Power and society: mechanism and forms of interaction. Mukhaev R.T. Political Science - file n1.doc The purpose of any political activity

2161. The financial market performs the functions
I. Transforming savings into investments
II. Estimates of the market value of financial assets
III. Ensuring liquidity of financial assets
IV. Creation of infrastructure for the exchange of financial assets

2162. In a number of European countries, kings and queens, who receive their power by inheritance, perform only representative functions, without significantly influencing the activities of the legislative, judicial and executive powers. What form of government is established in these countries?

2163. Read the text below where a number of words (phrases) are missing. Select from the proposed list the words (phrases) that you want to insert in place of the gaps. “The goal of any ___________ (A) is power - to influence or participate in it. However, the content of power is not contained in itself. Power is the interaction of those who exercise it with what in the aggregate constitutes ___________ (B), in which it is exercised. As a result of their interaction, there is an exchange of activities, ___________ (B), values, information. Hence, power can be understood through a connection with what is not power. At the same time, not only does power affect the social environment, but the environment also affects power. Mutual influence can have the character of direct interaction of the authorities and the environment on each other on the basis of the fulfillment of ___________ (D). For example, the state, as the bearer and subject of power, manages the affairs of society, ensures the rule of law and law and order, and citizens recognize ___________ (D) the decisions made by the authorities and carry them out. Consequently, the interaction of power and society determines the ___________ (E) of the social system, this stability and dynamism. " Words (phrases) in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can be used only once. Choose one word after another in sequence, mentally filling in each gap. Note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the blanks.

The following table lists the letters that indicate missing words. Write down the number of the word you have chosen in the table under each letter.

2164. The parliament of country Z is popularly elected by a proportional system. The political party or bloc of parties that wins the election forms the government. Parliament elects a president who only performs representative functions. What is the form of government in country Z?

2165. Establishing the relationship between the demand and supply of labor, the formation of the number of employees and the professional and qualification composition of personnel at a specific object of the labor market is carried out using a specific function that is performed by wages in society, namely:

2166. In State X. after the parliamentary elections, the leader of the parliamentary majority began to form a government. At the same time, the MPs began to agree on the candidacy for the presidency, which will perform representative functions. What type of states does state X. belong to?

2168. In State Z, legislative power is exercised by parliament, and a popularly elected head of state forms the government and heads the executive branch. Citizens have the full range of rights and freedoms, the institutions of civil society are developed. State Z includes the territories of subjects that have a certain political independence. Parliament has a bicameral structure. Find the characteristics of the form of the Z state in the list below and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

2169. Read an excerpt from the historical essay of I.A.
“The goal of the reformers was to isolate the peasants as much as possible from their former owners ... But the deprivation of the landlords of direct control over the peasants, and therefore over local life in general, meant that this control had to be transferred to other hands ...
This is how the idea of ​​peace mediators appeared, called upon to take upon themselves the difficult burden of implementing the reform, explaining it to the peasants and their former owners, settling conflicts, etc. "

2170. If a variable is defined outside the function, memory for it is allocated once at the beginning of the program execution, and the variable is destroyed only when the program execution ends, then such a variable is called

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TASK 20.


Exercise 1. Read the text below where a number of words are missing. Select from the provided list the words that you want to insert in place of the blanks.

“Democracy is a form of political organization of the state, based on the recognition of the people as a source of ________ (A), their right to participate in the decision of state affairs, combined with a wide range of rights and freedoms. An important sign of democracy is a guarantee of respect for human rights and freedoms and ________ (B). Another important feature of democracy is the ability to express different political views - ________ (B). Distinguish between direct democracy and ________ (D). The institution of direct (direct) democracy is ________ (D). In this case, ________ (E) himself, without intermediaries, makes this or thatsolution".

List of terms:

1) political pluralism

2) representative

3) foreigner

4) power

5) people

6) executive

7) referendum

8) citizen

9) sovereignty

Task 2.

“The goal of any ___________ (A) is power - to influence or participate in it. However, the content of power is not contained in itself. Power is the interaction of those who exercise it with what in the aggregate constitutes ___________ (B), in which it is exercised. As a result of their interaction, there is an exchange of activities, ___________ (B), values, information. Hence, power can be understood through connection with what is not power. At the same time, not only power affects the social environment, but the environment also affects power. Mutual influence can have the character of direct interaction of the authorities and the environment on each other on the basis of the fulfillment of ___________ (D). For example, the state, as the bearer and subject of power, manages the affairs of society, ensures the rule of law and law and order, and citizens recognize ___________ (D) the decisions made by the authorities and carry them out. Consequently, the interaction of power and society determines the ___________ (E) of the social system, this stability and dynamism. "

List of terms.

1) human activities

2) social environment

3) legality

4) political process

5) political activity

6) the nature of the changes

7) political roles

8) political participation

9) resources

Task 3. Read the text below where a number of words (phrases) are missing. Select from the proposed list the words (phrases) that you want to insert in place of the gaps.

“Political culture as a type of relations of an individual, group, society includes three levels of orientation towards different ___________ (A).

The first level of attitude is expressed in citizens' perceptions of leaders, elites, institutions and values ​​that determine their behavior. When a political system is legitimate and capable of effectively responding to ___________ (B), citizens consider themselves obligated to follow the imperative dictates of its institutions.

The second level of orientation is the attitude to the current political course: does ___________ (C) coincide with your expectations and what are your ideas about your own role in politics? The answer to the question of which management system best copes with the existing problems and challenges is the content of public policy expectations. At the same time, ___________ (D) citizens in politics can be different - active participants, citizens who passively obey the authorities, people excluded from politics.

The third level is the attitude to the ___________ (E) of the current policy, where the main criterion for assessing the government's activities is the guarantees of ___________ (E) and the growth of the well-being of the population. "

List of terms.

1) government actions

2) methods

3) political conflict

4) changing needs

5) society

6) personal safety

7) inclusiveness

8) political objects

9) results

Task 4.

With the help of ________________ (A), the rule of law is organized and functions in a legal way: state bodies act within their _________________ (B), without replacing each other; mutual control is established, _________________ (B), equilibrium in the relationship of state bodies exercising legislative, executive and _________________ (D). The principle of separation of powers into legislative, executive and judicial means that each of the powers acts independently and does not interfere with the __________________ (D) of the other. With its consistent implementation, any possibility of appropriation by one or another authority of the authority of another is excluded. The principle of separation of powers becomes viable if it is also hedged with the system of ____________________ (E) powers. Such a system eliminates any basis for the usurpation of the powers of one power by another and ensures the normal functioning of state bodies.

List of terms.

1) "checks and balances"

2) competence

3) natural law

4) separation of powers

5) impeachment

6) the judiciary

7) powers

8) balance

9) suspension veto

Task 5. Read the text below where a number of words are missing. Select from the provided list the words that you want to insert in place of the blanks.

“The presidential republic is characterized by the combination in the hands of the president of the powers of the head ______ (A) and the head of the executive branch. The post of prime minister in such a republic, as a rule, is absent. The president of the country is elected in an extra-parliamentary way: either by the nationwide ________ (B) (as, for example, in Argentina), or by an electoral college (as, say, in the United States). This ensures the independence of the ________ (B) president's source from parliament. The President also receives the right to _______ (D) in relation to parliamentary decisions: he can return any ______ (D) for reconsideration to the highest legislative body. But if the parliament for the second time, with a qualified majority of votes -2/3 in both chambers, votes for it, then the draft becomes law, acquires _________ (E), regardless of the opinion of the president. The president has no right to dissolve parliament either. "

List of terms:

1) legal force

2) power

3) a suspensive veto

4) bill

5) state

6) form of government

8) politics

9) legislative

Task 6. Read the text below where a number of words are missing. Select from the provided list the words that you want to insert in place of the blanks.

“The rule of law is perhaps the greatest political achievement in world history. And since without the rule of law we would not live in conditions of ______ (A), we need to protect its principles.

A decisive condition for the implementation of liberalism in the economic, social, legal areas is the distinction between the state and ________ (B).

Liberal democracy is inconceivable without a capable public. A prerequisite for this is ____ (B) as an expression of different opinions and interests. Argument makes sense as long as there is some form of community. Otherwise, disputes incite even more complex _____ (D), which can destroy and destroy society.

The liberal state makes decisions in accordance with the established ____ (D) ._____ (E) of a citizen - to recognize decisions made correctly and in the prescribed manner, even if he considers them incorrect ... "

List of terms:

1) system

2) society

3) procedure

4) private property

5) pluralism

6) need

7) conflicts

8) freedom

9) duty

Task 7. Read the text below where a number of words are missing. Select from the provided list the words that you want to insert in place of the blanks.

“____ (A) is a form of government in which the head of state is ____ (B) and replaceable, and his power is considered to be derived from voters or a representative body.

If _____ (B) is elected independently of parliament, is the head of state and government, then this form of government is defined as ____ (D) republic. The President himself appoints ____ (D) and directs its activities. In this republic, the president cannot dissolve ____ (E) and its lower house, cannot pass a vote of no confidence. Parliament has the ability to restrict the actions of the president and the government with the help of adopted laws and through the approval of the budget, and in some cases it can remove the president from office (violation of the constitution, a crime). "

List of terms:

1) mixed

2) president

3) republic

4) folk

5) parliament

6) legislative

7) government

8) elective

9) presidential

Task 8. Read the text below where a number of words (phrases) are missing.

“The political elite is one of the __________ (A) politicians. It belongs to the institutional component __________ (B). This is a narrow circle of persons exercising power in society. In __________ (B), it is customary to divide this social stratum into two groups. The first is based on land ownership, __________ (D), religion, origin, therefore it belongs to the traditional type. The basis of the second, modern group is political knowledge, experience, __________ (D) in matters of social life. It is difficult to get into the first group, the main __________ (E) selection of people becomes their diligence and personal devotion. The members of the second group also regulate the process of the arrival of new persons, but the main requirement is professionalism. "

List of terms:

1) wealth

2) object

3) competence

4) criterion

5) subject

6) economics

7) the political system of society

8) social structure of society

9) political science

Task 9. Read the text below where a number of words are missing. Select from the provided list the words that you want to insert in place of the blanks.

“American political scientist M.G. Hermann attempted to identify the factors that influence the nature of political ____ (A). These include: political ____ (B), reaction to pressure and stress, ___ (C), style, previous experience, circumstances in which the person found himself in the position of a leader. The study of these factors makes it possible to give a relatively complete characterization of the politician.

In the public consciousness, a certain ___ (D) of this or that political figure is formed, called his image. It can arise ____ (D), without the special efforts of the agent or his supporters. However, it is often created by ____ (E) through the efforts of the politician and the group supporting him. At the same time, attention is drawn to those qualities of the personality that correspond to the expectations of the masses, and those traits that can be perceived negatively are masked. "

List of terms:

1) motive

2) image

3) leader

5) purposefully

6) spontaneously

7) beliefs

8) image

9) prestige

Task 10. Read the text below where a number of words are missing. Select from the provided list the words that you want to insert in place of the blanks.

“The procedure for elections to representative institutions and elected officials, as well as the determination of the voting results is called electoral ___ (A). The structural components are: 1) electoral ___ (B) - a set of legal norms on the procedure for elections; 2) electoral ____ (B) - a set of actions in the election process. Some political scientists, along with the named elements, refer to the structural components of the party system, as well as political ____ (D).

International political practice has developed several types of electoral systems. The system for determining the results of elections, according to which a candidate who receives the majority of votes established by law is considered elected, is called ____ (D). The system of representation of parties and movements, based on the fact that each party receives in the representative body of power (parliament) the number of mandates in proportion to the number of votes cast for its candidates in the elections, is called ____ (E). Political analysts emphasize that there is no perfect electoral system, as well as perfect democracy. "

List of terms:

1) proportional

2) system

3) mixed

4) process

5) campaign

6) right

7) majority

8) traditions

9) ideology

Task 11. Read the text below where a number of words are missing. Select from the provided list the words that you want to insert in place of the blanks.

______ (A) the system consists of three or more political parties of the same order of influence. None of them has sufficient support from ______ (B) and is not able to win on _______ (C) and form ______ (D) without joining a coalition. The multi-party system has certain drawbacks. It is less stable, and the governments it creates are also unstable. Disagreements between coalition partners do not always lead to the creation of _______ (D) and a legitimate government. The search for compromises during the formation of the government and during the periods of making important decisions can lead to conflicts and even to its split or ______ (E). In addition, it takes a lot of time and money to agree on various issues.

List of terms:

1) voter

2) dissolution

3) effective

4) elections

5) court

6) multi-party

7) advantage

8) state

9) government

To understand the nature of changes in policy, its ability to ensure stability and maintain a dynamic balance of interest groups, it is necessary to take into account two circumstances. First, politics is a relatively independent sphere and has the features of a system. In this sense, according to L. von Bertalanffy, it is a collection of "elements in interaction." Secondly, being independent, politics gains meaning through interaction with the non-political world, being an integral part of a wider integrity - society. Awareness of the organic relationship between political life and other spheres of human life did not come to political science immediately.
Initially, the policy, according to M. Weber, was reduced to the activity of "the state as an institution exercising a monopoly on the legal use of force in a given territory." All social life was within the political sphere and subordinated to the state. The state, as the bearer and subject of power, single-handedly distributed values ​​and resources. The identification of the political with the state was fair until the moment of the separation of civil society.
The development of civil society institutions reflected the process of an increasing multiplicity of interests of various groups of the population. On this basis, there was a specialization of political roles and functions within the political community. It was impossible to understand the causes and consequences of the distribution of power and values ​​in society without taking into account the influence of social communities, mentality and the cultural system. Replacing the concept of the state with the concept of the political system made it possible to take into account the influence of the informal mechanisms of the functioning of the world of politics, reflect the growing interconnection and mutual influence of political structures, political culture, political behavior and civil society.

To characterize the interaction of power and society in American political science, the concept of "political system" is used, representing the totality of all social structures in their political aspects. According to G. Almond, the political system includes, in addition to political institutions, social and economic structures, historical traditions and values ​​of society, the cultural context of its development. The interaction of the world of politics and the economic sphere, civil society (social and spiritual spheres) has a systemic character, that is, changes in one of the elements will inevitably lead to a change in the entire integrity (of society). This means that the world of the political can be understood only from its interconnections with what is not politics. As, incidentally, the opposite is also true - changes in non-political spheres are carried out under the influence of politics.
It is known that the goal of any political activity is power - either to influence it or to participate in it. Power is the direct content of politics. However, the content of power is not contained in itself. Power is the interaction of those who exercise it with what in the aggregate constitutes the social environment in which it is exercised. As a result of their interaction, there is an exchange of activities, resources, values, information. Hence, power can be understood through connection with what is not power.
At the same time, not only does power affect the social environment, but the environment also affects power. Mutual influence can have the character of a direct influence of the authorities and the environment on each other on the basis of the fulfillment of political roles. For example, the state, as the bearer and subject of power, manages the affairs of society, ensures the rule of law and law and order, and citizens recognize the legitimacy of the decisions taken by the authorities and carry them out. However, the impact may be indirect and not direct. For example, an increase in income tax creates an opportunity to increase support for public sector employees.
Consequently, the interaction between the authorities and civil society determines the nature of changes in the social system, its stability and dynamism. This is why it is important to know how society affects the distribution of power. The understanding of the forms and parameters of the influence of the authorities on civil society is no less important. The interaction and interdependence of power and society is expressed in the concept of "political system".

municipal autonomous educational institution

Perevozsky municipal district of the Nizhny Novgorod region

"Ichalkovskaya secondary school"

social science presentation

Power concept

(questions of the USE codifier)

Ganyushin M.E.,

teacher of history

the highest qualification category

with. Ichalki


Social Studies. Codifier of USE questions.

4.1. Power concept

Purpose and role of policy: 1) organizational (creates organizational foundations for society); 2) communicative (provides communication between people, exchange of information, communication between them); 3) educational (affects the inner world of a person, introduces a person to public affairs); 4) controlling (influencing people using power); 5) integrative (unites, consolidates various groups and strata of society).

Politics is a conscious activity in the political sphere of society, aimed at achieving, strengthening and exercising power; activities related to the definition of the content of the tasks and functions of the state.

Political, economic, spiritual and informational, etc.

State, party, family, etc.

Legislative, executive, judicial.

Power - the ability, right and ability to dispose of someone and something, to have a decisive impact on the behavior and activities of people.

Types of government

According to sources

By subjects

By function


Sources of power (according to M. Weber):

  • Violence (physical force, weapon, organized group, personality characteristics, threat of use of force).
  • Authority (family and social ties, charisma, expert (special) knowledge, faith).
  • Law (position and authority, control over resources, custom and tradition).

Max Weber (1864-1920) - German sociologist, philosopher, historian, political economist. The main work in the field of political sociology is the essay “Politics as a vocation and profession.

State power is one of the types of power in a society where the state, represented by its bodies, institutions and officials, acts as the subject of power, and the population of the country is the object of power.

Distinctive features of state power:

  • public, i.e. acts on behalf of the society;
  • sovereign character;
  • limited territory, this is the basic condition for the existence of the state.

Political power is:

  • the ability of one person or group of persons to control the behavior of citizens, society as a whole, based on national or national goals
  • the real ability of a social class, group, individual to carry out their will in politics and legal norms
  • the ability and ability of a social class, group, individual to exercise their will, to have a decisive impact on the activities of people through authority, law, violence.

The need for public power is due to a number of reasons:

  • the need to organize social interactions based on certain norms
  • the need to regulate public relations, authoritative resolution of social conflicts

Legitimacy is public recognition of power, the readiness of society to obey it.

Legitimacy type

1. Write down the word missing in the outline.


2. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to the concept of "subjects of political activity."

1) the state; 2) political parties; 3) political process; 4) social movements; 5) electoral system; 6) political leaders.

3. Choose the correct judgments about policy and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Foreign policy is a continuation of the internal one, because it is determined by the goals and objectives of internal development.

2) Politics in society does not and cannot determine general collective aspirations and goals.

3) Politicians often face a dilemma: either to take unpopular measures, or, by refusing to do so, further worsen the situation in the country.

4) The state is one of the main subjects of politics.

5) Politics is a sphere of activity related to the distribution and exercise of power exclusively within the state.

4. Find in the above list the features that distinguish state power from other types of power. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) volitional influence on the behavior of people by the subject of power

2) the right to use force within the country

3) action on the basis of law on behalf of the whole society

4) the existence of a single center for making political decisions

5) the ability of one side to influence the behavior of the other side

6) the ability to use a variety of means, including compulsory

5. Choose the correct judgments about political power, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Political power is expressed in the management of the affairs of the state and society through the system of state bodies.

2) Political power includes a system of non-state methods of influencing society and citizens.

3) The political power is engaged in educational and scientific activities.

4) The institutions of political power include production organizations.

5) The institutions of political power include consumer and trade unions.

6. (A) Political power is the ability, right or ability to dispose of someone or something using various means: law, authority, will, coercion. (B) Excessive use of coercive resources by a government or other political organization is criminal. (C) Modern political organizations use economic, social, cultural and information resources. (D) Resources are anything that can be used to achieve one's goals. (E) Obviously, the effectiveness of power directly depends on the combination of resources for solving specific political problems.

Determine which positions of the text have

1) factual nature

2) the nature of value judgments

3) the nature of theoretical statements

7. “The most important element of human life ______ (A) is political power. Any power presupposes ______ (B) in the relationship between ruling (subjects of power) and subordinate (objects of power). The objects of power are ______ (B) states, stateless persons, foreigners. Political power in the modern world is usually limited, that is, it is divided into legislative, ________ (D) and judicial. Also, political power should be normatively regulated, that is, determined by the framework of _______ (D) and be under public control. Another sign of political power is its ________ (E), that is, public recognition. "

1) state 7) society

2) inequality 8) legitimacy

3) citizens 9) sovereignty

5) equality

6) executive

8. “The purpose of any ___________ (A) is power - to influence or participate in it. However, the content of power is not contained in itself. Power is the interaction of those who exercise it with what in the aggregate constitutes ___________ (B), in which it is exercised. As a result of their interaction, there is an exchange of activities, ___________ (B), values, information. Hence, power can be understood through connection with what is not power. At the same time, not only power affects the social environment, but the environment also affects power. Mutual influence can have the character of direct interaction of the authorities and the environment on each other on the basis of the fulfillment of ___________ (D). For example, the state, as the bearer and subject of power, manages the affairs of society, ensures the rule of law and law and order, and citizens recognize ___________ (D) the decisions made by the authorities and carry them out. Consequently, the interaction of power and society determines the ___________ (E) of the social system, its stability and dynamism. "

1) human activity 6) the nature of changes

2) social environment 7) political roles

3) legitimacy 8) political participation

4) political process 9) resources

5) political activity

9. You have been instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Political power as a special type of social relations." Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.

One of the options for the disclosure plan for this topic:

1. Power relations as a special type of social relations

2. Types of government

3. The reasons for the emergence of political power

4. Subjects of political power

a) the people as a source of power

b) political elites in modern society

c) political leaders

5. Means and methods of exercising political power

6. The state as the bearer of political power. Features of state power:

a) the binding decision for the entire population

b) the vertical of power

c) legality in the use of force

Internet resources


1) Unified State Exam 2016. Social Studies. Typical test tasks / A.Yu. Lazebnikova, E.L. Rutkovskaya. - M .: Publishing house "Exam", 2016.

2) Social studies. Grade 10. Modular triactive course / O.A. Kotova, T.E. Liskov. - M .: Publishing House "National Education", 2014.
