can paradoxically increase metabolic damage in critical tissues. The concept of "insulin-induced metabolic stress" in obese patients with type 2 diabetes (SD2) with different levels of metabolic control allows us to be plausible to explain the negative results of large clinical trials of SD2.

To choose the correct answer, a detailed analysis of the situation in which insulin resistance occurred, although it often becomes a separate difficult task. With uncomplicated pregnancy or in the development of a short-term response of the "respiratory explosion", aimed at eliminating a bacterial infection, insulin resistance is an adaptive, physiologically acquitted response. After childbirth or victory over infection, it goes itself and does not require treatment. We will analyze 5 physiological nutrition and find out why insulin contemplance with them is absolutely normal and even wonderful.

1. Night insulin resistance.

2. Pubertat

3. Pregnancy

4. Low-carpal nutrition

5. Inflammation.

Night insulin resistance.

In the morning, the sensitivity to insulin is maximum and it falls throughout the day. In the body there are two main methods of energy support: "daylight" and "night". With the "daytime" method of energy supply, the main source of energy serves glucose and to a lesser extent - fat. With the "night", on the contrary, the body draws energy mainly of fatty acids entering blood during the splitting of fat deposits. But when obesity, the mechanism of daily switching of energy homeostasis is broken, and the body goes primarily on the fatty power path. It is important to use most of the calories in the first half of the day, then they are absorbed against the background of increased sensitivity to insulin. Food in the evening (with low insulin sensitivity) leads to serious health problems.

Pubertat and insulin resistance.

During a survey of 224 people aged from 1 to 20 years, non-obesity, Laron et al discovered that insulin and C-peptide levels increase sharply upon the occurrence of Pubertata, although the glucose level remains unchanged. The maximum insulin concentration of an empty stomach, often exceeding 75 pkmol / l, is achieved by the middle of the pubertata, regardless of calendar age. After the onset of Pubertata, the level of insulin is progressively declining, reaching prepubertal values. These data confirm the assumption that Pubertat is accompanied by physiological insulin resistance.

The opposite of the effects of two anabolic hormones (GR and insulin growth hormone) during active growth seems paradoxical. However, AMIEL ET AL demonstrated that insulin resistance is limited by the influence of glucose metabolism and does not affect the exchange of amino acids. Consequently, compensatory hyperinsulamia increases protein synthesis, stimulating growth. Moreover, it is known that insulin is an important modulator of the actions of the insulin-like growth factor 1 (IPFR-1). IPFR-1, structural analogue of the proinsulin, mediates the growth-stimulating effect of GR. In addition to the main place of synthesis of IPFR-1 - liver - many fabrics also produce both this peptide and receptors to it.

Since insulin has a variety of metabolic effects, it synchronizes the processes of growth and puberty with the optimal level of metabolism in the body. This adaptation is extremely important, since on the one hand saves energy when nutritional food, and on the other, it will accelerate the ripening and the ability to childbear with sufficient food. This theory can explain many clinical observations, for example: the introduction of GR children with its insufficiency leads not only to growth stimulation, but also to sex ripening. The fact that after the completion of Pubertata, the level of genital steroids remains high, while insulin resistance disappears, excludes sex hormones as the cause of the development of insulin resistance.

Pregnancy and insulin resistance.

Glucose is the main source of energy for the mother and the fetus. As the fetus grows, more and more glucose needed, and its consumption in the second half of pregnancy is ahead of its availability. Therefore, normally, the level of glucose in the blood of the fetus is about 10-20 mg / 100 ml (0.6-1.1 mmol / l) lower than that of the mother. (Physiological norm for a pregnant woman - 3.3-6.6 mmol / l.) The fact that during the maximum growth of the fetus, all pregnant women develop physiological insulin resistance, with which, probably, glucose flows and are redirected from Mother's organs to growing fruit. This effect regulates the placenta - the main source of TNF-α secretion during pregnancy, especially in its second half. Approximately 94% of the placental TNF-α is released into the mother's blood flow, and only 6% - in the blood flow of the fetus. Thus, the high level of TNF-α provides insulin resistance of maternal tissues.

After childbirth, its concentration is sharply and quickly reduced, and the sensitivity to insulin is restored in parallel. However, in pregnant women with overweight, the TNF-α content is significantly higher than in pregnant women with normal weight. Excessively complete women, pregnancy often proceeds with complications, and after childbirth, the insulin sensitivity is not only not restored, but also increases the risk of developing diabetes. However, with the right course of pregnancy, adaptive insulin resistance helps the normal growth of the fetus.

Low carb fluid diet.

Low-carbon diet stimulates insulin resistance. This is a completely normal physiological response to restriction of carbohydrate carbohydrates, since the decrease in insulin sensitivity improves fat burning. Such a limitation of carbohydrate receipts reduces insulin production. At a low level of insulin, hormone-sensitive lipase (triglyceridelipase) is activated. Fatty fabric breaks down and implies free fatty acids into blood. These acids are mainly consumed by muscle tissue and automatically cause insulin resistance in it.

This reaction is quite natural, since the muscle tissue is easily powered by fats, leaving glucose for those tissues and organs that really need it, for example, the brain. Nervous fabric uses insulin to capture glucose, but never uses fat as muscle tissue makes, and therefore, from the point of view of brain cells, physiological insulin resistance is not a problem.

While the muscles are in a state of "failure" glucose, any of its admission to the blood, whether food or glukegenesis in the liver, quickly lifting blood glucose levels. And this is quite normal if your image contains little carbohydrates. It also means that you fail the oral glucoselectric test (OGTT) and the doctor will shift the label of diabetics. In fact, even one-time meal with a high fat content may result in this, extending physiological insulin resistance for the whole day. The generally accepted condition for OGTT is the reception of 150 grams of carbohydrates daily for three days before the test !!! Increased amount of free fatty acids causes physiological insulin resistance and elevated level of mercury blood glucose. Simple switching to higher carbon black (in my case) launches ordinary pancreatic and muscle functions.

Inflammation and insulin resistance.

Inflammation is not a disease, but a normal response of the body, in particular, to a bacterial infection. The purpose of inflammation is to destroy bacteria using a cytotoxic response of a "respiratory", or "oxygen explosion". It received such a name because the phagocyte cells, capturing bacteria or their decay products, sharply (explode) increase the consumption of oxygen and glucose, which are involved in the formation of highly active radicals with antibacterial activity. For the reaction of the "respiratory explosion", fast delivery of a large amount of glucose to activated phagocytes is needed.

Such a directional flow of glucose is provided with the help of the physiological mechanism of insulin resistance, which temporarily limits glucose influx into muscles and fat cells, directing it mainly to neutrophils and macrophages. When inflammation, inflammatory molecules are distinguished, for example, TNF-α, which in high concentration turns into endotoxin, causing systemic inflammation, insulin resistance and a long limitation of glucose intake into muscles, liver and fatty tissue.

Insulin resistance + overeating \u003d trouble.

physiological (peripheral, muscular) insulin resistance is significantly different from the pathological (central, liver). In some cases, physiological insulin resistance can grow into pathological. So, the physiological insulin resistance of pregnant women converts into diabetes and weight gain, the physiological insulin resistance of teenage girls is developing in polycystic ovaries syndrome, night physiological insulin resistance is easily converted into obesity if you start abundantly in the evenings. Remember - physiological insulin resistance is not dangerous if you do not abuse calories. And if you still do not have hypodynamia, then everything will be just wonderful.

I will give an example. Thus, in 1992, Hales and Barker formulated the concept of environmental factors (in particular, insufficient nutrition at an early age) on the development of type 2 diabetes in adults. They revealed a correlation between the low body weight at the birth and development of type 2 diabetes in men in England. Similar results were obtained on other populations and ethnic groups, the correlation was also spread to the previously described state of insulin resistance. According to the hypothesis of "stocked phenotype", nutrition becomes for the fetus and a newborn stress factor, which is compensated by the transition to more economical metabolism. This kind of adaptation is designed to prepare the body to survive under conditions of lack of nutrients. One of the changes is the development of insulin resistance in muscle and adipose tissues, creating relative protection of growth and brain activity. Adaptive changes in metabolism lose their protective role when the child receives nutrients in the postnatal period in excessive amounts, which leads to the development of obesity and diabetes. Those. If the children ate little, then they would not have diabetes! But if their mothers had ate normally during pregnancy, it would not hurt their children to excess nutrients!


Thus, insulin resistance is a physiological process and acts as a compensatory reaction, often aimed at protecting the body from various stress factors. However, in the presence of hereditary predisposition and the effects of risk factors, the IR acquires a pathological orientation, contributes to the development of the type 2, ag, dyslipidemia, SDK, and other severe diseases. But how not to cross this thin line between the physiological and pathological process, and most importantly, how to manage IR? This question is complex and often individual. But one hint I will give: for safe flow, the IR is important to limit the calirage, especially by carbohydrates. It will reduce all the side effects of the IR to a minimum. Il arises for peculiar "protection" of tissues from glucose, so a moderate nutritional limitation and an increase in physical activity makes it possible to effectively cope with IR.

The number of sick diabetes in the world grows every year. Already now there are 10 times more than 20 years ago. And the forecasts of doctors in this area are disappointing. Therefore, many specialists send their efforts to find medications for cure, and to optimize the reception of existing funds. One way is to increase insulin sensitivity.

In the middle of the last century, the hypothesis was expressed by scientists that the sensitivity of cells to insulin decreases at genetic reasons. In the time of total hunger, the body began to take such measures to ensure that the accumulation of the "strategic stock" occurred in case of a new disadvantage of food. Only instead people have hypertension, obesity and diabetes.

At that moment, when a person has diabetes mellitus, the labor-intensive process of developing a treatment regimen begins. Initially, of course, all sorts of tests are surrendered, and then it is time to calculate the dose of insulin. For this, there is a special formula that takes into account the weight of the patient and the scheme of its nutrition, and some other points. The standard dose is then adjusted. An important role in this plays the fact that the sensitivity of the cell cells to the artificial hormone in different patients is different.

In order to determine the sensitivity to insulin, spend a special test. To do this, the patient introduces a single synthetic hormone unit with a short or ultrashort action. After a certain period of time, a new dimension is carried out. Such a control definition is very significant and helps in subsequent treatment, because it is based on it is possible to calculate the desired coefficient. And then, if necessary, the question is solved how to increase the sensitivity to the hormone.

After receiving the results, treatment is adjusted. Without this definition, I would have to change the dose and error method to change and error until I need it. Such long-term inaccuracies in the treatment scheme can be extremely negatively affecting the already not very good health diabetics.

Signs of reduced insulin sensitivity

Even before testing on certain features, reduced sensitivity to artificial hormone can be suspected of insulin-dependent.

  • There is abdominal obesity. These are the so-called fat rollers, which are often trying to get rid of women.
  • Hypertensive manifestations.
  • If the blood test showed that there is an increase in cholesterol levels and triglycerides.
  • If protein is found in the urine.

These symptoms most often indicate the problem described, but not necessarily. The laboratory determination of the hormone sensitivity is extremely problematic, since blood plasma may contain insulin in fairly wide limits.

Various tissue sensitivity

Laboratory studies of scientists have shown that various body tissues have different insulin sensitivity. The most important thing is how the muscles and fat fabric of the patient react. In addition, the reaction of liver cells is important. It is worth noting that in the presence of a hormone, a fatty fabric breaks down with great difficulty, a liver with high energy throws into blood glucose, which with the same big hunt is absorbed by the muscles.

It often happens that the reduced or increased interaction of insulin with the body is determined by genetics. But a more common cause is an abundance of bad habits and an unhealthy lifestyle. And it is because of the fact that a long time is created on the pancreas for a long time, there is an increased likelihood of the disease itself, type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Determination of insulin sensitivity

When the insulin sensitivity is determined, doctors primarily take into account the fact that the indicators may vary at different times of the day. In addition, some other factors are important:

  • How good the general health condition in humans.
  • Does it support himself regular physical exertion.
  • At what time of the year definitions are held.

Experts have already managed to establish that if the glycemic profile is about the same during the day and approximately close to the norm, then the sensitivity to insulin will be high. Experimental data show that after administration to an adult, 1 units of synthetic insulin, the glycemic indicator is reduced from it in the range of 2-3 mmol. In children, the addiction is different. Those patients whose weight did not reach 25 kg, show a decrease in the indicator by 5-10 mmol. In a child of school age, intermediate readings: 3-6.5 mmol. The beginning of the disease is characterized by high values \u200b\u200bof the indicator, and over time and the progression of the disease speaks of insulin resistance, that is, the deterioration of sensitivity.

Any human disease reduces insulin sensitivity. Even if the diagnosis of ORVI or food poisoning is diagnosed, the dose of the entered hormone has to be increased, and sometimes it is very much: up to 2 times. If frequent glycemia occurs in the body, and glucose comes in reduced quantities, it is possible to achieve an increase in susceptibility to a hormone.

In the event that a person is diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus, sensitivity to insulin is given somewhat different value. This term explains how much the body fabric is able to perceive their own hormone, which is produced in the body. When a person has this type of disease, its main enemy is an excess body weight. It is for this reason that the sensitivity to insulin deteriorates the strongest.

Ways to increase insulin sensitivity

Competent insulin therapy over time helps an increase in insulin sensitivity. Medications help make the level of sugar level fluctuations in the bloodstream insignificant, and also reduce the amount of glycated hemoglobin. Speed \u200b\u200bthis process and strengthen the effects help regular physical exertion. The main thing is to prevent sharp overvoltages, but to make a permanent physical culture.

In cases where it is possible to provide susceptibility to hormone to maximum indicators, the regulation of the deviations of the content of glucose from the norm can be carried out very quickly. With the second type of diabetes, as already mentioned, to help you need to call sports and strive to keep body weight under constant control.

After the full range of surveys, determining the sensitivity coefficient, the endocrinologist may consider it necessary to connect some drugs that do not contain hormones to treatment. They are designed to increase the sensitivity to insulin, but their independent reception can cause irreparable harm. Health and health diabetics are still in a very vulnerable state, and even if there is an equilibrium, it is very easy to disrupt self-medication.

Preparations for improving insulin sensitivity

An insulin-dependent person must be respected by a diet that provides low carbohydrate content. In addition, constant receptions are needed. The doctor will determine which these drugs will be. Sometimes it is possible to restrict ourselves to the pills, but injections come to the rescue. Many patients should adhere to these measures throughout life. But such measures are able to significantly improve the patient's condition and allow it to lead a normal lifestyle.

In some cases, you will receive a recommendation to proper a course of drugs, including chromium or magnesium. In addition, polyunsaturated fatty acids possess a good effect. The endocrinologist can also write down the drugs that will be able to accelerate the weight loss process, which is sometimes critical for type-type sufferers.

Rules for improving sensitivity

To increase the insulin sensitivity, one of the main measures is the proper compilation of the dietary table. This will not only help increase susceptibility to hormone, but also create conditions for improving the overall condition of the body. After all, the right nutrition is sometimes able to work wonders. To achieve a complete expected effect, the diet must obey some simple laws:

  • Do not include food, rich in simple carbohydrates. This species practically directly and very quickly turns out to be in the blood, starting there its negative activity. In other words, it is sugar and all sweet products.
  • Fat, which is part of the dish should be healthy. This means that it is necessary to calculate cooking so that oily fish, avocado and nuts, as well as fish oil and walnut oil appear on the table. You can refuel food olive or linen oil. All contain mono-saturated fats and omega-fats that associate insulin-dependent fabrics and a hormone, which is produced by the body. If replacing the above-mentioned products with trans-fats, it will immediately respond to a decrease in insulin sensitivity. However, healthy fats should not overfill their diet.
  • It is necessary to ensure that many fiber came to the body. From this element, the process of digestion is much better. Another useful action is due to the fact that in its presence, carbohydrates are slower. This means that insulin, which is in the blood, has a chance to fulfill its work much better. Many fiber in fresh vegetables and fruits. Their regular use makes it possible to increase the content of vitamins, the necessary and healthy person in the human body, and suffering from insulin addiction.
  • Eating a large number of protein food. Products rich in protein: fish, seafood, chicken meat, do not increase the amount of sugar in the blood, and also help keep weight under control. Sometimes, with diabetes, doctors recommend a decrease in body weight by protein food.

A few days of compliance with a new way of nutrition give to patients the opportunity to feel a significant improvement in the state. And after 1.5-2 months, poor cholesterol begins to be replaced with a good shape. Such a reaction of the body helps simultaneously reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.

We can keep low insulin levels and live longer, or keep a high insulin level and die young!

In matters of health and healthy aging, we have a choice.

We can keep low insulin levels and live longer, or keep a high insulin level and die young!

Less insulin, more than life

Insulin is always "stick about two ends" .

On the one hand, it helps to preserve muscle mass, because it has an anabolic effect and improves the bioavailability of food consumed, and on the other, it hinders lipolysis (the use of fatty acids as a source of energy).

At the moment, in the health and fitness environment, there is a lot of effort to spend money on insulin control. But few of the truly understands this difficult hormone.

Insulin on an empty stomach should be less than 5 μED / ml and 2 hours after the load of glucose should not rise more than 30 μED / ml.

The maximum allowable top rate is 11.5 units, But even physicians claim that such a state, called intelerans, indicates the initial stage of diabetes.

Insulin is a hormone that launches in Beta Beta Cells Cells . Insulin is responsible for storing energy reserves and muscle growth.

Still, insulin is called the most anabolic hormone. After insulin falls into the blood, its main task is to deliver glucose (carbohydrates), amino acids and fats in cells.

The main work of insulin is to maintain a safe and stable level of glucose near 80-100 mg / decylitr. When the blood glucose level becomes more than 100, the pancreas begins to produce insulin. Always ready to come to the rescue, insulin "selects" excess glucose from the blood, and sends it to the repository.

"In what cells?", - You ask.

Well, first of all - in muscle and fat cells.

If the nutrients go mainly into the muscles - the muscles respond with growth, and we do not add fat.

If most of the nutrients goes into fat cells - muscle mass does not change, but the fat becomes greater.

Due to the fact that insulin is responsible for storing stocks, most people believe that it should be avoided, otherwise there will be more fat. This makes it a light target and scapegoat, and that is why carbohydrates are very often tied to the same shameful post as insulin.

"Logic" is approximately as follows: Highly carbonic diet \u003d high level of insulin \u003d burned less fat in favor of its intensity \u003d becoming everything is fat and greater

And then, as a result:

Low carbon diet \u003d low insulin level \u003d more fat burned, rather than stealing \u003d become thin

There are several reasons why we consider it a mistake.

First, there are no ways to avoid insulin in your blood. If you eat - insulin stands out.

Secondly, if you still succeed in getting rid of insulin, you will also lose all its anabolic functions and its ability to store nutrients in the muscles.

Insulin is an anabolic hormone.

In fact, he is even larger anabolic than growth hormone. The problem is that he is illegible anabolic, and he does not care - to accumulate fat or increase muscle mass.

Actually, the diabetics of the 1st type is not produced by insulin, as a result of which, if they do not receive insulin, death occurs. Insulin really launches the process of accumulation of fat ... But does not make you thick!

But, insulin, like a woman: Sometimes she loves you, sometimes - hates.

However, in contrast to the behavior of a woman insulin behavior We can predict quite accurately.

Hormone Insulin is vital in small quantities, but is deadly, if it is too much.

If you do not give the level of insulin to normal, you may have diabetes, blockage of arteries, serious heart disease and in the end premature death will come.

Given that 20% of women aged 20 to 45 are on the verge of diabetes, it is possible that a similar number of young mothers suffers from lack of milk due to violations in the insulin system.

The amount of milk largely depends on the insulin concentration in their blood - the closer to the norm of its value, the more milk is produced. It turns out that insulin will perform a peculiar key to the launch of the dairy "bofabrika" in the breast of women.

Positive Insulin Properties

1. Insulin is increasing the muscles.

Insulin stimulates protein synthesis by activating its production by ribosomes. Muscles consist of proteins (amino acids). Proteins produced ribosomes. Ribosomes are activated by insulin. Somehow, in an inexplicable way, insulin "includes" the mechanisms of ribosomes.

In the absence of insulin, Ribosomes simply cease to work. Does it mean that insulin helps build up muscle mass? No, this means just the fact that insulin is required to increase muscles.

2. Insulin prevents catabolism proteins.

Insulin prevents muscle destruction. Although it may sound and not very exciting, but the anti-catabolic nature of insulin is no less important than its anabolic properties.

Anyone who works out in finances will tell you what is important not only how much money you earn. It is also important how much money you spend. The same is true for muscles.

Daily our body synthesizes a number of proteins, and at the same time destroys old. Will you succeed in typing muscle mass with time, or not, depends on "physiological arithmetic". To increase the muscles, you must synthesize more protein than to destroy it in the process of catabolism.

3. Insulin carries amino acids into muscle cells.

Insulin actively transfers certain amino acids into muscle cells. It's about BCAA. Amino acids with branched chains "Personally" are delivered insulin into muscle cells. And it is very good if you intend to build up muscle mass.

4. Insulin activates the synthesis of glycogen.

Insulin increases enzyme activity (for example, glycogenxintases), which stimulate the formation of glycogen . It is very important because it helps to provide glycosis in muscle cells, thereby improving their performance, and recovery.

But it's not worth praying for insulin. If the insulin level in the blood is constantly at a high level - problems arise.

The high level of insulin leads to the accumulation of a huge amount of fat, an increase in the risks of cardiovascular diseases and the emergence of a 2-type diabetes.

This type of diabetes is characterized by obesity, cardiovascular diseases and weakening the ability of muscles to preserve nutrients, which leads to loss of muscle fibers and accumulate even more fat. This is called insulin resistance.

Negative insulin properties

1. Insulin blocks hormonoreceptor lipase.

Insulin blocks an enzyme called a sensitive lipase (HSL), which is responsible for the splitting of adipose tissue. Obviously, it is bad, since if the body cannot split storage fat (triglycerides), and turn it into a form that can be burned (free fatty acids), you will not lose weight.

On the other hand, food fat also suppresses the activity of the Goromon - sensitive lipase, and this is with all the fact that the food fat does not need insulin in order to become part of our own fat deposits. Therefore, you can't eat so much fat as much as you want, and at the same time lose weight.

2. Insulin reduces the use of fat.

Insulin reduces the use of fat for energy. Instead, it contributes to carbohydrate burning. Simply put, insulin "retains fat."

Although it has a negative effect on the form of our body, such an action makes sense if we recall that the main function of insulin is to get rid of the excess glucose in the blood.

3. Insulin increases the synthesis of fatty acids.

Insulin increases the synthesis of fatty acids in the liver, which is the first step in the process of accumulation of fat. But it also depends on the availability of excess carbohydrates - if their volume exceeds a certain level, they are either immediately burned, or persisted as glycogen.

No doubt, excessive insulin is the first reason for the increased level in the body of triglycerides, fats that were previously considered relatively safe.

Acne, dandruff and Seborrhea.

They did not expect? The higher the insulin is the more intense lipogenesis than intensively lipogenesis - the higher the level of triglycerides in the blood, the higher the level of triglycerides in the blood - the greater the "salla" is released through the sebaceous glands located throughout the body, especially on the scalp and face.

It is about hyperfunction and hypertrophy of the sebaceous glands under the action of insulin. People with a very smooth nature of the skin, which have never had acne and acne, this side effect of insulin may not be absent.

In persons with more or less oily skin, with the ability to form a acne, insulin can cause a pronounced acne rash, with hypertrophy of the sebaceous glands and the expansion of the skin.

Acne in women is often one of the signs of hyperandrode, which may be accompanied by hyperinsulamia and dyslipidemia.

4. Insulin activates lipoproteinlipase.

Insulin activates enzyme called lipoproteinlipase. If you are familiar with medical terminology, it may initially perceive as a positive insulin characteristic. After all, Lipasa, it is an enzyme that splits fat, so why not increase its volumes?

Recall that we have just discussed how insulin enhances the synthesis of fatty acids in the liver. As soon as these additional fatty acids are converted into triglycerides, they are captured by lipoproteins (for example, VLDL proteins are very low density lipoproteins), thrown into the blood, and are looking for a place for their storage.

While everything goes well, since triglycerides cannot be absorbed by fat cells. So, although you can have enough triglycerides in the blood, you really will not accumulate fat ... until it takes lipoproteinlipase in the case.

As soon as it is activated by insulin, lipoproteinlipase splits these triglycerides into absorbed fatty acids, which are quickly and easily absorbed by fat cells, are again transformed there into triglycerides, and remain in fat cells.

5. Insulin contributes to the transfer of glucose into fat cells.

Insulin contributes to the penetration of glucose into fat cells through their fat cell membranes. As you can imagine, storing excess glucose in fatty cells does not lead to anything good.

6. Insulin stimulates the LDL cholesterol liver.

For cell dividing, it is necessary to form daughter cell membranes. In turn, one of the obligatory "building" materials for the formation of the membrane is cholesterol .

Insulin stimulates cell division and provides cholesterol process due to the activation of the key enzyme cholesterol synthesis - omg-reductase.

On the other hand, insulin is capable of, through a number of intermediaries, inhibit the activity of 7α-hydroxylase - the key enzyme of the synthesis of bile acids.

Thus, on the one hand, insulin increases cholesterol synthesis, and on the other, it reduces its disposal through bile acids.

In addition, excess insulin is capable of stimulating the formation of so-called parasites, the formation of which precedes atherogenesis.

It is interesting to note that excess cholesterol activates the programmed death of Langengars islets cells (apopotosis).

7. Excess insulin destroy the arteries.

Insulin causes the blockage of the arteries, because it stimulates the growth of smooth muscle tissues around the vessels.

Such multiplication of cells plays a very large role in the development of atherosclerosis, when cholesterol plaques are accumulated, the narrowing of the arteries and a decrease in the blood flop flow.

In addition, insulin interferes with the operation of the tomb dissolution system, raising the level of plasminogenic activator inhibitor-1. Thus, the formation of blood clots is stimulated, which clog arteries.

8. Insulin increases blood pressure.

This information is not Nova. In scientific research, published back in 1998, in the magazine "Diabetes", it was reported that almost two thirds of the test resistance to insulin also noted increased blood pressure.

If you have increased blood pressure, there is a 50% chance that you suffer from insulin resistance and it is too much in your blood flow.

How exactly insulin acts on the blood pressure is still unknown. There are many opinions on this.

One theory is that insulin affects the regulation of kidney and / or nervous system, forcing blood vessels to narrow and thereby lifting pressure.

Insulin, in turn, is needed to hold magnesium in cells.

If our insulin receptors weaken and produce insulin resistance, we are not able to hold magnesium and he leaves our body through the urine. Magnesium is needed to relax muscles.

If the level of magnesium in cells is low, then the vessels will be in the stress phase, without relaxing and leading to elevated arterial pressure. In addition, insulin affects the pressure by holding the sodium in the blood.

Insulin itself has a direct vasodilatory impact. In normal people, the introduction of physiological doses of insulin in the absence of hypoglycemia causes vasodilation, and not an increase in blood pressure.

However, under conditions of insulin resistance, the hyperactivization of the sympathetic nervous system leads to the appearance of arterial hypertension due to sympathetic stimulation of the heart, vessels and kidneys.

9. Insulin stimulates the growth of cancer tumors.

Insulin is a growth hormone, and its excess can lead to elevated multiplication of cells and tumors. Full people produces more insulin, because it is an excess of insulin and causes obesity, so they are more likely than people with normal weight, cancer tumors develop.

People have high growth in insulin production is also increased (The higher the growth, the greater insulin), so the risk of cancer is higher. These are statistical data and well-known facts.

Hyperinsulamia - like endogenous (prediabet, metabolic syndrome, obesity, 2nd type SD, polycystic ovarian syndrome), so the exogenic (Insulin therapy of the 1st type SD and CD 2 type) - increases the risk of cancer. Many cancer cells for vitro growth requires insulin.

Women with type 2 diabetes (T2D) have 49% more chances of mortality associated with breast cancer, compared with women without SD2.

Insulin can influence the growth of breast cancer due to its ability to enhance the proliferation of tumor cells, as well as due to the impact on the immune system, the processes of steroidogenesis and the synthesis of steroid hormone receptors.

Therefore, the role of hyperinsulinmia in the progression of breast cancer is obvious.

On the other hand, if you reduce insulin production in the body, the risk of cancer tumors will also decrease.

In animal experiments, it was found that long-term regular breaks in food also reduce the risk of cancer tumors, even if the total number of calories in the diet of the animals does not decrease, in other words, after these breaks, they give them to be injected.

In these experiments it was found that rare food techniques lead to a stable and constant decrease in blood insulin level.

Cases are described when patients with a cancer tumor were cured with multi-day starvations.

10. Hyperinsulinemia stimulates chronic inflammation

Hyperinsulinmia stimulates the formation of arachidonic acid, which is then converted to the stimulating inflammation of PG-E2 and the amount of inflammation in the body increases sharply.

Chronically high levels of insulin or hyperinsulinemia also causes a low level of adiponectin, and this is a problem, as it increases insulin resistance and inflammation. .

Adiponectin - a hillone of adipose tissue, which supports normal insulin sensitivity, prevents the development of diabetes and the risk of cardiovascular diseases is reduced.

Adiponectin plays an important role in energy regulation, as well as in lipid and carbohydrate exchange, reducing glucose and lipids, increasing insulin sensitivity and having an anti-inflammatory effect.

For obese people (in particular with abdominal obesity), the daily secretion of adiponectin, during the day, turned out to be reduced.

Adiponectin protects cells from apoptosis, affecting ceramides.

High levels of ceramides contribute to the development of diabetes, disrupting the insulin-induced signal cells and causing the death of beta cells of the pancreas.

Let's not scare, but we list still some inconvenience from hyperinsulinemia:

Asthma, bronchitis, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

Also did not expect?

And what, in fact, make pocket inhalers and medicines from asthma?

It is known that: expand the capillaries of the bronchi.

A, sorry for the naive question, what does them narrow them?

Of course, a high level of insulin!

Add to it also glucose - perfect feeding for countless bacteria, - and here you otitis, rhinitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, front ...

In the initial stages, especially in children, the degenerative changes in the bronchi mucosa have not yet occurred, asthma disappears at the same time when the insulin level is normalized.


How?! And here the same ...

Do you think the male body lifts muscle or bone?

Not. Of course, blood. And how to break through the body of love, if insulin narrowed all the vessels?

Guess what kind of principle Viagra works? Stimulates the relaxing effect of nitrogen oxide (Nitric Oxide, NO) on the smooth muscles of the penis vessels and improves the circulation (tide) of the blood (erection mechanism).

The same thing that nitroglycerin is doing during angina - relaxes the smooth muscles of the vessels and expands the vessels and capillaries. The same thing is that "funny gas" (nitrogen, N2O) in the Dentist's office. It is also necessary for this nonsense (Viagra) given the Nobel Prize in medicine!

Once we started talking about sex, let's touch some more problems associated with hyperinsulemia.

The first "sweat" of men of all ages is a premature orgasm (premature ejaculation), and is connected mainly with an increased instantaneum threshold due to high levels of insulin and glucose.

The reverse side of the medal is the lack of orgasms in women and men (even with a full erection) in neuropathy, lowering the threshold of the sensitivity of nerve endings. This condition is well known to patients with diabetes mellitus due to sensitivity in limbs due to insulin injections.


Also from insulin?

To some extent, yes.

Carbon dioxide in tobacco smoke and nicotine in cigarettes act on the smooth muscles of the vessels in the same way as nitrogen oxide on the male sexual organ after Viagra - relax.

Now you understand why after hearty lunch pulls to smoke?

To relax the vessels, crowded insulin.


Hold your breath as long as possible, and your body will be filled with heat.

This is the effect of improving circulation due to a sharp increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood.

So during a heart attack or an attack of angina, before breathing deeply, it is necessary to restore the breath on the contrary to relax the vessels and ensure the influx of blood to the heart muscle.

Heart attack, stroke.

Also? And how!

What, you have never seen in the cinema, at work or at home - smoked, fell, died? Most heart attacks and strokes occur after the "healthy" lunch.

Many insulin, vessels narrowed, energy mass, noise-gam-tra-ta-there, here adrenaline jumps (hormone of stress, close to the mechanism of action to insulin, only even more efficient) - Batz! fell, died ...

What happened?

The vessels narrowed so much that blood flow was broken to the heart muscle or brain ... or a previously damaged vessel (aneurysm ruty) simply bursts, and the unfortunate instantly sinks in his own blood.

There will be no ambulance here ...


The connection of Alzheimer's disease with type 2 diabetes, obesity and other metabolic disorders was repeatedly noted by numerous studies, and Alzheimer's disease is even sometimes called the "brain diabetes".

Nevertheless, the nature and causes of communication caused a lot of disputes and were not completely clear, because the disease is detected during excess, and with insulin lack.

Professor Melissa Schilling from the University of New York conducted a detailed integrated analysis of diabetes communication with Alzheimer's disease in order to "unravel the tangle" contradictory data on the role of insulin.

The results of its research were recently published in Journal of Alzheimer's Decease.

According to Melissa Shilling, a key role in preventing and in the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease plays a special insulin-destroying IDE enzyme. The main function of this enzyme is controlling insulin level in the body, because IDE is able to remove the "extra" insulin.

But the same enzyme is able to destroy the beta-amyloid molecules - a special protein, from which plaques in the affected Alzheimer's disease consist. In fact, this enzyme is the natural protection of the brain from malicious substances leading to the disease, and therefore any dysfunctions associated with this enzyme can significantly increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

So, in the chronic lack of insulin (for example, in the absence of adequate treatment of type 1 diabetes), the body develops insufficient IDE, which can lead to accumulation of beta-amyloid and other malicious proteins in the brain.

But diabetes 1.type is relatively rare and in the absence of treatment (i.e. insulin injections) in patients a little chance to live to age in which dementia develops.

Much more common is the inverse situation - the so-called hyperinsulamia. The development of an excess insulin excessive body.

Hyperinsulamia usually occurs when predamal, obesity and early stages of type 2 diabetes.

Increased insulin generation leads to an increase and level of IDE, but at some point excess insulin becomes so significant that it exceeds the possibility of IDE to contain it.

And because "Fighting" with insulin - the primary IDE function, then almost all the organism generated by the body is spent on performing this task. There is no longer enough to protect the brain from beta-amyloid IDE, which means that the risk of Alzheimer's disease increases sharply.


Exactly did not move?

The fact is that an excessive amount of insulin leads to the stretching of the eyeball in length, which is the main impairment at myopia.

According to scientists, this mechanism can explain the sharp increase in the incidence of myopia (myopia) over the past 200 years. To date, this disorder affects up to 30% of the population of European countries.

The high level of insulin leads to a decrease in the number of insulin-like hormone - 3, as a result of which the normal development of the eyeball is disturbed, namely the inconsistency between its length and size of the lens. If the length of the eyeball is too large, the lens is not able to focus the light on the retina.

In addition, it was shown that myopia more often develops in people with weighing weight, as well as in patients with type II diabetes. Both of these disorders are associated with an elevated level of insulin.

Even, the excess of the insulin level circulating in blood (hyperinsulamia) is associated with the presence of male baldness, and apparently can be caused by insulin resistance.

Increased groups of men were identified, with an increased risk:

    Hyperinsulamia increases the risk of baldness almost 2 times;

    Moderate obesity increases the risk of baldness almost 2 times;

    Severe obesity increases the risk of baldness by almost 150%;

    The use of lowering cholesterol levels of drugs increases the risk of baldness by more than 4 times;

    The use of drugs from pressure or diabetic drugs increases the risk of baldness more than twice .


you need to learn to control insulin so that you can balance between the power of the muscles and the accumulation of fat. Make it work so that your muscles grew up, and the fat burned. This is achieved in two ways.

Firstly, It is necessary to increase the sensitivity to insulin in the muscles and downgrade in fat cells.

And secondly, Control insulin selection.

In all organisms, insulin regulates the absorption of glucose by cells. Thus, there is a community regulation of metabolism from almost all living organisms, from bacteria and plants to animals and humans.

Insulin receptors are found in almost all cells of the body, their binding properties do not depend on the type of fabric and the type of animal.

But, insulin in high concentrations are continuously bombing cells, and they begin to defend themselves, close their "doors" - receptors. So there appears insulin resistance.

Insulin resistance often develops in obesity. It is confirmed that the sensitivity of tissues to insulin is reduced by 40% when the body weight is exceeded by 35-40% of the norm.

If simple,- This is bad.

This means that your cells are especially muscle - does not respond to an anabolic effect of insulin, i.e. They are resistant insulin.

In this case, the body begins to highlight even more insulin, trying to overcome this barrier in the cells and make them storing nutrients.

Well, a high level of insulin in the blood, as you already know, very bad and leads to the 2nd type diabetes, atherosclerosis, hypertension I.TD.

Insulin sensitivity, on the other hand, is very good. In this case, your cells are especially muscle - excellent react even to a small allocation of insulin.

And, accordingly, it takes quite a bit insulin to translate them into an anabolic condition. So high insulin sensitivity is what we are looking for.

How important is the insulin sensitivity?

We think that it is the insulin sensitivity that determines the ratio of fat and muscles in your body. , especially in the moments when you are trying to dial or lose weight.

If at the time of a set of mass you are more sensitive to insulin, you will gain more muscles than fat.

For example, with conventional insulin sensitivity you will gain 0.5 kg of muscles for every kilogram of fat, that is, the ratio will be 1: 2.

With enlarged sensitivity, you can recruit 1 kg of muscles for every kilogram of fat. Or even better.

It should also be said that the concentration of receptors on the cell surface (and they include insulin receptors) depends, among other things, and on the level of hormones in the blood.

If this level increases, the number of relevant hormone receptors is reduced, i.e. In fact, there is a decrease in the sensitivity of the cell to a hormone in the blood in excess. And vice versa.

An additional injection of insulin or the reception of drugs incessing insulin production for a long period of time can, as well as excessive food intake, lead to an irreversible decrease in the number of insulin receptors on the cell surface, and therefore, to a stable reduction in cellular ability to dispose of glucose, i.e. To type 2 diabetes or its exacerbation.

Myths insulin

Myth: insulin enhances hunger

Fact:insulin reduces appetite. In a variety of research, it was shown that insulin actually suppresses appetite.

Myth: Carbohydrates stimulate insulin that stimulates fat stock

Fact:the body knows how to synthesize and store fat, even at low insulin.

It is believed that insulin needs insulin. This is not true. Your body has ways to postpone fat even in low insulin conditions.

For example, in fat cells there is such an enzyme as hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL). It helps split fats. Insulin suppresses its activity, and thus suppresses fat cleavage. That is why people believe that carbohydrates are to blame for the growth of fat stocks.

However, fat also suppresses the activity of HSL, even at low insulin.

So, if you wander the calorie, albeit low-carb, fat will not be burned anyway.

Myth: Exclusively carbohydrates are responsible for improving insulin

Fact: Protein also greatly enhances insulin

Probably this is the most common myth. The poor reputation of carbohydrates is caused by their impact on insulin, but proteins also stimulate it perfectly. In fact, they are the same powerful incentive as coals.

In one study, the impact of two meals for insulin levels were compared. One meal meal contained 21 grams of protein and 125 gr. Coal. In the other it was 75 grams of protein and 75 g of coal. Both meals contained 675 kkal.

Increased insulin production reduces life expectancy

Insulin belongs to the evolutionary very "old" peptides.

If you appeal to evolutionary and ontogenetic data, you can detect insulin in bacteria, single-cellular, plants, ringed worms, mollusks, insects and other representatives of the animal world, which have no pancreatic gland.

This hormone plays a crucial role in the vital activity of various living beings. , including worms. And since experiments on the worms put much easier than more complex organisms, many insulin properties managed to identify just in such experiments.

A new study is also conducted on round worms of the form C. elegans. Boston scientists have found that an increase in insulin production leads to the deactivation of a protein that controls the work of a whole group of genes that are responsible for protecting cells from the devastating effects of free radicals.

Since SKN-1 provides cell cleaning from toxic oxidative reaction products, it protects the body from premature aging. It follows that elevated insulin production reduces the life expectancy.

Therefore, it is necessary to keep a low insulin level if we want to live longer or keep a low level of sugar with the help of drugs of insulin boosting, if we want to die young!

Insulin sensitivity is the most important factor in the recovery and change in the composition of your body.

Use the glycemic index, an insulin index and competently pick a diet to bring your body to the form peak.

Obviously, the main reason for the elevated mortality rate of patients with CD2 using insulin and insulin secretion stimulants is excess insulin .

What amount of insulin should be in the blood of a healthy person?

Insulin on an empty stomach should be less than 5 μED / ml

2 hours after the load, more than 30 μS / ml should not be raised by glucose.

If you have such an analysis - you are healthy!

The amount of insulin does not change only in the blood of small children And when puberty begins, its level becomes addicted to eating. That is, when feeding food, the insulin level increases sharply.

Therefore, samples on the level of insulin are carried out only on an empty stomach.

Cells of our body as a spacecraft bombarded by meteors (hormones and nutrients).

Therefore, neither hormones nor cells exist in the separation from the rest of the body. When we concentrate on something one, we risk misleading much more. So, putting the goals and developing a plan, hold your approach. Do not try to follow someone's way or follow the program from the magazine. Go your way!

Parable about God and Farmer

One day a farmer came to God and said:

- Listen, you are God and you created the world, but one I can tell you - you are not a farmer. You do not even know the azov of farming. You need to learn a little.

- What do you suggest? God asked.

"Give me one year, and let everything happen, as I want, and you will see what happens." Poverty will not.

God agreed and gave the farmer one year.

Naturally, the farmer asked all the best. There was no storm, nor lightning, no frosts, nothing dangerous for the crop. If he wanted the sun - there was a sun when he wanted rain - it rained, and just as much as he wanted.

This year everything was right, everything was mathematically accurate. The farmer received everything necessary, all the most favorable and happy. Wheat has grown very high!

And here the farmer came to God and said:

- Look, this time the harvest is such that even if for 10 years people will not work, then there is enough food.

But when the harvest was removed, the grains in wheat did not turn out.

The farmer was extremely surprised. He asked God:

- Why did it happen so? What did I do wrong?

God said:

- The reason is that there was no resistance, there was no conflict, there was no struggle for survival ... You eliminated all the unfavorable, and the ears in your wheat were empty! A little struggle for her would be just right. And storms are necessary, and thunder and lightning! They would awaken the soul of wheat, and you would get a good harvest! "

Solution: How to keep low insulin levels?

    Fit 2-3 times a day consciously without snacks.Try to eat twice a day. Once a day is even better for a healthy longevity.

Or breakfast 6 hours after waking up and stop meals 4 hours before sleep. This is not a diet, it is a lifestyle.

In this case, breaks between meals will be equal to 12-18 hours. This will allow you to use four hours to digestion and eight more - for the liver to complete detoxification.

    If you do, starve 24-32 hours once a week. Hungry once a week, you are starving 52 days a year, which will certainly have a positive effect on your body.

Every day, starving, type 2 diabetes mellitus can be cured for 2-10 months.

Fasting in diabetes is the most physiological method of treatment. During it, the pancreas cells are restored and "rest", and the body learns to use another energy source - fatty acids.

Periodic starvation launches certain genetic cell recovery mechanisms. This adaptation is designed to extend cell life during hunger.

Energetically profitable to repair cells than reproducing new ones. By the way, such mechanisms prevent the occurrence of cancer. Cancer cells are harder tolerant tolerant than normal, since mutations that led to cancer provide rapid reproduction of cells in the physiological conditions in which they arose, and any change in conditions is not in their favor.

Maybe therefore fasting in combination with conventional anti-cancer therapy gives a double effect.

These repair mechanisms are launched by a somatotropic hormone (STG), which resists insulin.

As you know, the growth hormone increases the burning of fats, enhances the recovery of collagen, which increases the muscular strength, the fortress of tendons, ligaments and bones. Growth hormone also improves skin condition, reducing the depth of wrinkles and faster healing cuts and burns.

Somatotropic hormone specializes in the restoration of tissues, efficient energy use and reduce inflammation activity.

In contrast to him, insulin spares the energy substrate, launches cell division and inflammatory processes. Insulin suppresses the activity of growth hormone.

This is such a simple biochemistry.

According to Natural News, scientists from the medical center Intermountain Institute of Hearts found that men who fastened within 24 hours, an increase in the level of growth hormone was registered for 2000% (in women - by 1300%)! Fasting significantly reduced the level of triglycerides and stabilized blood sugar levels.

Full starvation For one day a month increases the level of human growth hormone, causing fat cleavage to meet the energy needs of the body, lowers insulin levels and other glucose metabolic markers.

As a result, people lose weight, they reduce the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

    Pay more attention to the so-called insulin food index. If the milk has a low glycemic index, but a high insulin index means it does not need to drink it when you want to keep insulin at a low level.

Another example of a product or a combination of food for such a situation is baked beans in sauce, any meal (breakfast, lunch or dinner) with refined sugars and fats and meals rich in proteins and carbohydrates.

All listed options have a low glycemic index, but a high insulin index and none of them fit to keep insulin at a low level.

    Increase sensitivity to insulin can be significantly possible after 3-4 power classes per week lasting each.It is worth adding to these classes 3-4 Aerobic Training a week to 30 minutes each. If you really want to change your insulin sensitivity aerobic loads need to be given separately from the power training.

The fact is that the anti-Innsulin hormone of the IFR-1 (insulin-like growth factor) is produced in the muscles during the power exercises and, entering blood, stops the allocation of basic insulin from the pancreas.

    Increase sensitivity to insulin, you can still with a diet with a large amount of fiber, especially soluble fiber and resistant starch. On the other hand, the currently popular diet with high fat content and hard-limited in carbohydrates can reduce insulin sensitivity.

Materials are familiarizing in nature. Remember, self-medication is life threatening, for advice on the use of any drugs and treatment methods, contact your doctor. published. If you have any questions about this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project

P.S. And remember, just changing your consciousness - we will change the world together! © EcoNe.