What if the backup. Why isn't iCloud backed up? We solve the problem. (life hack). What to do if an error occurs: “iTunes could not restore iPhone because the backup is corrupted”

Each of us is used to using technologies such as a smartphone. It makes life easier on all fronts.

With it, we can call anywhere and anyone, do whatever we want and more. However, every smartphone has such problems that we sometimes cannot solve.

And what do we do in such a situation? We use our favorite Internet. In this article, we will try to figure out why iCloud backup fails and what to do about it.

Let's get into the details

What is a backup anyway? This is a feature that allows save certain data making copies of them. It doesn't matter what kind of data it is. It is very useful in cases where you need to save some necessary information.

This helps to limit yourself from losing the necessary data that should not be lost in any case. This also happens in iCloud, which saves some user information and allows you to use it in the future.

When copying, an error may occur that will put an end to everything. It will restrict access to copying, which will lead to unwanted data loss. In this case, you need to make sure that such an error does not occur. Now we will provide you with several ways to help solve this problem.

The first reason why the save went wrong - out of memory. This means that copying has begun and reached the moment when the memory finally ran out. In this case, you need to release it and let the smartphone start copying again. This will allow not only to restore the action that was started before, but also not to release memory for a new action in the future.

The second reason, due to which this problem occurs - a bad connection with the inclusion of backup in iCloud. In this case, you will need to do a series of actions so that this bad luck does not reappear again. First you need to wait a certain time.

Something like ten minutes. Then you need to open a column such as “Settings” and select iCloud there. Scroll down the page and click on the "iCloud Backup" button. You need to make sure that this option is enabled.

If it was enabled, then no changes need to be made to it. Then, using the identifier, you need to go to the cloud and check there if access to backup is available. In most cases, users do not even suspect that the problem is very easy to solve and begin to actively look for a solution on the Internet.

If this method did not help, then you need to contact Apple support and explain the whole situation to them. Experienced professionals will help you solve it.

There is also a third problem that does not allow this action to be performed, and it is tritely simple. It consists in the fact that ... You just need to check availability of Wi-Fi. If you have a poor Wi-Fi connection, then the backup can be interrupted at any time.

It doesn't just happen in this situation. In fact, there are a lot of them, and all of them can be interrupted due to unstable connection. Take a good look at this situation again from all sides and try to figure out what the problem is.

If this is really him, then try stabilize the connection. Please note that using the Internet from a cellular operator is impossible, because no matter how fast it is, it still will not be able to work stably and save backup data.

If you are convinced that everything is in order, then start copying again. How to do this, we mentioned above. We hope this will help you solve the problem.

These are the simple ways that can solve your problem once and forever, and leave only a pleasant impression of using smartphones. It is extremely frustrating when a similar situation happens and there is no way to solve it.

This concludes our article and in it we analyzed all the options for solving this difficult situation. If none of these methods that we have provided helped you, then there is only one solution left - write to Apple support. Perhaps a global error has occurred and this problem occurs not only for you, but also for other users.

Employees of the company will be able to answer the question quickly and clearly, so write to them in case of failure. Once again, carefully check the speed of the Internet, perhaps the problem is not even in a smartphone or company, but in your provider.

Who knows what could have happened and why the connection became so unstable. Not everyone can know in advance what will happen at one time or another. We hope that this article has been useful to you, because you have read it to the end and learned a few really helpful ways solutions to this problem. See you soon and all the best to you!

Apple is giving every iPhone, iPad and Mac owner five free gigabytes of iCloud cloud storage. Unfortunately, this space ends very quickly, especially if several mobile devices are connected to one account at once, which synchronize photos, videos, and documents with the cloud.

The next time you try to save a backup in the cloud, the iOS device will display a warning: "Backup failed." What to do in this case? We have prepared some tips for you on how to make better use of the free gigabytes allotted in iCloud.

Archive photos and delete them from the cloud

As a rule, photos and videos take up the most space on a mobile device. Just a couple of small videos made on the iPhone can take up a whole gigabyte in the cloud. The best way to keep storage free is to archive photos and videos by deleting data from your gadget and from iCloud.

Previously, we published instructions on how to back up photos and videos from iPhone and iPad. You can find it at this link.

Delete documents and data to reduce the size of iCloud backups

If you do not often use the camera, then apps from the App Store may be the main problem for you. There are several ways to optimize the disk space used by programs. The first and easiest is to delete unnecessary files using standard iOS tools.

Step 1: Go to Settings –> iCloud –> Storage and backups –> Storage.

Step 2: Select the top app under Documents & Data (Apps are listed in order of decreasing iCloud space they take up).

Step 3: After you select an application, a list of the data it uses will appear. Click the Edit button and select the items you want to remove. You can click Remove All to remove all information for the selected software.

Step 4: Repeat step 2 for the rest of the apps on the list until you have enough free space in iCloud.

Book only what you need

If not all of your applications must be backed up, you can specify this in the settings.

Step 1: Go to Settings –> iCloud –> Storage and backups –> Storage.

Step 2: Select the device on which you want to change the settings (for example, "This iPhone").

Step 3: In the Backup Options list, turn off archiving of those applications that you do not need.

Keep in mind that if you're syncing multiple devices at once with the same iCloud account, you'll need to set up archiving settings for each device. If you see that only 2.5 GB is used on your iPhone, but iCloud still signals a lack of space, check the settings for other iPhone, iPad or iPod touch connected to this account.

Buy more cloud space

Of course, you can always purchase additional iCloud storage with money.

Step 1: Go to Settings –> iCloud –> Storage & backups.

Step 2 A: Click Buy another seat.

Step 3: Choose the plan that works best for you (10GB for $20/year, 20GB for $40/year, or 50GB for $100/year).

Hi all! You need to make backup copies - this is a fact. And, as we know, Apple offers us two great options for backing up information - using iCloud or iTunes. And if everything is more or less clear with iTunes - they connected it to the computer and “OK”, then there may be problems with iCloud. Which? The most varied.

For example, quite recently, my iPhone began to “please” me with a notification with the following text: “iPhone - backup failure. There is not enough free space in iCloud storage to back up iPhone data." You remove the phone from charging, and here is such an error. He doesn't have enough space!

Let's see why this is happening and what can be done about all this? Let's go!

General information or why iCloud copy fails?

Here I will not describe for a long time and in detail about the “cloud” service itself (especially since I have a separate one), but I will highlight some of the main points.

So, iCloud is, in addition to an account, also a remote place to store information (photos, videos, program data, messages, contacts, notes, backups, and much more) of your iOS devices.

But the size of this storage is not infinite - for any user, Apple allocates only 5 gigabytes for free. And when you do not fit into this framework, then the error “Backup failed - not enough free space” appears.

What can be done and how to fix the failure?

There are several options to get rid of the backup error.

Method #1 - Pay

Everyone wants money and Apple is no exception. For a relatively small amount, you can simply change your iCloud plan and move from free (5 GB) to any other plan with more storage. So to speak, to buy extra space in the "cloud". How to do it?

Open "Settings - Your account - iCloud - Storage - Buy more space" and choose the tariff that is right for you.

After payment, the iCloud storage increases, which means there is already enough space for your data - a copy begins to be created without any failures.

Method #2 - Free but Relatively Long

Don't want to pay anyone? I fully understand your desire - there is never a lot of money, and then Apple will write off the subscriber every month. Completely stunned!

Well, you can do it for free. But then you have to "keep within" 5 GB of cloud storage. To do this, go to "Settings - Your account - iCloud - Storage - Manage" and see what documents and data are stored there.

See how something superfluous takes up precious space? Feel free to turn it off.

You should also pay attention to the "iCloud Photo Library" (Settings - Photos and Camera). If this option is enabled, then your photos and videos are forcibly sent to the "cloud", thereby "eating up" storage space.

But sometimes a situation like mine can happen - as much as 4.9 GB of free space (out of 5 GB free), and when creating an iCloud backup, it still fails. Why is this happening? The thing is, the size of the next copy is much larger than 5 GB - the iPhone cannot create it because it will not fit into the allotted limit.

You can also see this information for yourself by opening the "Backups" tab in iCloud Storage. Moreover, here you can always correct the data of which the copy will consist (in order to “fit” into the allotted 5 GB) and, perhaps, you will even succeed!

Method number 3 - Free and fast

However, you can get rid of all these annoying signs that signal backup failures in an easier way.

It is enough to turn off the creation of copies in iCloud and use the same iTunes for this, where the space for your data will be limited only by the size of the computer's hard drive.

To do this, open "Settings - Your account - iCloud" and move the slider opposite the corresponding menu item.

Everything, there will be no more failures. Victory!

Now a backup will be created on your computer automatically when you connect and sync with iTunes. And it’s better not to postpone this matter for a long time, but to go and do it right now - it certainly won’t be superfluous, believe my little experience :)

P.S. Want more free iCloud space? Me too! Let's combine our efforts - put "like" and click on the buttons of social networks. I already put my "+1", it's up to you! :)

P.S.S. Do you have any questions after reading the article? Be sure to write in the comments - we will try to figure it out together!

When backing up or restoring data on iPhone, iPad, or restoring from a backup in iTunes, warnings may appear indicating that you can't restore or restore from a backup. The reasons given for this may vary:

  • "...because an error occurred";
  • "...because an unknown error occurred -1";
  • "...because the backup could not be saved on this computer";
  • "...because the backup session failed";
  • "...because the session could not be started";
  • "...because the request was rejected by the iPhone";
  • "...because there isn't enough free space."
We recommend that you save your previously created backup copy of your data before performing any further procedures, just in case.

Where are iPhone or iPad backups stored?

  • Mac:~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/
    Here, the tilde character (~) corresponds to the user folder, and if there is no Libraries folder in it, click the Go menu while holding down the Option key.
  • Windows XP:\Documents and Settings\(username)\Application Data\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\
    Or you can try to find the Application Data folder yourself by opening the "Start" and selecting the "Run" command. In the input field that appears, enter the line% appdata% and click "ok". This will give you access to the Application Data folder, from which you can go further \Application Data\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\
  • Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8:
    \Users/(username)\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\
    Alternatively, open the Start menu, type %appdata% in the search bar, and then press Enter. Then do the rest of the path AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\

Failed to back up iPhone, iPad data to iTunes

Possible solutions for problems related to the inability to back up iOS device data in iTunes:
  • First, reboot: Restart your computer and iPhone or iPad, then try backing up your device again.
  • Update. Update your software: download the latest version of iTunes, install all the necessary updates for your Mac, update iOS.
  • Check for free space on your hard drive. Lack of free space may cause the backup to fail.
  • Check your security settings. You may need to update your security software or temporarily disable it. After that, try again to back up your iPhone, iPad data in iTunes.
  • Disconnect your iPhone, iPad from the computer and reset the Lockdown folder. Detailed reset instructions are located. Then reconnect your mobile device to your computer and repeat the backup procedure.
  • Apple support.

Failed to restore from iPhone, iPad backup in iTunes

Possible solutions to problems associated with the impossibility of restoring iPhone, iPad data from a backup in iTunes:
  • Restart your computer and iPhone or iPad, and then try backing up your device again.
  • Update your software: download the latest version of iTunes, install all the necessary updates for your Mac, update iOS.
  • Check the free space on your iPhone or iPad. Lack of free space on your mobile device can make it impossible to restore from a backup. In this case, go to "Settings" on your iPhone or iPad and go to "General" > "Reset" > "Erase content and settings". Then try restoring your data from a backup.
  • Check your security settings. It may well be necessary to update your security software or disable it temporarily. Then try restoring from an iTunes backup of your iPhone or iPad again.
  • Disconnect your iPhone, iPad from the computer and reset the Lockdown folder. Detailed reset instructions are located. Then reconnect your mobile device to your computer and repeat the procedure for restoring from a backup.
  • Try restoring from a backup on a different computer. Copy the backup to the backup folder on the new computer beforehand. Where are backup copies of data stored - indicated above. You may also need to create a Backup or MobileSync folder.
  • If all else fails, contact Apple Support.

If you did not find an answer to your question or something did not work out for you, and there is no suitable solution in the comment below, ask a question through our . It's fast, simple, convenient and doesn't require registration. You will find answers to your and other questions in the section.

When the iPhone is not backed up to iTunes or iCloud, the device gives a number of errors: “Backup Failed”, “Error creating ...”, etc. This makes it impossible to continue the operation, but there are a number of ways to deal with the problem.

Before considering options to fix the problem, users need to investigate why they most often fail to back up their iPhone:

  • Outdated version of iTunes.
  • The free space has run out.
  • There is a problem with the cable connected from the machine to the PC.
  • Unstable Internet connection, lack of necessary speed or traffic.
  • A previously performed backup was interrupted, and iTunes does not allow the operation to continue, because there are already other similar files.
  • Problems in the device itself.

In most cases, it is enough to reboot the system, but if the error occurs again, you should pay attention to other causes and run diagnostics.

How to understand why the operation fails:

  1. Connect the device to the PC and see if it is displayed in iTunes. If this does not happen, there is a high possibility of software problems or a damaged cable.
  2. If there are several computers or MACs, you can try to perform the procedure through them when this fails on one PC. If everything works out on others, then the problem is not in the iPhone.

When the device reports that the copy is damaged, it is advisable to contact the wizard, since self-recovery of files can lead to additional errors and loss of information.

Restart is one of the easiest methods to get rid of backup errors, and everything is done very easily:

  1. Find the power button and hold it down for 10 seconds.
  2. When the red button appears on the display, swipe to the right with your finger.
  3. We are waiting for the device to turn off, then turn it on by pressing the same power button.

Internet connection check

Poor internet connection speed can also interfere with the procedure. To check it on a PC, you need to take a few steps:

  1. Go to a dedicated website. For example: speedtest.net/ru
  2. Select the "Start Check" option.
  3. Wait one minute. At this time, the program will automatically check the connection speed, and then display the final results. It is advisable to close all windows in the browser - they can underestimate them, because with open sites, data is still received and transmitted.
  4. At the end, ping will appear - the reaction time of the connection, and the smaller it is, the better. The optimal value is 40m/s. It also displays the speed of transmitting and receiving data, measured in MB or GB: it all depends on what indicators are declared by the provider.

iPhone owners can check the Internet speed directly on their gadgets. To do this, just download the Speed ​​Test application and use it according to the instructions described above. Any action depending on the situation will lead to the appearance of indicators with an accuracy of up to 99%.

If the connection is established using Wi-Fi, the fault of the router may be to blame, and you also need to pay attention to it: for example, check if other devices are connecting to the access point.

Application update

If you plan to backup using iTunes, you need to make sure that the latest version of the program is installed on the system, errors may also occur due to outdated software. How to do it:

  1. Open the application, go to the "Help" section.
  2. To find the latest version, go to the "Updates" menu.
  3. We are waiting for iTunes to automatically search for updates. If they are found, the program will install them on its own, only confirmation is required.

This solution is effective, and after installing the updates, you will need to delete the old backups (if any), and then perform the operation again.

IOS and software update

After the release of IOS 9.2.1, all applications are updated automatically, but many still have problems with auto-update. To check the device, it is recommended to make sure that the latest firmware version matches the OS, and also check for updates:

  1. Go to settings, select "Basic".
  2. We move down and find the section "Software Update".
  3. The system automatically scans for IOS updates. If they are available, you will be prompted to install them or perform the operation later.

Freeing up disk space

iCloud cloud storage capacity is limited, and if it's full, only buying more can solve this problem. What is needed for this:

  1. Go to settings, then select iCloud, then storage.
  2. Click on "Change storage plan" and select a tariff for 20, 20,200, 500 GB or 1 TB. The price will depend on the selected volume.

In rare cases, after purchasing an additional package, the disk capacity does not increase. If this problem occurs, you should contact Apple Support and describe the situation.

If copying is not done through iCloud, but directly through a PC, there is probably no free space on the computer hard drive, so you need to free it up to solve the problem. How to do everything:

  1. Open "Add or Remove Programs".
  2. We look at which programs are not used.
  3. We perform the uninstallation.

Sign in to your Apple ID

You may get an error when signing in with your Apple ID, and here you need to do the following:

  1. Go to settings, look for iCloud, click on the icon.
  2. Select an account, then log out and re-login by entering your username and password.

Deleting old backup versions

Having old backups in iTunes or iCloud is the most common reason why you can't create a new one.

How to delete data from iTunes:

  1. Open the program, go to the settings, then to the "Devices" tab.
  2. In the window that opens, a list of all files will appear, they must be uninstalled.

To delete a backup from iCloud, a number of actions are performed:

  1. Through the settings, we move to the "iCloud" tab.
  2. After the information appears in the tab, we find the "Management" button.
  3. Click on the "Backup" menu, delete unnecessary files.

All of the above methods are only suitable for use with a PC. To clean iCloud from iPhone, another instruction is relevant:

  1. Click on "Settings", through the iCloud menu, go to "Storage and copies".
  2. We go to the "Storage", look at the copies of all devices displayed in the list that opens, and select those that need to be deleted.

Sometimes there is not enough space for a backup in the Apple cloud service, and then you need to delete unnecessary files or buy a package with additional memory.


Errors when creating an iPhone backup through programs is a common problem. To solve it, there are several proven methods that will surely help fix problems in a matter of minutes, while the owner of the iPhone does not need much knowledge about the device and the operation of the software - just follow the instructions.
