Germinating green buckwheat for food. Ways of germinating green buckwheat and its benefits for the body. There are several options for the buckwheat diet.

I already talked about how easy and. Today I will tell you how to germinate green buckwheat quickly and easily at home, buckwheat is obtained without mucus, and it can be used immediately in food or for preparing other dishes.

We fill the washed buckwheat with clean filtered or good drinking water, depending on your capabilities. The time for soaking is only 1 hour, but nothing bad will happen if more time passes.

After soaking the buckwheat, it is necessary to drain all the water, be sure all, we do not leave anything! You can hold the buckwheat itself with your hand and drain the remaining droplets.

During this time, buckwheat has been saturated with water and is ready for germination, now it is important to provide it with "normal breathing", for this we distribute wet buckwheat throughout the germination container, it adheres well to the walls of the dishes, but in spite of this, choose better dishes with flatter and wide edges - this will facilitate the distribution of buckwheat. Now that our buckwheat is spread in a thin layer, we cover it with a breathable cloth - it can be gauze or a cotton towel.

After that, we put the buckwheat in a warm, dark place that excludes drafts, for example, in a kitchen cabinet. And we are waiting. You don't need to stir or additionally moisten anything, buckwheat germinates well by itself. According to this method, it should germinate within 24 hours, but this happens much earlier. After about 12 hours, buckwheat germinates.

Sprouted buckwheat is obtained without mucus, you can additionally rinse it, and it is ready for use. If you do not plan to eat it in the near future, then it is better to put it in the refrigerator, where the processes of further growth slow down.

Today, more and more often one can hear odes to the so-called superfoods, among them - sprouted buckwheat. Are the properties of such a cereal as beneficial as the media, the Internet and "advanced" nutritionists say?

Properties of sprouted buckwheat

Buckwheat is distinguished by an abundance of useful substances in the composition, however, during heat treatment, some of them are destroyed. When germinating, it is possible to preserve the chemical composition of the cereal and even enrich it. For these purposes, exclusively green buckwheat is suitable (common buckwheat when trying to germinate usually grows moldy and does not let green shoots). Green is a cereal that has not been steamed and grinded in production. It is under the influence of these procedures that the croup acquires a characteristic shade.

The healing properties of green buckwheat are due to the peculiarities of its composition. It contains a large amount of protein, which is similar in properties to beef protein, but, having a vegetable origin, is easier to digest. The protein contains nonessential and irreplaceable amino acids, while gluten, which often causes allergies, is absent in cereals. In addition, the composition contains omega-3 fatty acids, without which protein synthesis in the body is impossible.

Groats occupy a leading position in the content of iron, folic acid, potassium. Also contained in green grains are magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, calcium, tocopherol, B vitamins, niacin. It is not surprising that such a rich vitamin and mineral composition provides tonic, strengthening and immunostimulating properties of buckwheat with sprouts. It is in the green version of cereals that there are many flavonoids, which are biologically active compounds. Among them - rutin, vitexin, etc. They are responsible for the production of enzymes and prevent the development of cancer. Finally, the composition contains a lot of fiber and starches, there are organic acids.

Germination allows you to double the content of vitamins and minerals in the composition, in addition, green "feathers" contain a large amount of ascorbic acid, which is not observed in buckwheat until germination. Sprouted grains demonstrate high activity in the breakdown of starch into sugars, the conversion of fat into fatty acids, proteins into amino acids. ...

In other words, all metabolic processes in the body with the use of germinated grains proceed faster and better.

Sprouted buckwheat demonstrates a pronounced antioxidant effect, since the amount of flavonoids in it increases by 4 times. This provides the anti-cancer and anti-aging properties of the green sprouts. Regular use of them allows you to get rid of toxins, keep your skin toned and clear of mind. Unlike other sprouted cereals, buckwheat has more fiber in its composition. This has a positive effect on the condition of the digestive system. Intestinal motility improves, metabolism accelerates, toxins and toxins are removed.

The sprouts are most beneficial on days 2-4 of germination. However, depending on the germination time, the different properties of buckwheat are manifested to a greater extent. For example, the maximum concentration of rutin, which has a pronounced anticancer effect, is observed on the seventh day of germination. Its concentration during this period reaches 90% (for comparison - in thermally processed cereals it is only 17%), after seven days it begins to decline sharply.

Sprouts 2-3 days old are especially rich in ascorbic acid. She is the first assistant in strengthening the immune system and fighting colds. The seedlings must not be allowed to acquire a pronounced green color (their "normal" state is white with a greenish tinge), since in this case they accumulate toxic compounds. The deadline for eating sprouts without harm to health is the seventh day of sprouting.

They are especially useful for people suffering from endocrine disorders, diabetes mellitus, obesity, anemia. The consumption of this superfood is worth considering for those who suffer from indigestion, frequent colds and infectious diseases.

In order to cover the body's daily need for iron and folic acid, it is required to eat up to 100 g of the product.

Germination at home

The preparation of grains for germination should begin with sorting and washing the raw materials. You can only use whole grains with a green-beige color. When sorting, it is necessary to separate foreign matter, grains, unevenly colored, as well as damaged ones. You need to wash the cereals in several waters until the liquid becomes completely transparent and clean. You can rinse the buckwheat in a bowl or put it in a sieve and send it under a gentle stream of water. If the perforations of the dishes are too large, you can fold cheesecloth in 2 layers and pre-line the sieve with it.

In any case, for the first time, you need to pour the cereal with water in a bowl and leave it for a minute. Perhaps some of the grains will float to the surface. They need to be thrown away, since they are empty nucleoli, they do not contain the green germ. Rinse the cereals in cool water, after which it should be poured with water and left for 10-12 hours.

You cannot use tap water or boiled water, bottled, filtered or spring water is optimal. The ratio of grains to water looks like 1: 3.

After the specified time, buckwheat is washed again and thrown onto a sieve so that excess moisture is added to the glass. Next, the cereals are laid out in one layer on a large flat dish and covered with a thick cotton cloth. It should be pulled so that it does not lie on the buckwheat. In this form, the cereal should be left for 10-12 hours, periodically sprinkling from a spray bottle. The groats should always be moistened, but there should not be stagnant water.

You don't have to open the fabric all the time to check if the grains need watering. Note the time after which you need to re-moisturize and focus on it in the future. During the specified time, buckwheat will sprout, and when they reach 2-3 mm, you can start tasting.

The proposed way to germinate buckwheat for food is not the only one. You can get green shoots with gauze. The groats must first be prepared, as in the previous recipe. Then take a colander and line it with gauze, put buckwheat in one layer on top of it and cover with another piece of gauze. The latter needs to be rolled up into 2 layers. Hold a colander under running water so that all the gauze is wet, let the water drain for 8 hours.

After this time, the procedure must be repeated - moisten abundantly and leave the colander for 8 hours at room conditions to glass the liquid. The next step is to wet the gauze again, but leave it on for 6 hours. Rinse sprouted grains with water.

You can quickly germinate grains in a jar. To do this, put the washed cereal in a glass jar and leave it in the room for 2 hours. Do not use a lid. After that, rinse the cereal again, put it back in the jar and this time close it with a “lid” of gauze and elastic. Remove the container for 10 hours in a dark cabinet, while placing it so that the jar is tilted. Before use, sprouted cereals must be washed under running water. Obtaining a useful product as a result of germination allows compliance with simple recommendations.

  • No more than 2 glasses of buckwheat should be germinated at a time. The amount of the finished germinated product increases by about 1.5 times compared to the volume of dry raw materials.
  • Thorough washing of the cereal should not be neglected, since otherwise mucus will form on its surface during germination.
  • It is important to monitor the level of the liquid, because with a lack of water, the grains will dry out, with an excess, they will rot. Water should be added in small portions as needed.
  • Regardless of the chosen germination method, it is important to provide oxygen access to the grains, since only in this case the embryo will "wake up" and start growing. With a lack of fresh air, a lot of mucus forms on buckwheat and it acquires a rotten smell.

Subtleties of use

Green buckwheat salad

To achieve a positive effect, especially for medicinal purposes, the sprouted cereal must be consumed regularly. The recommended daily intake is 50 g per day, which can be eaten at one time or divided into several meals. Sprouted buckwheat can be eaten raw, however, few people like it in this form. But if you add grains with sprouts to a salad, it gets an interesting taste. Usually sprouted buckwheat acts as an addition to vegetable salads.

Recipes for such dishes may include cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, broccoli, celery, sour apples, radishes, and herbs. Choose those vegetables that you like the combination of, cut them into arbitrary slices and add 1 or 2 tablespoons of sprouts to a bowl of lettuce. As a dressing, you can use natural yogurt, sour cream, vegetable or olive oil, lemon juice.

Sprouted buckwheat porridge

If you don't like raw grains, you can make porridge based on them. To do this, pour buckwheat with water (usually 1 or 1.5 parts of water are taken for 1 part of the grains), bring to a boil, simmer for 7-10 minutes and remove from heat. Keep the pan closed for 5 minutes, wrapped in a towel. This method, despite the gentle thermal effect, still leads to the destruction of some useful elements of the sprouted product.

Green cocktail

It is much more effective to “hide” the taste of buckwheat with sprouts, without detracting from their merits in cocktails, fresh juices and smoothies. Try making a green smoothie with celery, cucumbers, and herbs and add sprouted buckwheat to it. The mixture will be concentrated, so it is better to dilute it with water. You can put grains in kefir or other low-fat dairy products. In case of vitamin deficiency, it is recommended to combine sprouts with celery juice and a small amount of freshly squeezed onion juice. Dilute the drink with water.

Detox composition

On the basis of grains, you can prepare a detox composition by crushing rye bread and mixing them with sprouted buckwheat. The composition will be dry, so you need to add a little olive oil. For spices, you can add herbs, spices (cinnamon, ginger, red pepper). Roll balls from the resulting "dough", which are used throughout the day. You can serve them with meat, salads.

How to store?

Sprouted buckwheat can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days, so you don't need to cook it in large quantities. If this nevertheless happened, then you should dry the cereals in an electric dryer, setting the temperature to 40-45 C. Drying time - 5-6 hours. You can store dry grains for up to a month - one and a half, after which they cease to be beneficial to the body. The dried grains are kept in a glass or ceramic container with a lid. Buckwheat tastes like nuts.

For information on how to germinate buckwheat, see the next video.

Germinating legumes and cereals is an ideal way to enrich your daily menu with a huge amount of healing elements and substances. Small sprouts have magical properties and are very useful, especially in the spring season. They will help you solve skin problems, improve your appearance, and enhance your energy.

Long-term use of sprouted grains can improve your quality of life and prolong youth.

There is a list of beans and grains that you can eat sprouts. One of the most popular and delicious foods is buckwheat. For germination it is necessary to use only raw, not fried cereals of good quality.

Germinating buckwheat for food has a number of its own characteristics. In order for the sprouts to turn out to be of high quality, you must carefully adhere to all the recommendations described below.

  • No more than 2 glasses of raw material can be germinated at a time.
  • The prepared cereal must be washed very thoroughly to prevent the formation of mucus.
  • In the process of germination, it is necessary to monitor the amount of liquid in the workpiece, its excess or deficiency can spoil the product.

Your mark:

Cooking time: 23 hours 0 minutes

Quantity: 6 servings


  • Raw buckwheat: 2 tbsp.

Cooking instructions

    We wash the raw ones with water (several times). Put in a bowl, pour in liquid, leave for 10-12 hours.

    Thoroughly rinse the prepared cereal and filter it through a sieve.

    We spread the mass on a flat (wide) dish, spreading the buckwheat around the entire perimeter of the dish in a thin layer (8-10 mm).

    Cover the container with a thick cloth and leave for 12-20 hours.

Buckwheat is very popular in the food culture of almost all Slavic peoples. Some consider her "the queen of croup", others treat her with some coolness. But adherents of a healthy diet, especially raw foodists and food dividers, prefer such a product as sprouted buckwheat.

What is this product?

Many cereals are germinated for a healthy diet, for example, the same wheat, lentils or peas. Everyone knows that it is in the state of the first tender sprouts that the grain is able to give away all of its most useful ingredients: vitamins and microelements. This is due to the fact that germination gives an impetus to the awakening of energy, due to which the future plant begins to develop. At the same time, the complex substances contained in the grain break down into the simplest proteins, carbohydrates, fats and amino acids, which are much easier for our body to assimilate.

Buckwheat sprouts are no exception; they also significantly enhance the nutritional value of cereals.

For germination, the so-called green buckwheat is used - cereals, which, unlike brown buckwheat, are not processed with hot steam. That is why it does not lose its germination and grains, with sufficient moisture, are able to give excellent sprouts.

By the way! Choose green cereals for germination. You can find it in pharmacies, health food stores or on the portals of the worldwide network.

Benefit and harm

On many Internet portals, the title given above is very popular. Let's try and describe the properties of today's product, based on these messages. What are the benefits and harms of sprouted buckwheat?


In order to assess the usefulness of a product, first of all, let us turn to its chemical composition. Buckwheat contains eighteen amino acids and many macro- and microelements that are useful for our body. This combination increases the resistance to diseases of the human immune system, improves skeletal structure and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.

It is also important that fresh sprouted green buckwheat is an excellent cleansing product. When consumed, toxins and toxins are removed from the body, which is undoubtedly a very important factor. This is especially important for people who are overweight or those who have digestive problems.

Reference! One hundred grams of green cereals contains:

  • proteins - 12.6 grams;
  • fat - 3.3;
  • carbohydrates - 62;
  • water - 14;
  • dietary fiber - 1.3.

The great use of sprouted buckwheat in the contained in it is so popular today, at least, so many advertisements say, phospholipids. These substances are able to rejuvenate the body and lower blood cholesterol levels. This is also facilitated by unsaturated acids, such as "Omega-3", the content of which in green cereals is also high.

Organic acids in sprouted buckwheat groats, remember the advertisement again (!), Regulate the acid-base balance.

You can also cite many advantages of buckwheat, but we will restrict ourselves to the data given for today.


It was always surprising that it turns out, no matter how useful this or that product is, there is always a fly in the ointment. With regard to sprouted buckwheat, these are just three factors:

  • individual intolerance;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • excess dose.
We will not talk about the first case, since this is already clear, but the increased content of rutin in green buckwheat really makes this product enhance the effect of blood coagulation, which is important for some people.

Frequent and increased use of green buckwheat can cause gas formation and other problems with heaviness in the stomach, therefore, when using popular cereals, you need to remember the sense of proportion.


Let's move on to talking about how to germinate buckwheat. In fact, this process is not at all complicated, but nevertheless, some rules will have to be followed.


Let's start by going to the store. In order for the product to be useful and really alive, you need to choose cereals carefully. Transparent packaging will clearly show you the composition of the grains contained in it. They must be aligned, of the same color, and free of extraneous inclusions.

The shelf life of cereals should not exceed one year, that is, it should be from the new harvest. After opening the package, make sure that the buckwheat has a natural plant smell, without foreign aromas and mustiness.

Attention! Only a fresh product can be useful!


Before germinating green buckwheat, it must be thoroughly rinsed in a sieve or colander. Moreover, this must be done with greater care than when handling ordinary steamed brown cereals. This naturally follows from the peculiarities of product processing - steam additionally cleans the grain from dust and dirt.

Germination of buckwheat, by the way, can be carried out directly in the same sieve or colander under a damp, clean cloth.

Many copies have been broken on the issue of germination timing. Some argue that the process lasts 10-12 hours, others talk about more than a day. It seems to us that everything depends on the state of the cereal and the temperature in the room, therefore it is better to navigate not by time, but by the size of the seedlings. The strongest energy is observed in newly hatched grains, when the sprouts do not exceed half a centimeter in length.

Of course, seedlings cannot reach this length at the same time, but they should not exceed ten millimeters.

Let's summarize the conversation about germination, describing all the steps in detail:

  1. We thoroughly rinse the buckwheat in several waters.
  2. We distribute the grains in a thin layer, 10-15 millimeters, on a plate or in a sieve.
  3. Fill the buckwheat with water so that it covers the grains by a centimeter, lower the sieve into a saucepan with water to the desired depth.
  4. Cover the cereal with a damp cloth on top.
  5. After 5-6 hours, the water must be drained, and the cereals must be rinsed from the unpleasant mucus that has appeared. however, some raw foodists like it and eat it.
  6. Cover the swollen washed cereal with gauze again and leave to germinate.
  7. When the sprouts reach the right size, you can cook the healthiest dishes or use them in the form of cereals.

Green buckwheat recipes

Yes, supporters of a healthy diet will forgive me, but green buckwheat porridge is very tasty and, to some extent, beneficial to health, so let's start describing the recipes for sprouted buckwheat with cooking cereals. Then let's move on to more wholesome dishes.

Simple buckwheat porridge

There are two ways to cook such porridge. They differ in the soaking time of the grains. In the first, simpler version, you need to soak the cereals in water for at least half an hour. The second method involves boiling already sprouted cereals. For a glass of cereal, you need to take three glasses of water.

  1. Place the pot on the stove and bring the water to a boil.
  2. Pour the grains into the water and wait again for the water to boil. At this time, remove the foam and add some salt to the porridge.
  3. After the water boils again, turn off the heat and insist the grains under the lid for 15-25 minutes.
  4. When the water is absorbed into the cereals, the buckwheat is ready.

With this preparation, the beneficial substances are preserved in the maximum amount. Porridge will be even more useful when steaming cereals in a thermos for 4-6 hours.

You can add additional ingredients to the finished porridge according to your taste, for example:

  • butter;
  • dried apricots or prunes;
  • raisin;
  • cardamom;
  • any berries;
  • fennel.

Porridge with pumpkin

Pumpkin itself is very useful, therefore it can enrich buckwheat porridge. To prepare this dish you will need:

  • green buckwheat - 80 grams;
  • milk, whole or baked milk - 250 milliliters;
  • pulp of sweet pumpkin - 100 grams;
  • prunes or dried apricots;
  • honey - 10-20 grams;
  • cardamom, fennel, nutmeg to taste.

The cooking procedure is as follows:

  1. Prepare buckwheat, soak in a quick or long way.
  2. Cut the pumpkin into 1 centimeter pieces.
  3. Add pumpkin pieces to the heated milk.
  4. Bring to a boil and simmer the pumpkin in the milk for about five minutes.
  5. Add the washed buckwheat to the saucepan.
  6. After boiling, turn off the heat and let it brew for 15-30 minutes.
  7. Place the porridge on a plate and add the rest of the ingredients.

Live sweet breakfast

In this and subsequent recipes, sprouted buckwheat will be used. Dishes made from such a product are the most useful. For a "live" breakfast we need:

  • buckwheat - 100 grams;
  • any nuts - 50 grams;
  • honey - 50 grams;
  • any fruits: apples, pears, plums, pineapple - optional.

It's very simple to prepare - take and mix the ingredients.

Breakfast is serious

The seriousness of this salad is that, unlike the previous one, it does not contain sweet ingredients.

  • sprouted buckwheat - 150 grams;
  • olive oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt, dill, sesame seeds.

Preparing this breakfast is also very simple. The groats are salted to taste and seasoned with oil, ground sesame seeds and finely chopped dill.

Non greek salad

Sprouted buckwheat grains can also be used in the preparation of various vegetable salads. The composition of one of the interesting recipes is given below:

  • "Live" buckwheat - 200 grams;
  • sweet peppers - 2 pieces;
  • small zucchini - 2 pieces;
  • anchovies or sprats - 2-4 pieces;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

All ingredients must be cut into small pieces and mixed with sprouted buckwheat grains. Put the salad on a dish, decorated with leaves of arugula or other salad plant.

Strawberry dessert

Finally, we will again delight sweet lovers with a strawberry dessert with sprouted buckwheat. To prepare it, you need to take the following products:

  • sprouted buckwheat - 200 grams;
  • raw almonds - 1 cup;
  • strawberries - 1 glass;
  • dates - 1 glass;
  • cocoa powder - 2 teaspoons;
  • melted coconut oil or honey - 50 grams.

Cooking yummy in this order

  1. Pre-soak the dates for half an hour so that they become softer.
  2. Grind all ingredients in a food processor or blender.
  3. Add oil or honey at the end.
  4. Form small cakes.
  5. Place the cakes on a greased baking sheet.
  6. Dry in the oven with the door open for half an hour at a temperature of 35-40 degrees.

Cooking in this way will not diminish the usefulness of the foods that make up the dish.

Let's finish the article with a video recipe from green buckwheat:

All materials on the site are presented solely for informational purposes. Before using any means, a consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

The ancient sages said: "The medicine should be the food itself, and the food - the medicine." As much as we want food to be beneficial, this dream seems unattainable. We know that some foods, being pleasant to the taste, have a destructive effect on the body, while others, although useful, do not arouse the desire to eat them.

A look at buckwheat from a new perspective

Buckwheat is known very well in our country. It is also grown in large quantities in China. From our continent, it has spread throughout the world and is loved everywhere for its excellent taste.

To restore a depleted, poisoned with harmful food impurities, slagged organism, we increasingly began to turn to the topic of healthy eating.

It is believed that healthy eating is either self-torture and torture, or a very expensive pleasure. Not at all, no. In this article, we will talk about buckwheat that is familiar to our taste, but take a look at it from a somewhat unusual angle and learn how to germinate green buckwheat and why it needs to be done.

What is the meaning of germination

Sprouted grains are a storehouse of well-balanced vitamins and microelements that are vital for the full functioning of all human systems and organs. Needless to say that in a natural product - green buckwheat - they are presented in the most easily digestible form?

About how to germinate buckwheat correctly, so that the sprouts turn out to be not only healthy, but also tasty, and the money spent on not the cheapest product is not wasted, we undertake to tell.

Buckwheat is considered germinated as soon as the first shoots hatch. It is most useful on days 2, 3 and 4 of germination.

The size of the shoots depends on several factors. Firstly, on the properties of this buckwheat variety, and secondly, on the germination conditions (air temperature, illumination, thickening, or the concentration of grains in the container).

Seedling flour

Having understood and figured out how to germinate buckwheat for food in small quantities so that you can use it for several days, you can make yourself a supply of grain, which can be turned into flour for bread, pancakes, pancakes or tortillas, and cook cereals and soups with it. For this purpose dry the beans in the oven and grind them with a coffee grinder or blender. To make flour, sprout a kilogram of buckwheat and dry it in the oven at 40-60 degrees. Keep the oven door ajar to help the moisture evaporate faster. Spread buckwheat on paper with and instead of a baking sheet, take a grate, which is included in the obligatory set of accessories for all household gas stoves.

Dry the beans in several steps, periodically allowing them to cool and stabilize. Stir while drying to speed up the evaporation of moisture. Fold the well-dried grain in an air-permeable package and store, like all cereals, in a dark, dry, cool place.

Everyone can germinate green buckwheat

The most important thing in germination is to prevent souring of the grains. If you rinse them, disinfect them in time, provide access to oxygen and light, then you will get a high-quality product - a panacea for many diseases, including cancer.

Having figured out how to germinate green buckwheat for different purposes (to obtain a fresh vitamin concentrate that protects and cures from many diseases, to make flour with an enriched microbiological composition), you can do this with other crops - both cereals and legumes and pomes. Adding sprouts to your daily diet will save you the expense of hospital visits and spending money on doctors and medications.
